CA Gov signs the vaccination bill in to law

You can't really compare CA to Mississippi and West Virginia. CA has huge pockets of parents who are vehement about their parental rights. Silicon Valley is ground zero for vaccination abstention.

Silicon Valley isn't. I work there, and most have a rational belief in science. The latest numbers were 2.06% for Santa Clara County. Marin County gets the publicity because a few schools had a high rate of personal belief exemptions, but they're under 6%.

The biggest number is from some rural counties like Humboldt, Lassen, Nevada, Plumas, and Mono. All are double-digit PME percentages. It's on page 27. CA Child Care Immunization Assessment.pdf
Vaccine injured..what's that?
When real or imagined, mostly imagined, side effects happen to a person. Anti-vax groups have made it popular to blame any kind of disability on the side effects of a vaccine. If a child has autism.seizures or many other disabilities it must have happened because of childhood vaccine injuries, so he must be vaccine injured. It has become so popular that lawsuits are actually finding sympathetic juries and awarding large settlements even when the science is not there to back up the injury.

A true vaccine injury is very, very, very rare. According to the anti-vax movement, a vaccine injury is common enough to be worried about it.
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Silicon Valley isn't. I work there, and most have a rational belief in science. The latest numbers were 2.06% for Santa Clara County. Marin County gets the publicity because a few schools had a high rate of personal belief exemptions, but they're under 6%.

The biggest number is from some rural counties like Humboldt, Lassen, Nevada, Plumas, and Mono. All are double-digit PME percentages. It's on page 27. CA Child Care Immunization Assessment.pdf

You know everyone down there, huh?
When real or imagined, mostly imagined, side effects happen to a person. Anti-vax groups have made it popular to blame any kind of disability on the side effects of a vaccine. If a child has autism.seizures or many other disabilities it must have happened because of childhood injuries, so he is vaccine injured. It has become so popular that lawsuits are actually finding sympathetic juries and awarding large settlements even when the science is not there to back up the injury.

A true vaccine injury is very, very, very rare. According to the anti-vax movement, a vaccine injury is common enough to be worried about it.

The US Government Has Paid out $3 Billion to Vaccine-Injured Americans Since 1989. Anyone who wins a case is not allowed to disclose details about the case or how much they received. It's a secret.

Most injuries get dismissed by the Dr. as not being caused by the vaccine. They are discouraged from making any connection. The side effects are listed in the inserts and they can range from allergies, asthma, to death. Not sure if we'll ever know how many people suffer from them since they go by and large unreported.
You know everyone down there, huh?

No, but the numbers are there. Silicon Valley is hardly a prime example of refusal to vaccinate. The county is also partly rural, and rural areas often have the highest rates of PME.
The US Government Has Paid out $3 Billion to Vaccine-Injured Americans Since 1989. Anyone who wins a case is not allowed to disclose details about the case or how much they received. It's a secret.

Most injuries get dismissed by the Dr. as not being caused by the vaccine. They are discouraged from making any connection. The side effects are listed in the inserts and they can range from allergies, asthma, to death. Not sure if we'll ever know how many people suffer from them since they go by and large unreported.

In several years I'm sure we'll be able to find out how many died because they didn't get them though.
The US Government Has Paid out $3 Billion to Vaccine-Injured Americans Since 1989. Anyone who wins a case is not allowed to disclose details about the case or how much they received. It's a secret.

Most injuries get dismissed by the Dr. as not being caused by the vaccine. They are discouraged from making any connection. The side effects are listed in the inserts and they can range from allergies, asthma, to death. Not sure if we'll ever know how many people suffer from them since they go by and large unreported.
And that $3 billion issued by the Vaccination Injury Compensation Program went to under 4,000 approved claims of vaccine injury, most relating to Autism. That is not very many vaccine injuries in over 50 years compared to the number of babies being vaccinated over the years. And to top that off most of the claims have now been debunked scientifically, but you can't ask for the money back.

Thiomersal was the most common ingredient thought to cause legitimate vaccine injury prompting many large payouts. Luckily vaccines have not contained Thiomersal since 2001. But the anti-vaxxers won't tell you that.

The side effects listed are anything that happened during testing whether it was proven to be caused by the medication or not.
And that $3 billion issued by the Vaccination Injury Compensation Program went to under 4,000 approved claims of vaccine injury, most relating to Autism. That is not very many vaccine injuries in over 50 years compared to the number of babies being vaccinated over the years. And to top that off most of the claims have now been debunked scientifically, but you can't ask for the money back.

