We're back and we're 40 inches. A Nov '15 Trip Report

Daniel and I weren't far behind. We needed all the rest we could get, tomorrow was our marathon day and last day. We were going to attempt to be in a park from 8AM to 5PM. It has never happened before, could we do it?

Did you make it? :)
Hey guys!

Just checking in to let you know I haven't abandoned ship. I've just been reallllly busy with work. Being a CPA in public accounting in the spring is a special kind of torture. I will try to make time soon to finish up the last day of my trip report.

But now its off to see Zootopia! Have a great Sunday!
Hey guys!

Just checking in to let you know I haven't abandoned ship. I've just been reallllly busy with work. Being a CPA in public accounting in the spring is a special kind of torture. I will try to make time soon to finish up the last day of my trip report.

But now its off to see Zootopia! Have a great Sunday!

Hope you guys enjoy the movie!
Our Last PPO Breakfast

Well, well, well, it has been awhile! Spring was downright crazy for me per the usual... public accounting really sucks during tax season. Lots of developments for our family over the past few months. After contemplating staying in Maryland after my husband gets out of the military, we ultimately decided to move back to Texas. I have accepted a job and start end of August. My kids are going to TX to stay with my parents at the end of June while my husband and I pack up and finish up our current jobs. Very exciting time!

Now onto what I'm sure the... 5 of you? have been dying to hear about... the last day of our trip! When we last left off, our next day was a "full day" (at least for us) at Magic Kingdom. We woke up bright and early to make our 8:05 reservation at Be Our Guest. We kind of made a theme out of early breakfasts this trip. I really enjoyed the early entrances... with a toddler it was a definite advantage. I think next trip we will try to do more lunch and dinner ADRS though. We were at the bus stop around 7:00. It took about 15 minutes for a MK bus to appear. There was at least one Disney Springs bus, which confused me. Who is going to Disney Springs at 7:00am? Soon enough we were pulling up to the MK. I know the #1 complaint about Animal Kingdom Lodge is its distance from the Magic Kingdom. I'm going to go out on a limb and say if that is the reason keeping you from booking AKL, please rethink it. I didn't think the bus ride was bad at all. Of course, the bus rides back at the end of the night are worse because you're most likely standing, but it is doable. If you like the theme of AKL, don't let the proximity from MK stop you from trying it out.

I grabbed a quick picture of the Christmas decorations.

:love::love::love::love::love: Beautiful. Before long we were being let in for our PPO ADR. Snapped a quick picture of the family in front of the castle.

I am noticing now that we didn't get many castle pictures this trip. I guess that means we need to go back. We headed towards Beast's castle and checked in for our reservation. A CM remembered us from our dinner 2 nights ago, that was nice. I can only imagine how many people she sees in a day. We had preordered so we went to a computer to confirm and then set out in search of a table. We picked a table by the Christmas tree.

Daniel ordered the croissant donut which looked pretty good but not really worth the price tag. I got the open faced bacon and egg sandwich. It was okay but just really not my thing. Audrey got the kid's scrambled eggs and devoured it, per the usual. I hadn't ordered Ezra and entree because at this time, he was being an obnoxiously picky eater and I figured the pastry selection would satisfy him. What I failed to realize was he was going to have an epic meltdown when his sister got a chocolate milk and he didn't. I gave the CM a look of panic and asked if I could get an extra chocolate milk. I told her I'd be happy to pay but she said that wasn't really an option. She did give us one...thank the toddler gods, but she had a bit of an attitude about it. I'm sure that happens a lot there. I felt a bad about it for a bit then remembered it was a $2 bottle of chocolate milk and went about my day. Moral of the story is if you are not ordering an entree for one child, bring an extra beverage in your bag for them.

Clean plate and plushie picture.

Happy he got a chocolate milk.

