Let's Watch the Hallucination Show on the Castle- A May '14 TR *12/3 PTR Link to Real Life News

Hi, I've been reading along for a while and really enjoying all your adventures. Landon is such a cutie, I can't wait to see what he looks like these days! I admire your ability to write such detail on a trip that was nearly a year ago (I was just at WDW in June and the details are already fading. :sad1:)

Looking forward to reading more.
Continuing to catch up...

Unlike at all the values, where I would have had to change outfits, put Landon in the stroller, and walk down to the food court with a refillable mug, this coffee was right on hand. Another major brownie point in Animal Kingdom Lodge’s favor.


Our class trip was at All Star Movies, and I BMOCM (Brought My Own Coffee Maker) so I could have coffee in the room as soon as I woke up. 12 cup machine from Walmart that cost me $8. I even found a DISer who was checking in the day after I checked out and I left the boxed machine for her.


It didn’t take long for Landon to discover the mirror attached to the bathroom door. Immediately, it became his favorite thing in the room.

That step was a big hit with our kid. No matter where we plopped him down, all Landon wanted to do was climb up and down that step. You’d have thought he’d never seen a curb before.

I love your report- fantastic writing style, amazing pictures, drama and humor. And the cutest protagonist ever!

But my favorite thing is that this is a trip report with a touch of toddler. My kids didn't get to Disney until they were 6/3 (brief trip), then 10/7, so I didn't experience moments you had like Landon being enthralled with the mirror and curb. That is just precious!


I love the story about Lily the photographer who became Landon's personal paparazzi!

And I'm glad you got that fantastic family picture in front of the castle.

Wow, the A&E hysteria and wave of incoming guests is just CRAZY!!!

Alex got a quick peek at the ADR list and saw that so long as you have a 9:20am ADR, you are allowed into the park before it’s open. That’s good information to know, just in case all the pre-opening times are taken.

Thanks for this info! I have never been to a pre-opening breakfast but it is definitely on my bucket list and if I can't get an earlier reservation, I will keep this in mind.

Great update!!!

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What a great breakfast at Crystal Palace!!!

Obviously, you enjoyed the food since you uncharacteristically stuffed yourselves.

Your descriptions and the pictures of Landon with the characters are hysterical!

Also too funny about the bacon-loving girl and her DVC family.


:cool1: for meeting with Mary Ellen and Cynthia!!!

They have both become good friends (virtually) and I know that it would be a blast to meet them in person. MEK and I have had a couple of close-but-no-cigar calls on trip dates.

What a riot about Landon giggling at the cannonball splashes. What a great moment that must have been. Probably not quite what the Imagineers had in mind for that effect, but I am sure they would be pleased with Landon's reaction none-the-less.

Any reactions from Landon on Peter Pan? Or did he blink and miss the whole thing? No disrespect intended- I adore this ride.

Hi, I've been reading along for a while and really enjoying all your adventures. Landon is such a cutie, I can't wait to see what he looks like these days! I admire your ability to write such detail on a trip that was nearly a year ago (I was just at WDW in June and the details are already fading. :sad1:)

Looking forward to reading more.

Thanks for reading! I appreciate it.
Landon looks a lot different these days; he's definitely lost that baby look and is now all kid/toddler. If I ever get around to finishing this report, I'll start one for our February trip, and you can really see his growth in those photos.

Taking a lot of pictures and writing notes throughout the trip helps a lot with remembering. I barely took any photos a couple weeks ago when we were there, and the memories are already fuzzy.

Continuing to catch up...


Our class trip was at All Star Movies, and I BMOCM (Brought My Own Coffee Maker) so I could have coffee in the room as soon as I woke up. 12 cup machine from Walmart that cost me $8. I even found a DISer who was checking in the day after I checked out and I left the boxed machine for her.


I love your report- fantastic writing style, amazing pictures, drama and humor. And the cutest protagonist ever!

