Nothing to See Here...

Here is the FIRST installment for today!!!

Candlelight and Cannonballs! Aunt Betty’s Do-Over Christmas Trip

(Sun., 12/9/12 – Wed., 12/12/12)

Day 2 - Monday, December 10, 2012 – Part 13

What child is this, who, laid to rest,
On Mary's lap is sleeping?
Whom angels greet with anthems sweet,
While shepherds watch are keeping?

In the last TR installment, I left Toon Town and It’s a Small World Holiday and headed to Town Square to decide if I would or could see the first Candlelight Ceremony/Processional of the evening. I lucked out by being in the right spot at the right time, and I very quickly got a seat next to some lovely people in the center of the 4th row. I hunkered down for what would be my very first Candlelight Ceremony/Processional (but not my last), which turned out to be amazing. It easily exceeded my expectations, and the crowds around me seemed equally impressed.

More Lou Diamond Phillips…


The show was about to wrap up…


LDP thanked the crowd, saying that he was glad to be part of such a beautiful tradition. He wished us a merry Christmas and offered some other personal words. He asked us to pray for the troops who are overseas and who couldn’t be with their families for Christmas. He asked us to be kind to each other every day, all year long, and not just at Christmas time.

LDP closed by asking us to pray for the family of his friend, Jenni Rivera (a TV personality who had just passed away in a plane crash earlier that week). He said that she was an inspiration and a good friend to him, and she would be greatly missed.


And, with that, the show began its closing phase. I think that it ran about 40-45 minutes from beginning (the Processional) to end. I could be wrong. I didn’t time it or look at a clock, but it seemed like it was about that long.




I got up from my chair and was saying goodbye to my seat neighbors. We wished each other a merry Christmas. They said they thought the ceremony was fantastic and they felt so lucky to have been able to see it. They started to walk away, and then pointed me to this chair below, noting that LDP must have been sitting there at some point…



No one ever actually saw LDP sitting in that chair – he was pretty much at the podium for the whole time - so I am wondering if the chair was reserved for his guest? There isn’t really a chance for the narrator to sit in a chair during the show.

Here is what the seats looked like once they were empty. You can see what I mean about having no wiggle room in between chairs. They were very close together in each row! (I posted photos with and without flash so you could get an idea of what the beautiful lighting was like before and after the event.)



Everyone was getting ready to take a break and rest before the next performance (at 7:30, I believe)…









Having now seen the Candlelight Ceremony/Processional, I have a few thoughts about it. Clearly I enjoyed it. I made that known in my last post. It was a beautiful ceremony, and the singers were so talented. I would happily see it again – if it returns to Town Square.

Lou Diamond Phillips – while not being my first choice of narrator – did a fine job. I knew he would. Anytime I have ever seen him do anything he seems to really embrace it and take it seriously. He gives it his all. I’m sure it wasn’t easy for him to get up there and narrate 6 Ceremonies (remember, he was there for 3 nights in a row, 2 shows each night) in the wake of his good friend just being killed, but he was a professional and he pulled through.

This very moving show – while stunning and haunting – is not going to be for everyone, simply because of its religious nature. The music is wonderful and if you love Christmas songs you will appreciate the lively renditions of many of them (but don’t expect to hear things like “Frosty the Snowman” or “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” because the tone of the show is a more serious one). But, unlike something such as the Christmas Fantasy Parade or the Believe…in Holiday Magic fireworks which are, perhaps, a little more accessible to a wider range of people (meaning the ones who are not devoutly religious but who enjoy the holidays), the Candlelight Ceremony definitely has that feeling of ‘church,’ which will not be appealing to everyone.

Actually, I rather think that if the CP/CC were to relocate to the Hyperion in California Adventure, it would feel even more like ‘church.’ I tend to think that the outdoor Town Square setting kind of takes some of the edge off of that ‘church feeling’ in a way. I guess what I mean is that, when you watch the CP/CC in a spot such as an open square on a busy street, it seems a bit more like an outdoor concert in the park and not so much like a church service. It seems a little less ’formal,’ maybe. That could be the wrong word to use, but that’s the word that comes to mind at the moment.

I think that an indoor theater – while offering more seating opportunities – will definitely make the CP/CC a less intimate show. It will likely still be beautiful to see and hear, but making it ‘bigger’ will take away some of the special-ness of it, I’m quite certain. I think that a major element in making the CP at Disneyland soooo wonderful IS its unique location, where it has been historically held for over 50 years. In fact, someone in my Christmas Superthread even commented that our CP at DLR was better than the one at WDW, largely due to the location. She enjoyed ours more.

In a large theater I cannot envision a scenario in which anyone would be able to just walk up a couple of minutes ahead of time and get a 4th row seat, being able to see the narrator and the choir just a few feet away. I enjoyed seeing the faces of the people performing. I enjoyed being able to actually see Lou Diamond Phillips up close, rather than seeing him as a tiny dot on a stage from a distant balcony chair.

So, while I know that most people are in support of the idea of the CP/CC moving across the Esplanade to California Adventure because they think that this will somehow reduce crowds in Disneyland, reduce scheduling changes and allow for more people to see the Ceremony, I have to say that I am secretly hoping that Disneyland does not move it. It is very special in its existing location.

Of course, I think that Disney is inevitably going to move the Ceremony – simply because it will be a way for them to start offering dinner packages and make money, and because this will free up Disneyland itself to host a paid Christmas party (which will cause all kinds of other crowd and scheduling issues). Right now there are too many reasons for Disney to move the CP/CC to DCA, and very few reasons to not move it. This would be the wisest choice for them because they can start making money on the CP and from a Christmas party. I just wish the CP could somehow stay where it has been for the last 50 years.

