~~ They're leaving the nest, sew it's time for a trip - or two - or three...~~ D~'s bag ~9/22 ~~

Just a quick reply since I'm packing and finishing up everything for my trip....of course I'll share pics and tell all about it!

I'm hoping my health situation improves....my chronic health problems flared up badly yesterday and I'm not doing well. So I'm praying that tomorrow is better since we fly out tomorrow morning.

I am so jealous that Allison went to Paris! That's one of my life goals. And how sweet of Brian and Myrthe to surprise her with a trip to DLP!! It looks like it was a fabulous day! So fun!

I know what you mean about being glad they're homesick...I know exactly what you mean! I feel the same way about Alyssa....who should be walking in the door from the airport in the next 10 minutes. Squeal! I can't wait to hug my girl. And Brie just finished getting ready for her senior yearbook pictures this afternoon..seriously emotional day for me!!!
Amazing surprise! I hope Allison is feeling a little better after their visit to Paris. I know it must be so hard being away from home for so long. You will all be reunited soon enough! :o
First of all, I am glad that you had a good day and work day at Target (Lawdy, how I miss being able to "run to Target" for everyday things!!).

Thank you so much for sharing A's Paris adventure with us. Just the Paris part looks amazing! What is it about Paris that seems so magical to Americans? The history, the appreciation for beauty and art? I don't know, but it is definitely a dream of mine like most others. Then, to add DLP?! Amazeballs!!! What a great surprise. It looks like so much fun! I love seeing how things look kind of familiar to the US parks but then just enough of a difference to make it new and exciting. These pictures make me even more determined/ excited to visit Tokyo Disneyland while we are here.

We are still trying to arrange our house. We are searching for a small kitchen table/chairs to fit in our eat-in kitchen. We had to leave our dining table in storage in the states because we knew it would be too big for the houses here. So, we have been eating in the living room on our tv trays. My husband had to go TAD to Okinawa for 3 days, so it's just me & the girls for a few days, which is fine. I am almost used to driving on the left side of the road, so we can get out if we need to. I just wish it would cool down, the high temperature is 97 here today with a heat index of 102. I may burst into flames if I walk out the front door. :sunny::furious:

I hope you have a great day tomorrow!
FWIW - back in my earlier days of quilting I went to a workshop on dyeing cotton fabric. It usually turned out a little blotchy, which for some quilts would be fine. The reason they dyed their own fabric was to get a series of shades of the same color for Amish quilts. But I've never gotten it to look good for clothing.

Well... Glad to hear that the blotchy part is normal... Kind of bummed that my shirt was a waste - oh well... I was laying in bed, awake half the night last night, and I got to thinking I may already have a purple tee shirt from a couple of years ago... So, I plan to go through my clothes very soon here and see where it may have gone... It's entirely possible that one of the girls has it too - which is why I'd forgotten about it. :scratchin

Wow! Allison's weekend in Paris was awesome! I'm so happy she got to experience DLP. It looks great! I can only imagine how homesick she is. I know I'd be homesick. Does she come home anytime soon?

I know - I love that she was able to experience it... It looks incredible!

She is a little over half-way through her trip... So, she still has several weeks left - but they are VERY FULL and busy weeks - with very little down time... So, I am hoping that she doesn't have too much time to miss us. :lovestruc

What a wonderful surprise for Allison! And how great for you that her aunt and uncle are taking such good care of her. I am sorry that she is homesick, I know that is hard on you. What an amazing adventure she is having, though! I would be able go all the way to Paris and not go to the top of the Eiffel Tower - I am just too afraid of heights. I went to the top of the fake one is Las Vegas and had a panic attack:crazy2: I wonder if doing something familiar would help her with her homesickness? Maybe dedicate some time to her photography? If she could get the kids to cooperate, I'm sure Brian and Mytrhe would love some portraits of the kids - you know us moms can never have enough kid pictures.

Paris looks amazing! What an experience she is having!

Glad you had a good food day yesterday. Remember to celebrate your successes! If you have a wall calendar somewhere that you see every day, you should start giving yourself stickers for your successful days - food, exercise, whatever; although I'd said food for you since that is where you are struggling a bit now. Seeing your progress will help and on your not so great days you can look back and be proud of all your great days.

I'm sorry that visiting with you dad is bittersweet. I am glad that you got to see him and that he is doing pretty well. Can you remind me when his birthday is? I feel like it's in the Spring? My girls have been very into card making this summer so we may just send him a few thinking of you cards soon. I remember you saying how he likes to get mail..

I am so glad the DIS brought you into my life! I look at your fitness successes, your parenting successes, and your business successes and I see that you are so humble and still have a tendency to beat yourself up and it just reminds me that no matter how it appears from the outside, we all have that self doubt from time to time. You really are doing it all well and the rest of us can see it, even when it is hard for you. Thank you for being my friend and inspiring and supporting me in my own journey.

