A Solo Trip 28 Years in the Making-Oct 16-17th, 2012

Oh my gosh, Chip n Dale's house is so darn cute! I really miss the Toontown section of WDW too. I remember it from when I was a kid and really wish I could've shown it to my son. Oh well....the new FL will be just as cool next year!

Great photos of POTC and Toontown!!!! Oh my goodness, how adorable is Toontown?? I really hope they don't do away with it either, especially before Emma and I get there to see it. It looks so sweet!!

I wish I had time to go inside every building and house but ended up only enjoying Toontown from the outside. I just don't remember WDW's Toontown being this elaborate.
Great pics of IASW and Toontown! We really enjoyed the Toontown in DL so much more compared to the one that used to be in WDW. I was disappointed when they tore it down in WDW because DS had never been able to experience it, but it was so much better getting to see DL's version instead! He loved playing in Goofy's house and Mickey's house is so much more elaborate there than it was in WDW. It really does look like you walked right into the cartoons!
Great pics of IASW and Toontown! We really enjoyed the Toontown in DL so much more compared to the one that used to be in WDW. I was disappointed when they tore it down in WDW because DS had never been able to experience it, but it was so much better getting to see DL's version instead! He loved playing in Goofy's house and Mickey's house is so much more elaborate there than it was in WDW. It really does look like you walked right into the cartoons!

Thanks! I'm with you. I think seeing the DL version made me miss the WDW version less. ;)

Great photos Dave - really enjoying your trip report. We were at Disneyland too that day - I remember it was a really hot day!

Thank you! Yes, I can still remember how warm it was that day. I was so busy shuttling back and forth between attractions that I didn't get much to drink in between - I was slightly dehydrated by the end of the day. :rotfl:
Wednesday October 17th

After taking a tour of Toontown, I swung by over to Roger Rabbit again which was still closed. So I strolled on over to Fantasyland to go on Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride.


As a child, this was one of those “scary” rides for me. I don’t know why, but my parents always gave me the impression that this was sort of like a rollercoaster ride. By the time I actually got to try it when I was 10, I thought it was great and went on it a few times. So, I was kind of excited to be going back on this one after all these years. I had my camera ready too and got a car all to myself. By the way, I was starting to get a bit self-conscious at this point about going on rides by myself but quickly got over it as soon as the ride began. So what did I think? Umm…this was not how I remembered it. The displays mostly being made of cardboard type drawings were disappointing – for some reason I had remembered differently. The ride itself was faster and slightly more jerkier than the normal dark ride so maybe that’s why I enjoyed it so much as a kid. The on-coming train was at least how I remembered it. Oh, and trying to take pictures on this ride was pretty much impossible for my beginner skillset. Considering how I have trouble manually focusing in dark rides to start off with, the constant swerving did not help matters. And how about that ending? We’re in hell. Literally. Did not see that one coming, especially on a Disney ride. Okay, so thanks to this trip, I had some resetting of some of my fond memories of childhoods involving Matterhorn and Mr. Toad.

A toad sitting on top of the CM controls for the ride




Train coming right at me!

Fire breathing dragon......I think.

Afterwards, I got in line for Pinocchio. Never been on this one before. Or at least I have no memory of it. Thought it was cute but nothing to write home about…..oh wait, did the Blue Fairy really disappear in front my eyes? Ok never mind. This ride’s good.



I walked back over to Toontown to give Roger one more chance before giving up. And what do you know? It just re-opened so I scurried over and got on the ride in a matter of minutes. This ride was fun too. I didn’t realize ahead of time that you could spin your car like a teacup during the whole ride! Of course, since I was by myself and I was taking pictures, I really wasn’t using the spin wheel all that much except to occasionally reposition the car so that my camera was pointing in the right direction. I’m sure if my kids were on board we would be spinning until I felt like throwing up.











Next Up: A Slice of Main Street
Wednesday October 17th

It was time to take in the sceneries of Main Street.

The castle from Fantasyland

As I passed through the hub, I of course had to pay homage to Walt and Mickey’s Statue.


A fun decoration they added for Halloween were the “carved pumpkins” surrounding the statue of one Disney character representing each land.









Next I headed down towards Main Street and halfway down, saw the Dapper Dans performing and singing Halloween related songs. I don’t think I ever stopped to watch the Dans perform before but it was a lot of fun.



Once the Dans finished with their performances, I noted that my iphone was about to run out of battery and since I had been using it to post live updates on this trip report, I had to get it charged. Main Street lockers actually have charging lockers for devices where you pay $2 per hour and it has two electric outlets inside the locker. It is located at the end of the alley where the market carts are. As I came out, I noticed these windows. They came with sound effects too. There was one where you can hear a guy typing away. Another one where a woman is giving piano lessons to a silent child who clearly is not grasping the idea of just simply going up the notes!


I went down near the park entrance and found the Disney Gallery. It was a lot smaller than I had anticipated and didn’t take long for me to peruse through the paintings. They had an exhibition of various artwork involving all of the castles from each Disney park.


