WARNING: YOLO 2012 Do NOT try this at Home!!! We’re Professionals Update: 3/18 Video

Haha I love the wonderful ponytail Andy did. He is such a pro at it :rolleyes:

All of your drawings of Eeyore came out great!

Hmmm…I think you were headed to the Tower of Terror. I’m not sure why I guess that…
I've never done the animation studio class. I didn't even know it was there the last time I went. So I was super excited to see your behind-the-scenes of it. Love it! You all did so well on drawing that adorable guy. And the pictures are now like a free souvenir. Yay for free!

(Also, I agree that Tangled was much better than Brave. Brave was actually a little scary :eek: )
Loved the drawing class, however, not able to recognize what it is I was supposed to draw when I am finished. :lmao: I blame the fact that I have no depth perception, but truly, I just can't draw. Still go to the class anyway. :thumbsup2:

You must be SO excited!! Only a few days now!!!! I hope you have fun trying all the new restaurants you are interested in!!

Looking forward to more of your adventure!!!
Haha I love the wonderful ponytail Andy did. He is such a pro at it :rolleyes:

All of your drawings of Eeyore came out great!

Hmmm…I think you were headed to the Tower of Terror. I’m not sure why I guess that…

He tries so often you would think he'd have the hang of it by now haha.

I am hoping to do this a few times while on my DCP and become a Disney animator!!! Ok maybe that's aiming a little high but i really would like to get the hang of drawing Disney characters.

What a great guess, you must have been reading my TRs for a while now. You know me oh so very well!!!

You guys are all so funny and I love how you all have so much fun! :)

:joker: we try!!! Fun is just so much... well... FUN!!! Especially on Disney

I've never done the animation studio class. I didn't even know it was there the last time I went. So I was super excited to see your behind-the-scenes of it. Love it! You all did so well on drawing that adorable guy. And the pictures are now like a free souvenir. Yay for free!

(Also, I agree that Tangled was much better than Brave. Brave was actually a little scary :eek: )

The class is really fun!!! They have a cute little studio/set up going on. They also have a similar set up in DTD Disney Quest but it's all done on computers and you don't get to take your picture home unless you pay to print it. We deserve some free for the amount that you pay for everything in Disney!!! haha

I'm glad you agree!!! I hear rave reviews about it all the time. It was good but I didn't rave about it like I do Tangled.

All caught up! Excellent ponytail!

Yay!!! Thanks for reading along :thumbsup2

Loved the drawing class, however, not able to recognize what it is I was supposed to draw when I am finished. :lmao: I blame the fact that I have no depth perception, but truly, I just can't draw. Still go to the class anyway. :thumbsup2:

You must be SO excited!! Only a few days now!!!! I hope you have fun trying all the new restaurants you are interested in!!

Looking forward to more of your adventure!!!

I wish I was better at the class. My mom used to call me her little artist but somewhere along the line I lost that talent haha.

It's so soon. I have started packing but barely. I better get on that soon I just would rather write about Disney and get myself all amped up :hyper:
A Spectacular Journey Into.... The Twilight Zone
May 28, 2012

So many of you have probably already guessed that after we got out of the drawing class I make a break for Tower of Horrors…. I mean Tower of Terror (while we were in the airport ease dropping on other people’s Disney conversations during that long plane delay we had heard someone call it Tower of Horrors, I was offended.)

First I made a quick pit stop trying to find a Purple Team Mickey button up that I had seen in March and was dying to get my hands on, unfortunately I never found it. Bobby had texted me telling me that it was in the cast member store and that there were a million of them. Figners crossed maybe it will b there when I arrive (discounts already getting me in trouble and I’m not even there yet!!!)

We proceeded onto my love. I can remember not being totally into this ride because there was an ANNOYING group of 4 teenagers, once again the ones “too cool for Disney” (if you have such a problem with it stay out!!! I want to enjoy my vacation) and they were just being rude and disrespectful. They shoved passed me to make it into the Library and then one again to make it to the entrance door. Andy could tell I was upset and was going to say something to them (my knight in shinning armor). I told him not to bother, I let them pass us so that I knew which line they would go in before I chose one therefore insuring I could GET AWAY FROM THEM.