For sure... I think I would be right with you - I am certain I could go all the way to Paris too and not go to the top of the Eiffel Tower... I am also terrified of heights. ::yes::

Well, she was able to get out today - so I am anxious to hear how that goes for her... I hope it goes well and gives her the confidence she needs. I do know that she has planned to do a photo shoot with all of them before she leaves... I think that will be great! I kind of sent her over there with that mission - as I want a nice family photo of all of them together for one of my frames... And I did see, the other night, she created a Pinterest board for it... So, I hope she will be able to get it done. ::yes::

I know - I enjoyed seeing her in Paris so much... :lovestruc

That is a great idea - thanks for that. Currently I don't have a wall calendar up - we took it down when we were painting and I have yet to put one back up... Now I need to make it a priority to find one that I like, so I can do this. :lovestruc

It is so difficult for me to see him aging so quickly... However - so far - his mind still stays young, so that is good. HIs birthday is in March - but I am sure he would enjoy cards any time. :lovestruc Thank you for thinking of him. :hug:

Thank you for saying that... I tend to be very critical of myself - and it's a reminder to me that I need to ease up, and give myself the same grace that I allow for others. :hug: I am working very hard, these last few weeks, to really concentrate on me, and even more so over the last week - and it seems to be helping, I am starting to see a difference in both my outlook and what I am seeing in the mirror - when I am brave enough to look... Just trying to move forward and change the things that I have the ability to change. Thank you for saying such kind words, and for your wonderful friendship. :lovestruc

Still sending pixie dust your way - hoping you hear about your job soon!

So happy that Allison got to experience Paris and Disneyland Paris. Totally get the feeling of being kind of happy your child is homesick. You don't want them to be sad, but it is nice to know that they miss you and the life you have worked so hard to give them. She will be home soon.

Good job on the food choices. I would say only my dinner choice was good. Need to work on the other 2 meals. Marissa is spending the week at my parents and it was so my dad could give her an intensive driving lesson. The first day, he eased into it, only making her drive 150 miles. Ha ha. They went all along the coast. Yesterday, they left at 10 am to go to Roseburg and to do Interstate driving. She didn't get home until 4 and went straight to bed. Today is all about the parking lots. I am glad she is getting practice on the winding, coastal roads and Hwy 101 and not necessarily with me. I would be panicking a bit. She is determined to help with the 16 hour drive to Disneyland (all Interstate 5). I think she was thinking he would take her for a 1/2 hour here or have her drive to the 7-11. Hopefully, they both survive.

Have a great day!

Exactly... I am just glad that she misses us and the home we have given her... It reassures me that we were OK parents. ::yes:: LOL

Thank you - it has been a struggle... but I have truly been trying hard to concentrate on doing it for my health and that being my main focus - rather than just to lose size... That seems to be helping, and it also seems to be helping how I feel about the whole situation. I feel like I am moving forward again in a positive direction. :lovestruc

WOW!!! Your dad is going all out on the driving lessons - that is awesome!!! I am sure they will both do fine - what an amazing driving opportunity for her though - she will be a pro after this! ::yes::

Keep on, keepin on, my friend - we can do this! :woohoo:

Wow!! Allison's trip is one of my bucket list items!! I know it's hard knowing she is home sick! When my oldest was writing home during boot camp saying the same thing, a coworker told me it just means he has a good home to miss. This made me feel better, somewhat.

I know - right!

You are right - that does make me feel a little better, and that's how I try to look at it, as much as I want her to enjoy this time... I am glad she misses home a little bit. :lovestruc

Love V's new bag. It is just ADORABLE!!!

Glad you got to spend time with your dad. Off roading on his scooter??? LOL Something my dad would do. Knowing my dad he would super-charge it and add big wheels so he can to the impossible.

It looks like Allison had a beautiful time in Paris, and what a wonderful surprise that Brian and Myrthe gave her. Priceless memories!!! I feel her pain in being home sick, but time is going quickly and she will be home soon.

Don't be too down on yourself. You haven't given up so that says a lot. You are always going in the right direction; just sometimes not at the pace we want to go in.

Things here need to change. My dad is now sick; with pneumonia. Didn't see that coming. I just can't catch a break this year. He is home recovering, but it just doesn't stop. I am also in the process of helping my daughter pack for college. I haven't been too emotional about her leaving. I feel like an awful parent because I haven't cried. I am sure the day I leave her I will be a complete mess.

Have a wonderful day!!

Thank you - I really love how it turned out. :lovestruc

Yes - he off-roads on that darn thing... And he goes everywhere... To the point where we do question if he is truly being safe. Sigh. But there is only so much i can do... He needs to be able to get out and enjoy life too.

She had a great time... I think it gave her a little confidence too... Which is good - this has been a hard trip and has taken a lot of bravery for her - something I don't think that any of us expected.

Thank you - no, I have not given up... Still trying to move forward - so I must give myself credit for that. Thank you. :hug:

Oh no... Life has not been kind to you recently... It seems like it's been curve ball after curve ball... Praying that your dad is well soon and that everything in life is easier than you fear. Sending big hugs!! :hug:

I didn't even thing about the blotches being in the wrong places. That sucks.

Looks like she is having the time of her life. Sorry she is still homesick.

We are almost done with Sydney's room, just waiting on the bed we ordered. We ordered it almost 5 weeks ago from costco.com. Said to expect it in 2 to 4 weeks. Sent tracking info that said we would have it in 15 business days. The 15 business day was last Thursday. Last Monday morning, I sent an email to the email address that was on the one that that said we were getting it in 15 days. Tuesday the status changed to out for delivery. We figured it had to be out to a local freight company. But at least the status changed.
Thursday evening, get an email back saying it was scheduled for delivery on Tuesday. And to contact them if not received or any issues. I replied to the email copying Dh on my reply. He replied as well. Still waiting for a response.

Friday afternoon, I called the number on the email I received and left a message. Said would hear back next business day. But still no call.
DH called costco.com directly, spoke to someone who put him on hold and spoke to the first frieight company. They then tried to reach out to the local freight company which got the bed on Tuesday. But since it was 5 pm on Friday they were gone. DH was promised a call back on Monday. That didn't happen.

Now we have to figure out what to do. Once the bed comes we have to put it together. It is a twin over full bunk bed. If we return it and go with a different twin of full that we can still hopefully get at the costco, it is a different frame. Not as nice and smaller. The smaller is a big deal since we might have arranged the room differently.

