Disney24: 2 Siblings, 4 Days & the 24 Hour Day! Updatedx2 8/3

Our Town Is Growing

As we waited at the bus stop we met a cp from California, Jasmine. She just hung out around the bus stop, talked to guests, let them know when the busses arrived and keep track of when each bus arrived. Also while we waited we ran back into katt, who just missed the epcot bus.

Finally the dtd bus came and I couldn’t’ wait to get home. On the ride over I got to listen to a know it all cp. Pointing out to her friends everything we passed. When we got closer she started talking bad about dtd. She was telling her friends how they just shut down the clubs right before she got there (all lies girlfriend). Her friend chimed in and said how fun it would have been to go and how she never pukes no matter how much she has to drink.(Clearly they were all winners)

Luckily we arrived and I didn’t have to listen to them anymore.

The new bridge that connects the marketplace near rainforest to fultons is now open and it is so NEW and pretty! I may have also opened up a trash can to see what zone it was considered, but alas they did not label them.

The amphicars are probably the coolest things I have ever seen, however I personally do not think it is worth the price.

The bridge ends at a place we guest show liked to call Inspiration Park, which looks so much nicer without all the walls up around the bridge.

And of course I got some inspiration while I burnt my bottom off sitting down for the picture

Since we bypassed the whole marketplace we backtracked back to World of Disney to find some AC. When walking in it felt so strange. Since they are ripping out all the marketplace parking, they added walls up to cover the windows looking out at the now construction zone outside.


Attention all figment fans World of Disney has the Figment pillow pet. I don’t know why I didn’t buy him there, for some reason I told myself I would get him later and then never came back.
Me and my crew

The last stop I needed to make over in the marketplace was Basin because HAND SCRUB.


Thank you hand scrub for your wonderful magical powers.
Throughout our time at dtd so far I have been teaching kiss all the zones. So Kiss decided he would model the boarder line of zone 3 and zone 4

After our AC fix and our hands feeling silky smooth we made the trek to the west side. Of course I took this time to photograph all the beauty sites along the way.



After turning the corner by Portobello’s we entered the new Disney Springs version of Pleasure Island. And everything was NEW!


We checked out the new hat shop they have, I had fun trying on all the hats while kiss was not feeling it at all.


continue to next post
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I love how beautiful your pictures turn out. I need to invest in a better camera for sure. Next time in DTD I will have to check out Basin for the hand scrub!!! Also, the new hat store looks fun....putting that on my list.
I have to make a point of checking out that hand scrub too!! I love stuff like that!! Probably works great on feet too!
So glad to see you back..I love your TR's. Can you give us an update on your sister's time in Japan or is she doing a TR of her own.
I love how beautiful your pictures turn out. I need to invest in a better camera for sure. Next time in DTD I will have to check out Basin for the hand scrub!!! Also, the new hat store looks fun....putting that on my list.

Thank you! I'm pretty obsessed with my cannon when it comes to Disney vacations.
The hand scrub is probably the best stuff ever and is a good investment in my book

I have to make a point of checking out that hand scrub too!! I love stuff like that!! Probably works great on feet too!

Yes! If you ever find yourself at the Grand Floridian they also have it in their Basin store upstairs

So glad to see you back..I love your TR's. Can you give us an update on your sister's time in Japan or is she doing a TR of her own.

She actually is not doing a report but I can see if she can put something together so that I can post it on here.
Cows With Horns!

The one thing I was really excited to see was the boathouse




pocket park, which isn’t really called pocket park, is looking so much more open with the walls down around the boathouse.



We headed over to the west side. We passed all the new shops that found homes on the horrible pleasure island hill that I will always dislike. The nice thing about the west side in the morning is how dead it is.

First stop exposition park, aka the food truck park



It was getting really toasty out and the west side is not fun in the sun. So our plan was to walk all of the west side and take the water taxi back to the marketplace.

New track is up

New seating and bushes (cause clearly only I would notice that)


This place is getting prettier with every wall that comes down



The jazz queen picked us up and shipped us over to the other side

Saratoga was looking mighty beautiful across the lake



We walked around DTD a lot quicker than I thought and we still had time to kill. I was so parched that I was in desperate need a beverage. So we made the quick walk to Earls because FREE refills are a nice thing. Of course it was a hopping place and finding a seat in side was a challenge. We were the lucky ones to find 2 chairs inside and relax before we went to check a bus to AKL.

