Adulting is Hard, So I'm Running Away! ~ An Oct 2016 PTR ~ Update 10/19: Peace Out, Yo!

YAY For you Billie!!!! :) It's awesome that you're happily plugging along at your new diet...well, happily as can be expected when brussel sprouts are involved!! But at least there's always bacon...lots and lots of delicious bacon :)

So glad you're feeling better and 11 lbs already is awesome!!
Congratulations Billie!! I struggled with my weight as a child and still have to watch it carefully. I completely agree with you about enjoying what you eat; I see no point in eating something if you don't like it, which is why I eat very few fruits and veggies and tons of desserts :rolleyes1 But, DH has diabetes so while we really enjoy going out to eat and any kind of "social eating", the importance of eating healthy isn't lost on us. And regardless of your reasons it can definitely be hard (and time-consuming) to find things to fit your particular dietary needs and also satisfy your cravings!
13 lbs. is nothing to sneeze at pixiedust: Keep it up! You'll have good weeks and weeks where you slide backwards but it's all good.
So happy your journey is going well so far and most importantly you are feeling better. You may have just given your foodie lovin' sister to the north a bit of motivation ; )
Hi Billie! I am so happy to hear about this new road you're taking to better health. I'm glad you found a plan that works for you. Congrats on the weight loss! 13 pounds is amazing!! I have to say that are you are really inspiring me. I lost some weight a couple of years ago and I've let it creep back on. You're giving me the motivation to get back to it. :goodvibes
YAY For you Billie!!!! :) It's awesome that you're happily plugging along at your new diet...well, happily as can be expected when brussel sprouts are involved!! But at least there's always bacon...lots and lots of delicious bacon :)
Bacon makes EVERYTHING better. For real, though.


So glad you're feeling better and 11 lbs already is awesome!!
Thanks! I'm excited! :cutie:

Congratulations Billie!! I struggled with my weight as a child and still have to watch it carefully. I completely agree with you about enjoying what you eat; I see no point in eating something if you don't like it, which is why I eat very few fruits and veggies and tons of desserts :rolleyes1 But, DH has diabetes so while we really enjoy going out to eat and any kind of "social eating", the importance of eating healthy isn't lost on us. And regardless of your reasons it can definitely be hard (and time-consuming) to find things to fit your particular dietary needs and also satisfy your cravings!
It really is difficult! Like most people, I'm very much a creature of habit and convenience. With me, easy always overrides healthy. It can be hard figuring options that satisfy both needs! :headache:

13 lbs. is nothing to sneeze at pixiedust: Keep it up! You'll have good weeks and weeks where you slide backwards but it's all good.
Thanks for the support! :goodvibes

So happy your journey is going well so far and most importantly you are feeling better. You may have just given your foodie lovin' sister to the north a bit of motivation ; )
Bacon diet is a diet I can live with. :thumbsup2 You might like it, too!

