Our Honeymoon Redo! PTR: 11/15/15 - 11/20/15 - Trip Report Link!

Free Dining leads to a Big Change!

To say I’m excited is the biggest understatement….EVER!! I’m practically giddy!!! Ok, let me take a breath and start from the beginning. (AAAAHHHHHH!!!)

My son woke up around 3am this morning and once I got him back to sleep I wasn’t able to fall back to sleep myself (not surprising since I’m an insomniac). I went downstairs and cleaned up and caught up on some DVR shows. Then around 6am I figured I might as well log into work (I work from home), but thought I would check Facebook first. As I’m checking what should I see?????? But posts about Free Dining being released TODAY!!!!! WHAT???????????

I came upstairs and logged into my work computer and started getting set up for the day, and then quickly logged into my personal computer to check out the Disney Website for myself. Lo and behold there it was….FREE DINING. So, I decided to run some numbers and it came down to the following:

1. Stay with Pop and upgrade from Quick Service to Table Dining Plan
This was the original plan and with the upgrade and everything it would have saved us about $300!! Woohoo

2. Check out the FD package prices for a Moderate (just for giggles)
Upgrade to a Moderate which comes along with Table Dining Plan we would save about $200!! WHAT????????? I couldn’t believe there was a savings at all, I thought for sure we would break even with what we were willing to pay at a Value for Table Dining without FD. So, to get any savings was an absolute shock to me!!!!

About this time Keith and my son walked in to tell me Good Morning. I briefly updated DH on what was going on, but he was still half asleep. He finally told me…”just tell me if we stay at a moderate would it be cheaper than the package you booked at a value before FD came out?”. I confirmed it would be $200 cheaper. He said the magical words, “Book it!!”. YAY!! I was so excited.

So, right at 7am I started calling, but couldn’t get through (no surprise there at all). I started seeing people posting on FB that you could upgrade online if you had an existing reservation. So, I looked at the Moderates and it came down to 2 choices: CBR and CSR. I had to be quick so I chose CSR! I pulled up my reservation and saw the Modify Reservation Link and got all the way through to the point to hit submit and then it happened….ERROR!! UGH!!! I was so hoping to be able to do this online, but I just didn’t have any luck.

I knew then it came down to the fact I had to call. I just kept trying and trying, but kept getting a busy signal but finally got through. Then I was told the wait would be over 60 minutes (again no surprise). Then nothing…no music no nothing. I checked out the November FB page and others were saying they didn’t have any music either. So, I kept checking my phone to make sure I was still connected. I just put the phone to the side and started getting some work done. About 2 hours later I hear a voice and I about jumped out of my chair. I was nervous because I had started seeing posts on FB that the standard rooms at both CBR and CSR were gone. I had made up my mind if the Standard rooms were gone I would just go back to my original plan…stay at Pop and upgrade the Dining Plan.

The CM answered and I first had to thank her for working on such a crazy day!! She brought up my Reservation and everything was accurate. She asked if I just wanted to upgrade the DP. I let her know I would like to see if there were any Standard Moderates available, particularly at CSR. She started to work her magic. She tried a couple of things, but no luck. She then told me she was going to try one last thing and WOOHOO!! She was able to confirm a Standard Room at CSR and it was saving us around $200!! I was so excited!!!!!!! I told her I was so excited because this was a trip for just me and DH, and we were using it as our Honeymoon Re-do since during our Honeymoon there back in 2011 he chipped a tooth and was in a bunch of pain. This was our chance to have the magical Honeymoon we had hoped for. She said she made a note in my reservation that the trip was a Honeymoon Celebration…how sweet!!


Of course after I got off the phone with her, I immediately went out to my reservation on the Disney Website and there it was….my new reservation! :) Like I mentioned before, I am beyond excited!

This will be my home for 5 nights in November:


Image from touringplans.com


Image from Google Images

So, when I have some time I will do some research on CSR since I have never stayed there before. I’ve decided not to show any pictures or video to Keith because I want him to be surprised (he knows I got the reservation…he heard me squealing upstairs), but he doesn’t have any idea what it looks like.

Please share any insight you have on CSR….recommendations on buildings/sections I should request, little places I should check out while I’m there, food I should try…anything!

22 more days until ADR day!! I hope the pixie dust from today carries over to that day as well!
:cool1: :jumping1: :jumping2:

I'm SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! your going to love it all!! am so happy!
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Sorry if I'm boring you, Mo. :(
Don't know what your talking about... :cool2:

you posted you had big news then i posted my WAITING for the big news!!! which apparently was posted at the same time you DID post the actual news! sneaky girl you are.. so i edited it!!! :hug:
you were too quick!!!
Don't know what your talking about... :cool2:

you posted you had big news then i posted my WAITING for the big news!!! which apparently was posted at the same time you DID post the actual news! sneaky girl you are.. so i edited it!!! :hug:
you were too quick!!!