At the bus stop a lady freaking out about the bus, how she saw it and how it never stopped. She told everyone near by how she saw a bus say animal kingdom lodge at the far loop but it never stopped and just left. She didn't realize it already made it the stop at the bus stop and was leaving, she just missed it. She kept saying it just changed resorts instead. But not to fear, a bus did come to pick us all up.

Riding in style


We were off to have lunch at one of my favorite restaurants on property, SANAA. Bread service and butter chicken is what makes the world go round.

We still had a while till our reservation so instead of going straight to Kidani we got off at Jambo House and walked around.

This resort is beautiful and I take back anytime I said I didn’t really have a need to stay here. I was young and foolish back then.



Of course I had to go up and hang out on the crossover bridge because it looks so cool. I’m sorry to any guest that had to deal with us taking pics and dancing around taking up the whole bridge.



We headed outside to go find some animals




It was getting closer to butter chicken time so we decided to take a nice walk over to Kidani from Jambo. At first we were just going to go to Sanaa but then I saw giraffes out and about. So another adventure outside at Kidani




My favorite animal at AKL, COWS WITH HORNS!

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Following! I loved reading your trip report when you were doing the DCP. You are darling as always. DTD (Disney Springs) is really shaping up nicely!
Loving your TR so far...I can't wait to see some of the changes at DTD...looks beautiful. You got some great pics at AKL too. Butter chicken sounds yummy...that's what I always get at the Indian place near our house. I wonder if it's the same....may have to find out!
Following! I followed along on your instagram so I'm really excited to read about it! Your pictures are beautiful. What type of camera do you use?
Following! I loved reading your trip report when you were doing the DCP. You are darling as always. DTD (Disney Springs) is really shaping up nicely!

Thank you! That was so kind of you to say, my Ma said I getting my darling ways from her.
I can't wait to see the finished product

Loving your TR so far...I can't wait to see some of the changes at DTD...looks beautiful. You got some great pics at AKL too. Butter chicken sounds yummy...that's what I always get at the Indian place near our house. I wonder if it's the same....may have to find out!

Thank you. I wish I had/known a place close to me that I could get butter chicken at because its just so good.

Following! I followed along on your instagram so I'm really excited to read about it! Your pictures are beautiful. What type of camera do you use?

WELCOME! I have a Canon EOS REBEL T2i and just before this trip me and my pa invested in a new lens, a tamron 16-270, which pretty much combines the 2 lenses together that came with the camera and it just makes taking photos so much more easier.

Finally it was time for Sanaa! When we checked in we were taken straight to our table. Tracy our waitress was the best! I’ve normally don’t have the best service here but Tracy was on her A game. She accepted my love of bread service and butter chicken. She said I was doing it right.



I pretty much knew what I wanted and was ready to order right away. First we started off with the bread service with all the delicious dips. If I didn’t love the butter chicken I would totally just come here for just the bread service


I’m a red pepper humus and Cucumber Raita type of gal. Kiss enjoyed the spicy ones. And we aren’t a fan of the Christmas flavored one (Kiss made fun of me because I call it the Christmas one. But when he tried it he agreed.)

Kiss got the Sanaa burger. He said it was good but he missed the open burger they use to have here.


Of course I went double butter chicken because duh. I went way to hard at the bread service and was slowing down during my second bowl. One of the food runners came over and asked if we were done with the bread service or if I was going to dip the naan bread in my curry sauce. The answer is option B, leave the bread.


I went hard at my food, jumped the gun and over ate to fast. Tracy was so sweet that she came over and had everything wrapped up to take back with us. I told her she didn’t need to because I probably wouldn’t eat it but she insisted. At the end of our meal she thought I was a cm and had a discount, I wish. That led us to a nice heart to heart conversation.

We headed back to Movies to get ready for tonight and maybe take a little nap. We had to catch a bus to AK and transfer to another bus to Movies. On the bus there was a small child who refused to listen to her dad and insisted that she stay seated on the step even though people were trying to get off and on.

When we arrived at ak we hopped off and got a bus back to movies. The cutest 7 month baby enjoyed her day at animal kingdom. Another lady was talking to the mom and asked where they were from. It was a cute family from Hawaii and the lady kept asking how their disney park was there because it was on her list of places to go. She didn’t understand that Aulani was just a resort and not a park.
Once we arrived back at movies we were both so excited to take a nap, the 3:30am wake up call and florida heat was getting to us. We rushed back to our room and while our light turned green our door wouldn't open. I tried my magic band it turned red. So we went to the front desk and told them. A manager said that a CM named Alex would meet us outside our room and help us. He met us up at our room with the emergency key and that didn't even open it for a good while.