Hi Billie! I am so happy to hear about this new road you're taking to better health. I'm glad you found a plan that works for you. Congrats on the weight loss! 13 pounds is amazing!! I have to say that are you are really inspiring me. I lost some weight a couple of years ago and I've let it creep back on. You're giving me the motivation to get back to it. :goodvibes
Yeah, I know how that goes. Between 2005-2008, I lost 80 lbs. Since then, I've found it all again. Ooops. :oops:
Just started reading. I was reading your update on 1/19. While reading, I was thinking that you should try one of the meaty diets (Paleo, Atkins, Whole30), and boom you did. I am so glad that it is working out for you. Congratulations on taking the really hard steps necessary to be nice to yourself and to take care of your health. We should enjoy doing good things for ourselves. I hesitate to call these diets, because it seems more like just a way of eating that can be pretty permanent. Most diets feel like a temporary torture. I needed to lose a bit of weight and definitely some fat. I was having the hardest time just losing the 10lbs that I wanted to lose. In September, I started the Whole30 diet. It was perfect for me, because I usually don't get enough protein, and I eat way too much sugar and dairy. I just can't stop eating cheese once I start:oops: I lost 10lbs in a month! I have splurged a bit around December, and I feel terrible. But I have only gained back 3lbs. So back on the wagon for me, so that I can splurge a bit on our trip in March. Not only did I lose weight, I noticed increased muscle mass, better allergies, and less problems with eczema. I also find that sweets are really sweet to me now, and I usually can't eat much at once. I also just don't crave sweets nearly as much. My teeth feel cleaner tooo_O I can't wait to read your report. I am with you on BB8; he's so adorable. I am about to head out to buy more Force Awakens party supplies for DS. The more BB8 the better.
i have a question..
I saw on Facebook your not posting your food because of some comments.. What happened?
With this said i did get a LOT of negative feedback on the Atkins diet and how unhealthy is it..
The way i see it: when these people gain a diploma along with their OPINIONS then i might take notice. Until then i will continue to listen to my DOCTOR who advised me to go on this diet.. Which i still don't think of as a diet, ya know?
You have inspired me to get back to my weightloss! I hadn't even considered Atkins, but I'm like you. I get frustrated with dieting and all the calorie counting! I suffered with high blood pressure with my second daughter. Now at 18 months later I'm still having issues. I just had my annual with my gyno. He's fantastic and we talked a ton of about my HBP. He said I could go to my primary but they are literally going to tell me to start a food journal and take readings for 6-8 weeks before doing anything. He was like save your copay and do the journal first. See if some of the weight comes off and if your BP starts dropping. So that is what I shall do. It is encouraging to see you have lost so much already just changing the eating. My goal would be to lose about 75 pounds. I would like to fit in my size L graphic disney t-shirts by the time we go in October!
Just started reading. I was reading your update on 1/19. While reading, I was thinking that you should try one of the meaty diets (Paleo, Atkins, Whole30), and boom you did. I am so glad that it is working out for you. Congratulations on taking the really hard steps necessary to be nice to yourself and to take care of your health. We should enjoy doing good things for ourselves. I hesitate to call these diets, because it seems more like just a way of eating that can be pretty permanent. Most diets feel like a temporary torture. I needed to lose a bit of weight and definitely some fat. I was having the hardest time just losing the 10lbs that I wanted to lose. In September, I started the Whole30 diet. It was perfect for me, because I usually don't get enough protein, and I eat way too much sugar and dairy. I just can't stop eating cheese once I start:oops: I lost 10lbs in a month! I have splurged a bit around December, and I feel terrible. But I have only gained back 3lbs. So back on the wagon for me, so that I can splurge a bit on our trip in March. Not only did I lose weight, I noticed increased muscle mass, better allergies, and less problems with eczema. I also find that sweets are really sweet to me now, and I usually can't eat much at once. I also just don't crave sweets nearly as much. My teeth feel cleaner tooo_O I can't wait to read your report.
A meaty diet is totally up my alley! I'm just so excited to find something that WORKS for me! It's not always easy by any means, but it's certainly easiER than anything else I've ever tried! :cutie:

I am with you on BB8; he's so adorable. I am about to head out to buy more Force Awakens party supplies for DS. The more BB8 the better.
Yes ma'am, I so agree! :thumbsup2

i have a question..
I saw on Facebook your not posting your food because of some comments.. What happened?
LOL! So many people mis-read that post! It said that I'm going to stop posting food pics IF people can't keep their unsolicited advice to themselves. It was only a gentle warning. ;) A few hours after I posted that, I then posted more food pics along with the recipe for what I made for dinner! :goodvibes

As for what happened, that day for lunch I had posted a photo of my chef salad, and got a bunch of well-intended flack for the ranch dressing on it... Which admittedly I did go a little crazy with, and it has carbs... But what they don't know is that I was at a buffet when I made myself that salad, and that I walked away from fried chicken, mashed potatoes, macaroni & cheese, apple cobbler, chocolate lava cake, and so many other things. If some extra ranch on my salad was only indulgence, then I personally consider that a HUGE win! :thumbsup2

