The Running Thread - 2016

Very fun question today!

Race in thick jeans
OR An itchy wool sweater; maybe these give a little compression?

Free entries+flights to races for a year OR Free shoes for a year (you can stockpile!); I love shoes, but this sounds more fun.

Harassed by bees OR Chased by an angry Chihuahua; I hate bees

Race through WDW with no characters OR Race at home with Disney characters; no brainer

GPS runs out of batteries pre-race OR Drop your headphones in the porta-potty; must have data... resistant to blind running

Bonus Dole Whip Aid Stations OR Bonus Mickey Waffle Aid Stations; easy to carry carbs

“We’ve run out of free food” OR “We’ve run out of free beer”; I like to eat a lot and I'm not a drinker

Uphill course with perfect weather OR Downhill course and 100+F heat; heat sucks

Last place in the Olympics vs First place at every small local race this year; can't imagine either.

Straight out and back marathon with no scenery OR 26+ one mile laps; I started running some of my long runs on a .8 mile loop so this doesn't sound horrible

Only Winter training for a Spring race OR Summer training for a Fall race; heat still sucks

Blink in every picture but your form looks perfect OR Face looks great but form is schlumpy mess; always jealous of pics of people who look the part

Handed only money at every aid station OR get charged for water&fuel at every aid station; I like to hit every water stop

WDW triathlon 2018 or WDW marathon team relay 2018; running is hard enough without adding to it

Wear a red sparkle skirt OR A pink sparkle visor; I'd only consider the skirt if I had my thick jeans on from above
“We’ve run out of free food” OR “We’ve run out of free beer”; I like to eat a lot and I'm not a drinker
Ooops, See I don't think I got this one, I put “We’ve run out of free food” but I would pick food over beer as I don't drink so guess I'm confused on this one...but maybe now I get it I “We’ve run out of free beer” would be the race I would pick.
Ooops, See I don't think I got this one, I put “We’ve run out of free food” but I would pick food over beer as I don't drink so guess I'm confused on this one...but maybe now I get it I “We’ve run out of free beer” would be the race I would pick.

I had to edit my answer because I realized I interpreted that wrong as well.
On an unrelated note, has everyone seen the video going around of the cross country runner getting blown up by a deer during a race? Ooff! Painful and hilarious all rolled into one.

I just saw that this morning. Hard not to laugh, but that kid had to have felt like he got hit by a car!!


QOTD: “WOULD YOU RATHER”: DIS-RUNNER EDITION! Answer A or B (reasoning welcome)

Race in thick jeans OR An itchy wool sweater (Wool drives me crazy under any conditions much less running)

Free entries+flights to races for a year OR Free shoes for a year (you can stockpile!) (I live in a place that costs a fortune to fly out from, so I'll take free flights!)

Harassed by bees OR Chased by an angry Chihuahua (I have a HUGE phobia about stinging insects - so easy answer for me)

Race through WDW with no characters OR Race at home with Disney characters (Just love being at Disney too much to stay home)

GPS runs out of batteries pre-race OR Drop your headphones in the porta-potty (I rarely run with headphones anyway)

Bonus Dole Whip Aid Stations OR Bonus Mickey Waffle Aid Stations (waffles for the WIN!)

We’ve run out of free food” OR “We’ve run out of free beer” (DOH!)

Uphill course with perfect weather OR Downhill course and 100+F heat (heat absolutely kills me. I can manage to get up hills if it's cool outside)

Last place in the Olympics vs First place at every small local race this year (TRAVEL!!!)

Straight out and back marathon with no scenery OR 26+ one mile laps (NO LAPS)

Only Winter training for a Spring race OR Summer training for a Fall race (Not a huge preference here, but winter training can get tough with bad roads and that means the dreadmill)

Blink in every picture but your form looks perfect OR Face looks great but form is schlumpy mess

Handed only money at every aid station OR get charged for water&fuel at every aid station (I'll carry my own thank you - show me the money!)

WDW triathlon 2018 or WDW marathon team relay 2018 (I've been wanting to do a relay anyway, so one at WDW would be a bonus)

Wear a red sparkle skirt OR A pink sparkle visor (Sparkle skirts all the way)

Race in thick jeans OR An itchy wool sweater

Free entries+flights to races for a year OR Free shoes for a year (you can stockpile!)

Harassed by bees OR Chased by an angry Chihuahua fun story, I used to live in AZ and our town had wild packs of chihuahuas that everyone tried to avoid. I happen to be part disney princess so they were friendly to me but chased everyone else . princess:

Race through WDW with no characters OR Race at home with Disney characters

GPS runs out of batteries pre-race OR Drop your headphones in the porta-potty

Bonus Dole Whip Aid Stations OR Bonus Mickey Waffle Aid Stations they have to be fresh and melt in your mouth

“We’ve run out of free food” OR “We’ve run out of free beer

Uphill course with perfect weather OR Downhill course and 100+F heat

Last place in the Olympics vs First place at every small local race this year

Straight out and back marathon with no scenery OR 26+ one mile laps

Only Winter training for a Spring race OR Summer training for a Fall race

Blink in every picture but your form looks perfect OR Face looks great but form is schlumpy mess

Handed only money at every aid station OR get charged for water&fuel at every aid station

WDW triathlon 2018 or WDW marathon team relay 2018

Wear a red sparkle skirt OR A pink sparkle visor
Harassed by bees OR Chased by an angry Chihuahua fun story, I used to live in AZ and our town had wild packs of chihuahuas that everyone tried to avoid. I happen to be part disney princess so they were friendly to me but chased everyone else . princess:

At first I thought "packs of wild chihuahuas, that is awesome!". But then I looked it up (efficient Friday afternoon at work) and saw that a little girl was attacked! That is so NOT awesome. I did not know this was a real thing! Crazy!
This is a really good question.

