A Pink Pixie Princess - Complete!

Congratulations Lady Fawkes (I'm totally going with that nickname for you ;) )!!! I knew this already from the FB group, but I'm so happy for you. I agree that it's something really great about InB, and I think you make an incredible ambassador. You've certainly encouraged a lot of people here to make the leap into buying it. :rolleyes1 I'd heard of the company and seen their stuff, but your endorsement certainly helped push me into making my first purchase and I definitely have not regretted that. Smart move for InB to include you as far as I'm concerned. Way to go!!! :cheer2:
Congratulations Lady Fawkes (I'm totally going with that nickname for you ;) )!!! I knew this already from the FB group, but I'm so happy for you. I agree that it's something really great about InB, and I think you make an incredible ambassador. You've certainly encouraged a lot of people here to make the leap into buying it. :rolleyes1 I'd heard of the company and seen their stuff, but your endorsement certainly helped push me into making my first purchase and I definitely have not regretted that. Smart move for InB to include you as far as I'm concerned. Way to go!!! :cheer2:
Thanks Gisele! I appreciate that a lot! :) I hope to do a good job at it, but I think it's something that is going to take some adjustment on my part...like, doing a good job as an ambassador vs. not being annoying about it, ya know? But it's a product that I fully love and fully believe in, so I'm excited for the opportunity! :)
Way to go, Lady Fawkes! I saw your instagram post and had to head over hear to get the full details. Yeah, when I finally get my first inknburn, I'll be sure to credit all of Ambassador Shannon's awesome instagram pics to sway my decision :thumbsup2 Are there any ambassador perks like exclusive clothes or is it just more of getting your image out there or is it more of a badge of honor thing?
Way to go, Lady Fawkes! I saw your instagram post and had to head over hear to get the full details. Yeah, when I finally get my first inknburn, I'll be sure to credit all of Ambassador Shannon's awesome instagram pics to sway my decision :thumbsup2 Are there any ambassador perks like exclusive clothes or is it just more of getting your image out there or is it more of a badge of honor thing?
Thanks! Your message on Instagram was so nice! :)

So far all I know is that we get early access to new release items, as well as a discount on those items. The badge of honor is pretty great too! :)
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Thanks! Your message on Instagram was so nice! :)

So far all I know is that we get early access to new release items, as well as a discount on those items. The badge or honor is pretty great too! :)
Those are some nice perks!
I figured since Inknburn seems to read and/or respond to things they are tagged in I would go ahead and talk you up since they most assuredly made the right decision!
I've been wanting to make my way over to your training report to see how you are doing.... I'm so happy to see all of the good news!! Now let's see if I can remember the comments I wanted to make ;)
I'm very very glad to see you are running intervals and feeling good! And planning new rundisney races!
I love seeing your tink plans so far. It is going to help me in my research figuring out what rundisney weekend to participate in next! I adored your Instagram posts about the Disneyland half, so I can't wait to see more about Tink! Oh and I so agree about the merchandise for princess not being that worth it. I could imagine Tink stuff would be the same.
I love love love your Irish running skirt! Totally adorable! Have you seen the movie Brooklyn? It is now one of my favorite movies and really made me proud of my Irish heritage :)

And congratulations on your Inkburn ambassador title! That is way cool! It really does seem like a great athletic wear line!
Those are some nice perks!
I figured since Inknburn seems to read and/or respond to things they are tagged in I would go ahead and talk you up since they most assuredly made the right decision!
Thank you!! Much appreciated! ;)
I've been wanting to make my way over to your training report to see how you are doing.... I'm so happy to see all of the good news!! Now let's see if I can remember the comments I wanted to make ;)
I'm still here and kicking! Things are still going well, thanks for thinking of me! :)
I'm very very glad to see you are running intervals and feeling good! And planning new rundisney races!
I am ALWAYS planning the next runDisney race!! :p They are so darn addicting!

The intervals are a lifesaver right now...I would not be making it very far without them!
I love seeing your tink plans so far. It is going to help me in my research figuring out what rundisney weekend to participate in next! I adored your Instagram posts about the Disneyland half, so I can't wait to see more about Tink! Oh and I so agree about the merchandise for princess not being that worth it. I could imagine Tink stuff would be the same.
Yeah, I am not a fan of Tinker Bell (like...at all), but I have wanted to do this race weekend for awhile now - I have heard that Tink weekend has the best courses of any of the California races, so I'm looking forward to that! And like you said about the merchandise...I'm sure I won't be interested in much, so it should be a cheap expo for me! :upsidedow I'm not sure I'll ever do Avengers or Star Wars, just because the themes don't appeal to me... :confused3

