We Hopped All The Way To Disneyland Just For Some Dis Meets. Ch. 10. Added-7/14/14

Geez, Thumpers, obviously you did NOT make your siggie link big enough because I didn't notice it until you spelled out your were doing one over on Ponzi's TR.

Well it did start out small.

Then it got a little bigger.

Until it got to this size

Next it will be this size as we're still missing some people.

So, I'm here now, whew!!

We're glad you're here now. :goodvibes

Great job so far, loving your report as always!

Well following Nebo and Ponzi is some tough work, but we'll try to keep you entertained. Glad you're enjoying it.
CARP, I mean PRAC!

You started this way back on Howl O Weenie and I'm just finding it days before Christmas!?!?

I got's me some catchin' up to do for the Holidays. Also just noticed that Queen Betsy started up a PTR a few days ago. So much to do! Ah, my shoppin' can wait; there's still 4 days to go...
What would you do if told you that I
Didn't have a plan for the day.
Would you stand up and walk out on me
Or would we still have fun anyway.

Oh I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm going to try with a little help from my friends

Little back story as to why we chose to Disneyland today instead of California Adventure. Every first weekend of October is the GayDays of Anaheim. Even though the event still takes place at DLR, Disney is no longer the sponsor of this event. Like any other event, DLR will still work with this group to offer group discounts on tickets, lodging and meeting space. This group will make plans to attend each of the parks over the weekend. On Saturday they attended DL. Today they are attending DCA. To avoid the crowds this group can bring in, we chose DL as our park of choice.

Lady H and I were the first to arrive. Well the first to arrive to Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln. We found it odd that Smidgy and Nebo weren’t there before we were. They’re always the first to arrive. You’re on time if you arrive 5 minutes early. You’re late if you arrive on time. Well turns out we were late. Nebo and Smidgy were already inside the park. They went to guest relations so they can get us an Unlimited Fast Pass. Actually it was a GAC for Nebo. We’ll tag along with Nebo and let him get us on all the rides with little to no wait. We’ll use him and abuse him until we can’t anymore. Well at least until they change the rules this week. More about that later.

Ok. Before I get everyone packing up and heading home, we’re not really going to use and abuse Nebo. At least not as much as we possibly could. I know this can be a touchy subject on these boards. Tag along with someone using a GAC and by-pass all the lines. Nebo and Smidgy don’t take advantage of this system. They will only use it when absolutely necessary. Most often when they can, they will get FP’s; or wait in the normal queue if the wait time is short enough.

As I was saying before though, Lady H and I were the first to arrive at GMWML. We weren’t sure if Nebo and Smidgy were here yet. We figured if they were here, they would be at GR getting the GAC since GAC’s are issued on a day to day basis. They told us this when we were visiting them at the pool. We thought about going over there, but we still had to wait for the Queen Bee (Betsey) and her DH (Lance). We have no idea what they look like. We do now, but we didn’t then. We originally tried to schedule one big Dis meet for dinner, but unfortunately Betsey and Lance were unable to make it. She asked if we had any problems meeting up with them today. There were no problems with Lady or myself. I emailed Smidgy and asked if they had a problem. No problem on their end either. All systems go.

While waiting around for everyone, Lady H and I take some pictures.

Mickey Pumpkin

Lady H in front of GMWML.

8 AM and it’s official parking opening time. Characters are out early for Meet & Greets.

Minnie flirting with me. Good thing it was Minnie and not Daisy. Lady H and D'Sis don't like Daisy ever since she refused to take a picture with them back at WDW-AK and only took one with the guys.

Donald on his way to meeting spot. Hope Daisy isn't soon to follow.

Not too long after the characters came out, Nebo & Smidgy did to.
“Good morning
Good morning.
It’s great to say good morning.
Good morning
Good morning to you.”

Nebo looked at me funny when I started singing that song. I guess it wasn’t a good morning for him. We started talking about what they got to do last night. Their night wasn’t as good as their day was if I recall correctly. They’ll have to help me out with this one. Here’s a synopsis of their first day at DL. Well at least what I can remember. They went to DL on Saturday morning. Many of the rides and attractions were down. I guess they were experiencing morning day jitters and were refusing to work for minimal pay. Many of the attractions they tried to do early were closed. This of course leads to long lines at the ones that are working.

