has anyone tried an "afternoon break" in a resort lobby???

i don't see anything wrong about a 8 year old laying down. I never saw the OP say THEY were laying down, just the kid.

I vote for the CR. I seen a couple of vloggers who have used that area with all the couches to shoot a vlog.

I still don't think it appropriate to have your 8 year old nap in a hotel lobby or any of the hotel's public spaces.
I still don't think it appropriate to have your 8 year old nap in a hotel lobby or any of the hotel's public spaces.

That's cool. Everyone has a different tolerance.

I think this is one of those issues that will bother some and will not bother others.

Kids napping anywhere really don't bother me, they're kids, they just tend to crash where they crash, so wouldn't faze me. Adults not so tolerant of, but kids, NAH.
Legitimate question... How exactly does Disney "encourage" it? Other than making a dining reservation at a resort hotel that requires a trip to that particular resort, how do they *encourage* people visiting resorts, sitting in the lobby and other public spaces. I'm not trying to be snarky... Just trying to understand how Disney is messaging this particular benefit to park guests.
I believe it's more that they don't "discourage" it. If you drive up and say you're going to tour the resort, shop, or eat, you are allowed access if it isn't a high demand day. People who are sitting in the Lobby are not asked to leave - this is in direct contrast to other establishments ~ last month we were sitting in The Roosevelt Hotel lobby in Hollywood while waiting for two WDW CMs who had been flown out for an event there. We watched as a hotel manager asked a man to leave. He, I guess, had been sitting there too long and may, or may not, have looked a little too homeless for that establishment. We weren't approached even though we had our Starbucks drinks and were on our mobile devices. If we had been asked why we were waiting there, yes, I would have played the "Disney card" seeing how the event was encompassing their pool and suites.

The Contemporary has seating and rest areas that can be accessed by using the elevators/escalators - not even remotely close to the Front Desk area and anyone resting in those areas is not impacting a guest who is waiting around for their room.

With online check-in and room #s being texted to guests, there will be a reduction in the number of guests sitting around waiting for their room in the main Lobbies anyway.
I don't think I'd actually nap, but Jambo House at Animal Kingdom Lodge is quiet and beautiful and you have the added perk of being able to sit in a rocking chair and look out at the African animals on the Savannah.
I stay almost exclusively at deluxes and, quite honestly, I like seeing people use the lobbies! Isn't that what they are there for? To sit, relax and take in the ambience of the resort? How would a guest of the resort even possibly know who is staying at the resort and who isn't? While I don't really think it's appropriate to lay down on a lobby couch and take a nap, if you happen to fall asleep while sitting upright, why not? As another PP suggested, you could even find a lounge chair on one of the beaches and take a nap there (just make sure you bring sunscreen!)

All of the deluxe lobbies are great areas for an afternoon break with the exception IMHO of YC (too small) and BC (quite loud, though it may taper off in the afternoon when Cape May is closed). You can sit on the beach at BC though and BWI is a great place to take a break. They even have rockers in a shaded area by the Village Green. AKL, WL and any of the monorail resorts are fabulous too.
Next time you're near the Beach Club, find the solarium, down the hall from the gift shop. Very quiet and peaceful there when they're not playing movies
This really comes down to finances doesn't it? Oh I know I may stir up a hornets nest here but, let's be real.

what is one of the best perks of paying $400 a night to stay at CR or GF?? It's the close proximity to MK and the fact it's very easy to go back to your room to relax and recharge during the afternoons.
If someone doesn't want to or can't pay those crazy prices for that perk then they try to find other ways to get around it.. Like going to the same hotels they won't or can't rent rooms in and take advantage of their lobbies and other public spaces.

I see both sides of this and if everyone were honest they would admit there are definitely two sides to this coin.
If you are a paying guest of a resort hotel near MK, I can totally see where you maybe a little annoyed or put off as you walk to your room through a crowded hotel lobby and notice people camped out in chairs sleeping. Does it really hurt the paying guest... Not really but, I can see their point. That paying guest paid big bucks to stay at that resort and have all the perks including being super close to take breaks.

On the other hand resort hopping is allowed and I see nothing wrong with WDW guests enjoying the ambiance and exploration of all the resorts WDW has to offer.
I also understand why someone couldn't or wouldn't want to spend Big bucks to stay at a MK Deluxe when truthfully the rooms are nothing special. You are paying for the perks.. The close proximity to the parks, which turns it back around to why the paying guest at these resorts maybe annoyed by all of this.

My personal opinion.. It crosses a line when people are sleeping in the lobbies. Call me heartless or elitist but, I'm just being honest.

I think we all agree everyone should enjoy all the resorts.. Check them out, relax, have a drink, shop in their stores. All good... Just please don't use a resort like a camping spot. Lol
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If they would just put in the new ride I've been asking for for years, all this would be a moot point. I want "The Barcalounger Ride". You settle into a big comfy massaging lounge chair that takes you into a nice, cool dark place for, say, 30 minutes. Nothing whirls, nothing sings, nothing goes up and down. There are no chanting groups, no squealing children, no flash photography, no costumed characters. Just dark....and cool....and elevated feet. As a added benefit, cranky husbands are led to a sports bar for a quick brew and a glimpse of whatever sport is currently being played, and your children are whisked off by specially-trained and certified CM's for a Dole Whip and a hosing down. If you're lucky, you won't get them back until closing time. And no fast pass needed.......you just show up and they'll measure the sweat on your forehead and how tight you are clenching your teeth and let you in right away.
This is totally acceptable as long as you keep your firearms to yourselves and remain fully clothed! My husband and I love to hang out in the GF or the Poly, have a nice cocktail, enjoy the vibe, and maybe take a nap in a chair. My favorite is AKL but that's a little far out. The best drinks, peeks at Ankole cattle, and even fireside sitting when it's chilly.
This whole thing is actually a question that is easily answered. Many times we have driven up to the gate at a Deluxe and said, "We're not staying here, but we'd like to take a look around the hotel and do some shopping." As long as there are free spots in the parking lot we are always waved right in.

We just need someone to drive up to a Deluxe hotel and say, "We're not staying here, but we'd like to let our 8-year-old stretch out on one of the couches in the lobby and take a nap."

I'm totally not being snarky...I wonder what they would say? Disney is pretty accommodating...part of me thinks they would wave you right in.

(Even so, I still think it's not cool to nap in the lobby unless you're a baby in a stroller or in a parent's arms)
this thread has to be a joke right?? you dont seriously camp out in posh hotel lobbys?? I mean what about the people paying all that money to stay there...what must they think?

Well... since I don't know the people who are paying all that money to stay in the posh hotels, I really don't care what they think, as long as my family gets to enjoy their break & recharge...:rolleyes1
I think it's a great idea and it gives you and your family a chance to see a resort you may stay at in the future. It's all about enjoying your visit - no one is bathing in the fountains or unrolling sleeping bags in the lobby. I'm sure the deluxe hotel lobbies are designed to attract off sight visitors and provide a bit more magic :tinker:
I don't see any problem with what the OP asked. I've often taken a break in one of the monorail hotels and while I never napped there (saved that for the hall of presidents), having a kid crash and curl up on one of the chairs/couches would t bother me in the least. I'd be the one saying "how cute". The OP isn't talking about "camping", just taking a short break from the noise of the park.

They might end up doing some shopping there or getting a drink and I'm sure the resort won't object to that.


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