
I was really put off by statement of "people being put off every little thing". How is this little? Then she giggled. In South Carolina nine innocent people were savagely murdered,

I was going to comment on equating this supposed statement to the speaker condoning savage murder but I have listened to this discussion twice after reading this post and can't find where anyone said this, at all. The closest I found was the statement at 17:59 that "if we are going to remove every little thing from our history that offends someone...." She didn't giggle afterwards, either.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't agree with everything everyone said on the podcast.

Without trivializing the topic, I've found the wisdom of George Lucas quite apt when talking about who writes "history"

Luke: Ben! Why didn't you tell me? You told me that Darth Vader betrayed and murdered my father.

Obi-Wan: Your father... was seduced by the Dark Side of the Force. He ceased to be Anakin Skywalker and "became" Darth Vader. When that happened, the good man who was your father was destroyed. So what I told you was true... from a certain point of view.

Luke: A certain point of view?

Obi-Wan: Luke, you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view​
Without trivializing the topic, I've found the wisdom of George Lucas quite apt when talking about who writes "history"

Luke: Ben! Why didn't you tell me? You told me that Darth Vader betrayed and murdered my father.

Obi-Wan: Your father... was seduced by the Dark Side of the Force. He ceased to be Anakin Skywalker and "became" Darth Vader. When that happened, the good man who was your father was destroyed. So what I told you was true... from a certain point of view.

Luke: A certain point of view?

Obi-Wan: Luke, you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view

Jack, well said...
Although it is true Lincoln's antislavery views were public, he and other northern colonies wanted to keep the Union whole rather than splitting it into two. So the premise of the civil war was to preserve the States as a union rather then to stop slavery.
This issue is a lot like when a three year old asks a parent a complicated question and the parent answers, only to have the child say : "Why?" And the parent offers a deeper explanation and the child again says: "Why?" And this goes on for some time until the parent eventually says: "Because!" And so it goes with the cause of the Civil War. One can say that it was fought to preserve the Union from splitting. But then ask: Why was the Union splintering? And the reason is...because the Southern states no longer wanted to be lorded over by the Northern states. And then you ask: What were the Northern states trying to do that upset the Southern states? And the answer is...prevent the expansion and proliferation of slavery. Just as the parent's ultimate answer will always distill down to: "Because!", the answer to the reasons behind the Civil War will all be: "Slavery!" It is all there in black and white in the various articles of secession along with the speeches made by the legislators arguing in favor of same. It is difficult to admit, difficult to discuss, difficult to comprehend, but impossible to deny. The people who took the flag into battle did so to prevent the demise of the institution that they believed was morally right and economically necessary. It cannot be spun any other way.

Quebec wants to separate from the rest of Canada because:

they have different views of how they want to run their province.

That's why...

Quebec wants to separate from the rest of Canada because:

they have different views of how they want to run their province.

That's why...
And their reasons are not morally repugnant. There is nothing improper with secession in and of itself. Our Constitution provides for its possibility. But play it out. Suppose the Civil War had never been fought and the United States accepted the secessions in due course and the Confederacy of States continued to exist today and slavery endured until this very day. Now suppose that the State House in Rhode Island or a business in Vermont chose to fly the Confederate flag. Don't you think that might raise an eyebrow or two?
I have been listening to the podcast for years. I love it! However, this weeks show was the first one that I did not enjoy. I listen to enough controversy and politics in the real world. I don't want to listen to it debated on my favorite podcast. I listen to the disunplugged as a fun escape, not to hear yet more opinions on the confederate flag and how far a company should go in providing freedom of religion.

Thank you! I live in Charleston, SC and had to deal with the aftermath of the killings of nine people in the church a few weeks ago. My mother knew the pastor who was killed and we both of us knew a family member of one of the victims. I'd been hearing people talk about taking that flag down for the last fifteen years. I listen to the DIS Unplugged as a source of escape from the real world and this show really let me down this week. I'd rather they'd just mention that the flag was removed from an Epcot attraction and moved on to something else. I walked away feeling like someone had thrown a grenade at my happy place. I've never had a complaint about anyone on the show and although some panel members have said some things in past episodes that left me feeling uneasy, I rationalized my doubts away. I don't want to feel differently about our podcast family and it's unnerving to have these thoughts. I want to rewind things back to the beginning of the week when this hadn't happened yet. I still have much respect for JenniLynn as I felt she was more sensitive with her comments. She did an excellent job in responding to a comment made by a DISer on YouTube who saw the show.
the answer to the reasons behind the Civil War will all be: "Slavery!" It is all there in black and white in the various articles of secession along with the speeches made by the legislators arguing in favor of same.