Back to the rest of Day 2…

Soooooo, after leaving Town Square I decided to check off a couple of longstanding ‘goals’ on my list of things to do during this trip that I had not been able to manage on the last few trips. Namely, get some better nighttime photos of It’s a Small World Holiday and the Winter Castle (with the icicles on, not off!). My previous attempts in December 2008 and November 2010 had been pitiful, and I wanted to have at least a couple of halfway decent, non-blurry IASWH and night Castle photos for my own use, such as Facebook Timeline cover pictures, making calendars, etc. I knew I could do better – just like I knew I could do better with the New Orleans Square mask pictures too – so if I put my mind to it and stay focused on one task, without distraction, I can get it done!

I stopped at the Partners statue just to see what it would look like if I attempted these pictures below. I don’t like how they came out at all – Walt & Mickey are just way too dark – and yet I didn’t get the silhouette effect that I was kind of going for or hoping I’d get. I don’t think I even adjusted settings or switched into the night mode on my camera, which might have helped. I was too impatient! I could have stayed there to try to get better pictures and probably come up with something sort of decent, but I was really determined to get to IASWH and the Castle! I wasn’t interested in staying at the Hub at that moment.



Yep, those 2 shots above are really bad – certainly not on the level of the photos that I had been taking on the trip up to that point. But, as I’ve said, I will show you the good ones and (some of) the bad ones too! No one bats a thousand all the time, but most folks will not show the clunkers. They will only show the really good ones, so it appears as if they never take a clunker shot! Lol.

My philosophy is that this is not an art gallery or a museum! It’s a Trip Report, and occasionally some lousy pictures will be taken on Disneyland trips! Lol.

I walked up to the Castle, staring at it and hoping that the icicle lights would magically turn on just for me! They did not. The Castle was in non-icicle mode. It’s not that it’s not pretty, but it’s not really “The Winter Castle” in my eyes until the icicles turn on.

(By the way, these pictures below are some of the photos that mysteriously resized and got smaller/narrower in my camera, unbeknownst to me, and that I have since resized again in Photobucket. So if they seem larger than everything else it is because they were originally smaller than everything else! Lol.)






I didn’t want to waste time and stand there all night, so I figured that I would head to It’s a Small World Holiday because I knew it would be lit up and I wouldn’t have to wait for lights to appear! Hopefully, by the time I finished up at IASWH the Castle would be aglow in its Wintry glory!

Up next, in Part 14 of Day 2 – I take on the It’s a Small World Holiday night pictures without a DSLR camera! But, was I successful?
Here is the SECOND installment for today (I’m going to try for a third by tonight)!!!

Candlelight and Cannonballs! Aunt Betty’s Do-Over Christmas Trip

(Sun., 12/9/12 – Wed., 12/12/12)

Day 2 - Monday, December 10, 2012 – Part 14

It came upon the midnight clear,
That glorious song of old,
From angels bending near the earth
To touch their harps of gold:

In the last TR installment, the lovely Candlelight Ceremony/Processional ended and I attempted some bad night shots of the Winter Castle while it was in non-icicle mode. I decided it was time to head back to It’s a Small World Holiday to try to get some decent nighttime photos of it.

I took the long way around to Fantasyland, through Tomorrowland…



Just as I was walking up to the festive It’s a Small World area, I saw that the nightly snow was falling. I tried to catch it on camera while it was still coming down, but it stopped before I got my camera ready. But…here is the snow after it hit the ground and some kids stepped on it. Not very attractive or magical, is it (to say the least)? Lol.


Ahhh…there it was, my target! This was my first attempt, right out of the gate…





At least the clock face is tilting from side to side this year – a couple of years ago it was not turning, for some reason…



The colors on the IASWH façade seemed brighter or more vivid this year, I think. Everything seemed sharper.









This picture didn’t come out good at all…


The surrounding area was bustling with activity…






Well, all in all, I think it was a fairly successful attempt at nighttime IASWH photos for me – and one of the shots actually made the perfect Facebook Timeline cover photo for a while. I certainly got better photos of IASWH than I had in the past, which is something. It’s all about improving and getting better!

Up next, in Part 15 of Day 2 - the icicles turn on at the Winter Castle and I attempt more night shots!
Sherry I just love your pictures of IASWH at night! Do you think DL went to the new LED lights? I find them much brighter than the lights from my youth.

I think the CP/CC would be less magical inside. At EPCOT it's in the open amphitheater and that is part of it's charm. I can only imagine how wonderful to see it at DL in the Town Square. So special.

I'm with you - I appreciate a photo that captures the moment and helps tell a story. :thumbsup2

BTW I found many of the Hallmark Christmas Movies on youtube...Search 'Hallmark-' Just when you need a 'fix'.
Sherry I just love your pictures of IASWH at night! Do you think DL went to the new LED lights? I find them much brighter than the lights from my youth.

I think the CP/CC would be less magical inside. At EPCOT it's in the open amphitheater and that is part of it's charm. I can only imagine how wonderful to see it at DL in the Town Square. So special.

I'm with you - I appreciate a photo that captures the moment and helps tell a story. :thumbsup2

BTW I found many of the Hallmark Christmas Movies on youtube...Search 'Hallmark-' Just when you need a 'fix'.

TK -

Thank you so much.:goodvibes I appreciate it. For my particular camera, I thought the IASWH photos came out pretty well.

I would not be at all shocked if they switched to LED lights on the IASWH facade - or just switched the bulbs to new ones. I recall someone on the DIS Unplugged Podcast also saying that the lights looked brighter or more vivid too - and that was before I saw them in person. They definitely looked 'different' than they had in recent years, but not in a bad way.

I definitely think that a large theater such as the Hyperion will make the CP seem more like a church event, which could be more alienating for people who are not terribly religious. There is just no way they can replicate that same intimate feeling of being close to the singers and close to the narrator in a huge theater that is indoors. But, unless Disney decides to scrap a Christmas party idea for a year or so and keep the CP in Town Square, I fear it is going to move to the Hyperion.

