OLD THREAD: 2012 Beach and Yacht FAQ, Part 2- May, June and July DON'T POST HERE!

I see you're going in 2 weeks. Hurricane Hannah's might still be closed. It is set for refurbishment starting next week. Teena said there will be other food options available while it is closed. Beaches n Cream is a great place for burgers too. :)

:sad1: What are they doing? Is the pool up for refurbishment also? How long is it due to be closed? How did I miss this? :sad2:
Teena~ I know you are so excited for Princess Lily's arrival! Have a great time with her and we can't wait to see pics of her first visit to WDW. Hopefully we will see you around SAB while we are there.;)

WHOOOOOAAAAAAA Nelly!!!!! Hurricane Hannah's is going to close??? How is that going to work??? How do we get food and drinks at the pool??? Specifically how am I going to get my Sunken Treasures??????? Will there still be waitresses????????????? This is major big news for me!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm with you on the concern for Sunken Treasures! I have been talking about these for weeks and now I may only get them for two days???? That puts a real kink in my plans!:sad::sad:
stepdisney said:
:sad1: What are they doing? Is the pool up for refurbishment also? How long is it due to be closed? How did I miss this? :sad2:

Not the pool, just hurricane Hannah's. Cape may has been closed and is getting ready to reopen.
PS. Florida has "No Open containers of alcohol" laws so they will not let you out of the parks carrying an 'obvious' alcoholic beverage, hence the need to pour the beverage in a container that would not reveal it's true contents.

:drinking1I've often thought there is more alcohol consumed in that little corner of International Gateway than anywhere else in WDW.:drinking1
I have to tell you that as somebody who recently came face to face with my mortality there are only so many tics of the clock that we each have. All too often we decide to take a back seat and just cruise through life when we should really be in the drivers seat and putting the pedal to the metal.

My husband is one of those people that is always afraid to live for today and he always lives in fear of what might happen tomorrow. When those tomorrows were in serious danger of disappearing I decided that no longer would I defer to that kind of sensibility. I got annual passes to WDW and I fully intend to live life and make memories with my kids while I still can.

By beating cancer I got a second chance. I intend to make the best of it and I want to make as many memories as possible. I told my kids that Disney World has been around for 40 plus years. One day they will take their kids there. Hopefully I'll be there with them but if I'm not I know that they will have many stories to tell about how their Mom and Dad took them there when they were kids and tell them about all the memories they made.

Go for it Couchy! You won't regret it!

Ninjamom, what beautiful, inspirational words. Thank you so much for sharing that. It brought tears to my eyes. {{hugs}} to you for all you've been through.

Ninja Mom - no truer words were ever spoken. As fabulous as the trip was we came home to some devestating news. My niece who is only 9 years younger than me has cancer that has metasasized everywhere. I am devestated. I hate to write about anything so horrible on such a happy thread but I am definitely taking Ninja Mom's words to heart and living life instead of worrying constantly about tomorrow.

I'll give you all a full report on our trip later today.

I'm so very, very sorry to hear this. Please know that your niece is in my prayers, as is your whole family. {{hugs}}
Teena will be providing me with photos of her grandaughter's first visit to the World and the Yacht & Beach Club. I'll be posting them here, but I'm also thinking of going "Live" with the report, so that all the pictures and commentaries will be in one place for Teena, Jeanne and Lily.

I'll let you know if/when I get that set up.

Here are the first pictures:

Lily Takes Flight (and is the first 1 year old to accomplish time travel)


Celebrating a Milestone with Nanny and Pop-Pop

Teena will be providing me with photos of her grandaughter's first visit to the World and the Yacht & Beach Club. I'll be posting them here, but I'm also thinking of going "Live" with the report, so that all the pictures and commentaries will be in one place for Teena, Jeanne and Lily.

I'll let you know if/when I get that set up.

Here are the first pictures:

Lily Takes Flight (and is the first 1 year old to accomplish time travel)


Celebrating a Milestone with Nanny and Pop-Pop


So cute!!

Pure joy right there!!

You'll love the BC. We just returned from our first stay at BCV and we feel in :love: with the resort. We can't wait to return.

I'll be at BCV in October. Any suggestions on villa locations? I requested upper floor, but just wondering if it makes a difference...thanks!
Just a quick note to all my New England neighbors and Patriots fans...tonight I'll be heading over to Gillette for the annual Season Ticket Holder / Foxboro Resident training camp! Can't wait! Please pray that the rain goes somewhere else and avoids Gillette Stadium at all costs.