I LOVE posting on Instagram, especially during Disney trips, so that will definitely be happening! :)
I love love love your Irish running skirt! Totally adorable! Have you seen the movie Brooklyn? It is now one of my favorite movies and really made me proud of my Irish heritage :)
AHHH me too! It's so pretty and the fabric is soooo soft. I have not seen that movie - I'm not a big movie person but it sounds like I need to check that one out!
And congratulations on your Inkburn ambassador title! That is way cool! It really does seem like a great athletic wear line!
Thank you! I'm so happy to be representing such a great company!! :)
Awesome news on being an ambassador. How cool is that? I feel like I should go like their facebook page just so I can tell you if I see you (like you wouldn't see it first though, haha)

Also shout-out to Irish lasses! And fair red-heads! (although I'm technically on the auburn end of the spectrum)
Wait, does that mean I need to watch Avatar too? :scratchin
Ugh. No if you've seen Pocahontas, you've seen Avatar.
And this has nothing to do with anything other than I'm replying from my phone and I have access to this pic to post it, but sometimes even the Good Lord needs to say bye.


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Awesome news on being an ambassador. How cool is that? I feel like I should go like their facebook page just so I can tell you if I see you (like you wouldn't see it first though, haha)
Thank you!! :) Haha, it would be cool if they actually did use a picture of me - I have been in their Monday Montage 4 times (not that I'm counting - though one week they did use 2 separate pictures of me. So technically 5 times - okay, I'm counting!). It's where they make a collage of pictures fans have posted throughout the previous week. They also used Archie in it once! I was such a proud dog mom. :lovestruc

But yeah, if they post a picture of me in an Ambassador post, you know I'll be posting about it here! :teeth:
Also shout-out to Irish lasses! And fair red-heads! (although I'm technically on the auburn end of the spectrum)
YAAASSSSS. :shamrock: Auburn counts!
View attachment 154803
Ugh. No if you've seen Pocahontas, you've seen Avatar.
And this has nothing to do with anything other than I'm replying from my phone and I have access to this pic to post it, but sometimes even the Good Lord needs to say bye. And the other picture is included because they were next to each other and I LQTM (laughed quietly to myself) so it earned an upload too. View attachment 154804
HAHAHAHA!! #byeFelicia

So you're NOT a fan of Avatar then? ;)

I just don't understand them putting in Avatar Land. I'm glad Animal Kingdom is getting new stuff, but I would have preferred a Disney-owned IP or something 100% new that they created (Beastly Kingdom or Australia, or whatever). And is Avatar really going to have staying power? I can't see it remaining as popular as Star Wars and Harry Potter have (and will). Having Avatar in a Disney park is a head scratcher for me. :confused3
OMG that is awesome! Congrats, Ambassador Shannon!

If I ever do buy anything from INKnBURN (y'know, after a rob a bank and finish buying all of the Raw Threads stuff since that's my current obsession), I'll definitely tell them I heard about it from you so that they know you're being an excellent ambassador!
Yay thanks!! How are things going for you post-Dopey??

Good thanks! I've not ran at all really but I'm planning to get started on a new training program shortly because.... I'm officially singed up for the Disneyland Paris Half in September... EEEEEEEK!

THANKS!! I loooove being Irish (even though I'm only, like, 1/3 Irish). :teeth: I'm so with you on Disney missing out by not having an Irish Princess! When they announced Brave I was just like, "...Scotland's cool but go to Ireland!!" And yeah, we need Ireland in the World Showcase! That would be so awesome!

I'm hoping it's in the pipeline... there are such close ties between Ireland and America it only makes sense. As for the world showcase I had a very interesting discussion with a CM in a store in the UK pavilion that went something like this:

ME (to my parents): Why do they have IRISH stuff in the UK store, Guinness is Irish, Ireland is not part of the UK, sure they might as well have Oh Canada in the American pavilion.
CM: Actually the reason Guinness is in the UK pavilion is now a brand of Diago which is a British multinational
ME: Ok but Guinness is still Irish, brewed in Ireland with a harp on the glass and all that.
CM: Technically part of a British brand now though (with a smile like oh ye I got you on a technicality)
ME: Ok... what about the Ireland rugby jersey over there? BOOOOOOOOM

I didn't say boom but it really didn't need to be said...


I'm an INKnBURN Ambassador!!


CONGRATS!!!! You totally deserve it!! I'm really happy for you!

...and have met the Simpsons...

Great photo!! When did you get to go to Universal? I feel like I've missed this TR!
I'm an INKnBURN Ambassador!!