Upon conversing with them this morning, we found out that last night was some of the same. They did get to experience a little extra magic in the fireworks department last night though. Friday night was a Halloween Party Night. Due to high winds, Disney cancelled the fireworks for that night. Saturday night, they were treated to the Halloween Party night Fireworks. Anyone who’s gone to these special pay events knows the fireworks shows are usually a little better and a little longer. We were glad that the night at least ended on a positive note.

Then it happened.

Nebo: “So what’s the plan for the day.”
T_Man: “Plan? Was I supposed to come up with one?”
Nebo (in his best sarcastic voice): “Yes.”
T_Man (still with no plan, but thinking fast): “Well if Betsey and her DH show up soon, we’ll hop aboard that train there and beat everyone to Frontierland. We discovered on our last trip that your Magic Kingdom trick works here to.” (Phew. T_Man wipes the sweat from his brow.)
Nebo: “Uh-Huh. Then what?”
T_Man (once again thinking of a plan): “Well since you said you haven’t rode Splash yet, thought we would hit that first because lines for that get really long. Then we’ll circle the park the opposite way while everyone is headed this way.”
Lady H and I did this last time we were here. We were able to get on the attractions quickly. It worked then so I’m hoping it will work now. Nebo and Smidgy are satisfied with the plan. I’ll make up the rest of the plan as we go along. Now for this plan to be successful, we need Queen Bee and her DH to show up soon. Like real soon. Like before the train departs and we have to wait for the next one.

5 minutes after 8, the train departs. Guess we’ll have to wait on the next one. Just as the train pulls away, Betsey and Lance show up. She’s running and yelling towards us. Nebo turns and runs the other way. Smidgy gives chase to catch him so she can bring him back. Lady H gives chase to Smidgy, who is chasing Nebo. Betsey and Lance have strange puzzling looks on their faces. I just shrug my shoulders :confused3 and take their pictures.

I know Betsey, that’s not how it happened at all. You were running With Arms Wide Open, Under the Sunlight, Welcome to this place, I’ll show you everything. There were hugs all around.

“How are ya. Good to see ya. You’re fly’s undone. Welcome.”

From left to right (your other left Ponzi): Lance, Nebo, Smidgy, Betsey.

On this next picture, we asked a CM passing by if she wouldn’t mind taking a picture of the group. Little did she know we would bombard her with 3 cameras.

After 5 minutes or so of talking, Nebo was getting a little anxious to hit the parks. Told Betsey what our intentions were and we headed up the stairs to the train station. Being we already missed the first train, we have to wait for the next train. One usually comes around every 10 minutes or so. Once we got to the train station, we had to wait another 10 minutes before the next train came. So much for beating the crowds to Frontierland.

We get to Frontierland and what do you know, we did beat the crowds after all. Now let’s hope there’s not a repeat performance from yesterday.

We walked towards Splash Mountain. Still closed. CM’s don’t know when it will be open.
There’s Haunted Mansion, but I know that has to wait until the night time. Haunted Mansion is suggested anyways so we go. Closed. Oh Man. 0-2. This is not turning out very good.
Next suggestion since we’re in the vicinity. Pirates of the Caribbean. Again, another ride I was trying to save for night, but what the heck.

Dare to take a guess?

Nope. This one was open. Only a 5 minute wait so we all go. I trying taking pictures in here. Without a flash though, they don’t come out very good. After PoTC, we see Splash and HM are still closed. Nebo asks “now what.” Unfortunately I don’t have a good answer for him but simply “your guess is as good as mine.” “Well don’t you have a backup plan” they ask. “I didn’t even have a first plan much less a backup plan” I say jokingly. I could see it in their facial expressions that they didn’t appreciate the fact that I didn’t have a plan as to what rides and in what order we would do things. Lady H could see me struggling to come up with things to do. I think Queen Bee could as well and she came to my rescue. Thankfully her and Lance are frequent visitors here so they took control. I failed at my mission, but was happy to be receiving some help.

Betsey and Lance pick some of their favorite rides to do. We head on over to Tomorrowland. The new plan now is to get a FP for Star Tours and depending on what the wait time is, ride as much in between. With the feeling of disappointment, we walk over to Tomorrowland. Lady H tries to console me along the way. She tells me there’s only so much we can do if the rides are closed. I can tell in her eyes that she was feeling the pressure right along with me. Things can only get better from here right?

We get our FP’s for Star Tours and head on over to Buzz. It’s only a 10 minute wait and we still have an hour before we can use our ST FP. As we get in line, I get red flagged.

