Ride all the boats, meet all the characters - a first-timer's Jan '15 TR 7/28 updates and conclusion

Wednesday - Part 3

After our snack/break we headed on to complete G's passport. In the UK, I got in line to meet Alice and the boys went to search out the CM with the stamp. Her line was moving very quickly (maybe because there was no photo pass here) and I was concerned they wouldn't make it back but they arrived just in time.



We got Grant's last stamp in Canada and then Grant was very concerned about getting back to his Belle. I suggested we stop and meet Pooh on the way back but no, he only had eyes for the lady in the blue dress. So we went ahead and wandered back to France. Somehow Belle's line was already crazy long. She came out maybe 15 min later and her handler had to immediately close the line a few families behind us. Jon grabbed my another of my beloved Grand Mariner slushes (and a beer for himself) while we waited in line. That officially made her line my favorite haha! This Belle was wonderful, so sweet. Grant told her about eating in her castle earlier in the week, they talked about his favorite rides, all in all an amazing interaction.





We were getting close to dinnertime now so we wandered back towards Germany where we had a Beirgarten ADR. This is a place I remember clearly from my trips as a kid. My dad loves this place, we have a German background and it is a family favorite for sure. Since I have memories of it, I warned the boys we'd be sitting with other families. We kind of got the short straw on that though as we were placed at a table with no other children so I felt I needed to keep G on his best behavior. There was an older couple, who I really think were German (thick accent) with a friend. Their friend sat next to Grant and they were all very kind to him. I dug out his passport and put him to work on putting the correct stickers on the correct pages to keep him occupied (he didn't like the food at all) and the older gentleman seemed fascinated by this. There was a mother and grown daughter on our other side and they weren't interested in socializing much at all. Oh well. Jon and I got beer flights. We both got the one that included the grapefruit beer I had read so much about here and I must say, despite the fact that I hate grapefruit, it was really good! The food was good as well - the buffet backed up like crazy but other than that it went smoothly. Once the show started, Grant was up on stage having a blast.


He loved the instruments and getting to run around (dance) like a crazy kid!

Our plan after dinner was to head back towards the Mexico area and ride the boat ride again. It would be the last time G would get to ride it so he very much wanted to do that. After saying goodbye to his favorite ride we thought we would find a spot to watch illuminations. We had about an hour to go and I pulled up the disney wait times website and it said that though Soarin was posted at 45 min it was really only 25. Well, we thought that sounded good so we quickly headed that way. We stopped to get G some light up ears along the way and then jumped in line.


I don't know if the ride went down at some point or if the website was just really off, but it became clear really quickly that not only was the 25 min time off, it was really off. Suddenly the sites were saying actual time was more like 50 min. Jon and I figured that we would just bail and go watch the fireworks. However, Grant had made friends with a little girl his age right behind us and was having a blast with her. He said he very much wanted to stay in line. We explained we would miss the fireworks but he was too interested in playing with the little girl to care. We got off Soarin about 10 min after the fireworks had started so we just headed to the busses getting a glimpse of Illuminations over our shoulders. This was a big bummer for me, I'd really wanted to see the show. I was starting to feel badly as we had told Grant there were fireworks every night at Disney and he'd only gotten to see them once so far. He seemed ok though - will for sure be better about our planning on future trips.

We caught a bus back to POR and were greeted by some new friends.


Another great day complete!
I totally don't blame the Norway CMs for being sick of Frozen...

I love the first picture of G and Snow White ... so great!
All the character pictures are wonderful.

Sorry you didn't get to see Illuminations ... but now you have a great reason to go back!

Those towel animals are really cute.

Sounds like a good afternoon ... even if it didn't end exactly as planned.
Oh, the things we give up for our children (sigh)........but like SarahDisney said, just another reason to go back - soon :thumbsup2
Best feeling at the end of a Disney day is getting back to your room and finding towel animals!!
Living with the Land is one of our favorites. We did Garden Grill our last trip and really liked it. The kids loved how the restaurant rotated over the scenes and the food was pretty good too!

Really glad Grant liked Soarin' - such a neat ride and experience.

