~ Aug 2013~ Sew what... We've gotta find a way back! Part I!!

Oh D~ that latest bag is TDF! The colors, the design, the subject matter. Perfection!

Great savings yesterday once again. It must feel so good to make those budget dollars stretch so far. I'm getting the inkling that whatever you take on, you excel at it. Can we say over achiever??? If I ever grow up, I want to be like you!:rolleyes1

Dan is still experiencing pain in his jaw, but it is just a dull ache now, so he can handle it. He has to sleep in a recliner b/c laying down makes it really hurt. But he's really doing pretty well all things considered. Glad Allie is staying home today to keep her ankle elevated. I agree ice needs to be on for 20 minutes then off for 20. Looks like you have a lot of people with experience helping you through this. Hope she is a lot better before having to go to school again.

Hope you are having a fantastic time at the MOA. One day I'll get there!

I am so glad you put this so conscisely. My phone and my memory make it hard to remember all I want to quote or say. So I will say ditto to all of these.

Exciting news for me today. June dessert party opened and I got a reservation for our last day in the parks. Of course this means lots of tears, it is emotional for me to have such fabulous memories from my happy place and know its coming to an end. So I'm very glad that wait is over. Now I need to get busy sewing. I am such a perfectionist, each outfit takes me sooo long, then I need a break before getting started again. And if I continue this trend I will run out of time. I still need to prioritize my list.

Oh and my nephews party was fun for my daughter. They bought a small bounce house and she loved it. The rest of the party was meh, as I was called a "momzilla" for correcting my daughter. She will be 3, is strong willed, smart, and learning how to talk nicely and handle disappointment from other kids. I was very upset when I heard this comment after we returned home.

Sorry to ramble.

Ooh yeah, and the pic of your daughters is sooooo adorable!!

So fantastic that you scored the dessert party. Totally understand the tears on the last day. I have them coming and going!

As for the "momzilla" comment, I'm with RuthIE. Ignore!! Sounds like you're doing and awesome job of parenting and do not let anyone dissuade you from doing what you feel is best for your child. Too many parents let their kids get away with things and they get totally out of hand. Keep up the good work!::yes::

I didn't think your DD said it just some snippy person at the party Sounds to me like you're doing a fabulous job IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE & since its your MIL IGNORE even more save yourself years of hurt grief and letting someone else get into your head :hug:

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: Oh, RuthIE, you crack me up!!

I really think MY castle bag is the best but this sure is a beautiful bag! Your color choices are spot on and I could really see it as an everyday (not just at Disney) bag!

Thanks so much for all the good thoughts and prayers for me. They mean so much and......for the first time in two weeks I feel a bit better today! Ruth

So happy you feel better! Keep it going!!:goodvibes
I saw the new bag on FB and was like "WOW"!! Love it!! It's also something I'd carry around all the time not just at a Disney park.
You asked D~, so here it is!
Inspired by the chenille blanket that D~ made for her nephew, I CASEd it and did one for our neighbours. She was due April 9 and I was having a heck of a time finding the right material - something fun but not gender specific as they did not know if they were going to have a boy or girl. Imagine our surprise when we saw them with a baby carrier a couple of weeks ago! Their little girl decided to come 5 weeks early and they had just brought her home from the hospital earlier in the week! The nice part was that now I knew I was looking for something girly! So I have been madly sewing and cutting and binding in between long work hours for the last couple of weeks and I finally finished it off today.
DS calls them butterflies even though they are dragonflies. This had all the colours I wanted to incorporate and I thought it looked fun.

Light pink, white and purple layers for the back. To do it again, I would sandwich the purple between the two lighter colours as the white really got lost in there. I really wanted a lighter purple but the only one I could find was so pale, it was almost white. I also would have liked a darker pink but it was either this one or a bright neon pink. Yikes!

For fun (and because I can!) I added her name to it on leftover flannel from the back. I was pretty happy with how it turned out. I used satin blanket binding for the edge and next time I would probably make my own edging out of a coordinating material. I will be making at least one more for really good friends of ours that are having their second baby in the fall. And I might make another one for a customer that we do a lot of work for if I can find the time between now and June.

