The Young Avengers: A Very Avengers Holiday (YARP Part 6)

OOC: I think so...?
OOC: LOL. Same. Or wait it may be they're junior year because they are a year behind us. Pretty sure they are juniors. But we could change it and make them seniors, I'm excited for college and Rio. So time warp to April 2015, I'll let you decide if they are juniors or seniors. I'll do a time warp recap of what happened later after math and cleaning, very busy but super fun weekend! Two concerts at Deep Ellum, Tour of AT&T Studio, hanging out with friends, and two exams next week and online quiz tonight.
OOC: LOL. Same. Or wait it may be they're junior year because they are a year behind us. Pretty sure they are juniors. But we could change it and make them seniors, I'm excited for college and Rio. So time warp to April 2015, I'll let you decide if they are juniors or seniors. I'll do a time warp recap of what happened later after math and cleaning, very busy but super fun weekend! Two concerts at Deep Ellum, Tour of AT&T Studio, hanging out with friends, and two exams next week and online quiz tonight.
OOC: Yeah, let's just do that. Sounds busy and fun, hope you have a great time. First three, this is getting long

Hope: In the time that had passed, she had gotten quite serious about training for the Olympics; they were only a year away now. She had dropped many of her school clubs and organizations in order to focus in her riding. Somehow, she was also still managing to compete with Eli for the top spot in their class. It had not gotten mean-spirited, but there was still competition. Which was extra surprising seeing as on top of school and riding she was also spending much of her free time with Jay, and was also spending lots of time clocking in hours at the lab with her father. Tony had signed some papers so she could be an intern because that looked really nice on her college applications. Hope hadn't gotten any taller (which was good considering jockeys were supposed to be small) but her body seemed to have finally gotten rid of the scrawniness that had come from being on the run, she had muscles and had filled out a bit. Her curly black hair was shiny and long, it went almost to her hips and it was mostly worn in messy ponytails between science and riding.

Mike: In the time that had passed, he had changed. He had somehow grown even more muscle and height. He hadn't quite reached Gordon's level yet, but there was no doubt he was the second brawniest. He kept up with his schoolwork as best as he could, but he was often distracted with the Rogers-Wilson chase after Uncle Bucky. In fact, the Bucky thing was so stressful he often had to throw himself into training and drawing to distract his mind. He tried talking to Evelyn about it, but it was hard for him to find the words to make her understand who Bucky was to him, especially since the way he was raised in his past life meant you didn't dump your problems on your girl, and he often fell back on his old-fashioned upbringing. Meanwhile, his future pursuits were all across the board. He had all sorts of sports scholarships, he had sent in portfolios to a couple art schools, and he was being considered for the Army, Marines, and the Air Force. Only the other Young Avengers knew about the military side. He wasn't comfortable enough to tell his father yet. He didn't think he'd approve. The adult he would have really wanted to tell was Uncle Bucky, but Bucky wasn't the man Mike so desperately needed him to be right now. Sam could take on some of those "uncle" roles, but he wasn't comfortable with taking this to Uncle Sam. Especially since Conrad had applied to the Army and Air Force with Mike and hadn't told his father for the same reason (fear of disapproval). Evelyn knew because even as his and Evelyn's relationship was ever-changing, she deserved to know. Jay knew because Evelyn knew, and Hope knew because Jay knew. Eli knew because his friend Daniel Rhodes had just finished Air Force boot camp and after meeting him and Conrad was willing to add in his recommendation. Sarah knew because Eli told her about it. June knew because Conrad had told her. Gordon and Thora found pout because everyone around them knew. Raven and Nova knew because they know everything.

