"Even the Garbage Cans Have Flowers!"-A September 2016 Mother-Daughter TR!- NEW TR LINK 9/13!

Hiya! I just found your trip report last week and have been trying to catch up since then! I finally am! The trip sounds so great so far and I can't wait to hear about the girls weekend! My Mom and I did a Mother/Daughter trip a few years ago and I was dying to hear all about yours and the GF! I think we might need to stay there next time.

I'll play along with the questions as I can- though we are definitely in different places in our lives! ;)

1. Do you have any pets?
Not at this time. Though I have had a few cats and goldfish in the past. Do my two little boys count?!?! They sometimes feel like ravenous dogs as they tear through our house!

2. What is your middle name?

3. How old are you?

4. What is your favorite food?
Too many to choose from! I have definitely gotten more adventurous as I have gotten older though!

5. What is one food that you cannot stand to eat?
I can't eat onions. It is a texture thing for me. Yuck!

6. Have you ever been to a different country?
Just Canada. Though we hope to make a family trip to Japan someday. Both my husband and my boys are very into Japanese culture.

7. What is your favorite band/music artist?
99% of the time I have the two munchkins in the car with me, so I tend to push them to Disney music.

8. What is your favorite TV show?
I'm not sure I have a favorite right now, but every week I watch Once Upon a Time, Last Man on Earth, Big Bang Theory, and Reign.

9. How many siblings do you have?
Older Brother, Younger Sister.

10. What is your eye color?

11. What is your favorite movie?
Too many to choose from. We just watched 'Fantastic Beasts' and loved it though.

12. What is your favorite color?

13. What is your favorite candy?
Anything dark chocolate

14. Where is your favorite place to buy clothes/shop?
I don't really have a favorite. I look most places we browse and pick up here and there.

15. What was your favorite subject in school?

16. What is your favorite drink?
Water or Martinis. There is no inbetween!

17. What is your favorite book?
Right now? Llama Llama Red Pajama. Both my boys have loved this book over the years. And it is always requested before bed each night.

18. Have you ever played any sports?
No. But I have started running in the past few years. I signed up for this years (now infamously cancelled) runDisney 1/2 marathon. Going to try again next year!!

19. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

20. How tall are you?

21. What is your favorite smell?

22. Do you have a special talent?
Not particularly

23. Who is your favorite actor?
No favorite really. Mickey maybe?

24. What is your favorite holiday?
1. Do you have any pets?

No, not at my apartment. But, my parents have a dachshund named Max at their house.
2. What is your middle name?

Diane, I actually go by my middle name, not my first name, which is Barbara
3. How old are you?


4. What is your favorite food?

Ice cream (cookies& cream or cookie dough), pepperoni pizza (extra cheese and no tomato sauce), and raspberries

5. What is one food that you cannot stand to eat?

I am pretty picky too, but I absolutely hate peanut butter. Oddly enough, I am okay with peanuts

6. Have you ever been to a different country?

Mexico, Bahamas, and Grand Cayman (all on cruises)

7. What is your favorite band/music artist?

Amy Winehouse, Taylor Swift, Madonna

8. What is your favorite TV show?

Game of Thrones, Friends, Big Brother, Veronica Mars

9. How many siblings do you have?

None, I'm an only child

10. What is your eye color?


11. What is your favorite movie?

I'll just list the Disney ones: Sleeping Beauty, Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella, Pocahontas, Tangled

12. What is your favorite color?


13. What is your favorite candy?

Twix, Kit Kat, any good Dark Chocolate

14. Where is your favorite place to buy clothes/shop?

Kohls, Target

15. What was your favorite subject in school?

English (but I only enjoyed the Spelling/Grammar part, not the writing essays part!)

16. What is your favorite drink?

Non-alcoholic: Diet Coke/ Alcoholic: Margarita

17. What is your favorite book?

White Oleander, Amy& Isabelle, Prep

18. Have you ever played any sports?

No, but I was the scorekeeper for my High School volleyball team for 2 years...

19. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Cookie Dough or Cookies& Cream (Honorable mention to Ben& Jerry's Phish Food)

20. How tall are you?


21. What is your favorite smell?


22. Do you have a special talent?

I'm good with children (I'm a preschool teacher) :)

23. Who is your favorite actor?

Amy Adams, Jennifer Lawrence.... I don't really have a favorite

24. What is your favorite holiday?

Valentine's Day (I just love all the pink and the hearts and flowers and chocolate)
Andrew is my everything. I have never met another person in real life who knew who he was.

Oh man another Andrew fan?!?! I'm right there with you! I have gone out to California a few times to seen him and locally I've seen him more times then I can count! I live near Chicago and Milwaukee so when he tours I get to see both shows every time. My brother and I are HUGE fans and have been since SoCo!

Edit to add... I actually even planned a Disney trip to include an Andrew Mcmahon concert. My Disney love is newer then my Andrew Mcmahon love and when my husband and I were dating he suggested going to Disney and I was back and fourth on it but then I saw Andrew Mcmahon was playing at the House of Blues in Orlando and booked the trip right away when he agreed to see him while down there!

Also sorry to @Mollydolly334 i didn't mean to take over with Andrew Mcmahon comments! But I am normally a lurker and have really enjoyed reading your trip report. My husband and I are planning a September trip this year and I cant wait!
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Oh man another Andrew fan?!?! I'm right there with you! I have gone out to California a few times to seen him and locally I've seen him more times then I can count! I live near Chicago and Milwaukee so when he tours I get to see both shows every time. My brother and I are HUGE fans and have been since SoCo!

I saw him for the first time around 2008 when he was still with Jack's Mannequin. I nearly drove off the road when I heard the announcement on the radio that he'd be nearby! Disney and Andy, let us be BFF LOL
A Quick Real-Life Update!!!

Hello everyone!! Just popping in to say...


I promise that I will return all of your comments ASAP!! I have loved reading through each of your responses :goodvibes Seriously you guys, thank you so much for replying to my little survey! I thought that I would maybe get like 2 or 3 responses, so to see so many of you share your hobbies is amazing! :hyper: I've concluded two things from my "Questions Tag" :

1. My Disfriends are awesome!

2. I really need to check out Andrew McMahon :lmao:

I will be back hopefully by Monday or Tuesday to answer all of your replies, and then finish up Day 5!! I can't wait to get to Day 6 of the TR, some exciting things happened that day... :scratchin The suspense, muahahaha!

Thank you all so much for being you! :hug: The Disboards is an awesome escape from the everyday life of work and I'm so glad I have friends like you to keep it so much fun!


Hahaha, #true :rotfl: All joking aside, see y'all next week! Ta-Ta for now!!


I'm also new around here, so I'd love to play --

1. Do you have any pets?

Yup! I have an incredibly spoiled cocker spaniel named Taffy (full name: Taffy Peanutbutter Bathmat)

2. What is your middle name?

I have two - Vann Rutledge; both family names!