And in WDW news...87 days! Seemed like we waited forever for our 180 day mark and now we're only 87 days away.
In an "emergency" like this I will remind everyone to RUN over to France with their refillable mugs and get some Grey Goose slushies (GGS) to take back to the pool. The more refillable mugs you take, the more GGS you can get. Remember all those refillable mugs from all those past trips you took? Well toss 'em in the suitcase and bring them for your GGS run. If you have enough of them you may very well resemble one of those bar maids from Epcot's Germany.


Of course the down side to this is that as soon as you hit the pool the other people there will start waving large bills at you in an effort to expedite pool side service. If you supplement your income by selling one extra GGS per day you will more than cover the expense of that upgrade to a Garden View Room. ;)

Think of this rehab situation not as a loss but as an economic opportunity! :thumbsup2

PS. Florida has "No Open containers of alcohol" laws so they will not let you out of the parks carrying an 'obvious' alcoholic beverage, hence the need to pour the beverage in a container that would not reveal it's true contents.

NM - You crack me up :rotfl2: This made my day.

Thanks Teena :) I'm glad food will still be available somewhere near the pool. I'm hoping the same goes for adult beverages? :angel:

There is no way they don't have adult beverages easily accessible . They make too much $$ to let that slip away :drinking1

:drinking1I've often thought there is more alcohol consumed in that little corner of International Gateway than anywhere else in WDW.:drinking1

I have done my part to make this true :rolleyes1

Just a quick note to all my New England neighbors and Patriots fans...tonight I'll be heading over to Gillette for the annual Season Ticket Holder / Foxboro Resident training camp! Can't wait! Please pray that the rain goes somewhere else and avoids Gillette Stadium at all costs.

And in WDW news...87 days! Seemed like we waited forever for our 180 day mark and now we're only 87 days away.

How exciting for you. It will be here before you know it.

I went to Target yesterday to get all my travel stuff- sunscreen, snacks, etc for our little spontaneous trip to SAB this weekend. :) Did the laundry and am going to pack today. Flight leaves very early Friday morning.:crazy2: It is definitely worth it though. In 48 hours I will be in Orlando and hopefully in 50 hours :beach:
Just a quick note to all my New England neighbors and Patriots fans...tonight I'll be heading over to Gillette for the annual Season Ticket Holder / Foxboro Resident training camp! Can't wait! Please pray that the rain goes somewhere else and avoids Gillette Stadium at all costs.

And in WDW news...87 days! Seemed like we waited forever for our 180 day mark and now we're only 87 days away.

Wishing you sunshine and no rain today! I am originally from MA, and even though I live in South Florida I am a HUGE PATS fan (but not as big as I am a Bruins fan)! Have a blast tonight!! I get so jealous when my friends and family post pictures on FB at all the New England sports events. Football season will be a great way to help pass your days until WDW :thumbsup2
Teena will be providing me with photos of her grandaughter's first visit to the World and the Yacht & Beach Club. I'll be posting them here, but I'm also thinking of going "Live" with the report, so that all the pictures and commentaries will be in one place for Teena, Jeanne and Lily.

I'll let you know if/when I get that set up.

Here are the first pictures:

Lily Takes Flight (and is the first 1 year old to accomplish time travel)


Celebrating a Milestone with Nanny and Pop-Pop


Oh my goodness have you ever seen such a sweet girl and such a proud Grandma!! :goodvibes I mean Nanny! ;) ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just a quick note to all my New England neighbors and Patriots fans...tonight I'll be heading over to Gillette for the annual Season Ticket Holder / Foxboro Resident training camp! Can't wait! Please pray that the rain goes somewhere else and avoids Gillette Stadium at all costs.

And in WDW news...87 days! Seemed like we waited forever for our 180 day mark and now we're only 87 days away.

I'm a season ticket holder as well (since the first year of the Bledsoe/Parcells combination (1993)) and was thinking of going but they just rescheduled my daughters softball game to tonight so it's a no go since I'm the coach :(

Let me know how they look!!

Teena will be providing me with photos of her grandaughter's first visit to the World and the Yacht & Beach Club. I'll be posting them here, but I'm also thinking of going "Live" with the report, so that all the pictures and commentaries will be in one place for Teena, Jeanne and Lily.

I'll let you know if/when I get that set up.