Darn that Hallmark Channel for being so addictive all throughout November and December!:rotfl2: Now we have to get fixes to curb the withdrawal!:rotfl2:

Okay, one more TR post for tonight, coming right up. I finally finish up Day 2!
Here is the THIRD installment for today!!!

Candlelight and Cannonballs! Aunt Betty’s Do-Over Christmas Trip

(Sun., 12/9/12 – Wed., 12/12/12)

Day 2 - Monday, December 10, 2012 – Part 15

Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace…

In the last TR installment, I tried my hand at getting some decent nighttime photos of the It’s a Small World Holiday façade – something that I had (very unsuccessfully) attempted in 2008 or so.

The IASWH mission was one more personal goal accomplished and checked off the list (after tackling the masks in New Orleans Square and seeing the Candlelight Processional – two of my other goals). It was time to check something else off the list.

Knowing that the snow had just recently fallen I hoped that my timing would be good and by the time I got back to the Winter Castle the icicle lights would be on.

The lights were on!










Long after I took this photo, it occurred to me that Bret/mvf-m11c took a sort of similar shot of the Castle through the trees, like this one below, quite a while back. I like to always try to give people credit when they come up with a good, creative idea for a photo – so credit goes to Bret (even though I forgot that he took the same sort of picture until the day after I took this one)!





At this point I felt somewhat satisfied with my nighttime Castle photo efforts. The pictures were much, much better than what I took back in November of 2010, and I was getting hungry and tired so I didn’t feel the photos would get any better if I kept shooting. I still want to go back and try to get photos of the Castle from the front or from a bit of a distance at some point, but I figured I’d better leave well enough alone for that moment and just call it a job well done, as well as another personal goal checked off the list.

I hadn’t eaten anything since that ice cream cone early in the day (with the odd table-sharing situation), and I was craving something of substance…like a sandwich!

I quickly realized that Earl of Sandwich was a welcome addition to Downtown Disney for me. Too many times I have wandered around DLR, feeling like I wanted to eat something that was more substantial (and less expensive) than one of the thin burgers that can be found in the parks. Often I don’t want a full meal with sides and all of that, but I also don’t want to pay $7 or $8 for a simple hot dog. I need to feel like I am eating something that will fill me up but will not cost more than what it’s worth.

I think that Earl of Sandwich fills that need for me. It is cheaper than a burger in the parks, and it is more substantial. Plus, I can easily buy a sandwich – which is snugly wrapped in foil – and take it in its little carry-out bag back to wherever I plan to eat it. I don’t have to stay there and eat on the EoS benches.

And, let me not gloss over the fact that I can get a meatball sandwich at Earl of Sandwich. I love me a meatball sandwich!

Now, don’t get me wrong, if it had been a Subway that moved into Downtown Disney I probably would have been just as happy, for the same reasons – meatball sandwich; better value than what I’d get in the parks; can transport said sandwich to hotel room or elsewhere for consumption, etc. But Disney wouldn’t put something as common as a Subway Sandwich shop on it property, I don’t think. (Then again, they do have a Haagen Dazs and a Jamba Juice in DTD, and a Starbucks in California Adventure and soon to be in Disneyland.) I think they want eating establishments that are a little more interesting or fitting of being on their Resort turf.

I knew that once I got my sandwich I wanted to go back to my Paradise Pier Hotel room. It had been a long day for me, and as much as I wanted to visit the Grand Californian Hotel lobby to enjoy the carolers, I knew I didn’t have the energy. I needed to eat, watch some TV and sleep.

As I made my way out of Town Square along with many other folks, the second Candlelight Ceremony/Processional of the night was taking place…

An eerie blue washed over the trees…



When I got to Earl of Sandwich I was shocked to see that there was no one in line, which was a 180-degree difference from what it had been like on the previous night when I ate there with my friends. This was great, as it enabled me to actually walk into the restaurant and study the menu a bit, trying to decide if there was anything else I wanted other than a Cannonballs! sandwich.

In looking over the Earl menu I was intrigued by the Holiday sandwich, which was basically turkey, stuffing, gravy and cranberry sauce on bread. Seeing that I didn’t have a Thanksgiving dinner anywhere, I kind of wanted to taste some Thanksgiving flavors again – I haven’t tasted stuffing or cranberry sauce in years.

More importantly, I was thinking ahead to the next day. I had eaten an ice cream cone for breakfast on this day (Day 2) and gingerbread cookies for breakfast on the previous day (Day 1). I didn’t want to end up eating something sweet and junky for breakfast again on Day 3, as I knew it was doing a number on my blood sugar.

I wanted to get a sandwich that I could put in my mini-fridge back in the PPH room and be able to eat it cold the next morning, to give me something a little more substantial for breakfast.

I decided to get a Cannonballs! meatball sandwich to eat that night, and a Holiday sandwich to eat the next morning. I knew the turkey and cranberry sauce would be fine when they were cold, and I could only hope that cold stuffing would not be too horrible.

Holiday Turkey Sandwich - $6.99
Cannonballs! Sandwich – 6.99

Subtotal - $13.98
Tax - $1.05
10% Annual Passholder discount – 1.40

TOTAL = $13.63

Even though there didn’t seem to be a lot of people waiting for their food, my order took a while to prepare. Finally, I was handed my 2 sandwiches in a carry-out plastic bag and I found myself quickly walking through Downtown Disney, into the Grand Californian Hotel lobby and across the street to the Paradise Pier Hotel, where I was again greeted at the entrance with a “Welcome back” by one of the parking guys.