3. How old are you?


4. What is your favorite food?

Grilled cheese, pizza, or my mom's go-to salad

5. What is one food that you cannot stand to eat?

I'm allergic to tomatoes, which makes my pizza addiction more challenging

6. Have you ever been to a different country?

I travel for work, so yes! At last count, I'm up to either 17 or 18?

7. What is your favorite band/music artist?

I don't think I can answer this - too many!

8. What is your favorite TV show?

The West Wing, Parks and Rec, The Mindy Project, 30 Rock, and The Great British Bake Off

9. How many siblings do you have?

Two brothers, two sisters-in-law

10. What is your eye color?

One's blue and one's green

11. What is your favorite movie?

Top 3: Apollo 13, The American President, and D2: The Mighty Ducks

12. What is your favorite color?

Green, blue, yellow

13. What is your favorite candy?

Peanut butter M&Ms, Twizzlers

14. Where is your favorite place to buy clothes/shop?

J. Crew, Gap, Nordstrom Rack

15. What was your favorite subject in school?

History, Art History, and Sports Law

16. What is your favorite drink?

Coffee! La Croix, Wine

17. What is your favorite book?

Beyond Harry Potter, I'd have to say The Winds of War and War and Remembrance by Herman Wouk

18. Have you ever played any sports?

Soccer and adult kickball

19. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Birthday cake!

20. How tall are you?

5 feet, 8 inches

21. What is your favorite smell?

My parents' house, rain, saltwater

22. Do you have a special talent?

Nothing especially noteworthy?

23. Who is your favorite actor?

I don't think one

24. What is your favorite holiday?

Thanksgiving or the Fourth of July
I finally had time to answer your questionnaire!

1. Do you have any pets?

No pets. My girls keep asking for a dog but DH and I are both def not pet people. I tell them, I can't keep our house clean let alone take care of another thing!

2. What is your middle name?


3. How old are you?

39..... soon to be th big 4-0

4. What is your favorite food?

Anything with Buffalo Wing sauce on it... Seriously I love that stuff!

5. What is one food that you cannot stand to eat?

Olives. Blek! Even the smell makes me blek!

6. Have you ever been to a different country?

Only a couple times, Bermuda & London.

7. What is your favorite band/music artist?

Gwen Stephani and Van Halen are the first that come to mind.

8. What is your favorite TV show?

Right now, hmmm I love Amazing Race. West Wing, This is Us, DH and I have been watching Legion, which is good but I wouldn't call it a favorite.

9. How many siblings do you have?

2, 2 sisters

10. What is your eye color?


11. What is your favorite movie?

Hmmm, I don't know.. Maybe Beauty and the Beast, Toy Story (all 3)

12. What is your favorite color?

Olive Green and Rose

13. What is your favorite candy?

Peanut M&M's

14. Where is your favorite place to buy clothes/shop?

Banana Republic, Target, & Ann Taylor Loft (does this make me old?)

15. What was your favorite subject in school?


16. What is your favorite drink?

Coffee! Seltzer Water & Beer - specifically Sour Beers right now.

17. What is your favorite book?

I haven't read a full book in forever. I spend too much time here on the boards.

18. Have you ever played any sports?

Swimming. And my oldest DD is looking like she will follow in my footsteps, or I guess in my wake....

19. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Mint Chocolate Chip, anything with M&M's in it!

20. How tall are you?

5 feet, 1 inches

21. What is your favorite smell?

Vanilla and/or freshly baked cookies.

22. Do you have a special talent?

Party planning? Mom extrodanare. Ha! Probably nothing that crazy...

23. Who is your favorite actor?

I don't think I have one.

24. What is your favorite holiday?

Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Oh I love beagles so much! I've never had a dog, but if I ever get one it will for sure be a beagle! Bella is so cute :)

I loved seeing all the photos of you in your theater productions, very cool!

Thank you for sharing, that was fun to read!

And I just followed you on Instagram! :)

Aww, thanks! Bella is sure adorable, but a handful! Beagles' lives are ruled by food, haha!

Thanks so much for the sweet words and the follow, girl !! :)

Aw thank you!

It was hard to find a tag without weird questions. A lot of the personal ones had weird ones thrown in. It reminded me of those Myspace and Facebook surveys people would post back in the day.

So cute!

Yes they count :rotfl:

Are you seeing Third Eye Blind on their tour this summer? I'm going on July 1st!

Yay I followed you!

I'm not sure if you meant for people to post their answers here but I might do it in my PTR update this week!

YES that's exactly what some of those surveys reminded me of! Like "Who's the last person you kissed?" Ummm.. no :rotfl:

AHH I actually just saw that Third Eye Blind is coming back to Summerfest in Milwaukee this year on the 4th of July! So yes, I am planning on going; I saw them back in 2015 and they were awesome :thumbsup2

Can't wait to see your answers in your PTR!! :goodvibes

I love beagles! There's one that lives behind us and he howls until we let our dog out to play with him.

My birthday is the 10th

You're my mom's dream child. She got her degree in music education and got stuck with the two most musically challenged daughters, and I was obsessed with sports.

Yes to all of these especially the Grand Floridian!

Haha, Bella can really get to howling sometimes; mostly if there is another dog walking on our street :rotfl2:Haha, that's so funny about me being your Mom's dream child, because you are my dad's dream child! He tried soooo hard to get me into sports, yeahhhh not so much haha!

AWWW <3 She's so sweet... my fur baby LOVES beagles, they're his favorite to play with! My brother in law/sister in law had a 15 year old beagle, she was fur baby's favorite! Unfortunately she passed away this summer

You DEF look much taller in your pics!

OOO... going to follow this now!

YAY glad to have ya!

Awww your dog is so cute too! I always look at your pictures of him on Insta :love: Our dogs would probably be BFFs in real life!

Haha, isn't that weird how tall I look in pictures?? Here's a picture of me and my boyfriend for reference to my actual height :rotfl:


I just followed along on your instagram account! I loved all of your Q&A info! My youngest daughter is Gwen! Well Gwendolyn. So, great middle name!

Thanks so much for the follow!! :cutie: Aww, I love it! Tell Gwen that she's got an awesome name :thumbsup2

So fun to learn more about you! I found your Instagram profile so started to follow.

We have three dogs, two labs and a bischon. My little bischon is the boss of the big guys lol.

Fun to see your pictures as well.

My birthday is in July also, the 17th, let's just say I am much older than you lol!

I was a band geek in high school, played the clarinet.

I am a RN in my real life and college was fast paced so I didn't do much more than my nursing stuff.

Fun to play along, Thanks.

Yay, thank you so much for following! :hyper:

Haha, I love how the littlest dog is the boss :rotfl2: I've always wanted to play an instrument in band or orchestra, but I'm not very good at reading music!! And my dad is an RN too, so I bet he can also attest to the busy schooling ::yes::

I'll get around to posting my answers this weekend, but I just had to comment on this one. You're from Wisconsin, but you don't like a good old fashioned Friday Fish Fry!?! I didn't think that was allowed!