I'm always surprised at debates over why a war started. There are ultimately only two reasons: money or religion (and there are days when I'm not really sure there is a difference).
I wasn't going to comment, but I saw this and I'm somewhat sorry to have to say: I completely agree. I got about 10 minutes into the most recent podcast and had to turn it off. The opinions weren't completely surprising, but the lack of education about the flag in question was rather striking. Which, I think it's important to note, was NEVER an American flag at all -- that was kind of the whole point of succession -- so how is it "controversial" to remove it from the American pavilion? I never saw any concern regarding "forgetting history" about the lack of British flags on display there.

Anyway, I've unsubscribed from both the Disney World and Disneyland versions of the Dis Unplugged.

Don't misunderstand, this wasn't the only reason; more of a last straw sort of thing. I've just found myself enjoying the podcast less and less lately, after several years of regular listening. I won't go into a litany, because I'm fully aware my single opinion isn't worth a hill of beans, but there have been multiple times when I happened to have some knowledge of a non-Disney-related subject the podcast team was discussing and, while I fully defend their right to hold any personal opinion they wish for absolutely any reason at all, and actually really enjoy a lively debate, just happened to know they were wrong on some fairly basic facts. Having that knowledge just made it hard to think their discussion was interesting or edifying to listen to. It also sort of made me doubt/question the accuracy of other things they said where I had less direct experience and, like the poster above noted, generally took the fun out of my listening experience.

Please know, I'm under zero delusion they'll "miss" me as a viewer, and I'm fully aware the show will most definitely go on; I just won't be a listening when it does.

I truly am saddened to hear this especially your feeling that the podcast team won't take your critique into consideration as they move forward. Please know that all input - positive and negative - is welcome here and is reviewed. In fact, please consider sharing your thoughts with Dustin and the team at the below thread or directly at the second link. Also, I hope you come to the boards to find your Disney fix.



Thank you! I live in Charleston, SC and had to deal with the aftermath of the killings of nine people in the church a few weeks ago. My mother knew the pastor who was killed and we both of us knew a family member of one of the victims. I'd been hearing people talk about taking that flag down for the last fifteen years. I listen to the DIS Unplugged as a source of escape from the real world and this show really let me down this week. I'd rather they'd just mention that the flag was removed from an Epcot attraction and moved on to something else. I walked away feeling like someone had thrown a grenade at my happy place. I've never had a complaint about anyone on the show and although some panel members have said some things in past episodes that left me feeling uneasy, I rationalized my doubts away. I don't want to feel differently about our podcast family and it's unnerving to have these thoughts. I want to rewind things back to the beginning of the week when this hadn't happened yet. I still have much respect for JenniLynn as I felt she was more sensitive with her comments. She did an excellent job in responding to a comment made by a DISer on YouTube who saw the show.

Once again, I encourage you to share your ideas using the above options. Feedback is always helpful.
I still have much respect for JenniLynn as I felt she was more sensitive with her comments. She did an excellent job in responding to a comment made by a DISer on YouTube who saw the show.
I went to YouTube and read the comments that JL made. I have a better understanding of her position as the moderator. I will admit this was a show packed with heavy topics. I felt her tension and nervousness from the time the recording started. I like her as a member of the team because she has younger children and that was a needed addition to the panel.
I went to YouTube and read the comments that JL made. I have a better understanding of her position as the moderator. I will admit this was a show packed with heavy topics. I felt her tension and nervousness from the time the recording started. I like her as a member of the team because she has younger children and that was a needed addition to the panel.

