DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Happy Monday morning. A day at the office and got to be on the road tomorrow. Oh well, it could be worse. Oldest dd's relay team didn't make it for the last event, but she came home proud to display her first hardware. Tennis tonight.

Some catching up to do here, but in the meantime in honor of the DisDads (nice cigar and Makers Mark on the ship in St Thomas)

Ahhh, the life of Mike.

Al Goure.


Congrats to her! Good luck for the next relay event.

Thanks. It was a great way to end the season.

Morning boys.
It is morning, isn't it?

What a crappy night. Got off work last night at 10:30, home by 11. In bed by 11:30 with the alarm set for 5am for the next shift.
This is how I spent my night:
"Midnight... gotta get some sleep."
"12:30.... okay... need sleep."
"1am... might as well read for a while."
"2am... okay. Surely I can sleep now."
"3am... only 2 more hours to go."
"3:30am... puppy's barking."
"4am... maybe I can get an hour."
4:15 - 4:30 finally fell asleep-ish.
5am. The alarm goes off. Oddly enough, I'm still tired.

Sorry to hear about the sleep problems. I would have turned to drugs or alcohol to get me there. Maybe a knock on the head? I don't function well, even worse with sleep.
Morning boys.
It is morning, isn't it?

What a crappy night. Got off work last night at 10:30, home by 11. In bed by 11:30 with the alarm set for 5am for the next shift.
This is how I spent my night:
"Midnight... gotta get some sleep."
"12:30.... okay... need sleep."
"1am... might as well read for a while."
"2am... okay. Surely I can sleep now."
"3am... only 2 more hours to go."
"3:30am... puppy's barking."
"4am... maybe I can get an hour."
4:15 - 4:30 finally fell asleep-ish.
5am. The alarm goes off. Oddly enough, I'm still tired.

Ugh, hate nights like that. Hope work goes quickly for you.
Sorry to hear about the sleep problems. I would have turned to drugs or alcohol to get me there. Maybe a knock on the head? I don't function well, even worse with sleep.

I have to function. I have way too many nights with not enough sleep.
Benefits of shift work.

Nah, its about 2 O'clock in the afternoon.

It is?? Man... I'm way off.

Ugh, hate nights like that. Hope work goes quickly for you.

<sigh> It's not.
'Morning all...
My old lawnmower failed recently so it was time to replace it. Between my recent injuries, our rather unlevel yard and the fact that the summer heat levels here are starting to actually become dangerous on a regular bases, I finally opted to spend the bucks and get a ridding mower. You still have to bust out a trimmer to get in the spots that just can't be navigated, but that had to be done anyway. The only problem now is I probably need to buy a small shed to store it in (one reason I hadn't purchased one up to now). Hate spending that much money on something I use to be able to accomplish by far less expensive means but circumstances forced my hand.

Not that any of this matters a hill of beans to anyone, but I don't really have much to add to the conversation otherwise.

DD15 was invited to a Fringe show last night. Went with a friend and her friend's Dad. Apparently a co-worker of his was supposed to be in it. I read the description and told her that she might find it boring. "It looks like an alternate political history musical." She said "I like musicals." Okay.
When she got home, she bounced into our room and announced that it was great. "But there sure was a lot of sexual stuff! My friend asked her Dad if he had known it was going to be like that, would he have brought us. He said "NO!!!""

Scarred for life! :laughing:
On the up side...
When she starts seeing a therapist, this at least, is one incident she won't blame on her parents.
That's a win.

However, a friend's FIL died this week and we went to the funeral. He had hospice care for cancer. There was only about 30 people there. Life is short. Plan for the future, but live life everyday.
Sorry to hear that for them or anyone. Funerals aren't much fun either.
Hospice care, though, is a good thing and needs praising.
Those folks do good work during difficult times.

That's because Randall is their leader. :lmao:
The master of sneaky.

Gonna take the bike out for a spin before 1. It rains and 2. I go to work.
Hope you had a great outing.
You're welcome to send some of that rain down this way.
We could use a bit right now.

Oldest dd's team placed 7th in 200 free relay and she earned her first state medal. Championships are awarded 1 through 8, earning a spot into one of the 8 finals lanes from the different heats. Her team didn't make the medley relay final, and she still has one more relay event to go.
Congratulation and good work on her part.
A good experience that offers reason to continue that hard hard work.

Some catching up to do here, but in the meantime in honor of the DisDads (nice cigar and Makers Mark on the ship in St Thomas)

Yeah... that's not helping my situation much.
But I'm glad someone's out there having a great time.
Next stop: CC... hope y'all have a blast.

