We're Graduating High School, Spring Break - Mishaps, Mayhem & Magic! *COMLETE*SEE YA REAL SOON! 7/8

Day 4 - " Thrills Chills and Long Lines Await!"
Part 2: "Yes we are satisfied with our care!"

Where I last left off my friends and I had just rode RnRc and had a great time!
I had a fun idea to do next - To go meet some characters...one in particular!
My intention was to meet Baymax that day since I knew he was doing meets at HS back then.
I love Baymax:lovestruc
I even wore the shirt to show how much of a fan I am!

I forgot to say this before, but when we walked into the park that day, a very nice gentleman CM came over to me because of that shirt, and told me what times Baymax was meeting that day.
It was funny, he kind of whispered it - like I was in on some secret!:rotfl:

Well let me tell you, when we got to his meet at the Animation Academy, the line was long, crazy long, and Baymax wasn't even out yet.:sad2:
If I remember correctly, it was probably 45 mins?
As much as I wanted to see him, we had a ADR coming up for lunch and I didn't want to be late.
Even if I couldn't meet him, I still wanted to see him in person. ::yes::
So we waited.:bitelip:
I loved their meeting area

Finally, Baymax and Hiro came out!



This was the best picture I got - Honestly, I was pretty happy with it!


It was worth waiting a few mins in order to see him!

***side note!!!!! When I heard recently that Baymax was now doing permanent meets in EPCOT, I freaked out!!!
I am so happy, since I am going back to Disney in July, I will finally be able to meet him!***

Next, I saw that the wait to meet Minnie was very short!
I asked who wanted to come.

I only got Alessa and KellyAnn to come.
I think the rest of my friends were "too cool" for character meets at the moment:rolleyes:
Not us!:laughing:

In we went, autograph books and everything!:hyper:

I love the shots the CM got.:goodvibes

Pure happiness!:lovestruc

I have this picture hanging in my dorm room:goodvibes

**Check out the pictures in the back of Minnie in her wedding dress!***:lovestruc
This whole room was decorated so nicely, I think Minnie's current M&G at HS is outside...hopefully they will give her something nicer in the future...

She loved my back back too:lovestruc

After our wonderful meet with Minnie, we met up with the others,
We had some time to wait for our ADR, so they played with the tablet screen things in there.
I think they took your picture and linked you to a character or something...?

I caught this guy above us!
Hi Mr. Incredible!:wave2:

My friends were getting hungry, and wished the ADR was earlier.:confused3
I think it was for 1:15.
Now I had suggested we go do something else to pass the time...but they didn't want to...
So we just hung out there for awhile and rested..

Finally it was time to go to our ADR...
I wonder where we went?:laughing:

Day 4 - Part 3 in the next post!

Day 4 "Thrills, Chills, and Long Lines Await!"
Part 3 - "Life's a happy song when there's someone by my side to sing along!"

My crew and I walked over to our ADR destination.

50's Prime Time Cafe!:thumbsup2

I had eaten there for the first time in summer 2014, so I was excited to be back!::yes::

I checked in a little early since I was surrounded by hungry girls:laughing:
We only had to wait a few mins and finally our table was called!

Our waitress was very nice, but not very "exciting" if you know what I mean.
I didn't even bother to tell my friends what can happen when you are there. I just wanted to see how it would go.
Honestly, it didn't matter much to me. I was just excited to get some food!:hyper:

Alessa decided to order the PB&J milkshake!
She loved it and was happy to have me try some.
It was very good!:thumbsup2

Natalie got the vegtable lasagna

Alessa, Danielle, KellyAnn and I got the fried chicken:goodvibes

And Caroline got the Chicken pot pie.
Overall everyone really enjoyed their food!

Next I wanted to do a HS classic.
I'll give you a hint.
Hi Kermit!:laughing:

Yes, we headed over to the Muppet's 3D show.
I love this show, because I love the Muppets, a lot.::yes::

There wasn't a long wait (not surprising lol) so we hopped onto the line:bounce: and waited to go in.

Finally we were seated.
I for one really enjoyed it...and I think some of my friends did.
I know Alessa thought it was boring:laughing:

By Kermit, thanks for the fun!:wave2:

After the show, we walked into the Muppet gift shop!
I got a special friend which you will see later!:goodvibes
Some of my other friends made some purchases.

***Side note - has anyone been watching the Muppets TV show on ABC?! I for one love it and am so excited more episodes are starting up again very soon. When the show started, I was skeptical, and wasn't a huge fan, but then I gave it another chance and watched some of the other episodes and fell in love!***

After making our purchases in the Muppet shop, we saw the Piggy fountain!