I've learned over the years that when people find out you're trying to lose weight, suddenly everybody becomes and expert and wants to "help" you by telling you what you should and shouldn't do... And it kinda infuriates me. >:( So the message you saw on there threatening to stop posting food photos was just my way of politely telling folks to BACK OFF. :rotfl:

With this said i did get a LOT of negative feedback on the Atkins diet and how unhealthy is it..
The way i see it: when these people gain a diploma along with their OPINIONS then i might take notice. Until then i will continue to listen to my DOCTOR who advised me to go on this diet.. Which i still don't think of as a diet, ya know?
Yeah, anytime I've told people I'm doing Atkins, it's with a large degree of hesitation, and I brace myself for the negative comments. Fortunately, I've educated myself on the science behind it, and have gotten pretty good at answering people's questions in a way that makes them understand it a bit more, I think. :scratchin

You have inspired me to get back to my weightloss! I hadn't even considered Atkins, but I'm like you. I get frustrated with dieting and all the calorie counting! I suffered with high blood pressure with my second daughter. Now at 18 months later I'm still having issues. I just had my annual with my gyno. He's fantastic and we talked a ton of about my HBP. He said I could go to my primary but they are literally going to tell me to start a food journal and take readings for 6-8 weeks before doing anything. He was like save your copay and do the journal first. See if some of the weight comes off and if your BP starts dropping. So that is what I shall do. It is encouraging to see you have lost so much already just changing the eating. My goal would be to lose about 75 pounds. I would like to fit in my size L graphic disney t-shirts by the time we go in October!
Hooray! Good luck with your food journal. I hate doing that kind of stuff! That was super cool of your doc to giving you the heads-up to go ahead and do that. As for me, I would just be happy to fit into the XXL women's clothes sold at Disney! (Which all fit more like a XL...) :laughing:
Hooray! Good luck with your food journal. I hate doing that kind of stuff! That was super cool of your doc to giving you the heads-up to go ahead and do that. As for me, I would just be happy to fit into the XXL women's clothes sold at Disney! (Which all fit more like a XL...) :laughing:

When I say food journal.... I may be using an app on my phone... and I'll just write down how many calories, carbs, any weight loss, and blood pressure readings I take... so to give credit to those who do actually keep a food journal, let's call it "just random numbers in a small notebook to give my GP when I do go see him". Haha!

And yes those shirts are a healthy mix of L and xl.. but they are all from Walmart.. so we know that terrible material is more like M or a small L. My goal is 75 pounds! I think I may start trying to keep myself accountable on my PTR. And find you on Facebook if you are posting recipes!
I really enjoyed your warning on FB :) People should mind their own business and be supportive!!! There is ENOUGH negativity everywhere else in the world. I don't need it on my newsfeed, people!!!

Go you! :)
Congrats on the weight loss! I really need to figure out something for me, the biggest problem with Atkins is DH needs to do something too and with his allergy to all land based animals Atkins does not work well, yes we know it is a weird allergy.

I think I am caught up now!

And yes I got home and logged onto the dis to catch up on everyone's ptr and tr while editing photopass photos while my husband shovels.
Hooray for you! I'm currently trying (and sometimes succeeding) to lose some weight too. I did very lazy low carb a long time ago and it was really successful for me. Right now, that's not very sustainable since my husband loves spaghetti, sandwiches, potatoes, and all of that stuff. And I am not going to start buying food for two separate diets :P But I'm trying to keep my portions under control and add in more exercise to balance everything out.

It's really all about finding the thing that works for you, and it looks like you are!! Plus, I agree with what you've said before - it's really only effective if you are doing it for yourself and not for others or just looks. At least that has been my experience.

Many congratulations!

