DIS Divas Trip! (old thread, see first post for link to new one)

Hey Beth - I love going to San Diego too but I'm poor so I have to choose one trip per year - so I have chosen Disneyland the last couple of years. This year with the awful spring/summer that I've had my sister suggested we go to San Diego for a couple of days and I can pay her back over the next few months. I jumped at the chance. Since I am on a tight budget we didn't stay anywhere exciting and we spent some time at Mission Beach and the zoo - which I love. I could spend days at that zoo it is amazing!

Then yesterday we made the long boring trip back across the desert to Phoenix - not the fun part of any trip but has to be done.

Now it is Monday and I'm back to work trying to get my head back in the game. Students will be here soon and we have to be ready to help them get situated and settled for the semester.

Have a great week!

It is an AWFUL drive!

My daughter has check-in at 12:30pm on August 17, then moving into Hassayampa. Will you be close by? I can at least stop by and say HI!
Good afternoon, ladies! Yep, it's a Monday. I'm feeling very blah although I'm not sure why. :confused3 Hmm. Oh, well.
Hope you all have a good start to your week!

Hey Beth - I love going to San Diego too but I'm poor so I have to choose one trip per year - so I have chosen Disneyland the last couple of years. This year with the awful spring/summer that I've had my sister suggested we go to San Diego for a couple of days and I can pay her back over the next few months. I jumped at the chance. Since I am on a tight budget we didn't stay anywhere exciting and we spent some time at Mission Beach and the zoo - which I love. I could spend days at that zoo it is amazing!

Then yesterday we made the long boring trip back across the desert to Phoenix - not the fun part of any trip but has to be done.

Now it is Monday and I'm back to work trying to get my head back in the game. Students will be here soon and we have to be ready to help them get situated and settled for the semester.

Have a great week!
Ugh, driving home is the worst, isn't it? It was so hard coming from the lush, green scenery of Washington and Oregon, to the many shades of taupe here in the desert.

Good luck getting back to work.

I loved San Diego and Carlsbad when we were there a few months ago. Such a pretty area. Would love to live there some day. Or at least take more trips there. We are going with another couple next May on a 2 week trip and are driving down. We are definitely stopping for a few days in the San Diego area.

I used to want to live there. Ruben and I went so often when we were dating. We'd talk about how we'd get a house there. While I still love it, I'm glad we don't live there. It's so crowded now compared to what I remember 25 years ago! Or, perhaps I am just getting old and prefer a place with less people. ;)
I know I don't post much on here or the Divas thread but I read; promise!

I'm currently planning a short WDW trip for my little sister and I in late January, so obviously that is taking up all of the planning part of my brain. I'm so familiar with DLR that my planning is usually very minimal since I've done most everything. I love planning so I'm loving this time before the trip to read trip reports, menus and about new things that we must do at WDW.

I hope you are all having a wonderful summer so far. I've had a good one but I'm looking forward to fall. Mostly my trip to visit my sister over Thanksgiving.

Also my uncle and his family are coming from TX before they are officially moved to HI (army). I haven't seen them since last year and who knows when I'll see them again as flying to/from HI for 5 can be VERY expensive.
It only took me 4 pages to catch up on all of July!

Now I can start thinking about my next Disney trip (Sept 24 & 25). WAY too far off. LOL

I know, I've been lazy about getting on disBoards because I can catch up on a couple weeks in a short time. And, I have Facebook open most of the day so I feel like I keep up.

If my trip doesn't get delayed again, I'll beat you to DL by a few days. We're scheduled to head down on the 2nd.

Welcome back!
Good morning all. I too stop by and read and am actually on here more lately as we have our halloween trip in Oct and are now planning for our Nov of 14 trip and I VERY rarely go to the DW side of the site but I went over there to do some reading and ask some questions but they are just not as responsive over there. :( I asked questions in 3 different areas and only got 1 or 2 responses. My mom owns a timeshare and we are planning to trade in to DVC but one thing we did NOT know is that they only release a VERY small portion of the rooms for exchanges and so even though we have tried to book more than a year out there is nothing. We are now on a wait list that could take 3 or 4 months or we might not get it at all. So if we don't get anything by Oct my mom is just going to book something onsight. Prob Port Orleans. We could use our timeshare offsite but really want to do the dinning plan. So there is so much to do and think about. I also have most of oct DL trip done. We are going to do the happy haunts tour and I can't book that till 30 days out or our dinning but otherwise we have a room and our party booked. REALLY looking forward to that.

