Yes, We're Satisfied With Our Care! October 2015 TR **NEW 8/21 Final Thoughts

I am still so bummed we haven't gotten to see FoF yet - it is definitely a priority for our next trip (all though, 3pm in July has me worried about the heat!)

Great pictures - I especially love this one:


and this picture of your DS is amazing! Just the look on his face!!!!

That parade is so beautiful! When we were there we only caught the tail end of it. :( So disappointing! I told the hubs that we need to make sure we see it start to finish our next trip.

Great family photos! I know what you mean! So sad when people aren't "aware" of others taking photos. That frustrates me so much.
I'm glad you explained about the Backlot Express photo. I was thinking that was a pretty poor excuse for a room for nursing mothers. Ahh it's theming!

Some really great family photos. I love the magic shot of Paxton with the balloons. His sheer joy comes through. I think the sharp contrast with the grumpy guy beside him is a great juxtaposition. In a world of grumpy people I can feel the magic! Hope Paxton keeps that joy in life!

Love your photos of Festival of Fantasy. It takes me back to standing in the blazing heat. DH really has a specialism in photographing fire-breathing dragons.
Great parade pictures! I love all of the detail on the floats. So many little things you would never notice the first time you saw the parade or if you only watched from one side of the street. A great excuse to see it as many times as possible!

Fun magic shot on Main Street! I really want to do more of those this trip!
I don't know about you, but I just LOVE this parade!! In years past, I never would have cared about missing the afternoon parade.
::yes:: I totally agree. The old parade... I can't even remember what it was called, but it was never a priority. This one, definitely makes you want to take some time and check it out.


I wish that dude pushing the stroller wasn’t right in front of the camera, because I really love this picture of DS!!
Yeah, that stinks. That is a pretty massive photobomb there. Great pictures though.
Beautiful parade photos :lovestruc That seems like a good spot to watch from!

Love the magic shots of DS!!

For not really planning ahead to see the parade, we stumbled on a great viewing location!

Thanks, I really loved how they came out too.

I am still so bummed we haven't gotten to see FoF yet - it is definitely a priority for our next trip (all though, 3pm in July has me worried about the heat!)

Great pictures - I especially love this one:

and this picture of your DS is amazing! Just the look on his face!!!!

Oh yeah, I imagine it will be tough in July to find a spot in the shade at that time of day.

DH always has to make sure he gets one (or several!) of the dragon shooting fire. It's definitely the coolest part of the parade!

He did so perfect with the facial expressions for some of these magic shots! And of course he went nuts when I showed him the final product and saw he was holding the Mickey balloons.

That parade is so beautiful! When we were there we only caught the tail end of it. :( So disappointing! I told the hubs that we need to make sure we see it start to finish our next trip.

Great family photos! I know what you mean! So sad when people aren't "aware" of others taking photos. That frustrates me so much.

In the past, I would have never planned out time to find a spot and wait for the afternoon parade. But Festival of Fantasy is a whole 'nother story! I absolutely put it specifically in our touring plan and wait in a spot for it to begin.

It can definitely be frustrating. I wish they could have some kind of little roped off area around the photographers or something.

I'm glad you explained about the Backlot Express photo. I was thinking that was a pretty poor excuse for a room for nursing mothers. Ahh it's theming!

Some really great family photos. I love the magic shot of Paxton with the balloons. His sheer joy comes through. I think the sharp contrast with the grumpy guy beside him is a great juxtaposition. In a world of grumpy people I can feel the magic! Hope Paxton keeps that joy in life!

Love your photos of Festival of Fantasy. It takes me back to standing in the blazing heat. DH really has a specialism in photographing fire-breathing dragons.

Haha yes that would be pretty bad if it was the nursing areas!! Except for the DHS baby care center, the areas for nursing moms are actually really nice!

Aw, that is a sweet way of looking at it! I hope he keeps the magic as well! I love seeing him have such an amazing time in Disney.

The fire breathing dragon is probably his favorite thing to photograph, whether it's FOF or Diagon Alley.

Great parade pictures! I love all of the detail on the floats. So many little things you would never notice the first time you saw the parade or if you only watched from one side of the street. A great excuse to see it as many times as possible!

Fun magic shot on Main Street! I really want to do more of those this trip!

So true! I have seen this parade 4 or 5 times now, and I always find something new. I do like that some of the floats spin so you can see everything no matter which side of the route you are on. That was a great touch!