Thiomersal was the most common ingredient thought to cause legitimate vaccine injury prompting many large payouts. Luckily vaccines have not contained Thiomersal since 2001. But the anti-vaxxers won't tell you that.

The side effects listed are anything that happened during testing whether it was proven to be caused by the medication or not.

I haven't verified the 4000 number, but it indeed is extremely difficult to win a case in vaccine court.

The vaccine court was set up in the 1980's because the vaccine makers were being sued left and right due to vaccine injury. Many pharmaceutical companies left the vaccine business. This was the only way the US government could coax the pharm companies to get back into vaccine manufacturing. If the injuries were so rare I doubt it would have caused the need for the government to get involved and absolve the pharm companies from liability.

Anyway, the pharm companies now have over 300 new vaccines in the works. Everything is now a vaccine because they cannot be sued for liability for vaccine injury (like for example drugs like vioxx, etc.) It makes more financial sense for pharmaceutical companies to manufacture liability free vaccines.

I guess you missed this from the wired article you quoted.

Now, this data has limitations—most critically, it might not be current.

And another flaw. Berkeley, though in the Bay Area, is not located in the Silicon Valley portion of it. If they have to include a facility outside of the silicon valley to make it look worse, what does that say?

What are the statistics then?

Something that if one knows, one knows that 6 facilities aren't a representative sample of the population in question.
When real or imagined, mostly imagined, side effects happen to a person. Anti-vax groups have made it popular to blame any kind of disability on the side effects of a vaccine. If a child has autism.seizures or many other disabilities it must have happened because of childhood vaccine injuries, so he must be vaccine injured. It has become so popular that lawsuits are actually finding sympathetic juries and awarding large settlements even when the science is not there to back up the injury.

A true vaccine injury is very, very, very rare. According to the anti-vax movement, a vaccine injury is common enough to be worried about it.

The vaccine reactions may be rare but they are nonetheless heartbreaking to hear about:
I guess you missed this from the wired article you quoted.

Now, this data has limitations—most critically, it might not be current.

And another flaw. Berkeley, though in the Bay Area, is not located in the Silicon Valley portion of it. If they have to include a facility outside of the silicon valley to make it look worse, what does that say?

Berkeley? My kid went to preschool in Berkeley. My kid's pediatrician is in Berkeley. All require full standard vaccinations. However, I guess they're trying to paint it as a tech employee issue, and at the heart there are a lot of tech jobs at Pixar and many San Francisco companies. Still, you hit the nail on the head that the numbers really don't tell much.

The other thing in that article mentioned was that those daycare centers handle a lot of infants who won't typically have been vaccinated under the standard schedule. It's what I'd call a "bad example". Incoming kindergarten vaccination rates are generally the most accurate, and more specifically personal belief exemption rate.
I know, it doesn't happen very often but there have been billions of dollars of our tax money (since the pharm companies by law cannot be sued for vaccine injuries) that have been awarded by the courts for injuries.

I didn't look through all of those cases but many of them seem to be denying compensation because of the lack of evidence linking vaccines to some of the disorders the people think developed after receiving the vaccine.
Just give the animals some Vit C or Vit A. They'll be fine.

If you think vaccine injuries are heartbreaking, read about people who were disabled from polio, or lived in iron lungs their whole lives. What about Roald Dahls' little girl Olivia. Her death from measles is heartbreaking. My MIL's parents didn't believe in vaccinations because seeing doctors is idol worship (ironic since my dh is a physician), and she got polio. Of course, when GMIL got colon cancer, the first thing she did was run to a doctor...
You can't really compare CA to Mississippi and West Virginia. CA has huge pockets of parents who are vehement about their parental rights. Silicon Valley is ground zero for vaccination abstention.

I guess we can only wait and see what happens, but these parents will not just give into getting their children's shots just because the politicians are holding public school over their heads. Based on numerous stories I've read, some have children that have been vaccine injured already so I really don't think so. I predict this issue will go to the supreme court.
Well seeing as many of these parents already send their kids to private schools, which are often the "ground zero" for many outbreaks of vaccine preventable diseases in that state, I think the impact to public schools will be minimal at worst.

It's also false to say that cases in vaccine courts are extremely hard to win. It's streamlined in the cases where a patient has suffered a known "schedule" injury for problems known to be associated with a particular vaccine. Where it gets "difficult" is in cases where there is not a demonstrable connection and parents just "know" it was the vaccine at fault.

As for the costs of the vaccine injury compensation program, it is funded by a surcharge to the cost of vaccines ($0.75 per dose) and not "taxpayer dollars".


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