But my favorite thing is that this is a trip report with a touch of toddler. My kids didn't get to Disney until they were 6/3 (brief trip), then 10/7, so I didn't experience moments you had like Landon being enthralled with the mirror and curb. That is just precious!


I love the story about Lily the photographer who became Landon's personal paparazzi!

And I'm glad you got that fantastic family picture in front of the castle.

Wow, the A&E hysteria and wave of incoming guests is just CRAZY!!!

Thanks for this info! I have never been to a pre-opening breakfast but it is definitely on my bucket list and if I can't get an earlier reservation, I will keep this in mind.

Great update!!!


My mom swears the next time she goes to Disney, she's bringing her own coffee pot. She's sick of either having to walk to the food court or constantly asking mousekeeping for more pods for the machine. And since my next trip will include another kid added to the madness, I will probably use that logic, too. Even with the values small room size, I'll find a spot for a little tiny coffee pot!

Thank you. I am really happy I started writing trip reports; they are a great memory keeper, and it already amazes me to go back and read and see how little Landon was. Kids grow up so quickly that Alex and I feel extremely fortunate that we live close enough to take Landon at such a young age. Poor Kid # 2 will most likely not get that benefit, and we just hope Landon grows up to realize how fun it was to visit the parks so often.
My first trip was when I was 7, and it's amazing how much I remember from that vacation. While I know it would've been magical to experience Disney with your boys as young toddlers, at least they were able to go when they were still kids and could still become excited over certain rides and experiences. I think each age brings with it its own advantages and disadvantages, and I've told Alex on a previous that I can't wait until Landon gets to that 7-10 age range, when he's old enough to do things like use the bathroom and eat his food without being told, and big enough to ride all the coasters (if he wants) but still young enough to believe in that magic still.

What a great breakfast at Crystal Palace!!!

Obviously, you enjoyed the food since you uncharacteristically stuffed yourselves.

Your descriptions and the pictures of Landon with the characters are hysterical!

Also too funny about the bacon-loving girl and her DVC family.


:cool1: for meeting with Mary Ellen and Cynthia!!!

They have both become good friends (virtually) and I know that it would be a blast to meet them in person. MEK and I have had a couple of close-but-no-cigar calls on trip dates.

What a riot about Landon giggling at the cannonball splashes. What a great moment that must have been. Probably not quite what the Imagineers had in mind for that effect, but I am sure they would be pleased with Landon's reaction none-the-less.

Any reactions from Landon on Peter Pan? Or did he blink and miss the whole thing? No disrespect intended- I adore this ride.


I was really happy to have been able to meet Mary Ellen and Cynthia. They are some of the nicest people here on the boards, and I feel like I've known them for years through their reports. I had the opportunity to see Mary Ellen again this last February, and it was such a pleasure to be able to catch up with her. I hope one day in the future you're able to finally have that DISmeet. Organizing meetups in Disney is more challenging than it sounds. The parks seem even bigger when two people are in one at the same time but on opposite sides with varying plans.

Landon doesn't do much on Peter Pan, surprisingly. Even this past month, he just sat and watched the ride go by. I figured since he's started watching Jake and the Neverland Pirates he'd recognize Captain Hook and Smee and show some kind of interest, but if he did it was internally. I love the ride, as well, so I was a tiny bit bummed he was impartial to it. (That's fine, him and his dad can skip it and I'll use their extra Fastpasses in the future.)

Welcome Back!!!!! Can't wait to hear about your latest adventure!

Thanks Mary Ellen!
It was a fun trip. Definitely a different touring style than normal, but that was expected.
And since being back, I have to say, I think Disney was less hot than where I live in FL. My mom and I keep complaining that it wasn't this muggy in the parks.
So oddly enough, we escaped some heat by going on a Disney vacation.

Your trip is fast approaching now! I'm looking forward to hearing all about it!


I have seen this mentioned, but not the actual postings, so I have not been aware of the details.

I am so happy for your family.