You can tell I was still a little bummed with this lackluster less than enthusiastic photo




Oh well ride 4 down!!!

Meanwhile in a different part of the park Sam and Brittany was have a glorious time enjoying their version of Star Wars weekend


Once we were each done with our perspective rides we decided to meet back up at The Great Movie Ride (aka the ride Bobby was DYING to work at before he got placed in Figment).

I found this poster that I don’t ever really remember seeing but I thought was so perfect and magical


And then we proceeded inside to the non-existent line… I can remember as a kid when the line would wrap all the way outside, now in Andy terms it’s a “been there done that” ride. Regardless it’s one of my favorites.

Speaking of favorites… SINGING IN THE RAIN!!!


Once again one of my all time favorites it’s perfect and I just love it so much, ever since I was in 5th grade I almost died when I heard that Donald O’Connor had passed away when I was in 7th grade.

We made our way to our seats and were placed in the back section of the train.

Lights, Camera, Action and we were rolling


Gene Kelly <3 my tap dancing inspiration. I did a project on him my junior year of college for a dance class. My teacher thought that I copied the choreography off a youtube video (I didn’t I just really like the way he moves and was pretty good at replicating it I guess)


Mary Poppins. I actually had a dream about Mary Poppins the Musical last night, which I have never seen. Weird. Anyways she’s practically perfect in everyway, practically perfect so people say. Uncanny Nannies are hard to find ;)

Moving on…


And another personal favorite Casablanca


People think I am so weird having watched these movies at such a young age but like I’ve said these are the days I was made for.

And then we ran into Elphaba… I mean ummm the “wicked witch”



This is random BUT I was excited because this time through I finally saw the Mickey hieroglyphics in the Indiana Jones room!!! I tried to snap a picture but wasn’t quick enough. Darn.

After a quick spin through the movies we decided, or rather I decided that I hadn’t been on my Tower enough for the day so we headed back over to enjoy the plummet one more time!!!


Ride number 5!!!


We still didn’t make it into the front row and Brittany had not fully seen the “ominous black light figures” so we decided we had to go again!!!

The line was REALLY emptied out this time around so Sam and Brittany decided to do some night stretching


Don’t want to get to tense before a trip through The Twilight Zone

The girl who was seating for this ride must have gotten sick of seeing us but we were not stopping until we got in the front row and Brittany saw the ghosts.

Wouldn’t you know this was it!!! We decided having been in the front we were going to go all in for the picture


It’s probably one of my favorites ever


Brittany saw the ghosts and she FREAKED OUTTTTTT. Ride #6, it was a great time.

I realize now that you might not understand what I am saying about ghosts… Did I ever mention them in this TR? We’ll if not there is a brief description found in this post about a quarter of the way down.

Also notice the girl holding her foot up in the background? HOW DID SHE DO THAT?!

After we got off the wait was 15 minutes and the park was going to close soon. OF COURSE I HAD TO GET BACK IN LINE!!! Since Brittany and Sam had ridden in the front row and saw the ghost they wanted to end on a good note. So they went and got in line for Rock n’ Roller coaster instead (losers)

This would be my last ride of Disney!!! I was happy and sad at the same time. I knew I couldn’t be mad that the park days were coming to an end because 1 we got in for free, two we weren’t even suppose to have been there and three we still had a bunch of fun things planned (so don’t think the report ends here!!!)

Last ride through my love for a while <3


Ohp, look there is that girl with her foot again. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?


What a great ride to end on? We made our way into the gift shop. Sam and Brittany had just been done with the pre show video. I was all about running to get back on Tower of Terror but Andy said he was feeling a little woozy so we decided against it. He rode with me 7 times that day and I was so thankful he did, especially for a guy who isn’t the biggest fan of the ride.

We spent the time in the gift shop with my indecisive butt trying to pick out a t shirt. I love that Disney is starting to have attraction specific T-shirts to buy!!! I ended up picking one out after about 20 minutes of contemplation.

When I went to check out I also traded my Vinlymation really quickly for this guy


we sat on the street of Sunset Blvd. enjoying the music the night and each other’s company until Sam and Brittany were off the ride.

