Selling plasma

How about just a second job to finance the Disney trip.
How about you stop worrying about something that has zero impact on you, until you or a family member need plasma, that is. Plasma can't be made artificially, the only way to get plasma is by people donating it. If they choose to donate and it is legal for them to be paid, more power to them.

Yes, I know you're trolling, but there are plenty of people that have the same opinion you've posted.
To profit off something that other people need to survive is rediculous especially when it comes to paying for a vacation. Maybe someone should not be going to Disney if they rely on selling their blood.

Look at it this way. Your family does this once a week and you need to get money for it to go to Disney and without this money you cannot go to Disney. A very close friend is in the need for plasma due to an illness. You will need to donate once a week for about 3 months. The only place that you can donate her plasma does not pay.

What is "rediculous" is that you keep harping on this subject.

Your hypothetical very close friend in need of plasma due to an illness would not get the plasma for free even if the secretary and her family were donating specifically with him/her in mind. As someone asked upthread, why are you so concerned about this? Are they asking you to donate to their trip fund? Asking you to donate plasma? Is this affecting you personally?

I smell a troll.
so I was talking with one of secretaries and she mentioned that's she's going to Disney in a few months. We were talking about where to eat inside and outside the park when she mention that for the food and misc expenses, her family (husband and 2 daughters who are both in college) have been selling plasma once a week. Has anyone actually sunk to that level for going do Disney.

How is this any of your business? I hope you understand how many people a plasma donation can help.
Second jobs aren't always the answer if you have child care issues... or heck.. want to see you kids without working yourself to death.
There should be no shame whatsoever in selling your blood or plasma... no matter what you use the money for. Geez....

Well.... try not to buy drugs and hookers with the money. That's my judgemental psa for the day. ;-)
You know what....blood and plasma donations have saved my life. I am ever grateful as i have severe anemia and blood level issues.
So what if people do it for money for vacations. These people might be funding their 401ks, or paying for college... just because they are using the money for vacations does not give people the right to assume they are financially irresponsible. .. you don't know their circumstances. As long as they are healthy, not putting their own health at risk... heck yes sell blood and plasma! And I am forever grateful to you for it.
The judgemental ones can MYOB.
That's great you were able to benefit from the plasma but doesn't this being paid for your blood to finance something rediculous take away from helping some to survive by giving your blood. What you don't understand is that most of these people will not donate if they are not paid and these places that do pay are not as available as a place where you just donate.
How do you know that they wouldn't donate if they weren't being paid? My husband donates religiously because it saves lives, the Red Cross doesn't pay people who donate. If 60 bucks gets people, who ordinarily wouldn't, to donate a life-saving platelets, how can that be a bad thing? What they use the money for is completely irrelevant.

Are people judging this making donations themselves? I doubt it, because then you would understand how important these donations are. And it involves a needle in your arm for hours sometimes.
I have never wanted to donate, fear of needles and seeing my own blood. I know I should do it, it is always in such high demand and my body will replenish it. One thing that could get me to do it, cash. I can definitely use more. 50 if or what I am guessing is less than an hour of my time, versus working a second job making at best 15/hour.
That's great you were able to benefit from the plasma but doesn't this being paid for your blood to finance something rediculous take away from helping some to survive by giving your blood. What you don't understand is that most of these people will not donate if they are not paid and these places that do pay are not as available as a place where you just donate.
How do you know this? Did you survey all the people who donate about their motivations?
Yes. If they needed the money for groceries or to catch up on their utility bills then that's fine but to use it for spending money for Disney world should not be the reason to give plasma.
Why is it anyone's business how they are using the money? Money is money and people can spend it as they wish.
A few years back we made blankets for Project Linus to get free Disney tickets for Give a Day Get a Day. We probably wouldn't have done this if not for the promotion. Does that make us low for using the organization to get Disney tickets? Or did the opportunity to do this raise awareness? As a result of learning about Project Linus, I started having kids at school where I work make blankets for a local homeless shelter. Sometimes a little incentive gives us a push to do good just because.
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I really don't see anything wrong with someone donating plasma for this and am baffled people have a problem with the idea of someone donating for the money. Everyone deserves a vacation. Whats the point of life if it's all work and no play? Disney is expensive and $60 per person, per week adds up quick in terms of savings. Bonus that lives are being saved here.
I think giving blood or being an organ donor or donating plasma--any of those things--are a great idea and should be encouraged. But I think of it as donating, as doing something because it will help others.

