Disney is just not the same anymore!!!

And now this thread has been taken over by the usual FP+ detractors.Banding together. Rubbing each other's backs.Comforting one another so they don,t feel bad about their constant bashing of the new system which in a nutshell just spreads the passes evenly to ALL of Disneys guest and they just can,t stand that. Their ability to COMPETE with their fellow vacationers has been hampered and now they don,t know if they WON or LOST their vacation. Because that's what vacation is all about. Right? WINNING. Beating out their fellow vacationers to prove they are the real hardcore Disney fans. As others have stated before FP+ has cut down on the running/competing of guest. This semi aggressive behavior never had a place in Disney IMO and I for one am glad some of it is now gone. I,m sure I will take a lot of heat for this post which is just my opinion. Oh well! I am willing to take the hits to voice how I feel.

Why is it that whenever a thread about fp+ comes up that there are those who ***-u-me that everyone who dislikes the new system were legacy fp super users . Dh and I were nowhere close to that. We have only done rope drop once in our lives. We always arrived to the parks late morning or afternoon/evening. We didn't always get on all the rides but we got on the ones we did with minimal waits ,and were ALWAYS able to get fp's for something worthwhile, we weren't scheduled up the ying yangs, we didn't actually have to have a schedule of where we had to be at a certain time, and on and on and on and on. Funny but when you talk about competing and winning, we never felt like that before but now we do . Never had to worry about getting throwaway rooms in order to just get 3 decent rides without an hour line for thing like potc , small world etc. Now we have to plan and plan and plan and plan. We (shock upon shock) would get to a park and decide while there what we felt like doing depending on what wasn't backed up.....now it all is. It used to be fun....you know ...spontaneity!!!
Oh and btw....don't get me started on the kiosks....when we tried to change a fp while we were there and asked the cm what we had to do first time using it the response was "follow the instructions and you'll figure it out" . He was too busy flirting with a couple of young women to assist :(
There is no argument to back that fast pass plus is easier. You need internet and computer skills for the new system. The legacy way you simply put a ticket in a machine and got a slip of paper out. No comparison! No preplannig no glitches, no waiting at guest relations.

To be fair most 5 year olds could get a FP+. The issue is the glitches, not that the system is computer based.

The world is computer based so if you don't know how to click a mouse or touch a screen your a dying breed. Most people have no issue till something crashes or is bugged.
Oh and btw....don't get me started on the kiosks....when we tried to change a fp while we were there and asked the cm what we had to do first time using it the response was "follow the instructions and you'll figure it out" . He was too busy flirting with a couple of young women to assist

Surely you asked for a supervisor immediately or went to guest services to complain? That's unacceptable by any standard and I hope the cm didn't get away with it. We certainly can't lay the blame for this on fp+ or the kiosks.

And hey, a trip to guest services would've gotten you a couple of anytime passes most likely. :)
Why is it that whenever a thread about fp+ comes up that there are those who ***-u-me that everyone who dislikes the new system were legacy fp super users .

Common tactic in debating... when you don't have a cogent counterpoint, you smear the opponent to discredit their position. But at least PP did so in such a POSTIVE manner that's in keeping with the true spirit of the DIS.

Legacy super users, BTW, were not running little children down and pushing old women out of the way to get their FPs. PP's bias against legacy FP runs deep. I was advised here recently that it's not healthy to bear such deep-seated grudges for "past grievances." Perhaps therapy is in order.

Oh and btw....don't get me started on the kiosks....when we tried to change a fp while we were there and asked the cm what we had to do first time using it the response was "follow the instructions and you'll figure it out" . He was too busy flirting with a couple of young women to assist :(

They're not that hard to use. Anyone who can feed themselves ought to be able to "figure it out." :rotfl2:
Surely you asked for a supervisor immediately or went to guest services to complain? That's unacceptable by any standard and I hope the cm didn't get away with it. We certainly can't lay the blame for this on fp+ or the kiosks.

And hey, a trip to guest services would've gotten you a couple of anytime passes most likely. :)

Nope....we had already been to GS once when our 1 day of fp's vanished (to be fair they hadn't but for some reason they weren't showing up on our tickets it turns out) but after spending over an hour of our vacation time dealing with GS's lines I wasn't going to do that again.
Nope....we had already been to GS once when our 1 day of fp's vanished (to be fair they hadn't but for some reason they weren't showing up on our tickets it turns out) but after spending over an hour of our vacation time dealing with GS's lines I wasn't going to do that again.

Clearly your fault then.

You gotta want it!

Common tactic in debating... when you don't have a cogent counterpoint, you smear the opponent to discredit their position. But at least PP did so in such a POSTIVE manner that's in keeping with the true spirit of the DIS.

Legacy super users, BTW, were not running little children down and pushing old women out of the way to get their FPs. PP's bias runs deep.

