A Dwarf For Every Emotion: A 2017 Dopey (Grumpy?!) Challenge Trip Report! COMPLETE

I've been reading along with your training and travels for a while (without commenting) and I'm looking forward to reading about this one! Congratulations on all your hard work and the well deserved reward of ALL. THE. BLING!!
Hooray! Very excited to follow along with your report!

Also very jealous that you are one of those people that can sleep on planes. Waking up on descent sounds amazing!

Yeah, getting a combined 7-8 hours of sleep the two nights before a trip will do that to a person! :faint:
Agh! I need to add one more thing to my planning list....Naming my suitcase. Hmmm :scratchin
It's a vacation planning step that is not often talked about. ::yes::
For the only ride I'll just guess "Ariel's Undersea Adventure"...which is what you could have named the rainy half if they actually allowed you to run it! (PS I know I'm probably wrong, but I wanted to make that joke)
It's a good joke!!

Your guess has been taken into consideration...you're winning by default since you are the only one that has guessed so far! :wizard:
Dwarf time! I love it!

Looking forward to reading all about the trip ... which hopefully included the contents of Big Purple!
Ready to join in and read all about it. We are still here in Orlando (Universal now) and dreading going back to the real world soon.
JEALOUS!! :sad: Hope you guys are having a blast!
I think half my watched threads are your trip reports! Can't wait for this one! :yay:
Yay! :wave:
Looking forward to the TR. We were at W&D with you.
Yep, I remember seeing you around the W&D thread! :wave:
Yay, a trip report! Following. :)
Yay! :wave:
@Ariel484 it was one of your earlier trip reports that made me want to sign-up for a runDisney race. Looking forward to reading this one!
Does that mean that runDisney owes me a cut of their profits?? :teeth:
I've been reading along with your training and travels for a while (without commenting) and I'm looking forward to reading about this one! Congratulations on all your hard work and the well deserved reward of ALL. THE. BLING!!
Thank you!! :yay:
Expo Visit #1

I hopped off of the plane and headed to the Fake-o-rail, and then...to baggage claim! For the first time ever on a Disney trip, I was *gasp* renting a car! I was proud that I remembered to go and collect Big Purple instead of just blindly heading toward the Magical Express area.

But...the moment of truth...did Big Purple make it?! :faint:

I waited a few minutes, and there she was! :banana: Lumbering around the baggage claim belt! Yay!

From here I headed to the Alamo car rental desk. I had somehow scored a screamin' deal on my car ($159 for the entire trip) - I didn't realize how good that was until recently when I was hunting deals for my next trip (where I can’t find anything less than $350 for the same type of car for the same number of days...ouch! :(). I did a good job of turning down all of the extras, except that I got suckered into paying them extra to fill the gas tank at the end instead of doing it myself. Ah well.

I headed out and across the street to pick out my car - a Toyota Corolla!

(This is from later in the trip.)

I LOVED this car. My car that I drive at home is a 2009, so this Corolla had a few bells and whistles that mine doesn't (back-up camera and Bluetooth were two in particular that I really enjoyed having). But mostly I loved the freedom that this car gave me. I already had all of my stuff with me and I didn’t have to rely on buses. It took me a bit to get the hang of driving around property, but the signage is pretty good and my phone helped out when I got lost. So I think I have converted to wanting to rent a car on pretty much every Disney trip! Here’s hoping I can score a deal for February...

Anyway, I picked out my car a little before noon and loaded Big Purple and Little Red inside. Next stop - the expo!

I was on-property by 12:18...way faster than DME! I had my phone navigate me right to Wide World of Sports. I thought this would be a great idea to just head there and get packet pick-up, etc. done first. There was a bit of construction around the turn I needed to take to enter the complex and a lot of traffic...this should have been a sign that this was a mistake.

I was walking in at about 12:45…….


It didn’t take long to figure out that this place was a madhouse - the most crowded I have ever seen it. I think because this year it didn’t open until noon (with early hours for people who had paid for the Race Retreat) - in past years it has opened to everyone at 10. I’d forgotten about the late opening, so I was there right in the thick of things. Ugghhhhhh.

My first stop was the New Balance shoe area. I’d made a reservation for Haunted Mansion shoes! I tried those on and on a whim bought both those and the Space Mountain shoes (but would I keep them…???).

