Poor Sportsmanship in the NFL

If you mean they were treated differently by their black peers, that happens to black people with 2 black parents as well. Colorism is a huge taboo issue within the black community. We can thank colonization, slavery and centuries of being beat over the head with European standards of beauty for that.

Actually, that kind of bigotry was in place in Afrca long before the first European set foot there.

As for why it exists on THIS continent, I doubt it comes down exclusively to what you claim.
I apologize, I didn't articulate myself properly. I wasn't claiming that those outlets were claiming he is muslim. Really could care less about to spend the next three months in a muslim country, met plenty of wonderful and kind people there the last time I was there. What i had intended to point out is that all media outlets have a bais. Just because one is telling you what you want hear doesn't make is so. Try to find multiple sources form both sides then use your discernment and life experience to make an informed opinion. Even then we can find ourselves on the wrong side of truth from time to time.

The thing is I clearly said extreme, slanted "news" sites. Of course they all have a certain degree of bias and one should look at different sides to get a more accurate picture. I was talking about these fringe, borderline completely fake (often completely fake) "news" sites. If you can only find something on one of those sites and you think it's true and spread it around, yeah it says something about you and no, it's not something positive.
I sure hope those fake news websites aren't accurate. When professional athletes convert to Islam, you know the rest of us are in danger. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Shaq, Hakeem Olajuwon, and the like are probably plotting something evil as I type. Good thing Mohammed Ali has passed away. I'm certain he had something nefarious up his sleeve.

I'd like to say that I am curious as to why Kap's religion and possible conversion has entered into this conversation, but I know the answer and I am not at all surprised.

Well, Olajuwon never converted. He was born into the Muslim faith, although he wasn't terribly devout.

I've seen plenty of conversions of high-profile athletes over the years watching local/regional sports One was the former Olivier St. Jean, who became Tarik-Abdul Wahad. Then there was the Karim Abdul-Jabbar at UCLA. He ended up changing his name again because of a certain previous athlete with a similar name.

Of course Mike Tyson never changed his name. I discussed this with a Muslim acquaintance, and he said changing one's name is not a requirement.
Actually, that kind of bigotry was in place in Afrca long before the first European set foot there.

As for why it exists on THIS continent, I doubt it comes down exclusively to what you claim.

Colorism is not bigotry.

Black people didn't "learn to hate" their hair, full lips, wide noses, skin color, full hip....until Europeans started beating them over the head with images of beauty that looked nothing like them, placing black people in human zoos, pitting dark and light skin slaves against one another on the plantations ....
The thing is I clearly said extreme, slanted "news" sites. Of course they all have a certain degree of bias and one should look at different sides to get a more accurate picture. I was talking about these fringe, borderline completely fake (often completely fake) "news" sites. If you can only find something on one of those sites and you think it's true and spread it around, yeah it says something about you and no, it's not something positive.

So lets not beat around the bush here, tell me what does it say?
Yeah, I would consider a Croatian "white" which is why it never occurred to me Kaep was "black" when I first saw him as he resembles them quite a bit - and keep in mind he had very close cropped hair & little facial hair at one time. And there are plenty of dark complected Caucasians.

Those of Croatian ancestry I know of wouldn't be mistaken as anything but white. Andre Bogut may be considered Australian, but he's the son of Croatian immigrants and speaks Croatian fluently. There was also a time when his teammates included a Serb and a Bosnian.


However, the Croats I knew of were college athletes at Cal, including Duje Draganja. I've been a big volleyball nut, and they've had a pipeline of stellar Croatian players. None of them had any particularly dark skin tone.

Still, I do get it about Kaepernick. It's kind of rude, but we had a lot of mixed-race kids where I grew up, and one of the inelegant ways of broaching the subject was asking "What are you?" Many of my friends and classmates were of combined ancestry, and it wasn't always apparent.
Colorism is not bigotry.

Black people didn't "learn to hate" their hair, full lips, wide noses, skin color, full hip....until Europeans started beating them over the head with images of beauty that looked nothing like them, placing black people in human zoos, pitting dark and light skin slaves against one another on the plantations ....

Actually, it is although it may not have been the best choice of words for me example.

And you can insist all you want that white people "created" issues among black people of different appearances, but the fact remains that battles amongst Africans over appearance were long established when Europeans first explored the Continent.
Actually, it is although it may not have been the best choice of words for me example.

And you can insist all you want that white people "created" issues among black people of different appearances, but the fact remains that battles amongst Africans over appearance were long established when Europeans first explored the Continent.