I guess if it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all? :rolleyes2

The CM tells me to hand it to the next CM I come across. There was one walking by. Was I supposed to give it to that person? We get to the front of the queue and I hand the red tag to that CM. I guessing this was the right CM. Each couple faces off against their respective spouse. I think I beat Lady H but I don’t quite recall. She tried to take a picture of our scores, but she didn’t catch her score in time. We can always email them to ourselves like we did last time. Or not. Everyone was ahead of us and they went straight out the door. In order for us to keep up, we had to skip sending the picture to ourselves. We’ll see if we can do this again later.

Next stop is the Matterhorn. There is a 45 minute wait for this ride already. Smidgy suggests using the GAC to get us on more quickly. Nebo hesitatingly agrees and a 45 minute wait now becomes only a 5 minute wait. The Matterhorn is just as rough as I remember the first time. I was surprised Nebo and Smidgy went on it again. They thought it was pretty rough when they went on it yesterday.

After Matterhorn, we head over to the boring; I mean classic, Storybook Land. You get in a boat and cruise around looking at models (sorry guys, not those type of models; family park remember) of some of your favorite Disney tales.

Let’s have look shall we.

Modeling for the camera are Betsy and Lance.

A model want to be.

Now for some of the actual ride models.

Now that torture is over, our FP for Star Tours can now be used. We’re within the legal time frame. We make our way to Star Tours, surrender our FP’s and proceed to the ride.

There’s a thermal vision camera somewhere close by. You can see yourself on this screen if you’re in the right spot. I don’t quite remember, but I think that is Smidgy in the lower right corner.

After Star Tours we all head over to Space Mountain. When we get there, only 4 people from our group ride. 2 chicken out and sit this one out. Your mission, to figure out which 2 sit this one out. And the answer isn’t as obvious as it seems.

Figure out yet, which 2 sit this one out?

You all know me, I don’t miss out on thrill rides. I will do them multiple times a day given the chance. So starting the process of elimination, you know I’m 1 of the 4.

Nebo is also a thrill ride junkie. Anyone that has read his TR’s knows this. He’s on board and now counts as the 2nd of 4.

Dumb Wife, Dumb Wife? If you read our last TR, then you know she will do each thrill ride at least once. She also rode Space Mountain last trip and is doing so again this trip. She’s the 3rd of the 4.

That leaves 3 people left. Smidgy, Lance and Queen Bee.

You think a man steps up to the plate and tries to be manly; and tries to prove to the guys he can handle the ride? Nope. He’s our first chicken. That’s ok Lance, we know about your situation. Better to be safe than sorry. We’ll let you pass this time.

We’re down to 2. Everyone who knows Smidgy knows she don’t do thrill rides. We don’t know Betsy well enough to know if she does thrill rides or not. She looks like the daring type, but is she?

Queen bee is our last chicken. She sits this one out with Lance. They will wait for us.

Which means our final rider is:


Are you just as shocked as we were? She was the last person we expected to go on Space Mountain. Her reasoning is because she gets to sit beside Nebo, she’s hoping to come out alive. She can handle BTMRR (which unfortunately was closed for refurbishment during our trip), she thinks she can handle Space.

The four of us make our way towards Space Mountain. Wait time is kinda long, but Nebo agrees to use the DAC. This of course is one ride where he really needs to use it. It didn’t take us long to get on the ride. Going through the queue, you could see the tension on Smidgy’s face. I don’t know if it was nerves, excitement or a little bit of both. During the course of the ride, you could see some of the holiday decorations that had been put in place. Well at least I did. Smidgy was busy screaming. I couldn’t tell if Lady H had her eyes open or not. She can let us know. During the ride, I also had to hold on to Lady H’s hat, while it was still on her head. She still had it on and once we hit the first dip, it almost flew off.

We all survive the ride. Time to find out where Lance and Betsey disappeared to. We find them and say what’s next. Park is getting a little more crowded now. Lance and Betsey are getting ready to call it quits for the day. It was a fun morning with them and I appreciate her trying to help bail me out.

Nebo and Smidgy ask what we’re going to do. I know prior to the trip, we had discussed about going to ESPN Zone to eat. I told her we still plan on going to ESPN Zone, but before we do that, we want to go to Innoventions to see the Iron Man exhibit. We still have at least 3 ½ hours before we can check in to our resort and still have some time to kill. She says her and Nebo are going back to the hotel to rest. They were still a little tired from the night before and they want to get in some pool time while the weather is still nice. We agree to meet back here at 6 so we can get in some of the other dark rides and catch the first show of Fantasmic at 9.