I agree, after seeing how into the poses DS was, I will definitely be asking more of the photographers if they can do any magic shots on our next trip!

::yes:: I totally agree. The old parade... I can't even remember what it was called, but it was never a priority. This one, definitely makes you want to take some time and check it out.


Yeah, that stinks. That is a pretty massive photobomb there. Great pictures though.

I remember seeing all of the concept art and costume designs and thinking this was going to be such a weird parade, but when it all came together, it's fantastic! And at least for right now, it has the repeatability we look for that the old parades didn't.

I have no idea why Captain Hook was doing that, but it's definitely a great captured moment!!

Despite the stroller man, I still really love the photo. Hopefully on our next visit we can try to get the same shot, this time without any photobombers!
Day 5 Continued: Wednesday October 21st

It was time for DD to eat, so off we went to baby care while DH and DS went to ride a couple of things.

Oct 05-156
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

They ended up in Storybook Circus to ride the Barnstormer and Dumbo, plus let DS let off some steam in the Dumbo play area, while they waited for DD and I to finish up at baby care.

Meanwhile, DD and I were finishing up and I was getting all my stuff picked up in baby care when she spit up all over me and herself. So I had to call DH to come meet us there so I could get our spare clothes from the bottom of the stroller.

I’m guessing he took this one on the way over.

Oct 05-170
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Because it was taking us awhile to get situated with our clothing situation, DH and DS went off to experience the Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse to keep DS from getting too antsy. This is something I have never done, so I really don’t know much about what is pictured. But DS seemed to really enjoy it, according to DH.

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Kind of cool to see Space Mountain sticking up out of a lush jungle!

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Once I had finished up with DD, I had stopped at the FP+ kiosk in Frontierland and was able to get ones we could use immediately for Under the Sea. Then I met up with DH and DS at the exit of the treehouse. Before heading over to Fantasyland, we decided to stop for a quick Dole Whip Break. Because that’s absolutely a real thing! They have those little benches at the exit of the Tiki Room right next to Aloha Isle, so we sat there to enjoy.

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Once we were done, we headed over to Fantasyland.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr
80 minutes…no thanks!

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

There was a Photopass photographer right outside of Ariel’s castle, so we stopped for some pictures.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Our children look thrilled, don’t you think?

Oct 05-188
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

I had to fuss at DS a lot over the last couple of trips about these terrible faces he makes for pictures. It drives me nuts!

Continued in next post...
Day 5 Continued: Wednesday October 21st

Then we were ready to head under the sea to join the story of the Little Mermaid!

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr
“I’ve got gadgets & gizmos a plenty…”

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

On the way out of the ride, I had another random meet with people I kind of don’t even know! Lol I knew one of my friends from high school Allison was in Disney that week through Facebook. On a picture I had posted of us in MK, she commented and said her husband and their DD Clementine were in the park but she was stuck in the room with a stomach bug, unfortunately. But she encouraged me to say hello if I saw them. Well, as we were coming off of Ariel, I heard a child having a minor tantrum that caught my attention, and wouldn’t you know, it was Clementine! Lol So I went over to her husband to introduce myself and say hello, and told him to tell Allison I hoped she felt better. We chatted for a couple of minutes, then went about our business.

DH went to a kiosk to try to book us another FP+, but rather than us all going and standing in line, I took the kids to Dumbo so DS could run around the play area.

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

DH met up with us and we sat on the benches in the play area while DS burned off some energy. After letting him play for about 15 minutes, we went out to take a spin on the ride since it was a short wait.

DH had snagged us some FPs for Buzz Lightyear for 6:25 pm. While we waited to be able to use those, we had dinner at Cosmic Ray’s again. Then it was time to defend the galaxy from the evil Emperor Zurg!

Continued in next post...
Day 5 Continued: Wednesday October 21st

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr
This picture just cracks me up. It’s so typical DH!

After Buzz, we relaxed on one of my favorites, the PeopleMover.

UP NEXT: More Tomorrowland Fun!
Aww Delilah looks so sad in the Ariel pic loL! And yes Paxton gives some interesting faces in the pics <3 but he's still adorable!! Great photos of the parade. Glad you got the spit up incident under control lol and had a spare shirt waiting for you!! You've never been up the treehouse????? It's a quick thing to do but I've always loved it. Making use of the indoor play areas is so great, glad Paxton had fun in there.
Sounds like DS & DH did some fun things while you were busy with DD!