As great a day as I’d had, and as productive as I’d felt I had been, I must admit I was relieved to be back in the room for a variety of reasons. I washed my hands and tossed my bag on the bed, then sat down at the little desk in the room with a bottle of water and my sandwiches.

See the exclamation mark at the end of Cannonballs!?



And with a flash…



This is the Holiday sandwich, labeled as “Today’s Special” – it is only sold during the holiday season, and it’s not listed on the regular menu. Instead, you will see a sign with an ad for it inside the restaurant, and it says “for a limited time” or some such thing.





I wrapped up the Holiday sandwich and put it back in the refrigerator for the morning, and I wolfed down the Cannonballs! sandwich, which appeared to be missing mozzarella cheese (it is supposed to have both parmesan and mozzarella on it). I was not about to march all the way back to Earl of Sandwich to complain about the mozzarella, so I just ate it as is because I was hungry.

Day 2 was a really good day for me. I managed to get over the blues that I had been hit with on Day 1, and made myself get out there to enjoy DLR . I checked off a few of the missions/goals on my list of things to do (Candlelight Ceremony; photos of the New Orleans Square masks, IASWH and the Castle). I got some fairly decent photos of a wide variety of things in Adventureland, Critter Country, Fantasyland and Toon Town. I ate peppermint ice cream for breakfast. I met with a nice lady at DVC and got a $50 gift card. I ended the night with a sandwich. It was a fulfilling day for me. I felt like I accomplished a lot (by my own terms).

After eating, I was ready for a night of slumber. I climbed into bed, watched a little of “The Voice” on TV, and soon was drifting off into a deep sleep as the very busy Day .2 came to an end. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Up next, in Part 1 of Day 3 - Another gorgeous sunrise greets me, and I stop for a sweet snack before heading to Disneyland to take more photos.
Nice installment! I like that the EoS wraps their good up well to go. It's was nice you could relax in your room and dig into the scrumptious looking Cannonball! sandwich. We will definitely have to try EoS on our next DL trip.

Now I'm curious how the turkey dinner one was for breakfast. Hard to top the gingerbread Mickeys....I'm just sayin'

Nice installment! I like that the EoS wraps their good up well to go. It's was nice you could relax in your room and dig into the scrumptious looking Cannonball! sandwich. We will definitely have to try EoS on our next DL trip.

Now I'm curious how the turkey dinner one was for breakfast. Hard to top the gingerbread Mickeys....I'm just sayin'


TK -

Yes, EoS wraps their sandwiches very well and gives you a little takeout bag with handles, so the sandwiches are perfect to take back to hotel rooms and such. They are very easily transportable. I didn't feel like sitting on the benches at EoS - even though it wasn't crowded. I just wanted to go back to the room.

As I've mentioned to Bret in the past, to put it into perspective and give a good comparison, the EoS sandwiches are a tiny bit more expensive - and smaller - than a Subway foot long sub sandwich (but you can get an AP discount on the EoS sandwiches). So in comparison to Subway, Subway is a better bargain.

However, if you compare the EoS sandwiches to what is sold in the parks (both prize and size) I think EoS is a better deal. I'd rather pay $7 for a substantial, fresh sandwich (even though my second Cannonballs! was missing mozzarella) than pay $7 or more for a regular hot dog in the parks, or $12 - $15 for a meal at Taste Pilots Grill (depending on what I order to drink).

The gingerbread cookies were the breakfast of choice on Day 1 (before I saw my friends). But I topped that breakfast with the peppermint ice cream breakfast on Day 2 (that was when the strangers sat down at my table and created an awkward situation)! I like ice cream for breakfast more than cookies! Day 3 will be the Holiday sandwich, and I will give my review of that when I get to that part of Day 3.
OK, maybe you should do promos for Earl of Sandwich too. I am going to have to look their menu over to maybe eat there one day for lunch or dinner as we are going to or from our PPH rooms.

Love the winter castle photos. So charming.

I'm hoping for some nice spring flowers on my trip. I have a total black thumb (my farmer grandparents must be rolling in their graves), so I am impressed with what professionals can do with them. We received some paperwhite bulbs before Christmas and I managed to get the to grow on our windowsill. Just my luck -- none of us can stand the fragrance so they got moved outside to likely freeze and die!

OK, maybe you should do promos for Earl of Sandwich too. I am going to have to look their menu over to maybe eat there one day for lunch or dinner as we are going to or from our PPH rooms.

Love the winter castle photos. So charming.

I'm hoping for some nice spring flowers on my trip. I have a total black thumb (my farmer grandparents must be rolling in their graves), so I am impressed with what professionals can do with them. We received some paperwhite bulbs before Christmas and I managed to get the to grow on our windowsill. Just my luck -- none of us can stand the fragrance so they got moved outside to likely freeze and die!



Thank you - the Winter Castle (at night) never disappoints! In the daytime one could argue that the Winter Castle loses something in terms of its Disney magic, but at night when it glows it's just wonderful.

Earl of Sandwich is located all the way at the other end of Downtown Disney - exactly where Compass Books used to be, right before you step onto the Disneyland Hotel property - so it wasn't exactly on the way for me when I was going back to the PPH because I had to pass by the Grand Californian "short cut" and walk all the way past everything else in DTD to get to EoS.

EoS is a bit out of the way, but for what I was looking for I think it was worth it. There are times when I just don't feel like getting onion rings or fries with a burger, and I don't feel like paying for a $15 sandwich in Disneyland that comes with sides I don't want (River Belle Terrace has decent sandwiches, but they come with sides and I don't always want all of that). And there are many times when I want something that feels a bit more substantial than a hot dog. So I think this sandwich option seems to be a nice alternative. EoS doesn't have a whole lot of choices on their menu, but everyone should be able to find something they want.

Just be sure to check your order before leaving EoS in case they make a mistake on it like they did with my friend, when they gave her the Mediterranean wrap instead of the Chinese Chicken wrap!

