Dreams Came True! Hearts Soared! WE Became Part of the Magic!-COMPLETED. 5/19 NEW TR LINK

Hi Katt! So excited to see you back on here doing a TR. Been following you on IG :)

What a fun trip this sounds like it was! Despite the not so great start to your first park day, sounds like the first Trolley show really made up for that!
Yay!! Yeah it's been a while but I'm definitely back now!! It was amazing, absolutely incredible to be back in the kingdom again! Trolley definitely made us forget about the issues!~

I've never seen the trolley show! :O Might have to check it out this year. :)

Love your outfits for this first day, by the way! :)
Oh my gosh it's SO CUTE, definitely stop for it someday! Thank you!!

I also like your Trolley Girl outfits!

How frustrating that the cast members at All Star Sports wouldn't help. After all that, you must have been wanting to address them by their initials!
Thanks! I loved wearing it! Ugh, it really was not nice, and it was just going to get worse

frustrating start to the day between the bus and missing the welcome show and Kara's battery and the related non-helpful CMs ... so very glad that all of that got erased pretty quick buy the Trolley Show and the members of said show.

Also glad there was a photopass photographer there to capture it!
Yeah, it wasn't great, but it got better, until the very end of the day! Trolley definitely helped make everything better, it often does that lol!
Hi Katt! It's great too see you back. I was a lurker on your last trip report about your CP working at the Canada pavilion. But I'll try to comment this time :)
It's always nice to read trip reports from fellow Canadians. I live a bit farther east than you, though.

My travel day began with a very early morning running off to the mall to pick up the new Star Wars Tsum Tsums!!
I am very jealous that you have those! My DD has a collection of about 20 Tsum Tsums, most of which I bought for her since I travel with work (we don't have a Disney store in Newfoundland, and the shipping & exchange rate on the website is crazy right now). But all I have been "allowed" to buy are princess related ones, and the Fab Five of course. I might just have to get the Star Was ones for myself!
Guys…seriously…we were so irritated…the bus pulled into the bus lot, and STOPPED, there was a bus parked in a spot, and another bus BESIDE IT STOPPED COMPLETELY BLOCKING THE DARN ROADWAY. We sat there, and sat, and sat, and sat. THEN we look to our right and see the Walt Disney Railroad Train! All loaded up with characters and ready to go…then it started moving…we’d missed it…and we were still trapped behind the non moving bus.
I would be pretty devastated if that happened. Especially since I have never seen the welcome show. Its one of those I always wanted to do, but it just never happens. It's a bit more difficult to get going in the mornings with a family and kids. But it's on my Disney bucket list, so someday...
Yay! You're doing a new TR! I have to agree with you that All Star Sports is my least favorite resort. I do like All Star Music and Movies though.

February 17th to February 25th

I can't believe I missed you by two weeks. We were down there Jan 28th - Feb 2nd.

My travel day began with a very early morning running off to the mall to pick up the new Star Wars Tsum Tsums!!

I got up early and ordered them from the Disney site. I really was NOT going to buy them all but couldn't help myself. Now I'm impatiently waiting for the Rapunzel, Bambi and Easter ones to arrive. I think I have an addiction. :rotfl: Thank goodness that the mid-March ones are superheros and I'm not interested. My wallet needs a break.

I couldn’t get comfy and there just wasn’t enough space to get any amount of comfort!

Ugh, I hear you. I can never sleep on a plane no matter how tired I am.

but to step out onto the ramp and smell Florida, to hit up the fake-o-rail and SEE PALM TREES AGAIN?!?!

Best smell/sight ever!

Kara & I really became legitimately the BEST of friends on our program.

Aren't Disney friends just the best! I've made some of the best friends ever through Disney and the DIS.

THEN we look to our right and see the Walt Disney Railroad Train! All loaded up with characters and ready to go…then it started moving…we’d missed it…and we were still trapped behind the non moving bus.

:sad2: Darn Disney buses!

the Main Street Trolley Show was starting!!

Love this show and I really enjoyed all of your pictures. So glad you could be reunited with your favorite show.
OMG!!! The famous Kat is back!!! Whoo-hoo!!! I can't wait to read all about your year living in the Magic!!! :cloud9:
I went back and read the into... No year of living in the Magic, but I do get to read about your first trip back "home"!!! pixiedust:

Trolley feels back intact, Kara and I headed back towards Fantasyland to TRY and get some character interactions done! We knew we needed to see Alice sometime this week, but alas, her line was already cut. Our other MUST DO was Lady Tremaine…

If you know ANYTHING about me, you’ll know about my love for that woman…she is seriously AMAZING, one of the greatest people you’ll ever meet, absolutely hilarious, always a riot, and honestly, has a kind soul buried down there somewhere under all that “evil stepmother” façade. I found out a few days before this trip that she was being pulled from the parks…seriously…THEN I found out we only had 3 days to find her, and of course, had to catch her when she was “feeling” right for things to work out. See, Lady T & I, we go way back, weekly visits, carousel rides, gossip fests, you get it!

