One Dope, One Goof and a Mickey Marathoner Take on 114.1* **: A WDW Marathon Weekend PTR (UD 12/16)

Also glad to have seen your shameless plug on the running thread. I think I had seen this briefly at one point and meant to come back to it and then totally forgot about it!!! I'm watching it now though! :sail:

Love the story and picture of you with the Fairy Godmother - so awesome and a wonderful tradition to have. I can't believe how close it is getting now!!
Five Weeks (34 Days) To Go:

Don't expect a lot of pictures in this update, or a lot of updatey-things. But, I promise ALL the feels. So, here we go:

By The Numbers:
Days Until the WDW Marathon Expo
39: Days Until the WDW Marathon
114.1: Total Miles run by the four of us over the course of four days

What's everyone up to this week?

These are going to be short, because ... really, at this point - you're at the right mileage or else you're just wishinghopingpraying to make it through.

So, here goes!

M: Up to 36 miles a week with a long run of 19 miles. CRUSHED it. On pace for a sub-4:45 marathon. Bought her Race Retreat as a Christmas gift so she has a place to stretch and get a massage, since she's going for time and will have to wait for us dummies going for "fun".

B: Prepping for a sub-2:00 half attempt at St. Jude this weekend in Memphis. If not, she's counting on @FFigawi to get her there during Marathon Weekend.

Me: Fell short of my 10K PR by about 3 minutes over Thanksgiving, but feeling strong and great. 10-mile run two days after the 10K was a mess, but mostly thanks to SUPER windy weather. Still under 13:00/mile, so ... no complaints!

My Favorite Things
(One in an occasional series of my favorite things about WDW Marathon Weekend!)

5. "Go The Distance" - My WDW Marathon Story

The 2016 Walt Disney World Marathon was one of the best days of my life. I will never forget it. It's one of those experiences that I never thought I'd have, yet hope EVERYONE gets to experience in their life. I'll do my best to tell the story ... so, here goes:

"I have often dreamed of a far off place
Where a hero's welcome would be waiting for me"


That's me! About a year old - and my mom was really good at masking the cast by always making me wear tall, white socks.

The cast was because I was born with a clubfoot, and in 1981 the only true solution was casting. So, from birth, I got to wear a cool plaster cast to try to correct a birth defect.

SPOILER ALERT: It didn't work.

By the time I graduated high school, I'd had twelve different surgeries just for my foot. I'd had bone grafts and ligaments mined from other parts of my body to try and give me a shot at "being normal". I was finally given a heel from bone of a cadaver, I have an arch thanks to three fusions in my midfoot and quite a few pieces of hardware. I have an Achilles tendon that full stretches thanks to two Zorro-esque cuts in my existing tendon. But all that aside ...

I was told that being able to walk was awesome for me. Running? Nah. Probably not going to happen.

But here I was, 15 years past my last surgery and looking for something to help me get through a hard point in my life. You can read about it here: 12 Months of Medals.

ANYWAY. For 2016, I was planning on running the WDW Marathon as my first-ever Marathon, which I'd been told was crazy because of my foot and everything along with that ... but that didn't stop me from thinking about it, training - and ultimately running a Marathon.

"Where the crowds will cheer, when they see my face
And a voice keeps saying this is where I'm meant to be"

After running my first RunDisney races, I knew that if I was going to do a Marathon, it was going to be here.


Beth, Sawyer and myself make our way to our corral for the Marathon. I was Corralled in L for the Marathon, so the girls opted to drop back and take on the Marathon from this spot.

The night before, we'd promised each other that we'd abide by the following MARATHON RULES:
  1. No Crying on Race Day
  2. Run When You Can
  3. Walk When You Must
  4. Mandatory Dance Break at ALL Bands
  5. Defeat the Yeti
  6. Nobody Gets on a Bus
So, a quick run-through of the rules and we were all set, on the same page ... and maybe ready to go? B was the only one completely calm at that point, but I was oddly calm ... no tears, no fear of tears.

For the Marathon, while you're in "corrals" they tend to send you off more in "waves" -- once your corral starts moving towards the start line, you need to get everything ready to go - make sure your watch is connected to GPS, etc., because you're basically doing a rolling walk to the start line and then it's off for the Marathon!