Can't wait to see them!! And yes.... :scared1: So shameful right?! I've never liked fish...my dad reminds me every day what I am missing out on, however!! :lmao:

I will be happy to complete your request and answer the same questions.

1. Do you have any pets?

I have 2 dogs. One is a golden long haired chihuahua named Sophie. The other is a pomechonke named Wicket. Her mom was a bichon and her dad was a pomeranian/yorkie mix. She looks like an ewok.

2. What is your middle name?

Kristina. Every female on my mom's side of the family either is named Kristina or their middle name is Kristina. This has continued on for at least 6 generations.

3. How old are you?

I am 29.

4. What is your favorite food?

My favorite food is probably sushi. I am also a big fan of pickles and Japanese steakhouses. My favorite Japanese steakhouse where I live has something called egg yolk sauce. It's emulsified egg yolks, oil and soy sauce. They put it on the grill and get it warm. It's like a heart attack on a plate.

5. What is one food that you cannot stand to eat?

Avocado. I am allergic to it but the texture just looks gross lol

6. Have you ever been to a different country?

I've been to Canada. I really want to go to Sweden. That is where my family is from but I haven't been yet.

7. What is your favorite band/music artist?

Drew Baldridge

8. What is your favorite TV show?

Gilmore Girls is one of my all time favorite shows. I have seen the whole series 4 times. For current shows I like Designated Survivor, Blacklist, Chicago Med, Fire, PD and Justice and of course, Big Bang Theory.

9. How many siblings do you have?

I have an older brother and a little sister. I also have a sister-in-law who is my best friend.

10. What is your eye color?

My eyes are brown with a red undertone.

11. What is your favorite movie?

Beauty and the Beast, The Princess Diaries 1 and 2, The Twilight Series, Shawshank Redemption.

12. What is your favorite color?


13. What is your favorite candy?

Hershey Almond bars

14. Where is your favorite place to buy clothes/shop?

Lularoe. My favorite stores are Target, Ikea and the Disney store

15. What was your favorite subject in school?


16. What is your favorite drink?

Root beer and ginger ale

17. What is your favorite book?

The 1st Box Car Children book has always been my favorite. I like contemporary romance novels for the most part. I did just start the Harry Potter books too. I am only on the second one but I like them so far.

18. Have you ever played any sports?

I did cheerleading and soccer growing up. In school I played tennis and ran track.

19. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Cookies and cream

20. How tall are you?


21. What is your favorite smell?

Citrus smells are my favorite. I also love the smell of spring. Flowers and fresh cut grass.

22. Do you have a special talent?

I play the bass guitar and sing.

23. Who is your favorite actor?

Kevin Bacon and James Spader

24. What is your favorite holiday?

Christmas! I actually get depressed sometimes thinking about Christmas throughout the year.

Thank you so much for responding with your answers!! :goodvibes I had so much fun reading through them... I totally agree about getting depressed thinking about Christmas throughout the year (sometimes I even listen to Christmas music in the summer....shhhh).

YES to sushi as a favorite food but :scared1: to no avocado! I could eat those things for breakfast lunch and dinner!

One of my college roommates was obsessed with Gilmore Girls, so I caught a few episodes but never watched it full through. Now that they have a newer season, I may have to... :scratchin

One thing about me -- I'm not good at naming one favorite. I have LOTS of favorites in many of these categories!

1. Do you have any pets?

I have one dog, a soon-to-be 13-year old Cocker Spaniel named Molly. She's had a rough 12 months, but she's still with us and still a (relatively) happy, healthy doggo.

2. What is your middle name?

In my 40 years of life I have told, like, literally five people my middle name. It was my grandpa's name, but I really dislike it for probably irrational reasons. Therefore, I'm pleading the 5th on this one.

3. How old are you?

I just turned 40 about two months ago! I've been told that I still look 25, which is why I grew a beard a year and a half ago. I grew tired of having a baby face.

4. What is your favorite food?

Hmmm. I guess if I had to list one food as the only food I could eat for the rest of my life, it would probably be some sort of pie. Pumpkin, Dutch apple, lemon meringue, something along those lines. I can't decide on just one.

5. What is one food that you cannot stand to eat?

Mushrooms! Ick, ick, ick.

6. Have you ever been to a different country?

I remember visiting Canada when I was a kid; I went to England a few years back for work and just fell in love with it. I dream of moving there permanently, but unfortunately I think it is going to stay a dream.

7. What is your favorite band/music artist?

Amongst my favorites are: Queen; BB King; Led Zeppelin; Metallica; Joe Bonamassa; Willie Nelson; Johnny Cash. I just really, really love music.

8. What is your favorite TV show?

Favorite show of all time is probably The Golden Girls. I pretty much have every episode memorized to the point that I can recite most lines of dialog before they happen in the show.

Other favorite old shows: Cheers; Frasier; Family Ties; MST3K; Monty Python's Flying Circus; The A-Team; Knight Rider; Breaking Bad; Justified.

Favorite current shows: The Tonight Show; any of the Netflix Marvel comics shows (Daredevil, etc.); The Simpsons; The Goldbergs; Better Call Saul.

9. How many siblings do you have?

Two brothers - one older, one younger.

10. What is your eye color?


11. What is your favorite movie?

Another list! The Lion King; The Godfather; The Godfather Part 2; The entire Star Wars franchise (the prequels are my least favorite of the eight); Back to the Future trilogy (1, then 3, then 2); Blazing Saddles; Almost Famous; Dazed and Confused; all three Monty Python movies (Holy Grail, Life of Brian, Meaning of Life).

12. What is your favorite color?

Blue-gray (or is it gray-blue?)

13. What is your favorite candy?

Probably Reese's Peanut Butter Cup; Reese's Pieces; Peanut M&M's; really anything involving chocolate and peanuts/peanut butter.

14. Where is your favorite place to buy clothes/shop?

Kohl's; I'm also something of a bargain shopper, so lots of my clothes come from Goodwill and St. Vincent De Paul.

15. What was your favorite subject in school?

Math and science; oh, and band. Our band teacher was the coolest and kept it loose and fun, and I was pretty darn good if I do say so myself.

16. What is your favorite drink?

Non-alcoholic: Root beer or just plain old ice cold water.
Alcoholic: Stout beers (think Guinness). I'm not a hard liquor kind of a guy.

17. What is your favorite book?

I'm not much a reader (I really want to like it, I'm just a SUPER slow reader which takes a lot of the enjoyment out of it); however, I have read The Godfather a couple times. I also like John Grisham's early work (The Firm is absolutely fantastic; I've read that one a couple times, too.) I've also recently started getting into graphic novels, particularly older Batman.