And then yesterday I bought a book on New England. That is a LONG way away but I wanted to start doing some reading and try to start getting some ideas. I am REALLY excited at the thought of that trip and hope it all works out that we can go. WE are hoping to fly in to NYC and spend 3 or 4 days in Manhatten and then take the train to Boston and go to Salem for Haunted Happenings and then explore some of the New England states. I want to go to Maine New Hampshire and Vermont.

Anywho hope everyone is having a great day!
It is an AWFUL drive!

My daughter has check-in at 12:30pm on August 17, then moving into Hassayampa. Will you be close by? I can at least stop by and say HI!

Stacie - I won't be here that day - typically we only have weekend hours the Saturday after school starts although this year they are opting to have us stay until 6:30 a couple nights a week instead. We'll see how it all works out.

Good Luck with the move in - they typically have tons of students to help welcome the new students to campus and help them move in. It is far more organized than when I was in school and we had to schlep everything up and down the stairs one armload at a time - I do not miss those days at all!! :scared1:

I sincerely hope they get the construction on Rural completed and cleaned up before that week - otherwise it is going to be a nightmare! It is a complete mess right now and you can barely get on and off campus.
I was just saying to Russ earlier today that I was hoping Southwest would have a sale soon that would cover December so I could book my Holiday trip down to DL and BOOM! There it was this evening in my email! Boo-YA! Going down for a quick 1 night trip December 17/18. Looking forward to seeing CarsLand all decorated for Christmas. I was at WDW for their Holiday stuff last year, so I had to pass on DL.
Trudi, this place is a ghost town....but our FB page always has something new and interesting. :thumbsup2

Truth be told I sort of forget to check in here.:( I check FB throughout the day and do Swagbucks early in the morning, afternoon and evening. The rest of my day is spent trying to keep unruly kids in line. I honestly don't know why kids act up so much. It wasn't this way 5-10 years ago. It's an exhausting long day.

I had a great time at DL on Sunday with Violet. She is becoming my DL buddy.:)
This was her 4th trip. Her favorite ride is Small World and she loves the Billys. She claps along and swings her legs. I think I might have to dress her up as a princess or Minnie next time.

Anyone going to be in the parks Labor Day weekend?

My mom and I will be there Friday-Sunday. Although I'm not going in on Saturday (blocked out). We'll just do DTD, the Garden Walk and hit the outlet store, plus I have the 10K on Saturday morning.

We are eating at the Cheescake Factory on Saturday night if anyone wants to join us. :thumbsup2
Hello darlings. Nothing new here, but I just booked the family cabin on the coast for Aug 12-15. Four days of NOTHING. Aaaaaahhhhhh! Beth, get to Sacramento, Fairfield, Vallejo or Petaluma and I'll pick you up along the way! LOL
Hello darlings. Nothing new here, but I just booked the family cabin on the coast for Aug 12-15. Four days of NOTHING. Aaaaaahhhhhh! Beth, get to Sacramento, Fairfield, Vallejo or Petaluma and I'll pick you up along the way! LOL

Hi Lisa! I lived in your neck of the woods for 9 years! With all of these fires in Southern Oregon, I sure miss the sweltering heat of Sacramento this week! Enjoy your vacation!
Stacie - I won't be here that day - typically we only have weekend hours the Saturday after school starts although this year they are opting to have us stay until 6:30 a couple nights a week instead. We'll see how it all works out.

Good Luck with the move in - they typically have tons of students to help welcome the new students to campus and help them move in. It is far more organized than when I was in school and we had to schlep everything up and down the stairs one armload at a time - I do not miss those days at all!! :scared1:

I sincerely hope they get the construction on Rural completed and cleaned up before that week - otherwise it is going to be a nightmare! It is a complete mess right now and you can barely get on and off campus.

