Size restrictions on Universal rides - annoying!


DIS Veteran
Dec 27, 2006
I am plus size and I'm sure I will get some rude responses to this thread but I have never had a problem fitting on any ride at Disney World - even the kid rides! However, there were three rides at Universal where I needed the "modified" seating option. I learned that the hard (and very embarrassing way). Why make modified seating and not just make all seating fit a variety of body sizes?

I can understand older rides not accomodating larger size people but the Harry Potter ride is almost brand new and even though I sat at the seat I came to and the restraint closed and locked they still asked me to move to the outside seat. My brother is not that big of a guy and they made him move to one of the larger outside seats as well. I was telling this to a friend who is bigger and he said he couldn't even get on the ride. Now why would a newer ride not be more accomodating to larger people? If I can climb in and out of the space mountain seats or any Disney roller coaster or the log flume at IOA why would a basic seated ride and restraint be an issue??
Moving to the main board for more responses.

Sorry you had a bad experience on several rides. I take it the ones you had trouble with were the coasters since those have modified seating?

This is an endless discussion. People seem to forget the rides that require modified seating are no where to be found at Disney and never will be. Disney won't build those types of rides but believe it or not, thrill rides and coasters do have a sizable following and audience. If Disney can't theme it, they won't build it. Not all rides can be built to accomodate everyone and not lose the essence of the ride itself...that's just the way it is. The coasters at Universal have test seating out front that you can test out...there's nothing embarrassing or shameful in doing so. That's why they are there. It's better than not having an option at all. Did you try out the test seating for those attractions or did you go through the line only to be asked to move to a different seat?

You are absolutely right on Forbidden Journey and Universal took one in the nose when that attraction opened. They quickly went back and made changes to accomodate larger people. I don't know what they were thinking when the ride vehicles were being designed.

The bottom line is this...not every ride can be designed to fit every body type.
One of the problems was that Universal dealt with B&M for Hulk and Dueling Dragons who used the same seating for all their coasters around the world. If you ride a B&M coaster anywhere, you will run into the same issues with fitting and modified seating. I guess it is easier for a manufacturer of many large coasters to have a uniform size for their vehicles.

This topic has come up many times on the board. I suggest you use the search function and you'll be able to find many very long threads dealing with it.

You'll find a lot of threads about people complaining about the rides at Universal. Many will say that the height restrictions are a problem and that they need to mostly make rides that will fit the entire family. Many say that they make too many simulators that make them sick. Many say that there are too many thrill rides that go upside down. Many say that they don't like water rides and that Universal has way too many of them. Many will say that you shouldn't have to pay for express to get on the ride and that it should be free like at Disney. Many will say that they should not be doing away with classic rides like Jaws to make way for newer things Harry Potter.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to keep everyone happy but I think that Universal is trying to make some changes to get the parks to be more accommodating for everyone.
Try getting on something at Cedar Point being a larger framed person. Unless you are pencil thin there is very little you can ride there.
Disney is fat friendly, Universal is not. I wish it was, but I just deal with it.
So you did get to ride FJ, but you're complaining you needed a modified seat? Why is that embarassing? If they had made the ride have nothing but the larger seats, they'd have a slower throughput, and longer lines.
Well don't feel bad, I am normal size, although I'm tall 6'2 I weigh around 195, but I have trouble fitting in many rides too. They are just typically made to small IMO (the seats) and are typically pretty uncomfortable. I guess its to pack on as many people as possible. But for me even most roller coasters I always think, wow I sure could design a way better seat than this extremely uncomfortable thing. Not just Universal, but all theme parks there are usually several rides I have these thoughts on.

I think roller coaster seats should be similar to jet fighter planes. Inclined and very padded, I hate that hard plastic, back rest straight up, very uncomfortable that almost all of them seem to be like IMO.
Well don't feel bad, I am normal size, although I'm tall 6'2 I weigh around 195, but I have trouble fitting in many rides too. They are just typically made to small IMO (the seats) and are typically pretty uncomfortable. I guess its to pack on as many people as possible. But for me even most roller coasters I always think, wow I sure could design a way better seat than this extremely uncomfortable thing. Not just Universal, but all theme parks there are usually several rides I have these thoughts on.