We still have to hang up 2 room decals.

and a Harry Potter I Solemnly Swear I Am Up To No Good With Footprints.

It's a bummer, but it wasn't very expensive - so I'll chalk it up to a learning experience. ::yes::

What a mess with the bed - I would be so irritated! I sure hope it is resolved soon! The rest of her room looks great though - I bet she is anxious to get all the way moved in... I love the colors and the decals - fantastic!!! :woohoo:

I'm going as a grown up version of Lilo. I wanted something that would be easy to make, fairly cool, and something I could wear again.

Awww, I love that A got surprised with DL Paris! So sweet. I can only imagine how much she misses home, even though I know she's also have a great time with family.

That is awesome!!! V is still working on her costume idea - and Lilo was mentioned at one time... We'll see what she decides. ::yes::

Yes - it was so fun to see her enjoying Paris... Hopefully the rest of her time goes so fast, she won't have a moment to miss home... but I still want her to enjoy her remaining time there. ::yes::

Just a quick reply since I'm packing and finishing up everything for my trip....of course I'll share pics and tell all about it!

I'm hoping my health situation improves....my chronic health problems flared up badly yesterday and I'm not doing well. So I'm praying that tomorrow is better since we fly out tomorrow morning.

I am so jealous that Allison went to Paris! That's one of my life goals. And how sweet of Brian and Myrthe to surprise her with a trip to DLP!! It looks like it was a fabulous day! So fun!

I know what you mean about being glad they're homesick...I know exactly what you mean! I feel the same way about Alyssa....who should be walking in the door from the airport in the next 10 minutes. Squeal! I can't wait to hug my girl. And Brie just finished getting ready for her senior yearbook pictures this afternoon..seriously emotional day for me!!!

Yay!!! For packing and getting ready to go!

Oh no... I sure hope you are feeling better today. Sending massive amounts of pixie dust your way!!!

I know - I am a little jealous too... One day - I hope to go too... Just waiting my turn. LOL We are very lucky that it's a pretty easy drive - so when we do go over, it's definitely something that is do-able for us. ::yes::

I hope your day was amazing - and I sure hope you are feeling better. I hope your trip is wonderful!!! Lots and lots of pixie dust for you over the next several days! :lovestruc Have a great time and enjoy every moment!!! :hug:

Amazing surprise! I hope Allison is feeling a little better after their visit to Paris. I know it must be so hard being away from home for so long. You will all be reunited soon enough! :o

I know - it was such a sweet surprise for her! She seems to be doing a bit better... Hopefully she will be able to push through now... :lovestruc

First of all, I am glad that you had a good day and work day at Target (Lawdy, how I miss being able to "run to Target" for everyday things!!).

Thank you so much for sharing A's Paris adventure with us. Just the Paris part looks amazing! What is it about Paris that seems so magical to Americans? The history, the appreciation for beauty and art? I don't know, but it is definitely a dream of mine like most others. Then, to add DLP?! Amazeballs!!! What a great surprise. It looks like so much fun! I love seeing how things look kind of familiar to the US parks but then just enough of a difference to make it new and exciting. These pictures make me even more determined/ excited to visit Tokyo Disneyland while we are here.

We are still trying to arrange our house. We are searching for a small kitchen table/chairs to fit in our eat-in kitchen. We had to leave our dining table in storage in the states because we knew it would be too big for the houses here. So, we have been eating in the living room on our tv trays. My husband had to go TAD to Okinawa for 3 days, so it's just me & the girls for a few days, which is fine. I am almost used to driving on the left side of the road, so we can get out if we need to. I just wish it would cool down, the high temperature is 97 here today with a heat index of 102. I may burst into flames if I walk out the front door. :sunny::furious:

I hope you have a great day tomorrow!

Hahaha... I love Target too - but man, it just sucks the $$ right out of my account, it seems. LOL You'll probably be so much richer when you come home because of not having it there. LOL

I am not sure either - but it is beautiful... Allison said that the French are so dirty - so I am not sure why we find it so appealing? Agreed - despite that, it's still a dream of mine too. LOL I hope you get the chance to visit Tokyo Disney too - that would be awesome, just to be able to see it. ::yes::

Good luck getting settled - I hope you are able to find something for your dining area soon... I know, for us, that is a major living space and where we spend a lot of time as a family - so to not have it, I would be having some major disconnect issues... I hope you are able to find something soon. ::yes::

Yikes!!! I never understood the left side of the road driving... I don't think I would do well with that at all. Kudos to you for being able to do it!!! WOW!!! That is a tremendous skill!!! Hopefully it cools down there soon too... We finally broke down and turned our air on again yesterday.

Thanks - same to you!


I had a really good day yesterday...

I did my heavy lifting yesterday morning... Where I pinched/pulled something in my back while dead lifting... It's definitely painful - but not inhibiting me from moving and living... Kind of an annoying pain - if that makes sense? :scratchin

I worked all day yesterday - but I had to quit a little early... V had something she wanted to go shopping for - turns out it was a hard to find item, which tends to sell out as soon as it arrives in stores. Figures. LOL Thankfully one of the stores was able to search their inventory in the metro, so we drove to another mall to get her item... A pair of Adidas shoes... Who knew? LOL Now she has the shoes she wanted... I loaned her the $$ for them until she gets paid today... Which means - I'll now have a nice chunk of cash to add to my "Disney cash stash". ::yes::

My eating was pretty good yesterday... We did end up eating dinner at Jimmy Johns - where I ordered with easy mayo and picked a lot of the bread off. I am starting to have more and more confidence about my eating, the more days I have where I eat well... This helps a lot. ::yes::

So, today...