Between the three of us, we'd agreed on a conservative walk/run interval given the weather conditions at race start (um, yeah, 74 degrees and 100-percent humidity just after 6 a.m.), so we just made our way through with that - which actually enabled us to stay together and timed out correctly to by-pass large groups of people that had to walk together on our run intervals to get to clear space. At one point, B found an unopened package of Honey Stinger Chews on the ground right before the Magic Kingdom Parking gate, kicked it down the road and then realized "HEY! Those aren't open!". She grabbed them off the ground, stuffed them in her pocket and is now known as the "Marathon Ferret" - we had to stop her from picking up discarded Mermaid-patterned arm sleeves at the TTC. :(

We wound through the TTC, under the water bridge and then to backstage of Magic Kingdom. I'd told the girls beforehand that this was one of the spots that intervals were COMPLETELY out the window, and that we'd all catch up and all catch up with the intervals at some point. Why?

Because this was our first cheering section!!! My husband and my parents were spread out along Main Street and by the castle, wearing #TeamKeels shirts. The first person I saw right out of the gate was my husband - jumping up and down behind people, yelling "Go Keels! That's Keels! Team Keels! My Wife's a Badass!!!" and I guess I just kept running super hard, because next thing I remember, we're going through the castle and S is grabbing my arm and pointing out my parents right outside the castle! I waved at them and then we were on our way, winding back out of the Magic Kingdom and to infamous "Cone Alley".

"I'll be there someday, I can go the distance
I will find my way if I can be strong"

"Cone Alley" is a tight, tight stretch that runs from backstage of Magic Kingdom, and the between the Magnolia Golf Course and the Grand Floridian. This stretch is replicated during the WDW Half Marathon, but the positive of the half course is that once you hit the gas station, it's straight back to familiar territory at Epcot.

For me? I was about to hit uncharted territory. And instead of heading towards the Clif Gel spot at Mile 9, we took a turn and started to head towards Bear Island Road.

We were still making decent time, at the Marathon Ferret found it advantageous that she picked up those chews on the road as S ended up eating all of her grain bar (**insert head shake here**), so she was down a fuel source. But we settled in to a good routine, which ultimately was the girls would go out faster than me on the interval, and I would run to catch up/pass them and then we'd just keep doing that/trading off who was running with or chatting with someone else while the third did a run interval.

MY goal was to ride Expedition Everest, and that's how we structured the first-half of our marathon plan. So, we hit EE at 9:17 and I have my first panic attack. I WANTED to ride EE, but I was so afraid of being swept ... there was NO line. We could've done it. And ... we kept moving. The girls used a real bathroom, I refilled my bottles on my belt and their bottles, and then we were back off. 14 miles down, 12.2 to go ...

And then you hit the stretch of Osceola Parkway. At roughly Mile 15, it hit me - even though I'd done this distance in a training run before, I'd never done it in a race before ... and maybe it was me going in to race surrealism, but I kind of zoned out.

Until Mile 16. MILE 16 WAS THE WORST. I have no problem saying that. You climb the overpass, with nothing to look forward to. I was hungry, I was hot ... and all I could smell was McDonalds, and all I could see was trampled fries on the road. And I hated EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY. This race was bull. This challenge was bull. This weather was bull. My friends were bull. WHY DIDN'T I JUST HAVE FRIES RIGHT THERE. I told the girls that I was going to take an extra walk minute at this point, because I needed a moment to collect my thoughts, and frankly, I was done.
Me: "My legs feel like lead and I really need to take an extra minute walk right here."
S: "They feel like lead, do they? Well, I bet they'll feel like lead where you're sitting on a bus - so, let's get this moving."

I put my headphones in, and we kept moving forward ...

"I know every mile would be worth my while
When I go the distance, I'll be right where I belong"

And then ... we're at Wide World of Sports, Mile 17. This was what I'd always know was my "telling point" - I'd prepared myself (positively) for the fact that, given where I started in the Marathon, that this would be where I knew where I stood. I know I could finish, but would I finish in the time?

We head into WWoS and all three of us head STRAIGHT to a bench and stretch. It felt AMAZING. That two minutes? Probably bought us 20 minutes.

I like WWoS. I like the snaking, the mix of running surfaces, even the bananas.

I'd researched this route extensively, and knew that this was going to be the telling point for me in this race, given where I was starting. We pop out of WWoS and hit the Mile 20 marker ... and the Mile 17 is empty. The race team is breaking down the water table right before the Mile 20 marker. The DJ is telling us to run as hard as we can if we want to finish.

I. Freak. Out.

I take off like a shot (frankly, like that's going to help in the grand scheme - but Marathon's do crazy things to you), and the B & S catch up to me and tell me to slow down, I still have a few miles to go.