I briefly thought about trying to check out the official merchandise, but then I saw a huge line wrapped around to get into the area to shop! There wasn’t anything I wanted that badly, so I ditched that idea!

The final stop I made in this building was the (crowded) runDisney booth to check out the Princess Half Marathon Weekend medals. I was so sure they would be better in person than the teaser pictures...they were a little better, but overall I’m underwhelmed. They’re small! Still larger than most running participation medals, but for a Disney race weekend, they’re kind of small. I’ll still be happy to get them next month, though! :)

From there I headed to the bib-pickup area...and for the first time ever, in 10 runDisney weekends (this being my 4th here at WDW Marathon Weekend), I had to wait in a line to get into the bib pick-up building. There was a guy screaming at a CM for trying to direct the crowd, but for the most part, people were just bemused by the whole thing. It was WEIRD.


I got my bibs, took my challenge picture (so they could make sure it was actually me completing all of the races) and then headed across the room to get my race shirts. This is one great perk of being a challenge runner - you don’t actually have to go into the expo building at all unless you want to shop. And there’s usually a small selection of merchandise in the bib pick-up building.

Next I headed to the "pre-order solutions" booth upstairs. I’d pre-ordered a Goofy pin bundle, but since I had transferred to Dopey, they had no record of my pin order at the Dopey bib pick-up booth. They did have my name in the system at the solutions booth, so I got my pin bundle with Goofy, marathon and half marathon pins. I then perused the merchandise here - the only things I really wanted were I Did It shirts and Sweaty Bands. They didn’t have the shirts here (those were in the other building, but I decided to pass on those for now - see why below) but they did have the Sweaty Bands, so I grabbed one each for the marathon and Dopey Challenge. And then I headed outside and back to the car.

So like I said, I was interested in getting a couple of shirts...but not interested enough to wait in THE BIGGEST LINE I HAVE EVER SEEN ANYWHERE WHAT IS THIS MADNESS???


Nope. Bye.


"Hooray! I get to leave!"


Disney Springs

I hadn’t gotten a text that my room was ready yet, so I decided to head to Disney Springs! Very easy drive, and as dumb as it sounds, the Lime parking garage was cool with how it showed space availability. I wish my work garage had that.

I parked and headed downstairs. This was my first time here since...2014 maybe? So I hadn't seen the changes yet. And it’s such a nice area! I know it’s *just* a glorified mall, but I liked it!

They had runDisney banners set up everywhere!

First stop - coffee!

Next I headed to the Marketplace Co-op to check out the phone cases and purses. I was tempted by a few things but didn’t make any purchases.


I did buy something at the Christmas store though! I picked out a purple Mickey head ornament to get personalized with something like “Dopey Challenge” on it...but when I was walking by the register I noticed that they already had some done, and one was with the exact ornament I was holding. So I just grabbed that one!

After that, I headed to Wolfgang Puck Express for a late (3:15PM) lunch. This Greek salad was really good but I was still hungry after…

During "lunch" I got a text that my room was ready! Yay!

I still had a few more stops I wanted to make. I stopped into Sephora first (basically my favorite store ever)...

...and then, like any basic white girl, I headed to Sprinkles! Strawberry cupcake...it was good but not life-changing.

I Instagrammed it, of course...because if you didn’t instagram your Sprinkles cupcake, did you really eat it? :)

Up next: Resort #1!
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Ok, so I know we have similar tastes...aka I buy pretty much anything that you mention on your journal. So aside from being my personal stylists (should you be charging me a fee at this point?) I think you may also be my spirit animal!
Because, Ummm.....First stop coffee (let's be honest, it's first stop, second stop, last stop, etc for me), followed by ornaments, sephora and sprinkles??? OK, so were we long lost twins switched at birth? That's pretty much my exact planned itinerary for post expo time at DL this year. Or maybe I'm just officially very BASIC. Whatever? I'll own it :)
FYI: my fave is the black and white cupcake...it's not anything fancy but it's my thing. Red velvet is alright, but my local bakery does it better so I'm a snob about it. My work used to have mini ones brought in for special occasions but not anymore :(

PS that line is what nightmares are made of for me.
PS thank you for saying Hi to the HM shoes for me
I am here and following along!

