Free Dining Oct-Dec Is Here!!

Hahaha you must not work with the public...I get screamed at for much much less everyday....

Your post made me laugh so hard, I was a customer service supervisor and still remember a customer screaming at me for ruining her child's Christmas as we did not have a particular toy in stock days before the Holiday :rotfl2:
The problem is TA's are saying that it was supposed to be offered but was cancelled. So, this rumor had everyone booking banking on FD and Disney saw that the rooms were being booked up and no longer needed to extend FD.

This rumor hurt more then helped. I just took my Xanax so I should be better soon.
Morning, everyone. I have been reading posts for the last 30 minutes trying to think of something comforting to say to all of you, but I'm coming up kinda empty. As has been mentioned by many, DV offers are assumed, not guaranteed. It has happened this way before. It saddens me to read some of the truly hateful remarks in this thread, but it warms my heart that so many of you are standing up for Joe and the others who have tried to help. We have ALWAYS said that no plans should be altered before the official release. Even if it isn't released this week doesn't mean it isn't coming. There are always Fall offers. I know everyone is disappointed. I am too. I got up 3 hours early to be excited for all of you, but now I'm just sad. Sad for all the disappointed people and sad that people can be so mean. Still have my fingers crossed for all of you to get something this week.

You and Joe rock. The people that are haters shouldn't be on the board. If they're looking for definite information they should just stick to Ignore them you guys are awesome
I am hoping this is a joke, and a tasteless one at that.

These nice guys were trying to help everyone out by letting us know that an offer MAY be coming- and at that they said AUG 1 people- not July 29. I am really sad at the attitudes of many of you who want to place blame on David and Joe when really the blame should be on yourself. If you went ahead and booked non refundable air and tickets on a rumour, then really you need to look yourself in the mirror for blame.

As for those who can not afford to go without FD or RO, I am in the camp that I agree with you- I think sometimes these offers open up opportunity to people who otherwise may not have the money to go. I don't think that it is right to say they should not go just because they can't afford it without a discount. Having said this, smart finances says that you should wait until the actual offer is released.

I too think that disney pulled the plug on this one- and its just smart business to do so. Why would they offer a discount when they can get you in at full price? I do, however, believe that there will be a discount of some kind coming down the pipe, but I bet it won't be until the tornado this has become settles.

Oh lord - Lighten up!!! It was a joke - Just something to lighten the mood. No one is putting anyone in a circle, chanting around them, and offering them up to any Disney Gods. Sheesh!!!!

....Unless you think it may work..... :rolleyes1 :idea:
Morning, everyone. I have been reading posts for the last 30 minutes trying to think of something comforting to say to all of you, but I'm coming up kinda empty. As has been mentioned by many, DV offers are assumed, not guaranteed. It has happened this way before. It saddens me to read some of the truly hateful remarks in this thread, but it warms my heart that so many of you are standing up for Joe and the others who have tried to help. We have ALWAYS said that no plans should be altered before the official release. Even if it isn't released this week doesn't mean it isn't coming. There are always Fall offers. I know everyone is disappointed. I am too. I got up 3 hours early to be excited for all of you, but now I'm just sad. Sad for all the disappointed people and sad that people can be so mean. Still have my fingers crossed for all of you to get something this week.

Thank you for the most sensible post we've seen all morning. It is incredibly sad that so many people can get so angry over this. I consider myself lucky that I've been able to plan the trip I want for my family and will be so grateful if a discount does come out. Then I can upgrade, do some tours or other special things because I'll have that "extra money" to do so with. Or I could save it for the next trip :)
Fingers crossed for something, but I won't hold my breath! That's just Disney
Morning, everyone. I have been reading posts for the last 30 minutes trying to think of something comforting to say to all of you, but I'm coming up kinda empty. As has been mentioned by many, DV offers are assumed, not guaranteed. It has happened this way before. It saddens me to read some of the truly hateful remarks in this thread, but it warms my heart that so many of you are standing up for Joe and the others who have tried to help. We have ALWAYS said that no plans should be altered before the official release. Even if it isn't released this week doesn't mean it isn't coming. There are always Fall offers. I know everyone is disappointed. I am too. I got up 3 hours early to be excited for all of you, but now I'm just sad. Sad for all the disappointed people and sad that people can be so mean. Still have my fingers crossed for all of you to get something this week.