LOL LOL LOL! I thought maybe you were just having a bad Monday. :) I cannot wait to check it out. Of course I will be stalking Youtube to find videos. :)
Nooo.. you just snuck that right in there! thats when i hurried up and edited my post..
well you saw it anyway.. SORRY! :sad1:
yeah it's also Monday which means i am super slow.. I still would have been stuck on:
Ok a quick but important update!!! We are changing resorts!!!!! (I will just say the release of Free Dining today opened up some possibilities for us). I will provide further details later!!!

still waiting on a follow up... had i not refreshed your report!!! :badpc:
That is so exciting! I checked those dates out 4 or 5 times and I still have no holidays booked for any of those times, boo hoo for me, but so glad you are able to upgrade! I had free QS dining for my last trip and really enjoyed it - couldn't even finish all of the food!

Yesterday morning I was able to get the room online but couldn't actually submit the reservation. I would keep double checking online while I was on hold and it got to the point where it wasn't listing any availability and then I started seeing the postings on Facebook that they were all gone. So, I honestly was not getting my hopes up and I was completely fine with just sticking to the original plan of staying at Pop and upgrading the Dining Plan. The CM spoke to had to do some digging but she was able to find one for me!! So happy!!

I think if I was just traveling on my own or with my Mom we could stick with the Quick Service Plan and do one or two TS meals. However, with this trip with me and my DH part of what we are looking forward to is being able to sit down at a restaurant and have a meal just the 2 of us...we very rarely go out just the 2 of us so we are definitely looking forward to the 1:1 time together.

I will keep my fingers crossed you able to find the dates you are looking for!
It was definitely a good Disney Day yesterday for me! Look what I got in the mail...MICKEY MAIL!!


Granted it still has my Pop Century info on it, but that is ok!! And my MVMCP Tickets for 11/19/15!! This trip is officially REAL!!! 3 weeks until ADR Day!!​
Ohhhhhhhhhhh!!! HOW EXCITING!!!
nothing is better then some MICKEY MAIL!!!! well unless it's Publisher's Clearing House and your the winner! :rotfl:

OK seriously!! and your TICKETS! it's like you did win the lottery! the Disney FUN LOTTERY! WOOO HOOO
Ohhhhhhhhhhh!!! HOW EXCITING!!!
nothing is better then some MICKEY MAIL!!!! well unless it's Publisher's Clearing House and your the winner! :rotfl:

OK seriously!! and your TICKETS! it's like you did win the lottery! the Disney FUN LOTTERY! WOOO HOOO

I absolutely did a little dance when I opened the mailbox...to the enjoyment of my neighbor while he was cutting his lawn! Oh well! It's Disney who cares who sees me do the silly dance. I had to hide the mail because I don't want my step-daughter coming across it. She doesn't know we are going without her :( Our trip with the kids in Spring 2016 will help with those guilts!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH that's SO exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A huge congrats to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :jumping1:
I absolutely did a little dance when I opened the mailbox...to the enjoyment of my neighbor while he was cutting his lawn!

HA HA HA HA! Love it!!! You dance.. Dance like no one is watching.. Even if they are.. HA HA HA HA

Our trip with the kids in Spring 2016 will help with those guilts!

Ohh this has to be hard on you!!! Yes you have a fantastic trip for them in 2016!!!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH that's SO exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A huge congrats to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :jumping1:

Thanks so much!! Definitely excited to be staying at a Moderate for the first time. I keep seeing and reading such great things about the CSR, so fingers crossed it's all accurate!

HA HA HA HA! Love it!!! You dance.. Dance like no one is watching.. Even if they are.. HA HA HA HA

Ohh this has to be hard on you!!! Yes you have a fantastic trip for them in 2016!!!

It does make me feel bad, but Keith and really need this time together. However, it helps a bunch knowing that while we are there in November we will be back with the kiddos in the Spring...just a matter of a few months. I actually figured out my 6 month mark for our Spring 2016 trip will take place before we even leave before our November trip. I was kinda hoping for a bounceback offer while we are there in November that I could use for our Spring Trip, but I don't think I want to wait and depend on that before making the reservation especially since that will be past the 6 month mark and I would not have the 180 + 10 advantage. Now that makes me wonder can I apply a BB offer to an existing reservation if it falls within the dates of the offer? Also, I have a pretty strong feeling my dates will be blacked out on any BB offer since it will be the week following Easter :( Oh well...I will figure it all out as soon as 2016 dates are released :)
you do need time together!!! and already past your 6 month mark! all is well! no hard feeling for kids! while your away put them to work on their vacation!
I have NO idea about the BB you might want to call and ask?
A Real Life Update: Washington, DC Trip