(borrowing this from another Ambassador :))

It's March...the month of Mr. A's birthday, the holiday of my homeland (St. Patricks Day!! :shamrock:), hopefully the end of winter in Ohio (hahahahahaha), and my 1-year INK-iversary...


^^Took this right before my first run in INKnBURN...wearing my first piece - the Black Lace Singlet - which was purchased on March 29. Despite the weird look on my face in the above photo, I can assure you that it was love at first run!!

Since that run I have acquired many more pieces...

...and have met the Simpsons...

Healing Mandala racer

...and have caught a gnarly wave with Minnie...

Black Lace capris

...and have done the robot with Pluto on the high seas (or tried to, anyway)...

Tribute Tech shirt and Robot Capris

...and have celebrated Christmas with Mickey...

2015 Holiday Sweater and 210 Denim Pants

...and have visited headquarters in California...

Steampunk long-sleeved tech shirt and 210 Denim pants again...because I will most likely never wear real jeans again!!

...and have taken many awkward driveway selfies to post both here and in the 3 fan Facebook groups I belong to for INKnBURN...

Healing Mandala Pullover and Chameleon Capris

...you know. All good things!

Liberty Capris

All that to say...I have found my new favorite athletic apparel company. I have fallen in love with these clothes for running, lifting and yoga, for wearing around Disney parks, for wearing around my hometown while running errands...they are simply awesome and super high-quality, and from an American company to boot. What can I say, I feel good when I wear these clothes.

So what’s next??

INKnBURN posts on Facebook and Instagram frequently feature their "Ambassadors" - people wearing INKnBURN while running, lifting, doing yoga...basically being active and having fun, while spreading the word about this awesome gear. What struck me is that these people are not professional athletes - they are people like you and me that are just trying to stay in shape and want to look good doing it! (INKnBURN does have an "elite" team of runners that they sponsor, but they are separate from the Ambassadors.)

...it struck me because some of those people looked like ME. Not super skinny. Not super ripped. "Normal" people. I feel like that's sort of rare for an athletic apparel company.

INKnBURN had a post on their webpage stating that they were accepting Ambassador applications for 2016 through February 7...so in late January I thought, "what the heck" and decided to go for it. I filled out the questionnaire, let it sit for a few days, and then sent it in on January 31, along with some pictures. I knew they were planning on getting back to people by the end of February, and I forced myself not to think much about it...

...and I did a pretty good job of it. Not like I forgot that I applied or anything, but I did not drive myself nuts over what the outcome would be.

Now...I am not some amazing runner, and I am not a naturally gifted athlete. I feel weird even referring to myself as an athlete. I have had to work hard to get to where I am right now, which I would qualify as solidly "middle of the pack" when it comes to running (when I am at my peak fitness...which is not right now, obviously). Being affiliated with an athletic apparel company is something that has never been on my radar, because things like that do not normally happen to people like me...

...so let me tell you, when I received an email from INKnBURN on February 27 extending an offer for me to become an Ambassador for them for 2016, I about fell on the floor (metaphorically speaking...I was actually being a good patient and doing my back stretches, so I was already on the floor :thumbsup2).

BUT REALLY. They want me to be an Ambassador!! AHHHH!!!!

I am seriously stunned by this. I mean, I guess a part of me thought I'd have a chance, but the fact that they picked little ol' me...that an athletic apparel wants ME to help represent their brand...I can't really wrap my brain around it. I'm just so grateful for such a cool opportunity!

So that's my news that I alluded to in my Week 7 progress post, and I wanted to share here since I think that this thread DID help my chances...and for that I am very grateful.

I am so excited about this!! :)

Continued in Next Post

Congratulations Shannon!!!! Woop! Woop!!
That is sooo appropriate, You wear this stuff everywhere! And, you are a great ambassador....... I mean how many people from here are now buying InB because of you and your posts! :wave: For one!

Congratulations on that and your running, so so happy to hear it :)
:woohoo:Congratulations on being selected to be an ambassador for InknBurn! I must admit - I had never heard of them until I saw you post some of the cute things you had gotten from them. I signed up for their email list and trolled their website, looking for something I just HAD to have (I mean, I'm pretty well stocked right now with running clothes, but can you ever have too much??). Then I saw it - the InknBurn item that would be my first - the Lucky Charm skirt! I was born on St Patrick's day, so it was kind of a no-brainer, but I missed the first opportunity to order (as I now know from you - you have to really act fast to get some of their merch!). I got an email yesterday that they had a limited amount back in stock, and I did not hesitate to click the link! I don't love the matching top - a bit too cheesy for me - and wish they had a shirt in a print like the waistband or shorts to match, but better for my wallet that way!