They're not that hard to use. Anyone who can feed themselves ought to be able to "figure it out." :rotfl2:

And we did ;)....but alas...couldn't change our time or experience because there was zero availability for anything we wanted. Would have sworn we were there in busy season and not the end of Sept.
And now this thread has been taken over by the usual FP+ detractors.Banding together. Rubbing each other's backs.Comforting one another so they don,t feel bad about their constant bashing of the new system which in a nutshell just spreads the passes evenly to ALL of Disneys guest and they just can,t stand that. Their ability to COMPETE with their fellow vacationers has been hampered and now they don,t know if they WON or LOST their vacation. Because that's what vacation is all about. Right? WINNING. Beating out their fellow vacationers to prove they are the real hardcore Disney fans. As others have stated before FP+ has cut down on the running/competing of guest. This semi aggressive behavior never had a place in Disney IMO and I for one am glad some of it is now gone. I,m sure I will take a lot of heat for this post which is just my opinion. Oh well! I am willing to take the hits to voice how I feel.

I really don't see that in this thread. I kinda like FP+ and the Magic Bands. The criticism is deeper in my opinion.
Clearly your fault then.

You gotta want it!

That's your opinion, not mine.

I always hope people take the time to let their concerns be known. It's the only way to make sure these things don't happen again.

There have been times things have happened that I should complain about, but don't want to take the time out of vacation to do it. I do always follow up with a letter to guest services when we return home if I think it's needed.
And we did ;)....but alas...couldn't change our time or experience because there was zero availability for anything we wanted. Would have sworn we were there in busy season and not the end of Sept.

That's unfortunate. We were there the end of September this year and thought the crowd level was terribly high for that time of year. I don't believe there is a slow season anymore.
To be fair most 5 year olds could get a FP+. The issue is the glitches, not that the system is computer based.

The world is computer based so if you don't know how to click a mouse or touch a screen your a dying breed. Most people have no issue till something crashes or is bugged.

Legacy was sooo much simpler than plus. Place ticket in machine pull out fast pass end of story. The computer part and poor IT department and design is just a few of the reasons why. Many have WIFI issues in the park due to traffic ,batteries run out on phones, glitches so on. It just didn't get any easier than legacy!:confused3
That's unfortunate. We were there the end of September this year and thought the crowd level was terribly high for that time of year. I don't believe there is a slow season anymore.

We were there at the same time. I didn't find the overall crowds to be any higher than in previous yrs at the same time ie : it didn't seem to us that there were more people in the parks. However it did seem that the lines were longer, but my guess is that we would disagree as to why that was ;)
We were there at the same time. I didn't find the overall crowds to be any higher than in previous yrs at the same time ie : it didn't seem to us that there were more people in the parks. However it did seem that the lines were longer, but my guess is that we would disagree as to why that was ;)

Probably.;) DHS was very crowded- there were a few things closing down that weekend that probably accounts for that crowd. F&W festival accounts for the crowds at Epcot. MK is just plain crowded all the time anymore. I know our MNSSHP could easily be described as a bust, and not due to the rain, due to the crowds. . AK was the least crowded, and not bothersome at all to get things done.

I didn't notice the lines being a problem at MK but we did rope drop going to the absolutely empty side of the park- so most of our rides without FP+ were walk ons. I was having too much fun to pay attention to lines of rides we weren't on at the moment. But I saw nothing that made me think lines were longer than I'd normally see. We did get several sdfp and only once ran into a long kiosk line and that was because POC was down.
Probably.;) DHS was very crowded- there were a few things closing down that weekend that probably accounts for that crowd. F&W festival accounts for the crowds at Epcot. MK is just plain crowded all the time anymore. I know our MNSSHP could easily be described as a bust, and not due to the rain, due to the crowds. . AK was the least crowded, and not bothersome at all to get things done.

I didn't notice the lines being a problem at MK but we did rope drop going to the absolutely empty side of the park- so most of our rides without FP+ were walk ons. I was having too much fun to pay attention to lines of rides we weren't on at the moment. But I saw nothing that made me think lines were longer than I'd normally see. We did get several sdfp and only once ran into a long kiosk line and that was because POC was down.

So this is my issue: why does Disney oversell hard ticket events to the point where their guests don't get any value from the experience? I had the same experience last year and would never do it again.
So this is my issue: why does Disney oversell hard ticket events to the point where their guests don't get any value from the experience? I had the same experience last year and would never do it again.

I assume it's because they've found out people will buy them and the majority still love it. I'm in the minority when I complain about the night we went. I've had responses from people that were there saying what a great time they had and how they got many things done. Just like I got a response saying the time period I say was crowded, wasn't unusually crowded to them. So, who knows. It didn't work for us and as long as I'm the minority, there's no reason to change.

The only decision to be made is do I continue to spend my money on something I don't think is worth it and the answer is no.


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