Morning boys.
It is morning, isn't it?

What a crappy night. Got off work last night at 10:30, home by 11. In bed by 11:30 with the alarm set for 5am for the next shift.
This is how I spent my night:
"Midnight... gotta get some sleep."
"12:30.... okay... need sleep."
"1am... might as well read for a while."
"2am... okay. Surely I can sleep now."
"3am... only 2 more hours to go."
"3:30am... puppy's barking."
"4am... maybe I can get an hour."
4:15 - 4:30 finally fell asleep-ish.
5am. The alarm goes off. Oddly enough, I'm still tired.

Sound's a lot like my Saturday night.
Of course I didn't have to be at work Sunday morning, so once I finally got to sleep I was able to stay that way for a couple hours.

More caffeine for you seems to be whats in order here.
Happy Monday morning. A day at the office and got to be on the road tomorrow. Oh well, it could be worse. Oldest dd's relay team didn't make it for the last event, but she came home proud to display her first hardware. Tennis tonight.

Congrats to DD on the success in the pool!

Office day for me today as well but the next two days have me visiting the Indian Summer Games. That's two days out of the office watching sports!

Played soccer again last night; definitely too old to be playing 90 minutes without a sub in 90 degree heat!

Have a good one all!
Morning boys.
It is morning, isn't it?

What a crappy night. Got off work last night at 10:30, home by 11. In bed by 11:30 with the alarm set for 5am for the next shift.
This is how I spent my night:
"Midnight... gotta get some sleep."
"12:30.... okay... need sleep."
"1am... might as well read for a while."
"2am... okay. Surely I can sleep now."
"3am... only 2 more hours to go."
"3:30am... puppy's barking."
"4am... maybe I can get an hour."
4:15 - 4:30 finally fell asleep-ish.
5am. The alarm goes off. Oddly enough, I'm still tired.

That bites, hope tonight is better.
DD15 was invited to a Fringe show last night. Went with a friend and her friend's Dad. Apparently a co-worker of his was supposed to be in it. I read the description and told her that she might find it boring. "It looks like an alternate political history musical." She said "I like musicals." Okay.
When she got home, she bounced into our room and announced that it was great. "But there sure was a lot of sexual stuff! My friend asked her Dad if he had known it was going to be like that, would he have brought us. He said "NO!!!""

Scarred for life! :laughing:

:rotfl:So you have that going for you, which is nice.

Al Goure.


What a crappy night. Got off work last night at 10:30, home by 11. In bed by 11:30 with the alarm set for 5am for the next shift.
This is how I spent my night:
"Midnight... gotta get some sleep."
"12:30.... okay... need sleep."
"1am... might as well read for a while."
"2am... okay. Surely I can sleep now."
"3am... only 2 more hours to go."
"3:30am... puppy's barking."
"4am... maybe I can get an hour."
4:15 - 4:30 finally fell asleep-ish.
5am. The alarm goes off. Oddly enough, I'm still tired.

Those nights are the worst. I'm impressed you waited for the alarm. Usually I reach the point where I figure, well, if I'm going to be awake, I might as well go do something useful.

My old lawnmower failed recently so it was time to replace it. Between my recent injuries, our rather unlevel yard and the fact that the summer heat levels here are starting to actually become dangerous on a regular bases, I finally opted to spend the bucks and get a ridding mower. You still have to bust out a trimmer to get in the spots that just can't be navigated, but that had to be done anyway. The only problem now is I probably need to buy a small shed to store it in (one reason I hadn't purchased one up to now). Hate spending that much money on something I use to be able to accomplish by far less expensive means but circumstances forced my hand.

I hear ya. On the plus side, the shed can often be used as an excellent hideout when the need arises.

My wife just texted me and told me accidentally put a heat wrap/pillow in the laundry and it exploded in the dryer. Now it won't run because it keeps saying the lint trap needs to be cleaned, but she can't get all the junk cleaned out of it. Good times.

Sorry to hear that for them or anyone. Funerals aren't much fun either.
Hospice care, though, is a good thing and needs praising.
Those folks do good work during difficult times.

Agreed. That's difficult, often thankless work. Takes a special person.

Office day for me today as well but the next two days have me visiting the Indian Summer Games. That's two days out of the office watching sports!

Sounds fun, but Indian Summer? In July? Seems like things just keep happening earlier and earlier. Anybody put up their Christmas tree yet?
Sounds fun, but Indian Summer? In July? Seems like things just keep happening earlier and earlier. Anybody put up their Christmas tree yet?