18. Have you ever played any sports?

I am a total non-athlete. I mean, I'm not uncoordinated, and I'm actually fairly competent at most of the sports I have played for fun (basketball, baseball/softball, tag football). I've just never played any sort of organized sport since I was in the 3rd grade, and I wouldn't consider myself particularly good at any one sport. I was just able to not embarrass myself when playing sports when I was in my teens/early 20's.

19. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Generic: Mint chocolate chip.
Specific: Ben and Jerry's Phish Food; Cold Stone Creamery Peanut Butter Cup Perfection (there's that chocolate/PB combo again).

20. How tall are you?


21. What is your favorite smell?

Fresh baked chocolate chip cookies.

22. Do you have a special talent?

Not really. I can wiggle my ears (one at a time or together) and move my eyebrows one at a time (like The Rock's People's Eyebrow, for you wrestling fans); and I'm a pretty decent cook. But I don't know if I'd consider any of those "talents".

23. Who is your favorite actor?

Don't really have one, to be honest.

24. What is your favorite holiday?

4th of July, but that's mainly because it is in the summer, I get a day off of work, and it is the least family oriented of the major holidays. (I know, that sounds REALLY bad!)

Yay, thanks for responding!! I have a really hard time naming favorites too! I always list like 3 or 4 things :rotfl:

Awww, I remember you saying before that you have a dog named Molly! I loooooove spaniels, they're one of my favorite dog breeds.

I'm not coordinated either, so no worries :thumbsup2 and YES to Phish Food; I almost listed it but I thought that nobody else knew that it existed...how wrong I was!

I've concluded from your post that you and my dad are secret BFFs. He also loves Led Zeppelin, Monty Python, Star Wars, the Godfather, pie... the list goes on and on!!

I love this idea! I'm still catching up on everyones responses, but here are mine! :cutie:

1. Do you have any pets?

Yes! I have a 7 year old Alaskan Klee Kai, which is basically a miniature Husky. He is the love of our lives.

2. What is your middle name?

Helen, after my great grand mother

3. How old are you?


4. What is your favorite food?

Pizza with pineapple!

5. What is one food that you cannot stand to eat?

Tomatoes! Ewww

6. Have you ever been to a different country?

Bahamas on a cruise in 2012, Jamaica in 2014 for a wedding

7. What is your favorite band/music artist?

So hard to choose... I do love vintage Britney Spears

8. What is your favorite TV show?

SO MANY! Teen Mom 2, Shameless, Girls, Big Little Lies, Intervention, Chrisley Knows Best

9. How many siblings do you have?

Two older brothers

10. What is your eye color?


11. What is your favorite movie?

Step Mom

12. What is your favorite color?


13. What is your favorite candy?

I really love Jelly Bellies

14. Where is your favorite place to buy clothes/shop?

J Crew, Madewell

15. What was your favorite subject in school?


16. What is your favorite drink?


17. What is your favorite book?

Hmmm.... so difficult to choose! I did love Kathy Lamb's "Such A Pretty Face"

18. Have you ever played any sports?

Oh heck no... its for the best really lol!

19. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Coffee w/ chocolate sprinkles

20. How tall are you?

5'1 1/2 "

21. What is your favorite smell?


22. Do you have a special talent?

I'm a nurse... my talents are disgusting. :rolleyes1

23. Who is your favorite actor?

Jack Nicholson

24. What is your favorite holiday?


Hey girl! Yay, I loved reading your responses :)

VINTAGE BRITNEY SPEARS YES! We have an old VHS called "Britney Spears in Hawaii" that we've pretty much worn out :rotfl:I even had Britney Spears valentines one year...

Ah, both you and my sister like pizza with pineapple! I'll have it sometimes, but only when I'm in the mood.

I really need to get watching Big Little Lies! I love Reese Witherspoon, and I started reading the book last summer but never got around to finishing it!

These are so interesting to read! I'm loving learning more about everyone! :) Here are my responses:

1. Do you have any pets?

Not currently, but I have a soft spot for pugs

2. What is your middle name?

Joel (pronounced Joelle...not sure what my mom was thinking with that spelling)

3. How old are you?


4. What is your favorite food?

Oh goodness, I don't know! I love food! I guess I'd say pasta and any dessert.

5. What is one food that you cannot stand to eat?

Seafood and rare meat

6. Have you ever been to a different country?

Bahamas on a cruise and Mexico, also on a cruise

7. What is your favorite band/music artist?

Hanson, Andrew McMahon, Justin Timberlake

8. What is your favorite TV show?

Of the shows that are still on tv, my must watch shows are Survivor, The Amazing Race, The Middle, The Goldbergs, Grey's Anatomy and the Real Housewives (only NY, OC and BH)

9. How many siblings do you have?

A twin sister, 3 younger sisters and 1 younger brother

10. What is your eye color?


11. What is your favorite movie?

Not sure, I love a lot of different movies!

12. What is your favorite color?


13. What is your favorite candy?

Sour Patch Kids

14. Where is your favorite place to buy clothes/shop?


15. What was your favorite subject in school?


16. What is your favorite drink?

Coffee, Coke and water. I also love a good cocktail :)

17. What is your favorite book?

Too hard to choose! I read a LOT.

18. Have you ever played any sports?

I was a cheerleader for 7 years, but no other sports.

19. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?


20. How tall are you?


21. What is your favorite smell?

Floral and citrusy smells. Right now, YSL's Mon Paris.

22. Do you have a special talent?

I'm a cookie decorator. And like a fellow commenter above, I can also do the People's Eyebrow :)

23. Who is your favorite actor?

Don't really have one

24. What is your favorite holiday?


Thank you so much for responding!! :goodvibes It was so fun reading through the responses!!

I love the middle name Joel; it's so cute! Giggling at the spelling though :rotfl:

My family always tries to watch The Middle when it's on; we don't make a consistent effort to watch it every week, but we're always laughing so hard when we do catch it on TV!!

YAY for fellow cheerleaders!! :cheer2: I loved cheer so much, but sadly the cliquey girls made it significantly less fun.

Haha, my boyfriend can do that eyebrow thing too :lmao: He can do it back and forth with both eyebrows, and once he gets going I'm just in stitches!!

A fellow Andrew McMahon fan here! Most people have no idea who I am talking about when I say hes my favorite!

Hi! You obviously have excellent taste in music :D

As do you! 8-)

Andrew is my everything. I have never met another person in real life who knew who he was.

Oh man another Andrew fan?!?! I'm right there with you! I have gone out to California a few times to seen him and locally I've seen him more times then I can count! I live near Chicago and Milwaukee so when he tours I get to see both shows every time. My brother and I are HUGE fans and have been since SoCo!

Edit to add... I actually even planned a Disney trip to include an Andrew Mcmahon concert. My Disney love is newer then my Andrew Mcmahon love and when my husband and I were dating he suggested going to Disney and I was back and fourth on it but then I saw Andrew Mcmahon was playing at the House of Blues in Orlando and booked the trip right away when he agreed to see him while down there!