That passport sou rd like a great idea and GrAnt seemed so I to it ... I mean, not as into princesses, but still. He really looks just so happy talking to Belle.

The avocado margaritas is one of my favorites long with the jalapeno on. And a new favorite, the horchata.

The pick a pearl is so fun and you get the experiencing nice and a souvenir for not much more than a t-shirt. That blue pearl is very pretty.

Sorry about the time issue and not seeing Illuminations. But seems like missing it was for a good reason and like others have said, a reason to go back ;)
Yet another fantastic day at Disney! We also love the Land and I think we might try a behind the scenes tour this trip We'll have to see. :goodvibes

What is it about that fire truck? My boys are always drawn to it even though they can see fire trucks at home. :confused3

Turtle Crush is our our must-do list. We love Biergarten! We're doing it again this trip, too.

That boy loves his princesses! :thumbsup2
I totally don't blame the Norway CMs for being sick of Frozen...

I love the first picture of G and Snow White ... so great!
All the character pictures are wonderful.

Sorry you didn't get to see Illuminations ... but now you have a great reason to go back!

Those towel animals are really cute.

Sounds like a good afternoon ... even if it didn't end exactly as planned.

Snow White was a great experience. We will definitely make time for more night time shows next trip!

Oh, the things we give up for our children (sigh)........but like SarahDisney said, just another reason to go back - soon :thumbsup2
Best feeling at the end of a Disney day is getting back to your room and finding towel animals!!

Haha, I felt so bad because I really felt like G would have much rather seen the fireworks, but he was enamored with the little girl.

Living with the Land is one of our favorites. We did Garden Grill our last trip and really liked it. The kids loved how the restaurant rotated over the scenes and the food was pretty good too!

Really glad Grant liked Soarin' - such a neat ride and experience.

That passport sou rd like a great idea and GrAnt seemed so I to it ... I mean, not as into princesses, but still. He really looks just so happy talking to Belle.

The avocado margaritas is one of my favorites long with the jalapeno on. And a new favorite, the horchata.

The pick a pearl is so fun and you get the experiencing nice and a souvenir for not much more than a t-shirt. That blue pearl is very pretty.

Sorry about the time issue and not seeing Illuminations. But seems like missing it was for a good reason and like others have said, a reason to go back ;)

The jalapeño marg is on my list for next time - we loved pick a pearl! I need to add the blue pearl to my mother's necklace.

Yet another fantastic day at Disney! We also love the Land and I think we might try a behind the scenes tour this trip We'll have to see. :goodvibes

What is it about that fire truck? My boys are always drawn to it even though they can see fire trucks at home. :confused3

Turtle Crush is our our must-do list. We love Biergarten! We're doing it again this trip, too.

That boy loves his princesses! :thumbsup2

Firetrucks and princesses, we ran the gamut that day!

We made the same mistake with the crepes- WASTE! Yuck!!

I know, kicking myself as that pastry shop was right there!
Hi there!! I have found all my MISSING THREADS! they changed the address and i had to go into my spam filter to release them all!!! I was only about 5 pages behind... SORRY!!!
First i HAVE to say i wast to squish Grant.. I mean i just want to pick him up and squeeze him!!! WHAT A SWEET little boy he is!!! all these pictures are just so so precious! Yes the one with Ariel is to die for. nothing screams Disney like your pictures!!! I am so happy he is having such a great time.. Doesn't matter about not liking roller coasters, Disney is more about the whole then just rides and you are showing that!

We were up bright and early Monday, isn't it amazing how much easier it is to get up in Disney than it is at home?!

Umm No.. Have you read my report?!?! My family thought it better to sleep in every night and had to rush every morning!!! HA HA HA

That really is a bummer as it was probably his favorite ride. Hopefully the novelty has worn off a bit by the next time we go.

I don't think this will ever die down..... ever
I have loved reading your trip report! Your son is a cutie. I have a sensitive daughter so it has been helpful to learn which rides and shows may be too intense for her.
I love your pics of Grant with Belle...adorable.