We got there to find their line cut too, but decided we didn’t have anywhere else to be so we hung around the castle walls waiting for their set to be done. They saw us pretty much immediately and made a beeline, there may have even been hugging and naturally she immediately said “I DON’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT IT’LL MAKE ME CRY” I stuffed a card into her hand and we said we’d be back after lunch!

Kara & I stopped briefly for some pixie dust, and figured we should try to actually use at least one of our fast passes, lol, so we stopped in at Peter Pan’s flight as well! Where we took a minute to check into our health/fitness group to show we were still eating our veggies on vacation!


It was then time for the next Trolley Show, so naturally we were headed back to Main Street, which worked out nicely as we ran into another friend! Jocelyn, who had JUST finished her CRP and was leaving back to Canada the next day! She was with a couple other girls from the pavilion who had taken her bag for her so she could run through no bag check to catch her last T rolley Show! SO SWEET.

Untitled by Katt mccluskey, on Flickr

Untitled by Katt mccluskey, on Flickr

After the fourth stop we chatted with the Trolley kids a bit more, said good bye to Jocelyn and the others, we were so happy to have run into her before she flew home!! So much luck!

Move it Shake it Dance it Play it was starting soon so we headed down to the castle hub to watch it all come down Main Street and then join in on the dancing! No pictures here at all, lol, it was DANCING TIME. Also time to wave to all the other friends, there was a lot of excitement!

Kara & I decided it was time to join the castle party! Especially since there was ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER OF CASTLE PARTIES LEFT! Dream Along closing is something that I don’t think has hit me yet, it’s ALWAYS been part of my Disney life, heck it plays so many times a day it’ll feel weird to not have the music in the background of our adventures! One of my FAVORITE memories from the 24 hr day was all of us decked out in costumes doing full out choreo, princess arm bursts & Wendy waves in the hub grass. I will definitely miss it, but am excited to see the new show, hoping it really sticks with the same theme/feel, and NOT like Magical Map (NOTHING against MM, I just like the way DAWM flows)

ANYWAYS! While waiting, we looked across to see Kasey, who we’ve nicknamed “my twin” across the crowd from us! I waved over to her and then gestured to the fact that we were both wearing purple and had our hair the same style…this was NOT helping our arguments. Lol. People think we look a lot alike, or that we’re the same person, ALL THE TIME, I can KINDA see it with the similar style, similar hair, and if we’ve got a camera up to our face it’s practically impossible.]

Dream Along was fabulous as per usual, we really enjoyed Cinderella.

Untitled by Katt mccluskey, on Flickr
Untitled by Katt mccluskey, on Flickr

Untitled by Katt mccluskey, on Flickr

Guys I seriously need that dress, like NEED. I would KILL to wear it for a NSS in the future, but the only one I can find on etsy is like $1200…and who knows if we’ll even be able to wear costumes this year?! UGH.

Our trifecta always involves the 11am MiSi, the 11:40 Dream Along, followed by the 12:00 Trolley so it’s pretty clear where we were headed next! Kasey was over there too so it was obvious we had to take a “WE DON’T SEE IT” picture


We took a regular one too but I don’t have it so that’s all you get, LOL! Trolley was obviously as wonderful as ever. We talked to the girls on if we’d see them later in parade, some of them were, I THINK T ori was done for the day, but I may be wrong.

Untitled by Katt mccluskey, on Flickr

Untitled by Katt mccluskey, on Flickr

Untitled by Katt mccluskey, on Flickr

Guys, everything was legitimately PERFECT. I’m more than sure that some of you are CRINGING reading this right now, thinking “HOW IS ALREADY NOON AND ALL THEY’VE DONE IS WATCHED 2 STUPID SHOWS AND HAD A DANCE PARTY?!?!” Well my friends, this is what a usual day felt like for us at MK. Kara & I are so much more about entertainment WDW has to offer, we’ll do rides if we get to them, especially since all this stuff happens early in the day. Not to mention it’s much nicer to stand watching Dream Along before it’s too hot!

It was weird to think that we didn’t live there anymore, especially because so far today had been EXACTLY like a day when we did! Watch the shows, miss the cut off for Lady T, use maybe one fast pass and barely leave Main Street. Yup. Sounds about right. Everything was perfect. The weather was warm enough now to not need a sweater but we weren’t sweating, the humidity was non existent, we were with our best friends and in our happy place.

