Title Chosen: World of Friendship! October 2017 Girls Getaway: Aloha to the Poly/ MCO Hyatt p33-4

I’m loving how this day has started and excited to see how it pans out. Hopefully you guys manage to eat at some point to keep that much needed energy level high! Looking forward to your 4 park photos :)
That’s 4 parks and 2 resorts, if anyone is counting.
I was! Love the idea of taking a group shot at each park. :thumbsup2 You ladies sure get into it - I love it! :goodvibes

The photographer commented “I think I took your picture in Animal Kingdom!” She had taken our group picture during our first visit to Pandora! When our photoshoot was over, she asked where we were going to be that night. We told her Animal Kingdom. She pulled an anytime/any attraction (except Rivers of Light) FP out of her pocket and handed it to us
How cool that she remembered you! Must be you gals are pretty memorable ;) :thumbsup2 And even better you scored an anytime FP. I love interactions with CMs, they really make trips so much better :goodvibes

Can't wait to see how the rest of your day plays out... 3 more parks to go!
Glad my inaction was the right thing to do!


::yes:: :)

The best thing so far about the IP is that I have been trying a lot of new interesting recipes. Mostly winners so far.

Yes! Same here.

I bought some steel cut oats at Costco thinking they were the same as quick oats. Obviously not, but I didn't know at the time. And so the bag has been sitting. Enter the IP and an Apple Cinnamon recipe and... Yum!

The snowy was right out in the open, not too far from the road. Wasn't bothered by the paparazzi watching it and pointing our cameras.

That's just awesome.

We had a one night stay at the Poly villas.

I just can't bring myself to do it. I get that a one night stay allows you to experience a resort, but... once I'm in my room at Disney, it's home. I like to stay put.

I believed I cooked up some of our food so that we didn’t have to move it.

::yes:: Moving it in your tummies is easier than packing and carrying it by hand.

There were 5-6 large suitcases, some smaller bags and a Styrofoam cooler with the remaining food we had.

Yeah... get some schmuck to lift and move all that stuff.

Major fail #1- I don’t have photographic evidence…

So just like my last update... where apparently 1/3 of it never happened. :sad2:

Fail #2- I thought I took a picture of the empty bus, but apparently not.

Oh, I can help you there.
Behold! A photo of emptiness!

You're welcome.

Our ambitious plans for the day included rope drop at Hollywood Studios, hopping (sailing) over to EPCOT for Food & Wine, settling in at the Poly, using our Fast Passes at Animal Kingdom and then hopefully going to Magic Kingdom so Janet and Nannette could see Happily Ever After.

Whoa.... pretty ambitious! But I'm betting you made it work.

Our arrival received the red carpet treatment and a welcome by Evie Starlight.


That person is on your carpet. Get off!!

:) Love this shot.

The ride was a walk-on!


Obviously photoshopped the ride time. That just doesn't happen.

Nannette and Janet rode together so they could battle it out. I rode alone.

Makes it easier on the arm if you see you're far ahead in the scoring.

Along the way to meet her, we stopped at a spot that is infamous in my trip reports (and in some others’ as well):

Nope. Sorry. Don't know it.

We got into line inside the building and then we didn’t move. We were in a verrrryyy slow moving line, for around 45 minutes. It was not a pleasant wait.

Ugh. Now that I believe.

Are we channeling Diana Ross & the Supremes?

"Stop! In the Name of Love"


The photographer commented “I think I took your picture in Animal Kingdom!” She had taken our group picture during our first visit to Pandora! When our photoshoot was over, she asked where we were going to be that night. We told her Animal Kingdom. She pulled an anytime/any attraction (except Rivers of Light) FP out of her pocket and handed it to us:


Next Up: “2”

Our ambitious plans for the day included rope drop at Hollywood Studios, hopping (sailing) over to EPCOT for Food & Wine, settling in at the Poly, using our Fast Passes at Animal Kingdom and then hopefully going to Magic Kingdom so Janet and Nannette could see Happily Ever After.

WOW! Big day!

@amazingact21 You will have to get the Evies together on a future trip!

I love this!

When our photoshoot was over, she asked where we were going to be that night. We told her Animal Kingdom. She pulled an anytime/any attraction (except Rivers of Light) FP out of her pocket and handed it to us

How cool! That was some wonderful pixie dust from her. You ladies must have made an impression :)
And they loaded up the trucks and moved to the Poly (Nesian, that is) (Volcano Pools) (Tiki Bars)

Nicely done with that title! And our luggage cart did look a bit like the back of the Beverly hillbillies truck!