Think First Nations Summer Games and it may make more sense.

Apparently Costco has their Christmas stuff out. Must be for Christmas in July.
Just hit a small bucket on the range beforehand and drink lots of beer during the round. You'll be fine.

Yeah, I used to play a lot, but have not played in over 10 years. But it's like riding a bike, so I am sure I will be as dreadful as I ever was. :)
I finally opted to spend the bucks and get a ridding mower.

I to would be happy to be ridding myself of my mower.

Hate spending that much money on something I use to be able to accomplish by far less expensive means but circumstances forced my hand.

Yeah... I hear you.
It used to be "I can do that!"
Now it's "I don't know if I can do that."
And soon enough will be "I can't do that."

On the up side...
When she starts seeing a therapist, this at least, is one incident she won't blame on her parents.
That's a win.

"It all started when my father allowed me to go see this show..."

Hope you had a great outing.

I did!
Just tootled around not caring where I wound up.

You're welcome to send some of that rain down this way.
We could use a bit right now.

I sang the rain rain go away song, just for you.

Sound's a lot like my Saturday night.
Of course I didn't have to be at work Sunday morning, so once I finally got to sleep I was able to stay that way for a couple hours.

More caffeine for you seems to be whats in order here.

I'm on my second Coke of the morning.

That bites, hope tonight is better.

It better be... otherwise I foresee a sick day in my future.

:rotfl:So you have that going for you, which is nice.


Those nights are the worst. I'm impressed you waited for the alarm. Usually I reach the point where I figure, well, if I'm going to be awake, I might as well go do something useful.

Yeah I do that too sometimes.
This time, I kept hoping I'd fall asleep.
And I did... for 30 or so minutes.
My wife just texted me and told me accidentally put a heat wrap/pillow in the laundry and it exploded in the dryer. Now it won't run because it keeps saying the lint trap needs to be cleaned, but she can't get all the junk cleaned out of it. Good times.
Had to replace ours a couple weeks ago. I made certain that the new one used analog switches and timers so there'd be fewer things that could fail and it wouldn't be "smart" enough to be doing me any "favors" that I couldn't override. It was a floor model as well with a good sized dent in one side. The whack didn't impinge on the drum and you can't see the side of a dryer when it's wedged up beside the washer so those two things didn't matter and saved me some bucks as well.

Well my tee time is 1:30 ish. I have not practiced, so this should be fun. :)
Well you should already be out on the links by now, but my advice would be to drink heavily.

I to would be happy to be ridding myself of my mower.
Dang auto-correct...
378 other word were fine but it's the one that got missed that reinforces everyone's belief that you really are just a moron.

Yeah... I hear you.
It used to be "I can do that!"
Now it's "I don't know if I can do that."
And soon enough will be "I can't do that."
Aging isn't for the faint of heart.
I'm at the point of: "I swear I can still do that", but it's only out of sheer will and stubbornness.
The toll some things have begun to take on the body are starting to get too costly though.

"It all started when my father allowed me to go see this show..."
"It all started when I was born..."

Yeah... you're correct. There's no way to win here.
Oh, don't worry about it.
We don't need any reinforcing at all.
Which just adds to the reinforcement...

But I'm use to it...
First it's generally true, and second I've been told such most of my life (which is the proof that it's true).
Last edited:
Evening chaps, from a very temperate London evening. 1 bottle of heavily overpriced wine, 2 cocktails (DW didn't care for hers) and pretty much the best steak house in London. Not quite Mike's level of high on the hog, but not bad. image.jpeg
This guy only made it as a side to the entree. That's gotta put life in perspective.
Came back to reality Saturday night and spent yesterday looking at pics and videos from trip. Was a nice family time trip as more and more we just aren't together as a family and this fall both kids will be away at school. Great day back in the office today, yeah right, and back out on a two day business trip tomorrow - getting a bit tired of airports. If I missed anything, congrats, prayers and dole whips, bacon and beer for all.
Happy Thursday morning. Can you see the weekend? Turns out dd qualified for 3 different relay teams for club state meet long course. Since she was just an alternate last year on short course, she only swam one event. She may have a chance to make finals in three different events. I looked at the other teams' times, and it will be a challenge.
Congrats to DD - haven't seen results or missed them in the fog I'm still under so let me know if I missed results
DD15 was invited to a Fringe show last night. Went with a friend and her friend's Dad. Apparently a co-worker of his was supposed to be in it. I read the description and told her that she might find it boring. "It looks like an alternate political history musical." She said "I like musicals." Okay.
When she got home, she bounced into our room and announced that it was great. "But there sure was a lot of sexual stuff! My friend asked her Dad if he had known it was going to be like that, would he have brought us. He said "NO!!!""