We say our goodbyes to Lance and Queen Bee. Nebo and Smidgy walk out with them; Lady H and I are now on our own. I survived for now.
CARP, I mean PRAC!

You started this way back on Howl O Weenie and I'm just finding it days before Christmas!?!?

I got's me some catchin' up to do for the Holidays. Also just noticed that Queen Betsy started up a PTR a few days ago. So much to do! Ah, my shoppin' can wait; there's still 4 days to go...

We're glad that you're here at least.

I noticed Queen Bee's Pre Trippie as well. I'll have to pop in. Once I'm done there, go and destroy Ponzi's report. I have a little more time today. I'll be the only one in my office next week, so I'll have plenty of time next week as well.
Innoventions?? they have that at DL? And I never ever heard of storyland :confused3 And yes, I was there once for a day.

Queenbetsy, wow, I was surprised to see your pic, I pictured you as a little gray haired old lady, LOL. Looking good!:thumbsup2

Space Mountain: Last time I rode that was maybe in the 70's with my mom.
She sat behind me. She was in her 70's at the time. The entire time I did not hear a peep out of her, I was scared to death that she had had a heart attack and died on the ride. But she was fine, said that she was afraid that if she opened her mouth her dentures would fly out. And a well founded fear that was, from what I understand. That was the last time I was on that ride.

Thanks for the update, T-Man!
Innoventions?? they have that at DL?


Not quite like the Innoventions at Epcot though. I'll talk more about it next chapter.

And I never ever heard of storyland :confused3 And yes, I was there once for a day.

Obviously you didn't pay attention to our last TR. We mentioned it. BRIEFLY. :rotfl:

Space Mountain: Last time I rode that was maybe in the 70's with my mom.
She sat behind me. She was in her 70's at the time. The entire time I did not hear a peep out of her, I was scared to death that she had had a heart attack and died on the ride. But she was fine, said that she was afraid that if she opened her mouth her dentures would fly out. And a well founded fear that was, from what I understand. That was the last time I was on that ride.

This it too funny. Can you imagine approaching the CM after you get off the ride.

"Excuse me but I lost my teeth on the ride."
"I'm sorry ma'am. Did something hit you in the mouth?"
"No. I opened my mouth and they flew out. Can somebody go find them for me please?"

Thanks for the update, T-Man!

Thanks for following along and making me laugh.
You wouldn't believe the things they find on Space Mountain. Don't ask me for details, I don't remember, LOL, but dentures are definitely one of them
What would you do if told you that I
Didn't have a plan for the day.
Would you stand up and walk out on me
Or would we still have fun anyway.

Oh I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm going to try with a little help from my friends


Even though the event still takes place at DLR, Disney is no longer the sponsor of this event.

hmmmm.... interesting.
Consumer backlash?

To avoid the crowds this group can bring in, we chose DL as our park of choice.

And yet... if I had the time (i.e. I've already gone on all the rides) I'd love to go. Just to see the reactions of those who didn't know about it.

You’re on time if you arrive 5 minutes early. You’re late if you arrive on time.

Yup. That's pretty much how I figure it too.

Well turns out we were late.

How dare you be on time???

Nebo and Smidgy were already inside the park. They went to guest relations so they can get us an Unlimited Fast Pass.

When I first read that, I was like, "What???? How? What? HOW??"

Actually it was a GAC for Nebo.

Then, as Neebs is wont to say, the nickle dropped.

We’ll tag along with Nebo and let him get us on all the rides with little to no wait. We’ll use him and abuse him until we can’t anymore.

That's okay. That's what he's there for.

Ok. Before I get everyone packing up and heading home,

Heh. I'm just about finished my next chapter and that's almost the same thing I said in mine.

great minds think alike.

Which in no way explains why our minds thought alike.

we’re not really going to use and abuse Nebo.

What?? Why not????

At least not as much as we possibly could.

Well... okay.
As long as there's at least some abuse.

I know this can be a touchy subject on these boards. Tag along with someone using a GAC and by-pass all the lines.

Oh really? I hadn't noticed...


Nebo and Smidgy don’t take advantage of this system. They will only use it when absolutely necessary. Most often when they can, they will get FP’s; or wait in the normal queue if the wait time is short enough.

I don't think Nebo should ever use the normal queue.

He doesn't qualify.