Limping along on the DIS, but SO, SO happy to see you're making progress on your weight loss endeavor! That's great news. Weight loss is definitely a marathon type thing, not something that'll be a battle you fight for a week. Or month. I'm glad I can be part of your journey in some small way by whatever encouragement I can offer. :) In my comings and goings in the hospital I see all too often lives completely destroyed at 50, 40, even 30 years old due to carrying around too much weight and unhealthy eating. Keep at it! And each week I hope I can read about you feeling healthier with more energy and more determination.
If some extra ranch on my salad was only indulgence, then I personally consider that a HUGE win!

Huge isn't the word for your WIN here.. i don't believe there is a word to explain the monumental struggle that is to walk away from!

I've learned over the years that when people find out you're trying to lose weight, suddenly everybody becomes and expert and wants to "help" you by telling you what you should and shouldn't do... And it kinda infuriates me. :( So the message you saw on there threatening to stop posting food photos was just my way of politely telling folks to BACK OFF.

No joke..,
Good for you! tell those nosey dopes to go AWAY!!!

Yeah, anytime I've told people I'm doing Atkins, it's with a large degree of hesitation, and I brace myself for the negative comments. Fortunately, I've educated myself on the science behind it, and have gotten pretty good at answering people's questions in a way that makes them understand it a bit more, I think.

Yes.. You do have to educate yourself and HOW the body breaks up food and HOW your body uses the energy it needs to function! it's quite simple. Yet I have educated myself with the diet. If people want to comment on it or throw out there unwelcomed opinions they might want to educate themselves on other things then calories... :) i got your back girl...
When I say food journal.... I may be using an app on my phone... and I'll just write down how many calories, carbs, any weight loss, and blood pressure readings I take... so to give credit to those who do actually keep a food journal, let's call it "just random numbers in a small notebook to give my GP when I do go see him". Haha!

And yes those shirts are a healthy mix of L and xl.. but they are all from Walmart.. so we know that terrible material is more like M or a small L. My goal is 75 pounds! I think I may start trying to keep myself accountable on my PTR. And find you on Facebook if you are posting recipes!
To me, for some reason tracking it all in an app seems so much easier! I actually looked for an app to track my exercise progress. I downloaded a few, but none of them really had what I wanted. Oh well!

I really enjoyed your warning on FB :) People should mind their own business and be supportive!!! There is ENOUGH negativity everywhere else in the world. I don't need it on my newsfeed, people!!!

Go you! :)
Hahaha. The thing that makes it difficult is that these people genuinely do care about me, and they don't think they're being negative. In fact, they believe they're being supportive... They're "just trying to help." I don't want that kind of help, though! YOU AIN'T THE BOSS OF ME! :rotfl:

Congrats on the weight loss! I really need to figure out something for me, the biggest problem with Atkins is DH needs to do something too and with his allergy to all land based animals Atkins does not work well, yes we know it is a weird allergy.
That makes me so sad for him. (Red meat is my favorite food!) :sad:

I think I am caught up now!

And yes I got home and logged onto the dis to catch up on everyone's ptr and tr while editing photopass photos while my husband shovels.
Seems reasonable to me! :laughing:

Hooray for you! I'm currently trying (and sometimes succeeding) to lose some weight too. I did very lazy low carb a long time ago and it was really successful for me. Right now, that's not very sustainable since my husband loves spaghetti, sandwiches, potatoes, and all of that stuff. And I am not going to start buying food for two separate diets :P But I'm trying to keep my portions under control and add in more exercise to balance everything out.

It's really all about finding the thing that works for you, and it looks like you are!! Plus, I agree with what you've said before - it's really only effective if you are doing it for yourself and not for others or just looks. At least that has been my experience.
Exactly, and thankfully this HAS been working for me! Mostly. My weight-loss has stalled this week, but my workouts are getting better, so I'll take the wins where I can get them! :goodvibes

Many congratulations!
Thank you kindly! :-)