I plan to do my WATP and abs here shortly... Despite my annoying back.

Then I will work all morning.

V and I will go into town later...

And I do believe I am meeting a friend for dinner tonight... I need to reconfirm this - as I have not had any communication on it in a while. ::yes::

I hope you all have an amazing day today - sending pixie dust out to all! :lovestruc

I am glad you are easing up on yourself. You are doing a great job! I work best when I have a small short term goal. The 21 day fix is 21 days bc that is supposed to be as long as it takes to make a habit. So I try to keep myself motivated in short term goals. Right now our county fair is coming up and I will be there all week with I am sure a lot of bad eating. So I am trying to get my 30 min workout in everyday and eat well until then so I don't come home from it a total disaster. The amount of walking I put in that week makes up for not working out. I bet I walk more that week then I do in a week at Disney.

Also, kuddos for running again. Every little bit over your usual routine will contribute to giving you a jump start. Have you ever tried plyometics? It might be a fun way to add something kind of like running to your workout. Maybe V could start walking/running with you to prep for the trip? I am more likely to walk when I have someone to keep me company.

Wow Allison is having an amazing trip. She is so lucky.

Watch that back! You have a Disney trip to be healthy for. :-)
Looks like your DD had a wonderful trip to Paris! She'll always have these memories and there will always be a bond with her Uncle, Aunt and family.

Sounds like you're back in a groove and moving forward! I remember pictures you've posted before your health journey began and you now look like a completely different person! I've been fighting my weight since I was in Jr. High but it's been so much easier this time around because I'm focusing on my health rather than just a scale number or size. You're going in the right direction - keep it up!
I'm going to PM you a link to a wall calendar I love - I like my boxes big enough to write in and keep track of everything on our schedule and I've found a calendar that works great for that.

I may hear about the job today, it's been "a couple days" which is when the owner said he'd get in touch. This week is so busy and hectic, I've actually been able to keep my mind off of it which is good. We met my parents for dinner last night, they are headed out of town in opposite directions today. My mom to Virginia for a wedding shower and my dad to work overseas. After dinner we had Charlotte's pre-k orientation where they mentioned that the kids will be wearing uniforms 5 days a week starting on Monday. They provided the polo shirts for us, but I have to come up with khaki bottoms for 5 days a week by Monday. I hit oldnavy.com as soon as we got home last night and was able to find a few things that will get her through next week. The uniforms cost $45, I had to spend $22 for expedited shipping!!!! I am beyond annoyed at the school right now for the last minute notification. I had already bought Charlotte several back to school dresses that she won't be able to wear and I hate this last minute rush for something they've known about for awhile.

Peyton has her meet the teacher event tomorrow at noon. She got the teachers that she wanted and she already knows them both fairly well from extra curricular activities so that should make her transition easy.

I'm debating about taking Friday off for some one on one time with Charlotte. Peyton and I have an end of the year tradition where I pick her up on the last day of school and we go out for lunch and then get her pictures taken. I wanted to start doing something similar with Charlotte now that she's getting older so I thought back to school time would be good for her. Somehow the school year has snuck up on me and I only have a few days left to make this happen.

Ok, personal questions for you. What is your normal schedule for getting up and going to bed? Are you naturally an early riser? I am amazed at how much you are able to fit into your days, I need to do better so I will have the time to get back to working out.

Hope you have a great day!
First of all, I am glad that you had a good day and work day at Target (Lawdy, how I miss being able to "run to Target" for everyday things!!).

Thank you so much for sharing A's Paris adventure with us. Just the Paris part looks amazing! What is it about Paris that seems so magical to Americans? The history, the appreciation for beauty and art? I don't know, but it is definitely a dream of mine like most others. Then, to add DLP?! Amazeballs!!! What a great surprise. It looks like so much fun! I love seeing how things look kind of familiar to the US parks but then just enough of a difference to make it new and exciting. These pictures make me even more determined/ excited to visit Tokyo Disneyland while we are here.

We are still trying to arrange our house. We are searching for a small kitchen table/chairs to fit in our eat-in kitchen. We had to leave our dining table in storage in the states because we knew it would be too big for the houses here. So, we have been eating in the living room on our tv trays. My husband had to go TAD to Okinawa for 3 days, so it's just me & the girls for a few days, which is fine. I am almost used to driving on the left side of the road, so we can get out if we need to. I just wish it would cool down, the high temperature is 97 here today with a heat index of 102. I may burst into flames if I walk out the front door. :sunny::furious:

I hope you have a great day tomorrow!

I'm assuming you guys are stationed somewhere in Japan. My dad was stationed in Yokosuka when I was in high school from 1993-1997. We were able to go to Tokyo Disney several times while we were there, long before DisneySea existed.
Frequent lurker, rare poster, but this was too good - This is what I saw when I went online just now to see the weekly specials at Publix. pixiedust: You'll be saying this before you know it.

Sorry that Allison is so homesick. Her trip to Paris with Brian looks like fun. I', with her you can't go to paris without going to the top of the Eiffel Tower. It loos like such a beautiful city. What a wonderful surprise, going to go to Disneyland Paris. She looks like she had a great time there.
Not too much is going on here. We went up to Marblehead lighthouse on Sunday and wandered around Sandusky and no we didn't go to Cedar Point. We did take pictures from across the bay. It's a pretty little city. My daughter is on a quest to resee all the lighthouses around here.
We're getting ready for a remodel at work. They're basically flipping the store starting with the breakroom. Last week we had a cookout to celebrate 190 days accident free. Then we had three accidents. That's just the way things go a work.
Have a great day
How great that you had a great day on Monday :)

Looks like Allison had a great time in Paris. I'm glad to hear she liked Disneyland Paris.