Off to work on the 3D~ ;) now!
you asked d~, so here it is!
Inspired by the chenille blanket that d~ made for her nephew, i cased it and did one for our neighbours. She was due april 9 and i was having a heck of a time finding the right material - something fun but not gender specific as they did not know if they were going to have a boy or girl. Imagine our surprise when we saw them with a baby carrier a couple of weeks ago! Their little girl decided to come 5 weeks early and they had just brought her home from the hospital earlier in the week! The nice part was that now i knew i was looking for something girly! So i have been madly sewing and cutting and binding in between long work hours for the last couple of weeks and i finally finished it off today.
Ds calls them butterflies even though they are dragonflies. This had all the colours i wanted to incorporate and i thought it looked fun.

light pink, white and purple layers for the back. To do it again, i would sandwich the purple between the two lighter colours as the white really got lost in there. I really wanted a lighter purple but the only one i could find was so pale, it was almost white. I also would have liked a darker pink but it was either this one or a bright neon pink. Yikes!

for fun (and because i can!) i added her name to it on leftover flannel from the back. I was pretty happy with how it turned out. I used satin blanket binding for the edge and next time i would probably make my own edging out of a coordinating material. I will be making at least one more for really good friends of ours that are having their second baby in the fall. And i might make another one for a customer that we do a lot of work for if i can find the time between now and june.

Off to work on the 3d~ ;) now!

gorgeous !!!
I hope Alli is feeling a bit better and able to sleep.

Good job on the couponing!

I LOVE the new bag! It is wonderful.

Prayers to all who are ailing.
You asked D~, so here it is!
Inspired by the chenille blanket that D~ made for her nephew, I CASEd it and did one for our neighbours. She was due April 9 and I was having a heck of a time finding the right material - something fun but not gender specific as they did not know if they were going to have a boy or girl. Imagine our surprise when we saw them with a baby carrier a couple of weeks ago! Their little girl decided to come 5 weeks early and they had just brought her home from the hospital earlier in the week! The nice part was that now I knew I was looking for something girly! So I have been madly sewing and cutting and binding in between long work hours for the last couple of weeks and I finally finished it off today.
DS calls them butterflies even though they are dragonflies. This had all the colours I wanted to incorporate and I thought it looked fun.

Light pink, white and purple layers for the back. To do it again, I would sandwich the purple between the two lighter colours as the white really got lost in there. I really wanted a lighter purple but the only one I could find was so pale, it was almost white. I also would have liked a darker pink but it was either this one or a bright neon pink. Yikes!

For fun (and because I can!) I added her name to it on leftover flannel from the back. I was pretty happy with how it turned out. I used satin blanket binding for the edge and next time I would probably make my own edging out of a coordinating material. I will be making at least one more for really good friends of ours that are having their second baby in the fall. And I might make another one for a customer that we do a lot of work for if I can find the time between now and June.

Off to work on the 3D~ ;) now!

I know I am supposed to be getting breakfast ready and we are already running late for church services....but I had to comment on the beautiful quilt!

I am STILL to chicken to make a raggy quilt...but I really do LOVE the way they turn out!

You asked D~, so here it is!
Inspired by the chenille blanket that D~ made for her nephew, I CASEd it and did one for our neighbours. She was due April 9 and I was having a heck of a time finding the right material - something fun but not gender specific as they did not know if they were going to have a boy or girl. Imagine our surprise when we saw them with a baby carrier a couple of weeks ago! Their little girl decided to come 5 weeks early and they had just brought her home from the hospital earlier in the week! The nice part was that now I knew I was looking for something girly! So I have been madly sewing and cutting and binding in between long work hours for the last couple of weeks and I finally finished it off today.
DS calls them butterflies even though they are dragonflies. This had all the colours I wanted to incorporate and I thought it looked fun.