Natalie and I had to get or picture with the fountain!:goodvibes
Now for the name of this chapter - Natalie and I share a love for the Muppets, especially the song "Life's a happy song" We love that song and would break out into the song while on the trip.:rotfl2:

After, we walked over to our last FP of the day.

Star Tours!:cool1:
The Standby line was 60 mins, so again, my friends were very happy to have the FP.:thumbsup2

While getting on the line, a lovely CM commented on my shirt, she looked young, maybe a DCP student. We chatted for literally 2 seconds on how much we love Baymax, but it was wonderful.:D
I don't remember her name but she was super nice!:goodvibes

We quickley went through the line.
I just thought this was cool:rotfl2:

What was the verdict?
Everyone loved it!
While none of us were picked to be the rebel spy, we still had a great time!::yes::

Alessa and Danielle were very tired at this point, (and starting to get a little grumpy as well lol) so they said they were going to go back to AoA.
I didn't mind, and did not disagree at all I figured it was better for them to get some rest and relax a bit before tonight, then stay with us and be in a bad mood.:thumbsup2

KellyAnn, Natalie, Caroline, and I still had one more thing on our HS agenda to do for the day, so we said our goodbyes to Alessa and Danielle and the rest of us went on our way!

Coming up soon - Day 4 - Part 4!
Looks like it was a good day! Your lunch at 50's looks delicious.

***side note!!!!! When I heard recently that Baymax was now doing permanent meets in EPCOT, I freaked out!!!
I am so happy, since I am going back to Disney in July, I will finally be able to meet him!***
::yes:: It is kind of an awkward meet though. No Hiro. And since Baymax doesn't talk and can't really do much it just kind of feels like you're getting your picture taken with a prop that can fist bump.

I think Minnie's current M&G at HS is outside...
::yes:: She's been demoted to Disney Jr. status in that park.

***Side note - has anyone been watching the Muppets TV show on ABC?! I for one love it and am so excited more episodes are starting up again very soon. When the show started, I was skeptical, and wasn't a huge fan, but then I gave it another chance and watched some of the other episodes and fell in love!***
I've seen a few episodes. Honestly, I thought it was ok, but I wasn't blown away by it. I like the Muppets, but I've just had a hard time getting on board with this version. I do have them all on DVR, so I should probably watch the rest sometime.
My intention was to meet Baymax that day since I knew he was doing meets at HS back then.
I love Baymax:lovestruc
Me too:lovestruc

So we waited.:bitelip:
I loved their meeting area

Finally, Baymax and Hiro came out!



This was the best picture I got - Honestly, I was pretty happy with it!


It was worth waiting a few mins in order to see him!
Their meeting area is really great! I would have waited too, you ended up with great pictures even if they weren't WITH Baymax.

side note!!!!! When I heard recently that Baymax was now doing permanent meets in EPCOT, I freaked out!!!
I am so happy, since I am going back to Disney in July, I will finally be able to meet him!***

Next, I saw that the wait to meet Minnie was very short!
I asked who wanted to come.

I only got Alessa and KellyAnn to come.
I think the rest of my friends were "too cool" for character meets at the moment:rolleyes:
Not us!:laughing:
Your friends got it wrong.. ONLY the cool kids DO meet and greets :thumbsup2

My crew and I walked over to our ADR destination.

50's Prime Time Cafe!:thumbsup2

Our waitress was very nice, but not very "exciting" if you know what I mean.
I didn't even bother to tell my friends what can happen when you are there. I just wanted to see how it would go.
Its really hit or miss. If you guys were as hungry as you made it sound I think the hold up on your food for the theatrics may not have been received well lol

While getting on the line
I'd really like to know where the ON line vs. IN line "line" is divided lol I'm from WNY and we say IN line.