We were starting to feel a bit peck-ish, after all, breakfast had been hours ago and we’d been running up and down Main Street all morning! Pecos and their new toppings bar had the pull needed for us! Kara opted for the beef nachos with extra toppings to try and re create the famous taco salad, while I ordered the vegetarian burrito, took the tortilla out of the equation and topped it with ALL THE THINGS.


Real talk…ALL THE TOPPINGS. It was actually SUPER yummy, I was a bit worried about the veggies just being like, grilled onions and peppers but there was a bunch of squash like veggies in it, surprising and SUPER DELICIOUS! Also that free guac makes my life so much better. Like, you could bring in your own bag of chips and just nom on free guac all day. Kinda worries me that it stays so green all day but like, what’s not processed in Disney World anyways.

Kara & I were so on the same page during lunch, just raving about how wonderful our day had been so far, and how much we MISSED it. We’d already been talking about reapplying for the program the MOMENT we can (they make you wait 6 months from your departure date, and you can’t return to the program until a year after your departure date) and this trip just solidified everything. I’d also been talking about a quick Halloween visit in Sept prior to our Asia adventure, and after this first half day, Kara said “I don’t think I can wait a whole nother year before coming back.” So it looks like I may have a friend on that trip as well!! YAY

***PSA*** I have about a MILLION more show/parade pictures from each time we watched them, especially as the week went on. The first day I wasn’t taking as many pictures, BUT, how do we feel about them? Do we want MORE PICTURES?!!?

That's great that you got to sort of recreate a morning from when you lived down there and how it all came back to you

I think I feel similar with regards to DAWM - I am really going to miss it, but am excited for the new show ... and fully agree it needs to have the same "feel"

When I read that Lady Tremaine was being pulled from the park, you were definitely one of the first people I thought of ... hate that they are removing experiences like that.

I'm enjoying the show/parade type pictures so far ... I mean, probably don't need a literal million of them, but they are great pictures and different from most trip reports
I distinctly remember your love for Lady T, so I'm glad you were able to see her! I seriously can't believe she got pulled from meets, so sad :(

Also sad about Dream Along with Mickey closing, but I'm hopeful that the new show will be great!

Definitely not cringing, it sounds like you guys were having a blast doing the things you enjoy most!

Yes more pictures, I enjoy them!
Hi Katt! It's great too see you back. I was a lurker on your last trip report about your CP working at the Canada pavilion. But I'll try to comment this time :)
It's always nice to read trip reports from fellow Canadians. I live a bit farther east than you, though.

I am very jealous that you have those! My DD has a collection of about 20 Tsum Tsums, most of which I bought for her since I travel with work (we don't have a Disney store in Newfoundland, and the shipping & exchange rate on the website is crazy right now). But all I have been "allowed" to buy are princess related ones, and the Fab Five of course. I might just have to get the Star Was ones for myself!

I would be pretty devastated if that happened. Especially since I have never seen the welcome show. Its one of those I always wanted to do, but it just never happens. It's a bit more difficult to get going in the mornings with a family and kids. But it's on my Disney bucket list, so someday...

Yay! Glad you found this tr! Sorry the last one collapsed so hard! Lol Yay Canada!! I have relatives out in New Bruns so you think that would bring me more visits that way but nope...lol. I need to get out to that coast sometime!

UGH THE SHIPPING it's horrible! My friends & I debated to go to the store for opening or to order them in for the LK tsums and shipping was just too much of a hot mess! The SW tsums were a hot mess day too, obvs, but I went later in the day to pick up the tangled ones and it was totally fine!! Lol.

It wasn't too bad cause we'd figured we'd see it later on...stay tuned to find out if that happened!

Hey there! Following along! Loving your TR so far!

Hi! Welcome! Glad you're here, and thank you!!!

Yay! You're doing a new TR! I have to agree with you that All Star Sports is my least favorite resort. I do like All Star Music and Movies though.
I can't believe I missed you by two weeks. We were down there Jan 28th - Feb 2nd.
I got up early and ordered them from the Disney site. I really was NOT going to buy them all but couldn't help myself. Now I'm impatiently waiting for the Rapunzel, Bambi and Easter ones to arrive. I think I have an addiction. :rotfl: Thank goodness that the mid-March ones are superheros and I'm not interested. My wallet needs a break.
Ugh, I hear you. I can never sleep on a plane no matter how tired I am.
Best smell/sight ever!
Aren't Disney friends just the best! I've made some of the best friends ever through Disney and the DIS.
:sad2: Darn Disney buses!
Love this show and I really enjoyed all of your pictures. So glad you could be reunited with your favorite show.