My opinion... If this is what you have to do to afford something, be it a Disney trip, a new car, the latest electronics, whatever, then you probably can't really afford it. I'm not talking about someone who is doing it to put food on the table or a roof over your head. Those are necessities and if that's what it takes, that's what it takes. But to do something like this for a luxury item (and Disney IS a luxury!) just seems like too much. I just can't wrap my brain around that one. But that's just MY opinion.

I have been donating plasma for almost 3 years. I started because I had gone back to school after I lost my job in the economic crisis. I was driving 100 miles a day to get to school and back. When gas hit over $4 I was really struggling and someone said to try plasma. I went and tried it and I didn't mind doing it at all. So by your reasoning that is ok because I needed it. When I graduated and didn't need to drive so much I didn't see any reason to stop. By my reasoning that would be giving up nearly $3000 a year in free money no matter what I wanted to spend it on. I don't "need" to donate anymore but I will as long as it suits me. And I am paying for nearly a whole Disney trip with free money because it suits me to do so :) If I needed the money for something else, that's what it would go to instead.
You know what....blood and plasma donations have saved my life. I am ever grateful as i have severe anemia and blood level issues.
So what if people do it for money for vacations. These people might be funding their 401ks, or paying for college... just because they are using the money for vacations does not give people the right to assume they are financially irresponsible. .. you don't know their circumstances. As long as they are healthy, not putting their own health at risk... heck yes sell blood and plasma! And I am forever grateful to you for it.
The judgemental ones can MYOB.

Hi Dalayney :) You won't know me but I remember you from 2peas! I always liked your scrap!!
How about just a second job to finance the Disney trip.

I'm pretty sure your just trolling but on the off chance you aren't. I am employed, my husband is employed, we have a side job we do together. I do plasma because it fits into my schedule and doesn't take away extra home time from my DD. I donate while she is in school. I could afford my Disney trip with out donating plasma but that's what I choose to do with it since I don't "need" the money.
Exactly. That is what I thought. Maybe it just was meant to be at this time to go to Disney and would be best to save some more and not have to rely on selling blood.

They are not doing it to save a life. They need a money. They would not be donating if they were not paid. Not everyone around here pays for it. There are websites that name the places that pay for plasma. She told me they get $50 each a week = $200 week.

Cool, good for them!
We donate whole blood here but they often have blood drives and give out either movie tickets or $10 gift cards. As a matter of fact, I just remembered that our last donation we were stopped on the way out to be giving a fee T shirt and voucher for a $10 GC each. I know that when they have the signs out, they are super busy.

We have a few places around town you can sell your plasma to. You can do it up to 3 times a week here. What they pay you depends on your blood. Like my husband has all sorts of vaccines the average person doesn't have due to military service so he would be paid more. You can make close to $100 a week per person here. That is a second job.
I don't have a problem with it. Whether they "need" to sell their plasma (I think they still call it donating even when you get paid for it) to pay for part or all of their Disney trip or not is irrelevant.

Suppose this family works very hard every month to responsibly pay all of their living expenses and don't splurge on anything like eating out, cable tv, expensive cell phone plans, etc but after putting a small amount of money into a savings account, there isn't much extra to save toward a vacation or other splurge (or could be a new tv, etc). The family decides to donate plasma to meet their savings goal faster so now the trip can take place in a year instead of in 3 years. What is wrong with that?

There are also lots of people who choose to donate plasma who can afford Disney trips (or other splurges) without having to donate. Some people like going for "free" by putting money aside specifically from donating plasma. It's really no different than someone setting aside their PayPal money from using Swagbucks, Bing, Ebates, etc.

I've never donated myself, but I have considered it since I'm a housewife and it sure would be nice to earn some extra money here and there without actually having to have an actual job. We're saving to build a new house AND saving for adoption so we need lots of that green stuff. ;)


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