I'm going LIVE as well!! :thumbsup2 I will add the link to my post on the live reports board once I get it started. Hopefully sometime today I can get the first post up! :wave2:
Wishing you sunshine and no rain today! I am originally from MA, and even though I live in South Florida I am a HUGE PATS fan (but not as big as I am a Bruins fan)! Have a blast tonight!! I get so jealous when my friends and family post pictures on FB at all the New England sports events. Football season will be a great way to help pass your days until WDW :thumbsup2

That's exactly what I was thinking! With camp and the start of the season, our trip will be here before we know it.

I'm a season ticket holder as well (since the first year of the Bledsoe/Parcells combination (1993)) and was thinking of going but they just rescheduled my daughters softball game to tonight so it's a no go since I'm the coach :(

Let me know how they look!!


I will! And I'll try to post pics tomorrow and share the link with you. I remember taking my nephew to regular camp 2 years ago and we both noticed a guy named Gronkowski that year as someone we thought would have an impact. He's done alright so far. ;)
YAY!! I couldn't find a tee shirt, hat, fridge magnet or anything that said YC or BC last year. Thanks.

YAY for the Tee Shirts! I hope that they have mugs as well. I'm glad to hear that Hurricane Hannah's has burgers. We wanted to come back to the resort to swim and have lunch and Burgers are our afternoon swim traditional meal. :goodvibes We are on the DP so we were looking for a counter service burger. I'm getting really excited!

Do we have pictures of the YC/BC tee shirts? I'd like to see them. :goodvibes

I posted this yesterday. If you click on the links you can see samples of some of the BC and YC Resort-specific merchandise. I know the links have a BC t-shirt. I can't remember if there is a YC t-shirt or not.

ETA: Yes, there are some YC shirts posted. Selection may vary and hopefully there is more selection now. These pictures were taken shortly after the resort merchandise returned to the gift shops.

I will be at YC from 8/20 - 8/25 after Portofino Bay 8/15 - 8/19
Please add me to the list. Thanks! :cool1:

Is there anywhere to get a burger at YC/BC? I can't really read the menus at the pool place. Also, is there anything for sale at the resorts that has Yacht club or beach club? I would love to have a coffee mug and a key chain.


Photos of Yacht Club specific Resort Wear and Merchandise, taken by MickeyT in January 2012:
Yacht Club Resort Merchandise

Photos of Beach Club specific Resort Wear and Merchandise, taken by Marlton Mom in February/March 2012:
Beach Club Resort Merchandise

Have you stayed at Portofino Bay before? We stayed for 4 nights last summer. I have lots of pictures of the room and resort in my Welcome Foolish Muggles trip report (link in my signature, chapter links in the report)
:drinking1I've often thought there is more alcohol consumed in that little corner of International Gateway than anywhere else in WDW.:drinking1


Look around on the ground by that gate for my eyeballs. I got the worst 'Ice Cream headache' from chugging a slushy there. The people we were touring with were on a mission and were not about to wait for me to casually enjoy that drink. You'd never think that as hot as it was that day that an ice cream headache was in the realm of possibilities, but it WAS!! :crazy2:

Ninjamom, what beautiful, inspirational words. Thank you so much for sharing that. It brought tears to my eyes. {{hugs}} to you for all you've been through.

Thank you! I want all of you to know that reading your posts puts a wag in my tail.

Now I have a question for all of you. Where is this "Ariel's" place that you are talking about? I've seen pictures of the Ariel statue at the BCV. Is it there?

My next question is what does "the family of the day at Storm Along Bay" get?

When the kids are not in the pool I am looking to sneak in and practice my SAB lazy river tubing technique. It takes a lot of practice to effect that "I'm too sexy for my inner tube" look so I figure I better get to work. I've been told I look like a dead body draped on top of a tube so I've got a lot of work to do on my style points.


PS. Telling your Mother she looks like a dead body on an inner tube is a really quick way to get yourself BANNED from the pool, possibly for LIFE!
Teena~Princess Lily is absolutely adorable!! And the smile she put on your face is beautiful and heartwarming! Nothing like a Nanny's love for her grandchildren.

NM~You really have a great way with words! I love reading your posts. They have been both inspirational and hysterical! You have a great sense of humor and I really get a chuckle out of some of the things you've said and I always look forward to what you have to say!!;)

Well, 4 more days and I will be at the:beach:! I had better get cracking on packing and finishing up my cleaning. I just can't seem to avoid the need to stop in to see what's going on with everyone here. :lmao:


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