Thank you. I never made an official post about it; it plays a big part of my February TR, if I ever get around to it, so I figured I'd just wait until then to discuss it. It was certainly an unexpected surprise for my family after Alex got back from his deployment, but we are as ready as we'll ever be to add another kid to the mix.
Hi everyone! Hope everyone is finding ways to stay cool this summer; it’s hot out! My family and I returned from our Disney trip a few weeks ago. I was a little worried about surviving the parks pregnant in July, but it ended up not being as bad as I imagined. In fact, it’s hotter and muggier here in North FL than it was in Central FL. I wonder if I can use that as an excuse to go back to Disney?

August 18th, 2014:

When I last left off, my mom and I were taking Landon back to Animal Kingdom Lodge to see if some relaxation would lift his dour mood. We returned to our room and cooled off in the A.C. for a bit, then changed into our bathing suits to go try something Alex and I never made it to in May.

The pools!


I walked us over to the kiddie area, which consisted of a small circular pool about three inches deep set off to the side of the main pool. There were pool chairs surrounding the entire center, and my mom managed to find a few empty seats in the shade, so we planted our things there and tried to coax Landon into the water.


The best picture I could manage of the pool area.

I hate trying to take photos of the recreation areas when there are people around, because it looks weird, snapping photos of folks when they are in their bathing suits. I always feel like such a creeper when I do it, so my courage only allowed me to take a pic of some empty seats.


Landon had zero interest in getting in the water, even when my mom and I stepped in to show him how fun it could be. I think he was used to my mom’s pool, though, which is a lot bigger and deeper, and was viewing the pool in front of him as a giant public bathtub.

So, my mom and I decided to chance it and take him in the main pool.

Actually, we were dying standing out in the midday August sun and needed to cool off. And we really wanted to check out this gigantic zero entry pool. ::yes::

I held on to Landon while we walked in.

The pool itself was really nice and had a very unique design to it; if you were interested in the water slide than it would have been really fun. But at that particular time everyone in the entire resort was trying to get in the water and cool off.

At least that’s what it felt like. My mom and I had enough space to turn around in circles and hold Landon out in front of us for him to splash his arms around, but that was about it.

If I had to say one negative thing about Animal Kingdom Lodge, it would be that they need better pools. The kiddie area is sort of lame, and one pool for a resort of that size is impractical. Heck, even All Star Sports has 2 pools!

My mom and I didn’t stay in long before we headed back over to the kid section to let Landon have another shot in the small pool.

It was there that I was sitting down, chit chatting with my mom while Landon sat at my feet, glaring at the world, that I saw a familiar face start to walk by me.

It was pure luck that she happened to look over at me the same time I was staring at her and recognition clicked in both our faces.

Who’d I see?

Jacquie and her daughter Shanleigh, AKA Queenofallthings here on the DIS. If you don’t know, Jacquie might not be on the boards as much as she used to, but her reports were one of the first ones I ever read when I joined, and her kindness, happiness, and joy at going to Disney with her daughter came through so well in her writing, that she was a favorite DISer to read. In fact, it was all her stories about how special the parks were to her when experienced with her daughter that made me think about taking a trip with just my mom back in 2012.

And here I was running into her!

I remembered right then that she was staying at AKL for a few nights before her first ever Disney Cruise, but what were the odds of actually running into her in a place to so big with zero planning?

I quickly walked over and said hello and introduced Landon to them. And let me say, as nice and sweet as Jacquie is in her reports, she’s even sweeter in real life! Hard to believe, but it’s true.

We didn’t talk for too long because they had just come from the pool so we were all wet and sunscreen-y and hot, but before we parted ways we remembered to take a picture to remember the occasion.

Despite my bathing suit cover up being all wonky and Landon looking extremely ticked off, I am still glad I have the picture to remember the meet by.


Thanks so much for stopping to talk to me, Jacquie. It was a wonderful surprise, and when I got back to the room I sent a message to Alex going, “I got to meet one of my first DIS writers!!!”