Race in thick jeans OR An itchy wool sweater (I can't stand to wear wool)

Free entries+flights to races for a year OR Free shoes for a year (you can stockpile!) (Travel everywhere. Does this also include guaranteed entry into the races of our choice?)

Harassed by bees OR Chased by an angry Chihuahua (Rat dogs can be easily kicked away)

Race through WDW with no characters OR Race at home with Disney characters (I have no plans on stopping for characters any ways, plus it means I'll be in WDW)

GPS runs out of batteries pre-race OR Drop your headphones in the porta-potty (Must have music during a race)

Bonus Dole Whip Aid Stations OR Bonus Mickey Waffle Aid Stations (Never had a Dole Whip, but tried a Honey Stingers Waffle during a training run once and it just didn't work for me)

“We’ve run out of free food” OR “We’ve run out of free beer” (Running is for beer)

Uphill course with perfect weather OR Downhill course and 100+F heat (Add me to the list that can't stand running in the heat)

Last place in the Olympics vs First place at every small local race this year (This doesn't even seem like it's a legit question. It's the Olympics)

Straight out and back marathon with no scenery OR 26+ one mile laps (Laps are the devil)

Only Winter training for a Spring race OR Summer training for a Fall race (Training in the heat should lead to faster times in the cool fall weather)

Blink in every picture but your form looks perfect OR Face looks great but form is schlumpy mess (I don't really focus on form too much. I run the way that works best for me, but my face is always nasty when running. I'd like some decent pictures)

Handed only money at every aid station OR get charged for water&fuel at every aid station (This is another one that doesn't seem like a fair question. I can carry my own fuel and water, so why wouldn't I take the money)

WDW triathlon 2018 or WDW marathon team relay 2018 (Why not give a triathlon a try)

Wear a red sparkle skirt OR A pink sparkle visor (I pretty much flipped a coin here, but I like how @CheapRunnerMike went red sparkle skirt to foil @roxymama's plan for a sparkle war)
ATTQOTD: This is fun! My answers are in bold...

Race in thick jeans OR An itchy wool sweater

Free entries+flights to races for a year OR Free shoes for a year (you can stockpile!)

Harassed by bees OR Chased by an angry Chihuahua

Race through WDW with no characters OR Race at home with Disney characters

GPS runs out of batteries pre-race OR Drop your headphones in the porta-potty

Bonus Dole Whip Aid Stations OR Bonus Mickey Waffle Aid Stations

“We’ve run out of free food” OR “We’ve run out of free beer”

Uphill course with perfect weather OR Downhill course and 100+F heat

Last place in the Olympics vs First place at every small local race this year

Straight out and back marathon with no scenery OR 26+ one mile laps

Only Winter training for a Spring race OR Summer training for a Fall race (I'm Floridian :) )

Blink in every picture but your form looks perfect OR Face looks great but form is schlumpy mess

Handed only money at every aid station OR get charged for water&fuel at every aid station

WDW triathlon 2018 or WDW marathon team relay 2018

Wear a red sparkle skirt OR A pink sparkle visor
So, bad news for me. My hip has been hurting some. Started a few weeks ago as just a little nagging pain, then I took off a week (admittedly, only because work travel made it hard to run). Well, it got worse (though never really that bad), but yesterday I was limping all day. Went to ortho urgent care, and I'm looking at either a hip flexor strain or tendinitis or a femoral neck stress fracture. [Where is my sobbing emoji?] I can't get in for an MRI until next Wednesday, and obviously no running until we know for sure it's not a fracture. I'm just devastated and going crazy worried that I'm out.

Just needed to express that to some folks who I knew would understand. Want to help me convince myself it's not broken? Lol.
So, bad news for me. My hip has been hurting some. Started a few weeks ago as just a little nagging pain, then I took off a week (admittedly, only because work travel made it hard to run). Well, it got worse (though never really that bad), but yesterday I was limping all day. Went to ortho urgent care, and I'm looking at either a hip flexor strain or tendinitis or a femoral neck stress fracture. [Where is my sobbing emoji?] I can't get in for an MRI until next Wednesday, and obviously no running until we know for sure it's not a fracture. I'm just devastated and going crazy worried that I'm out.

Just needed to express that to some folks who I knew would understand. Want to help me convince myself it's not broken? Lol.