We made our way (a little reluctantly out of the park) taking pictures along the way

Guys move up juuuuuust a little I want to put the hat on your head


Happy Happy Joy Joy :-)


I said goodnight to my beloved park and we headed out at a little after 1am. Made it to park closing AGAIN!!! After two hours of sleep we made it. I could hardly believe it.

We made it back to the room at around 1:45 or 2am and we had a present waiting for us. Clean towels. YAY!!!


We jumped right in bed and possibly slept really well because of our lack of sleep. We even got to sleep in a little bit the following day and by sleep in I mean we still woke up at 8 or 8:30, come on it’s DISNEY!!! NO SLEEPING.

Tune In Next Time!!!
YEAH YEAH YEAH Tower of Terror. I LOVE your front row picture.... and that girl with her leg up in the air was cracking me up!! :lmao: The things you see in Disney. :laughing:

ps YOU'RE MOVING THERE IN 4 DAYS!!!!!!!! pixiedust:
Tower of HORRORS?! WHAT?! Okay, now I'm feeling offended. People need to get their attraction names right, all I'm saying. Sorry to hear you had to run into annoying teenagers, I hate kids like that. I know DISers whine and groan about the Brazilian tour groups, I feel they haven't met the "too cool for Disney" teenagers. You may change your opinion!

YAY for The Great Movie Ride! I'm so glad I've found someone else who likes all the old movies. I absolutely love Singin' In The Rain though I've only seen portions, but whenever it's raining and there's a light post nearby... I can't hold back. Love Casablanca too, old movies are some of the best, well after Harry Potter and Disney, but they're good. And I think it's awesome how you reference the Wicked Witch as Elphaba. Wicked <3

Whoa, more ToT? Wow, you REALLY like that ride don't you? I agree the ride photo where you were up front is by far the best. And really, what is with the girl with the leg? Talk about making everything more twisted! lol

Haha, I think that beats my record for deciding on a shirt or some merchandise. Unless those 20 minutes are truly exaggerated lol And I love the new Vinylmation you got, very cool. :goodvibes What a great hat photo too, definitely the way to end your night in DHS.

Can't wait to read about the rest of your trip! :mickeyjum
Turning This Night Around!!!
May 27, 2012

<<<I took some surrounding shots (most of which did not turn out because it was so dark). These poor people were literally trapped in their boats. They couldn’t get out. >>>>

DID YOU stay to see how they got those people out? Wonder how they got the "log prisoners" out and in what "record" amount of time? LOL

Am enjoying your TR's tremendously! You do indeed TRANSPORT ME THERE! Thank you!
Mmmm, your flatbread looks delicious!

<<<<That stinks Bobby didn’t have a good night at work. His boss sounds like a jerk.>>>> I]

I hope that isn't the norm for most Cast Members! Watch out Leasha! LOL
YIKES!!!! I spent way too much time reading this TR today lol,like a good book I couldn't put it down(not that I ever read books so nevermind )funny thing is I had to stop part way through and check availability for san angel Inn.So i'll know in september whether or not to thank you for that tee hee.I just updated my Pre Tr today and now I've gotta go add that detail in :) great report so exciting,can't wait to hear all about your big move.
What is up with that girl? Who does gymnastics on ToT?

Kudos to her flexibility. I tried it sitting on my couch and it could barely do it. I have no idea how she got her foot up there with the seats in front of her so close. CRAZY. But really, random much?

YEAH YEAH YEAH Tower of Terror. I LOVE your front row picture.... and that girl with her leg up in the air was cracking me up!! :lmao: The things you see in Disney. :laughing:

ps YOU'RE MOVING THERE IN 4 DAYS!!!!!!!! pixiedust:

TOWER OF TERROR<33333 Like the absolute love of my life. She was crazy, I think it's funny that she was in two of our pictures.

I AM LIVING IN DISNEY, LIKE... IS THIS REAL LIFE?!?! cap locks is not enough to express how amazed I am.

Tower of HORRORS?! WHAT?! Okay, now I'm feeling offended. People need to get their attraction names right, all I'm saying. Sorry to hear you had to run into annoying teenagers, I hate kids like that. I know DISers whine and groan about the Brazilian tour groups, I feel they haven't met the "too cool for Disney" teenagers. You may change your opinion!