Light pink, white and purple layers for the back. To do it again, I would sandwich the purple between the two lighter colours as the white really got lost in there. I really wanted a lighter purple but the only one I could find was so pale, it was almost white. I also would have liked a darker pink but it was either this one or a bright neon pink. Yikes!

For fun (and because I can!) I added her name to it on leftover flannel from the back. I was pretty happy with how it turned out. I used satin blanket binding for the edge and next time I would probably make my own edging out of a coordinating material. I will be making at least one more for really good friends of ours that are having their second baby in the fall. And I might make another one for a customer that we do a lot of work for if I can find the time between now and June.

Off to work on the 3D~ ;) now!

This is just lovely. I am like Nini too chicken to try something like this but I am going to be making a few things this week for our baby.
Poor Alli I hope she gets better soon.

What a great saving on your grocery shopping

Thanks!!! I just love couponing... I can't believe how addicting it is.

I will do an Alli update below.

Oops, with the Momzilla comment, I missed putting in that it was my MIL who said this.

My bad... I totally thought dd said it... Yah - I totally agree with Ruthie, definitely an IGNORE situation there. MILs are very hard to read sometimes and they can say the most hurtful things.

Great job on the shopping, I love hearing of your deals.

Oh good - I always feel awkward for typing them up because I feel like how much we spend on groceries is a personal thing... but I don't think my savings would be as impactful as just posting the percentage. :confused3

Poor Ali, I hope she feels better. If she keeps it elevated and ice on 20 minutes and then ice off 20 minutes for most of the day, hopefully that will bring some of the swelling down.

And have fun at MOA with V!

Thanks... I will do an Alli ankle update below. :)

We had lots of FUN!

Lovely bag I love the pink details

Thank you - I love it too!

Holy cow I absolutely love this bag!!!**

I know... I definitely want a similar one for myself!

Totally in love with the new bag. I am really digging the fabric

Have fun at MOA and fabulous savings.

Yes, it did turn out great! I was a little worried about the scale of the print, but I really love how the Castle is there, but it's not the first thing you see - but when you do finally see it - it's kind of cool.

Thanks - we did.

OMG D~ I think this is my FAVORITE bag that you have done! (Please don't go back and read my previous posts as I'm sure I have used that statement a time or 2 before. :confused3) I have a thing for black and white and the damask print is just beautiful. One of my new loves is chevron prints, so you have combined all the things I love into one bag! GREAT job!

THanks! I say that about a lot of my bags... Almost every new bag I make is my favorite - however - this one I think will stay at the top of my list for a long time - it's just so unique.

I really debated on what to do for the inside. The person that ordered this bag really gave me the feeling of being a bold individual - so I didn't want anything real flowery inside... The chevrons worked out perfectly - I just love them so much! A very fun fabric to work with, and super nice quality!

Sorry to hear about Alli's ankle and her slow recovery. You mentioned rest/ice/elevation but you left one important thing out...COMPRESSION! It's the R.I.C.E. method for treating sprains/strains. Wrap the ankle snugly in an ace bandage. Be sure it doesn't cut off circulation or make her toes tingle, but you want it snug. This should help with the swelling in addition to the ice and elevation. You might already be doing this for her, but just in case I thought I would mention it! I hope she gets better soon. OH...I just thought of it...soaking in EPSOM salt will help with the swelling and pain also. I have very weak ankles and roll them pretty regularly...usually just walking on flat ground :faint: so I am pretty familiar with treating these things.

Thanks for the reminder... Yes, she has been wearing a... Hmmm... Don't know the name of it - but it's like a really tight ankle brace - so she's been having compression on it almost non-stop since it happened. She's also been doing ice baths (no Epsom salt yet though) and ice packs... Elevation... I will do more of an update below. But thanks so much for all the reminders... I always feel so helpless when my girls are down for so long.

Your couponing deals are fabulous!! I wish I had the time and patience to do this. I usually just end up buying stuff I wouldn't normally get (just because I have a coupon).