Wishing the best for you and hoping for good news!
At first I thought "packs of wild chihuahuas, that is awesome!". But then I looked it up (efficient Friday afternoon at work) and saw that a little girl was attacked! That is so NOT awesome. I did not know this was a real thing! Crazy!

It was kinda funny to see a pack come down a road and watch everyone run inside their houses, but those chihuahuas could be vicious so it was for good reason. I just happened to turn a corner a few times to find them there. I would stay calm, say a friendly hello and they'd be perfectly calm and sweet! But as I said I'm part disney princess... I had a bee hang out with me at the food and wine festival and it was super friendly and even posed for some pictures on my shoulder!
@roxymama .....great question(s). Like the way you mixed it up a little.

QOTD: “WOULD YOU RATHER”: DIS-RUNNER EDITION! Answer A or B (reasoning welcome)

Race in thick jeans OR An itchy wool sweater Both of these would be uncomfy.....

Free entries+flights to races for a year OR Free shoes for a year (you can stockpile!)that would be amazing

Harassed by bees OR Chased by an angry Chihuahua no thank you for the bee invasion

Race through WDW with no characters OR Race at home with Disney characters it would still be magical

GPS runs out of batteries pre-race OR Drop your headphones in the porta-potty still have speakers for music but lost without gps

Bonus Dole Whip Aid Stations OR Bonus Mickey Waffle Aid Stations never tried a dole whip so waffles are safe choice

We’ve run out of free food” OR “We’ve run out of free beer” don't take away my free beer please

Uphill course with perfect weather OR Downhill course and 100+F heat uphill better than heat

Last place in the Olympics vs First place at every small local race this year If you're not first you're last!!

Straight out and back marathon with no scenery OR 26+ one mile laps Food, water, music, bathrooms would be convenient

Only Winter training for a Spring race OR Summer training for a Fall race My preference every year

Blink in every picture but your form looks perfect OR Face looks great but form is schlumpy mess It's all about the face!!

Handed only money at every aid station OR get charged for water&fuel at every aid station Free money

WDW triathlon 2018 or WDW marathon team relay 2018 would be cool

Wear a red sparkle skirt OR A pink sparkle visor......... why not both?!!!!
As I make my way out to the north woods of Wisconsin for the annual deer hunt, I present you with a Saturday QOTD.

QOTD: I don't think we have answered this one here before but what was your first race? What was the distance? Where was it? Anything else special about it?

ATTQOTD: My first race wasn't something I ran but walked, the Susan G. Komen race for the cure in Madison in I want to say 2010. Both of my grandmas had and beat breast cancer. Since then I've done probably 5-6 race for the cures.
QOTD: I don't think we have answered this one here before but what was your first race? What was the distance? Where was it? Anything else special about it?

ATTQOTD: My first race wasn't something I ran but walked, the Susan G. Komen race for the cure in Madison in I want to say 2010. Both of my grandmas had and beat breast cancer. Since then I've done probably 5-6 race for the cures.

My first real race was the Cary Road Race 10k. There was nothing really special about it other than it was run as PoT for a Disney race that I wasn't able to register for.

Good for you for doing Komen, too, @rteetz, and glad your grandmas beat the breast cancer. There's an important piece of breast cancer that gets left out of the hype and awareness, though, that needs to be emphasized. Men can get breast cancer, too. Not at nearly the same rate as women, but it happens and is more common than you'd think. I lost my father back in 2009 way too early to a 3 year fight with breast cancer. Men don't get the message that it can happen to them, so it's often in a later stage when it's diagnosed, leading to less positive outcomes. So guys please make a habit of at least checking yourself out periodically and if something feels off, have a doctor take a look!
ATTQOTD: My first race ever was likely one of the "Fat Man Relays" that I participated in while on the track team in high school. Four throwers over a combined 800 pounds ran the 4 x 100 meter relay. We made a video about it, but I'm unsure if it will work. It was suppose to be funny, so don't take what happens in it seriously.

*Edit to add - Video didn't work for me, so I removed it.

Since I've become an adult and gotten into running again. My first race was the Haunted Hustle Marathon in 2012 in Middleton, WI (local). I ran it because someone told me I couldn't run a marathon and because it was "only" $10 more than whatever a half marathon was. :confused3 What a deal to get double the distance of running for only an extra $10! :rotfl2: I had only been running for 4 months and it was definitely not a wise choice to tackle a marathon so early in my running career.

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First race, hmmm does 4th grade Track & Field day count. Otherwise, nontrack would be Cross Country in 9th grade, so Fall 1994, girls did a 4k then, it was our home meet, nothing special as far as I remember, I didn't die so I guess that's special. Many road races but I don't remember what my first one was, but first half was 1997 (was supposed to be a full but weather/downed trees cut the course to only a half for everyone). I've never stopped running but have taken breaks from racing and don't race very much now.

ATTQOTD: My first race ever was likely one of the "Fat Man Relays" that I participated in while on the track team in high school. Four throwers over a combined 800 pounds ran the 4 x 100 meter relay. We made a video about it, but I'm unsure if it will work. It was suppose to be funny, so don't take what happens in it seriously.
But that was like the best relay to watch from what I remember as the throwers seemed to have a lot of fun with it :)


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