I was very surprised at how busy WDW was this year during marathon weekend. The previous two years were not anything like that. We didn't get to the expo until around 3-ish. There was no line then and all the merchandise I wanted was still there thankfully. I wonder if race retreat will become more popular next year because of the early access.

Love the ornament, and it will now be a Dopey Challenge that will be remembered for ever ;).
Isn't it great having your own vehicle at Disney?!! We love it but have to drive from VA...ugh! 12 hrs! Much cheaper than flying, have our own transportation but I tack on an extra day or two of vacay! Win win!!

Holy Hannah...tell me about the PHM weekend prices! Fingers crossed that your rental car prices come down! I know this procrastinator hasn't bought her ticket down because the prices are outrageous! I better bite the bullet soon because it's right around the corner!

The expo looks insane! I thought that W&D wasn't bad for this rookie but I don't think I'm ready the PHM mayhem (at least the stories I've read).

O-M-G....ghirardelli...heaven and the cupcake, "angels are singing!!" Lol
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Yay! Big Purple made it!
We have a 2015 (I think) Corolla ... the bells and whistles are great (not that I drive the car, but I've been in it enough to know that the people who drive it appreciate it). When we first got the car, my dad was basically obsessed with using the Bluetooth to call people. I think the joy has worn off a bit as the car has aged, but still ... I know he appreciates having both the bluetooth and the camera.

Holy crackers that expo line is crazy. I do not blame you for skipping that. I am definitely never going to an expo that close to opening again (although this 12pm open this makes me feel like maybe it'll still be chaotic in the afternoon, which is frustrating). At least you got most of what you wanted and got out of there!

