A DL pout, and vent.l

It is insanely different, and not in a positive way. The courtyard fountain is gone (and I think the courtyard itself may be gone but I'm not sure), the big neon sign is gone, the chef/pot/lobster and trumpet player statues are gone, the wrought iron balustrades and decorative touches are gone, the piano/music room is now just a room, etc etc. It's a streamlined, orange plastic chair mid-century-modern restaurant that used to be a fun nod to NOLA.
OMG I haven't been since they remodeled and had no idea it looked like this now! What the actual heck?? Having been to New Orleans several times and missing it, I used to go there every trip but after seeing this I'm cancelling my reservations! Wow. This is awful.
Ok, my pout is also for the change from Tower of Terror to IDK whatever it is now. I miss the Twilight Zone and the more grown-up feel that they've done away with. Grown-ups love Disneyland, too! Not only that, but when they changed it, they changed the ride sequence in a way that messes with my motion sickness. I could do ToT, but the new version made me so nauseous that I haven't been back. Which is a shame, because I have great memories of riding this when my kids were younger and easily terrified, so they used to hang on to me for dear life. Miss those days.

And not a pout but a big fat temper tantrum for what I'm seeing has been done to Jazz Kitchen.

I never experienced the People Mover, so that's another pout. And one more for not bringing back the dragon.
My gripe is with DAS registration. I've been sitting in the chat queue for almost an hour and a half now and I've never had to wait this long before. I'm sick and need to pick up a prescription so I should have just waited on DAS until tomorrow or something. But now I've committed so don't want to leave the queue.
Ugh. That's so frustrating! Did you end up getting through? I hope you're feeling better.
Port and chocolate tasting?!? :oops: Never had that but they should definitely bring that back!!!

Some of this must be from way back -- I don't remember the DLH setup, either!
Yes, the port and chocolate tasting was probably 12 or so years ago? They gave you 3 varieties of Ghirardelli chocolate to pair with 3 types of port, going from youngest to oldest port. It was so cool! The sommelier (?) would also give us a little glass of Magicale, the sparkling wine made specifically for Disney. I bought a bottle once and the CM had to carry the bottle all the way back to the GCH exit with me because guests weren't allowed to carry a bottle of alcohol around in the park!

The DLH setup was WAY long ago when I went with my boyfriend back in the 90s.
Ok, my pout is also for the change from Tower of Terror to IDK whatever it is now. I miss the Twilight Zone and the more grown-up feel that they've done away with. Grown-ups love Disneyland, too! Not only that, but when they changed it, they changed the ride sequence in a way that messes with my motion sickness. I could do ToT, but the new version made me so nauseous that I haven't been back. Which is a shame, because I have great memories of riding this when my kids were younger and easily terrified, so they used to hang on to me for dear life. Miss those days.

And not a pout but a big fat temper tantrum for what I'm seeing has been done to Jazz Kitchen.

I never experienced the People Mover, so that's another pout. And one more for not bringing back the dragon.
I swear guardians isn’t as crazy as it was when it was brand new. I feel like they have toned it down a bit. I have no idea if they actually did….does anyone else feel the same?
Apparently, they no longer make Magicale wine (although I suspect they still make it under its original name). It was a fun thing and I wish they still had it. You could buy it in the hotel gift shops but it often sold out quickly. Magicale was a Brachetto Piemonte imported by Casa Torelli and rebranded for Disney. How fun to have a Disney sparkling wine! You used to be able to get it (under the original label) at World Market, but it was much cooler (and pricier) to have the Disney brand on it.
I miss the line/set of tower of terror. The old hotel was amazing. But I like the ride as guardians better. I really wanted to dislike it, but once that soundtrack kicked in (and growing up with all that music) it was awesome. It just totally changed the vibe of the ride as well with everyone laughing and singing.
I agree!! I'm absolutely not a fan of the Guardians set and building overlay, and (don't hate me for this!) I detest that annoying talking raccoon. But I do love the ride! I think it's even more fun than ToT ride-wise, but I loved the eeriness and supernatural vibe of the old ride. It also feels to me as if they simply slapped stuff on ToT to make it kind of...whatever Guardians is supposed to be. It just doesn't make sense to me. You go through the lobby area and watch the bad guy on video (why are we there?), go to an elevator door which opens into an I-don't-know-what kind of room to watch another video with the bad guy while the raccoon, who has apparently broken out, tells us he needs our human hands to unlock something so he can free everyone. And then we walk out into the basement (?) and climb back upstairs to elevators (?) where we have allowed the raccoon to achieve his goal, I guess, while the elevators go wild to fun music. Yeah, it's a blast! But it's Tower of Tower without a cohesive explanation for any of those places or events.


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