So I walk, reset our intervals, and head back on.

And then a fleet of Florida State Troopers on motorcycles pull up next to us ... and I start to take off again. I run as fast as I can, as hard as I can.

Then, I hear the lead motorcycle call out to me on his microphone "Looking good, you've got balloons four miles behind you! Keep going!"

And I broke my rule - no crying on Race Day.

"And a thousand years would be worth the wait
It might take a lifetime but somehow I'll see it through"

I cried. Like, ugly cried.

B: "No! This is a good cry! We're going to finish! We're good!"

And then S started crying too.

We hugged, S may have shown her lady-parts to everybody when she ripped off the lace panties she'd been running in at the Med Tent, yelled at them, and then we all trudged on.

At this point, the surprise was out and I knew I would have @FFigawi to see me at Beach Club. I also knew my husband and friends were outside of the Swolphin.

As we traversed DHS, at some point B & S got separated from me because of the crosswalk procedure. But I had a chance to hug and help another sad runner as she left her friends in the backstage area of DHS.

At this point, I popped my running up the best I could - people were watching and I was ruining their park day! I raced as hard as I could out of DHS, into the bus loop and then ...

"And I won't look back, I can go the distance
And I'll stay on track, no I won't accept defeat"

To the pathway to the Boardwalk. I knew there, at some point, I'd see my husband and my friends ... and hopefully a frosty beer.

And I wasn't wrong!

My friend Adam did a HUGE soccer-style chant about us killing the marathon while I chugged a beer. My husband hugged me, and then started crying (he's not very emotional), and then we were off!

And then not even a half-mile later, there he was ... the guy that got me in to all of this: @FFigawi. He gave me a huge hug, told me I looked good and to remember that I had to go from UK to France, around the rest of the Showcase, down to the Choir and I was a Marathoner.


"It's an uphill slope
But I won't lose hope, 'till I go the distance"

So, S & I take off (B had left earlier to get a Grey Goose slush for us to share for a short walk), and we meet up with her in France (Mile 25). We share the drink, finish off our water belt fluid, and then decide that we're going to go back to our intervals. So, we fire it up and ...

At the African Outpost, I feel a severe pop in my foot, right at my big toe. I pull up and immediately pull my shoe off and ask if my bones are popping out of my skin (I had a nightmare about that prior to race week - that my bones just up and left my body) - S took a look and said I maybe just had a blister (it was not a blister) and that I should put my shoes back on and we'd just walk until we saw the finish line and then we'd run. Also, that it wasn't a big deal (she's a liar).

So, we walk. My foot starts feeling better, so I say I can run, but the girls hold me back ...

We pass the Gospel Choir singing "Happy", and then we turn the corner and S tells me "If you can run, you should run" ... and I do.

And immediately to my left, I see my parents. My Mom is crying and mouthing that she loves me. My Dad? He's crying and filming everything on his iPad. I run as hard as I can, with everything left I have in me for those last .2 miles. To show everybody that I could do it.

To remind me that I could do it.

So my foot knows it could do it.

I'm a Marathoner

Best. Day. Ever.
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Darn it @Keels you got me crying at work! You are such an inspiration! So proud of you (is it weird to have a stranger say that to you??)! :hug:
You were right when you said this update had all the feels- wow!! That was one of the best marathon recaps I've ever read. You go Keels!!
I knew most of this already and I'm tearing up at work too. Great update! So inspirational. It makes me want to go RIGHT NOW. I can't wait for January to get here!!
Wonderful marathon story!! So happy that you are running again and ready to be a marathoner again!!
Darn it @Keels you got me crying at work! You are such an inspiration! So proud of you (is it weird to have a stranger say that to you??)! :hug:

You were right when you said this update had all the feels- wow!! That was one of the best marathon recaps I've ever read. You go Keels!!

I knew most of this already and I'm tearing up at work too. Great update! So inspirational. It makes me want to go RIGHT NOW. I can't wait for January to get here!!

Great story! I can't wait to experience a marathon myself.

Wonderful marathon story!! So happy that you are running again and ready to be a marathoner again!!

Thanks, guys!