Great pictures on Under the Sea! Gotta love when you can get a FP+ that is good for right away.

Love the photos from Dumbo!

I just love that pic of DH on Buzz! No time for scoring when pictures need to be taken :rotfl2:

It's so cool seeing how fast the sun went down between your rides on Dumbo and the Peoplemover!
Meanwhile, DD and I were finishing up and I was getting all my stuff picked up in baby care when she spit up all over me and herself. So I had to call DH to come meet us there so I could get our spare clothes from the bottom of the stroller.
Oh no... that's no fun. I'm glad you were at least prepared and had spare clothes.

Kind of makes you wish they had more than 1 child care center in MK though. That way when something like this happens, you don't have to wait while they walk clear across the park to come help you!

80 minutes…no thanks!
Yeah... fun ride... but not that much fun!

Love this one!
The Sebastian picture definitely has to make up for some of the faces he made in others!

This picture just cracks me up. It’s so typical DH!
Aww Delilah looks so sad in the Ariel pic loL! And yes Paxton gives some interesting faces in the pics <3 but he's still adorable!! Great photos of the parade. Glad you got the spit up incident under control lol and had a spare shirt waiting for you!! You've never been up the treehouse????? It's a quick thing to do but I've always loved it. Making use of the indoor play areas is so great, glad Paxton had fun in there.

Yeah, she definitely wasn't happy in that moment! Paxton can make me totally crazy when it comes to the faces he makes in pictures.

I made sure on this trip to always have something as backup for myself since I was wearing her 75% of the time and knew a spit up could happen anytime and it was likely to be on me!!

Nope, never done the treehouse. It's just never been on my radar I guess. I have done the Tarzan one at DL. Now that Paxton has tried it out though, I'm sure he will ask to do it again on upcoming trips.

Sounds like DS & DH did some fun things while you were busy with DD!

Great pictures on Under the Sea! Gotta love when you can get a FP+ that is good for right away.

Love the photos from Dumbo!

I just love that pic of DH on Buzz! No time for scoring when pictures need to be taken :rotfl2:

It's so cool seeing how fast the sun went down between your rides on Dumbo and the Peoplemover!

They usually managed to have a good time while waiting for us!!

I think MK is the best for getting those immediate use FPs for rides you actually want to use them for. We usually had the best luck in that park!

DH was just reading all the comments from my posts today and I had to scroll up and show him the Buzz picture. He hadn't even realized it had caught him taking photos like that!

I kind of like that in the fall it gets dark and cooler earlier in the evening. In the time it took for us to eat dinner, it was basically nighttime when we came out!

Oh no... that's no fun. I'm glad you were at least prepared and had spare clothes.

Kind of makes you wish they had more than 1 child care center in MK though. That way when something like this happens, you don't have to wait while they walk clear across the park to come help you!

That was one of those things I read on the hundreds of threads I went through about taking an infant to Disney World, and my hours of research totally paid off in that moment!

Oh I totally agree with you on that one. That's why I loved the Universal parks so much when it came to dealing with the baby. There were 2 in each park! With how big and populated the Disney parks, and the increased number of small babies in their parks, having 2 in each park would be SO much more convenient.

Yeah... fun ride... but not that much fun!

Having finally had a chance to ride since this trip, there is NO WAY I would wait that long for it!

The Sebastian picture definitely has to make up for some of the faces he made in others!

Yeah, he kind of made up for it when it came to those magic shots! lol
It looks like DS had a great time in the treehouse! I think this would be a big hit for us too but it seems to hard to take the time out of our day to enjoy it!

Yum, that Dole Whip break looks like just what you guys needed!

Lots of time at Dumbo! I swear that play area/pager system is the best thing ever!

Great pictures from the PeopleMover. The PeopleMover at night is just beautiful!
Well, I knew I was behind, but holy cow did I miss a lot of updates! :faint: All caught up now, though! :thumbsup2

At Guest Services, they were able to merge DS’s profiles into one, upgrade our park hoppers to APs, refund our parking for that day since we were now AP holders, and get a 1st Visit button for DD and a Birthday button for DS!
Wow, what an excellent guest services experience! Glad they were able to take care of everything for you at once.