Yay!! Sports has always been my least favorite of the all stars, but I had no say in where we stayed this time lol, it was honestly a little nice to not have to worry about planning! All I did was look up crowd calanders and suggest which parks which days! Everything else someone else did lol! SO CLOSE! I'm sure we'll end up crossing over adventures sometime soon again!
Nice! I would have but the shipping is just too crazy! Lol, Abby has 50 tsums, and I've seen pictures of peoples collections that are far worse! Right?! I have NONE of the super hero ones! No need! I might need some Zootopia ones now though lol!
Plane sleeps are USUALLY the worst, sometimes after vacation I pass out from before take off to landing lol, just depends!
Truth! Disney people are the best!
Thank you so much! It really was wonderful!!

I'm here!!!!!!!!!!

Yay!! Here's an orange peanut!!

OMG!!! The famous Kat is back!!! Whoo-hoo!!! I can't wait to read all about your year living in the Magic!!! :cloud9:

Bahahaha, famous?!!? It's been so long I doubt that's true anymore! But thank you!!! Glad you're here and excited to read!! Sorry I didn't tr the entire year I was down there! I MIGHT try again next time? We'll see what happens! Things will be a lot different the next go around!
That's great that you got to sort of recreate a morning from when you lived down there and how it all came back to you
I think I feel similar with regards to DAWM - I am really going to miss it, but am excited for the new show ... and fully agree it needs to have the same "feel"
When I read that Lady Tremaine was being pulled from the park, you were definitely one of the first people I thought of ... hate that they are removing experiences like that.
I'm enjoying the show/parade type pictures so far ... I mean, probably don't need a literal million of them, but they are great pictures and different from most trip reports

Lol, it really was, like those were such a stereotypical morning for us, miss a fast pass, find a cut line in fantasyland and watch ALL THE TROLLEY'S lol. It just made it feel like we were just back from a really long work week...esp since we snuck out the back through the tunnels on our last day....:rolleyes1:rolleyes1
I am excited to see the new show, but the feels were really brought up actually WATCHING dream along and knowing that I'll now NEVER have a CHANCE to be in it, and how much of my disney life it actually has been a part of, it really does mean a lot.
UGH I JUST HAD ALL THE FEELS I LEGIT HAD TO GO STRAIGHT TO AN ENT CM TO SEE IF IT WAS TRUE. Like...geeze. That's so sweet/funny that you thought of me! Sometimes I forget how much goes into tr's and internet friends, even before the contract living down there. I'm still so mad about it, if it was just the character that I cared about it wouldn't be too bad, but we all know it's more than that. Like...when was the last time I went to see Naveen? :rolleyes: (talk about that throwback lol)
Oh my gosh I would never post a million but simply MORE,I know my old TR's I used to post multiple updates of show/parade pics and they weren't even that good, now I actually have super pride in my photography and I'd love to show it off lol.

Following, love your reports, can't wait to read this one!

Awwe that's so sweet, thank you so much!!! Glad you're here!!

So excited to see you doing a trip report. Your reports got me addicted to reading trio reports in 2013. I can't wait to hear more!
Awwee!!! Yay!! Glad I could get you addicted to something so wonderful!! :rotfl2:

I distinctly remember your love for Lady T, so I'm glad you were able to see her! I seriously can't believe she got pulled from meets, so sad :(
Also sad about Dream Along with Mickey closing, but I'm hopeful that the new show will be great!
Definitely not cringing, it sounds like you guys were having a blast doing the things you enjoy most!
Yes more pictures, I enjoy them!

UGH IT WAS JUST NOT OKAY AND I HAD SO MANY FEELS AND SO DID SHE AND IT HURT. Like, it was easier knowing that we won't be around much at all this year, there's a SLIGHT chance we won't be back at WDW til next year, if we were down on a program when it happened there would have been ALL THE TEARS.
Yes, If you look in my reply up above you get the dream along thoughts I have lol.
Yay!! It was amazing, and so nice to be back!
Yay! More pictures it is!!

I'm here! Been a fun read so far!
Yay! Thank you & glad you're enjoying it!!:banana:

Disney is getting rid of Lady Tremaine's meet & greet??? :eek: What are they thinking???? :faint:

Yeah...she's donezo...she's been gone since Feb 21...we JUST managed to catch her...and I honestly don't know, even when she was out by herself she was holding a steady line, but it's the budget cuts and such that make things like this happen #thanksshanghai
your camera takes unbelievable photos! do you mind sharing what kind you use?
I'm super mad I can't see your photos on my work computer, stupid security restrictions on flickr. This requires a reread on my computer. I follow your instagram so I know I'm missing out on some great pictures.