:rotfl2:I was laughing about your poor flowers freezing and dying. I have a black thumb too. There are no plants or flowers in my apartment, though I love the smell of flowers and I love to see them in full bloom.

I think you should be able to catch a nice, colorful spring flower bed here and there while you're at DLR, although Disney never seems to be consistent with their flowers - what you see one year may not be there at the exact same time the next year (the floral Mickey at the entrance to DL, for example) - so even though I have seen some beautiful flowers in pictures taken in March at DLR in the past, it's hard to say which flowers will be there.
Here is the FIRST installment for today, and the first installment of Day 3!!!

Candlelight and Cannonballs! Aunt Betty’s Do-Over Christmas Trip

(Sun., 12/9/12 – Wed., 12/12/12)

Day 3 - Tuesday, December 11, 2012 – Part 1

Oh, there’s no place like
home for the holidays,
‘Cause no matter how far away you roam
When you pine for the sunshine
Of a friendly face
For the holidays, you can’t beat
Home, sweet home

In the last TR installment (and final segment of Day 2), I checked another personal goal off of my to-do list at DLR and got some decent nighttime photos of the Winter Castle, which were infinitely better than my last attempts at nighttime Castle photos back in November of 2010. Then I visited Earl of Sandwich for the second time on this trip (the first time being with my friends on Day 1), scarfed down my Cannonballs! meatball sandwich and finally ended my long, productive and fulfilling day in my Paradise Pier Hotel room…where I happily drifted off to sleep.

As soon as I got out of bed on the morning of Day 3 – Tuesday, December 11, 2012 – I put a pod in the coffee maker, gulped down some water while I waited for my caffeinated beverage to be ready and walked over to my window to see what awaited me.

And, once again, a beautiful sunrise was beginning to wash over the sky…








I tore myself away from the window and got my coffee from the coffee maker. I also took my Holiday sandwich out of the mini-fridge. I’d bought the sandwich at Earl of Sandwich the previous night and saved it for breakfast in the morning, to keep me from substituting cookies or ice cream as a “meal.” I had wanted to find a sandwich that would possibly taste decent when it was cold, as there was no microwave in the room for reheating. This sandwich had turkey and cranberry sauce in it, both of which I knew would be fine. It was the stuffing and gravy that I wasn’t entirely sure about.

If you have never stayed at the Paradise Pier in the past and plan to in the future, keep in mind that the mini-refrigerator gets things very cold, very fast! This is handy for beverages and what not (like the many bottles of water I bring with me to DLR), but not so good for sandwiches. I wanted a sandwich that wouldn’t taste horrible when it was cold…but I didn’t really want a sandwich that was ice cold, if that makes sense! Lol.

So I let the Holiday sandwich sit there on the table for a bit, as I watched the local news on TV and drank my coffee. I just wanted the sandwich to get a little less cold. When I finally ate it, I thought it was not too bad. It definitely would have tasted much better when it was warm, but it had the Thanksgiving flavors I expected so that was a good thing. The flavor of the stuffing was what I found to be most prominent. The turkey was rather thinly sliced. I didn’t taste much of the cranberry sauce, for some odd reason, even though it was plentiful. The stuffing kind of overpowered everything.

I’d like to try the Holiday sandwich again when it is warm and fresh to see if I like it any better. I know that Liza/funatdisney really loves that sandwich, but she ate it when it was warm. I’ll give it another chance on my next holiday season visit. I don’t think I’d eat it cold again.

In any case, I ate the whole thing and felt a bit better for having eaten a sandwich with protein in it for breakfast and not some sort of sweet treat.

Not that I was going to steer clear of the sweet treats, mind you…but we’ll get to that momentarily!

I finished eating and got myself ready for the day. I left my Paradise Pier Hotel room and headed to the elevators.

This surfboard lamp with a bit of fisherman’s netting over it is in the elevator waiting area…gotta love those details that support the themes!


An interesting thing that the PPH has begun doing is putting the daily newspapers on this table near the elevators for all guests to take. When they used to charge a “Resort Fee” a few years ago, they would deliver the papers right to the doors. When the resort Fee was discontinued in 2011, I guess they decided to leave a stack of papers in a common area…


This is not the first time I have taken a photo of these lights, but notice the theme-appropriate shell-ish/scallop-y light fixture on the ceiling…


Once arriving in Downtown Disney, I remembered that one of the things I had planned to do was to get a “Peppermint Bark Dazzler” at Haagen Dazs – something that’s made only during the holidays. Since I had just eaten the Holiday sandwich I didn’t know if I was fully ready for ice cream just yet, but I decided to get it and check it off of “My List.”

The Haagen Dazs guy (behind the counter) did not give me a receipt with any kind of breakdown on it (tax, subtotal, etc.), but he claimed that he applied the 10% Annual Pass discount.

All that it says on the receipt I did get is $7.42. Yes, $7.42!!!!! That is more expensive than getting two scoops of peppermint ice cream in a holiday sprinkled cone at Gibson Girl Ice Cream in Disneyland – without an AP discount!

And I’ve got news for you…I will stick with the actual peppermint ice cream at Gibson Girl! I like it much better than the Haagen Dazs Peppermint Bark Dazzler!

While I appreciate that Haagen Dazs sells anything remotely peppermint-y during the holidays, they don’t actually make these concoctions with peppermint ice cream. They tell you that it’s peppermint ice cream, but what it really tasted like was plain vanilla/white ice cream with peppermint bark pieces strewn throughout it. And then they throw in some cookie pieces too.

I found the harshness of the peppermint bark to be too much in the Dazzler because the ice cream itself was kind of a flat, blank canvas. If the ice cream had actually been real peppermint ice cream, there would have been a better balance of peppermint flavor between the ice cream itself and the bark.