Thanks! He was certainly enamored

Hi there!! I have found all my MISSING THREADS! they changed the address and i had to go into my spam filter to release them all!!! I was only about 5 pages behind... SORRY!!!
First i HAVE to say i wast to squish Grant.. I mean i just want to pick him up and squeeze him!!! WHAT A SWEET little boy he is!!! all these pictures are just so so precious! Yes the one with Ariel is to die for. nothing screams Disney like your pictures!!! I am so happy he is having such a great time.. Doesn't matter about not liking roller coasters, Disney is more about the whole then just rides and you are showing that!

Umm No.. Have you read my report?!?! My family thought it better to sleep in every night and had to rush every morning!!! HA HA HA

I don't think this will ever die down..... ever

Hey! So glad you found me again - seems like with the new formatting I feel like I'm missing some too. Thanks for your sweet comments about Grant.

And tell me the rumored third TSMM track will make the line die down some (even if it's a lie haha)!

I have loved reading your trip report! Your son is a cutie. I have a sensitive daughter so it has been helpful to learn which rides and shows may be too intense for her.

Yay! Welcome, thanks for joining - there will be tons for your daughter to do - G still had a blast minus a lot of the rides.
umm becuase i just adore you and your family.. I will leave the lying to Pinocchio

he says yes it will cut the lines....
Thursday Part 1 - Universal Studios

I'm not too sure why I've been procrastinating writing about this day of the trip. I think I had impossibly high expectations of what WWoHP would be like for me and for several reasons, while the day was super fun, it just seemed like an 'off' day on the trip. I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan. As in at the bookstores at midnight for every release, I re read the series once a year and am seriously invested in anything HP related. In hindsight, I'm glad we went because I truly wanted to see WWoHP, but at the same time it was ridiculously expensive for one day and Grant was very bummed to leave the Disney bubble. Anyways ...

We didn't bother getting up at any particular time on this day, but naturally we were up and about by around 8. When Grant asked what we were doing that day, he was pretty upset that we weren't doing Disney. He wasn't being bratty but he made it pretty clear that he didn't want to leave Disney for Universal and that he was sad about it. This is where my doubts about the day started to seep in. We hadn't bought Universal tickets yet, and so I kind of debated just staying at Disney and adding a day to our tickets. Jon convinced me I was being ridiculous and G would be fine.

We ate breakfast in the room/got dressed and headed out to the car a bit before 9.
I snapped this as I headed to fill our mugs that morning.


We got in our car and made the drive over to US - pretty easy drive. Our feet were pretty done by this point in the trip so we paid the extra for preferred parking which I think was a good call. We went over to buy our park-to-park tickets and about gagged at the cost (I knew what it would be, still tough to swallow). We decided to head to Hogsmede first as I had heard that Diagon Alley gets the early rush as it's the newest section. We walked through the Dr Seuss area on our way there and the boys rode US version of Dumbo.



This was a cute area and had the train back to this part of the park not gone down, I think G would have enjoyed it (honestly, if the train hadn't have gone down we would have had a much fuller day)

Soon we were entering WWoHP, a moment long awaited by me.





I had read that you were better off to head back to the castle and jump in line for Forbidden Journey right when you get there so that's what we did. Unbeknownst to us, the ride had gone down at some point and the line was crazy backed up. We spent almost an hour in here ...


They announced the ride was back up and soon the line was moving steadily and we were in the castle. If you've been here, you know they make you put your big cameras in the lockers (I should have told them we were doing child swap and hung onto it) so the rest of my pics are phone pics and it is SO DARK everywhere. Here are a few that you can kind of make out.

the house cup points




Anyways, you get the idea. I loved wandering through the castle, they've done an amazing job. I actually wish the line was slower through this part.

The CMs here (don't know if I should call them that) were very nice, they walked me through how to do child swap and got Grant and I settled in a room playing scenes from the HP movies. Honestly at this point I wasn't too sure I was going to ride FJ. I wanted Jon to go first and let me know how it was. I'm terrified of roller coasters and heights but it's a Harry Potter ride so I really wanted to try. Jon came back and said it was amazing and assured me you didn't go upside down or anything so I jumped on. I have to say, as a non ride person, this was amazing! I really enjoyed it, I thought you felt really secure and when the simulation felt too fast I would just close my eyes for a second. I wish we had been able to go again later in the day.

