TV Shows - you watched this season, it's been renewed, but you don't think you'll continue watching

I had no idea a list came out. But for me Sleepy Hollow will just not be the same without Abby. I can't understand why they killed her off. Together her and Crane are the show. I am also sad they killed off the sisters boyfriend. I liked him with Jenny.
I had no idea a list came out. But for me Sleepy Hollow will just not be the same without Abby. I can't understand why they killed her off. Together her and Crane are the show. I am also sad they killed off the sisters boyfriend. I liked him with Jenny.
They killed her because she wanted to leave the show. She was supposed to die mid-season but they ended up waiting until the finale.
They killed her because she wanted to leave the show. She was supposed to die mid-season but they ended up waiting until the finale.

Oh, I didn't know she wanted to leave. I wonder why. It seemed like a good gig.
The Amazing Race. I watched until the NCAA Basketball Tournament interrupted it for two straight weeks, then never regained interest. The same thing happened last fall, when I gave up after four or five episodes. I think I'm done with it.

Gotham. I loved season 1, but this season has been disappointing. I'm thinking of giving it up.

I'm just the opposite. I was lukewarm about Season 1, but loved the current season. Dr. Strange and Miss Peabody deserve their own spinoff if Gotham is cancelled. Yes, the storylines are ridiculous but I'm enjoying it.

Two that I initially watched but have given up on are Quantico and How to Get Away With Murder. There were too many flashbacks on Quantico, too much effort to keep up with the story. The characters on Murder were too unlikeable to care about the story line.
I'm just the opposite. I was lukewarm about Season 1, but loved the current season. Dr. Strange and Miss Peabody deserve their own spinoff if Gotham is cancelled. Yes, the storylines are ridiculous but I'm enjoying it.

I don't mind Hugo Strange, but I absolutely hated Theo Galavan and he was the primary antagonist for the whole first half of season 2. I liked Penguin, Moroni, Flacone and Fish in Season 1 and feel that's what the show should have focused on. Most of the super criminals shouldn't even be showing up until Batman does. I try to take it for what is is, but it just feels off. Also theer has been less Bullock this season, and he's the more interesting cop. I I said, it's on the bubble for me. I want to like it though.
It's really sad because everyone that I know who has watched The Grinder has loved it...but apparently not enough people are watching it. :(

We didn't care for it. We tried to watch it, but only made it 2 episodes.
I agree with everybody who has also abandoned Quantico - how did that mess get renewed? :confused:

I never even bothered to start watching season 2 of Outlander. I was really intrigued by season 1; bought the books and was appalled that it turned out to be a bodice-ripping romance series. I haven't tuned in to the current season of Hell's Kitchen at all either. I really liked the show for the first few seasons, but it's just sooooo predictable and "done to death". I do like cooking shows though. Too bad The Taste didn't get renewed.
Blind Spot, Criminal Minds, How it get away with Murder and The Catch ( I already quit on Quanico at its mid season break)
Two Broke Girls. I liked the first season, then it went downhill fast for me. I finally stopped watching it this year but I still know what's going on because my husband watches it. The jokes are so forced.
law and order SVU.
i haven't liked it as much since multiple characters left.
and this season the plots have been less than amazing.
i think ice-t had said the show was picked up for at least a couple more seasons.
i've only been watching it this long because i feel "guilty" just "quitting".
i think maybe starting next season i'll only watch when the preview looks interesting.

i'm actually not hooked on too many prime time shows anymore because several went off the air within a few years of each other that i really did love.

when it feels "freeing" that the season finale for a show is coming up you know you're just kinda done.
Empire. Really good at first, then turned into normal soap opera. :(

I had a feeling it would head that direction when the storylines were moving at the speed of light. I'll be sad if it winds up a shell of itself.

Limitless is one of those shows that I haven't been able to understand from the start how the premise was sustainable. Other than that I don't watch the shows in this thread, I would however like to put in a bid for How It's Made and Modern Marvels to be put out of my misery! DH would probably bawl like a baby, but if I never had to even heard the sound of those shows on in the house again I would be happy.
Two Broke Girls. I liked the first season, then it went downhill fast for me. I finally stopped watching it this year but I still know what's going on because my husband watches it. The jokes are so forced.

I can not believe this is still on because of what you said about the jokes being forced.
Blind Spot, Criminal Minds, How it get away with Murder and The Catch ( I already quit on Quanico at its mid season break)

The Blind Spot? I'm surprised by that. I think it's one of the best shows on right now.
See ya'll are reminding of other's we've stopped watching. We watched Criminal Minds for years and years (mostly cause I liked seeing Shemar Moore without his shirt) but the plots just got weird and we stopped, we have started watching Criminal Minds Beyond Borders but not sure how long that will last. I love Gary Sinese but not sure if he can carry it. We also watched Two Broke Girls the first season or two and lost interest in that as well. We tried watching How to Get Away with Murder and couldn't make it past the first two episodes. We watched Blacklist the first two seasons then it jumped the shark too. We are hanging on with Bones but I have a feeling it is only going to last one more season anyway, when they took off Zach we were really disappointed but they still had some decent episodes, they have fallen into the long running story arc thing too. I actually binge watched the first 4 seasons of Supernatural and then, like others, it got weird and I stopped watching it. Back when it was on we watch the original CSI but gave up on it when they brought Lawrence Fishbourne in, he just couldn't compete with Gil Grissom (can't remember the actors name) as head. I watch Hawaii Five O, started watching it because I was a fan of the original one, my honey stopped paying attention after the first season, he usually reads when I'm watching it now. I'll admit it isn't that good but I still keep hoping Alex O'Loughlin will go back to taking his shirt off again (I know I'm shallow, I bet I'm not the only one who watches for that reason).
Scream Queens. I wanted to give up on it last season but I invested enough time that I wanted to find out who the killer was. I don't think I'm going to give season 2 a shot.
Scream Queens. I wanted to give up on it last season but I invested enough time to want to find out who the killer was. I don't think I'm going to give season 2 a shot.
LOL, I gave up with 6 episodes left and then just googled what happened in the final episodes. I actually mentally checked out around episode 3 or 4.


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