Today was moving day!

We had a one night stay at the Poly villas. I was super excited since I have always wanted to stay at the Poly- I love the theming, the shops and restaurants and of course the proximity to the MK!

Loved the Poly and since I don't think our family will ever stay there, I was thrilled to get the chance. It is a beautiful resort in a perfect location. I was surprised how painless it was to change resorts. It was so easy that my husband and I have decided to sample two resorts for our next trip. We will start at POFQ for 4 nights and then head over to the YC for 4 nights.

That’s 4 parks and 2 resorts, if anyone is counting.
So much fun!!

I’m not sure who won the round between Janet and Nannette- maybe Janet remembers (if she was the winner)

Since I'm writing this response, I'm going to say that I was the winner.

We got into line inside the building and then we didn’t move. We were in a verrrryyy slow moving line, for around 45 minutes. It was not a pleasant wait.

Not a pleasant wait at all! The company was fine and the queue area is cute, but it isn't 45 minutes cute, especially since we just walked on just before.

Since we were attempting to visit all of the parks that day, we thought it would be a hoot to get our picture taken in each of them.


Are we channeling Diana Ross & the Supremes?

"Stop! In the Name of Love"
Maybe that was what we were doing! I didn't get it at the time, but hey when in Disney I will do pretty much whatever a CM suggests.

And we're off to our next park!

Next Up: “2”
4 parks in one day! Can't wait to hear all about this!

Your day was off to a good start. Impressive that you packed up your room and still made it to DHS for rope drop! Great idea to get a pic in each park :thumbsup2 How nice of the photographer to gift you an anytime FP!
I like being able to see the whole thing. Was this previously the Horizons attraction? The building and theming are certainly a lot more interesting now.
You asked a good question and I had to look up the answer. They completely demolished the Horizon Building before building the Mars attraction. I remember the original Horizon rides, just barely, though.

We did have one trip, back in 2007, where I got some kind of food poisoning on our last night. It made for a terrible last day. Our flight didn't leave until 9:30 pm. I was so sick that day that I couldn't do anything. My husband and son were fine so they went over to MK and had a great time. I stayed back at the WL and after getting as late a check out as possible, I just moved from couch to couch to rocking chair all around the WL lobby until it was time to head to the airport. While being sick without a bed to lay in isn't fun, WL lobby is one of the nicer place to be confined to if all you can do is just sit all day. There are so many nooks to relax in that in the end it wasn't too bad.
You couldn't have picked a better place than the WL for lay around in. They even have hidden sitting areas on the fourth floor, fifth floor and the villas building. :)

We had booked a late flight out only once, and never again since then. My sister and I had run the Disney half marathon and our flight out was the next day at 8:30 pm. It was a cold, rainy miserable January day and all I wanted a warm bed to take a nap in. Hanging around the Polynesian lobby for hours was no fun. I wish I had gone over to the WL, instead.

A friend had posted a picture of a snowy in a tree at a nearby beach last week. I intended to make it over, but didn't find the time until Saturday. Weather was great and the owl was perched right out in the open just off the roadway. Lots of folks with binoculars and cameras!
The owl looks "snowier" than Hedwig. :) I would love to see one. They've been spotted in Chicago along the Lake Michigan shoreline.

We were starting out at Hollywood Studios with the only priority being Nannette and Janet battling it out on Toy Story Mania. We had Fast Passes for later in the day at Animal Kingdom (Safari, Flights of Passage and Rivers of Light), so we were going to have to “run with the bulls” first thing.

Our ambitious plans for the day included rope drop at Hollywood Studios, hopping (sailing) over to EPCOT for Food & Wine, settling in at the Poly, using our Fast Passes at Animal Kingdom and then hopefully going to Magic Kingdom so Janet and Nannette could see Happily Ever After.
When I first read your plans for the day I thought it sounded a bit "ambitious" to make rope drop at HS after moving resorts. I'm impressed that you managed it. :)

The photographer commented “I think I took your picture in Animal Kingdom!” She had taken our group picture during our first visit to Pandora! When our photoshoot was over, she asked where we were going to be that night. We told her Animal Kingdom. She pulled an anytime/any attraction (except Rivers of Light) FP out of her pocket and handed it to us:
Now I understand what you were talking about when we were in AK that night. I hadn't known about the anytime fp that you got at HS.
I know you are going away soon, so I wanted to make sure I replied to this right away.

Nope. Sorry. Don't know it.