Raven: In the time that had passed, her life had finally stabilized. She had grown into her skin at last, and it made her beautiful in ways she had never been before despite her physical flaws. She balanced school and band reasonably well and she even did a few favors for Coulson, his team and for her father, without feeling obligated to return to the agent life. Maybe she would, one day, but she was comfortable with her life now. She had Hope and Conrad, and the other YA. Another big part of her settling was her reconciliation with Nick Fury. They had finally sat down one day and hashed it all out - her mother's death, her early training, her aliases and those undercover missions, being the Excalibur, the Avengers Initiative and the Chitauri invasion, the serum experiments that had forever changed her life, her placement with the YA, all those times throughout her life she'd attempted suicide, Loki and Luke, the Hydra takeover and their fake deaths, everything. It had been good to get it out, to actually talk about things and not hide behind secrets and lies and half-truths and walls. In the end, they'd come to accept each other for who they were and forgive each other. Hill and Coulson had both cried. It had been a regular Hallmark moment until a man walked into the coffee-shop they were in and shot at them. But that was another story. Her relationship with Hunter was also fairly serious. The papers speculated about them all the time, and she no longer hid her relationship with him when asked about it. She had accepted the fact that she could love another human being, but she was always afraid of losing him. She had strengthened her friendships with the YA. She was still close friends with Hope and she went to all of Hope's meets and they often went out for food or sometimes just goofed off with a movie night. She often trained with Mike when she knew he was having a bad day, and they would hide in his room or hers or if Rogers and Wilson were around, they'd go sit on the top of the tower with a bottle of some sort of forbidden drink and glasses and share stories of all the dead people they knew and the ghosts that haunted them. She did sibling things with Conrad and helped him train for the military. She went shopping and for mani-pedis with Evelyn and talked out some of her issues with her. Her time with June was often spent quiet, but not so sad anymore. She would laugh for hours with Jay at comedy movies, played video games with him, and occasionally had a casual shootout. She went to high end parties with Eli so he wouldn't have to take some gold-digger and they unobtrusively joked about everyone there. She would play music for Gordon and Thora for hours and even learned some Asgardian songs from them, and she fought with them and volunteered with them some weekends at the animal shelter as well. She trained with Nova and brought her out both to her own concerts and other artists' concerts as well.
Conrad: In the time that had passed, he had grown up. He had built muscle, grown a few inches, and had a nice haircut. He had also matured a bit, and had gotten over himself to talk it out with June, and had gotten back together with her. Their relationship was hesitant at times, neither wanted to mess it up, but he was happier now. As everyone knew, he was being considered for the Army and the Air Force, but he had also applied to a few colleges. He was torn between majoring in Psychology or Engineering. He had gotten a lot better at fixing his wings, cars, motorcycles, weaponry, technology, and some general household problems. School was going well, he wasn't the best but he definitely wasn't the worst. His main problem was keeping the military thing from his dad. The YA knew, but he hadn't told his father. He didn't think Sam would be on board with it. It was his life though. And both Raven's real dad and Director Coulson had advised him to make his choices for his future based on what he wanted to do and what he thought was best for his future, not what anyone else wanted or thought. Conrad was growing in confidence that way. He had been learning more about how to be himself and how to be confident about who he was as a person. The media talked about him a little bit since they found out he was Raven's "brother" but he had learned to ignore it.
Eli: In the time that had passed, he had become more himself. He had begun learning more about how the company was run, spent more time in his father's lab inventing, spent more time dating girls and then dumping them. He wanted to find the girl that made him feel what Tony felt towards Pepper, that she was the only girl worth having, the one that paled in comparison to all the others, the one that he wouldn't get bored with. He hadn't found her yet though, and that made him nervous. He worried he would never find her. He confided these fears in Jay, Hope, and Evelyn, knowing he couldn't talk about this to either parent or to Uncle Bruce, or, really, any adult he knew. It was a weakness, and something that could never be taken seriously. Especially at his age. He just didn't want to be alone. But he was a Stark, and he was more a Stark than ever. He hadn't become a complete jerk, there was Potts blood in him, but the media said he looked more like his father every day, and they weren't completely wrong. He was competing for the top spot at school, and had applied to many schools, including his dad's Alma Mater, MIT. He spent time with the YA and his friends, and had patiently wrote tons of letters to Rhodey Jr, who was a grade ahead of him and had recently joined the Air Force, following in his father's footsteps. Sometimes, Eli wished he was brave enough to do something like that, but most of the time he knew that a life of almost constant combat, taking orders and low resources was not a life for him. He was too spoiled, no matter how hard his mother had tried. So he wrote diligently to Rhodey Jr. so he wouldn't feel abandoned or unappreciated.