I used to be terrified of going up to DISers I recognized and saying hello, because I didn’t want to seem weird or wasn’t sure how they’d feel meeting someone they knew from the internet, but I’ve done it so many times now that it’s one of the perks of taking a Disney trip. I couldn’t work out a meet this past July due to an approaching thunderstorm (which I regret…sorry Kathy!) and it felt odd not having any DISer interaction at all.

Moral of my rambling: if you have the opportunity to meet a fellow DISer, take it! I can still remember all my meets, and it makes you feel even more involved in their reports and writing once you get back.

Getting back on track…

Landon was losing his cool after the DISmeet, so my mom and I headed back to the room to clean up and lay down for a quick rest. My mom was able to sleep for a little while, and after a bit of a fight, I got Landon to take a catnap on my bed. I was too wired from the day’s excitement that I went out on the balcony with some coffee and wrote down my trip notes and tried to call Alex for a few minutes.

I might’ve been silly not to try and get some rest, but I don’t regret my decision to sit out on the balcony. It was incredibly peaceful watching the animals walk by and the quiet was a nice relief after a morning of Landon’s fussiness. When I imagined staying at a deluxe, I looked forward to having a balcony to escape to if needed. While not a separate room in itself, it did provide a bit of privacy to all of us, and allowed me to float away into my own little world while my mom and Landon slept inside.

Man, thinking about that half hour on the balcony really makes me miss Animal Kingdom Lodge. By the end of this report, I’m going to talk myself into another AKL stay if I’m not careful!

Up Next….There’s Nothing Caramel Can’t Fix
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WOW another DIS meet, cool. Sounds like the heat was brutal. Even not in the best of moods, Landon still looks cute :sunny: Congrats on the new addition to your family, can't wait to read more about it in your TR for your Feb trip
Too bad the pool time didn't go over as you had hoped. I'm guessing that is the pool at Jambo? It seems like from what I have read Kidani has a better pool and kiddie area. I hope that since we are staying on DVC points that we can visit that pool even though we are booked at Jambo.

So cool that you got to randomly meet Jacquie & Shanleigh! I think she was one of the first TR writers I started following on the DIS as well. I miss her great TRs!
Love DisMeets! Glad you got to relax a bit, even if the pool area was crowded. Your balcony time sounds so relaxing!
I hope you do write a Feb. Report. Love baby stories!
Bummer the pool didn't work out better with Landon and kinda agree with you that for a deluxe you should never feel like the pool is overly crowded or not that impressive. On the plus side that is so cool that you had the random/unexpected DISmeet!

But, man, Landon looks downright fierce in that picture!

Definitely think a balcony at a deluxe - especially with a view of a park or of the animals like you had at AKL is just a little slice of heaven
Yeah, the pool at AKL is a little small when you think about how many rooms they have there, but still, a great pool! Probably better when it's not packed to the gills, hahah.

What awesome timing for that DISmeet! :)
WOW another DIS meet, cool. Sounds like the heat was brutal. Even not in the best of moods, Landon still looks cute :sunny: Congrats on the new addition to your family, can't wait to read more about it in your TR for your Feb trip

The heat was something you had to work and plan around in August. If we didn't live in FL and deal with the same weather at home and weren't veteran Disney goe-ers, there's no way I'd try and conquer Disney during the summer. There was about half dozen times earlier in the month that I told myself I was crazy to be in the parks in July.
Thank you! Alex and I are still trying to adjust to the fact that we'll have 2 kids under 3 at home now. Madness...

Too bad the pool time didn't go over as you had hoped. I'm guessing that is the pool at Jambo? It seems like from what I have read Kidani has a better pool and kiddie area. I hope that since we are staying on DVC points that we can visit that pool even though we are booked at Jambo.

So cool that you got to randomly meet Jacquie & Shanleigh! I think she was one of the first TR writers I started following on the DIS as well. I miss her great TRs!