Yes! I remember when she had a blog about being a neurotic Disney mom and people could sign up for a member number as neurotic Disney moms, dads, aunts, uncles, individuals, etc. I became a member because I felt she understood my obsession so well. She will always hold a special place in my heart for that because everyone I know is constantly ribbing me about loving Disney so much and would flip if I told them I've been listening to numerous Disney podcasts every day for the last ten years. If the Guiness Book of World Records had a place for the most days of consecutive Disney podcast listening, I'd probably have most people beat or at least I'd be in the top ten.
I'm always surprised at debates over why a war started. There are ultimately only two reasons: money or religion (and there are days when I'm not really sure there is a difference).

We don't have to debate why the war started. The Southern states themselves insisted it was to preserve slavery. To say that equates to money is partly true but an oversimplification. Lincoln wanted to preserve the Union and offered to guarantee slavery in states in which it existed and toughen the Fugitive Slave Act to aid the slavehunters (the slave states didn't give a whit about "states rights" when they were insisting Northern states help them recapture their slaves. The can be no honest debate about the reason for secession and war, the slaveholders admitted it.
Why would JenniLynn even bother reading youtube comments? That's like lifting the lid off the garbage can to see what's inside.
The YouTube comments for this show in particular were no different than the discussion here, actually.
And why wouldn't they read comments on the shows videos?
Oh my god, I just looked at the comments! Teresa, Kathy, Ryno, Jenni, Craig all got into the dirt. And honestly, they should have just ignored the comments, because it's a little cringe-worthy to read. No one comes out looking good when you join in the mud-fight that is the youtube comment section. They had to reduce themselves to arguing that they aren't racist and that they don't believe in hate. One of Ryno's comments in particular reads like he's reading off a public apology.

While some of their opinions on the flag may have been ignorant, I can't fathom how you could take away that any of them are racist. They're just wrong about the history of a piece of cloth. Engaging in an argument about if they're racist because of those opinions seems odd to me.

So like I originally said (and judging by the comments on that video, I'm sticking to it), this was a conversation that should have been saved for Pete to moderate. None of this nonsense would have happened.
Normally I would agree about Youtube comments, but when it's a niche audience like The Dis, it's not random people stumbling on the video. Some of those commenters probably post here, as well.
Here's the thing for me: I work for an organization that supports workers rights. Our organization speaks with authority on safety, immigration issues as they relate to workers rights, trade deals, and a host of other issues that are related to the construction industry in particular. If my organization started talking about abortion rights or the right for families to opt out of vaccinations, I would be angry. It's not their area of expertise or authority.

I feel the same way when the podcast team talks about anything other than Disney (and area theme parks) and planning the perfect vacation. I have heard the podcast team talk about gun rights, the right for people to wave a rebel flag, and the rights of workers to organize into Unions at Disney resorts and parks. I would argue, you all do not speak with authority on these topics, or at least it is not why I have listened to the podcast for the past 5 years.

Hey but guess what? I can just turn the damn thing off. And that is what I do when the team goes afar of the stated topic of the podcast.

And I turned this one off and deleted it from my phone.
We don't have to debate why the war started. The Southern states themselves insisted it was to preserve slavery. To say that equates to money is partly true but an oversimplification. Lincoln wanted to preserve the Union and offered to guarantee slavery in states in which it existed and toughen the Fugitive Slave Act to aid the slavehunters (the slave states didn't give a whit about "states rights" when they were insisting Northern states help them recapture their slaves. The can be no honest debate about the reason for secession and war, the slaveholders admitted it.

What to you is an "oversimplification" is to me a root cause.

I also re-read the constitution and the amendments, http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CDOC-110hdoc50/pdf/CDOC-110hdoc50.pdf, and there is nothing in it which provides for the possibility of secession by any state. Perhaps you can enlighten me.
What to you is an "oversimplification" is to me a root cause.

I also re-read the constitution and the amendments, http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CDOC-110hdoc50/pdf/CDOC-110hdoc50.pdf, and there is nothing in it which provides for the possibility of secession by any state. Perhaps you can enlighten me.

Where did I argue in favor of secession? I can't see how any rational person could read that into anything I wrote, in fact, it's opposite of what I wrote. Keep your strawman. To say it was about money is an oversimplification, it was also about keeping a social order in which African slaves were on the bottom rung as chattel property. That's not about money or religion, it's about ego, sorry if it's not one of your pigeonholes.


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