Next, I headed over to the Emporium to look for some gifts for the kids. I always feel overwhelmed when I enter the Emporium. There are soooo many items to browse through and I have a hard time using an organized approach to going through the store. I end up walking back and forth over the same sections. Anyway, I found a charm bracelet with Disney princesses for DD. Found a Buzz Lightyear laser gun for DS. Of course later it turned out DD also liked the laser gun and I was kicking myself for not getting two of those. Also found a couple of Halloween Mickey shaped candy apples.


Funny side story – I had these in my backpack on my flight back home from San Diego when I went through TSA. They had to open my bag and take a look at the candy apples because they appeared suspicious in the x-ray machine. I really wanted to get them cupcakes too, but didn’t think these would transport well. I spent the rest of the hour walking up and down Main Street and looking at all of the pumpkin related decorations.








Have to say, the decorations for Mad Hatter store was my favorite! Checked in at the bakery to see if anything called out my name but didn’t find one. Before I left Main Street, I picked up my iphone back from the charging station and headed to Star Tours.

Next Up: Star Tours, Snow White
Great Main Street update! It looks so adorable all dressed up for Halloween. I love those pumpkins themed for the different lands! WDW has statues around the hub of the characters in costume, but those pumpkins are way cuter! It seems like DL really goes all out for Halloween!

Awesome find on the charging station. I didn't know they had those! And you can definitely drain an iPhone battery FAST in a Disney park. :goodvibes
Great Main Street update! It looks so adorable all dressed up for Halloween. I love those pumpkins themed for the different lands! WDW has statues around the hub of the characters in costume, but those pumpkins are way cuter! It seems like DL really goes all out for Halloween!

Awesome find on the charging station. I didn't know they had those! And you can definitely drain an iPhone battery FAST in a Disney park. :goodvibes

Those charging lockers are great! Wish they would install them at WDW as well.
Wednesday October 17th

It was 4pm and time to end my stroll through Main Street. I headed back over to Tomorrowland to use my FP for Star Tours expecting just a brief wait in line. However, even with the FP, the Star Tours wait was very backed up. I think I was in line for about 25 minutes.



Tried to pass the minutes with my iphone but cell reception in this particular building was not great. Got to skip ahead of 8 people when the CM shouted out looking for a single rider. I was a little disappointed that the sequence on the ride was nearly the same as I once again was sent to do some pod racing (and I don’t like anything that has to do with Episode I period) and Bobba Fett and the Death Star. At the gift shop this time around, I noticed these two t-shirts which I thought was pretty funny. I recognized the one on the right with Vader as one of the scenes for the DL commercial for the new Star Tours when it first opened.

I walked back over to Adventure Land and walked by Jungle Cruise to see what the wait time was like.


Still at 30 minutes, so decided to put that off a little longer and went to New Orleans Square to browse through the stores.


This area turned out to be one of my favorite nooks in DLR. The themining between the buildings and shops are so tightly knit together. Took a quick look through the crystal shop looking at objects I didn't think I could afford.



Then stood and watched the Bootstrappers perform.


They were pretty good too. There was some Jack Skellington items on display at one of the stores.


Next up, I found my way to get aboard the Mark Twain.



I went all the way up to the top deck and stood in the rear.




A couple that was standing next to me asked if I could take a picture of them. I think I was asked to take pictures for other couples or families a lot more on this trip and I’m wondering if that was because I had my DSLR always out on my hip with the shoulder strap making people believe that I would be good at taking pictures more than I really am or that I was touring by myself without a family so I would be more free with my time. Didn’t hear any complaints, but it’s a bit awkward trying to take pics on those small smartphone since the shutter button is on the darn screen.

The tour around Rivers of America was tranquil and relaxing. It was getting close to sunset and I had a nice time reflecting on the day so far. Also came to the realization that my trip to DLR was nearly over. Got to get a look at the various structures on Tom Sawyer’s Island. A family with a couple of young boys were with the captain, and they were given opportunites to blow the horn and ring the bell throughout the cruise.



That's Splash Mountain.

The Golden Horseshoe from the docks.

When I got off the ferry, I went and obtained a FP for BTMRR which I ended up not using.

I headed back to Jungle Cruise and now the wait time was only 20 minutes. So, I decided to get in line. Of all the rides I had been on, that queue had to be the most serpentine one and included a flight of stairs to go up and back down! The skipper was corny as usual but that’s how I like my cruise skippers. It was about 5:30pm so a lot of the views were darkened which gave a slightly different perspective than what I'm used to. The jokes were remarkably similar from MK’s version. Although, we didn’t go through a temple-cave in this one. Anyway, it was a classic that I had to try.





Of course, there was the Back Side of Water.


Don't like the way he's sizing up my head.


Next Up: Saying goodbye to DL
Wednesday, October 17th

I walked back to the hub and through the castle back in to Fantasyland.