YAY for The Great Movie Ride! I'm so glad I've found someone else who likes all the old movies. I absolutely love Singin' In The Rain though I've only seen portions, but whenever it's raining and there's a light post nearby... I can't hold back. Love Casablanca too, old movies are some of the best, well after Harry Potter and Disney, but they're good. And I think it's awesome how you reference the Wicked Witch as Elphaba. Wicked <3

Whoa, more ToT? Wow, you REALLY like that ride don't you? I agree the ride photo where you were up front is by far the best. And really, what is with the girl with the leg? Talk about making everything more twisted! lol

Haha, I think that beats my record for deciding on a shirt or some merchandise. Unless those 20 minutes are truly exaggerated lol And I love the new Vinylmation you got, very cool. :goodvibes What a great hat photo too, definitely the way to end your night in DHS.

Can't wait to read about the rest of your trip! :mickeyjum

Tower of Horrors. Like REALLY? We called it that the rest of the time we were there. People probably thought we were crazy.

Teenagers who are "too cool for Disney" should be banned. I am older than you and will never be"too cool for it" get over yourself or get out!!! That's my opinion, shorter lines for me if you don't come in :rotfl2:

I LOVE old movies, I have tried to get Andy to watch them with me once or twice but he is always falling asleep during them. Clearly he just doesn't appreciate good films. It's nice to see that I am not the only one who enjoys them.

WICKED<3333 such an AMAZING musical but obviously you already know that!!! Poor misunderstood Elphie...

I might be slightly in love/OBSESSED with ToT but I'm sure it doesn't show :rotfl:

Those minutes were not exaggerated it was definitely between 15 and 20 minutes. I am he most indecisive person you will ever meet. It takes me foreverrrrrrr

Don't forget to post your Twitter name! I'd love to read all your tweets in August and for future trips, please. Thanks!

I will definitely do so in my next update!!! I didn't realize that people would be interest. Thanks for the heads up.

DID YOU stay to see how they got those people out? Wonder how they got the "log prisoners" out and in what "record" amount of time? LOL

Am enjoying your TR's tremendously! You do indeed TRANSPORT ME THERE! Thank you!

We saw them starting to get people out as we were being taken out the "chicken line" the hand big metal poles that they stuck in the back of the log and turned to unlock everyone. I have no idea how long the entire process took but I can only imagine it took a great deal of time with all of those logs throughout the ride.

Awwww well thank you so much :goodvibes I'm so greatful so many people enjoy reading along!!!

I hope that isn't the norm for most Cast Members! Watch out Leasha! LOL

I hope so too!!! From all of the people that I have met through my check in process and such I can't imagine that there are many people here like that. Everyone is SO HAPPY ALL THE TIME I guess that's that happens when you live in Disney!!! We will see when I start working. Fingers crossed!!!

YIKES!!!! I spent way too much time reading this TR today lol,like a good book I couldn't put it down(not that I ever read books so nevermind )funny thing is I had to stop part way through and check availability for san angel Inn.So i'll know in september whether or not to thank you for that tee hee.I just updated my Pre Tr today and now I've gotta go add that detail in :) great report so exciting,can't wait to hear all about your big move.

Haha, I hope it wasn't to disruptive to your day!!! I'm really glad that you are enjoying it though ;) Sann Angel Inn <33333 I can't wait to make an ADR to eat there while I am here for the next few months. I hope that you enjoy it!!! You'll have to let me know how you like it.
Hello everyone!!! I just wanted to give a quick update on my life as of right now. I have officially moved to Florida, yesterday I got into my apartment and I have finally gotten all settled in!!! My parents were THE BIGGEST help ever but they left for home today. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone here on the Dis for all of their support and encouragment :hug: I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have people all over supporting me. It really helps to know that there are people out there who care. I think I am going to miss seeing familiar faces SO if you are going to be in the world between now and January let me know, I would love to meet up with anyone who wouldn't mind some company for a few minutes or even a few hours!!! I have hear that some people are interested in getting the real inside scoop on my time here so I figured I would post my twitter and instagram names on there so that anyone who is interested can follow along incase I don't have a ton of time to update. You can find me on both (same username) @leasha_burns Like I said if you are going to be around during my stay and would like to meet up I would love to meet some of my new friends!!! You can either message me on here of DM on twitter as well. I am hoping to get a TR for my CP experience up and running now but depending on how busy I am it might take a while. As always a BIG thank you to everyone for reading along and I hope you continue to enjoy reading along.