I am very excited that you went to Ghirardelli for coffee. It's my favorite place for coffee in Disney Springs. Everyone always says go to Starbucks ... no. Go to Starbucks in the parks. Go to Ghirardelli at Disney Springs. Their coffee is awesome.
I agree those lines look ridiculous, it makes me actually glad to have only been to the expo on the second day.
Yeah, it was bad. I had just totally forgotten that they were opening the expo to everyone at noon...if they'd opened it at 10AM like they used to, it would have been better. Ugh.
Following along..... Did my first half at Wine and Dine and enjoyed your TR from that one.
Thanks! :yay:
Ok, so I know we have similar tastes...aka I buy pretty much anything that you mention on your journal. So aside from being my personal stylists (should you be charging me a fee at this point?) I think you may also be my spirit animal!
Because, Ummm.....First stop coffee (let's be honest, it's first stop, second stop, last stop, etc for me), followed by ornaments, sephora and sprinkles??? OK, so were we long lost twins switched at birth? That's pretty much my exact planned itinerary for post expo time at DL this year. Or maybe I'm just officially very BASIC. Whatever? I'll own it :)
I totally thought of you when I went to Sephora - no joke. I was going to take a picture and tag you in the Marathon Weekend thread! :rotfl2: You can pay me my stylist fee in the form of coffee, ornaments, Sephora Giftcards or cupcakes. I'm not picky!
FYI: my fave is the black and white cupcake...it's not anything fancy but it's my thing. Red velvet is alright, but my local bakery does it better so I'm a snob about it. My work used to have mini ones brought in for special occasions but not anymore :(
Black & white - will keep that in mind for my next visit!!
PS that line is what nightmares are made of for me.
PS thank you for saying Hi to the HM shoes for me
It was really the worst. I still can't believe how insane that was.
I am here and following along!
I was very surprised at how busy WDW was this year during marathon weekend. The previous two years were not anything like that. We didn't get to the expo until around 3-ish. There was no line then and all the merchandise I wanted was still there thankfully. I wonder if race retreat will become more popular next year because of the early access.
Yeah, I guess people were just extending their holiday vacations? I totally was not expecting that. Next time I'll be waiting until, like, dinner time or something.
Love the ornament, and it will now be a Dopey Challenge that will be remembered for ever ;).
I know, right?? :upsidedow
Isn't it great having your own vehicle at Disney?!! We love it but have to drive from VA...ugh! 12 hrs! Much cheaper than flying, have our own transportation but I tack on an extra day or two of vacay! Win win!!
OMG YES! I used to think I would never drive around property but I have totally hanged my mind! I love the freedom and TIME it gave me!
Holy Hannah...tell me about the PHM weekend prices! Fingers crossed that your rental car prices come down! I know this procrastinator hasn't bought her ticket down because the prices are outrageous! I better bite the bullet soon because it's right around the corner!
OMG, okay - so I booked my flight awhile back and THANK GOD I had a travel voucher because it was like $528 RT!! My voucher was for $500 and I think I had to use it all in one shot, so I just did it and paid the $25. The rental cars are tough right now...I saw one on Priceline for like $260, so better than what I was seeing but still not as good as the one I just had. Not sure if I should just book the $260 or what?
The expo looks insane! I thought that W&D wasn't bad for this rookie but I don't think I'm ready the PHM mayhem (at least the stories I've read).
I feel like PHM will be a whole other level. After this weekend I definitely plan on waiting to go to the expo later in the day!
O-M-G....ghirardelli...heaven and the cupcake, "angels are singing!!" Lol
Yes!! Basically a perfect visit to Disney Springs!
Yay! Big Purple made it!
It was touch and go, but the allure of the Florida sun was too much for Big Purple to pass up!
We have a 2015 (I think) Corolla ... the bells and whistles are great (not that I drive the car, but I've been in it enough to know that the people who drive it appreciate it). When we first got the car, my dad was basically obsessed with using the Bluetooth to call people. I think the joy has worn off a bit as the car has aged, but still ... I know he appreciates having both the bluetooth and the camera.
To me that car is like a technological marvel! I did use the Bluetooth at one point to call Mr. Ariel484 and that was pretty cool. I liked the back-up camera a lot!
Holy crackers that expo line is crazy. I do not blame you for skipping that. I am definitely never going to an expo that close to opening again (although this 12pm open this makes me feel like maybe it'll still be chaotic in the afternoon, which is frustrating). At least you got most of what you wanted and got out of there!
This, exactly. I thought I was being smart and I just forgot that it was opening so late. I hate the trend of them having people pay extra to get in early, because I think it really screwed up things for everyone else that arrived around the time that I did.
I am very excited that you went to Ghirardelli for coffee. It's my favorite place for coffee in Disney Springs. Everyone always says go to Starbucks ... no. Go to Starbucks in the parks. Go to Ghirardelli at Disney Springs. Their coffee is awesome.
Yes, I totally agree!! There are, what, 4-6 Starbucks locations in WDW, but only one Ghiradelli! Iced caramel latte from Ghiradelli is my go-to when I am at Downtown Disney/Disney Springs! :lovestruc
Yay another run Disney TR!! :yay:
I just cannot believe that expo line! The whole VIP access thing just seems super greedy on Disney's part, and just rubs me the wrong way. :sad2:
I am headed to the Star Wars expo on Friday...after my plane lands...right about when it opens at noon...hoping I don't run into those kinds of crowds! :scared:
Looking forward to reading along!
The funny thing is that my latest Sephora purchase was literally this morning. I just had to get my "birthday freebie" and re-up my flash shipping and a couple $6 lip balms and scrubs just accidentally fell into my cart. Oooops.

The Disney Sephora isn't any different than a regular sephora right? No matter, I'll still go just to say that I did :)
Yay for arrival and that Big Purple made it. That expo line is completely insane. I just can't imagine any merchandise being worth that!!

We didn't make it over to Disney Springs this year and kinda bummed we didn't fit it in.
OMG, okay - so I booked my flight awhile back and THANK GOD I had a travel voucher because it was like $528 RT!! My voucher was for $500 and I think I had to use it all in one shot, so I just did it and paid the $25. The rental cars are tough right now...I saw one on Priceline for like $260, so better than what I was seeing but still not as good as the one I just had. Not sure if I should just book the $260 or what?

$260 for a popular weekend seems like a pretty good deal. If you decide it's too much, Uber is always a good option too. Trips around WDW are about $8-$10 each time.
I headed out and across the street to pick out my car - a Toyota Corolla!

Nice! I rented a car for the first time at W&D and even though I reserved (and paid in advance for) an economy car they gave me a minivan because that was all that was left! It was awful! I was terrified of driving it the whole time! But on the upside I didn't have to pay for any gas because I was able to convince them that an economy car would have used waaaay less gas than a giant minivan.


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