Darn! Since I'll be there during the semester at some point, we'll have to meet up then.
Good morning, ladies! It's Thursday!! Whoo hooo!!! :banana: What's so exciting about Thursday? Well, it's one day closer to Friday, of course. ;)

I cannot believe it's August 1st. My kids go back to school in just over 3 weeks and I am so not ready for that! I hate back to school shopping. It's almost as bad as Christmas when it comes to the checkbook! :scared1: Oh, well, what can ya do?!

Take care, and have a great day everyone.

I'm currently planning a short WDW trip for my little sister and I in late January, so obviously that is taking up all of the planning part of my brain. I'm so familiar with DLR that my planning is usually very minimal since I've done most everything. I love planning so I'm loving this time before the trip to read trip reports, menus and about new things that we must do at WDW.
Hi, Cristabel! That's so cool that you and your sis are going to WDW. Fun, fun! Sounds like you have a lot to look forward to in the next couple of months, too. :goodvibes

If my trip doesn't get delayed again, I'll beat you to DL by a few days. We're scheduled to head down on the 2nd.
Have a great time in DL, Cindy! Here's hoping for no delays. :wizard:

WE are hoping to fly in to NYC and spend 3 or 4 days in Manhatten and then take the train to Boston and go to Salem for Haunted Happenings and then explore some of the New England states. I want to go to Maine New Hampshire and Vermont.
OMG Kelly, this is a trip I would LOVE!!! So jealous! Well, the NYC part I personally could do without, but Ruben would enjoy it. (That city looks big and scary to me, lol. :eek: ) But, I'd love to one day fly into Boston, spend Halloween in Salem and then tour the New England states. One day....one day. Happy planning and enjoy your book! :)

Good Luck with the move in - they typically have tons of students to help welcome the new students to campus and help them move in. It is far more organized than when I was in school and we had to schlep everything up and down the stairs one armload at a time - I do not miss those days at all!! :scared1:
Hi, Dawn. I have to say, I'm kind of glad Adam is not leaving home to go to college. This whole dorm thing sounds like a pain in the butt. :p Plus, I'd just really miss having him around.....well, most days. :rotfl:

I was just saying to Russ earlier today that I was hoping Southwest would have a sale soon that would cover December so I could book my Holiday trip down to DL and BOOM! There it was this evening in my email! Boo-YA! Going down for a quick 1 night trip December 17/18. Looking forward to seeing CarsLand all decorated for Christmas. I was at WDW for their Holiday stuff last year, so I had to pass on DL.
Awesome, Lisa!! Christmas time is so pretty at DL. Not as fun as Halloween of course, but still nice. ;)

Truth be told I sort of forget to check in here.:( I check FB throughout the day and do Swagbucks early in the morning, afternoon and evening. The rest of my day is spent trying to keep unruly kids in line. I honestly don't know why kids act up so much. It wasn't this way 5-10 years ago. It's an exhausting long day.

I had a great time at DL on Sunday with Violet. She is becoming my DL buddy.:)
This was her 4th trip. Her favorite ride is Small World and she loves the Billys. She claps along and swings her legs. I think I might have to dress her up as a princess or Minnie next time.
Hey, Trudi. No worries. Not much planning happening now anyway. And, we do all of our non-trip chatting on Facebook so you aren't missing anything.

I don't know how you handle so many kids all day long. I'm sure I could not do it. Kids are bratty now because most parents don't spank. :rolleyes1 lol Just kidding, calm down everyone. ;)
I really don't know why they are harder to discipline, but it does seem like parents now-a-days let their kids get away with much too much.
At Adam's Explorer graduation ceremony last night, some parents were letting their kids run around in the aisles and make noise during some of the speeches. I was like...what the heck? Kids will be kids, and some have shorter attention spans than others, but they weren't even attempting to restrain them or entertain them. At make some effort.
When mine were little, if we attended an event like that, I went armed with snacks/drinks, books, quiet toys, etc to keep them busy so as not to disturb those around me.
Anyway, who knows why it's different now... :confused3

I'm glad you are enjoying time with Violet at Disney! That's great. She's such a cutie. princess:


Anyone going to be in the parks Labor Day weekend?