Grant had been a trooper through the very long wait with no pay off for him, so when he asked to go ride the train we headed straight to the station. I felt like we could ride the train back at the end of the day and wander through Hogsmede. This didn't happen so I sadly really didn't get to see much at all of Hogsmede.

We scanned our park to park tickets and headed to the train. There wasn't much of a line at all and we were on in no time. It's hard to get a good photo in this part of the station.


I thought the train ride was well done, the compartments are a bit small when you are crammed in with another large family though. As a fun side note, I'm a wedding planner and just had a bride hire me who was proposed to on the Hogwarts Express (they had their own compartment as he had planned ahead) how fun!

Grant did think some of the train elements were frightening, he was totally up for riding agin so nothing too bad.

We arrived in the other park and found our way to Diagon Alley. I had head the entrance is somewhat hidden, but I was amazed that it really isn't clear at all where you should go. Very well done.


We decided to eat lunch first and we headed to The Leaky Cauldron. I had fish and chips with a frozen butter beer. I thought this was a pretty tasty lunch. The butter beer is rich and got passed around, we all enjoyed it - perhaps Grant loved it the most.





I liked this place a lot for lunch. They bring your food out to you and clear it away. The staff is very friendly and the food/beer selections are interesting.

continued in next post ...
After lunch, we headed to Gringotts to ride Escape from Gringotts. The line was only 20 min long and we got through quite quickly.





Grant and I headed to the child swap room, the workers here weren't quite as nice. Oh, Grant was a bit scared by the elevator "ride" you take to get down the vaults. I wasn't feeling too great right after eating and I was pretty proud I had conquered one ride that day so I decided to forgo riding this one, Jon thought FJ was a bit better anyways. Also, you were in a bank cart with others right next to you on this one (vs the personal compartment you are in on FJ) and I wasn't in a hurry to panic on a ride next to strangers haha.

We headed to Olivander's next where G's day took a turn for the better. We went in the entrance that takes you in to see Olivander. There were three families in our group. Grant was the only child so I was a bit surprised when he selected a 20 something to come do the demonstration with him (she couldn't speak english so I'm not sure she really got the demonstration and he was having to act a lot of it out, but it was still fun for her I'm sure) but I noticed he was watching G as things progressed. When the girl had the first 2 wands, 'bad' things would happen (think thunder or something I can't remember exactly) and Grant would act a bit scared. Once the presentation was over, Olivander had us stay back. He said we were alone now and I was allowed to take pics. He dramatically found a wand for Grant (I was in heaven) and since he had taken note of Grant's reactions, this first wand was magically made just for him and caused good things to happen!


I was really impressed by this interaction and of course we bought the wand. It was (shockingly) one of the interactive wands that allow you to do spells around the park which turned out to be the best thing we could've purchased. A CM explained it to us and gave us a map and we were off. We spent an hour or so wandering the park, going in shops and casting spells.





(drinking from the fountain he turned on via magic)




So, as you probably know, the dragon in the pic above periodically breathes fire. When you are close to it, it is HOT and loud. We were working on a spell outside of a shop nearby and it 'went off' and, I kid you not, G started shaking and just ran off into the crowd of strangers (because that's the logical reaction). He was terrified of this thing and was looking over his shoulder the rest of the time we were there!

I was a bit disappointed in the shopping in this area, the stores are so small and I wasn't a huge fan of the merchandise. I bought some chocolate frogs and then remembering that there were some better options at the dump shop for FJ back in the first park, suggested we take the train back. Grant was all for riding the train again so we headed out of Diagon Alley. There were CMs lining the entrance of the train station letting people know that the train was down. They let you know that it wasn't a situation where it would be back up anytime soon too. They wouldn't even commit to it coming back up that day. This was a pretty big bummer and changed the course of the day pretty dramatically. Our feet were super done and we weren't trekking all the way out of this park, over to the other park, and all the way back to Hogsmede. So we resigned ourselves to wandering around this park a bit and then heading back to Disney (Grant liked this plan). We stopped by to meet a minion and grabbed some pics on the way out.