Let me introduce you to "Dee's Corner"

The background: My son Nate's 8th grade class trip. 145 middleschoolers (age 13 and 14). My group had 14 boys and 6 chaperones. The trip was stressful before it even happened. Paid our deposits in October and a week later my son was on probation for the trip for the rest of the year due to receiving an unsatisfactory effort grade in Life Skills (Home Economics). We crossed that hurdle, but my son didn't really want me on the trip. I was too "chaperoney". I was up early every morning helping to prepare breakfast for everyone (I guess that's what I do) and was up late in the parks because we didn't have a curfew. By the end of the trip, one of the other students reduced me to tears. I was ugly-sobbing at Primevil Hurl.

This moment was a bright spot in the trip. Lots of my friends have paid tribute to this spot and @chunkymonkey has included it in a few of her trip reports (THANK YOU!)

I posed for this picture on my anniversary trip:



This is the picture on the sign, from my 2012 Class Trip as chaperone when "Dee's Corner" was established


And here is the Full version, from 2012's "145 Middle Schoolers: Wicked Awesome or Epic Fail?"

Solo After Solo:

On our way to the park that morning, I discussed possible lunch options with one of the other chaperones. As you all know, the counter service options at HS are, well, lacking. Although I had never eaten there, I just recently learned from the DIS that Starring Rolls offered premade sushi as an option for a meal, and that intrigued me. Plus I figured that the huge sandwiches and ginormous, decadent cupcakes would be really tempting to the teens.

But the woman I was talking to pointed out that the place was very small and the selections there were limited, so this would not be a great place for our group.

So now that it was time for lunch, we were still stuck for a place to eat. We were very close to the Backlot Express, so that was the choice.

Then, :idea:, an idea popped into my head.

Why don’t I run over to Tower of Terror to get FP for later, and I’ll meet everyone at Pixar Place at 1:00 to ride Toy Story?

I handed everyone their lunch vouchers and I flew out of there at warp speed!

My lunch was going to be solo after Solo! Ok, Han Solo is not really in the Star Tours show, but he SHOULD be!

I would be making it to Starring Rolls after all!

When I arrived at the restaurant, I realized my friend was right.

The place was small! There were about 15 people in line ahead of me. This totally wouldn’t have worked for our group.

Then one of the counter CMs announced. “We ran out of sandwiches- it is going to be about 15 minutes”

A groan went through the crowd, but I piped up

“Do you still have sushi?”

“Yes!” she replied.

Guess who moved up to the front of the line!


Then I had to choose a dessert. They had what looked like a limited selection of cupcakes. There was a yummy looking chocolate Dark Side cupcake to celebrate Star Wars Weekend, but to be honest, I am not really a huge fan of cupcakes, so I selected a fruit tart.


I didn’t want to take up one of the tables all by myself, so I found a little corner to sit in and enjoy my alone-ness! I was so happy that I asked someone to snap a picture of my solo lunch.

“Im-in-a-group-with-14-teenage-boys-and-I-escaped-and-I’m-eating-all-alone. Will-you-please-take-my-picture?”

The guy and his family were amused by my story.




After my lunch nirvana, I got the FPs for Tower of Terror, with a return time of 3:30 to 4:30.

I encountered a Photopass Photographer on the way to meet up with my group, so I had a couple of pictures taken. I pre-purchased a Photopass CD for our group before the trip ($99), so I encouraged everyone to take as many pictures as possible throughout the trip.



I used the picture below to send to the Yacht & Beach Club Dis Meet, which was on Sunday, so Flat Dee could attend.



At 1:00, I met up with most of the members of my group. The 2 chaperones and 2 boys who had lingered at Tatoonie Traders were still at lunch and they would be along soon.


For my next update-

What is a trip report without a little romance???

Wait! What? Isn’t your husband back at home?

The title of my next chapter is inspired by a best-selling series of novels- stay tuned for a little love in the afternoon-

Next up: 50 Shades of Green

I remember Dee’s corner, and your happiness at finding it, like it was yesterday (possibly a sign I’m getting old lol). Thanks for the trip back in time :)
Looking forward to your next update and very much hoping you and Mark are still happily married given that he wasn’t with you on this trip :scared1::rotfl2::rotfl:
Love Dee's corner!

Looks like a great day and the Poly is on my resort bucket list. So cool you got to experience that.
This moment was a bright spot in the trip. Lots of my friends have paid tribute to this spot and @chunkymonkey has included it in a few of her trip reports (THANK YOU!)