I can't wait to see the surprise bag for V.

I hope your back is feeling better after yesterday's heavy lifting.

How great that you are getting more confident about your eating :woohoo:

I love hearing about your family - how fun that your neice and nephew are such great ages! Do they live nearby, so you get to spend a lot of time with them? And congrats to your brother - how exciting for him!!! :woohoo:

My sister and her little family lives way too far from me, so I don't get to see my niece and nephew a lot. It's 1113 miles by car if you drive through Sweden and 1177 miles if you drive through Norway. They were here in Tromsø The same week Ulf and I went to Wales. So I got to meet them and I will see them again in Spain. They are not coming home for Christmas this year so I guess the next time I'll see them after Spain is next summer.

Ulf and I are planning on a road trip around Europe next Spring. We first talked about borrowing my parents caravan. But with the caravan and the car it will be difficult to stop and geocache a long the way. In Wales we met some geocaching friends from Germany who said that maybe we should try to camp in a tent instead of the caravan. The Germans said that now a days there are tents big enough so you can stand upright in them and there is air mattresses that are 19.7 inch high. Ulf and I talked about it some more on our way home and I have been searching the internet for the last couple of days for tents and air mattresses. Since we are not walking anywhere with the camping gear we don't need the tent and other camping stuff to be light weight. Ulf and I have now decided that I will sleep on a air mattress with my travel tempur mattress on top of it and I will have my tempur pillow that I use at home because nothing beats a tempure pillow. We have also decided to buy this tent.
Last edited:
Chelsea's dance showcase got moved up a day, from Saturday, the 20th to Friday, the 19th. Why should anyone care? I added another day to our Disney trip since we can leave 1 day earlier. I had 5 day park hoppers, but were only going to be able to use one day in the evening. Now, we are getting there one day early, so we can have 5 full days in the parks, if we should choose to do so. Or more time to explore the DLH. And the Disney math kind of works out. So, the way I had it was Monday - Saturday (5 nights) at the DLH. Now, the Friday night was not 20% off like the other nights. So, I was paying almost $172 more for that 1 night. I called and moved those dates to Sunday - Friday (still 5 nights), but the Sunday night does have the 20% discount. Then I added a night at Camelot Inn (where we had planned to stay before the DLH) for $232 (includes the tax). So, it really only cost $60 to add a night. Considering cancelling my hotel in Williams, CA (travel day) and hitting up friends in CA to see if we can sleep on a floor in one of their houses. Then, I would be adding a day and the lodging savings would make up for the dining additions. Did I lose you? Anyway, we are now leaving in 10 days, not 11.
That is an awesome tent, but I can tell you that the dome style tents are much easier to put up and take down - easy enough that one person can do it. Some of those are large enough to stand in also.
Just wanted to stop in and say thank you for the prayers for dad. He is doing and looking much better. Unfortunately, he is very hot and humid here. I banded both my parents to stay inside in the A.C. I just can't handle another curve ball right now.

Have a wonderful evening!
I am glad you are easing up on yourself. You are doing a great job! I work best when I have a small short term goal. The 21 day fix is 21 days bc that is supposed to be as long as it takes to make a habit. So I try to keep myself motivated in short term goals. Right now our county fair is coming up and I will be there all week with I am sure a lot of bad eating. So I am trying to get my 30 min workout in everyday and eat well until then so I don't come home from it a total disaster. The amount of walking I put in that week makes up for not working out. I bet I walk more that week then I do in a week at Disney.

Also, kuddos for running again. Every little bit over your usual routine will contribute to giving you a jump start. Have you ever tried plyometics? It might be a fun way to add something kind of like running to your workout. Maybe V could start walking/running with you to prep for the trip? I am more likely to walk when I have someone to keep me company.

Wow Allison is having an amazing trip. She is so lucky.

Watch that back! You have a Disney trip to be healthy for.

Thank you - I am trying. :) It hasn't been easy - but it hasn't been too hard either. I totally understand the premise behind the 21 day fix and changing habits - it's a great segway into future life changes. ::yes:: I am glad to hear that you've found something that works for you. :)

Good luck at the fair - I cannot imagine the amount of work and extra exercise you get in during that time!

Thanks... I have not tried plyometrics... I do get some of it with a few of my videos I do - but I have to be incredibly cautious, as I have bad knees. ::yes:: So, typically when those parts come up - I have to do the less challenging parts. I also have to be very cautious when I am running, insuring that I am stepping properly and not jarring my knee - which also causes me to be a very slow runner. I do it simply because i enjoy it and for no other reason. :) I've been trying to get V out to go walking with me, but ahhhh... no interest there - not even with Disney as bait. LOL I tried the same with Allison last year... And she started to pay for it on day 7, I believe? :scratchin They are young and resilient... Hopefully they can keep up with their mother. LOL

Yes - she is having a wonderful time... I am a bit jealous of her trip myself... Hoping she can push through these last several weeks.

Definitely - it's healing, and feeling better each day... I am just trying to be cautious with it - it's feeling much better this morning - which is a good sign. ::yes::

Looks like your DD had a wonderful trip to Paris! She'll always have these memories and there will always be a bond with her Uncle, Aunt and family.

Sounds like you're back in a groove and moving forward! I remember pictures you've posted before your health journey began and you now look like a completely different person! I've been fighting my weight since I was in Jr. High but it's been so much easier this time around because I'm focusing on my health rather than just a scale number or size. You're going in the right direction - keep it up!