It’s sort of the same with the two different kinds of Dreyer’s Peppermint Ice Cream that can be found during the holidays. The “Peppermint Stick” ice cream is the pink stuff with pieces of peppermint candy mixed in, and that’s what is sold at Gibson Girl. But the Dreyer’s “Slow Churned” Peppermint ice cream (half the fat) is like a vanilla or some sort of white ice cream with peppermint candy mixed in. The Slow Churned ice cream actually ends up being a bit harsher to the taste buds because the contrast between the peppermint candy and the bland ice cream is too severe, whereas the Peppermint Stick ice cream is perfect because the contrast is not as noticeable and the ice cream itself is rich and flavorful.

So in this case, Disneyland wins points for serving a better-tasting product and for being less expensive!

Anyway, here is what the Dazzler looked like…




When I finished my Peppermint Bark Dazzler I sauntered through Downtown Disney, eventually stopping in World of Disney for a quick second to be sure that some items I had been considering for possible gift card use on the previous day were still there. They were right near one of the entrances so I could find them easily.

I was only standing in front of one particular display for a minute, when I heard a little voice speaking to me.

I looked down and there was a small, adorable boy standing at my side.

The boy looked up at me, and with a very polite, calm voice said, “‘Scuse me. Hi. This is my Buzz Lightyear.” He outstretched his hands to proudly show me the famous space explorer toy in toy form.

I couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear. How could you not? Kids are so precious; so innocent. This little boy just wanted me to see the toy he was either just about to get or had already gotten. He was showing it off.

I said, in that overly animated voice that we reserve for very little children, “Wow! It sure is! I love Buzz – “

Almost as soon as I opened my mouth, someone that was probably the little boy’s mom whisked him away. (Maybe she had heard about my “Evil Chair” at Storytellers Café in 2010, which caused a little girl to burst into tears in the middle of the restaurant when she banged into it., and which caused her grandmother to give me the death stare.)

Tiny kids can say almost anything and it will be adorable. If a grown man had approached me – or anyone – in a store and said “This is my Buzz Lightyear,” I think the reaction and response would have been quite different. Lol.

I left World of Disney and arrived at the Esplanade. I looked left. I looked right. Which way would I go?

Would I go this way?


Or would I go this way?


I went this way!


Just look at how pitiful the floral Mickey is! Compared to previous years, this is just sad! What happened to it? It looks so…bare.








Part of the Candlelight Processional/Ceremony set-up…



Up next, in Part 2 of Day 3 – More fun on Main Street!
Good morning Sherry,
I wondered how the cold turkey dinner sandwich would be....looks like the Haagen Daazs Dazzler wasn't! And pricey too.

I am really surprised that the floral Mickey outside of DL is so...plain...I've never seen it so unadorned.

Looks like you have another nice day to explore!
Good morning Sherry,
I wondered how the cold turkey dinner sandwich would be....looks like the Haagen Daazs Dazzler wasn't! And pricey too.

I am really surprised that the floral Mickey outside of DL is so...plain...I've never seen it so unadorned.

Looks like you have another nice day to explore!

TK -

My favorite breakfast so far (out of Days 1, 2 and 3 of my trip) was the peppermint ice cream in the holiday cone on Day 2...well, that is, other than the fact that I was made to feel uncomfortable sitting at my own table!:rotfl2:

I wonder if the taste of the stuffing in the Holiday sandwich would have been less prominent if it had been warm. Strangely, it kind of obliterated the taste of the cranberry sauce altogether, and turkey is kind of bland to begin with. I think that because the mini-fridge got the sandwich soooo cold it made a difference, as opposed to if it had just been slightly chilled.

The Peppermint Bark Dazzler...well, it didn't dazzle me, as I explained! I wouldn't have minded paying that crazy $7.42 (and I am still not certain that I got the AP discount because the cashier didn't give me the right receipt to show me that it was reflected) if the ice cream had been actual peppermint ice cream, and if the taste of the bark had been less 'sharp' against the blank canvas of the white ice cream (as I mentioned in the last installment).

But when you consider that the Peppermint Bark Dazzler cost more than a full Cannonballs! sandwich (with an AP discount) at Earl of Sandwich...something seems lopsided!

Can you believe that pitiful floral Mickey? Isn't it sad? It got me wondering if it had been that way in November when I was at DLR for the day, and maybe I just didn't pay attention to it. Disney never lets the floral Mickey get quite so anemic-looking. I wonder what happened to it. Maybe the existing flowers got ruined. Maybe they ran out of cash in the horticulture/landscaping budget. Who knows? But it was sad!

There will not be as many pictures from Day 3 so it won't take as long to get through. I don't know if anyone noticed, but Day 2 was the day that yielded the most TR installments out of all of my trip reports! I don't think I have ever gotten up to "Part 15" in any previous individual TR day. Day 2 got up to 15 segments! I'd have to double check my "Evil Chair..." report from December 2010 to be sure, but I don't think I have reached 15 segments for a single day in a multi-day trip. Day 3 will not reach that number, but I took some pictures here and there.
Your TR is wonderful! I really enjoy your attention to detail.

How does one get a free upgrade to a park view room?

Can't wait to read what happens next!
Looking forward to more of day 3! popcorn::

TK -

I've got 2 TR installments coming up right after I post this reply, and then I am working on another one which I will hopefully have up within another hour or two. I am trying to crank them out as fast as I can, without skipping over anything that was noteworthy along the way. In looking at the remaining photos I have yet to post, I saw some that I had totally forgotten about! I literally looked at them and said to myself, "I don't remember taking those at all!":rotfl2: It's weird how that happens when you take a lot of pictures.

Your TR is wonderful! I really enjoy your attention to detail.