Alessa and Danielle were very tired at this point, (and starting to get a little grumpy as well lol) so they said they were going to go back to AoA.
I didn't mind, and did not disagree at all I figured it was better for them to get some rest and relax a bit before tonight, then stay with us and be in a bad mood.
It's always better to separate and let someone relax before they hit their limits and some sort of blow up happens!
Looks like it was a good day! Your lunch at 50's looks delicious.
Yes it was a great day! And yes it was delicious. My usual go to place when at HS. ::yes::
::yes:: It is kind of an awkward meet though. No Hiro. And since Baymax doesn't talk and can't really do much it just kind of feels like you're getting your picture taken with a prop that can fist bump.
Very true. A lot of people are complaining about that. They are disappointed that Hiro is not there... I totally get why they are upset, but I'm just happy they are doing this meet and greet at all, since the first one at HS was only temporary. Overall I just think getting a picture with the big guy will make it all worth it, IMO.:laughing:
::yes:: She's been demoted to Disney Jr. status in that park.
Ah ok that makes sense. Does that mean she is in her Pink costume, like on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse?
I've seen a few episodes. Honestly, I thought it was ok, but I wasn't blown away by it. I like the Muppets, but I've just had a hard time getting on board with this version. I do have them all on DVR, so I should probably watch the rest sometime.
To tell you the truth, the first few episodes really ween't too great, but as I started watching it more, I really caught on with it. I don't know if you've read any news about it but it just started up again last night after taking a good break. Rumor was that they got in new writers to make the show better. The episode last night was great. It seems as if they are going to make it more "Muppet like" with singing and old jokes and stuff. But yeah, if you ever get a chance I would definitely try and watch it. If you want a real funny one, the episode that involves the Muppets doing karaoke is a riot, my favorite episode so far. :thumbsup2
:goodvibes He is the best!
Their meeting area is really great! I would have waited too, you ended up with great pictures even if they weren't WITH Baymax.
Yes I was happy with the pictures, almost as good as meeting him!
Your friends got it wrong.. ONLY the cool kids DO meet and greets :thumbsup2
You know it!:thumbsup2:laughing::laughing::laughing:
Its really hit or miss. If you guys were as hungry as you made it sound I think the hold up on your food for the theatrics may not have been received well lol
That is very true, I didn't think about that. Overall it wasn't an issue not all the jokes, we enjoyed our food and that was the most important thing!:thumbsup2
I'd really like to know where the ON line vs. IN line "line" is divided lol I'm from WNY and we say IN line.
LOL, I never noticed that I said it like that. I don't know what it is. Sometimes I say "in line " too...:rotfl2:
It's always better to separate and let someone relax before they hit their limits and some sort of blow up happens!
Oh yes, and I know my friends pretty well to see if they need some time to chill. No big blowouts though. Just when we had our issue with checking in but after that everything was great!:thumbsup2
Ah ok that makes sense. Does that mean she is in her Pink costume, like on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse?
I actually had to look at a picture to verify... but yes!

To tell you the truth, the first few episodes really ween't too great, but as I started watching it more, I really caught on with it. I don't know if you've read any news about it but it just started up again last night after taking a good break. Rumor was that they got in new writers to make the show better. The episode last night was great. It seems as if they are going to make it more "Muppet like" with singing and old jokes and stuff. But yeah, if you ever get a chance I would definitely try and watch it. If you want a real funny one, the episode that involves the Muppets doing karaoke is a riot, my favorite episode so far. :thumbsup2
Yeah, I'll have to watch it sometime when I get a chance. That's part of the problem though, I just don't have enough time to watch all the TV shows I want to. :rotfl2: Anything has to be better than the Jay Leno episode though.
I actually had to look at a picture to verify... but yes!
Ok good to know, thanks! :thumbsup2
Yeah, I'll have to watch it sometime when I get a chance. That's part of the problem though, I just don't have enough time to watch all the TV shows I want to. :rotfl2: Anything has to be better than the Jay Leno episode though.
I know what you mean. I recently signed up for netflix and have a bunch of shows on there that I am looking forward to watching. But oh yes anything is better then Jay Leno!:laughing:
Great stories and pictures - love following along! Love the shirt as well!
Hi! Thank you for being here!:goodvibes Thank you, I love any clothing with Disney related characters/things on it, makes it a lot more fun!:thumbsup2
I have some very exciting news! On Christmas morning it was confirmed that my family and I are going back to Disney!!!!

We are going this July and staying at The Beach Club Villas.
My family and I LOVE the Beach Club

Ohhh I saw your message about the Ariel statue at BCV on my trip report, I guess this is the announcement of your trip that I missed!! YAY how exciting!!! Have they just been refurbished? I know that the regular rooms have been and I love the new design!

My grandparents kindly booked us a 1BR there with their DVC points, as they are members.

Gahh I wish I knew somebody with DVC. Or better yet, I wish I had DVC myself :thumbsup2 do you usually stay DVC? I want to look into renting points for a future trip :goodvibes

I am not sure if I'm going to do a PTR for the trip, I have to see. Since I am still working on this one currently, and am about to start my second semester in college, I may not have enough time!:scratchin

Let us know if you do!

Anyways, I apologize for not updating my current TR in over a month. I was having such a great break with my friends and family, I didn't have a ton of time to do an update here.
I know this probably doesn't make much sense, but since I go back to school on Tuesday, I will have more time to update my TR!

Glad you had such a nice break :goodvibes And yes, as a former student, it definitely makes sense that you would have more time to update once you get back to school :thumbsup2 Disney reporting > School reporting.