It was the Jambo pool. I've never made it over to Kidani before, except to drive by and see it.
Wait, what? You're staying at AKL? When?? Oh my goodness, I need to get over to your DL TR and read all the latest news/plans. I'm headed there next!

Love DisMeets! Glad you got to relax a bit, even if the pool area was crowded. Your balcony time sounds so relaxing!
I hope you do write a Feb. Report. Love baby stories!

I think I wasn't prepared for how busy the pool was going to be. Usually, I go to Disney in May, and I hit up the quiet pools available, so I'd never seen so many guests in one pool at the same time. Even this past month, though, it wasn't as busy as it was that day. I guess everyone had just scheduled their break time at the same time as my mom and I.

I was hoping to get the Feb. report started before Baby # 2 was born, but at the rate I'm going I have my doubts I'll reach that goal.
Bummer the pool didn't work out better with Landon and kinda agree with you that for a deluxe you should never feel like the pool is overly crowded or not that impressive. On the plus side that is so cool that you had the random/unexpected DISmeet!

But, man, Landon looks downright fierce in that picture!

Definitely think a balcony at a deluxe - especially with a view of a park or of the animals like you had at AKL is just a little slice of heaven

Landon was not a fan of anything I was doing that day! He just wanted to play with his toys in the room and not have to interact with strangers. Can't blame him too much; we all have those days.

Balconies are wonderful. I can only imagine what a theme park view is like. Of course, now that I'm having to think about dealing with a toddler and a newborn at the same time, I can safely say that you and your wife completely deserved that kind of luxury when you went to Disney. 3 kids in August...probably one of your best planning decisions.

Yeah, the pool at AKL is a little small when you think about how many rooms they have there, but still, a great pool! Probably better when it's not packed to the gills, hahah.

What awesome timing for that DISmeet! :)

I really wanted to give the pool slide a try, because, well, I'm big kid at heart. But Landon was being so crabby that I would've felt bad leaving my mom alone with him. Not to mention, I didn't want tons of strangers to see my most likely ungraceful plop into the water. I think I was hoping only the lifeguards would be around to witness my shenanigans.

DISmeets are awesome, and they are even better when they are unexpected!
Okay, I'm joining in so incredibly late to the game that it would take me forever to comment on everything. So, let's just sum it up with this:

* Thank you so much to your Husband for his service
* Major props to you for going at it solo all the times he has to be away
* That money shot the PP got of Landon holding his Dad's picture genuinely made me tear up
* I can 100% see why Landon has so many groupies - I squealed at so many pictures reading through your report
* I'm absolutely loving your reports!
I'm sorry things at the pool didn't go as well as you had hoped. I'm so confused right now...were you at Jambo or Kidani this trip you are writing about? I remember thinking the pool at Kidani could have been bigger but they had a great kids play area (which Landon is probably to small for). But lucky you getting to meet Jacquie and Shanleigh.

I'm glad your Mom and Landon took a little nap and you got some "quiet" time.

I'm with you on DIS meets. I remember them all and have loved every single one of them. I'm sorry we couldn't work it out either. But hopefully on a future trip we can work it out.
You got to meet Jackie and Shan!!!!! :yay::dogdance::cool1::bounce:party::jumping1::Pinkbounc:dancer:

How cool is THAT?????? I really miss her on the DIS boards.I wish she would come back. So glad you got a picture to remember the event.

I think the AK pool is so beautiful, although I imagine it can get pretty crowded. I guess the fact that the savannah takes up so much of the free space there that its probably impossible to add another pool. Did you ever go down to Kidani to visit their pool. That one is really beautiful as well.
My family and I returned from our Disney trip a few weeks ago. I was a little worried about surviving the parks pregnant in July, but it ended up not being as bad as I imagined. In fact, it’s hotter and muggier here in North FL than it was in Central FL. I wonder if I can use that as an excuse to go back to Disney?
Seems like a logical argument to me! I'm glad you guys survived the July heat in the parks!