It does take a lot of time. I am kind of shocked at how much time it truly takes. Well, that is precicely why I make our menus... I used to just make our menus willy nillly - but now I go through the ads first, and try to make our menus off of the best deals in there. I also used to shop with a list - but I would add things to my cart that caught my eye. Now, rarely do I put items in to my cart that aren't on my list - so that has been really helpful for our budget too. My basic rule, when going through the store - if it isn't on the list and it's less than $1, then I can put it in my cart... Unless it's something that we truly need... But if it's a coupon item, it must meet the above criteria, otherwise it doesn't go into my cart. Which has become kind of an annoying thing to me, because now I have a hard time buying ANYTHING that's more than $1. LOL

I hope you and V have a fun time at the MOA. I would love to make it there one day!!

We had a great time - if you ever make it up here - please let me know, I would love to do a Dismeet!

I didn't think your DD said it just some snippy person at the party Sounds to me like you're doing a fabulous job IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE & since its your MIL IGNORE even more save yourself years of hurt grief and letting someone else get into your head

Ali I FEEL your pain stay off it all weekend

That bag is CLASSY !

I agree totally about the MIL comment. And thanks for the compliments Ruthie!

Love the new bag! My DD29 just "liked" it on facebook, now she wants one ;) I told her you were booked up for months and months Looks like I'll have to keep an eye out for your next openings! Just wanted to let you know you have a new fan.

P.S. She likes my bags, but has never said she wanted one until she saw your latest

LOL and Oh no - I hope you are able to get on my customs list next time... It's kind of crazy... I love that I am so busy and in demand, but I always feel badly that I can't accomodate family or friends.

I really think MY castle bag is the best but this sure is a beautiful bag! Your color choices are spot on and I could really see it as an everyday (not just at Disney) bag!

Thanks so much for all the good thoughts and prayers for me. They mean so much and......for the first time in two weeks I feel a bit better today! Ruth

I am so glad to hear that you are starting for feel better. I have been so concerned about you. Sending prayers and hugs your way. :grouphug:

Oh D~ that latest bag is TDF! The colors, the design, the subject matter. Perfection!

Thank you - I love it too!

Great savings yesterday once again. It must feel so good to make those budget dollars stretch so far. I'm getting the inkling that whatever you take on, you excel at it. Can we say over achiever??? If I ever grow up, I want to be like you!

Thanks! And LOL - I don't know what I am to be honest... I think I have some sort of disability... In the past, I would pick up a hobby and love it for a few months - learn it as best I could and in some cases become pretty good at it... But then I'd dump it an move on to the next thing. Sewing is the one thing I've ever stuck with, and I think it's because no matter what I am doing, I am always creating something new. :confused3 I am not sure how long I will stay with couponing... but I love that I've been able to stock up on so many necessities. I am kind of at the point now where I shouldn't have to buy too many more H&B/chemical/paper items at all, because we are so stocked up.

Dan is still experiencing pain in his jaw, but it is just a dull ache now, so he can handle it. He has to sleep in a recliner b/c laying down makes it really hurt. But he's really doing pretty well all things considered. Glad Allie is staying home today to keep her ankle elevated. I agree ice needs to be on for 20 minutes then off for 20. Looks like you have a lot of people with experience helping you through this. Hope she is a lot better before having to go to school again.

Sorry that Dan is still in pain... I hope he continues to get better, and can go back to his normal bed. I know when Josh had his neck surgery last year - sleeping in the recliner for him was no fun at all, but he didn't have a choice.

I will do an Alli update below.

Hope you are having a fantastic time at the MOA. One day I'll get there!

We had lots of fun! I hope if you ever make it here - you let me know, I'd love to meet you!

I saw the new bag on FB and was like "WOW"!! Love it!! It's also something I'd carry around all the time not just at a Disney park.

Thanks Sandra! Yah - I just love it too!

You asked D~, so here it is!
Inspired by the chenille blanket that D~ made for her nephew, I CASEd it and did one for our neighbours. She was due April 9 and I was having a heck of a time finding the right material - something fun but not gender specific as they did not know if they were going to have a boy or girl. Imagine our surprise when we saw them with a baby carrier a couple of weeks ago! Their little girl decided to come 5 weeks early and they had just brought her home from the hospital earlier in the week! The nice part was that now I knew I was looking for something girly! So I have been madly sewing and cutting and binding in between long work hours for the last couple of weeks and I finally finished it off today.
DS calls them butterflies even though they are dragonflies. This had all the colours I wanted to incorporate and I thought it looked fun.