It actually felt really good to write this recap out ... mentally, I'd been struggling mentally for a while and I was starting to get worried about Dopey. But after writing it all out and remembering all the details, it really helped to ease some fears and remind me what my goal is - to do the impossible, yet again, to spend time with my family and favorite people and keep making happy memories. I'm not going to win, I'm not going to place, I'm not going to BQ or anything like that - but I AM going to finish. It's just miles - and miles I've done before.
This is a great update, but I have no idea how you can remember that much detail! For 2015, I can remember that I ran a marathon and I loved it. OK, I remember a little more than that but not a lot! I love "it's just miles - and miles I've done before." :) Very true.
This is a great update, but I have no idea how you can remember that much detail! For 2015, I can remember that I ran a marathon and I loved it. OK, I remember a little more than that but not a lot! I love "it's just miles - and miles I've done before." :) Very true.

I'll tell you what ... I felt like I was going to have a hard time writing my Marathon recap, but it all flowed out pretty easily! I mean, I got overly emotional about it for sure (like, the tears were a-flowin'!), but it's all pretty much etched in my memory. I think it's because the besties and I talk about it often. Or maybe I just have Dopey-related PTSD. Either way, it was fun for me to relive it again just typing it out. :D
Creative Keels Update!

So, my pals from the RunDisney board will know that I LOVE to make shirts/costumes for race weekends.

But I also like to surprise my girlfriends on these RunCations with a box full of weekend race treats that I custom-make ... ears, tees and tanks, luggage tags, etc.

So, I'm currently working on care packages for Marathon Weekend and I just wanted to share one of the shirts I made tonight!

I wanted something we could all wear on Friday (our first day together in the parks!) before the rest of the non-Dopey runners get to the Expo to pick up official merch and race weekend gear.

Here it is ... my Marathon Weekend 2017 design!!


It's a royal blue long-length crew-neck shirt from my new FAVORITE shirt maker (Bella + Canvas). I wanted to make the shirts what I feel is the "signature" color of Marathon Weekend - royal blue.

The front design details all the races for the race weekend (minus Kids Races, but nobody in our group is doing those), and then has the Runner Mickey logo on the left sleeve. On the back of the shirt is what each of us are doing that weekend (48.6, 39.3 or 26.2 or Bust! or Head Cheerleader for A who is coming to spectate).

Really thrilled with how these turned out - and I hope the crew likes them too!!
Super cute shirts!! I agree, I LOVE the Bella + Canvas shirts.

Also, THANK YOU for writing out that recap. I feel like I needed to read something like that, too. Truly inspiring. :hug:
Four Weeks (33 Days) To Go:

Another shorty update ... we're getting down to the last days (for me!) before my Marathon Weekend trip begins! This one is going to be more for first-timers to Marathon Weekend (and Dopey first-timers). So, vets of Dopey and other RunDisney races, please chime in if you have any other helpful advice!

By The Numbers:
Days Until I arrive in Orlando
27: Days Until the WDW Marathon Expo
31: Days Until the WDW Marathon
114.1: Total Miles run by the four of us over the course of four days

What's everyone up to this week?

B: Had a great finish at the St. Jude Half Marathon. This is a race that is very near and dear to her - she raised over $700 for St. Jude this year! She fell a couple seconds short of a goal time, but the weather was a little questionable and she's still recovering from a knee injury, so that's about as good as she can expect! We did have a chat about Marathon Weekend goals ... and, happily, I think she and I are both on the same page. She's taken little-to-no time off running since Chicago, and with the fall in Barcelona and the slow healing from that, she's starting to feel the burnout. She'll probably throw in one more long run between now and Marathon Weekend, but after that, it's more for fun and finishing than for time goals. She'll go back to the pursuit of a PR after Marathon Weekend.

M: Had her first top-3 finish in her age group in a local 10K on Saturday! With a 19-miler under her belt and only one long run left, I think she's starting to feel PRETTY confident about not only finishing the marathon, but meeting a time goal. Staying at Beach Club will really come in handy for her, as we're planning a short tour of the finishing stretch from DHS to Epcot prior to the Marathon - basically, so she knows where the "safe zone" begins. However, with Half Marathon entries becoming available ... she's strongly considering swapping into Goofy! Crazy, right?? We've gone and made this girl Challenge-obsessed!

Me: I wish I could say I had a better week, but oh well. It is what it is. I'm on "Littles Duty" - which means helping my girlfriends with their children, so they can make holiday obligations (work events/happy hours, Christmas shopping without littles in tow, etc.). Don't get me wrong - I LOVE all of my Littles. But, Littles pick up crap everywhere ... and it ultimately ends up with me getting sick. So, between a serious swing in the weather causing my allergies to go crazy, around Tuesday of last week, I got a nasty bug that I thought was a cold and ended up being full-on stomach bug. So, I lost a week there and an important long run. Luckily, I still have time to make it up and get mileage close to where I need to be since I'm planning on no taper. And, after B and I talked about Marathon Goals on Sunday, I still feel pretty confident. Of course, that could all change once corrals come out!