As I was saying before though, Lady H and I were the first to arrive at GMWML. We weren’t sure if Nebo and Smidgy were here yet. We figured if they were here, they would be at GR getting the GAC since GAC’s are issued on a day to day basis.

Is it more odd that I understood what you just said there or that I'm asking if it's odd?

we still had to wait for the Queen Bee (Betsey) and her DH (Lance). We have no idea what they look like. We do now, but we didn’t then.

So how was that?
Were you guys pointing at random couples and saying, "Is that them? How about those two? What about that couple?"

8 AM and it’s official parking opening time.

So did you have to go back and re-park the car?
Or did you have EPH?

Good thing it was Minnie and not Daisy. Lady H and D'Sis don't like Daisy ever since she refused to take a picture with them back at WDW-AK and only took one with the guys.

Haters gonna hate.


Not too long after the characters came out, Nebo & Smidgy did to.

They did?

Oh, right. You did mention GayDays were going on, so I guess it's as good a time as any to come out.

“Good morning
Good morning.
It’s great to say good morning.
Good morning
Good morning to you.”

Nebo looked at me funny when I started singing that song.

:lmao: You actually sang it?
That's hysterical.

They went to DL on Saturday morning. Many of the rides and attractions were down. I guess they were experiencing morning day jitters and were refusing to work for minimal pay. Many of the attractions they tried to do early were closed. This of course leads to long lines at the ones that are working.

wow. fun.

Maybe don't open the park early if nothing's going to be open?

I know. Crazy thought.

They did get to experience a little extra magic in the fireworks department last night though.
Saturday night, they were treated to the Halloween Party night Fireworks. Anyone who’s gone to these special pay events knows the fireworks shows are usually a little better and a little longer. We were glad that the night at least ended on a positive note.

Me too. We did MNSSHP last time and the fireworks were really good.

Nebo: “So what’s the plan for the day.”
T_Man: “Plan? Was I supposed to come up with one?”
Nebo (in his best sarcastic voice): “Yes.”
T_Man (still with no plan, but thinking fast): “Well if Betsey and her DH show up soon, we’ll hop aboard that train there and beat everyone to Frontierland. We discovered on our last trip that your Magic Kingdom trick works here to.” (Phew. T_Man wipes the sweat from his brow.)

Nice save.
You get 3 points.

Nebo: “Uh-Huh. Then what?”


T_Man (once again thinking of a plan): “Well since you said you haven’t rode Splash yet, thought we would hit that first because lines for that get really long. Then we’ll circle the park the opposite way while everyone is headed this way.”

And then thinks to self, "Please, oh please, don't ask me for any more!!"

It worked then so I’m hoping it will work now.

I'll bet!

Nebo and Smidgy are satisfied with the plan.

T-Man's pulse and respiration begin to go down.

I’ll make up the rest of the plan as we go along.

So ya like livin' on the edge, huh?

Now for this plan to be successful, we need Queen Bee and her DH to show up soon. Like real soon. Like before the train departs and we have to wait for the next one.

Relax... I'm sure they'll get there in plenty of time.

5 minutes after 8, the train departs.

Or not...

Betsey and Lance show up. She’s running and yelling towards us. Nebo turns and runs the other way. Smidgy gives chase to catch him so she can bring him back. Lady H gives chase to Smidgy, who is chasing Nebo.


I know Betsey, that’s not how it happened at all.

Awww... But I liked your way so much better!

“How are ya. Good to see ya. You’re fly’s undone. Welcome.”

:lmao: Hopefully, Neebs will check first before leaving the hotel room next time.

From left to right


(your other left Ponzi)

Ah! Now I got it.

On this next picture, we asked a CM passing by if she wouldn’t mind taking a picture of the group. Little did she know we would bombard her with 3 cameras.

CMs... all smiles on the outside.
On the inside... "I hate my life."

We get to Frontierland and what do you know, we did beat the crowds after all. Now let’s hope there’s not a repeat performance from yesterday.

You just had to say it, didn't you?

Next suggestion since we’re in the vicinity. Pirates of the Caribbean. Again, another ride I was trying to save for night, but what the heck.

Dare to take a guess?

Sure! I'll guess open?

Nope. This one was open.

Wait! I got it right?

What kind of a rigged game are you trying to play here, mister?

“Well don’t you have a backup plan” they ask.

ruh roh

“I didn’t even have a first plan much less a backup plan” I say jokingly. I could see it in their facial expressions that they didn’t appreciate the fact that I didn’t have a plan as to what rides and in what order we would do things.