I think roller coaster seats should be similar to jet fighter planes. Inclined and very padded, I hate that hard plastic, back rest straight up, very uncomfortable that almost all of them seem to be like IMO.

They all see to be like that for very simple reasons. Jet fighter plane seats are inclosed, roller coasters usually are not. And there are a whole lot more people riding roller coasters than a fighter jet. So to have padding on the seats on a roller coaster would be too costly as they would need to be replaced almost constantly due to weather and wear and tear from riders. The seats have to be straight up for safety reasons, pretty much.
So instead of a lot of multi-quotes I'm just going to respond generally to the last few posts - hopefully that will be less messy :)

1. Nobody said this but I just want to add that I would never say a ride shouldn't be made because I wouldn't fit in it...but it just seems like with today's engineering marvels something could be constructed to fit more body types.

2. I'm no engineer but the problem wasn't the actual seat size but the pullover restraint. I'm big chested and the seat belt between my legs was like an inch from clicking in to the pullover restraint. If the pullover restraint had another two inches where it connected to the seat it could fit over bigger people and still adjust for smaller people...i would think? or if the seat belt could adjust like in a car I could have pulled it up further to lock. But I'm no engineer - haha!

3. I did think about trying the seats in front of the ride but people were sitting in them hanging out. I waited a bit to see if they'd get up but they didn't and I didn't want to go ask them to move...and honestly I thought I'd be fine. Even though I'm a big girl I've never not fit on something before...learned that lesson!

4. I did make it on FJ and the restraint clicked on the seat I sat in and they just asked me to switch to the outside seat...and my brother and he is really not that big. Now I'll accept the argument about ride design on the coasters but FJ doesn't go upside down and the way it's built surely could accommodate larger frames. I feel bad for my friend who went like a week before me who couldn't ride it. I didn't find that out until j came back though. And that wasn't the ride where I got embarrassed...the embarrassing part was Dueling Dragons where I tried to sit in a regular seat and the belt was like an inch from clasping and my cheat would not let the restraint go down any further. So we had to get off and stand behind a separate gate until the next ride came and then before anyone else could board they walked us up to the modified seating row! It wasn't THAT embarrassing I guess but it was awkward!

5. I searched for other threads on here after i got back (wish I did before I went but didn't even think about it as an issue) but I mist have been using the wrong search terms (larger seats at Universal?). Thanks for your patience with my new thread and experiences!

That's all I can type right on a plane and have to turn off my PED. And for those wondering my seatbelt on the plane fits just fine with about 4 inches to spare...thank goodness (Universal has me paranoid about fitting in things these days) :lmao:
Well don't feel bad, I am normal size, although I'm tall 6'2 I weigh around 195, but I have trouble fitting in many rides too. They are just typically made to small IMO (the seats) and are typically pretty uncomfortable. I guess its to pack on as many people as possible. But for me even most roller coasters I always think, wow I sure could design a way better seat than this extremely uncomfortable thing. Not just Universal, but all theme parks there are usually several rides I have these thoughts on.

I think roller coaster seats should be similar to jet fighter planes. Inclined and very padded, I hate that hard plastic, back rest straight up, very uncomfortable that almost all of them seem to be like IMO.

That does make me feel better - thanks!!

Alright now the phone really has to be turned off!!
Try getting on something at Cedar Point being a larger framed person. Unless you are pencil thin there is very little you can ride there.