I was meeting two very important people at the resort that day.
MY grandparents.
Long story short, my grandparents live in Orlando, FL. They moved there about 5 years ago. It was very hard for everyone when they moved, since we would not see them as much. They are two of the most important people in my life. We are very close, and they are the true reason I love Disney so much. They are the biggest Disney fans I know. This was also the first trip to Disney, where I would not be spending it with them. I knew we had to meet up during the trip at least a couple of times. I knew our "rest days" would be perfect days to do it.

Owww yayyyy! That's so nice that you got to see them and spend some time catching up :goodvibes Lovely picture.

I got the Holiday Turkey Sandwich, my favorite item on the menu.

A holiday turkey sandwich sounds like the greatest thing ever. My local burrito place did a christmas burrito this year with turkey, stuffing, bacon, potatoes, rice, beans etc and it was INCREDIBLE :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc

Then we headed towards Munchkinland! :lovestruc

Did you know that you can get MARRIED in this weird munchkin room?! Or at least have the reception there or something :rotfl:


How random!!!

This is a perfect example of why Hollywood Studios needs more rides.::yes::

Haha that's a good one! You all look terrified :scared1:

Omg he's soooooo cute!!!! I was sad there was no where to meet him when we went in September, but I'm so happy they're bringing him back to Epcot! I can't wait to hug that big marshmallow :lovestruc

Yes, we headed over to the Muppet's 3D show.
I love this show, because I love the Muppets, a lot.::yes::

The Muppets movie has quickly become an obsession of mine :goodvibes Sometimes my obsession gets out of hand, but then I remember...



***Side note - has anyone been watching the Muppets TV show on ABC?! I for one love it and am so excited more episodes are starting up again very soon. When the show started, I was skeptical, and wasn't a huge fan, but then I gave it another chance and watched some of the other episodes and fell in love!***

I'm going to need to find a way of watching this!!!

Natalie and I share a love for the Muppets, especially the song "Life's a happy song" We love that song and would break out into the song while on the trip.:rotfl2:

Aaaaaaaaand I'll be singing that all day now. :laughing:



:lovestruc :lovestruc :lovestruc
Ohhh I saw your message about the Ariel statue at BCV on my trip report, I guess this is the announcement of your trip that I missed!! YAY how exciting!!! Have they just been refurbished? I know that the regular rooms have been and I love the new design!
I am SUPER excited!!!:jumping1:
And it's funny you mention that, recently, I got a letter saying that during our stay at BCV, they are going to be doing some refreshments, probably in some of the rooms, and stuff outside..so I think they did the BC first and are now heading over to the BCVs.
Gahh I wish I knew somebody with DVC. Or better yet, I wish I had DVC myself :thumbsup2 do you usually stay DVC? I want to look into renting points for a future trip :goodvibes
If I go with my family, then yes we usually stay DVC. I have stayed in Saratoga Springs 2x, OKW 2x, BC once (almost twice), and Kidani, once.
If and when I ever do another trip with my friends, we would probably just book our own resort again, like we did this trip!::yes::
Yeah you should definitely try and rent some points one year! I hear people getting very good deals when they rent.
Let us know if you do!
I definitely will!:goodvibes
Glad you had such a nice break :goodvibes And yes, as a former student, it definitely makes sense that you would have more time to update once you get back to school :thumbsup2 Disney reporting > School reporting.
Oh yes, that can not be more true of a statement!:rotfl2::thumbsup2
Owww yayyyy! That's so nice that you got to see them and spend some time catching up :goodvibes Lovely picture.
Thank you, yes it was so nice to be able to see them:goodvibes
A holiday turkey sandwich sounds like the greatest thing ever. My local burrito place did a christmas burrito this year with turkey, stuffing, bacon, potatoes, rice, beans etc and it was INCREDIBLE :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc
Oh gosh it is! I definitely recommend it the next time you are in EOS @ Disney. And yum! That Christmas burrito sounds delicious as well:thumbsup2
Did you know that you can get MARRIED in this weird munchkin room?! Or at least have the reception there or something :rotfl:


