Goodbye 'Ohana

I normally take negative reviews of a popular place with a grain of salt. Any restaurant that serves so many people is statistically bound to miss sometimes, and with so many different expectations/tastes, it is hard to please everyone. But this is a bit concerning the frequency with which these reviews happen.

While Ohana is very busy, this should not be a problem in itself. The nightmare for a restaurant/operations manager would be unpredictability -- trying to figure out how to staff, order perishables, and prep ingredients when your nightly menu and attendance are difficult to forecast.

Ohana has the blessing of being booked far in advance, operating near the same capacity virtually every day of the year (in both busy and slow seasons), with a limited set of identical menu items that most tables will be served. So for this restaurant, they should have being busy down to a science.

I don't know why people don't feel like they can ask a server to slow down the service, but if this is a source of dissatisfaction for enough people, one needs to look at the operation to see what's actually going on.

I firmly believe that 'Ohana is a victim of it's own popularity. Rather than booking to capacity and then stopping, this restaurant seems to overbook with the hope that there will be enough cancelations to come out even. Nope. The cancellation policy has put a stop to no shows, and yet still they overbook. I have worked at an overbooked restaurant and it is a nightmare. I feel badly for the staff, however I do not plan to toss my money at a restaurant that refuses to respect the clientele that put them in their happy position of a full house night after night.

You can always ask the server to pace the meal more appropriately, but if that server is getting pressure to move you out, you will still sense the urgency. Or may suffer the opposite: you get ignored becuase there are other tables that can be moved. Or be treated with courtesy and allowed to proceed with your meal at a relaxed pace.

Why should anyone need to play roulette with an expensive meal and time that is valuable? 'Ohana will survive.It is, as you suggest, blessed with location, reputation, and location. I still will not go back though, and take chances with my dining money. I am not going to lay this problem at the feet of the Dining Plans, though. I look at my credit as a value, and good value for a credit does nto mean I will throw it away in sub par food, service and experience. No...this problem is based on greed, pure and simple.
It's fascinating.

The complaints about service are either they are moving in reverse or going at lightspeed.

The servers can't win.

They also cannot read. your. mind.

Being passive-aggressive gets me nowhere but frustrated which is why politely asking for what I want makes for a happy vacation.
A little over a year ago we ate at O'hana for the sixth time in 8 years and it was a highlight of our trip. We felt more relaxed than in any other restaurant and
service and food were perfection. I hope I never have a bad experience there because it is my favorite restaurant ever.
I’m curious if breakfast has the same rushed feeling. I would hope not since it’s a character meal. Anyone have any experience there?

It felt rushed to me when I was there in May...and loud. Like we couldn't hear each other at the same table. We got timely refills...but once we saw all the characters there was this feeling of "you're good to go, right?". We ate later that week at Garden Grill and that was MUCH slower, and quieter and all around more enjoyable.

I still want to try dinner there and judge it for myself...
That’s right And food quality is for the dumpster.
BTW i have a reservation for 5 people 5pm Aug.5 that I’m selling for $25.

**this is sarcasm folks, please stop reporting this post, thank you, pumbaa!**

Hahaha. Thank you. I can’t believe some people really.

$25 for pain (for poor food quality) and suffering ( for poor service )

Me think they should do a O’hna reboot.

PM if you want the Aug5,2018 5 pm adr. It’s yours.

And just to make it clear It’s free .
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I don't think there's another restaurant that is so polarizing. I've had decent meals and service there, but it is definitely a "high volume" type of place. I agree that in most restaurants you can tell the server that you're "not in a rush" and they won't dump everything on your table. But I would be worried in a place like that, if you said that to your server, you might never see them again!
Sorry for your experience. We eat there twice every trip and we sort of ran into what you did on our 1st meal. My solutions was simple when they came around with the skewers of meat I used my best Marine Corps command voice and asked them to return later. I rush for no meal. We normally take an hour to ninety minutes and that's about how long we were there. The food for us thou was perfect. In particular the chicken beat out the steak on our favorite meat during dinner. I tell others just because they bring out the skewers, take your time and eat at your own pace. My 17 year old loves those noodles more than anything and I usually tell them to bring her a 2nd plate of just those before we hit the meat.
We've done Ohana breakfast twice (in June 2017 and May 2018). We felt very very rushed. We were fed so fast that we were just sitting waiting for the characters. If we didn't want to see characters we would have been out in 20 minutes. All the food came at once - the pineapple bread, the fruit and main. Total we were out the door in under an hour - maybe more like 45 minutes and that was with the characters. I feel like they rush you in and out to get the next table filled. in 2017 they had the kids parade around but in 2018 they didn't have it or we missed it since we were all done and out the door. (Which would have been good if we were going to the park but this was our last day waiting for tragical express so I budgeted 2 hours for character breakfast! Go figure! So we just sat by the pool for another hour.)
Sorry for your experience. We eat there twice every trip and we sort of ran into what you did on our 1st meal. My solutions was simple when they came around with the skewers of meat I used my best Marine Corps command voice and asked them to return later. I rush for no meal. We normally take an hour to ninety minutes and that's about how long we were there. The food for us thou was perfect. In particular the chicken beat out the steak on our favorite meat during dinner. I tell others just because they bring out the skewers, take your time and eat at your own pace. My 17 year old loves those noodles more than anything and I usually tell them to bring her a 2nd plate of just those before we hit the meat.