Yes - she had a wonderful time there... I am so thankful to them for making this whole trip possible for Allison and next year for V... It really is the opportunity of a lifetime.

I am trying - truly I am... It's been hard, and it's been hard looking at myself in the mirror and seeing too much of the person I was before, for my liking... I am trying not to let it overwhelm me though - or else I will lose focus on what I need to do to fix it again. I agree - it's a lot easier when a person does it to improve their health as their main goal - to me, it just seams like my health is so much more worth the sacrifice and it keeps my goals in perspective... Once my brain changes to more of the vanity angle - it seems that I have a harder time. Keep up that great work!!!!

I'm going to PM you a link to a wall calendar I love - I like my boxes big enough to write in and keep track of everything on our schedule and I've found a calendar that works great for that.

I may hear about the job today, it's been "a couple days" which is when the owner said he'd get in touch. This week is so busy and hectic, I've actually been able to keep my mind off of it which is good. We met my parents for dinner last night, they are headed out of town in opposite directions today. My mom to Virginia for a wedding shower and my dad to work overseas. After dinner we had Charlotte's pre-k orientation where they mentioned that the kids will be wearing uniforms 5 days a week starting on Monday. They provided the polo shirts for us, but I have to come up with khaki bottoms for 5 days a week by Monday. I hit oldnavy.com as soon as we got home last night and was able to find a few things that will get her through next week. The uniforms cost $45, I had to spend $22 for expedited shipping!!!! I am beyond annoyed at the school right now for the last minute notification. I had already bought Charlotte several back to school dresses that she won't be able to wear and I hate this last minute rush for something they've known about for awhile.

Peyton has her meet the teacher event tomorrow at noon. She got the teachers that she wanted and she already knows them both fairly well from extra curricular activities so that should make her transition easy.

I'm debating about taking Friday off for some one on one time with Charlotte. Peyton and I have an end of the year tradition where I pick her up on the last day of school and we go out for lunch and then get her pictures taken. I wanted to start doing something similar with Charlotte now that she's getting older so I thought back to school time would be good for her. Somehow the school year has snuck up on me and I only have a few days left to make this happen.

Ok, personal questions for you. What is your normal schedule for getting up and going to bed? Are you naturally an early riser? I am amazed at how much you are able to fit into your days, I need to do better so I will have the time to get back to working out.

Hope you have a great day!

Thanks for sending me that link yesterday - I have yet to go look at it, I will this morning though, after I am done writing here. ::yes::

It sounds like life has been crazy for you this week! Safe travels (in opposite directions) to your parents - it sounds like both of them have nice plans.

And, I agree- that is terrible about the uniforms... They could have given so much more notice than that - BTS time is often financially difficult for many families - some consideration there could have gone a long way. I am glad you were able to get it sorted out for the time being, and hopefully you can add more to her wardrobe as time goes on.

Glad to hear that Peyton got the teachers she knows and wanted... That should make her year a bit easier. :lovestruc

What a great tradition you have started with your girls - how fun! I never really did anything like that with mine... Just Disney really... But I love it and I hope you are able to find a way to make it special for each of them! Great idea! :lovestruc

Hahaha... You can thank Allison for my "early riser ability"... When she was a baby, she would get up between 4am and 5am every morning - I did not enjoy it at all, as I was NOT an early riser. She was a ball of energy at that time of day though and I really needed to wake up fast and be focused on her... and she never really stopped being an early riser - until maybe about 2 years ago - and even then, 8 or 9am is her max. I'd gotten so used to it - that it's just natural for me to get up that early now. Typically - I am up around 5am, naturally... I do my coffee/FB/Dis until about 7am... I work out between 7 and 8... Breakfast at about 8:30... And I like to be upstairs to work, no later than 9am. I typically take lunch between 12:30 - 1pm, and I try hard to stick to that 30 minute meal time... If I go back up to work after lunch - then I usually work until about 3:30-4pm... Josh is off of work at 4, so I use that hour before he comes home to shower, get ready, clean up the house, make dinner - whatever needs to be done. Most days though - I have errands to run or appointments going on, so I go back up to work until I need to get ready to leave. Dinner is typically at 5:30 every night, and evenings are usually spent with the family - or not holed up in my sewing room - unless I have a big project going on, then I go back up to work for an hour or two in the evening - but I try very hard not to do this. Typically - most of my day is done by the time I take lunch at 12:30. LOL Oh and sometimes I try to take a little hour nap after lunch too... LOL Because I run my business from home - I try hard to stick to a good schedule - otherwise I'd never get anything done. I know what I have to get accomplished (work wise) every day - and I pretty much don't do anything else until that is done - that is my main focus. I often bribe myself with food - as in, I make certain mental benchmarks that I must meet in order to eat... So, I say to myself - this bag must be cut out and quilted before I can go take lunch - it just helps keep me on track, because I want to eat and I need to get my work done. ::yes:: When I make my work schedule - I have to plan it a year in advance - all of my vacation time, or any trips that I take - I have to know year in advance, so I can build that into my schedule. Typically - I build 1 extra week off every 10 weeks, if I fall behind, I have somewhere I can catch back up, this has worked well for me over the years - but also, if something comes up, I am able to use that week to take a last minute trip or whatever. So, that's usually how my days go... I usually don't deviate from that too much. :thumbsup2 Hope that helped?

I'm assuming you guys are stationed somewhere in Japan. My dad was stationed in Yokosuka when I was in high school from 1993-1997. We were able to go to Tokyo Disney several times while we were there, long before DisneySea existed.