So yes you totally deserve to be an ambassador! :banana:
OMG that is awesome! Congrats, Ambassador Shannon!
Thank you!! :teeth:
If I ever do buy anything from INKnBURN (y'know, after a rob a bank and finish buying all of the Raw Threads stuff since that's my current obsession), I'll definitely tell them I heard about it from you so that they know you're being an excellent ambassador!
Haha, thanks! Much appreciated! :)
Good thanks! I've not ran at all really but I'm planning to get started on a new training program shortly because.... I'm officially singed up for the Disneyland Paris Half in September... EEEEEEEK!
That is so awesome! I hope you have a great time, I can't WAIT to hear about it!!
I'm hoping it's in the pipeline... there are such close ties between Ireland and America it only makes sense. As for the world showcase I had a very interesting discussion with a CM in a store in the UK pavilion that went something like this:

ME (to my parents): Why do they have IRISH stuff in the UK store, Guinness is Irish, Ireland is not part of the UK, sure they might as well have Oh Canada in the American pavilion.
CM: Actually the reason Guinness is in the UK pavilion is now a brand of Diago which is a British multinational
ME: Ok but Guinness is still Irish, brewed in Ireland with a harp on the glass and all that.
CM: Technically part of a British brand now though (with a smile like oh ye I got you on a technicality)
ME: Ok... what about the Ireland rugby jersey over there? BOOOOOOOOM

I didn't say boom but it really didn't need to be said...
Aww, that poor CM! But, I mean...you ARE right! :confused3


CONGRATS!!!! You totally deserve it!! I'm really happy for you!
Thank you!! I am so happy about it! :yay:
Great photo!! When did you get to go to Universal? I feel like I've missed this TR!
Let's see...that was last summer. We did 1 day at Universal and then went on the Fantasy for a week. No report about that because that last 2 days of the trip were AWFUL: 1.) I threw my back out somehow on the last full day of the cruise, so bad that I could barely walk...2.) Mr. A came down with some sort of 24-hour flu, and 3.) our flight home got delayed, and then delayed again, and then eventually canceled due to weather (bad rain storms...apparently that was enough to screw up everything!). We were at the Orlando airport for 12 hours that day, and we kept having to re-claim our bags and go through security all over again - I think we did that 3 times total. And our luggage ended up getting soaked because it sat out in the rain. We didn't actually fly home until the last day.

So all that to say...I got home and could barely remember the good things about that trip, because the end was so horrible! So no report for that one! :)
Congratulations Shannon!!!! Woop! Woop!!
Thank you!! :)
That is sooo appropriate, You wear this stuff everywhere! And, you are a great ambassador....... I mean how many people from here are now buying InB because of you and your posts! :wave: For one!
Yeah, it's possible I have a slight obsession...;) Thanks again!! :teeth:
Congratulations on that and your running, so so happy to hear it :)
Ah, thank you! I am so happy to report it! How are things going for you??
:woohoo:Congratulations on being selected to be an ambassador for InknBurn! I must admit - I had never heard of them until I saw you post some of the cute things you had gotten from them. I signed up for their email list and trolled their website, looking for something I just HAD to have (I mean, I'm pretty well stocked right now with running clothes, but can you ever have too much??). Then I saw it - the InknBurn item that would be my first - the Lucky Charm skirt! I was born on St Patrick's day, so it was kind of a no-brainer, but I missed the first opportunity to order (as I now know from you - you have to really act fast to get some of their merch!). I got an email yesterday that they had a limited amount back in stock, and I did not hesitate to click the link! I don't love the matching top - a bit too cheesy for me - and wish they had a shirt in a print like the waistband or shorts to match, but better for my wallet that way!

So yes you totally deserve to be an ambassador! :banana:
Thank you so much!! I'm so glad that you got one of the extra skirts, I know that they went really fast. I hope that you love the skirt, I think it's one of my favorite things from them!

And I must admit...once I saw pictures of people actually WEARING the shirt, I grabbed one. I think it looks better in person (Mr. A said the same thing), but it's definitely something that I'll only reach for this time of year or for a Disney race! :)

This year's on the left, classic Lucky Charm tech on the right:

My (almost 5 year old) daughter is a St. Patrick baby! I feel like that is a really good holiday to have a birthday on. :cutie:
My mom adopted her dog on St. Patrick's Day! Sort of a birthday...:confused3 :rotfl2: Either way, a great day!


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