Now let's get back to this TR shall we!?!

One (Not So Lazy) Morning
May 29, 2012

On this last full day in Disney even though we would not be entering a park we had MAJOR plans. So we got to sleep in a little bit but still woke up at around 8:00

Total Sleep Count: 11.5 hours

Obviously not enough sleep in three days for Andy…


We all woke and tried to get a plan going for the day.

We knew we wanted to go to the pool and try to get a little sun in before we headed out. We were suppose to meet Bobby at DTD at noon for lunch so that we could enjoy a last meal together before he had to run off to work.

On the way out to the pool we discovered this sad paper folder where the happy clean towels were the night before.


It’s a sad Disney day when you get these on your door.

We were up and to the pool with our pop tart breakfasts. Still a little grogy but we had too many things to do to waste the morning in bed. Right guys?


Ok so maybe they still wanted to sleep but I’m in charge here and I say enjoy the day!!!

Unfortunately it was overcast and cold, not really prime sun time or pool time for that matter it was freezing BUT we were up and moving so we might as well try to enjoy it.


Andy and I enjoyed some delicious pop tarts and powerade while Sam and Brittany braved the water.


Then I decided I might want to actual swim so I made Andy run back to the room with me to get the water proof bag for my camera.

On our walk I did a little more tour photos of the resort.

My favorite!!! (although I have never seen the musical, I love Ariel)


I loved that our area of the resort played the music from these two shows. A friend of mine from school sang “Practically Perfect” for voice class and that was one of the songs on the playlist, it was fun to be able to sing along with Mary Poppins


We made our way back to the pool but they weather wasn’t looking any more promising.

We passed through the lovely jazz section; this would be my second choice of building. It’s just so perfect and relaxing!!!


When we got back Andy attempted the pool but he said it was really cold, as you can see by the look on his face. “I’m smiling but I’ not really having fun… why do you make me do the things you do Alicia?”


He hopped in for a quick dip and was out faster than he got in. I can’t really blame him as this is as far in as I got


Sam was enjoying it. Props to her for actually getting in and staying in for a while.


The butts of… The Three Caballeros, with what seemed like no sun in sight


Andy and I were basically done before we even got in. We sat on the side with our feet in while Sam and Brittany swam around a little bit. I woke them up so early I figured they might as well enjoy their morning before I complained to go back to the room


After a while we bundled up and headed back to the room to shower and get ready for the day


While everyone showered I played in the curtains for a little but. Gotta keep occupied while waiting for the shower


I also took a picture of my new Tower of Terror shirt. After 20 minutes of contemplation I was happy with my decision



Eventually we were all ready to head out to DTD you know what that means. Door Pictures!!!


I am so envious of their long hair!!!


We made our way to the bus stop and I told Sam and Brittany to get a picture in front of the fountain. For some reason Brittany refused?


But then she jumped in…


We walked into the main building and crossed over this


I am OBSESSED with Disney rugs and I love that every resort has their own personalized rug. The colors of the one at All Star Movies are more my palate but this one was like brand spankin’ new

We quickly made it to the bus stop and hardly anyone was around


We waited around for a little while for the bus to arrive to take us to one of THE BEST lunch destinations in Disney.

Tune In Next Time!!!
OMg okay so i went to do my groceries today and they had poptarts on sale 5 boxes for 10 bucks and I thought ...hmmmm maybe i should get some for disney,but then I didnt cauise i figured i could come back later(I was walking and had too much to carry already)then I get home n see your update and you're talking about poptarts so now I think i definitely better get some to pack away LOL,also funny thing that you should say you're willing to meet up in disney because I really wanna go to Downtown Disney without my girls (xmas shopping) and would love the company,that and epcot is open til midnight one night while I'm there(my girls will never last that long,and would wanna go back to the room with G-ma)
I tried to follow you on twitter but it said I couldnt follow you :( I just want to hear about your experiences as a CM because I want to do that eventually!!!


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