Also sorry to @Mollydolly334 i didn't mean to take over with Andrew Mcmahon comments! But I am normally a lurker and have really enjoyed reading your trip report. My husband and I are planning a September trip this year and I cant wait!

I saw him for the first time around 2008 when he was still with Jack's Mannequin. I nearly drove off the road when I heard the announcement on the radio that he'd be nearby! Disney and Andy, let us be BFF LOL

This whole conversation made me :rotfl2:I love how the Disboards can bring people together, and I'm so glad that my post facilitated that!! :teeth: I looked up Andrew McMahon and realized that he is the lead singer of Jack's Mannequin! One of my favorite songs since middle school has been "Dark Blue," so I got really excited! I definitely need to check out more of his music!! :)

Absolutely no worries @JessH87 , I love how you guys are chatting about your interests; that's exactly what this post was meant to do! Thanks for reading along and happy planning for your September Trip! :banana:

Hiya! I just found your trip report last week and have been trying to catch up since then! I finally am! The trip sounds so great so far and I can't wait to hear about the girls weekend! My Mom and I did a Mother/Daughter trip a few years ago and I was dying to hear all about yours and the GF! I think we might need to stay there next time.

I'll play along with the questions as I can- though we are definitely in different places in our lives! ;)

1. Do you have any pets?
Not at this time. Though I have had a few cats and goldfish in the past. Do my two little boys count?!?! They sometimes feel like ravenous dogs as they tear through our house!

2. What is your middle name?

3. How old are you?

4. What is your favorite food?
Too many to choose from! I have definitely gotten more adventurous as I have gotten older though!

5. What is one food that you cannot stand to eat?
I can't eat onions. It is a texture thing for me. Yuck!

6. Have you ever been to a different country?
Just Canada. Though we hope to make a family trip to Japan someday. Both my husband and my boys are very into Japanese culture.

7. What is your favorite band/music artist?
99% of the time I have the two munchkins in the car with me, so I tend to push them to Disney music.

8. What is your favorite TV show?
I'm not sure I have a favorite right now, but every week I watch Once Upon a Time, Last Man on Earth, Big Bang Theory, and Reign.

9. How many siblings do you have?
Older Brother, Younger Sister.

10. What is your eye color?

11. What is your favorite movie?
Too many to choose from. We just watched 'Fantastic Beasts' and loved it though.

12. What is your favorite color?

13. What is your favorite candy?
Anything dark chocolate

14. Where is your favorite place to buy clothes/shop?
I don't really have a favorite. I look most places we browse and pick up here and there.

15. What was your favorite subject in school?

16. What is your favorite drink?
Water or Martinis. There is no inbetween!

17. What is your favorite book?
Right now? Llama Llama Red Pajama. Both my boys have loved this book over the years. And it is always requested before bed each night.

18. Have you ever played any sports?
No. But I have started running in the past few years. I signed up for this years (now infamously cancelled) runDisney 1/2 marathon. Going to try again next year!!

19. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

20. How tall are you?

21. What is your favorite smell?

22. Do you have a special talent?
Not particularly

23. Who is your favorite actor?
No favorite really. Mickey maybe?

24. What is your favorite holiday?

Hi!! Thanks so much for reading :goodvibes Mother-daugher trips are so awesome aren't they?! The GF is the PERFECT place to stay for a girl's trip, especially since it seems you are an Alice in Wonderland fan :)

Loved reading your responses!

I really need to start watching Once Upon a Time, I'm surprised I don't because I love everything Disney!

YES to dark chocolate and Japan! I really hope that I make it over to Asia someday... especially Tokyo and the Phi Phi Islands in Thailand. It is just so different and exotic over there and it would be so cool to be immersed in something completely unknown.

Haha.. now that I think about it, Mickey is my favorite actor too! :smickey:

1. Do you have any pets?

No, not at my apartment. But, my parents have a dachshund named Max at their house.
2. What is your middle name?

Diane, I actually go by my middle name, not my first name, which is Barbara
3. How old are you?


4. What is your favorite food?

Ice cream (cookies& cream or cookie dough), pepperoni pizza (extra cheese and no tomato sauce), and raspberries

5. What is one food that you cannot stand to eat?

I am pretty picky too, but I absolutely hate peanut butter. Oddly enough, I am okay with peanuts

6. Have you ever been to a different country?

Mexico, Bahamas, and Grand Cayman (all on cruises)

7. What is your favorite band/music artist?

Amy Winehouse, Taylor Swift, Madonna

8. What is your favorite TV show?

Game of Thrones, Friends, Big Brother, Veronica Mars

9. How many siblings do you have?

None, I'm an only child

10. What is your eye color?


11. What is your favorite movie?

I'll just list the Disney ones: Sleeping Beauty, Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella, Pocahontas, Tangled

12. What is your favorite color?


13. What is your favorite candy?

Twix, Kit Kat, any good Dark Chocolate

14. Where is your favorite place to buy clothes/shop?

Kohls, Target

15. What was your favorite subject in school?

English (but I only enjoyed the Spelling/Grammar part, not the writing essays part!)

16. What is your favorite drink?

Non-alcoholic: Diet Coke/ Alcoholic: Margarita

17. What is your favorite book?

White Oleander, Amy& Isabelle, Prep

18. Have you ever played any sports?

No, but I was the scorekeeper for my High School volleyball team for 2 years...

19. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Cookie Dough or Cookies& Cream (Honorable mention to Ben& Jerry's Phish Food)

20. How tall are you?


21. What is your favorite smell?


22. Do you have a special talent?

I'm good with children (I'm a preschool teacher) :)

23. Who is your favorite actor?

Amy Adams, Jennifer Lawrence.... I don't really have a favorite

24. What is your favorite holiday?

Valentine's Day (I just love all the pink and the hearts and flowers and chocolate)

Thanks so much for responding!! :)

:lmao: about the peanuts and PB. I'm actually the opposite; I love peanut butter but I"m not crazy about peanuts.

Yay, I found another Pocahontas lover! I feel like it is one of the most underrated Disney movies. The soundtrack/score is just gorgeous.

I've always wanted to go on a cruise, but my dad gets squeamish on boats. Someday! I definitely want to do a Disney cruise!!

Happy Easter! I love the Winnie the Pooh picture. I've been meaning to fill out the questionnaire on my own TR but I haven't gotten to it yet.

Hope you had a great Easter Raven!! Please tag me in the post so I can see it when you do, I'd love to read your responses! :earboy2:

I'm also new around here, so I'd love to play --

1. Do you have any pets?

Yup! I have an incredibly spoiled cocker spaniel named Taffy (full name: Taffy Peanutbutter Bathmat)

2. What is your middle name?

I have two - Vann Rutledge; both family names!

