Random yet useful items to have for your trip.

A collapsible closet organizer (like this: http://www.amazon.com/Household-Essentials-6-Shelf-Hanging-Organizer/dp/B0041HLT80). They pack down small but make the hanging space in hotel room closets so much more usable. I also like to pack a baggie with random things I always seem to need: tape, scissors, a sharpie, post it notes, safety pins.

And we never travel anywhere without our white noise machine. I have a hard time sleeping without it and it's great to help drown out hotel noises.
My husband laughs...but I always bring scissors. Cutting tags off and other random things...they always come in handy.
Same here. I always bring scissors. On one trip last fall we only wanted to bring carry on bags so I actually mailed a pair down, along with large bottles of sunscreen
A travel clock now that clocks are being removed from rooms
Single use laundry detergent, either pods or packet
First Aid kit with different meds/band aids/aloe
Gallon size ziplocs (so many uses!)
I pack DGD's clothes in these. So not only do I have them for uses while there her clothes are all organized by day. I just toss her a bag and she gets dressed
This is so genius.
Just frickin genius.
I LOATHE digging through luggage for clothes. Outfits in a bag! My DH is gonna think I've lost my mind.
Now that she's a size 8 I find I have to upgrade to the bags that are a size up from gallon. I forget the name they give them. I even include her panties in the bag, and socks if it's chilly season. And you can squeeze most of the air out of the bags so they take up less room while packed too.
I found out the hard way that duct tape and scissors are a must. The airline had ripped a long gash in my duffle bag. Luckily the CMs in the shop at POR were able to give me some packing tape to temporarily mend the tear.
I also pack a pop up laundry bag.
If I go in the warmer months I always take some unscented baby wipes and travel size lavender baby powder. The wipes are great for running over my arms and neck before I go to dinner to just help me feel a little less gross. If I run those over my arms and neck brush my hair a bit and reapply some lip gloss I always feel much better. I will sprinkle the powder in my shoes to keep them dry and my feet less sore.
Now that she's a size 8 I find I have to upgrade to the bags that are a size up from gallon. I forget the name they give them. I even include her panties in the bag, and socks if it's chilly season. And you can squeeze most of the air out of the bags so they take up less room while packed too.
I do the same thing and also have her hair stuff (ponytail holders ribbons or bows barrettes or whatever she will be using that day) in the bag. I label it with teh day she will wear it and then on that morning, all she has to do is grab the correct bag and get dressed. So easy!
I use a Disney shopping bag for a 'hamper' - we have too many of them after the first few days, and I move stuff into one shopping bag, put it in the car for safekeeping, and put the dirty laundry in the now empty bags. When a bag gets full, it gets put into the car as well.

My toiletry bag has scissors in it already, the small manicure ones, along with OTC meds, bandaids, etc. I do like the idea of a nightlight - I usually just turn on the toilet/shower room light and leave the door cracked a tiny bit, but a nightlight in there would probably be easier. Do the toilet/shower rooms have an outlet?

About the only I do pack 'special' is the waterproof bag for phones and other electronics/wallets as we tend to go in August during the deluges.
So many things here have been mainstays in my travels for so long I don't even think about how handy they've been over the years. I find myself reading through this and thinking, " always have that...and that...yep...that too..." They just live in our travel kit that is always ready to go.
I use a Disney shopping bag for a 'hamper' - we have too many of them after the first few days, and I move stuff into one shopping bag, put it in the car for safekeeping, and put the dirty laundry in the now empty bags. When a bag gets full, it gets put into the car as well.

My toiletry bag has scissors in it already, the small manicure ones, along with OTC meds, bandaids, etc. I do like the idea of a nightlight - I usually just turn on the toilet/shower room light and leave the door cracked a tiny bit, but a nightlight in there would probably be easier. Do the toilet/shower rooms have an outlet?

About the only I do pack 'special' is the waterproof bag for phones and other electronics/wallets as we tend to go in August during the deluges.
I found another use for Disney shopping bags on my last trip. The medium size bag fits perfectly in a carry on size suitcase to separate clean from dirty clothes. I had clean clothes in the bottom, laid the Disney bag over the top of them and tucked it around the edges, then put my dirty clothes on top of the bag.
And we never travel anywhere without our white noise machine. I have a hard time sleeping without it and it's great to help drown out hotel noises.

I have got to remember this for next time! Music doesn't work as well for me, so I'll have to find one of these to take with me.

If I go in the warmer months I always take some unscented baby wipes and travel size lavender baby powder. The wipes are great for running over my arms and neck before I go to dinner to just help me feel a little less gross. If I run those over my arms and neck brush my hair a bit and reapply some lip gloss I always feel much better. I will sprinkle the powder in my shoes to keep them dry and my feet less sore.

We always take baby wipes; they are good for wiping hands in line cause you touched something you didn't mean to and don't want to get out of line to go to the bathroom.
I'm never going without a power strip again. DH and I fought over outlets the whole time lol.

For our last trip our most used things were our external battery and extra hand towels :) We used them every day.
I bring a multi outlet and extension cord. The plug locations are never good for me

I have got to remember this for next time! Music doesn't work as well for me, so I'll have to find one of these to take with me.

Even better, there are apps for that


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