My favorite part of this show is definitely sitting cross-legged on the floor which is soooooo comfortable! I’m sure all parents can agree. :rotfl:
:rotfl2: I don't mind sitting cross-legged (I almost always do on our couch), but the floor is another story. Especially if you have a small child that enjoys bouncing on and off your lap. :headache:

Oct 05-020
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

DD was not a fan yet, but I can imagine we will be spending a few more trips seeing this show as she grows up and becomes a Disney Jr. fan!
Aw, poor thing! Maybe she is just upset that there is no Hot Dog Dance at the end? I know I feel that way about it. :rotfl:

I found a table over in a back corner, which ended up looking like we are in a random locker room somewhere.

Ha - I saw the pic coming before I read the words and wondered where you could be. :rotfl:

She came over to chat with me at the table since I was nursing DD. So if she happens to have found this TR and is lurking, Hi, Carla (@Leger13 )!!
Very cool - I remember her too.

Love all the fun theming at Muppets - I don't remember ever noticing this one before.

Aw, so sweet! :lovestruc

That rainy day sure cleared up nice with that gorgeous blue sky!

So apparently we are trying to squeeze these APs for every drop we can because in addition to our October trip, which was always the plan since it will be the end of the pass, we have 2 more coming up in the next few months!
:cool1: Great news!

We have never been to see Epcot during Flower & Garden
Excellent choice - when we did our Year of Disney in 2010, we tried to see the parks during various "special" times of the year - and F&G was the one we missed. Thankfully, we finally made it 5 years later ( :rotfl: ) and really enjoyed it.

So he started looking, and the Contemporary was surprisingly affordable!! So for right now, we are booked at the Contemporary from July 21st-26th!

So hopefully we can get in some rides on the thrill rides together since we never get to do that anymore!
Isn't that so strange? It's always taking turns when you have a little one along and the idea of riding together seems so foreign now.

This will be our first time at this restaurant, so I'm looking forward to that.
Wow, never had breakfast at Kona before? It's about time! ::yes::

he said, "Mama, this makes my heart SO happy!"
:lovestruc Adorable! You are training him right!

Festival of Fantasy! I don't know about you, but I just LOVE this parade!! In years past, I never would have cared about missing the afternoon parade. But this one is so beautiful, and the music is so catchy, it has become a must-do for us for every trip!
Same here. Never cared about the afternoon parade at all, but this one is just really mesmerizing. Great floats!

All the parade pics are great, but this is too cute! pirate:

I wish that dude pushing the stroller wasn’t right in front of the camera, because I really love this picture of DS!!
Agreed - great picture - he looks so happy!

Meanwhile, DD and I were finishing up and I was getting all my stuff picked up in baby care when she spit up all over me and herself. So I had to call DH to come meet us there so I could get our spare clothes from the bottom of the stroller.
Glad you had spares, but sorry you had to use them.

by disneymom1024, on Flickr
This picture just cracks me up. It’s so typical DH!
:lmao: That's just perfect!
Loving your TR! Makes me feel like I'm tagging along. :yay: So many great pictures! Loved the Main St balloon pic (even with stroller guy), Space Mntn from the treehouse and DH on Buzz. I was just there in March but I'm already scheming on how to get back - would love to go around Halloween. Hopefully next year!
It looks like DS had a great time in the treehouse! I think this would be a big hit for us too but it seems to hard to take the time out of our day to enjoy it!

Yum, that Dole Whip break looks like just what you guys needed!

Lots of time at Dumbo! I swear that play area/pager system is the best thing ever!

Great pictures from the PeopleMover. The PeopleMover at night is just beautiful!

I think that is most likely why we had never done it's not something I feel like carving out part of our day for. But it was something new for DS to try, and I was not too upset about missing out on it.

A Dole Whip break is ALWAYS necessary!

DS just LOVES that play area. And I like that he can run around and I don't have to worry about him being able to exit out the back or something since there is only one way in or out.

I think that was probably the last time I was on the PeopleMover because I missed out on it for one reason or another during our November and February trips. I need to get back on it for May!

Wow, what an excellent guest services experience! Glad they were able to take care of everything for you at once.

It was really great, and we were able to get all of our little odds & ends taken care of efficiently. It could have been so much worse!