My mom and I will be there Friday-Sunday. Although I'm not going in on Saturday (blocked out). We'll just do DTD, the Garden Walk and hit the outlet store, plus I have the 10K on Saturday morning.

We are eating at the Cheescake Factory on Saturday night if anyone wants to join us. :thumbsup2
Hi, Sarah!! I wish I was going! I'd love to see you and your mom again. :goodvibes
Good luck on your race, and enjoy dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. Ruben and I went the other night for half price cheesecake. He got the new Smores and I got the Snickers. Both were delicious! Although, my actual favorite is the vanilla bean with raspberry sauce drizzled over it. Yum! :love:

Hello darlings. Nothing new here, but I just booked the family cabin on the coast for Aug 12-15. Four days of NOTHING. Aaaaaahhhhhh! Beth, get to Sacramento, Fairfield, Vallejo or Petaluma and I'll pick you up along the way! LOL
Lisa, I wish!! OMG, it was 106 here yesterday and I'd love to escape to the coast!
OKay, so tell me about this family cabin you speak of? Is it yours? Where is it? And, why don't I have a cabin on the coast.... :confused: ;)

Hi Lisa! I lived in your neck of the woods for 9 years! With all of these fires in Southern Oregon, I sure miss the sweltering heat of Sacramento this week! Enjoy your vacation!
Hi, Carrie! I saw a pic of all the smoke from the fires. Pretty scary stuff! :eek: Stay safe.
Beth I KNEW that you would like that LOL. I remember you talking about it and I think you are the one that turned me on to the haunted happenings. I belong to their FB page and I just love all the stuff they do. I am waiting for their brochure for THIS year to come out so I can get some ideas of what they do. It seems like things get more going a few weeks into Oct. And fyi I am not a fan of big cities either but if you can get past that I think you would actually LOVE NYC. Shane and I took the girls back in 09 and we loved it. My mom has not been so hoping to show her some of the sites we saw back then as well as do some of the things we missed last time. We actually flew into Baltimore and stayed in DC but we took the train and did NY for the weekend. It was great. We got to see Times Square and the WTC site as well as went to Liberty Island and saw Ellis Island. We didn't get to go to Central Park or Rockefeller Plaza although we drove past them and I really want to see them as well as the east village etc. And as for New England I SO want to go there. Have wanted to since I was a kid.

Katy will be turning 16 that December so it would be an early birthday trip. I have ALWAYS wanted to go to Maine and so I am hoping we make it there and of course Salem. I told mom we had to spend one whole day there doing all the fun halloween stuff like the witch museum and house of the seven gables. And I found out that you can visit the actual Von Trappe family lodge in Vermont. This is from Sound of Music. Where the real family moved when they escaped Europe. Would LOVE that.

I am really excited and hope it all works out.

Right now we are just obsessed with trying to figure out our Disney World trip for next November. I forgot how stressful it was trying to make everything come together. My mom deposited and PAID for a week in her timeshare but we weren't able to get anything and now we are thinking about using the week for something else and just getting a reg room. They just announced free dinning for the same week this year that we want to go NEXT year so we will probably book our room in Oct and then hope they do it again next year. We are going to miss out on the Food and Wine Festival which I am bummed about because it was going on at that time 4 years ago when we went but we hopefully will get to see the Osborne lights and it will hopefully be less crowded since it is the week before thanksgiving.

The really good news is I talked to mom and since it is SO far out we may try to book a week at the Aulani in 2016. The week she just deposited expires in July of 16 and the girls have never been to Hawaii and I have only been once in 1990 so def want to go back. So that would be awesome if that worked out.

Anywho I told mom we need to focus on THIS trip first though LOL. Our oct trip is pretty much done other than our tour and food so next up is the diva trip. We booked our room at the grand so I guess it would just be the meet and greet, scavy hunt and picking out shirts that are next up. Oh and of course deciding on dinning once it is announced. I am just glad that we can actually DO some stuff this time!!!