We left the restaurant 8:40 and headed to get in line for Mine Train. We were unable to get a FP+ for this attraction, so this was really our only hope of riding. We were in line behind 2 families. We struck up a conversation with the mom and young girl ahead of us. They were from the DC area as well. The girl had just been to the Bibbidi Bobbity Boutique and was looking adorable. They let us queue up for the ride about 15 minutes before park opening. What a perk. Now you have to pay what..$79 per person for a PPO Mine Train ride? Yikes. The kids loooooved it.

Daniel was stoic..shocker.

Ezra loved it so much he demanded to ride again so back into the line we went. This time we were all in the same cart.

I thought the ride was really cute. It was a big hit with my kids in the 4-8 age range. I think it is a great addition to the Magic Kingdom; however, I will look forward to the hype dying down and the insane waits evening out.

At this point it was a little after 9AM and we had the entire park to choose from. What would we do next?​
Daniel ordered the croissant donut which looked pretty good but not really worth the price tag. I got the open faced bacon and egg sandwich. It was okay but just really not my thing. Audrey got the kid's scrambled eggs and devoured it, per the usual. I hadn't ordered Ezra and entree because at this time, he was being an obnoxiously picky eater and I figured the pastry selection would satisfy him. What I failed to realize was he was going to have an epic meltdown when his sister got a chocolate milk and he didn't. I gave the CM a look of panic and asked if I could get an extra chocolate milk. I told her I'd be happy to pay but she said that wasn't really an option. She did give us one...thank the toddler gods, but she had a bit of an attitude about it. I'm sure that happens a lot there. I felt a bad about it for a bit then remembered it was a $2 bottle of chocolate milk and went about my day. Moral of the story is if you are not ordering an entree for one child, bring an extra beverage in your bag for them.

When we had our BOG lunch a few weeks ago, we didn't notice until after we left that neither of my girls were ever given their chocolate milk we ordered them. So, don't feel bad! They owed someone our milk ;)
Congrats on the new job, and good luck with the move! Sounds like you all had a nice morning. :) I've been on a bit of a hiatus from the dis as well. Not as crazy as public accounting busy season, but busy nevertheless!

When we had our BOG lunch a few weeks ago, we didn't notice until after we left that neither of my girls were ever given their chocolate milk we ordered them. So, don't feel bad! They owed someone our milk ;)

Well now I feel better!

Congrats on the new job, and good luck with the move! Sounds like you all had a nice morning. :) I've been on a bit of a hiatus from the dis as well. Not as crazy as public accounting busy season, but busy nevertheless!

Hope things even out for you. I for one and very glad it's almost summer!
I have some exciting news. I'm going to Disneyland in November! :dancer::dancer:

I was looking at a trip to San Francisco and asked Daniel if he had any desire to go to California. I knew the answer would be know because he has a strange hatred of California. I think it might be ingrained in young Texans to hate California. Pretty sure that was included in the 2nd grade curriculum. Anyways, he said the only reason he would want to go to CA would be to go to Blizzcon. For those who don't know, Blizzcon is a video game convention focusing on entertainment offered by the Blizzard corporation who has games like World of Warcraft. Daniel is a big WoW fan, so he has always wanted to go. I did a quick google search and found that Blizzcon is held at the Anaheim convention center, which happens to be across the street from Disneyland. I'm sure you know what I was thinking at that point :thumbsup2.

We were able to snag a ticket to Blizzcon, which was a lot harder than I expected. Think 6 AM on ADR day times ten. Daniel will be spending 1 day at Disneyland with me and then spending 2 days at Blizzcon. I will be spending 3 glorious days at Disneyland and the kids are staying home with my parents. I am pumped to get back to Disneyland since the last time I was there was 2003. I am also super excited to have a couple kid free, grumpy husband free days to do whatever I want in the parks. I can't wait!

If anyone has and DLR tips, send them my way!
Thank you! Things are settling down a bit, I'm very thankful.

Congrats on your trip to Disneyland! Blizzcon sounds like trying to get Comic Con tickets ...

Hahaha, that is exactly what was happening. We were both just staring at the screen and it said "in line" for forever. It sold out in less than 10 minutes.


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