Scarred for life! :laughing:
Get use to it, it only gets worse :crazy2:
Happy Saturday. I have had a fun week of little office time and lots of tennis. However, a friend's FIL died this week and we went to the funeral. He had hospice care for cancer. There was only about 30 people there. Life is short. Plan for the future, but live life everyday.
Sorry to here about your friends FIL passing. Last part is well said my friend
Happy Sunday. It sure is another hot day here. Oldest dd's team placed 7th in 200 free relay and she earned her first state medal. Championships are awarded 1 through 8, earning a spot into one of the 8 finals lanes from the different heats. Her team didn't make the medley relay final, and she still has one more relay event to go.
Congrats to DD and the proud Pappa :thumbsup2
Ahhh, the life of Mike.
Hey, ain't that CJ's tag line?
'Morning all...
My old lawnmower failed recently so it was time to replace it. Between my recent injuries, our rather unlevel yard and the fact that the summer heat levels here are starting to actually become dangerous on a regular bases, I finally opted to spend the bucks and get a ridding mower. You still have to bust out a trimmer to get in the spots that just can't be navigated, but that had to be done anyway. The only problem now is I probably need to buy a small shed to store it in (one reason I hadn't purchased one up to now). Hate spending that much money on something I use to be able to accomplish by far less expensive means but circumstances forced my hand.
Nice on the riding mower and sorry about needing to spend on a shed to house it. We all are at that point where we just can't do as much as we did. I too am stubborn about some things but finding I can still get things done just not as many in say a weekend day as I used to. Gonna have to pick up my game though with DS heading off to school so you don;t fret as you ain't alone.
Well my tee time is 1:30 ish. I have not practiced, so this should be fun. :)
Hopefully scramble format helped you along with the cold beers, better know as swing lubricant.
Dang auto-correct...
378 other word were fine but it's the one that got missed that reinforces everyone's belief that you really are just a moron.
There are at least 10 Canadians or Brits on this thread, just waiting for a syntax or spelling error. It's what we live for. Like Dismoms and a dining plan offer.
Well my tee time is 1:30 ish. I have not practiced, so this should be fun. :)
Blame the clubs/balls/wind/hangover. Always works for me. That and the "magic pencil".
Anybody put up their Christmas tree yet?
No, but our Costco as started to dial down the summer furniture aisle, just waiting for the halloween/xmas early bargains...
'Morning all...
My old lawnmower failed recently so it was time to replace it. Between my recent injuries, our rather unlevel yard and the fact that the summer heat levels here are starting to actually become dangerous on a regular bases, I finally opted to spend the bucks and get a ridding mower. You still have to bust out a trimmer to get in the spots that just can't be navigated, but that had to be done anyway. The only problem now is I probably need to buy a small shed to store it in (one reason I hadn't purchased one up to now). Hate spending that much money on something I use to be able to accomplish by far less expensive means but circumstances forced my hand.

Not that any of this matters a hill of beans to anyone, but I don't really have much to add to the conversation otherwise.

Thanks for adding to the conversation. I have a shed for my push mower and a bunch of other junk that we use once a year. You can have my shed and all the junk in it.

Congrats to DD on the success in the pool!!

Played soccer again last night; definitely too old to be playing 90 minutes without a sub in 90 degree heat!

Have a good one all!

Thanks. Take it easy out there Ronaldo.

I hear ya. On the plus side, the shed can often be used as an excellent hideout when the need arises.

My wife just texted me and told me accidentally put a heat wrap/pillow in the laundry and it exploded in the dryer. Now it won't run because it keeps saying the lint trap needs to be cleaned, but she can't get all the junk cleaned out of it. Good times.

Your dryer talks to you? It's smarter than both my dryer and me. :rotfl:

Just hit a small bucket on the range beforehand and drink lots of beer during the round. You'll be fine.

That's good advice for anything in life - drink more beer.

Evening chaps, from a very temperate London evening. 1 bottle of heavily overpriced wine, 2 cocktails (DW didn't care for hers) and pretty much the best steak house in London. Not quite Mike's level of high on the hog, but not bad. View attachment 183879
This guy only made it as a side to the entree. That's gotta put life in perspective.

The best steak in London is lobster? :lmao:

Congrats to DD and the proud Pappa :thumbsup2

Hey, ain't that CJ's tag line?

Thanks. I gave CJ that tag line, or stole it from someone else here. I figured it was deserving of you in that picture.


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