Light pink, white and purple layers for the back. To do it again, I would sandwich the purple between the two lighter colours as the white really got lost in there. I really wanted a lighter purple but the only one I could find was so pale, it was almost white. I also would have liked a darker pink but it was either this one or a bright neon pink. Yikes!

For fun (and because I can!) I added her name to it on leftover flannel from the back. I was pretty happy with how it turned out. I used satin blanket binding for the edge and next time I would probably make my own edging out of a coordinating material. I will be making at least one more for really good friends of ours that are having their second baby in the fall. And I might make another one for a customer that we do a lot of work for if I can find the time between now and June.

Off to work on the 3D~ ;) now!

LOREE!!!!!!!!! This turned out just stunning! I think you picked out the perfect purple color! It goes so well with the main fabric - I love it, and I am sure your neighbors will love it too. I think that next time I make one, first, I will invest in a chenielle cutter (LOL) and secondly, I think I will leave the bottom layer of flannel intact, because I think it will give more structure to the blanket. I am sure you know what I mean after making one. What stitch did you use to attach the binding? I really like how it almost ruffled it.

I hope Alli is feeling a bit better and able to sleep.

Good job on the couponing!

I LOVE the new bag! It is wonderful.

Prayers to all who are ailing.

Thanks Dee - for everything. I will do an Alli update below.

Ooooo - your latest bag is my new favourite! So smart!

Thanks! I love it too!


First, an Alli update... She woke yesterday morning - and she was HOBBLING down the stairs... Slowly - but she was putting weight on it. YAY!!! She stayed off of it most of the day (iced and elevated too), and by dinner time, she was limping around pretty good. As long as she is very careful and goes slowly, I think she'll be able to ditch the crutches in time for school tomorrow. I am truly amazed at the over night transformation - seriously - I was really starting to worry about her. Her ankle is still a teeny-tiny bit swollen, but for the most part, it is back to normal. I am so releived! I still plan to restrict her from any strenuious track activity for another week +, because I would be so upset if she reinjured it.


Victoria and I arrived at the MoA about 30 minutes before it opened... :confused3 Not sure how that happened, but as we were pulling in to the parking ramp, I noticed the time, and whoa - we were early. Oh well... What do you do when you are early... Caribou - of course...


So, then we continued on to Hollister - which is V's FAVORITE store... She still had an MoA gift card to use from several months ago, and she had some babysitting $$ burning a hole in her pocket. So, we looked at several clearance items (it was an additional 50% off of clearance yesterday)... In the very back of the store, she found a fluttery tie top tank that she has been trying to get since she first saw it in the store at full price after Christmas... She fell in love with it - but due to many different circumstances, was not able to buy it... So, she found the very last one in a back corner of the store - in her size... It rang up at $9.90. WHOOT! She also purchased an identical one in a different color for the same price. And a pair of cute denim shorts with embossed palm trees on them for $17... Not bad for this time of year. She is super excited to wear the palm trees outfit in Disney.

Then, on the way home, V and I were talking about Disney customs... I asked her if she was planning to bring with any of her customs from last time, and she said she was planning to use her Goofy bag and wear her Goofy skirt (forgot to ask her about the dress...) - then she confided in me that she wanted a Monsters Inc custom outfit... So, we designed it on the way home from the MoA and made it yesterday afternoon. It turned out really cute! I will post pictures of it - but I am going to do it in a seperate post, so I can link to it in my table of contents. :thumbsup2

I am planning to go back to the MoA with Alli on Saturday (Sunday is her birthday) to take her birthday shopping... While I am there, I will stop at Hollister and purchase the matching tank top to go with V's MI skirt. :thumbsup2

Today, I plan to lock myself into my sewing room (after couponing) - I need to get a start on my auction bag for Thursday... I haven't even cut it out yet - and it needs to be finished by Wed, so I can take pictures and write the listing... YIKES! :scared:

I hope you all have a wonderful day today... and I will be back shortly with V's MI skirt pictures. :thumbsup2

D~ your latest 2 bags are just Great! I hope Ali is feeling better just make sure she does not over do it. I had a really bad sprain once and my Dr said it was worse than if I broke it. He told me 2 weeks to heal after a week I was feeling better, went back to work etc and had pain for weeks later off and on.
This turned out really cute... She has really been into MI lately.