We probably spent 4-5 hours in the parks this day and had a good time. I think for me, an amusement park version of HP is always going to be odd - If I could go hang out there alone it would probably be amazing haha but to be fighting crowds to see anything was tough. I'm glad we went and I think it will be a blast going with the boys when they are older if they are into it (I would do a few days at Universal with them then probably) but it's hard when you are the only one that excited. Jon really thought the rides were top notch and was glad he got to see it. We headed back to POR for some rest before a night out in DTD.
I'm sorry that US was a bit dissapointing. It may have helped if the train wasn't down so you could have had another ride. That interactive wand looks awesome though. It's always such a tough decision whether or not to leave the Disney bubble as you say. But if you don't get to Orlando that often you sort of feel like you should see HP...that's how I felt last time I went and that was even before the latest expansion. I do wish I could go get a frozen Butterbeer without paying to go in the park though lol
I'm sorry that US was a bit dissapointing. It may have helped if the train wasn't down so you could have had another ride. That interactive wand looks awesome though. It's always such a tough decision whether or not to leave the Disney bubble as you say. But if you don't get to Orlando that often you sort of feel like you should see HP...that's how I felt last time I went and that was even before the latest expansion. I do wish I could go get a frozen Butterbeer without paying to go in the park though lol

Thanks - I feel bad being down on it because they seriously have done an amazing job - it was just a bit of an off day for us. I did for sure feel like I needed to see it while we were so close by!
POOR GRANT!!! oh kills me he got that scared! just wanna hug him. and he is still full of smiles with the minion.. Which by the way is just a HOOT! i love that picture.
I am DYING to see Harry potter. But i don' think my kids are tall enough yet for on the one HP ride?!?!
Then you also mentioned this:
If you've been here, you know they make you put your big cameras in the lockers

WHAT?!?! I have to be away from my camera?!?! IN A LOCKER?! what about a small P&S?
Sorry you had to cut your day short i am sure there is so much more to see in US... One of these years i will get there..
POOR GRANT!!! oh kills me he got that scared! just wanna hug him. and he is still full of smiles with the minion.. Which by the way is just a HOOT! i love that picture.
I am DYING to see Harry potter. But i don' think my kids are tall enough yet for on the one HP ride?!?!
Then you also mentioned this:

WHAT?!?! I have to be away from my camera?!?! IN A LOCKER?! what about a small P&S?
Sorry you had to cut your day short i am sure there is so much more to see in US... One of these years i will get there..

Grant still will flinch/make a comment about that darn dragon when a Universal commercial comes on!

I may have been misleading on the camera comment - you only have to put them in lockers for the big rides, the problem is that the big rides have lines that wind through the coolest parts of the park. I believe you can tell them you just want to do the line (or like me are doing child swap) and you can take them in.
Grant still will flinch/make a comment about that darn dragon when a Universal commercial comes on!

I may have been misleading on the camera comment - you only have to put them in lockers for the big rides, the problem is that the big rides have lines that wind through the coolest parts of the park. I believe you can tell them you just want to do the line (or like me are doing child swap) and you can take them in.

Yeah i don't think that will work with me.. HA HA! Dang IT!
Thanks for posting about your day at Universal. My wife and I really like harry Pttoer - though not as into it as you are - but our kids haven't gotten into it at all so we have been holding off. Some day though. Glad you are happy you went though, despite the challenges and cost

The CMs here (don't know if I should call them that)

I believe they call the workers "Team Members" at universal

Once the presentation was over, Olivander had us stay back. He said we were alone now and I was allowed to take pics. He dramatically found a wand for Grant (I was in heaven) and since he had taken note of Grant's reactions, this first wand was magically made just for him and caused good things to happen!

This sounds like an amazing experience and so great that he could read Grant and how he would react to things. I think if I were in your shoes that interaction alone would have made the day worth it.

That is a major bummer about the train being down though - I almost feel like they shoudl at least refund the up charge for making your tickets park-2-park when that happens (I know that is unrealistic, but seems like you weren't able to get the full benefit and should be compensated some how)


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