3. How old are you?


4. What is your favorite food?

Grilled cheese, pizza, or my mom's go-to salad

5. What is one food that you cannot stand to eat?

I'm allergic to tomatoes, which makes my pizza addiction more challenging

6. Have you ever been to a different country?

I travel for work, so yes! At last count, I'm up to either 17 or 18?

7. What is your favorite band/music artist?

I don't think I can answer this - too many!

8. What is your favorite TV show?

The West Wing, Parks and Rec, The Mindy Project, 30 Rock, and The Great British Bake Off

9. How many siblings do you have?

Two brothers, two sisters-in-law

10. What is your eye color?

One's blue and one's green

11. What is your favorite movie?

Top 3: Apollo 13, The American President, and D2: The Mighty Ducks

12. What is your favorite color?

Green, blue, yellow

13. What is your favorite candy?

Peanut butter M&Ms, Twizzlers

14. Where is your favorite place to buy clothes/shop?

J. Crew, Gap, Nordstrom Rack

15. What was your favorite subject in school?

History, Art History, and Sports Law

16. What is your favorite drink?

Coffee! La Croix, Wine

17. What is your favorite book?

Beyond Harry Potter, I'd have to say The Winds of War and War and Remembrance by Herman Wouk

18. Have you ever played any sports?

Soccer and adult kickball

19. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Birthday cake!

20. How tall are you?

5 feet, 8 inches

21. What is your favorite smell?

My parents' house, rain, saltwater

22. Do you have a special talent?

Nothing especially noteworthy?

23. Who is your favorite actor?

I don't think one

24. What is your favorite holiday?

Thanksgiving or the Fourth of July

:welcome: and thanks so much for responding to my survey!! :)

OMG, I LOVE YOUR DOG's NAME! :hyper: Spaniels are sooo cute.

I love Nordstrom, but try to go to Nordstrom Rack if I can! I don't have good luck all the time there but I love the cheaper prices ::yes::

My sister was in an adult kickball league a few years ago! I should really join one soon...it sounds like so much fun and a good way to meet new friends!

I finally had time to answer your questionnaire!

1. Do you have any pets?

No pets. My girls keep asking for a dog but DH and I are both def not pet people. I tell them, I can't keep our house clean let alone take care of another thing!

2. What is your middle name?


3. How old are you?

39..... soon to be th big 4-0

4. What is your favorite food?

Anything with Buffalo Wing sauce on it... Seriously I love that stuff!

5. What is one food that you cannot stand to eat?

Olives. Blek! Even the smell makes me blek!

6. Have you ever been to a different country?

Only a couple times, Bermuda & London.

7. What is your favorite band/music artist?

Gwen Stephani and Van Halen are the first that come to mind.

8. What is your favorite TV show?

Right now, hmmm I love Amazing Race. West Wing, This is Us, DH and I have been watching Legion, which is good but I wouldn't call it a favorite.

9. How many siblings do you have?

2, 2 sisters

10. What is your eye color?


11. What is your favorite movie?

Hmmm, I don't know.. Maybe Beauty and the Beast, Toy Story (all 3)

12. What is your favorite color?

Olive Green and Rose

13. What is your favorite candy?

Peanut M&M's

14. Where is your favorite place to buy clothes/shop?

Banana Republic, Target, & Ann Taylor Loft (does this make me old?)

15. What was your favorite subject in school?


16. What is your favorite drink?

Coffee! Seltzer Water & Beer - specifically Sour Beers right now.

17. What is your favorite book?

I haven't read a full book in forever. I spend too much time here on the boards.

18. Have you ever played any sports?

Swimming. And my oldest DD is looking like she will follow in my footsteps, or I guess in my wake....

19. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Mint Chocolate Chip, anything with M&M's in it!

20. How tall are you?

5 feet, 1 inches

21. What is your favorite smell?

Vanilla and/or freshly baked cookies.

22. Do you have a special talent?

Party planning? Mom extrodanare. Ha! Probably nothing that crazy...

23. Who is your favorite actor?

I don't think I have one.

24. What is your favorite holiday?

Thanksgiving and Christmas.

YAY! So glad you replied to my survey! I really enjoyed reading your answers :goodvibes

I totally agree with you on the buffalo wing sauce! Anything spicy is right up my alley. My favorite is Frank's Red Hot!!

Don't worry, shopping at the Loft does not make you old!! In fact, I just bought a shirt from there about a year ago :thumbsup2

You're totally right on the book front; I read so many TRs on here that I've probably read the equivalent of 20 books!! I'm thinking about getting a Kindle to get myself back into reading...that way I can store lots of books without taking too much space!
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Day 5: Part 5- “Some People are Worth Melting For!”

Hello friends! Let’s finish up Day 5 :) Where we last left off, Mom and I were just sitting down to watch Fantasmic!

We had some great seats that were close to the front, but a little bit off to the right side. We sat down and said, “Wow, these are awesome seats!” And then, a waft of extremely strong and foul body odor engulfed us….


We figured that the culprits were the couple behind us. Come on peeps, I know that Florida gets really hot and muggy.. but for the comfort of others, personal hygiene is a good thing ::yes:: We were trying to just ignore it, but we knew it would be distracting during the show. Luckily, we scurried into an open spot a few rows down, and we were out of the stinky fumes! On with the show!!

I don’t usually take too many pictures during fireworks/shows so I can soak it all in! Plus, these pictures usually end up a bit blurry anyways!


Love this shot! Beauty and the Beast :lovestruc


I tried to get an epic shot of the snake but I epicly failed :rotfl:

I love Fantasmic, so I was completely zoned in on the show! The music for Fantasmic is amazing… not to mention all of the cool technology! My mom claims that on our first trip in 2000, I was scared of all the fire and villains (which isn’t very surprising, because at that age, I was even scared of Dumbo the Flying Elephant!)


After I got this shot of Maleficent, I decided to look over at Mom to get her facial expression, since she loves Maleficent. I get a glimpse of her in the dark, and….

She’s fast asleep.


Remember how I said at the beginning of the TR that Mom can fall asleep during anything? Well, apparently, Fantasmic is included in there :lmao: I laughed for a few seconds, but then shook her awake when I realized what was happening! She woke up right away and was like, “OMG, did I fall asleep??” Uh, ya think? :laughing: She claims it was from the heat coming off of the fire and that it burned her eyes. Sure, sure Mom! Fortunately, she caught her second wind real quick and managed to see the end of the show. I'm never gonna let her live that one down!!

I think Fantasmic will become an every-trip tradition for us! We had a 13-year hiatus from it between 2002 and 2015, but our love for Fantasmic has rekindled!

After Fantasmic, it was time for park closing, so we headed on out with the masses. But, we took the super long way to explore around Echo Lake! We love looking around DHS at night. Be warned- I was very picture-happy and took lots of random photos of our journey!


One day, I will try of the famous milkshakes from Min and Bill’s Dockside Diner!


50’s Prime Time! If Sci-Fi wasn’t a thing, this would be our go-to restaurant at DHS!