Sarah: Sarah had been often back and forth between South Korea and America, following her aunt. She had grown closer as friends with many of the YA and was now knowledgeable of American culture and the English language, so her gaffes were now few and far between. She did have a crush on Eli, but since he didn't see her that way, she always quietly set it aside to be his friend whenever they were talking, whether in person or video-call.

Daniel Rhodes: He had gotten time off so he was currently at the tower, to be there at the party at Stark Tower with his dad and all of the Avengers. It was nice to be around Elijah and all of his friends.
Evelyn: She had blossomed into a young lady. Since her sophomore year she got an agent and began modeling. It was a pretty good gig, pay was much better than most jobs she could do and she really got an insight into the industry. She mostly modeled for department stores like Macy's and Kohl's, as well as some local boutiques. Evelyn also started up an Etsy page and sold custom jewelry. She taught Thora how to fulfill orders, packaging, labeling, and customer service. It was beneficial to both of them, Thora learning how to do Earth like work and it was more efficient. Evelyn paid Thora too. Even with Thora’s help, how she still had time to be a cheerleader, co-captain at that, bewildered her. Evelyn had gotten accepted into some schools where she wanted to get a degree in fashion merchandising. She still was deciding where to go, it'd most likely be a school in NYC, Southern California near her parent's ranch, or Massachusetts since it seemed a lot of the YA would end up there. She adored her friends and family, and the team had been getting closer and closer. Her parents had been back in action doing missions with the Avengers taking down Hydra bases. Mike was gone a lot too. Things were good with him, but it definitely wasn't easy with him being so closed with his emotions and gone a lot. After being with someone for so long and only dating one person in your existence so far (therefore having nothing to compare it to), Evelyn couldn't help but wonder if he was the one for her. But she wasn't too worried, she really did love and adore Mike. Evelyn was looking forward to tonight. Everyone was going to be home and Mr. Stark was throwing a grand party. Dressing up and chatting among socialites was exciting and maybe she'd even run into leaders of the fashion industry. The dress she was wearing tonight she had actually spent weeks designing and constructing herself. Evelyn was proud of the final product. It was a slim fitting royal purple dress she paired with nude heels and a ruby necklace among the swooping neckline. A few months ago she dyed her hair a very light shade of blonde compared to her natural dirty blonde almost brunette hair and was happy with it. She was thinking about dieing it red as a homage to her mother.

OOC: This is a result of standing in line for a concert.
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Jay: Life was good. Most his free time was spent doing archery, but he was happy with that. It was his passion and seeing his skill improve was satisfying. The Olympics were 14 months away!! His body was morphing from less of a boy and more into a man, although at 18 he was still growing. Well, he probably wasn't getting any taller than 5’9, but face and body wise. He and Hope were doing wonderful. She brought so much joy to his life. Jay decided he'd go to community college, maybe get an education degree to coach or sports journalism or film. He'd go to the city whenever Hope went. The party would be sick tonight. He was a bit of a party animal and knew how to have fun. Living with the YA was a blast. Joking around with Eli, feeling more manley man with Mike, goofing around and eating pancakes with Gordon, and feeling a little more cool chilling with the fierce Raven. He loved everyone in his super fam.
OOC: lol nice

The adults were gone, running around looking for the scepter, but they would be back tonight for the party.

Mike: He was sketching Evelyn. Pictures of Evelyn had filled up at least half of his current sketchbook. His dad just got the fond look whenever Mike started drawing her. He loved her, the thought she was beautiful. Their relationship was complex, but he loved her.

Hope: Hope was standing in her closet, trying to decide what to wear that night. She had a bunch of fancy dresses - any time her and Jay did anything for the media meant a stylist or designer had something new for her to wear - but she still wasn't sure what she wanted.

Raven: She was in the main room where most of the YA were, hanging out with her family. They really were the best.

Conrad: He was also in the main room hanging out.

Eli and Daniel: They were in the main room playing video games. Every once in a while, Daniel would reach over and ruffle his younger and shorter best friend's hair, which would result in Eli glaring or kicking him in the shin. It was funny actually.