I would think that would be the fun part about being stationed elsewhere... Just to be able to see other parts of the world. :lovestruc As hard as it would be to be away from friends and family.

Frequent lurker, rare poster, but this was too good - This is what I saw when I went online just now to see the weekly specials at Publix. pixiedust: You'll be saying this before you know it.


Cute! LOL Yes, it won't be long now... I think we are all ready for her to be home again - except maybe for V? :scratchin

Sorry that Allison is so homesick. Her trip to Paris with Brian looks like fun. I', with her you can't go to paris without going to the top of the Eiffel Tower. It loos like such a beautiful city. What a wonderful surprise, going to go to Disneyland Paris. She looks like she had a great time there.
Not too much is going on here. We went up to Marblehead lighthouse on Sunday and wandered around Sandusky and no we didn't go to Cedar Point. We did take pictures from across the bay. It's a pretty little city. My daughter is on a quest to resee all the lighthouses around here.
We're getting ready for a remodel at work. They're basically flipping the store starting with the breakroom. Last week we had a cookout to celebrate 190 days accident free. Then we had three accidents. That's just the way things go a work.
Have a great day

She did have a great time... but she is definitely home sick. She will be so busy over the next several weeks - I really think she won't have too much time to miss us.

It sounds like you have been enjoying summer - and getting out to do fun things! I admire you for that! And how fun to be able to go along with your daughter as she adventures locally - that's cool!

I hope your remodel at work goes smoothly. :thumbsup2

I hope you have a great day, as well! :lovestruc

How great that you had a great day on Monday :)

Looks like Allison had a great time in Paris. I'm glad to hear she liked Disneyland Paris.

I can't wait to see the surprise bag for V.

I hope your back is feeling better after yesterday's heavy lifting.

How great that you are getting more confident about your eating

My sister and her little family lives way too far from me, so I don't get to see my niece and nephew a lot. It's 1113 miles by car if you drive through Sweden and 1177 miles if you drive through Norway. They were here in Tromsø The same week Ulf and I went to Wales. So I got to meet them and I will see them again in Spain. They are not coming home for Christmas this year so I guess the next time I'll see them after Spain is next summer.

Ulf and I are planning on a road trip around Europe next Spring. We first talked about borrowing my parents caravan. But with the caravan and the car it will be difficult to stop and geocache a long the way. In Wales we met some geocaching friends from Germany who said that maybe we should try to camp in a tent instead of the caravan. The Germans said that now a days there are tents big enough so you can stand upright in them and there is air mattresses that are 19.7 inch high. Ulf and I talked about it some more on our way home and I have been searching the internet for the last couple of days for tents and air mattresses. Since we are not walking anywhere with the camping gear we don't need the tent and other camping stuff to be light weight. Ulf and I have now decided that I will sleep on a air mattress with my travel tempur mattress on top of it and I will have my tempur pillow that I use at home because nothing beats a tempure pillow. We have also decided to buy this tent.

Thanks Lillian - my back is getting better day by day... It's still sore - but better. :)

It's a bummer that your neice and nephew live so far away, it sounds like you will get to see them a few times over the course of the upcoming months though - that will be nice. :)

I love the idea that you and Ulf are going to tent - that sounds like so much fun! I don't tent, ever... I used to, but there's just too much wildlife here - and not my idea of fun! But I admire those that can do it and enjoy doing it. :) It sounds like you have a great plan! :woohoo:

Chelsea's dance showcase got moved up a day, from Saturday, the 20th to Friday, the 19th. Why should anyone care? I added another day to our Disney trip since we can leave 1 day earlier. I had 5 day park hoppers, but were only going to be able to use one day in the evening. Now, we are getting there one day early, so we can have 5 full days in the parks, if we should choose to do so. Or more time to explore the DLH. And the Disney math kind of works out. So, the way I had it was Monday - Saturday (5 nights) at the DLH. Now, the Friday night was not 20% off like the other nights. So, I was paying almost $172 more for that 1 night. I called and moved those dates to Sunday - Friday (still 5 nights), but the Sunday night does have the 20% discount. Then I added a night at Camelot Inn (where we had planned to stay before the DLH) for $232 (includes the tax). So, it really only cost $60 to add a night. Considering cancelling my hotel in Williams, CA (travel day) and hitting up friends in CA to see if we can sleep on a floor in one of their houses. Then, I would be adding a day and the lodging savings would make up for the dining additions. Did I lose you? Anyway, we are now leaving in 10 days, not 11.

Exciting!!! I am so glad that you were able to extend your trip - it seems like it all worked out so perfectly!!! :woohoo: For $60 - I'd definitely add another night! ::yes:: And eeeep!!! It's so close!!! That's just as exciting! LOL You will have such a great trip!

That is an awesome tent, but I can tell you that the dome style tents are much easier to put up and take down - easy enough that one person can do it. Some of those are large enough to stand in also.

I wish I could offer advice here... LOL But I don't tent. Just wanted to say hi Tess. :)

Just wanted to stop in and say thank you for the prayers for dad. He is doing and looking much better. Unfortunately, he is very hot and humid here. I banded both my parents to stay inside in the A.C. I just can't handle another curve ball right now.

Have a wonderful evening!

I am glad to hear that your dad is doing and looking so much better... Oh yes - I agree there... I try to do that to my dad too - but it seems like he doesn't like to listen to me, ever. I hope they understood your reasoning and listened. :thumbsup2 I completely understand your concern... and praying for no more curve balls coming your way.

Thank you - same to you!


Ugh!!! Yesterday... I am just glad it's over.

I worked out right away in the morning... And I worked upstairs too, until lunch. And then V and I had errands to run.