Snow White’s Adventure seem to have a short line so I decided to go for it. It had been awhile since I last rode this attraction so thought it would be fun. I didn't get to go on this ride at WDW the last two trips we were there before it closed. It was a lot shorter than I remembered it to be. To me, the Evil Queen always felt like the center of the attraction which I think works great. The best part is the transformation of the Queen in front of the mirror – it’s sort of like the worst before and after photoshoot EVER!








It was almost 6pm and I had one more ride left on my to-do list which was Alice in Wonderland. The wait times all day for this one had been near 30 minutes and I had been putting it off hoping it would go down a bit near the end of the day. As I approached the queue though, I began hearing some parade music along the route passing by the side of Alice and saw people lined up against the parade rope. Without trying and by sheer luck, I had stumbled upon the parade route for Mickey’s Soundsational Parade and the parade’s first float was about to pass by. So I decided to watch it. It was very similar to the MK’s afternoon parade, Celebrate a Dream Come True. I had a good time watching. More recently, I’ve been paying more attention to some of the supporting castmembers of the parade as opposed to just focusing on the well known Disney characters. The amount of energy they bring to these parades are amazing whether its their dancing or interactions with the crowds. I was snapping away with my camera focusing on the dancers. And several of them would see me with my camera, and give me a pose lol.













As I saw the last float approaching, I turned around and entered Alice’s queue. I had been peeking over my shoulder throughout the parade and noticed that the line was getting shorter and shorter as everyone was distracted by the parade. So I was just ahead of the rush that ensued when the parade finished and all those people who had been watching decided to get in line for Alice. My wait time was just about 5 minutes. I had never been on this one either so this was enjoyable. The scenes involving the Queen of Hearts were classic.





Next Up: A Rosey Epilogue
Oops, somehow I missed an update!

I totally agree, I LOVE the New Orleans Square section of the park! It is all of the best things about New Orleans (the shops all tightly knit, the architecture, the charm) without worrying about stepping in horse poop or vomit. :lmao:

Great pictures from the parade! We really enjoyed that one when we were in DL, and Paxton just loved dancing to the music on DH's shoulders. It was something we ended up stumbling upon too, and it made for a great memory from our trip! You are so right about the dancers, they really do an incredible job! You have to imagine they must be dying when it is a million degrees outside, but they still seem to put 100% into their dance moves and have a smile on their face!

I just loved the Alice ride too, it's so cute and classic Disney dark ride! You got some great photos in there as well!
I missed an update too :confused3 But I'm all caught up now. I love watching the dancers and support people in the parades. I am always in awe at how they just keep smiling the whole time through song and dance! Amazing!
Just finished reading your TR(never read TR's) Excellent job and love the photo's. I also used an iPhone 4s for most of my photo's this last time. Very satisfied.

Oops, somehow I missed an update!

I totally agree, I LOVE the New Orleans Square section of the park! It is all of the best things about New Orleans (the shops all tightly knit, the architecture, the charm) without worrying about stepping in horse poop or vomit. :lmao:

Great pictures from the parade! We really enjoyed that one when we were in DL, and Paxton just loved dancing to the music on DH's shoulders. It was something we ended up stumbling upon too, and it made for a great memory from our trip! You are so right about the dancers, they really do an incredible job! You have to imagine they must be dying when it is a million degrees outside, but they still seem to put 100% into their dance moves and have a smile on their face!

I just loved the Alice ride too, it's so cute and classic Disney dark ride! You got some great photos in there as well!

I'm actually even more in love with New Orleans Square now since a LA native like yourself likes it - which means it's pretty authentic! :thumbsup2

I missed an update too :confused3 But I'm all caught up now. I love watching the dancers and support people in the parades. I am always in awe at how they just keep smiling the whole time through song and dance! Amazing!

It's so much fun to try to capture the support cast of a parade on camera. They interact and respond to the crowd so well. When we go back to WDW in January, I'm going to try to take as many pictures of the support cast for FotLK and Celebrate a Dream Come True!
So glad you got to finally visit Alice in Wonderland attraction! After seeing your photos, I can't wait to visit these old classic rides - esp Alice and Snow White! Great photography job!
So glad you got to finally visit Alice in Wonderland attraction! After seeing your photos, I can't wait to visit these old classic rides - esp Alice and Snow White! Great photography job!

Thank you! Alice was definitely a treat since I dont think I've ever been on it before. Thought it was very well done.
Hey Dave - great to catch up on your DL TR. Everything at this park seems so much more "manageable" as far as walking is concerned....of coarse, that could just be an illusion seen through the report - who knows?!
Great trip report! It is getting me very excited for our October trip. We will have the same issue with my conference dates dictating our trip and I will nervously await the Halloween party schedule!
I just read up to date on your TR. thank you so much for sharing all your adventures. I'm doing my first solo trip the end of April and am a little nervous about some things. I've planned a couple character meals but am apprehensive about being solo and I don't have much solo dining experience to begin with. I can't wait for the next update!


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