I’d left off with Kara & I finishing lunch and knowing we had a very important date with a villainous family! Their first set after lunch was 1:30 so we headed back towards Fantasyland where we ended up meeting up with my friend Lindsey!


That pictures’ actually from October, but just so you can put a face to the name! Lol. There was lots more hugging and yelling as we were VERY excited to see each other. We met through Instagram, Lindsey’s only 18 so she’s very much a little sister (that’s not so far way in age) for me, and she’s seriously amazing. Last year she started working QS at Art of Animation and has successfully transferred over to being a park greeter! She’s also a FABULOUS photographer, go check her out: Lindseydhauser on Instagram!

While we were catching up, someone came up behind me and bear hugged me, naturally it had to be Amanda! Again, more excitement and all the love & hugs!


Amanda & I have a super long history, if you’ve read any of my previous TR’s you’ll probably recognize her! We met on Tumblr and ended up going to an audition at the same time, back when she still lived in Virginia! We ended up being friends right away and since then have gone to plenty of auditions and vacations together, and she and her husband now live in Florida!

ANYWAYS, Lindsey split off with her group, and Amanda hung around with us for the rest of the day, and was our photographer for the rest of the day, bahah. We waited our turn for the Tremaines and honestly I can’t remember much when it comes to details. Lady T and I go way back and we were having out nice little moments, Anastasia’s pretty tight with us too, so I kinda felt bad for Drizella.

IMG_1346 by Amanda Hair, on Flickr

IMG_1347 by Amanda Hair, on Flickr

MK_CINDERELLAFNTNCHAR_7608892249 by Amanda Hair, on Flickr

Kara had inspired me to put together a book on Shutterfly made up of pictures of us with characters, and my photography from our year down there, so I naturally got them to sign it too.

IMG_1344 by Amanda Hair, on Flickr

IMG_1343 by Amanda Hair, on Flickr

MK_CINDERELLAFNTNCHAR_7608891028 by Amanda Hair, on Flickr

We spent some time chatting about how things were going back in Canada, Anastasia asked if we’d found her a lumberjack yet, and she was pretty miffed when we said they were gone from the Pavilion a LONG time ago, lol.

MK_CINDERELLAFNTNCHAR_7608891030 by Amanda Hair, on Flickr

IMG_1350 by Amanda Hair, on Flickr

The topic of Lady Tremaine leaving obviously came up, we asked if we should stop by any of the next two days to which she flat out said no, bahahah, and all 3 of them were saying that we should write letters to complain to the King about it. #realtalk

IMG_1356 by Amanda Hair, on Flickr

IMG_1363 by Amanda Hair, on Flickr

It was a very serious matter. I also said I didn’t care about her evil reputation that she had to uphold, she was getting a hug.

MK_CINDERELLAFNTNCHAR_7608891530 by Amanda Hair, on Flickr

IMG_1362 by Amanda Hair, on Flickr

LOOK AT THAT LITTLE SMIRK! SHE’S NOT ALL BAD! BRING HER BACK! As we prepared to leave they reminded us to write those letters to complain and even the photopass & character attendant were chiming in saying to DO IT! So hopefully people actually will and something will come out of it. The Tremaines are all around a HILARIOUS and perfect m&g, but Lady T brings something super special to it, I did notice that her last couple of days they definitely had more of a line and loving from people throughout social media, so she definitely will be missed.

We had fast passes for Fairytale Hall next, which Amanda had managed to snag as well, so we headed over there next! I had a mission to get the book signed within the first couple days since it was a pain to lug it AND my camera around in my tiny bag, lol. We were escorted in pretty quickly and Cinderella greeted us by name as we walked up!

IMG_1365 by Amanda Hair, on Flickr

IMG_1366 by Amanda Hair, on Flickr

IMG_1368 by Amanda Hair, on Flickr

She commented that we both had such pretty dresses on, and asked if we were going to a ball later on. Why of course! She mentioned that Gus really does love dancing, so we had to make sure to dance with him when we saw him!

IMG_1372 by Amanda Hair, on Flickr

Rapunzel was ABSOLUTELY adorable! She made sure that we were having the BEST DAY EVER!! And graciously took my book to sign, but of course took some time to look through it too!

IMG_1375 by Amanda Hair, on Flickr

IMG_1374 by Amanda Hair, on Flickr

She was super sweet and said that I had so many beautiful portraits and asked if I would help her decorate the castle walls since there’s so much space!! She said there must’ve been talent because I even got her nose right! SO cute!

IMG_1383 by Amanda Hair, on Flickr



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