Free Dining Oct-Dec Is Here!!

You have a point: I have 5 trips in the works over the next year (I plan al my siblings and friends trips) not once have I been asked if I already have a ressie; until today. That was the first thing asked even after I gave my info to the automated system. They even asked that before my name come to think of it.

Yes , i too found this to be different than last time..
Morning, everyone. I have been reading posts for the last 30 minutes trying to think of something comforting to say to all of you, but I'm coming up kinda empty. As has been mentioned by many, DV offers are assumed, not guaranteed. It has happened this way before. It saddens me to read some of the truly hateful remarks in this thread, but it warms my heart that so many of you are standing up for Joe and the others who have tried to help. We have ALWAYS said that no plans should be altered before the official release. Even if it isn't released this week doesn't mean it isn't coming. There are always Fall offers. I know everyone is disappointed. I am too. I got up 3 hours early to be excited for all of you, but now I'm just sad. Sad for all the disappointed people and sad that people can be so mean. Still have my fingers crossed for all of you to get something this week.

Awwww :flower3:
August 1st isn't even here yet. Hopefully no one completely cancelled because there was no offer this morning. The 'rumored' date is Thursday.

I think it would be good if lots of people cancelled. That would make it more likely that a deal is released!
Me too. For all the people saying they don't blame Black - who else would you blame? :confused3 Hopes were raised. People changed plans. I hope for you all that something on August 1st meets your needs! :wizard:

Who else would you blame ?? That's easy YOURSELF lol. Geez lay off the guys that help us all learn about tips and discounts . Wow I can't believe his many people on here are putting blame in good folk . Get a life and get off these boards . If you're looking for fact only then go on I leave these Goodfellas alone
Morning, everyone. I have been reading posts for the last 30 minutes trying to think of something comforting to say to all of you, but I'm coming up kinda empty. As has been mentioned by many, DV offers are assumed, not guaranteed. It has happened this way before. It saddens me to read some of the truly hateful remarks in this thread, but it warms my heart that so many of you are standing up for Joe and the others who have tried to help. We have ALWAYS said that no plans should be altered before the official release. Even if it isn't released this week doesn't mean it isn't coming. There are always Fall offers. I know everyone is disappointed. I am too. I got up 3 hours early to be excited for all of you, but now I'm just sad. Sad for all the disappointed people and sad that people can be so mean. Still have my fingers crossed for all of you to get something this week.

Very well said Smitch! :flower3:
Seems to me like the only real rumor was about 8/1. The rest was obviously speculation. From all the reading I do regarding Free Dining, I was suspecting that DV holders wouldn't be booking today. No big deal...the rumor is really for 8/1 anyway. The people who are being so negative should just relax. Let's wait and see what happens on 8/1.

Besides, Joe always says to wait until things go live to commit to nonrefundable plans. I have waited to book my vacation for months. I made alternate plans based on the new, rumored FD plans. I still kept my old plans too. If FD doesn't come out, we will go with our original plans. We haven't book flights yet because the offers aren't set.

Yep! Thanks for reposting!
I am not sure who this "Joe" is because I am not on here all the time but this "Joe" character might have just ruined it for everyone instead of helping.

Oh, goodness.... What happened to your last post, where you stated you would be "moving on." ???
I wonder if the FD offer will go public on 8-1 for DV holders and GP a few days later. That's my uneducated guess.:3dglasses

I don't think the average guest at Disney looks at these boards so I'm not sure if the few hundred?? calls they received this morning really make that big of a difference when they need to book thousands of rooms over months. JMO though. I don't personally have the stats on this. If anyone has stats on how many people attend the parks and look at Disney boards that would be cool. I don't think it's too many because of everyone that I know that goes to Disney, I am the only one that is a member of a forum and researches and uses things like ridemax. Just a thought!

I'm going to call again on the first. Pixie dust to all!!!
I am not sure who this "Joe" is because I am not on here all the time but this "Joe" character might have just ruined it for everyone instead of helping.

Linymom, I thought you were moving on? Trying to get everyone stirred up against these "awful" people isn't helping anyone. Go take a bubble bath or something and calm down.....
I am not sure who this "Joe" is because I am not on here all the time but this "Joe" character might have just ruined it for everyone instead of helping.