How random!!!
That is so strange!:confused::confused::confused:
Like I mean, you would be very original if you did something like that...but I don't know...not my cup of tea!:lmao:
Haha that's a good one! You all look terrified :scared1:
We were.:rotfl2:That look on my face comes from not being on that ride in about 8 years...:laughing:
Omg he's soooooo cute!!!! I was sad there was no where to meet him when we went in September, but I'm so happy they're bringing him back to Epcot! I can't wait to hug that big marshmallow :lovestruc
Me neither! I am so excited to see him!:jumping1:
The Muppets movie has quickly become an obsession of mine :goodvibes Sometimes my obsession gets out of hand, but then I remember...
Me too, I just love them:lovestruc :rotfl2:
I'm going to need to find a way of watching this!!!
Try going on the ABC website, or even better downloading the App. They will always have the most recent episodes on there. Whenever I miss an episode I just watch it on there.:thumbsup2
Aaaaaaaaand I'll be singing that all day now. :laughing:
:rotfl2:I know exactly what you mean Katie!:laughing:
Hi everyone! :wave2:
Sorry I haven't been here too much, I went home from school last weekend and I have been pretty stressed out with school work. For some reason tis semester seems a lot more difficult then last. Maybe its the courses I'm taking...:confused3
Anyways, I just wanted to say that coming on the DIS and writing my TR and of course reading all of your PTSs/TRs really helps.::yes:: I always feel de-stressed and more relaxed after writing.:lovestruc
OK rant over - on with my TR!:laughing:


Day 4 - Thrills, Chills and Long Lines Await!
Part 5 - "Tale as Old as Time..."

So where I last left off, my friends and I had just ridden Star Tours and loved it!
Alessa and Danielle were very tired and wanted to go back to the room before coming back to HS tonight. So I suggested to Caroline, KellyAnn, and Natalie that we go see a show.
I'll give you a hint.
Yes! Beauty and the Beast!:goodvibes

My friends and were very excited to see this show. You see, Caroline, Natalie, Kellyann, and I had done Beauty and the Beast for our Spring musical in High School during our freshman year.:lovestruc
So this show was bound to bring some nostalgia!::yes::
(If anyone cares, I was a Dish, Natalie was a Spoon, and Caroline and KellyAnn were napkins!)


We entered the theater and got pretty good seats.
I had a special friend the was my seat buddy. I had picked him up while in the Muppet shop
HI Kermy:rotfl2:

That's better
Then the show began!

Hey Gaston:rotfl:
Back from hunting huh?
(He wasn't at MK when we went 2 days prior)
Oh funny story about Gaston in the show. When we is siging his song, he said his name wrong!:rotfl2:
Instead of "No one's slick as Gaston"
he said "No one's slick as Gagon":rotfl2:
The best part was, Gaston broke character for a split second and let out a laugh. It was hysterical, we all were giggling away.:rotfl:
But overall, even with his little "incident" this Gaston was great!::yes::


"Be Our Guest, Be Our Guest"



(continued in next post!)

(continued from previous post!)

More Beauty and the Beast...




Such a great show!

My friends liked it a lot, I made sure before that they didn't have high expectations.
I explained to them that they do this show numerous times every day so it's not going to be like Broadway.
But like I said, they really enjoyed it!

After, KellyAnn and Natalie were in the mood for a treat before heading back to the resort.

They walked over to a cart outside of Be&B and settled on a Mickey Ice Cream Bar.

I'll let you decide from the picture if they enjoyed it or not.


They are too funny:rotfl:

Once they had their treats we decided to start heading towards the busses to go back to the resort.

A bus came right away!:thumbsup2


Back at the resort, we swam to our room in the hallways.
We relaxed a bit at the room, grabbed a small bite to eat and prepared for our fun night later!

(Day 4 - Part 6 in next post!!!)
Day 4 - "Thrills, Chills, and Long Lines Await!"
Part 6 - "A Dream and a Mouse"

Where I last left off my friends and I had been at the resort relaxing before our night at HS.

After a little bit we were finally ready to head back.

I was very happy when we saw this sight so quickly:

We then arrived back at HS with great time...I think it was around 7?

We hadn't gotten a group picture today so we decided to ask a nice family to do that for us now.
I love this picture - especially with the way the sky looks.:goodvibes

SO our only real plans for the night was to see Fantasmic.
SO we started heading over to the theater, and got in line. Let me tell you - it was long!
Right after we got in line, a CM closed off the line in back of us.:scared1:
I said to my friends that since we were so far back we wouldn't get the best seats, and I really wanted to have good seats for the night.
So I suggested we wait until the next show.
I explained to them the second showing of Fantasmic is always less busy/less crazy.
Like I had said, the crowds here today at HS were CRAZY! And the Fantasmic line showed..::yes::
They agreed with me and we got off.
My friends decided they wanted to do some shopping.
I said that sounded great.
Looking at the time, I knew that there was a decent amount of time to do something else.
Something I really love doing at Hollywood Studios, a classic.
One Man's Dream.
I told my friends that's where I was headed. Natalie said she really didn't care about going shopping and decided to come with me!

KellyAnn said she would get in line for the next showing of Fantasmic! when they started to let people in. I also told everyone Natalie and I would text them in our group chat when we were done at One Man's Dream.