:rotfl2: I don't mind sitting cross-legged (I almost always do on our couch), but the floor is another story. Especially if you have a small child that enjoys bouncing on and off your lap. :headache:

I think for me, it's because I get so uncomfortable with my shoes digging into my legs. I can sit on the floor and play with the kids for ages at home, but it's because I'm always barefoot at home!

Aw, poor thing! Maybe she is just upset that there is no Hot Dog Dance at the end? I know I feel that way about it. :rotfl:

Haha who knows?! Maybe, like me, she doesn't like that they shorten the Sofia theme song! lol I love that song.

Ha - I saw the pic coming before I read the words and wondered where you could be. :rotfl:

It does look pretty weird on its own!

Love all the fun theming at Muppets - I don't remember ever noticing this one before.

I think I notice something new every time we are in there!

Excellent choice - when we did our Year of Disney in 2010, we tried to see the parks during various "special" times of the year - and F&G was the one we missed. Thankfully, we finally made it 5 years later ( :rotfl: ) and really enjoyed it.

With these APs, we will have hit it all! Halloween/F&W, Christmas, winter, F&G, and summer!

Isn't that so strange? It's always taking turns when you have a little one along and the idea of riding together seems so foreign now.

We had a night just the two of us in February, and didn't know what to do with ourselves. A long weekend in July is going to be so strange!!

Wow, never had breakfast at Kona before? It's about time! ::yes::

It's somewhere I have always wanted to try, but I don't find myself wanting to take the time for a resort restaurant with the kids unless it's a character meal. We were deciding between Kona and Trail's End, but since the other option is a buffet and I don't tend to find those worth the money with how much I eat, Kona won out!

:lovestruc Adorable! You are training him right!

He's absolutely our kid!

Same here. Never cared about the afternoon parade at all, but this one is just really mesmerizing. Great floats!

It's a gorgeous parade. Disney really went over the top for this one!

:lmao: That's just perfect!

It's an accurate representation of him throughout our trips. lol
Loving your TR! Makes me feel like I'm tagging along. :yay: So many great pictures! Loved the Main St balloon pic (even with stroller guy), Space Mntn from the treehouse and DH on Buzz. I was just there in March but I'm already scheming on how to get back - would love to go around Halloween. Hopefully next year!

Thanks so much! I'm glad you're enjoying it!

I am ALWAYS scheming for ways to get back too! lol Especially with these APs, it's just SO easy to say, "Let's go!" Halloween and Christmas are our 2 favorite times of year to visit. Hope you can make it work!!
Day 5 Continued: Wednesday October 21st

After a nice spin on the People Mover, we decided to check in with John & family on the Carousel of Progress. This is a favorite for DH & me, and we are passing the love on to DS. I frequently hear him singing There’s a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow to himself while he’s playing!

It was nearing parade time, so we made our way over to Main Street.

We tried finding a spot to watch the parade from, but it was absolutely packed. So we decided to try something a little different and made our way up to the train station platform to watch from there. It was still pretty full with people, but DH managed to find a spot for him and DS. I was content to sit on the bench with DD to rest my aching feet & back. Carrying her around all day was doing a number on me!

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Oct 05-250
by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Within just a few minutes, we heard that familiar music and knew MSEP was on its way!

Continued in next post...
Day 5 Continued: Wednesday October 21st

Once the parade had ended, we left the park and took the monorail to the TTC. DH really wanted to photograph Wishes, but we didn’t want to be out crazy late. He had been wanting to watch the fireworks from the TTC for a long time now, so we figured that would be better than watching from inside the park. We could get right to the car when they were over and head back for the night. Both kids were fast asleep in the stroller by then, so DH stood against the railing to set up his tripod and camera settings. Soon enough, it was time for Wishes! They even pipe the music in on the dock.

It was definitely an interesting perspective! And so nice to be able to escape to the car before the hordes of people we had just left on Main Street made their way to the TTC as well. However, once we got to the car, our night blew up in our face.

Both kids woke up as we put them in the car. DD was screaming her head off and was totally inconsolable. This led to DS being emotional at having been woken up and DD screaming beside him, so he started sobbing and covering his ears. He cried the whole way back saying, "She's just making me so upset!" It was the absolute longest 10 minute drive back to Bonnet Creek EVER IN LIFE.

We got them inside, calmed down, and off to bed as quickly as humanly possible! Then DH and I followed soon after. It had been quite the long day!

UP NEXT: It's Fast, But I'm Not Scared!


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