Limping along on the DIS, but SO, SO happy to see you're making progress on your weight loss endeavor! That's great news. Weight loss is definitely a marathon type thing, not something that'll be a battle you fight for a week. Or month. I'm glad I can be part of your journey in some small way by whatever encouragement I can offer. :) In my comings and goings in the hospital I see all too often lives completely destroyed at 50, 40, even 30 years old due to carrying around too much weight and unhealthy eating. Keep at it! And each week I hope I can read about you feeling healthier with more energy and more determination.
I hope I come back with good things to report each week, too! This week has been kinda rough... I haven't lost a pound since last Wednesday. >:( But it's also my monthly "lady time" though, so I'm trying not to think too much about it. And my workouts have improved over the last week (which I'm going to write more about in my next update), so I'm making SOME progress at least! :cutie:

Huge isn't the word for your WIN here.. i don't believe there is a word to explain the monumental struggle that is to walk away from!
You're SO SO SO right, girl! ::yes::

No joke..,
Good for you! tell those nosey dopes to go AWAY!!!
HAHAHA! I kinda did, as politely as I could! :laughing:

Yes.. You do have to educate yourself and HOW the body breaks up food and HOW your body uses the energy it needs to function! it's quite simple. Yet I have educated myself with the diet. If people want to comment on it or throw out there unwelcomed opinions they might want to educate themselves on other things then calories... :) i got your back girl...
I know you do, Boo! And I got yours, too! :hug:
Coming out of lurky loo to just comment on your stalled weight loss....

Lady time definitely can have an affect. Also, starting a new exercise routine can make your muscles retain water which can mean no weight loss on the scale. Hopefully this is what is happening and you'll get what I call a weight loss woosh where you drop a good amount of pounds in a week.

Don't let people get you down about this whole Atkins thing. From what I've been reading, you are eating more veggies as a result which is a GOOD thing. I think when people hear Atkins they automatically assume you are just going to nosh down on a pile of steak with a of side bacon and sausage. It's more than that LOL!!! It's also a heck of a lot easier to maintain as a forever lifestyle instead of those crazy cabbage soup, HCG, military, very low calorie, etc fads.

Okie dokie...going back to lurking on your adventures!
Coming out of lurky loo to just comment on your stalled weight loss....

Lady time definitely can have an affect. Also, starting a new exercise routine can make your muscles retain water which can mean no weight loss on the scale. Hopefully this is what is happening and you'll get what I call a weight loss woosh where you drop a good amount of pounds in a week.
Yes! I want that whoosh! That's what I'm hoping for, too! (And I didn't know that about the exercise and retaining water! That helps, thank you!) :goodvibes

Don't let people get you down about this whole Atkins thing. From what I've been reading, you are eating more veggies as a result which is a GOOD thing. I think when people hear Atkins they automatically assume you are just going to nosh down on a pile of steak with a of side bacon and sausage. It's more than that LOL!!! It's also a heck of a lot easier to maintain as a forever lifestyle instead of those crazy cabbage soup, HCG, military, very low calorie, etc fads.
I totally agree! (I tried the cabbage soup diet years ago, I don't think I lasted a week... :laughing: )

Okie dokie...going back to lurking on your adventures!
Nooo, I like you, stay and play! No need for lurking! :hug:
And, you are not "a number". You are you and you are loved for just being you.
You're so right, and while I know this to be true, this mantra is also part of what lead to me weighing 370 lbs. :scared: I may not be a number, but the number does matter in regards to my health.

Every bit of effort you have put into this is counts, no matter what the number, or the speed of weight loss. It all just counts.
Yes, but the numbers are the motivator. Effort without results I can see or feel is effort that I won't stick with very long. Watching those numbers drop is what keeps me from eating a whole cake, regardless of how badly I may want to. Numbers are what keeps me going to the gym and not cutting my workout short, no matter how awful it's making me feel. ::yes::

If you decide to venture into podcasts, the latest WDW Radio podcast by Lou Mongello is about 10 Reasons You Should runDisney. The Dis Unplugged podcasts are really great as well.
You know, I've never been a podcast person! I hear a lot of good things about some of them, though! :thumbsup2


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