Are You Frickin’ Kidding Me? An Aug/Sep Surprise Trip... (12/01) Hakuna Matata


DIS Veteran
Jan 24, 2007
Are You Frickin’ Kidding Me? An Aug/Sep Surprise Trip.

If ever there was a family that needed a getaway to the happiest place on earth, it was ours. The last four years were very difficult. And while I shall not be airing any dirty laundry online I will say that there are days that I look back and wonder how we ever survived.

But survive we did. And in mid July when the clouds finally parted and we saw the sun for the first time in a long time, my husband and I both knew what our family desperately needed. Something to help mend our broken spirits. We needed to go to a place where we could be free and let it all go.


And so the plotting began.

For the first time we were in a position to plan a surprise trip. Something we’d heard tales about and dreamt of doing but never considered actually attempting. Because one does not make foolish attempts to plan a surprise when your household contains her:


The snooper extraordinaire. It is nearly impossible to keep things from this girl. In 18 years we have never been able to surprise her.

But this time was different. This time we had a few things going for us. First, the trip was only going to be 5 weeks away. Much less time for her to find something incriminating. Second, she was incredibly busy and rarely home. This gave us time to get things done without her becoming suspicious. Third, and probably the key thing, she had rookie camp the last week of August. She would only have one week after returning before she moved into residence. Since the drive alone would eat up half of that, there was obviously no way we could do something like Disney in the time that was left :rolleyes1

It was the perfect storm of circumstances that allowed us to pull off a once in a lifetime surprise.

Up Next:
Mind The Gap: A Brief Introduction to Our Family
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Can't wait too hear about her reaction.
I can't wait to get to that part. I suppose I'll have to do some introductions first... but I promise to get to that ASAP.

Anxious to read all about it.
Thanks for dropping in and saying hi. I hope you enjoy the report.

Sounds great! Can't wait to read more!
Thanks! I'm working on more right now. Okay obviously not at this exact moment, but it's in the works I promise.
Mind the Gap: A Brief Introduction to our Family

It’s time that I introduce you to the family. I only hope that we don’t frighten away all the readers because then I’m really just talking to myself.

Talking to yourself is only a sign of insanity if you actually answer, right? Right!

On that note. Let’s start with the perfectly sane narrator for this adventure. Me!


Yep that’s me. ForeverDance. I’m the planner, budgeter, and all around go to person for all things vacation related… and pretty much everything else. I am your typical nerd: I work as a software developer and love video games and D&D. Though my real passion is dancing. I could dance all day long and would have made some serious cash as a professional dancer… if only I was actually good at it.

Next up is the one guy in the world crazy enough to marry me. This guy:


Grumpy. Hey don’t let that smile fool you! Deep down lurks one seriously grumpy guy.

Grumpy is my complete opposite. The yin to my yang. I’m a planner and he’s spontaneous. I’m optimistic and he’s pessimistic. I’m introverted and he’s extroverted. You get the idea. I can’t explain exactly how this ends up working for us but it does… we celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary this trip.

Observant readers are likely remembering how old I said our daughter was, subtracting the number of years Grumpy and I have been married, and right about now are coming to the only logical conclusion… rift in the time space continuum ::yes::

Moving On.

Moving right along to someone you’ve already briefly met, our oldest daughter. I realize I didn’t offer the most flattering picture of her so I thought I better include something to show just how lovely and sweet she really is:


That dainty flower is BGirl. Her passion is basketball and she’s quite good at it (I’m not biased I swear). She was recruited to play for a university a couple of hours from us. We’re in Canada which is not quite the same as being recruited in the U.S. (no full ride for us) but still amazing. Not too many high school athletes are given the chance to play at the next level and BGirl worked really hard to fulfill that dream. Grumpy and I couldn’t be more proud.

Last on the list is our youngest daughter:


This is PrincessK and yes that’s a recent picture. She is currently 3 but will be turning 4 in October. That’s right, there is 14 years between our girls.

Yes she was planned.

Yes we are crazy.

PrincessK is an amazing little girl. She is smart and has a funny and charming personality that draws people in. Unfortunately PrincessK also has cystic fibrosis which makes life just a little bit more challenging for her. But she takes in all in stride and never lets it slow her down.

And there you have it. That’s us.

Our Family.jpg

As you can imagine the differing ages and personalities in the group made planning the trip a bit of a challenge but I sure tried my hardest.

How’d I do? Well you’ll just have to follow along to find out!

Up Next: This Is the Plan That Never Stays the Same
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Can't wait to read more about your surprise trip. Our trip this past February was supposed to be a surprise trip for me planned by my husband, but he told me once he realized he knew nothing about planning a Disney trip :rotfl2:Looking forward to your daughters reactions!
Following! This sounds like so much fun - I definitely understand needing a good break from the real world for a bit. Disney is usually pretty perfect for that :)
I'm hooked! Can't wait to read more!
I hope that hook isn't too painful. Need any help getting it out?

joining in!
Thanks for joining.

Can't wait to read more about your surprise trip. Our trip this past February was supposed to be a surprise trip for me planned by my husband, but he told me once he realized he knew nothing about planning a Disney trip
Grumpy has done almost the exact same thing... only not Disney. Just before one of my birthday's he came up to me and said "honey I wanted to plan I surprise weekend getaway but I realized I don't know how to plan" :rotfl2:

Looking forward to your daughters reactions!
You shouldn't have to wait too long for one. The first reveal should be coming up in the first official chapter.

Following! This sounds like so much fun - I definitely understand needing a good break from the real world for a bit. Disney is usually pretty perfect for that :)
Disney is absolutely the best place for escaping. There is nothing like being in the "Disney Bubble". The real world seems so far away when your there.