Oh, dude.

You are so in trouble.

I failed at my mission, but was happy to be receiving some help.

If you ever get a self destructing message that starts with "Your mission if you choose to accept it..."

Just say no and move on.

Lady H tries to console me along the way. She tells me there’s only so much we can do if the rides are closed.

Kids! Tell your parents!
Come to Disneyland!
Where you can stand around and look at all the rides that your parents were once able to ride!

The CM tells me to hand it to the next CM I come across. There was one walking by. Was I supposed to give it to that person?

Oh, man. Just to see the CM's face if you did that!

CM on the inside.....

I think I beat Lady H but I don’t quite recall.

You don't quite recall???
Then you lost, dude.

Modeling for the camera are Betsy and Lance.


I'll just say it.

I read Betsey's shirt... and decided right then and there that if I ever met her in person, I'd have to be careful never to turn my back to her.

Or maybe I will...
Cheap thrills are the best kind of thrill, right?

(seriously, nice pic of them)

There’s a thermal vision camera somewhere close by. You can see yourself on this screen if you’re in the right spot. I don’t quite remember, but I think that is Smidgy in the lower right corner.

Oh, absolutely.

Your mission, to figure out which 2 sit this one out. And the answer isn’t as obvious as it seems.

Oh, sure.
You get to fail missions but still get to assign them?
Is that fair?

Here's my guess prior to reading on.

Mr & Mrs Bunny
Betsey & Lance

I thought maybe going from light to dark would bother Nebo and Smidgy would stay with him.

We don’t know Betsy well enough to know if she does thrill rides or not. She looks like the daring type, but is she?

Well, she wore that suggestive shirt, so...

Which means our final rider is:


Guess I was wrong.

She can handle BTMRR (which unfortunately was closed for refurbishment during our trip), she thinks she can handle Space.

That's like saying, "I can handle a pug, so I can handle a rottweiler."

During the course of the ride, you could see some of the holiday decorations that had been put in place. Well at least I did. Smidgy was busy screaming.


During the ride, I also had to hold on to Lady H’s hat, while it was still on her head. She still had it on and once we hit the first dip, it almost flew off.

Don't the CMs normally make you take off hats?

Lance and Betsey are getting ready to call it quits for the day. It was a fun morning with them and I appreciate her trying to help bail me out.

And it was nice of you to posts pics so we can put a face to the name, now.

we want to go to Innoventions to see the Iron Man exhibit.

That sounds cool!

We say our goodbyes to Lance and Queen Bee. Nebo and Smidgy walk out with them; Lady H and I are now on our own. I survived for now.

atta boy.

Great chapter, Mike. :thumbsup2
Thanks for posting! :goodvibes
Hey there, Thumpy.
Stumbled across this and thought you might be interested...


That first one with the cork is awesome.
ya better hurry.
by the time you read this, I'll probably already have posted the next chapter.

Yeah. I noticed. I got a new tablet for Christmas. I guess I was a really good boy this year. Maybe now I can keep up a little better.
Hey there, Thumpy.
Stumbled across this and thought you might be interested...


That first one with the cork is awesome.

Is this our Christmas present? And by present I mean did you actually go out and buy the bottles for us. Or are you just being a tease?
Yeah. I noticed. I got a new tablet for Christmas. I guess I was a really good boy this year. Maybe now I can keep up a little better.


Oh! You were serious.
Mea culpa

(which I think means I eat salad, or something)

Is this our Christmas present? And by present I mean did you actually go out and buy the bottles for us. Or are you just being a tease?

Just being a tease.
But if I had seen them in real life instead of just a pic on the net... I definitely would've tried to buy them...
Although, I would think the ones on the left might be pretty darn expensive.
Hello Thumpers! I am checking in - I don't even have an excuse for missing the debut of this TR - Oh, maybe it was Halloween or something. :scratchin Yep that's it! It was Halloween, then it was Thanksgiving, then Christmas...

Anyway, looking forward to catching up on your adventure!
But if I had seen them in real life instead of just a pic on the net... I definitely would've tried to buy them...
Although, I would think the ones on the left might be pretty darn expensive.

If the two on the left were actually full of their original content, they would probably be pretty illegal as well. Up to 1903 Coca-Cola contained a now illegal extract of the coca leaf (whose name I expect might not pass the filter here).


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