My Favorite Things
(One in an occasional series of my favorite things about WDW Marathon Weekend!)

4. Be Prepared

So, this is going to be a little bit different than my normal "Favorite Things", but because I always have to have SOMETHING to obsess over, I figure I'd let y'all in on this week's obsession: PACKING.

Since I began running Disney in 2015, I have done a total of six RunDisney race weekends - three involved plane travel and three involved driving travel. I like to think I've perfected all the items I take with me, so I thought I'd just do a quick rundown of the items I take with me for RunDisney weekends, and the items that I've found come in handy!

Race Essentials:
  • Sparkle Skirts
  • Brooks Ravenna 7s (usually two pairs; four pairs for Marathon Weekend)
  • Feetures socks
  • Balega socks
  • ProCompression calf sleeves
  • Spi Belt bib belt
  • Adalid water belt with extra bottles
  • Two pairs of QY7 earbuds and charger
  • Garmin vivoactive watch and charger
Ready-For-Everything Supplies:
  • $1 throwaway ponchos
  • $1 throwaway gloves
  • Safety Pins
  • Hair ties
  • Headbands/SweatyBands
  • RunDisney mylar blankets
  • Vaseline
  • Body Glide
  • KT Tape
  • Moleskin
  • BandAid Hydrocolloidal/Blister BandAids
  • BioFreeze (pump bottle AND individual packets)
  • Tiger Balm
  • Pain Relievers (Tylenol, Aleve)
  • SunBum SPF 70 Spray Sunscreen
  • SunBum SPF 70 Oxide cream
  • Running hat (always white)
  • Running visor (always white)
Post-Race Supplies (things that go in Gear Check bag or I carry on me):
  • Oofos
  • Refresh Wipes
  • Baby Wipes
  • SunBum Cool Down lotion
  • Small travel deodorant
  • Disposable grocery bag (I carry this on me for 10K-and-up distance races ... to throw my snack box, PowerAde and Bottled Water in post-race for the walk back)
  • Evian water spray
Fueling Supplies:
  • SportsBeans
  • Gu Chews (Watermelon, Black Cherry)
  • ShotBlocs (Margarita, Mountain Berry, Black Cherry)
  • HoneyStinger Chews (Orchard Cherry)
  • HoneyStinger Waffles (Vanilla, Chocolate)
  • Nuun (Cherry Limeade Energy and Limeade Energy)
  • Dark Chocolate Cherry KIND Bars
Recovery Supplies:
  • Pain Relievers
  • BioFreeze
  • Tiger Balm
  • Feetures PF Sleeves
  • ProCompression compression socks
  • Foam Roller
  • The Stick
  • Nail Clippers

So, I know like all of this seems like A LOT, but with the exception of my race attire, sneakers and a couple of recovery items, all of these materials fit in a drawstring gear bag (I've used the gear bag that RnR races give out, and now I use a Princess drawstring bag from Princess Weekend to hold everything).

I keep a notecard safety-pinned to the front of the bag when I pull something out - like gloves, or a fuel source ... or a poncho - so I know when I get back home, I need to replace that item. This isn't stuff I buy for EVERY race, but it's things that I've accumulated and it always relaxes me to know that I have it at my disposal without a trip to the store if I need something!

For races when I stay in a hotel room, I take a few extra things so I don't annoy my roommates (or myself!) with my stinky stuff:
  • Travel Febreeze
  • Dryer Sheets
I usually end up with two bag-check bags, so I use those to store stinky clothes after they've had a chance to dry out. I spray them down with Febreeze and then toss them in the bag with a dryer sheet, and then tighten the bag. It also makes it easy for transport home and separating what needs to be laundered very first (ewwwww, so gross!).
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B: I think it's no secret that she and I haven't known each other very long and met each other (thanks to these boards!) last year at a Disneyland Half meetup. But this lady ... she's sneaky. She will push you to do things that you never thought you could do before. She cheers you on, pulls you up, pushes you further and always makes you believe. I love this lady. She has done more for me in the last year than anyone else could - she made me BELIEVE in myself.

Okay...I legit just almost cried and you know that takes A LOT for me! Love you to the moon and back and so grateful that I went to that meet up!!


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