Excited to read more about your trip! popcorn::
Here you go: :drinking1. Wouldn't want that popcorn to make you too thirsty while your waiting.
Our kids are 7 years apart and I thought splitting up and each spending a few hours with them made our trip smooth. Can't wait to hear how you handled it.
Awww it sounds like it's going to be a wonderful trip! Joining in! Looking forward to reading more and seeing the big reveal! :goodvibes
Our kids are 7 years apart and I thought splitting up and each spending a few hours with them made our trip smooth. Can't wait to hear how you handled it.

That's a great idea. As a family we tend to do everything together but for this trip it became clear even in the planning stages that some split up time might be a good idea. Of course we don't always follow our own good advice so...

Awww it sounds like it's going to be a wonderful trip! Joining in!

It was a wonderful trip although there were plenty of bumps in the road. Many lessons were learned :teacher:
This Is the Plan That Never Stays the Same

Before I jump into how the trip unfolded I thought I would share the plans. You know, the way it was supposed to go. Although, looking back now, I probably should have realized that things weren’t going to go the way I expected when we couldn’t even keep a consistent plan before we left.

When it finally became clear that we would be able to take a trip this year the first thing we needed to do was decide on the dates:

Me: “Okay my boss is off August 10-21 so we’ll have to go after that”.

Grumpy: “Which weekends does BGirl need to be at training?”

Me: “August 15-16 and August 29-30”

Grumpy: “And we need to be back in time for her party”

Me: “Right so we’ll need to be home by September 4th”

Grumpy: “Which leaves us with?”

Me: …

Grumpy: …


Me: “What if we left Friday August 21 right after work and :scared: drive straight through? We’d get there on Saturday afternoon and that would give us 4 and a half days before we’d have to leave on Thursday afternoon and :scared::scared: drive straight through again to get BGirl back for training.”

It was a little shorter than we would have liked, and I definitely didn’t want to drive straight through, but if that’s what it was going to take to get to Disney then so be it.

Grumpy and I confirmed the time off work the next day and I started booking dining. It didn’t go well. I was having a lot of trouble getting the days and times I wanted. I knew it would be rough being only 45 days out but I was still getting pretty frustrated.

Then, I got a text from BGirl: “FYI I have rookie camp last week of Aug”

:scared1: You have got to be kidding me!

I oh so calmly texted her back and eventually worked out that she had rookie camp that week but didn’t have training that weekend so she would be done at 8:30pm on Friday August 29th.

Right. Obviously, it was time to re-think plans.

I called Grumpy, explained what had happened, and told him the new plan: We’d drop BGirl off at training camp ourselves saying we didn’t want to be without the van for the week. Then we’d pick her up on Friday with the van packed and ready to go and :scared: drive straight through. We’d get there on Saturday afternoon and that would give us 4 and a half days before we’d have to leave on Thursday afternoon and :scared::scared: drive straight through again to get back in time for BGirl’s going away party.

Yep it was pretty much the same plan, only shifted by a week.

With Grumpy in agreement I began looking for dining again. This time I had a bit more luck. I didn’t get the best times but I did manage to get most of the places I wanted. Things were looking up.

On the night we were prepared to book the resort Grumpy and I were driving with the girls when BGirl made the comment “so it looks like Coach can’t find a place for us rookies on campus so I’m going to stay with Oma for rookie camp”.

Grumpy stared straight ahead.

I replied “oh, okay”.

Internally we were both screaming. You see, this would mean that BGirl would need to have the van because Oma lives in a town 20 minutes outside of the one her school is in. That meant we would have to wait for her to return home around 10:30-11pm on Friday before we could leave. :faint:

Later that night Grumpy and I lay awake in bed discussing the way the new development would affect the trip.

Me: “We’ll definitely be more tired.”

Grumpy: “Maybe we should make a stop somewhere for a few hours so we’ll arrive in the morning instead of at night? “

Me: “That sounds good but then we’d be stopping at some weird hour and I’m not sure PrincessK would cooperate with sleeping at that time. We could fly, but I looked at the cost and it’s so much higher.”

Grumpy: “I don’t want to fly.”

Me: “What if the three of us left a couple of days earlier and drove and then flew BGirl down?”

Grumpy: “Could we go early enough to spend some time with PrincessK at Disney before BGirl got there?”

Um heck yes!
It was the perfect plan. Going early would mean that we would have time with PrincessK to do the stuff that BGirl likely wouldn’t want to do. Then we’d be able to focus on the things that BGirl wanted.

I started booking dining… and I got everything I wanted at (almost) the times I wanted. Clearly this was the trip that we were meant to take.

The final plan: BGirl was leaving Sunday August 23rd after dinner for rookie camp. We would pack up and leave after her so that she would have no idea we were even gone. We would drive down making one stop along the way and arrive at Disney on Tuesday August 25th. There we would spend Tuesday to Friday at the parks with PrincessK. Saturday would be a rest day and allow us to gear up for the time with BGirl who would be arriving that evening. Then we would spend Sunday to Wednesday with both girls before leaving on Thursday after lunch.

It seemed so perfect.

We prepared and plotted. I created a letter to leave out for BGirl to find on her return from rookie camp:

Letter1.jpg Letter2.jpg

Everything was going as planned. Until…

Grumpy didn’t think he could go all weekend without blowing the surprise and he really wanted to see BGirl’s reaction.
So we changed the plans again.

The real final plan: Friday after work we would pack the car and put PrincessK in it. Then we would go back in (while monitoring the car from the door) and tell BGirl the surprise before we left. We would drive down to Florida over 2 days and arrive in Cocoa Beach on Sunday. There we would spend the next 2 days and do Kennedy Space Center with PrincessK. On Tuesday morning we would go to Disney and follow the rest of the original plan.

And that is how the plan stayed… until we left.

Up Next: The Trip Start Out With a Bang
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