Sarah: She had just got in the night before with her aunt for another spell at the tower. She had recently come in after sleeping off the jet lag to greet the YA.
OOC: Meanwhile...

The Avengers were chasing after a lead on the scepter.

Ivana and Nicolai: The twins stood with their older brother and sister, Pietro and Wanda, in the Hydra compound watching as everything went on.
OOC: lol nice

The adults were gone, running around looking for the scepter, but they would be back tonight for the party.

Mike: He was sketching Evelyn. Pictures of Evelyn had filled up at least half of his current sketchbook. His dad just got the fond look whenever Mike started drawing her. He loved her, the thought she was beautiful. Their relationship was complex, but he loved her.

Hope: Hope was standing in her closet, trying to decide what to wear that night. She had a bunch of fancy dresses - any time her and Jay did anything for the media meant a stylist or designer had something new for her to wear - but she still wasn't sure what she wanted.

Raven: She was in the main room where most of the YA were, hanging out with her family. They really were the best.

Conrad: He was also in the main room hanging out.

Eli and Daniel: They were in the main room playing video games. Every once in a while, Daniel would reach over and ruffle his younger and shorter best friend's hair, which would result in Eli glaring or kicking him in the shin. It was funny actually.

Sarah: She had just got in the night before with her aunt for another spell at the tower. She had recently come in after sleeping off the jet lag to greet the YA.
OOC: Aww very sweet.

Evelyn: She went to Hope's room. 'Hey. Jay said you needed some help choosing something?"

Jay: He was in the main room with the YA's, making bets between Eli and Daniel's game, getting pretty into it. "FALL BACK FALL BACK!"
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OOC: Aww very sweet.

Evelyn: She went to Hope's room. 'Hey. Jay said you needed some help choosing something?"

Jay: He was in the main room with the YA's, making bets between Eli and Daniel's game, getting pretty into it. "FALL BACK FALL BACK!"
Hope: "How sweet of him. I do need help. I have too many options! Should I go with a classic green or purple? Something daring like black or red? One of my sweet white dresses? Something more stately and sophisticated and blue?"

Eli: "Fall back where?"

Daniel: "Not over there! Someone's camping over there!"
Hope: "How sweet of him. I do need help. I have too many options! Should I go with a classic green or purple? Something daring like black or red? One of my sweet white dresses? Something more stately and sophisticated and blue?"

Eli: "Fall back where?"

Daniel: "Not over there! Someone's camping over there!"
Evelyn: "Yes Jay has his moments.", she joked. "Hm. Well it's dressy but not like a super gala or anything. I think my mom's wearing a black dress with a white cardigan. I designed a dress for tonight, slim fitting and purple. Probably doing a loose updo and nude heels. I had a ruby necklace I was going to pair with it but I think it's too formal so I'll probably do something less flashy. Well, it's the spring season. Maybe a light green with subtle floral jewelry or hairpieces. A dark sophisticated blue would fit the night well I think so that's another option. Maybe spice up your sweet white dress to something more sexy and go for the Marilyn look. It really comes down to your mood and how you want to feel tonight. It does seem like a cocktail chatty type of event."

Jay: "Fall back behind the gas tank! But make sure it doesn't explode!"
Evelyn: "Yes Jay has his moments.", she joked. "Hm. Well it's dressy but not like a super gala or anything. I think my mom's wearing a black dress with a white cardigan. I designed a dress for tonight, slim fitting and purple. Probably doing a loose updo and nude heels. I had a ruby necklace I was going to pair with it but I think it's too formal so I'll probably do something less flashy. Well, it's the spring season. Maybe a light green with subtle floral jewelry or hairpieces. A dark sophisticated blue would fit the night well I think so that's another option. Maybe spice up your sweet white dress to something more sexy and go for the Marilyn look. It really comes down to your mood and how you want to feel tonight. It does seem like a cocktail chatty type of event."

Jay: "Fall back behind the gas tank! But make sure it doesn't explode!"

Eli: "I think I know a bit more about explosive compounds than you do, Jay."

Hope: "Hm. Well, I bet you'll look gorgeous from the sound of it. Let's see..." She dug around in her closet, looking at every dress, even the ones the hadn't named to Evelyn. "What about this one?" It was maroon lace with navy and copper trim. "With my navy blue heels, and that dark feather jewelry set I have?"
Eli: "I think I know a bit more about explosive compounds than you do, Jay."

