Amy's (Non-Disney) Designs - Part IV

Hi Amy,

Do you make Plants vs. Zombies? If so could I please have something for our grandson Aaron in that design.

Happy 9th Birthday Aaron, To Our Special Grandson, We Love You, Love Nanny and FaFa,

I trust whatever you come up with Amy. They are always wonderful.

Thanks ever so much.:)
Hi Amy, have you ever done any designs for a River Boat Cruise? We are traveling from Vienna, Austria to Amsterdam, Netherlands on the "MS Harmony", the boat is owned by Grand Circle Travel (GCT). We travel 11-1-14 to 11-15-14. I have looked at a lot of your designs, but could not see anything that works. Thank you. Charliebeth

In the research I did, I think the River Harmony is the same as MS Harmony. Please let me know if this is accurate. I wasn't sure how much text you wanted included. Let me know if you would like any changes...

Hi Amy,

I was wondering if you'd be able to come up with a design for me. There is a very special young lady (age 13) at my church that has been through more difficulties than any child should have to suffer and still remains positive, thoughtful, and is an inspiration to all of us.

I would like to make a shirt for her. She absolutely loves mermaids. Her name is Destiny. I would like to put the design on a pink shirt. Do you think you would be able to help me out? I've been racking my brain (what there is left of it... lol!!) and can't come up with anything.

I appreciate your time and talent!

I am not familiar with the show but I had this design with mermaids from a previous requester. Do you think she would like this?

It's adorable Amy, thank you so much! I hope this won't be a huge pain, but they just told me we have to change the location of the shower from the Media Center to Room 199 in the K hall. Would you be able to make this change for me? Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I wasn't sure if you wanted the Roswell North left on - let me know if you need it added.

Hello Amy

I was just wondering if you help me? I am havin a special agent Oso party for my daughter's 1st birthday. Her name is Braylyn.

You previously did a skylanders party pack for me...everyone loved it and your designstotally made the party!!

Could you if possible make me an agent oso party pack...bottle covers...banner circle with "Braylyn".. or anything with happy 1st Birthday etc...

the party is on Nov 8th.

thanks for your time!!

I am sorry but I will be unable to help you with your request. Special Agent Oso is Disney and I am unable to do Disney designs. Sorry!
In the research I did, I think the River Harmony is the same as MS Harmony. Please let me know if this is accurate. I wasn't sure how much text you wanted included. Let me know if you would like any changes...


WOW Amy!! Thank you for doing this picture. This is wonderful. I like the way you put the name of countries, boat and the date. If you could add our names , city and state, it would be great.

Jim & Charliebeth
Honolulu, Hawaii

Thank you so much.
Hi Amy,
I love the minecraft designs you have done on your previous threads. Are you able to do a thank-you tag, VIP neck tag and t-shirts for my son's (Jake) 6th birthday next weekend (19 October).
Sorry to be so disorganised, we really should be more organised with these parties (I am texting the invite, oops).
The boys names for the t-shirts are:
Dylan (my husband)
Kylie (myself)
Thank-you in advance for your magic, you are truely special, thanks for sharing your talent.
Kylie x

Here are your requested designs...











Hi Amy,
I got a pack of your great transfers last week, and Pat made me some awesome Handy Manny Disigns yesterday that I plan to print onto the transfers. The designs have white in them; I'm ironing them onto a colored shirt (green or blue). Will the white in the design look white on the shirt, or will the color of the shirt show through? Or something in between? Thanks so much!

All white areas (or anything lacking color) WILL be white. The easiest way to picture it is if you printed your design to a standard sheet of paper and laid it on your shirt. That is what it will look like. So you will want to be sure to trim off any areas that you do not wish to be white.
Hi Amy,

I am wondering if you can make body parts for the cabin door...I am needing body parts for a "Dallas Cowboys" football player and also a "NY Giants" football player. Please let me know if this is possible.


I would be more than happy to make a full design or a name fill with the teams you have listed but creating something that goes around the porthole on the doors is not something that I do.

I see that you also posted this in a new thread as well. I hope you get some responses in your thread. Sorry I am unable to help you with this.
Hi Amy, could you please send me your link? My email is:

(james underscore a underscore burch at yahoo dot com)

Thank you.
Amy...Would you have time to create a Minion inspired Halloween printable that I could use for my sons Halloween bags as well as a Gru logo that goes on the minions overalls? My boys requested to be minions this year, and your designs will help make their costumes perfect when paired with my rather limited costume making ability ;). I still have a stockpile of transfer paper I ordered from you a while back. I can't wait to pull it out and use again.

I am taking no credit for the logo - this is exactly how I found it online.

If you would like any text changes to the full design, just ask, I wasn't sure what you wanted on it.


I wasn't sure if you wanted the Roswell North left on - let me know if you need it added.


Thank you so much! If it's not too much trouble, would you mind adding in Roswell North Room 199 in the K hall? I just want to be sure everyone gets to the right place.

You do amazing work!
Hi Amy,

Do you make Plants vs. Zombies? If so could I please have something for our grandson Aaron in that design.

Happy 9th Birthday Aaron, To Our Special Grandson, We Love You, Love Nanny and FaFa,

I trust whatever you come up with Amy. They are always wonderful.

Thanks ever so much.:)

I made both a shirt design and a gift tag with your text. If you would like any changes, let me know.


WOW Amy!! Thank you for doing this picture. This is wonderful. I like the way you put the name of countries, boat and the date. If you could add our names , city and state, it would be great.

Jim & Charliebeth
Honolulu, Hawaii

Thank you so much.

Here it is all fixed up...

Thank you so much! If it's not too much trouble, would you mind adding in Roswell North Room 199 in the K hall? I just want to be sure everyone gets to the right place.

You do amazing work!

Here it is all fixed up...



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