Wow that was a mean thing to say. Have you read the very first post and his pots throughout. It's not AUGUST 1st yet. Stop blaming him for causing everyone's disappointment. We are all adults here. How about we stop being mean to people who are just trying to help.

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To all of you flamers, you shouldn't read posts on speculated offers if you can't handle the fall out that it didn't come out on the speculated day. My advice would be to avoid threads like this altogether and moving forward get all your information directly from Disney.

I'm going to chime in and also say that people should never plan a vacation like this seriously just based on offers that could come out. Especially if the offer is the only reason they can afford to go. What sensible person would book flights and everything if FD is the only hope?

Or...if you do go to the extreme and plan it and an offer doesn't come out as speculated be a grown up, accept the let down and know you will have to cancel it or pay out without flaming people who are just trying to help others take advantage of the offer. You made the choice to believe it was set in stone, not others.

It amazes me that if it had worked out that DV offered early the flamers would all be best friends right now. :rolleyes:
I am not sure who this "Joe" is because I am not on here all the time but this "Joe" character might have just ruined it for everyone instead of helping.

Stick'll learn a lot about rumored discounts. I don't think he ruined's not August 1st yet and his rumor was for AUGUST 1st. Plus.....if FDing doesn't come out.......people will move on. They will either still find a way to visit Disney or they won't. There are bigger things in life......I know I'll live ;)
Me too. For all the people saying they don't blame Black - who else would you blame? :confused3 Hopes were raised. People changed plans. I hope for you all that something on August 1st meets your needs! :wizard:

If people changed plans I blame them, in several posts Black specifically said don't change plans until the offer is official. He also warned multiple times that offers are fluid and subject to change and cautioned against booking a room prior to a discount because it makes it less likely Disney will offer the discount.

I understand people are frustrated but I just don't understand how people can be mad at Black when he gave multiple warning to wait until the offer was official.
Listen, I bought myself a really nice Gucci bag with the money we were going to save when FD came out - So this offer needs to go live people!!! Lets all sit around in a circle, put Black in the middle, and pray to the Disney Discount Gods that we will sacrifice Black (and Joe, and Mary, and whoever else we feel like) if the offer comes out by tomorrow morning.
Whos with me?!?!?

I am hoping this is a joke, and a tasteless one at that.

These nice guys were trying to help everyone out by letting us know that an offer MAY be coming- and at that they said AUG 1 people- not July 29. I am really sad at the attitudes of many of you who want to place blame on David and Joe when really the blame should be on yourself. If you went ahead and booked non refundable air and tickets on a rumour, then really you need to look yourself in the mirror for blame.

As for those who can not afford to go without FD or RO, I am in the camp that I agree with you- I think sometimes these offers open up opportunity to people who otherwise may not have the money to go. I don't think that it is right to say they should not go just because they can't afford it without a discount. Having said this, smart finances says that you should wait until the actual offer is released.

I too think that disney pulled the plug on this one- and its just smart business to do so. Why would they offer a discount when they can get you in at full price? I do, however, believe that there will be a discount of some kind coming down the pipe, but I bet it won't be until the tornado this has become settles.
You have a point: I have 5 trips in the works over the next year (I plan al my siblings and friends trips) not once have I been asked if I already have a ressie; until today. That was the first thing asked even after I gave my info to the automated system. They even asked that before my name come to think of it.

I am ALWAYS asked if its regarding an existing reservation or a new booking....100% of the time

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No luck here but my CM was VERY nice and even checked to see if I had a pin code attached to my name without me even asking her to. She appologized that there wasnt a pin code available for me but did say to check back often because something may be coming out very very soon.
I appreciate all the folks on this board who give us the heads up on upcoming discounts. I know alot are let down and some even really mad but rumors are just that. If nothing comes out on Aug 1st, then I'll be let down but it will be with Disney, not the wonderful folks on this board who are nice enough to pass along the possibility of upcoming offers. Everyone just needs to keep checking back with Disney between now and Aug 1st, I'm not giving up hope of a fall fd promo just yet.
Hope everyone has a great day


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