Stop it

Those issues were based on differences between various tribes , not self hate and colorism. They had nothing to do with "good" hair vs "bad" hair, light skin vs dark skin....

For ****s and giggles, let'st say you are correct. How do you establish an image of beauty based on something you've never seen?
Gosh, take a couple hours away and thread goes down the crapper. I see a padlock in its near future :crazy:
Stop it

Those issues were based on differences between various tribes , not self hate and colorism. They had nothing to do with "good" hair vs "bad" hair, light skin vs dark skin....

For ****s and giggles, let'st say you are correct. How do you establish an image of beauty based on something you've never seen?

Who said anything about beauty based on things one has never seen? The point was about various ethnicities believing they were superior to other ethnicities they actually encountered, and the way they treated them.
Seems like it's the Santa Clara police now, who are showing poor sportsmanship. They've let the league know that they may stop patrolling games unless the league does something about him.
Seems like it's the Santa Clara police now, who are showing poor sportsmanship. They've let the league know that they may stop patrolling games unless the league does something about him.

If he has the right to protest on his job...why don't they?

Because he's still doing his job. If they carry through on their threats, they won't be doing their jobs.

It's a bit complicated. Typically there's a contract with the law enforcement agency for stadium security, and these are legally considered off-duty work in official police uniforms and often using real police cars. Officers taking these duties need permission, but no officer is given this as a required assignment. Many like these assignments because its extra pay on top of their regular pay. Remember the WNBA game where the police providing security walked off? They probably shouldn't have walked off, but they could have refused that assignment in the future.

The 49ers could theoretically find another law enforcement agency to handle this, even if they don't have jurisdiction in Santa Clara. The Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office can do this, and they would be the most likely if they can't get enough Santa Clara Police to do it. They've actually had some controversy over who got such assignments though.

Seems like it's the Santa Clara police now, who are showing poor sportsmanship. They've let the league know that they may stop patrolling games unless the league does something about him.

Santa Clara is a medium-sized city. I've lived, worked, and shopped there, and their police department is nowhere near big enough to provide enough "off-duty" officers for a 70,000 seat stadium. That being said, although they officially sell out, actual butts in seats has been low. They may not need as many police.

This article mentions that they're one of several agencies that provide security at Levi's Stadium.

Seems like it's the Santa Clara police now, who are showing poor sportsmanship. They've let the league know that they may stop patrolling games unless the league does something about him.

It's a childish response and only reinforces some of the critisms of police. He's breaking no law and isn't violating any NFL policies.
It's basically trying to strongarm the powers that be into silencing him and that's a dangerous thing for police to do. Of course people that don't agree with him won't see it that way.
Gee there's issues with police abusing their authority, protecting bad officers and violating rights.... Yeah "stop that guy from exercising his rights or else" only reinforces that image
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It's a childish response and only reinforces some of the critisms of police. He's breaking no law and isn't violating any NFL policies.
It's basically trying to strongarm the powers that be into silencing him and that's a dangerous thing for police to do. Of course people that don't agree with him won't see it that way.
Gee there's issues with police abusing their authority, protecting bad officers and violating rights.... Yeah "stop that guy from exercising his rights or else" only reinforces that image

And they are breaking no laws or violating policies. He has freedom of speech but they have no freedom to choose no to do an assignment that is not required of them?
It's a bit complicated. Typically there's a contract with the law enforcement agency for stadium security, and these are legally considered off-duty work in official police uniforms and often using real police cars. Officers taking these duties need permission, but no officer is given this as a required assignment. Many like these assignments because its extra pay on top of their regular pay. Remember the WNBA game where the police providing security walked off? They probably shouldn't have walked off, but they could have refused that assignment in the future.

The 49ers could theoretically find another law enforcement agency to handle this, even if they don't have jurisdiction in Santa Clara. The Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office can do this, and they would be the most likely if they can't get enough Santa Clara Police to do it. They've actually had some controversy over who got such assignments though.


It's not complicated, they still wouldn't be doing the job they are contracted to do.
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It's not complicated, they still wouldn't be doing the job they are contracted to do.

If they are not required by the department then it is their choice. He has every right to sit in protest, so do they.

I don't agree with either of them particularly. I don't necessarily think he should be punished by the NFL. And I do think he is being disrespectul and a jerk with the socks and not standing for the anthem. But he has every right. They want to protest his disrespect so they do it in the best way they can.


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