Natalie and I started walking over.

We passed by Ariel (sadly we didn't do this today...)

And finally arrived here!
I have always loved One Man's Dream. I find it such a special attraction, especially for Die Hard Disney fans.
I was a little worried I wouldn't be able to see it during the trip, but thankfully I was!:thumbsup2
And I also had Natalie with me - who was experiencing it for the first time.
I explained to her while walking there what the attraction was about and we finally went in!

(Don't worry, I'm not going to put a million pics of OMD in here, just a few highlights:thumbsup2)





One of my favorite parts! I love all the characters featured on the shelves!)
Can you find Wall-E?:goodvibes
After looking at the displays, and taking a million pictures haha, Natalie and I went into the movie.
There was barely anyone in there, but it was pretty late so I wasn't surprised.

Right at the end of the film, I heard a buzz on my phone, and I knew that KellyAnn was probably in line already.
The movie then ended, I may have wiped away a few tears.:lovestruc

I asked Natalie what she thought, and she said she really like it and thought it was interesting!
She said it really helped explain Walt and his life.
I said without him we wouldn't be at Disney that week.:goodvibes
I was so happy she liked it!:thumbsup2

I checked my phone and saw a text from KellyAnn, her and Caroline had gotten in line and Alessa and Danielle were in the shops nearby.
I texted her that Natalie and I were on our way and we started walking over.

Day 4 - Part 7 in the next post!!!

Day 4 - "Thrills, Chills, and Long Lines Await"
Part 7 - "Some Imagination, huh?!"

Natalie and I were just at One Man's Dream and after walked back over to Fantasmic! to meet the rest of the group.
I attempted to take a cool picture of ToT while walking there.
Here is my attempt:rotfl2:
Soon we arrived and found everyone else in line.
I think at that point we still had about 45 mins to wait for the next show, but we were towards the front of the line, so that was good:thumbsup2
Oh, I forgot to mention before, when we had arrived that night at HS, my friends seemed a little skeptical about Fantasmic, asking what it was, was it worth seeing, ect...
I told them, Trust me, we won't regret this.
While in line everyone was getting a little antsy.
I kept saying "Just a little bit longer, it will be worth it, ect"
We were singing to the soundtrack that plays before the show, so that was fun:rotfl:
Finally we were let in!
And we had amazing seats!!!
If you can tell from the picture, we were in row 4 I believe..:woohoo:

We sat there and relaxed before the show started, everyone seemed to be getting excited...asking me questions...I just told them to wait and see!:goodvibes

Then it began.

***side note: I tried my best to take some good pictures, so I'm sorry in advance for the quality of some of them!***

Hey Mickey:lovestruc


I love the part with all the Princesses:lovestruc

"Tale as Old as time..."

"What would I give, if I could live, out of these waters...?"

"Someday my prince will come..."

The boat!!!!!!

(continued in next post!!!)
(continued from previous post!!)

More Fantasmic!

The BOAT!!!








"Some imagination huh?"


My gosh I love Fantasmic! Love, love, Love.

So, during the show, something magical surely did happen.
While I was tearing up and crying and enjoying the show, so were my friends, all of them!
All of them were engaged the entire time, loving every second of it.
They were truly immersed in the magic. And it was incredible
They were all screaming with me
"Yay Mickey!"
They were cheering and laughing and smiling and just loving every second.
It's making me tear up right now.:lovestruc

It was such a special moment.
After it was over, each one of them said it was one of their favorite parts of the trip. And at the end they said the same thing.

They were getting this whole magic thing, and it was making me very happy.

After our wonderful time at Fantasmic!, we all headed to the busses.
I believe one came very quickly

We were exhausted but had such a wonderful time that day at HS.
We got back to the room and fell asleep right away, excited about more magical adventures in the morning

(Day 5 - Part 1 coming soon!!!)
I can't do ToT. Nopenopenopenopenope. I get deathly terrified in the not fun way.

Glad you had fun on RnRC!

RIP Minnie's GORGEOUS DHS M&G. Gone but never forgotten.

Glad you had a great meal at 50PTC!

Gagon. Me too.

Awww, I'm so glad you all enjoyed Fantasmic! I need to see it next time!

Great day at DHS with great pics!
Hi everyone! :wave2:
Sorry I haven't been here too much, I went home from school last weekend and I have been pretty stressed out with school work. For some reason tis semester seems a lot more difficult then last. Maybe its the courses I'm taking...:confused3
Let's see... second semester, right? Must be your weed out semester. You know, the one where they're trying to see if you're cut out for your major? I passed my big weed out class first try by .5%. I went out and celebrated, because I knew people who didn't pass. I studied for that class with a neighbor who was taking it for her third time.