I hate trying to take photos of the recreation areas when there are people around, because it looks weird, snapping photos of folks when they are in their bathing suits. I always feel like such a creeper when I do it, so my courage only allowed me to take a pic of some empty seats.
Yeah, I get ya. I don't think I ever take pictures in the pool areas. I'm not sure I even take my phone to the pool area. Which given my track record, having a phone at the pool probably wouldn't be smart anyway.

I remembered right then that she was staying at AKL for a few nights before her first ever Disney Cruise, but what were the odds of actually running into her in a place to so big with zero planning?
Cool! That's awesome that you stumbled across each other for a chance DIS meet.

I might’ve been silly not to try and get some rest
Nope. Never. Rest at Disney is overrated.

Man, thinking about that half hour on the balcony really makes me miss Animal Kingdom Lodge. By the end of this report, I’m going to talk myself into another AKL stay if I’m not careful!
You say that like it is a bad thing??? :confused3
Okay, I'm joining in so incredibly late to the game that it would take me forever to comment on everything. So, let's just sum it up with this:

* Thank you so much to your Husband for his service
* Major props to you for going at it solo all the times he has to be away
* That money shot the PP got of Landon holding his Dad's picture genuinely made me tear up
* I can 100% see why Landon has so many groupies - I squealed at so many pictures reading through your report
* I'm absolutely loving your reports!

Thank you so much for reading! I appreciate it!
In some ways, it was fun getting to experience Disney with Landon by myself. But more importantly, it gave us something to do. Boredom and toddlers never ends well, and there's only so many play dates and park visits I could handle without someone to tag team out at home.

I'm sorry things at the pool didn't go as well as you had hoped. I'm so confused right now...were you at Jambo or Kidani this trip you are writing about? I remember thinking the pool at Kidani could have been bigger but they had a great kids play area (which Landon is probably to small for). But lucky you getting to meet Jacquie and Shanleigh.

I'm glad your Mom and Landon took a little nap and you got some "quiet" time.

I'm with you on DIS meets. I remember them all and have loved every single one of them. I'm sorry we couldn't work it out either. But hopefully on a future trip we can work it out.

We were at Jambo House on this trip. I went searching online after you mentioned the kid section of Kidani, and you're right, it looks really great. Back in August, Landon wouldn't have been old enough to enjoy it, but since this last trip, that's one of the factors I now have to look into when booking resorts.

You got to meet Jackie and Shan!!!!! :yay::dogdance::cool1::bounce:party::jumping1::Pinkbounc:dancer:

How cool is THAT?????? I really miss her on the DIS boards.I wish she would come back. So glad you got a picture to remember the event.

I think the AK pool is so beautiful, although I imagine it can get pretty crowded. I guess the fact that the savannah takes up so much of the free space there that its probably impossible to add another pool. Did you ever go down to Kidani to visit their pool. That one is really beautiful as well.

I miss her reports, too. She was a great writer, and I loved reading about how great her and Shan's relationship is. Maybe one day she'll write more.

I'm sure the savannahs have a lot to do with why there's no second pool. And if given the choice, I'd much rather have more giraffes than some extra swimming space. Just something to keep in mind if I stay there in the future. (Of course, in my head, I can justify that by saying I'll stay at AKL during the cooler months and someplace else during the summer months.)
Kathy told me about the Kidani pools so I looked them up. You both are right, they look really great!

Seems like a logical argument to me! I'm glad you guys survived the July heat in the parks!

Yeah, I get ya. I don't think I ever take pictures in the pool areas. I'm not sure I even take my phone to the pool area. Which given my track record, having a phone at the pool probably wouldn't be smart anyway.

Cool! That's awesome that you stumbled across each other for a chance DIS meet.

Nope. Never. Rest at Disney is overrated.

You say that like it is a bad thing??? :confused3

:rotfl2: Yeah, it's probably best you don't take your phone near a pool while on vacation. Wouldn't want a repeat Space Mountain incident.


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