Yes indeed, I have! I try and check up on it when I go to DHS, make sure it's nice and tidy! :)

From May 2017:


From Feb 2017(more of a distance shot):


From December 2016:


It must be good to know you have a bunch of sentinels in the parks keeping the area ready for you Dee! :thumbsup2
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Just got all caught up, I've been MIA for a couple of weeks. Crazy stuff happening around here! Anyways, I enjoyed getting caught up. It looks like you guys are having a lot of fun!
Looks like you’re off to a great start
Can’t wait to see your pictures of the Poly
That’s so cool the photographer remembered you and what a nice gift :thumbsup2

It was a fantastic day, start to finish, even with some bumps along the way.

Spoiler alert... LOVED our room at the Poly.

I didn't know if I should be impressed or embarrassed that she remembered us. Whatever- the fast pass was definitely an appreciated gift.


This is an ambitious day!

It really was. I was most worried about Nannette, since she had been so sick the first couple of days of the trip. I didn't want to push her. But she was INTO it!

Definitely! I'm not sure which one has more sass.:rotfl2:

This made me LOL!


Ugh, TSMM is a great attraction but waiting 45 minutes for it is borderline too long. Especially now that they've added that 3rd track and nobody has to do the Mad Dash at park opening, anymore. Man I don't miss those days...(even though that's sort of how FOP is now)

UGH is right! I think the wait time showing when we went in was 20 minutes, which was a reasonable length. But it turned out to be double that. UGH.

How great! What a nice moment from the photographer, and I love that you all wanted to get a photo from every park to commemorate your busy day. :goodvibes

Looking forward to hearing what you thought of the Poly.

It was fun doing a picture in every park. We were a bit late to the party, but in AK we held up 3 fingers and 4 in MK.

I won't keep you in suspense- the Poly was everything I hoped it would be!


I’m loving how this day has started and excited to see how it pans out. Hopefully you guys manage to eat at some point to keep that much needed energy level high! Looking forward to your 4 park photos :)

Eating is definitely on the agenda!


I was! Love the idea of taking a group shot at each park. :thumbsup2 You ladies sure get into it - I love it! :goodvibes

How cool that she remembered you! Must be you gals are pretty memorable ;) :thumbsup2 And even better you scored an anytime FP. I love interactions with CMs, they really make trips so much better :goodvibes

Can't wait to see how the rest of your day plays out... 3 more parks to go!

I'm really glad we thought of getting our picture taken in each park.

It is a little frightening to think about why we were so memorable


That was such a nice moment of pixie dust!

Yes! Same here.

I bought some steel cut oats at Costco thinking they were the same as quick oats. Obviously not, but I didn't know at the time. And so the bag has been sitting. Enter the IP and an Apple Cinnamon recipe and... Yum!

I haven't tried oats yet.

I hope I am not getting too personal, but, do they spurt? I think I have read where things like oatmeal, pasta and beans can bubble up and block the steam valve. I have made a pasta dish without issue.

That's just awesome.

Went back again yesterday and got even better shots. My son just texted a picture to me. His birding class had a field trip to the beach today and the snowy was in a pool of water. His college is about 30 minutes from here, and as you may have figured out, our area is a pretty decent place for birdwatching.

I just can't bring myself to do it. I get that a one night stay allows you to experience a resort, but... once I'm in my room at Disney, it's home. I like to stay put.

For the longest time we avoided split stays. Then a few years ago we did a Universal/Disney trip. Then a two week trip to DL/Hawaii which included a total of 4 different resorts. It was worth the trouble (not much, really) to switch for a one night Poly stay.

::yes:: Moving it in your tummies is easier than packing and carrying it by hand.

Yes, but the downside is permanently carrying it around in the tummy or elsewhere. Once on the lips, forever on the hips.

Yeah... get some schmuck to lift and move all that stuff.

We did, and we found a schmuck on the other side of move as well.

So just like my last update... where apparently 1/3 of it never happened. :sad2:

Not typical of me to fail to document something. I usually go overboard in the other direction.

Oh, I can help you there.
Behold! A photo of emptiness!

You're welcome.


"Oh, it was nothing"

Whoa.... pretty ambitious! But I'm betting you made it work.


That person is on your carpet. Get off!!

I know, right?!? How rude!

:) Love this shot.

I love Evie! One of my favorite pictures of her is when she was hitting on a 13 year old friend of my son. He turned beet red in embarrassment!

Obviously photoshopped the ride time. That just doesn't happen.

Well, at least like lightning, it didn't strike twice!