So this show was bound to bring some nostalgia!::yes::
(If anyone cares, I was a Dish, Natalie was a Spoon, and Caroline and KellyAnn were napkins!)

SO our only real plans for the night was to see Fantasmic.
SO we started heading over to the theater, and got in line. Let me tell you - it was long!
Right after we got in line, a CM closed off the line in back of us.:scared1:
Holy crap! It seemed to me like it hasn't been quite as bad the last few trips, but this is just crazy.

I have always loved One Man's Dream. I find it such a special attraction, especially for Die Hard Disney fans.
I was a little worried I wouldn't be able to see it during the trip, but thankfully I was!:thumbsup2
I'm glad you had a chance to go there! I finally had a chance to spend a little bit of time there myself!

Right at the end of the film, I heard a buzz on my phone, and I knew that KellyAnn was probably in line already.
The movie then ended, I may have wiped away a few tears.:lovestruc
Although I missed the film. I really want to get some time to see it next time.

I attempted to take a cool picture of ToT while walking there.
Here is my attempt:rotfl2:
Not bad... looks very ghostly.

"Some imagination huh?"

So, during the show, something magical surely did happen.
While I was tearing up and crying and enjoying the show, so were my friends, all of them!
All of them were engaged the entire time, loving every second of it.
They were truly immersed in the magic. And it was incredible
This is great! I'm glad that they all enjoyed it so much! Fantasmic! is a great show. They just need to find a way to make it less of a pain to get into and out of the theater. That is the biggest strike against that show.
My friends and were very excited to see this show. You see, Caroline, Natalie, Kellyann, and I had done Beauty and the Beast for our Spring musical in High School during our freshman year.:lovestruc
So this show was bound to bring some nostalgia!::yes::
(If anyone cares, I was a Dish, Natalie was a Spoon, and Caroline and KellyAnn were napkins!)
I love this show. I know its not on par with a Broadway show, but growing up Beauty and the Beast was, and still is, my favorite Disney movie. I think its a really great show!

Oh funny story about Gaston in the show. When we is siging his song, he said his name wrong!:rotfl2:
Instead of "No one's slick as Gaston"
he said "No one's slick as Gagon":rotfl2:
The best part was, Gaston broke character for a split second and let out a laugh. It was hysterical, we all were giggling away.:rotfl:
But overall, even with his little "incident" this Gaston was great!
Its such a little thing, but its the little things that make for th best memories lol

Once they had their treats we decided to start heading towards the busses to go back to the resort.

A bus came right away!:thumbsup2
Oh man, did you get that @pkondz VIP bus package?!

Back at the resort, we swam to our room in the hallways.
The detail they put into this resort is amazing!

We hadn't gotten a group picture today so we decided to ask a nice family to do that for us now.
Very cute!!

SO our only real plans for the night was to see Fantasmic.
SO we started heading over to the theater, and got in line. Let me tell you - it was long!
Ugh, I think I'm definitely going to have to FP+ this one in the fall!!

I have always loved One Man's Dream. I find it such a special attraction, especially for Die Hard Disney fans.

Oh, I forgot to mention before, when we had arrived that night at HS, my friends seemed a little skeptical about Fantasmic, asking what it was, was it worth seeing, ect...
I told them, Trust me, we won't regret this.
While in line everyone was getting a little antsy.
I kept saying "Just a little bit longer, it will be worth it, ect"
Little did they know....

And we had amazing seats!!!
If you can tell from the picture, we were in row 4 I believe..:woohoo:
Those are really great seats!! I don't think I've ever had a really bad seat at this show.

