Hurricane Sandy and East Coast - anyone preparing yet?

Here on long island with no power, no hot water.

Able to charge my phone from my car which was not damaged, Thank goodness!! Trees and downed wires are everywhere, 50+ houses in breezy point destroyed by fire, and a co-worker said she watched her car float away in Long Beach. So silly that she stayed and now she is stuck there. They can't even use the water because the sewage system was breached by the ocean water.

What a mess. They said not to expect power for at least a week!! :(

Many parts of Fire Island have been destroyed and about 8 houses floated away. It's so weird to drive up a street you pass every day and see the ocean just chilling there... :sad2:
I do not think you can view this video and think it was hype:

This is Beach Haven NJ on LBI. The Island sustained overwhelming damage. The sand lays thick in the roads, in homes, houses off pilings, etc.

If people had thought it was all "hype" and had not left, there'd be many more deaths to report. there is no electricity or water on the Island now.

The devastation down the shore is overwhelming. Besides what has been previously listed, the storm and sand moved houses from the beach onto Route 35 in both directions. The governor called this storm unprecedented and the worst since 1962. Film footage this morning showed many shore restaurants with the fronts blown off and the lobby or restaurant filled with sand!
Well we lost power for 1 1/2 days and had a large tree limb come down and block our driveway - we got power back a few hours ago and my DH took care of the limb with a sawzall. Luckily the weather here in Ma has been mild, so we were able to stay in the house quite comfortably. My hometown on Long Island is devastated, it's hard seeing Facebook posts from family and friends and seeing the mess left behind and all they have lost.
Due to the lack of transportation in NYC today, I ended up having to walk from Queens to midtown to get to work. Thanks Sandy!
I look at the pictures and try to imagine how things will every be able to go back to normal for those that live in the devastated areas...and then realize that for a lot they will not go back to the old "normal" but will have a new one. I see entire neighborhoods that look like they are now part of the ocean and think those were most likely blocks away and now they are IN the ocean..that water will not recede...the land that was there is now gone! Do they rebuild the coast line so people can still live there or do those people whose homes are now in the ocean move somewhere else?

I couldn't imagine even dealing with a disaster of this magnitude..I mean, where do you begin?
I do not know, Nancy. And right now, don't we all feel so helpless. Owners can't even go back home to figure out where to start and most of us are so far away, we can't help do a thing. Give $ to help, pray for everyone and otherwise just helpless.

Here's another video on LBI, it is pictures set to music and will rip your heart out. This is just one area--up and down the coast and inland, more of the same & some worse.
No, that's not a bridge across a river. It's the entrance to the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel:


The Breezy Point section of Queens, after it caught fire and burned on Monday during the peak of the storm:

Entrance to an underground parking garage in lower Mahattan:

Cab parking lot in Hoboken, NJ:

Atlantic City yesterday:
bas71873 said:
Wow. You are a trooper! I'm not sure I'd have it in me.

Yeah, unfortunately I don't have the kind of job where I can just call in to work and say I'm not coming. I believe I will be walking home in about an hour too.
We are ok but my town is destroyed. The boardwalk is completely gone. My car floated away. We evacuated and are safe but still accounting for friends and neighbors, there were 80 houses destroyed by fire during/after the storm. Our church rectory and a much beloved neighborhood destroyed by fire. Very very sad. looks like a war zone...:sad1:
Yeah, unfortunately I don't have the kind of job where I can just call in to work and say I'm not coming. I believe I will be walking home in about an hour too.

Please be safe walking home. Hopefully the subways will be back up and running soon. My DH is headed up to Bayonne tomorrow to clear the rest of his stuff out of his apartment and take some supplies (generators, trash pumps and extension cords) to his former employer.
We surprisingly got our power back today. Half of my town was destroyed since I live in a coastal town on the south shore of Long Island.

My brother in Florida told us that our town was on CNN most of the night.
Hopefully the subways will be back up and running soon.

Unfortunately, for the critical lines that serve lower Manhattan (the heart of the U.S. financial sector), it will take a lot more than hope to get them back up in any timely fashion. As shown below, the flooding in that part of the system is horrific; fixing it wil involve a lot more than just pumping the millions of gallons of water out. You are talking major, major damage to the power and signal systems that will take a significant amount of time to repair.





However, buses are up and running, trains are running down to where the electricity is out, there are shuttles from B'klyn and the M-N is back up full force.

Luckily, the stock market both doesn't need people's physical presence to run and people can get there if they want above ground.

Yes, the trains downtown are a mess, but they're fixing it, the worst spots are likely the very non-residential areas, and it'll all be back up decently soon I'm sure.
However, buses are up and running, trains are running down to where the electricity is out, there are shuttles from B'klyn and the M-N is back up full force.

Luckily, the stock market both doesn't need people's physical presence to run and people can get there if they want above ground.

Yes, the trains downtown are a mess, but they're fixing it, the worst spots are likely the very non-residential areas, and it'll all be back up decently soon I'm sure.

Downtown is still really bad. DH was supposed to be in NY on Monday/Tuesday this week for meetings (which got cancelled TG). They are trying to reschedule but they have no power yet at the offices (Madison Square area). Anything below 34th street is going to be difficult.
Downtown is still really bad. DH was supposed to be in NY on Monday/Tuesday this week for meetings (which got cancelled TG). They are trying to reschedule but they have no power yet at the offices (Madison Square area). Anything below 34th street is going to be difficult.

Yeah hopefully power will be back before the weekend is out and bldgs can get cleanup crews starting. Was only meaning the trains weren't completely gone. It's certainly all collectively still causing havoc. The stupid crane delayed me yesterday for like a half hour.


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