Truly, I only see about 3 people who are complaining.....

The rest of us understood the reality of a rumor that it was initially for Aug 1st anyway.

Hopefully everyone understands that life is not always predictable and things change.

To those that made plans on such a grand scale based on a rumor, and are now upset, I suggest waiting by the official word next time. (Just do not be upset then if someone else got the jump on you for listening to a rumor and giving it a shot!)
Wow. I think some of you need to google the definition of the word "rumor" and read it carefully. As for me and most of us, my trip was booked months ago, it's almost paid off and FD offer or not, I'm headed to the happiest place on earth come November! Woo hoo!
Morning, everyone. I have been reading posts for the last 30 minutes trying to think of something comforting to say to all of you, but I'm coming up kinda empty. As has been mentioned by many, DV offers are assumed, not guaranteed. It has happened this way before. It saddens me to read some of the truly hateful remarks in this thread, but it warms my heart that so many of you are standing up for Joe and the others who have tried to help. We have ALWAYS said that no plans should be altered before the official release. Even if it isn't released this week doesn't mean it isn't coming. There are always Fall offers. I know everyone is disappointed. I am too. I got up 3 hours early to be excited for all of you, but now I'm just sad. Sad for all the disappointed people and sad that people can be so mean. Still have my fingers crossed for all of you to get something this week.

Even though I am disappointed the DV dsct wasn't today because I really want to wrap it up. Lol, I am still VERY thankful to all of you who spend so much time on these boards answering questions(over and over again). I am thrilled you guys are willing to put info out there at all! If people can't heed all the warnings about these being "leaks" until live, then maybe they shouldn't be trying to get early info on the DIS and just keeping the official disney website! :-)
I am not sure who this "Joe" is because I am not on here all the time but this "Joe" character might have just ruined it for everyone instead of helping.

If you do not know him why would you call him a character. He's a good person who puts a lot of time into helping others learn about Walt Disney World vacations. How dare you call him a character. Guess I'm justified in calling you a fool then??
Sad that people are resorting to calling out people. Like it has been stated over and over and over again the DV offer was always an assumption.
Who else would you blame ?? That's easy YOURSELF lol. Geez lay off the guys that help us all learn about tips and discounts . Wow I can't believe his many people on here are putting blame in good folk . Get a life and get off these boards . If you're looking for fact only then go on I leave these Goodfellas alone

Even though things are said with the addition of "things can change at any time", I feel saddened and heartbroken for everyone.

I know the actual "leak" says August 1, and the DV is always an educated guess; however, something in my gut feels that things are a miss. I can tell you that the leaks for this were from the SAME as the leaks for September (including the one used by another famed leaker on this board), and there were more on top of that who were saying the same things. In fact, there were even graphics produced for it's not like it was a weak rumor of sorts.

Still, while I hope for August 1 to come through as stated, I truely hope that Disney hasn't caught on to the leaks, and threw a curve by delaying a release. I hope even more that Disney hasn't seen increased bookings and cancelled it altogether.

However, if everyone deems it fit run me off the dis, I suppose it's well warranted.

I've always tried to help everyone I possibly can, and would never pass along information that didn't appear solid, founded, and meaningful.
I am not sure who this "Joe" is because I am not on here all the time but this "Joe" character might have just ruined it for everyone instead of helping.

you need to get over yourself or maybe really read the posts about it ALL being a rumor and not set in stone
Disney can and has changed dates of offers and even offers themselves in the past. doesn't happen often but it has
To all of you flamers, you shouldn't read posts on speculated offers if you can't handle the fall out that it didn't come out on the speculated day. My advice would be to avoid threads like this altogether and moving forward get all your information directly from Disney.

I'm going to chime in and also say that people should never plan a vacation like this seriously just based on offers that could come out. Especially if the offer is the only reason they can afford to go. What sensible person would book flights and everything if FD is the only hope?

Or...if you do go to the extreme and plan it and an offer doesn't come out as speculated be a grown up, accept the let down and know you will have to cancel it or pay out without flaming people who are just trying to help others take advantage of the offer. You made the choice to believe it was set in stone, not others.

It amazes me that if it had worked out that DV offered early the flamers would all be best friends right now. :rolleyes:

AGREE 100%... Joe Thank You for doing what you do! and your pictures are absolutely amazing....


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