Alex finally got the door to open but just our luck, the key got stuck in our door. Alex is trusting and didn't trust us with the key that unlocks all the rooms at All Star Movies so he became our body guard for quite some time.


He had to wait for maintenance to arrive to fix our door and get the key out. He told us about 10-15 minutes it turned into 25-30 minutes of being stuck in our room.




The next problem we faced was that our luggage never arrived because they had no way of getting into the room. So although we were bodyguard in I left to get our carry ons that were still in storage. Shocker, that was a whole problem in itself because the guy helping me said our bags weren't there. Just my luck?! But not to fret another cm, Akeem, found them.
With my arms full of carry ons I headed back to our room. Poor Alex was just walking the hall in front of our room. We hung out in our room for another good 20 minutes until a guy came to fix the door.

Thank god for Steven the maintenance guy! He saved the day!


Once he fixed the door he took our magic bands to make sure we didn’t have any more problems. Of course my magic band was not working so he took it to get it fixed. By this time we were crunching for time and he came just in time with a fixed magic band.
Next thing we had to do was find our luggage. So back to the luggage storage place we went. With a quick phone call they said our luggage would be in our room when we come back later that night.

With everything all worked out we were off to the magic kingdom, but not to play because we’re poor so no entry. Instead we were headed to my FAVORITEST resort on property…FORT WILDERNESS for some campfire sing a long


While we waited for the boat I watched this child wrapping a chain around his neck. Clearly safe-D does not begin with him


On the boat ride there it looked like it was going to pour and with how our night was going I wasn’t even going to be surprised. But luckily we had some good luck (finally) tonight and it didn't.


Fort wilderness is home. I’ve literally said it a million times but its perfect and if I ever have children this is where we will be staying because it is just so homie


And then to make Alicia said I sent her a sad broken heart pic because since she has been in Tokyo we have talked a bunch of times about moving back to florida and living at fort forever.


And while I could go on and on about how perfect the fort is the last thing I will say about it is the music loops, banjos and fiddles make me so happy.

I was gravitated to the settlement trading post where I found a shirt that needed to join my growing collection for fort merchandise, but not on this trip.


We hopped on the orange bus to the meadows trading post. One thing you notice is when guests who aren’t staying at fort wilderness try to find the campfire. The bus doesn’t drop you off right at the campfire. You have to wake around or through the meadows trading post, across a bridge passed the pool, make a left down a sidewalk where you will finally find signs to point you in the right direction.


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Yum...your lunch at Sanaa looked so good!! Too bad about all the door issues!! I look forward to hearing about the BBQ...thought about doing that sometime but haven't...looks fun!! I wonder if the food is similar to at the HDDR? I will find out I guess :)
Joining in! Great pictures of DTD. Can't wait to see the campfire and sing a long.
Yum...your lunch at Sanaa looked so good!! Too bad about all the door issues!! I look forward to hearing about the BBQ...thought about doing that sometime but haven't...looks fun!! I wonder if the food is similar to at the HDDR? I will find out I guess :)

We actually didn't do the BBQ, we just went to the free campfire sing a long with chip and dale. I have actually never been to the BBQ, my mother has always wanted to go but hoop always wins out in our family. However I do know that the food is more picnic food, hot dogs, hamburgers, corn on the cob, mickey bars.

Joining in! Great pictures of DTD. Can't wait to see the campfire and sing a long.

Welcome! Thanks for following along!

:flower1: I'm in! Love your reports!! :jumping1:

Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy this one
In Search Of A Fort Crew

If you don’t have anything planned one night on a disney vacation, the campfire is one of my personal favorite activities to do. Many resorts have a campfire and marshmellows to roast but the fort is the best because it's a sing a long and they have chip and dale!

And while I thought we were going to be late from all the stops we made, we were actually one of the first people there. So early that they didn’t even start the fire.


We also had to wait for the chuck wagon to open because I needed to buy my 60 cent roasting stick.

Side Note: if by any chance you decide to go, BRING YOUR OWN S’MORES MAKINGS! They were charging $10 for about 15-20 marshmallows, half a packet of gram crackers and a chocolate bar (maybe 2?) So clearly they didn’t not give you enough to make the proper amount of s’mores, so you will have a butt load of marshmallows left over.