Meanwhile... Allison was taking the train into Amsterdam to meet up with some friends of her's. Which was fine and encouraged - it's good that she is getting out and trying to meet people. She posted some pictures on FB and it looked like she had a good time.

Then - at about 3pm here, I texted her to make sure she made it home OK... That's when she told me that she kept getting on the wrong tram, and she was still trying to get home. Doing the time difference calculation - it was 10pm her time. :( She was at a train station, a 45 minute walk from Amsterdam Central and still had to get back there, before she could board a train home... So, she still had a 2 hour minimum ride home - if all went well. You know - those scenes in Tangled, where Mother Gothel ages instantaneously?? That was me. There was my daughter - in a foreign country - who doesn't speak or read the native language... Trying to get home in the middle of the night. I had to use every skill I had not to panic and try to remain calm... but this kid... Geez... Essentially - she was trying to find her way on her own... and it was the middle of the night... Of course, I took matters into my own hands and sent Myrthe a message, because she had no idea what was going on - maybe she would listen to Myrthe if Myrthe offered the help? After all, it is her country and she knows how to get around. I love that my daughter is independently minded - but it's always good to ask for help when you need it.





Essentialy... She got on 2 trams, before she got on the right one. Then the train she got on, which was supposed to take her from AMS to her town shut down for the night for maintenance... So she had to get on a bus much earlier and much further away, to take her to the town where she could catch the smaller local bus that took her home. But in the end, she took the bus from the larger town, to the smaller town, then took a taxi home. She arrived home at 1am her time!


Like Myrthe told me last night - I should be PROUD of her for navigating a foreign transportation system - she did it exactly how Myrthe would have told her to do it... And I AM proud of her - truly I am... But next time - Allison - PLEASE do it during daylight hours. Thank you. ::yes::

After she was home, safely tucked into bed - and I had aged 60 years in a matter of hours... I saw this message posted on FB... Broke my heart...


So, that was my night. I hope the rest of you had evenings that were much less adventurous. :scratchin

Today... I am working out shortly... I wanted to run - but it's pouring rain. It should be a heavy lifting day for me - but I think I am going to let my back heal for one more day - so I'll heavy lift tomorrow instead. ::yes::

Then I will work upstairs until lunch time. Again - V and I have errands to run this afternoon. Story of my life, these days. LOL

I hope you all have a great day!! Sending pixie dust out to all of you! :lovestruc

What a mess with the bed - I would be so irritated! I sure hope it is resolved soon!
We finished the room last night. Bed saga got even crazier. Tuesday afternoon DH calls costco.com's customer service. After waiting on hold for almost a 1/2 hour, they call the carrier, comes back to DH and basically says he thinks something was lost at the terminal. So DH has him cancel the order.

I stopped into a bob's furniture to look at their twin over full bunk bed, since i was in traffic due to a car off the road in a trees/grass. I didn't like it. Then I stopped at costco to look at the twin over full bed. I liked it.
When DH came home from work we went to costco to buy the bed. This was 2 big boxes, one box was very heavy. We decided to unload it in the car and carry the pieces up one by one. Get about 1/2 way done, and notice the headboard has a huge split in the wood and is warped. We finish unpacking the rest, and head back to costco. We were able to have them open the box they had and swap out the damaged piece. Got the bed together.
I'm actually glad we had the screw up, since i think the other bed would have been too big for the room. We went last night and got the twin mattress for the top bunk. I found a comforter set that matches the one she already had for the bottom bed. I want to get a set of matching sheets.

Ugh!!! Yesterday... I am just glad it's over.
Sound scary. Glad she was just stressed and not panicky.
Oh my goodness! What an adventure Allison had last night! When I was in high school we lived in Japan and there is something very empowering about mastering a foreign transportation system. This will give her confidence that will carry over into other aspects of her life. Although, Japan is very English friendly so I imagine Allison is dealing with twice the challenge.

Thanks for sharing your schedule, I love seeing how other people make things work. I need to tweak some things with my schedule so seeing the way you manage things helps.

Today is crazy busy for me. I'm working for a few hours, meeting Peyton's teachers and taking her to lunch. Then picking up Charlotte early for some one on one time with her and a back to school haircut.

Have a great day!
I think I got a few extra gray hairs just reading your conversation! My 19 year old would have been the same way. I would have been worried to death and then she would have refused help because "she's got this". Then she would get what ever problem she has figured out and stop texting. I'm waiting on pins and needles and she's fine. Kids! :rolleyes:
So glad Allison made it back safe and sound. Hang in there, she will be home soon!:)
I can't believe Allison didn't contact Myrthe as soon as Allison found it difficult to find the right train. But I'm glad she finally found her way home. It's good to try to find your way around, but when you get stuck it's always wise to ask for some help to get home as fast as possible.

When is Allison back in the US?

Crossing my fingers that you will have a much less adventurous day today.
Oh my word! The whole thing with the transportation. Glad she finally made it back safely. That would have stressed me knowing there was nothing I could do to help. The message to her friend may have helped soothe the emotions, but it would have taken me quite some time to calm down. I am not looking forward to that at all.

Marissa finally found out about her host family. She is 45 minutes walking distance to the school. She was told when she applied that she could be placed as far away as an hour by train, so this made her feel better. And she is an hour from Tokyo Disneyland. She is super excited about that. The family has a 4 year old son and a 6 year old daughter. The daughter loves to dance, so she thinks with having a younger sister that dances might help her relate to the little girl. We shall see how it goes. She does not like little kids, at all. Maybe 11 months will help give her patience with them.

Hopefully, today is a bit less stressful.


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