Here's the problem. At a well run restaurant the GUEST does NOT have to instruct the staff on how to do their jobs!

For what Disney charges I do NOT expect to have to train the staff!
It’s one thing to get the food all at once (within 5 minutes) and when you add on top of it never being offered refills, it was apparent to me what was going on. My wife and I both had waters with our drinks so we weren’t dying of thirst but usually servers want you to pay another $10 for a beer to add to the bill. Like I said my beer was empty by the time the second skewer came around. My daughter was never offered a refill but we always bring an extra sippee cup of water so again she was fine but it’s the point. This all might sound nit picky but when I am paying close to $150 out of pocket, I expect a certain level of service. This is the only restaurant I have had consistently bad service. Recently we have had fantastic service at Tusker House, Sanaa, Tutto Italia, Cape May, and Via Napoli. Disney knows how to give good service... This is an internal problem at ‘Ohana and it is a consistent problem.
Ive had 3 good meals there. Two were on free dining. The last trip we paid OOP. 3 Disney adults, 1 kid. It is not worth the price OOP. We will be skipping it from now on unless we ever go back with “free dining.”
We ate here last year. It was our most disappointing meal at WDW in 6 years worth of trips. Totally not worth it in any way.
I sadly agree. We have been going for years. It used to be our top place, then slowly we started skipping it here and there because it just wasn't them same. Over the years we have been going back it has been hit or miss. The last two time though were the worse. Very rushed, although I did tell the server to please serve the items slower. I thought they were lacking on giving good service as well. Almost seemed that the one server was sarcastic and another one was rarely around. The food itself is just ok anymore. We have given up on it until I start hearing overall better reviews. Let those who love it get their ADR's lol. I do hope it goes back to the way it used to be.
I'm sure that many people still have great experiences at Ohana, but I'm now thinking about switching my reservation to somewhere else just given the inconsistency of reviews (both here and also on other review sites). We're looking for a relaxed meal where we can take our time and catch up with friends, and this might not be the place. Thanks everyone for your stories!
Based on our three times there between 2012 and 2016 I wouldn't hesitate to go back. (with a caveat)

For us, the food has been in the good, not quite great category. (but close) Service has been good, not great. However, the atmosphere, the Ukulele singer, the coconut races, the monorail loop from MK, looking around the shops at the Poly before and after the meal... it's all part of the experience and has always been a must do when we've had free dining.

Now, if I were paying OOP I doubt we would ever go there. The value isn't there IMO.

I have never understood the mentality that the salad, noodles, wings and dumplings are "appetizers" at Ohana. They are not called that. I have always considered those things "side dishes" to the meats, and am completely FINE with having it all delivered at the same time, so I can have some of everything on my plate at once. The pace of the meal should be directed by how fast you actually eat your food. We have had the food served within 15 min of sitting down and then proceeded to eat and talk for over 2 hours, occasionally ordering more drinks, coffee after dessert, etc. Not once have we left before we were done, on our terms. Sure, the waiter might throw down the bill, but they can't run it through until you say so, so just relax and be In control of your own timing. I have never been physically removed from a restaurant. You can linger as long as you want. There are no purchase minimums per hour to remain at the table at ANY Disney restaurants.
It's fascinating.

The complaints about service are either they are moving in reverse or going at lightspeed.

The servers can't win.

They also cannot read. your. mind.

Being passive-aggressive gets me nowhere but frustrated which is why politely asking for what I want makes for a happy vacation.

I am not blaming the servers. This ongoing concern is NOT a server issue, it is a management issue. If a guest as no idea if their meal is going to be a 2 hour ordeal or a 45 minute fast pass, there is a problem.
I'm in the middle, didn't hate it but don't think I'll be rushing back.

Besides the rushed service a few issues may have impacted my feelings. We never received the bread when being seated. Didn't realize that's how it was done until I watched the tables being seated next to us. Then when I checked in I inquired about a B-Day cake I ordered from the GF as a surprise for my wife's b-day. When I checked in with the hostess I asked her about it and she said the cake was missing and nobody could find it but they'd keep looking. About 20 minutes into the meal a manager came over and said they found the birthday cake, which of course my wife heard. Surprise ruined. The manager realized what she did and felt awful so it was hard to be upset with her but still not how I had hoped it would go.
I am not blaming the servers. This ongoing concern is NOT a server issue, it is a management issue. If a guest as no idea if their meal is going to be a 2 hour ordeal or a 45 minute fast pass, there is a problem.
That doesn't change my opinion.

People are complaining about too fast and too slow.

Only thing you can do to fix either one is communicate with your server.

I can't see how it's a management problem....what? Half the time managers tell them to go slow and half the time management tells them we're in a race? That doesn't sound like any management style I've ever come across.


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