i'm 5' 4" on a good day;)and not a skinny person, but even i have issues with many of coasters as to hitting my knees against the seat in front of me there. :confused3 The blue streak is a cool, old coaster but has the most uncomfortably designed seats of any coaster imo.
I went with my friends a couple of years ago and one of the guys couldn't fit the seats properly. He's definitely a little overweight but his main problem is his height. Same as you, the restraints wouldn't clip in for him and the poor guy was horribly embarrassed. After the first time it happened he felt so bad that he refused to go on anymore rollercoasters.
If they made all the seats bigger, wouldn't it make the ride not fit children who meet the height requirement? I think it is a good idea to make some seats bigger but not all. Especially for coasters, you want a fairly tight fit to prevent people's heads and bodies from moving around too much.
My issue at US is consistency. I'm not overweight but not super skinny (5'4" and about 120lb) but find some rides tight (Dudley Do Right is insanely tight!) and some enormous (RRnR seats are vast!). At least you can test them before you ride at US. :confused3
Kath2003 said:
My issue at US is consistency. I'm not overweight but not super skinny (5'4" and about 120lb) but find some rides tight (Dudley Do Right is insanely tight!) and some enormous (RRnR seats are vast!). At least you can test them before you ride at US. :confused3

Try being 6'4" 210 and getting in and out if Dudley. I can even get into the front if I work on it.
My issue at US is consistency. I'm not overweight but not super skinny (5'4" and about 120lb) but find some rides tight (Dudley Do Right is insanely tight!) and some enormous (RRnR seats are vast!). At least you can test them before you ride at US. :confused3

It's because the rides are entirely different ride systems. Ripsaw Falls and Rip Ride Rockit are vastly different, and therefore the manufacturers have different restrictions and guidelines for each. The only two that have the same restrictions are Dragon Challenge and Hulk, as they're both B&M coasters.
If they made all the seats bigger, wouldn't it make the ride not fit children who meet the height requirement? I think it is a good idea to make some seats bigger but not all. Especially for coasters, you want a fairly tight fit to prevent people's heads and bodies from moving around too much.

I would think they could make something that could just lock tighter for smaller people/kids. I mean the roller coasters accommodate a large variety of body types as it is so it seems like it's technically feasible to accommodate a wider range with some changes....again though, I'm no engineer ;)
Kath2003 said:
My issue at US is consistency. I'm not overweight but not super skinny (5'4" and about 120lb) but find some rides tight (Dudley Do Right is insanely tight!) and some enormous (RRnR seats are vast!). At least you can test them before you ride at US. :confused3

Oh no, this is the first time I've heard of Dudley Do Right being a tight squeeze. I'm quite a bit bigger than you (taller and almost double the weight) so am thinking now that I'll have to give this ride a miss.

Up until now I'd only been worried about not fitting in FJ (the big coasters are too scary for me anyway). Now I can add Dudley Do Right to that list.

Could someone please tell me all the Universal Orlando rides that a plus size person should be wary of. I'd rather know now than be disappointed on the day. I'm hoping that the Simpsons, Despicable Me, Spiderman and Men in Black Rides are all okay as these are the ones I think my family will enjoy the most.
Oh no, this is the first time I've heard of Dudley Do Right being a tight squeeze. I'm quite a bit bigger than you (taller and almost double the weight) so am thinking now that I'll have to give this ride a miss.

Up until now I'd only been worried about not fitting in FJ (the big coasters are too scary for me anyway). Now I can add Dudley Do Right to that list.

Could someone please tell me all the Universal Orlando rides that a plus size person should be wary of. I'd rather know now than be disappointed on the day. I'm hoping that the Simpsons, Despicable Me, Spiderman and Men in Black Rides are all okay as these are the ones I think my family will enjoy the most.

All of the rides you mentioned should be fine... none of them require test seating. The rides with restrictive seats are: Hulk, Dragon Challenge, Dr. Doom's FearFall, Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls, Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey, Mummy, and Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit.
BrinkofSunshine said:
All of the rides you mentioned should be fine... none of them require test seating. The rides with restrictive seats are: Hulk, Dragon Challenge, Dr. Doom's FearFall, Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls, Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey, Mummy, and Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit.

Thank you for such a quick response. :-)

I'll be quite disappointed if I don't fit in FJ and the Ripsaw Falls, but I guess I'm fortunate that I'm not interested in any of the other restricted rides you listed. I'm too much of a scaredy cat and my DS is too young.
I can sympathise though with all the plus size thrill seekers amongst you. It is disappointing when you're looking forward to something and, for whatever reason, you can't do it.


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