So, during the show, something magical surely did happen.
While I was tearing up and crying and enjoying the show, so were my friends, all of them!
All of them were engaged the entire time, loving every second of it.
They were truly immersed in the magic. And it was incredible
They were all screaming with me
"Yay Mickey!"
They were cheering and laughing and smiling and just loving every second.
It's making me tear up right now.:lovestruc
Its hard to find things that EVERYONE loves, but I can see how this could easily be one of those things!! :)
I can't do ToT. Nopenopenopenopenope. I get deathly terrified in the not fun way.
Yeah I can see why...being dropped from so many feet so fast is very scary. The four of us that did decide to ride were screaming our heads off in horror, as you can see from our lovely picture:rotfl2:
Glad you had fun on RnRC!
Yes we did! It was definitely worth the wait! The favorite ride of the day for everyone!
RIP Minnie's GORGEOUS DHS M&G. Gone but never forgotten.
I know! But I don't know if you've heard the good news?! Mickey ad Minnie are getting a new and PERMANENT home for their M&G at HS! Mickey in his Fanasia gear, and Minnie is supposedly going to be in a beautiful pink, Hollywoodesque dress! I am so excited. TBH, I was more excited hearing about their new M&G then Olaf's, :rolleyes1....Now I love Frozen, but there comes a point when less is more...but that's just me...:confused3
Glad you had a great meal at 50PTC!
Yes! That's usually my go to place at HS...I also have not tried anything else there that is not QS...next time though!
Gagon. Me too.
Awww, I'm so glad you all enjoyed Fantasmic! I need to see it next time!
YES! You have to!!! It is such a beautiful show...so worth it to stay for!:goodvibes
Great day at DHS with great pics!
Thank you! We really did have a fun day!
Let's see... second semester, right? Must be your weed out semester. You know, the one where they're trying to see if you're cut out for your major? I passed my big weed out class first try by .5%. I went out and celebrated, because I knew people who didn't pass. I studied for that class with a neighbor who was taking it for her third time.
Hey Andy! Yes, second semester...lol. Lol and your half correct. I still am not 100% on what I want to major in...so this semester I'm trying to figure that out. I think I'm getting there though...slowly but surely! Since I don't need to delcare a major by next year, I'm not totally freaking out yet:rotfl2:

OK because you asked...

(These are not the best of quality....they are also not my pictures...I got them off my friend Natalie's FB page!:rotfl2:)

Beauty and the Beast Musical Pictures - Spring 2012 :rotfl:

(be aware I look really young in some of these!)

Ok most of these people were not on the trip, but just wanted to show you how some of the costumes looked..
I'm there on the right, I was a dish...better picture of me on below Natalie (short Asian girl) is in the middle (spoon), and KellyAnn is also in the middle (she was a napkin)

These were the townspeople costumes for the beginning of the show for "Belle"
KellyAnn is second from the left, I bet you can see me and Caroline is on the end..

Here we go! These are the Dish costumes!
That's me in the middle:rotfl2:

This was the end of the cast in "Be Our Guest"

These were the head shots of the cast

There you have it!:rotfl:

Although I missed the film. I really want to get some time to see it next time.
It is such a great film. I am worried about the future of OMD though. With all of the construction going on at HS, I wonder what will become of it. I am hoping they decide to keep it...:confused3
Not bad... looks very ghostly.
Thanks! Yeah...that's exactly what I was going for:rotfl2::thumbsup2
This is great! I'm glad that they all enjoyed it so much! Fantasmic! is a great show. They just need to find a way to make it less of a pain to get into and out of the theater. That is the biggest strike against that show.
I was so happy too! It is one of my personal favorite things in Disney. I agree. It is kind of a pain, especially if you are in a rush. I think it was better since it was the second show of the night, so it was a little less crowded in the show, and the park was less crowded overall, so it wasn't horrible getting a bus to go back to AoA.
I love this show. I know its not on par with a Broadway show, but growing up Beauty and the Beast was, and still is, my favorite Disney movie. I think its a really great show!
I think so too! Since they do it so many times a day, every day, they do a really good job! And they manage to fit in a lot of songs into a short show. I always try and see it when I'm in HS.
I had heard a rumor a while back that they were thinking of changing it...maybe to Tangled? But I believe that before the huge Frozen craze so IDK. Those plans will hopefully be scrapped now, since Tangled, Frozen, and Princess and the Frog will be featured in the new Castle show coming this summer....which I am very excited to see!:hyper: So I am pretty confident that B&theB is here to stay!:thumbsup2
ts such a little thing, but its the little things that make for th best memories lol
Definitely! :thumbsup2
Oh man, did you get that @pkondz VIP bus package?!
Lol I guess so! We really did have good luck with the busses all week - no complaints at all!:thumbsup2
The detail they put into this resort is amazing!
It truly is! That's why I love it so much!
Very cute!!
Ugh, I think I'm definitely going to have to FP+ this one in the fall!!
Yeah you probably could, but I think you would be ok just doing standby...while it does get busy..if you get there a little early in line you should be ok. When we were there, Fantasmic wasn't offering FPs, I think that started in the summer? But I am not sure if it truly helps out?
Little did they know....
Those are really great seats!! I don't think I've ever had a really bad seat at this show.
Me neither! But the fact was I had never been so close, so that was cool! We did not get wet though, so that was good!:thumbsup2
Its hard to find things that EVERYONE loves, but I can see how this could easily be one of those things!! :)
Very true, but yes it was!:goodvibes
Cool costumes! It looks like it was a very well done version of Beauty and the Beast. Sometimes you never know what to expect out of a smaller production, but this looks like it was very well done!


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