Well, I hope you all don’t mind me sharing a Real Life update. Keith and I had decided awhile back we would like to take a long weekend trip just the two of us…almost a test run to our Honeymoon Re-do (see I got a little Disney in on this update). I hope people are not starting to think that Keith and I just do everything without our kids. Quite the opposite actually, we live and breathe our kids just like most parents. To the point, we don’t really do much just the two of us, we rarely go on dates and between the kids schedules and school we feel like we are two ships passing in the night at times. So, at the beginning of this year we decided we needed to change that a bit, and carve out more time just the 2 of us.

We went back and forth about where we would go for this weekend….1st it was the beach, then it was Gatlinburg and then finally we decided on Washington, DC. This is a place the 2 of us have talked about going to together since we started dating. Keith hasn’t been since he was in the 6th Grade and I have been 3 times (a trip with a college roommate, work and a trip with my Mom in October 2009).

We decided we will be taking the train from Charlotte, NC to Washington DC. This is how my Mom and I traveled there in 2009 and it was great! I really enjoyed it…I loved traveling through all the towns and it was so comfortable. It is a 9 ½ hour ride, and Keith is a little apprehensive because he didn’t have a great experience on his last train trip but I told him it was due to his travel partner (his ex-wife). We leave Charlotte at 7am and are scheduled to arrive around 4:30pm. I completely understand that train travel is not always dependable but we don’t have any big plans that first night so we should be good.

My Mom is coming into town to watch Joey and we planned this trip on a weekend that Emma will be at her Mommy’s anyway. I feel this is a good test run for my Mom as well because she will be watching Joey when we go to Disney.

Here are the plans for the trip:

· Friday, 5/29/15: Travel to DC via Amtrak Train

· Leave Charlotte at 7am

· Bring bfast to eat on the train

· Buy lunch from Café Car on train

· Arrive in DC around 4:30pm EST

· Walk to hotel which is only 3 blocks away (Hyatt Regency)

· Drop off bags and freshen up a bit

· Walk back to Union Station to look around and have some dinner

· Go to bed

· Saturday, 5/30/15: Tour DC

· 7:15am: Leave hotel and head to Union Station to catch Double Decker Tour Bus (tickets purchased ahead of time online)

· 8:00am: Ride the entire loop on bus to see the sights

· 11:00am: Get off at Smithsonian Stop and visit Air and Space Museum

· 12:00pm: Lunch at Air and Space Museum Food Court

· We will finish up at Air and Space and then head over to the American History Museum

· I’m trying not to plan too much because I want to be able to take our time to look around and not be rushed

· Hop back on tour bus and check out some of the memorials if time permits

· Dinner at Good Stuff Eatery (this place is run by a Chef that has been on the Food Network, and I have read great things about it). It’s hamburgers which is right up Keith’s Alley! :)

· Back to the Hotel or possibly take advantage of the free boat cruise ticket that comes with the tour price (depends on how tired we are).

· Sunday, 5/31/15: Tour DC

· We will catch the Double Decker Tour bus again at Union Station

· Get off at Spy Museum (another free ticket with the tour price)

· Visit Ford Theatre (I’ve been to DC 3 times and still have not been able to see this so this is a must do)

· Catch the tour bus again and tour the rest of DC and hop off at sights we are interested in

· Dinner at Hard Rock Café

· Monday, 6/1/15: Head home

· Our train home leaves at 10:30am and we are scheduled to be back in Charlotte around 8:15pm

A pretty quick trip, but I’m looking forward to it. I know I will be a nervous wreck being away from Joey and I’m sure I will be checking in all the time. However, I know he will be having a blast with my Mom..she has already made her plans. My Dad as well…he is talking about how he is going to take him grocery shopping and show him off to all the ladies that he flirts with every week when he does the grocery shopping (he is such a nut, but Joey gets his flirty nature from my dad…definitely).

So, there is our trip in a nutshell. I will probably do a condensed TR on this when we get back. :)
Well first off, I am SOOOO excited for you!!! Free Dining AND a resort upgrade??? AMAZING!!! And Mickey Mail too!
And your Washington trip sounds very fun too!
Well first off, I am SOOOO excited for you!!! Free Dining AND a resort upgrade??? AMAZING!!! And Mickey Mail too!
And your Washington trip sounds very fun too!

Thanks so much!! Both of our countdowns are getting lower! :) I think it will seem even more real once ADR Day has come!


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