Prices just hit my threshold :-(

Very glad we didn't buy DVC when we looked into it since I don't see us doing thrice yearly or even once yearly trips anymore. Putting aside the price increases, per se, the entire thrust of Disney's strategy -- continually sky-rocketing prices and continually declining quality and overall experience, has left a bad taste in my mouth. And, whatever else I can say, I don't pony up tons of money to a company that, far from giving me magic, leaves a bad taste.
And in my example you would be in group #2. If something is the "straw that broke the camels back" you were already on the fence.

And people call me snarky and disingenuous.
yeah, but that way they could pull maximum profit, and that's what it's all about.

Actually, I am of the belief that Disney is more than happy having multiple return visitor as well as locals. It just drives their operating income higher and higher. Remember, there are not enough guest rooms on property to fill those parks (there are 30K rooms on site, so if you have 3 per room that's only 90K people), Disney is relying on off-site and locals to fill the parks to capacity.
No need for a rule. They spend $2 Billion on a system designed to gather accurate data on the individual guest level. They are using that data to adjust pricing policy. They don't need to ban guests that don't meet a profit threshold, they just need to manipulate pricing to increase that guests profitability either by them paying more to attend at certain times or moving them to different times.

Despite everyone crowing on about Disney "wasting $2 billion of FP+" they actually spent very wisely on a data warehouse and analytics system that will allow them to better monetize every category of guest. It's exactly that kind of project I would love to be a part of.
And it's done so much for the guests and improved show.... NOT
And it's done so much for the guests and improved show.... NOT

Its done stuff for a lot of guests. I am much happier going with the new FP+ system than I was with the old one. Many of us still see value in Disney. And despite all of the complaints that go back for years on these boards Disney still has record attendance and record profits. So while they may not be making you happy, they are making a lot of others happy.
And it's done so much for the guests and improved show.... NOT

It was never a guest facing project, never. There are guest facing portions of it but those are merely input vehicles for the data warehouse. The customer for MyMagic+ is and has always been internal clients, not guests. Judging whether or not it was a successful project is based on how the customer feels, not the guest.

I don't have any inside information but as someone who implements exactly these kinds of projects (albeit on a much smaller scale) I can make educated guesses based on what I am seeing and hearing in policy adjustments and balance sheets.
And in my example you would be in group #2. If something is the "straw that broke the camels back" you were already on the fence.

You are missing the point. They were in #1, then were moved to #2. There was probably a time in 1993 where they could never imagine not going. Then as prices moved up, they were put in #2 where they would have to make decisions based off of budgets. Now, they have shifted to the other side of the #2 group.
You are missing the point. They were in #1, then were moved to #2. There was probably a time in 1993 where they could never imagine not going. Then as prices moved up, they were put in #2 where they would have to make decisions based off of budgets. Now, they have shifted to the other side of the #2 group.

Just because you couldn't imagine not going does not put you into group #1 in my example.
I swear i wont complain about the price increases if:

1. The bathrooms are, from this day forward, immaculate.

2. CMs return to the type of training they used to get with a week of Traditions instead of a day....are paid decently...and the CP is kept to a minimum.

3. NEW attractions get built in a timely manner that shames the competition both in speed of production and the actual product.

By all means Disney, take my money. Charge me up the wazoo! But for the love of pixie dust at least attempt to make it look like we're getting something in return. Dont spit on my cupcake (free photopass with an AP) and call it frosting!
You are missing the point. They were in #1, then were moved to #2. There was probably a time in 1993 where they could never imagine not going. Then as prices moved up, they were put in #2 where they would have to make decisions based off of budgets. Now, they have shifted to the other side of the #2 group.
I used to be in #1 and moved to #2 just in the last few years. #3 is next I guess.

And I know, lots of people still love everything and Disney doesn't care etc. etc. That has been stated over and over.
I used to be in #1 and moved to #2 just in the last few years. #3 is next I guess.

And I know, lots of people still love everything and Disney doesn't care etc. etc. That has been stated over and over.

Its been stated over and over because it is true.
Don't like price increases? Don't go to Disney.
Don't like your government? Move to a different country.
Don't like the color blue? Stop looking at blue things.

Or, you know, offer something more constructive or empathetic beyond "don't complain."

And what would be more constructive, offering a bunch of "oh dear I am so sorry that you are upset, those evil corporate types are just the worst" statements? Thats a bunch of BS. The most constructive comments on this thread are the ones that point our you basically have two options, stop going and vote with your wallet, or keep going and again vote with your wallet.
Just couldn't resist could you? I do admire your zeal. However one person stating something a million times doesn't by itself make it true.

I am far from the only one stating it. I am just the only person that has continued to engage on this thread, many have given up because we feel like we are talking to a brick wall.
I am not even sure how that relates to anything here, so...

It just points out the credibility of the source. So, it does relate.

You comment on this thread, like you are "working so hard, deserve my success, don't care that Disney is raising prices because you have earned it" while you are staying there for FREE. Come on. As a PP stated, come back after you have some skin in the game.
And what would be more constructive, offering a bunch of "oh dear I am so sorry that you are upset, those evil corporate types are just the worst" statements? Thats a bunch of BS. The most constructive comments on this thread are the ones that point our you basically have two options, stop going and vote with your wallet, or keep going and again vote with your wallet.

Or option 3: have your FIL vote with HIS wallet, right?

I really can't believe you of all people are still in here arguing about value when your FIL pays for your hotel costs. I know, I know...someday in the future you'll put on your big boy pants and start paying for all of your vacation.
And what would be more constructive, offering a bunch of "oh dear I am so sorry that you are upset, those evil corporate types are just the worst" statements? Thats a bunch of BS. The most constructive comments on this thread are the ones that point our you basically have two options, stop going and vote with your wallet, or keep going and again vote with your wallet.
Psst... most people are not looking for "constructive" advice. They're just looking for a shoulder to cry on.
Or option 3: have your FIL vote with HIS wallet, right?

I really can't believe you of all people are still in here arguing about value when your FIL pays for your hotel costs. I know, I know...someday in the future you'll put on your big boy pants and start paying for all of your vacation.

Im not paying for the hotel portion of ONE vacation. Ive paid for plenty and will pay for plenty more.


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