Hope: "Hm. Well, I bet you'll look gorgeous from the sound of it. Let's see..." She dug around in her closet, looking at every dress, even the ones the hadn't named to Evelyn. "What about this one?" It was maroon lace with navy and copper trim. "With my navy blue heels, and that dark feather jewelry set I have?"
Jay: "I know enough Stark. I've learned quite a lot from my lady."

Evelyn: "Why thank you. Ooooh, that's so pretty. Good choice.'
Jay: "I know enough Stark. I've learned quite a lot from my lady."

Evelyn: "Why thank you. Ooooh, that's so pretty. Good choice.'
Eli: "Well, Hope is the best."

Daniel: "I thought she was his girl."

Eli: "She is, but she's like my little sister. Keep up, Rhodey."

Hope: She smiled. "Thanks."
Eli: "Well, Hope is the best."

Daniel: "I thought she was his girl."

Eli: "She is, but she's like my little sister. Keep up, Rhodey."

Hope: She smiled. "Thanks."
Jay:"Yeah Rhodes, Hope and Eli are practically siblings, no need to worry. They like to science. Man, I wish I had an archery buddy, that'd be legit. But my dad is one of my best friends so I guess I already do. As cheesy as it sounds nobody is cooler than the great Clint Barton."

Evelyn:"No problem.", she smiled back.
Jay:"Yeah Rhodes, Hope and Eli are practically siblings, no need to worry. They like to science. Man, I wish I had an archery buddy, that'd be legit. But my dad is one of my best friends so I guess I already do. As cheesy as it sounds nobody is cooler than the great Clint Barton."

Evelyn:"No problem.", she smiled back.
Eli: "Sciencesibs for life! I mean, we already call each other's dads Uncle."

Daniel: He euffled Eli's hair. "I was worried you'd never find friends."

Eli: "Quit it with the hair already Agent P."

OOC: Get it? Because Tony calls Rhodey Platypus, and Perry is their/our generation's iconic platypus character

Hope: "Now that that's done, wanna go hang out?"
Eli: "Sciencesibs for life! I mean, we already call each other's dads Uncle."

Daniel: He euffled Eli's hair. "I was worried you'd never find friends."

Eli: "Quit it with the hair already Agent P."

OOC: Get it? Because Tony calls Rhodey Platypus, and Perry is their/our generation's iconic platypus character

Hope: "Now that that's done, wanna go hang out?"
Jay: "Nice, nice I dig it."

OOC: Haha cute I like it.

Evelyn: "Hey guys!' She and Hope exited the elevator. Evelyn couldn't wait for the parties and to get kisses from Mike. It was a relief every time he got home safe. Same with her parents.
Hope: "Hey everybody!"

Sarah: She waved hello.

Eli and Daniel: They both said "Hi" distractedly.

Raven: "Hey there!"

Mike: He set down his sketchbook open, got up and walked over to them, laying a companionable hand on Hope's shoulder then pulling Evelyn into a hug.

Hope: She moved past them to join the boys at the couch, planting a kiss on Jay's forehead while she was still standing before plopping down between him and Eli. "Hat are we playing?"
Hope: "Hey everybody!"

Sarah: She waved hello.

Eli and Daniel: They both said "Hi" distractedly.

Raven: "Hey there!"

Mike: He set down his sketchbook open, got up and walked over to them, laying a companionable hand on Hope's shoulder then pulling Evelyn into a hug.

Hope: She moved past them to join the boys at the couch, planting a kiss on Jay's forehead while she was still standing before plopping down between him and Eli. "Hat are we playing?"
Evelyn; She greeted everyone warmly and embraced Mike's hug. "How was the mission?

jay: "Hey there my pretty girl. Skyrim."
Evelyn; She greeted everyone warmly and embraced Mike's hug. "How was the mission?

jay: "Hey there my pretty girl. Skyrim."

Mike: "Fruitless as always. It's good to be back." He kissed her chastely and pulled her to sit down.

Hope: "Fun."


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