Makes it easier on the arm if you see you're far ahead in the scoring.

I had the highest score between the two on my side of the vehicle.

Ugh. Now that I believe.


Yeah, I think the wait time said 20 minutes. LIES!

Yes, an anytime FP is great, and especially fantastic when it includes Flights of Passage!

And they loaded up the trucks and moved to the Poly (Nesian, that is) (Volcano Pools) (Tiki Bars)

Nicely done with that title! And our luggage cart did look a bit like the back of the Beverly hillbillies truck!

Loved the Poly and since I don't think our family will ever stay there, I was thrilled to get the chance. It is a beautiful resort in a perfect location. I was surprised how painless it was to change resorts. It was so easy that my husband and I have decided to sample two resorts for our next trip. We will start at POFQ for 4 nights and then head over to the YC for 4 nights.

So much fun!!

Since I'm writing this response, I'm going to say that I was the winner.

Not a pleasant wait at all! The company was fine and the queue area is cute, but it isn't 45 minutes cute, especially since we just walked on just before.


"Stop! In the Name of Love"
Maybe that was what we were doing! I didn't get it at the time, but hey when in Disney I will do pretty much whatever a CM suggests.

The title just came to me as I was writing the description of our move.

I am really glad we got to stay a night at the Poly. It was not a difficult move at all.

We had a great day (and night)! I'm really impressed with us!

Congrats on your TSM win! Or your vivid imagination. Whichever!

The bad news: I thought the wait in the queue for Toy Story Mania was the low point in the trip. The good news: That was the low point!

Yes, the CM "forced" us into this pose.

4 parks in one day! Can't wait to hear all about this!

Your day was off to a good start. Impressive that you packed up your room and still made it to DHS for rope drop! Great idea to get a pic in each park :thumbsup2 How nice of the photographer to gift you an anytime FP!

We had a great day. Although looking back, I realize that we didn't go on any rides at two of the parks and only 1 (well, TSM twice) at another, so that probably helped us accomplish our task.

It was not too bad making it to a 9 am rope drop. I am used to getting to parks at 8 am, so this was almost leisurely.

You asked a good question and I had to look up the answer. They completely demolished the Horizon Building before building the Mars attraction. I remember the original Horizon rides, just barely, though.

Thanks for doing the research for me!

The Horizons ride was not the best thing ever offered at EPCOT, but we still did it every time. I really liked World of Transportation, though. Is that what it was called? More research if you don't remember, I could look it up this time!

You couldn't have picked a better place than the WL for lay around in. They even have hidden sitting areas on the fourth floor, fifth floor and the villas building. :)

We had booked a late flight out only once, and never again since then. My sister and I had run the Disney half marathon and our flight out was the next day at 8:30 pm. It was a cold, rainy miserable January day and all I wanted a warm bed to take a nap in. Hanging around the Polynesian lobby for hours was no fun. I wish I had gone over to the WL, instead.

That is good to know about the WL.

As you may recall, I found (actually, Mark did) a nice niche at the YC, second floor overlooking the lobby, where there was not much traffic.

The owl looks "snowier" than Hedwig. :) I would love to see one. They've been spotted in Chicago along the Lake Michigan shoreline.

This has been a very cooperative owl. I stopped by after work on Friday afternoon (as it was snowing) and the owl was perched right on top of the admissions building. Nate went Saturday morning with a class field trip and Mark and I went in the afternoon and it was still in full view. It should be leaving to head north for the season soon, but since spring is taking its sweet time coming, we continue to be graced by the owl's presence.

When I first read your plans for the day I thought it sounded a bit "ambitious" to make rope drop at HS after moving resorts. I'm impressed that you managed it. :)

I'm pretty proud of ourselves for making it. I had never done a resort change at Disney before this. I have to say I am impressed with how well it went.

Now I understand what you were talking about when we were in AK that night. I hadn't known about the anytime fp that you got at HS.

I didn't know that we didn't properly explain that to you. Heaven knows we had enough time to as we were waiting in the FoP FP line for about 3 hours!

Looks like a great day and the Poly is on my resort bucket list. So cool you got to experience that.

The Poly was on my resort bucket list as well, so I was thrilled at the opportunity to stay there.


Just got all caught up, I've been MIA for a couple of weeks. Crazy stuff happening around here! Anyways, I enjoyed getting caught up. It looks like you guys are having a lot of fun!

Thanks so much for reading along and commenting.

Hope all the crazy settles down for you, but I get it!

It was an awesome trip, we all had a great time together.



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