We designed this on our way home from the MoA yesterday... Personally - I would have rather had the turquoise fabric on the waistband, but she wanted the light purple - since it's her skirt - we went with her choice. :wizard:

This project was a total joint effort... Victoria chose the fabrics, I cut out everything. Victoria did all the serged seams, she also did all of the turquoise top stitching... by then, she was sick of sewing, and I took over. I did the purple top stitching, the waistband and the bottom band in their entirety. This skirt only took a few hours to do, as a joint effort. And it was a lot of fun doing a project together like this - I wish I had more time to plan and do things like this with her.

I also really wanted to put an applique on it - I was actually thinking of doing it on felt, so it would "pop" - but she insisted that she doesn't want one on here... But it would look soooo cute! Sigh.

Anyways - the color in the pictures is just a hair off - it's really cloudy here this morning, and none of my settings would capture the color properly. She will be getting a turquoise tank top to coordinate with this, and some hair accessories on order as well. :rolleyes1


Bottom band detail:




Love the under hem... I just love doing fun things here - it's something you never see, unless she is sitting down... but it's so fun to add details where you least expect them... So, we had to add some monsters. :thumbsup2


D, the new bag is beautiful! Truly classy and worthy of daily wear! Love it!

I need to go out in the rain to get papers. Normally we go to church and get them on the way home, but we are on the slow boat to China this morning so I'm not sure we're making it anywhere anytime soon. I blame the weather! :guilty:

The skirt is too cute! An appliqué would be cute, but I guess this is the grown up version of Disney customs? It will be adorable at Disney for sure! And the underside of the hem is so fun! I love that you guys worked on ti together! How fun!

And as soon as I hit send my oldest came down dressed for church. Nothing like the kids holding you accountable!
A lovely skirt you made.
It's great that Alli is feeling better :cool1: I hope she gets well soon.

It sounds like you and V had a great shopping day with a lot of bargains :cool1:

The weather here is a lot better now and the risk for snow avalanche is not that high anymore. Spring is starting to show in form of the roads getting snow free. But we can still have some snowfalls before we get to summer.

We have a saying here in Tromsø that is Did you get to experience summer this year? The answer is no, because I was on the toilet then :lmao: The summer is really not that short. But we almost doesn't have spring. It can go from winter to summer in no time.
:cool1: This is definitely the grown up version of MI which was said I love it, but what amazes me MOST is this : talk about it, plan it, BAM done
That is the kind of thing that most people can't do (ok not necessarily in this group of talented people) but to a person like me who never learned any of this it just blows me away

Sending hugs to Alli ...go E A S Y
gorgeous !!!

I know I am supposed to be getting breakfast ready and we are already running late for church services....but I had to comment on the beautiful quilt!

I am STILL to chicken to make a raggy quilt...but I really do LOVE the way they turn out!


This is just lovely. I am like Nini too chicken to try something like this but I am going to be making a few things this week for our baby.
Thank you. It really isn't that hard to do. Sewing the lines was rather soothing and therapeutic after a hectic day in the office. Nini and Chiara - I highly encourage you to go for it!