How does one get a free upgrade to a park view room?

Can't wait to read what happens next!

Hi, Cristy!:wave:

Welcome!:banana: It's good to see you here! I'm glad you jumped in before I end up closing the thread at the 250-page mark.

First of all - thank you so much for the kind words! I think I've probably been "detail-oriented" since I was a kid, and it has its drawbacks a lot of the time - but it can come in handy when I need it to as well (like for trip reports and photos!).

Now, as for the upgrades at the PPH...I've clearly been very lucky in that department and I'm not sure why. For the last 3 consecutive holiday season trips I have made to DLR, I have been given a free park view upgrade.

BUT, I would say that for maybe the last 2 years or so I have been hearing of quite a few people getting free room upgrades to park view at the PPH - and some of them have even been upgraded to Concierge if they had more people in their group. I think a couple of families were even upgraded to suites for free! (I've never gotten a suite or concierge.)

One thing I noticed is that my park view rooms in 2010 and 2011 (on higher floors) were 'kept up' a little bit better. They seemed a little crisper, a little fresher - and each night someone would bring chocolates to the room when they asked if I wanted turn down service. There were also chocolates left in the room after the room was cleaned.

However, this past park view room that I just had last month (on a lower floor) seemed ever-so-slightly less kept up and less tidy. I can't explain it - you probably wouldn't notice if you just glanced from a distance, as the differences were very minor. But I could see a couple of spots in the 6th floor room that looked a little more 'worn' than in the upper floor rooms. Also, no one left any chocolates for me in this room! Interesting!

I would like to think that my free upgrades had something to do with the fact that I arrived to do the pre-check in at the front desk really, really early in the morning. And, in truth, that might have been a factor in it but the PPH people will never admit to it.

I think that showing up for pre-check in (when you get all the paperwork out of the way) as early as you possibly can manage it cannot hurt your chances of getting an upgrade. Also, I noticed that when I called the PPH to check on the status of my room mid-morning (thinking I had missed their call), that seemed to prompt them to "move things around" (in their own words) to get me into a room much faster than they would have. If I hadn't checked on the status of my room and had just waited until 3 p.m. or 4 p.m. to check in, I might have just ended up with a standard view. They said that they had put me on some kind of "list" to notify me if a room opened up earlier than expected. So be sure to let the front desk person know that you want to be notified if a room is ready early.

Also, I think it doesn't hurt if you are celebrating something - a birthday for one of your kids, an anniversary, a reunion, the very first trip to Disneyland, anything. If you make a reservation on the phone the agent will usually ask if you are celebrating anything. That's when they make a note of it in your online records, and it will appear to the Cast Member at the front desk when you check in and they pull up your account in their system.


Okay, I've got 2 trip report installments coming right up, back to back!
Here is the FIRST installment for today!!! I am zippin’ along!

Candlelight and Cannonballs! Aunt Betty’s Do-Over Christmas Trip

(Sun., 12/9/12 – Wed., 12/12/12)

Day 3 - Tuesday, December 11, 2012 – Part 2

Just hear those sleigh bells jingle-ing
Ring ting tingle-ing too
Come on, it's lovely weather
For a sleigh ride together with you

In the last TR installment, Day 3 began with another wonderful sunrise blanketing the sky outside my Paradise Pier Hotel window. For breakfast I ate an Earl of Sandwich Holiday sandwich (turkey, stuffing, gravy and cranberry sauce) that I had stored in the mini-refrigerator the night before, and discovered that it was a bit too cold for my liking. I stopped for a lackluster “Peppermint Bark Dazzler” at Haagen Dazs and met a sweet little boy with a Buzz Lightyear toy in World of Disney. Finally, I headed into Disneyland and was aghast to see the sickly floral Mickey that usually packs such a vibrant punch of color during the holidays (and, really, all year long).

Part of the Candlelight Ceremony/Processional set-up…




I wish I could say that this snowman-esque topiary was only out for the holiday season, but if I recall correctly, it is there in Town Square all the time. I’m pretty sure I saw it in June, when I was at DLR for the Cars Land/Buena Vista Street preview. Of course, the poinsettias at the base of it are holiday additions but the topiary itself seems to be a regular staple of the Town Square décor. I feel like it needs a carrot, a scarf and a top hat, though…




Winter Sweater Mickey and Winter Pluto were walking over to their posts to pose for photos! I think Pluto should have a sweater too!


I love this picture below! This CM had such a warm, friendly smile! After I took the photo I walked up to him to show him that it came out nicely.

I said, holding up my camera to him, “See? That’s a great picture!”

He replied, “It is great – because luckily you can’t see my face at all!”

I said, “Oh, that’s a terrible thing to say! It’s such a nice face!”

He grinned and thanked me for the compliment.

(That’s me – spreading cheer to everyone I meet around DLR, whether they are fellow guests or Cast Members! Lol.)


Gigantic tree…


The ornaments on this tree were actually a little bit different this year. Some of them had been swapped out for others – it’s a subtle thing that a lot of people won’t notice, but those of us who tend to get close-up ornament photos notice!





I don’t ever recall seeing musical instruments on the Main Street tree in the past…that’s new to me!


I went into the Emporium to look around a bit – I was still trying to assess all of the merchandise to decide where my $50 gift card from DVC would be spent. I loved these Santa Yodas!


I don’t think I had ever paid attention to this ornate light fixture in the past – normally I don’t hone in the light fixtures like deejdigsdis and Bret/mvf-m11c do (they are interesting, but not at the top of my list), but this one was appealing to me because of the decorative wings on it…



I thought that these ears were interesting…


I love this Jack Skellington Mickey…


Look at how cute these holiday Vinylmations are!



Main Street has such an especially charming, ‘small town-ish’ vibe during the holiday season!