Hi Gertie!


Fun Fact- As a kid, I was OBSESSED with “Who Framed Roger Rabbit.” My aunt had a copy of this movie and every single time we came over to her house, I asked to watch it. I probably watched that movie 50 times between 1999 and 2003. A few years ago, Tom and I saw it on Netflix and decided to watch it since I hadn’t seen it in ages. OMG, that movie is…..strange :confused: I was pretty shocked that my aunt had let me watch it at such a young age!

We browsed in a few shops before strolling out of the park. Bye DHS! After getting briefly lost (and attacked by a giant twig falling from a tree), we were finally headed towards our destination via the walking path!


This is one of my absolute favorite places in all of WDW. It has such a nostalgia factor for me, since we stayed at both the BC and YC when I was really starting to get into Disney World.

We had some time before our 10:20 ADR, so we decided to explore another resort that we haven't seen too much of: The Boardwalk Inn!


Mom and I adored BWI. It is so cute and quaint! The location and theming are awesome; we would love to stay here one day. And even though I hate clowns, the pool actually didn’t scare me as much as I thought it would.



Eeek! I could do without the glowing eyes though :crazy2:

Also, the little cottages at BWI are SO CUTE. I wish they would be like the cabins at the Fort and sleep more people; these guys only sleep 2! It is such a quirky little room and seems very romantic.


Nothing like the Boardwalk all lit up at night.

It was getting closer to 10, so we wandered around the Boardwalk, watching all of the nighttime entertainment. We also had to take a look at the Beach Club and its gift shop! They were starting their nightly movie out on the grass; it was Enchanted this night!



Can anyone else smell “the scent” just by looking at this picture? :love:


One of my favorite decorations on Disney property! Beside the seaside mural at the GF of course!

Finally, we made it to our little slice of heaven: Beaches and Cream!!


You can tell that we were starting to get tired at this point. We look sooooo rough :rotfl2: Those marathon days catch up to ya!

We were seated right away, in a little table in the back corner. Our waiter was very friendly and got us water right away. My mom needed a little bit of time to think, but I knew exactly what I wanted: the No Way Jose Sundae! Last time, Mom and I shared the Milky Way Sundae, but I was confident that I could take on the challenge of a whole sundae to myself!

Pretty soon, our orders came!!


The No Way Jose: “A peanut butter and hot fudge delight featuring chocolate and vanilla ice cream, peanut butter and chocolate morsels, whipped cream, and a cherry.” This guy was a monster!


Mom ordered her own custom sundae. This is what she likes to call a “Dusty Road”- vanilla ice cream, hot fudge, caramel, and lots and lots of malt powder sprinkled on top!

You can see in that picture how excited I was for my sundae. My fists are clenched, which is a telltale sign that I’m either excited or nervous :laughing:

Surprisingly, I made a good dent in my sundae! I am a classic example of “eyes are bigger than my stomach”; I always order a ton of food and never eat it. But, I was hungry and the cold sundae really hit the spot. It was ooey and gooey and everything I ever dreamed of. It was a close call, but I'd even say that it beats out the Milky Way Sundae! Mom loved her ice cream too! We vowed that the next time we go to WDW with more people, we’ll take on the Kitchen Sink! Beaches and Cream has become a tradition for us! I've made an ADR there for my past 3 trips in a row, if that says anything to how much I love it ;)

All of that ice cream was making us full, and we were starting to hit a wall! After settling the bill, we knew that we had to check out one more thing before heading back to the GF.


The Yacht Club! We stayed here back in 2013, and I love the nautical feel! I slightly prefer the YC to the Beach Club, because it is quieter and seems more adult. But, it also has a lot of conventioneers, so it can feel a bit less Disney than the BC. Maybe my preference for the YC has something to do with the amazing Boardwalk view they upgraded us to :ssst:

We checked out the gift shop, which like Summer Lace at the GF, had Lilly Pulitzer and Vineyard Vines clothes! Mom and I were THIS close to buying a bottle of wine (the pinnacle of a girl’s trip, amiright?), but figured that we’d fall asleep before even cracking it open :rotfl:

Mom called a cab out front at the YC and we just enjoyed the beautiful night while waiting. The cab took a bit longer than expected to arrive, but it was still super warm outside so we didn’t mind!

We got back to the Grand Floridian at about 11:35, where we took much-needed showers and watched another Lifetime Movie! This one was called “The Murder Pact.” :scared1: Both of us were exhausted, but the movie was really interesting so we stayed up for about 25 more minutes to watch it! Finally, we conked out at about 12:30. We had to be well rested for tomorrow: our last full park day and first time attempting rope-drop!!


Coming Up Next- Day 6: Part 1- “My Heart Has Wings, And I Can Fly!”

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Loving the update, goes perfect with my cup of coffee bright and early on this Tuesday morning!

Haha, isn't that weird how tall I look in pictures?? Here's a picture of me and my boyfriend for reference to my actual height

Haha yes this does picture does a better job at showing your actual height! PS- You two are so adorbable!

And then, a waft of extremely strong and foul body odor engulfed us…

Ugh. Really people?

Luckily, we scurried into an open spot a few rows down, and we were out of the stinky fumes! On with the show!!

pphheewww! This happened to my mom and I in the "American Adventure" in January, I legit covered my nose (ya know... b/c I'm a mature adult, haha!) hoping that the people would stop breaking wind...

She’s fast asleep.

OMG this is my favorite!! haha!! Your mom is so cute!!

After getting briefly lost (and attacked by a giant twig falling from a tree), we were finally headed towards our destination via the walking path!

Oh boy, I can totally see this happening!! I feel like my mom and I would be nervous to walk the path at night, is it lit? I know its Disney, but I'm a total scaredy cat. Good thing its DH and I going next month, I plan on using this path A LOT... he can be my protector! haha!

This is one of my absolute favorite places in all of WDW. It has such a nostalgia factor for me, since we stayed at both the BC and YC when I was really starting to get into Disney World.

It is so cute! I've never stayed there but I've visited several times! It really does feel like Cape Cod too... have you ever been? DH and I want to head down to Nantucket this summer after a weekend in the cape!

Can anyone else smell “the scent” just by looking at this picture?

I can't 'smell' it because for some reason I don't remember the scent from when I stayed at the BC in 2006 (terrible trip, long story, which included my grandmother/two cousins/mom and me all in one room. I was 18, cousins were 10/12...I digress). BUT now I'm SO SO SO excited to smell the smell in 37 days! (Ps- did a TR title just get created? 'do you smell the smell'? hm...)

Maybe my preference for the YC has something to do with the amazing Boaedwalk view they upgraded us to


We checked out the gift shop, which like Summer Lace at the GF, had Lilly Pulitzer and Vineyard Vines clothes!

YAY! I need to check this out, love me a good Vineyard Vines t shirt/hat. Plus, your Lily dresses always looks so cute, I've never had one, but maybe I'll try one on!