Kiss was really unimpressed with me asking him to dance with his s’more. Clearly he is not use to my ways. Thanks to the YOLO trips I have been just so use to do random things with random people watching and it kind of really made me miss Brittany and Alish. The main reason I can’t go to Disney with anyone else.

So all I could do is get this funny picture


So the campfire starts at 7:30 then the sing a long starts at 8.

And tonight was a beautiful night for a campfire


The sing a long has some great, classic songs to sing a long with. Such as If your happy and you know it…CLASSIC!

Also joining in is what makes it fun, many parents go for their children and don’t participate. Don’t be that person. I was singing along, yelling when I was told, dancing around, cause that’s just the person I am.

One part of the night they had everyone who had/has a birthday in May to go up. So up I went and was pretty much the only one dancing up there when he asked us too.


Then after a couple songs those crazy spunky chipmunks come out to play


And every time they will play the “Whats the difference between Chip and Dale?!” game

Answers: eyes, nose, and teeth


Then the munks come around to visit!



After this is when we normally peace out, not because the rest is bad, it’s the part when the children dance with chip and dale, then they play a movie. It’s just we wanted to go to the poly to watch wishes.

Instead of taking a bus back to the settlement we decided to walk there. That’s when we saw everyone out driving around in their golf carts and riding bikes. This is when I realized I need a fort crew to drive around in a golf cart with. Walking around is so peaceful and perfect and I love it.



Our plan was to get on the boat to the contemporary, then monorail hop over to the poly. The last time I hung out at the poly was the day I was hit with a wicked migraine and died on a couch upstairs. So this was the first time I got to appreciate the new lobby.



A bunch of people were also in the mood to watch wishes on the beach and were lined up pretty early.

Truth was I was really sad about not getting my luggage because I was stuck wearing my sneakers so I couldn’t enjoy playing in the sand. A real struggle in life.

However kiss seemed to enjoy himself


While we were waiting we were just getting so sleepy and not feeling it anymore. Kiss just wanted to go back to the room and call it a night. I was kind of sad but didn’t argue because I could really go for sleeping. Plus if we left before wishes let out then we wouldn’t have to fight the crowds. Win Win.

So off to the poly boat dock to catch a boat to the MK and then on a bus back to movies.


And as we were pulling away from the kingdom, Wishes was starting


We got back to the resort a little after 10 and I was so excited to go back to the room with my luggage waiting for me and sleep.

When we got back to our room there was a gift waiting for us on our table. A “sorry we took up your time with your door trouble” gift.



And while that was really sweet of Disney to do, our luggage was STILL nowhere to be found. I dealt with this once before and I was not excited to do it again, especially since I knew the luggage was at the resort.

So off I went back down to the bellhop stand at 10:30 were they knew and greeted me by my full name. That’s sign number 1, when we have a problem because I visited their stand way to many times that day. They even knew that I came down around 6, so they called once again for our luggage. Whoever is in charge of suitcases told them the wonderful story of how we had our privacy sign on our door so they couldn’t go in. LIES! All lies because I got a free gift in my room and the sign was on the table under it!

So when all else fails I called Gma and whined to her about how we didn’t have our luggage and all I wanted was sleep. She couldn’t really do anything about the whole situation and told me to bother them again in a half hour if they don’t come to our room by then. Well at 11 I went back to the front desk to get answers (and some more exercise). The lady at the front desk was super slow and once again was no help. She asked the normal questions such as, “when did you get in today?” and then she was surprised when I said 8 this morning and its now 11 at night. Exhaustion was setting in and going around in circles was making me so miserable too the point where I was about to cry at any second. Luckily Kiss texted me in time saying it they arrived. So I told the lady and walked away, I was ruder then I should have been but I was over the whole situation. But after I walked away I felt bad because CMs deal with so many rude guests and I was just one of them.

So after going on 21 hours of no sleep and a lack of sleep the night before I could sleep. Clearly I was not planning 2 full 24 hour days on this trip and I could hardly wait to see how the real 24 hour event will go down and how I was feeling now.

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What an exhausting day!! So sorry about all the luggage issues...that campfire looks like a lot of fun though!! I'm sure the real 24 hour event is different than travel day/Disney...luggage issues exhaustion!!
What a fun day! So sorry about all your troubles, especially your luggage. Hopefully you get enough sleep to do the 24 hour event.


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