LOREE!!!!!!!!! This turned out just stunning! I think you picked out the perfect purple color! It goes so well with the main fabric - I love it, and I am sure your neighbors will love it too. I think that next time I make one, first, I will invest in a chenielle cutter (LOL) and secondly, I think I will leave the bottom layer of flannel intact, because I think it will give more structure to the blanket. I am sure you know what I mean after making one. What stitch did you use to attach the binding? I really like how it almost ruffled it.
Aww, thanks. I wasn't sure about the purple at first, but I do really like the finished effect. I highly recommend the chenille cutter. :thumbsup2 I cut the first third with scissors and then our local store had a sale on all Olfa cutters/scissors/blades. I lucked out that they also had a coupon on their website so I ended up saving about 35% on it. I got it for just under $20 and it sure made the rest of the cutting a breeze! I know exactly what you mean and was thinking of adding another layer so I could do just that on the next one I do. I had to go look in my machine's manual to find out what that stitch was called. :rotfl2: And it is . . . blanket binding! :lmao: My machine has all these fancy stitches on it that I never use and I played around with some of them before binding and loved how this one looked.

First, an Alli update... She woke yesterday morning - and she was HOBBLING down the stairs... Slowly - but she was putting weight on it. YAY!!! She stayed off of it most of the day (iced and elevated too), and by dinner time, she was limping around pretty good. As long as she is very careful and goes slowly, I think she'll be able to ditch the crutches in time for school tomorrow. I am truly amazed at the over night transformation - seriously - I was really starting to worry about her. Her ankle is still a teeny-tiny bit swollen, but for the most part, it is back to normal. I am so releived! I still plan to restrict her from any strenuious track activity for another week +, because I would be so upset if she reinjured it.
Yay! Although I do caution her on doing too much too soon. It is easy to cause additional injury while she is healing. I know crutches are not fun and a pain in the ar$e (I know from first hand experience - was on them practically every other week during grades 9 and 10 because of my knee) but they will make her slow down and allow that ankle to heal.

I also really wanted to put an applique on it - I was actually thinking of doing it on felt, so it would "pop" - but she insisted that she doesn't want one on here... But it would look soooo cute! Sigh.

Love the under hem... I just love doing fun things here - it's something you never see, unless she is sitting down... but it's so fun to add details where you least expect them... So, we had to add some monsters. :thumbsup2
I love this skirt! And I love the fact that you worked on it together and knocked it out in no time! That under hem is TDF, love that fabric! :lovestruc I can totally see an applique on this. Doing it on felt would mean that you could attach it to the skirt such that it could be taken back off if she didn't want it there at a later date. :rolleyes1 Just a thought.
Glad Alli is feeling better.

I love the MI skirt. My older kids go to some online website that puts adult clothes together to make Disney character themed outfits. It is really cool. One of my sons has a couple he has put together. Actually, that is what he asked for for Christmas. But they wouldn't do appliques either. Well, they may for our Disney trips, but nowhere else. Not on their clothes anyway.

sounds like V got some great deals! good for her!
I love the hidden castle bag. :lovestruc

Baby is definitely coming tomorrow. I started a PTR today to keep me distracted until I go into the hospital. :rotfl: I will most likely post pics of hiim on there. I have a link in my signature.

We packed our lion king bag with his clothes to bring him home in. :goodvibes

Lets recap. your on your way home. Discussing a really cute idea. go home and IT'S FINISHED??? poof just like that??? WHO DOES THAT?!?!:eek:
certainly NOT this one...
i'm really impressed. not only is it SO SO SO cute it looks like it would fit a doll! So it's perfect for your daughter!!!

Please make sure she takes her crutches with her to school. really don't want to over due it.. Could swell up and she is without anything to help her out.
then again it's only advice, you know what they say about people and their opinions!!!
V got some great savings!! That's awesome!!

Cute skirt!! I really need to pull my sewing machine out and start making some stuff like that for Sarah. I used to be pretty good so it'll just take me a little bit to get back in. (Not as good as you are though with your bags!!) Now to figure out where I can put it!!
I love the hidden castle bag. :lovestruc

Baby is definitely coming tomorrow. I started a PTR today to keep me distracted until I go into the hospital. :rotfl: I will most likely post pics of hiim on there. I have a link in my signature.

We packed our lion king bag with his clothes to bring him home in. :goodvibes

Good LUCK and prayer for you all!!!:woohoo:


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