We got back to the Grand Floridian at about 11:35, where we took much-needed showers and watched another Lifetime Movie! This one was called “The Murder Pact.”

LOVE THIS! What is it about a girls trip that makes scary movies/shows feel so good? I always watch '48 Hours' on vacation when my mom and I go away, its so funny!

Ok enough rambling from me! :)
LOL that is hysterical that your mom fell asleep during Fantasmic! I've definitely caught my mom napping during attractions a few times :rotfl:

Love your nighttime shots both at DHS and the resorts!

Mmm both your sundaes look good! I gotta try the No Way Jose one day!

Sounds like a nice end to another great day :)
YES that's exactly what some of those surveys reminded me of! Like "Who's the last person you kissed?" Ummm.. no :rotfl:

:rotfl:So scandalous

AHH I actually just saw that Third Eye Blind is coming back to Summerfest in Milwaukee this year on the 4th of July! So yes, I am planning on going; I saw them back in 2015 and they were awesome :thumbsup2

Can't wait to see your answers in your PTR!! :goodvibes

They're coming here on the 1st! I saw them back in high school too but in a smaller venue. It was packed and we were near a guy so sweaty it was coming off and hitting us :crazy2:

Hope you had a great Easter Raven!! Please tag me in the post so I can see it when you do, I'd love to read your responses! :earboy2:

You too! I think I'm doing it this week. I had so much other stuff to post that I still haven't got to it. But I'll tag you!

We had some great seats that were close to the front, but a little bit off to the right side. We sat down and said, “Wow, these are awesome seats!” And then, a waft of extremely strong and foul body odor engulfed us….



She’s fast asleep.

Remember how I said at the beginning of the TR that Mom can fall asleep during anything? Well, apparently, Fantasmic is included in there :lmao: I laughed for a few seconds, but then shook her awake when I realized what was happening! She woke up right away and was like, “OMG, did I fall asleep??” Uh, ya think? :laughing: She claims it was from the heat coming off of the fire and that it burned her eyes. Sure, sure Mom!

:rotfl: Josh is like that too and he makes excuses like he "was just resting his eyes".

I think Fantasmic will become an every-trip tradition for us! We had a 13-year hiatus from it between 2002 and 2015, but our love for Fantasmic has rekindled.

I love Fantasmic! We just saw it and I'm debating that or Illuminations for our next trip (which we haven't seen since our first trip).

Fun Fact- As a kid, I was OBSESSED with “Who Framed Roger Rabbit.” My aunt had a copy of this movie and every single time we came over to her house, I asked to watch it. I probably watched that movie 50 times between 1999 and 2003. A few years ago, Tom and I saw it on Netflix and decided to watch it since I hadn’t seen it in ages. OMG, that movie is…..strange :confused: I was pretty shocked that my aunt had let me watch it at such a young age!
Josh loved that movie too! I've only seen it once as a kid. I wanted to watch it again soon. I was shocked when I watched Gremlins as an adult! I watched it when I was like 4? It was not for 4 year olds!


Eeek! I could do without the glowing eyes though :crazy2:

Me too ah!

and watched another Lifetime Movie! This one was called “The Murder Pact.” :scared1: Both of us were exhausted, but the movie was really interesting so we stayed up for about 25 more minutes to watch it! Finally, we conked out at about 12:30.

I don't think it's the same one, but I watched one where 2 girls has babies at the same time but in different situations and one coveted the others life, but that girl coveted more money and it ended in murder too. I can't remember the title though I liked it though :rotfl:
I know I'm way behind on the Q&A thing but I love the idea and I've enjoyed reading your answers and everyone else's! I know you said to copy and paste, but b/c I'm a technological reject I just quoted them all :hyper:

1. Do you have any pets?
Yes, 2 kitties. I 20 lb. monster named Jackie and a little calico girl named Jazzy.

2. What is your middle name?
Elizabeth, which was my grandmother's middle name.

3. How old are you?
Um....older than anyone else who has answered these questions :rolleyes1

4. What is your favorite food?
Not sure.........but probably boring pizza. I could eat it every night!

5. What is one food that you cannot stand to eat?
Cilantro. Which I guess is a veggie - or a grass lol - but it tastes like dish soap to me.

6. Have you ever been to a different country?
Mexico once.

7. What is your favorite band/music artist?
Motley Crue, Aerosmith, Metallica

8. What is your favorite TV show?
Right now Shameless which has to be just about the best TV show of all time; for many years and a close 2nd, also the total opposite of Shameless, I loved Little House on the Prairie :)

9. How many siblings do you have?
I younger sister

10. What is your eye color?

11. What is your favorite movie?
Hard to say! Disney wise probably Peter Pan and Zootpia; otherwise Gone with the Wind, Grease, the original Nightmare on Elm Street, and Never Been Kissed.

12. What is your favorite color?

13. What is your favorite candy?
Anything with chocolate and PB!

14. Where is your favorite place to buy clothes/shop?
Kohl's and JCPenney, and for Disney Hot Topic ::MinnieMo::MickeyMo

15. What was your favorite subject in school?

16. What is your favorite drink?
Diet Coke, cappuccino, and for many years until I had kids and decided any alcohol would do, Malibu Baybreeze.

17. What is your favorite book?
Anything by Stephen King

18. Have you ever played any sports?
Absolutely never. I hated sports until my kids started playing basketball, which I now really, really enjoy, but I hate every other sport :duck:

19. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Mint chocolate chip

20. How tall are you?
A whopping 5'3" and shrinking weekly!

21. What is your favorite smell?
Lillies of the Valley

22. Do you have a special talent?

23. Who is your favorite actor?
Johnny Depp, Robert De Niro

24. What is your favorite holiday?

14. Where is your favorite place to buy clothes/shop?

Banana Republic, Target, & Ann Taylor Loft (does this make me old?)
LMAO if it does than I'm old, too!

I get a glimpse of her in the dark, and….

She’s fast asleep.

but I knew exactly what I wanted: the No Way Jose Sundae!
I love this! It's what I get whenever we go there :thumbsup2

We checked out the gift shop, which like Summer Lace at the GF, had Lilly Pulitzer and Vineyard Vines clothes!
Ooh, good to know about Vineyard Vines! My nephew loves their clothes and other than one outlet near us we don't have anywhere that sells their clothes around here. I know it's kind of far out of my way to go to get him something but I do get his brothers things when we're down there and he's kind of old for Disney souvenirs, so a VV shirt would work.
Glad you were able to find seats out of the stink zone lol! Very funny about your mom taking a quick nap during Fantasmic, it would be tough to sleep on those seats! Your ice cream looks so good right now. We have not stayed at YC yet I actually liked the BWV better than the BCV, our room faced the creepy clown pool, I loved it lol!
Falling asleep during fantasmic has got to be hard to achieve. With the noise and hard seats I couldn't imagine doing it.


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