I’ve gotten a photo exactly like this in the past – but here is another one! (I still wish that the Mickey-shaped wreaths were on the lampposts and not just suspended over Main Street.)


The new home of Starbucks!


Up next, in Part 3 of Day 3 – I spend a little more time in Disneyland before heading across the Esplanade to see the Buena Vista Street Bell Ringers!
Here is the SECOND installment for today!!!

Candlelight and Cannonballs! Aunt Betty’s Do-Over Christmas Trip

(Sun., 12/9/12 – Wed., 12/12/12)

Day 3 - Tuesday, December 11, 2012 – Part 3

Hark! how the bells
Sweet silver bells
All seem to say,
"Throw cares away."
Christmas is here
Bringing good cheer
To young and old
Meek and the bold

Ding, dong, ding, dong
That is their song
With joyful ring
All caroling
One seems to hear
Words of good cheer
From ev'rywhere
Filling the air

In the last TR installment, I meandered and moseyed along Main Street, chatting with a friendly Cast Member and stopping to take photos here and there. I also checked out some of the merchandise in the Emporium to store in my memory for later use of my $50 Disney gift card..

More from Main Street…


I didn’t spend a whole lot of time on the Main Street window displays this time around because I’ve gotten extensive, detailed photos of them on past trips and the displays really don’t change all that much from year to year. There is no sense in my taking pictures of virtually the same displays every year when I am trying to come up with ‘new material’ – but I do like to look at some of them to see if there are any minor changes.

So, of course, I had to stop at the infamous Sewing Machine Display as a wink and a wave to deejdigsdis (who has vanished from this TR and from the DIS). The stupid reflection in the window was annoying – sometimes it is worse than other times…






This is one of my favorite window displays – even if I don’t take photos of it every year, I like to see it because it’s so festive. I took this same exact photo in 2010!


Merry Kiss Miss! Cute!



I got an almost identical shot of this candy/gingerbread house back in 2010 too!


I noticed that this particular part of the display was not as fun and festive this season – the decorators didn’t put as many things in it; they didn’t ‘dress’ it enough. I guess when they cut back on floral Mickey they also cut back on the window decorations! That’s Disney for you – they add in a bunch of wonderful things, but they take other things away they may just be little things that disappear here and there, but they are gone!



To be honest with you, I even saw a couple of horses that did not have their butts decorated this season. If you’ve ever paid attention to the Main Street horses in the past, you will know that their butts/tails are adorned with seasonal bows and things for both the Halloween and holiday seasons. But I saw some horse butts without decorations. When the horses start losing their butt décor you know that Disney is really cutting back the enhancement budget!


I have not ridden on this in decades, but I should do it again for nostalgic purposes!


He was walking towards Main Street…


At that point I decided that I wanted to come back to Disneyland later in the afternoon – because I wasn’t yet sure if I was going to try to see the Candlelight Ceremony/Processional for a second time, but I wanted to be back in the park close to the start of the first show so I could figure it out.

I turned around and headed over to California Adventure, which I had pretty much neglected since my arrival day. I wasn’t sure if I was going to go to Cars Land and take pictures of whatever I may have overlooked on my November day trip, or maybe try to see the gingerbread house in Carthay Circle if the staff would allow me in, or maybe explore some shops on Buena Vista Street. I thought that I might even look around Hollywood and get some pictures there that I had been planning to get for the last few years (I have always ignored Hollywood during previous photo sprees but there were specific things I wanted to take pictures of).

Oh – and I planned on getting another peppermint bark sample at Ghirardelli too, which I didn’t do at all on Day 2! A girl’s gotta have her priorities, after all. (But notice that I said I “planned” on getting one…)

Almost as soon as I walked through the turnstiles of California Adventure I saw the Buena Vista Street Bell Ringers taking their spot to perform for the crowds. I had somehow managed to miss them on my day trip in November so I was pleased to see that they were about to begin their set.

I can’t recall which song they started with but, at some point or another, the Bell Ringers performed “Jingle Bells” – I think it would have been a crime for the Bell Ringers NOT to perform “Jingle Bells”!


I love the authentic period-specific clothing, hats, hairdos and shoes!










Up next, in Part 4 of Day 3 – my attention quickly shifts from the Buena Vista Street Bell Ringers to a bona fide rock star and her handsome hubby! I guess you could say that this was, ‘no doubt,’ my biggest celebrity sighting at Disneyland Resort thus far! Lol.

And then, I find myself back in Disneyland for more aimless roaming and photo-taking!
Your Mainstreet USA pictures brought a big smile to my face. I loved them all.

I think the bell ringers at DCA are great. Can't wait to see BVS in person. I'm glad I have the next best thing - YOU showing me! :goodvibes

I'm on pins and needles for the celebrity sighting!!
Sherry E said:
So, of course, I had to stop at the infamous Sewing Machine Display as a wink and a wave to deejdigsdis (who has vanished from this TR and from the DIS). The stupid reflection in the window was annoying – sometimes it is worse than other times…

This is one of my favorite window displays – even if I don’t take photos of it every year, I like to see it because it’s so festive. I took this same exact photo in 2010!

I would LOVE to see this display. Where is it? Is it up during the rest of the year?
I love the big tree on Main Street! :lovestruc It's so gorgeous.

The Jack Mickey is darling as re the holiday vinylmations. Joshua collects them. He has a shelf on his wall where he displays them. He'd love those.

Merry Kiss Miss gave me a great idea for next year's holiday neighbor gift. :thumbsup2 I need to copy that picture and bookmark it.

Your photos have inspired me. Our next trip, while far away, will be in Dec 2014. I need some Disneyland Christmas. :cloud9: This year won't work or it won't work as soon as I need it to. A trip would be last minute if it happens in 2013. Do I dare say 712 days until Disneyland? :rotfl2:


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