Have a GREAT day everyone!!
Spending the week in Santa Monica helping Jessica pack. Her masters program internship is ending Aug 16th and she'd decided she wants to move back to Sacramento .... happy mama!!! DH will fly down on the 17th and drive the moving truck back for her.

Anyone know of any Social Work type jobs in the Sacramento area???
Lisa, I wish!! OMG, it was 106 here yesterday and I'd love to escape to the coast!
OKay, so tell me about this family cabin you speak of? Is it yours? Where is it? And, why don't I have a cabin on the coast.... :confused: ;)

Cabin belongs to Russ' mother and her sister. It was left to them by their uncle. He was a patent attorney in San Francisco and used to go up there to get away from it all. Here's a link to the rental listing: http://ramshead.com/unit.asp?which=Hesse-Doolittle

I've been known to say that I married Russ to have access to the cabin.... :laughing:
Good morning, ladies! TGIF!! :cool1: It's such a nice morning here right now, I actually have my window open. It's currently 80 degrees, which still might be considered too warm for most people, myself included, but when it was 106 yesterday, 80 almost feels downright chilly! :rotfl: It will warm up to about 101 today though, so I am enjoying it for the moment.

Anyone have any fun plans for the weekend? I have no clue what we are doing this weekend. Nothing planned as of yet.
Well, have a good Friday and a safe weekend everyone. :)

Beth I KNEW that you would like that LOL. I remember you talking about it and I think you are the one that turned me on to the haunted happenings. I belong to their FB page and I just love all the stuff they do. I am waiting for their brochure for THIS year to come out so I can get some ideas of what they do.
I've sent away for their brochure before in the mail and I used to "like" their FB page. But, when I realized just how unlikely it is that I'd get to go there anytime soon, I unliked it and tossed the brochure. It only made me sad! LOL
I hope it all works out for you. Sounds like you have a bunch of fun things planned, all the way into 2016! Wow. Very cool. :thumbsup2

Spending the week in Santa Monica helping Jessica pack. Her masters program internship is ending Aug 16th and she'd decided she wants to move back to Sacramento .... happy mama!!! DH will fly down on the 17th and drive the moving truck back for her.

Anyone know of any Social Work type jobs in the Sacramento area???
Hi, Linda! That's so great that Jessica is moving back. Yay! Can't help you with the job situation at all, but she's such a great girl, I'm sure she'll have no trouble finding something quickly. Lots of luck to her!

Cabin belongs to Russ' mother and her sister. It was left to them by their uncle. He was a patent attorney in San Francisco and used to go up there to get away from it all. Here's a link to the rental listing: http://ramshead.com/unit.asp?which=Hesse-Doolittle

I've been known to say that I married Russ to have access to the cabin.... :laughing:

Ah, ha! The truth finally is revealed. Poor Russ. Being used for his cabin get-away. :rotfl2:
It's really nice! I love it. You are lucky to have an escape like that. I need an uncle who will leave me something like that. My uncle lives in northern Michigan in an old beat up house that has a yard full of junk cars. Not quite as appealing. ;)
Just wanted to jump on and say "hi" to everyone! :wave2:

Tomorrow I'm headed down to Laguna Beach with my parents, sister and two nieces and then to Disneyland for three days. I'm excited to be getting a little break, but not too excited about walking around the parks while 32 weeks pregnant. :faint:

I hope everyone has been having a great summer! :beach:
WENDY!!!!! So good to see you! Have fun at Disneyland!!!! If you get too hot and tired, make someone push you around in a wheelchair. LOL
Just wanted to jump on and say "hi" to everyone! :wave2:

Tomorrow I'm headed down to Laguna Beach with my parents, sister and two nieces and then to Disneyland for three days. I'm excited to be getting a little break, but not too excited about walking around the parks while 32 weeks pregnant. :faint:

I hope everyone has been having a great summer! :beach:

When will you be there? Allyson and I are going to be there Sunday-Thursday, then she's leaving. I'll be there until the following Monday. You know, she still talks about you :)


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