Wishes 10/8/11 WP/GF-- Love's First Kiss-- Trip Report Complete

LMBO! That tiny Mickey, OMGosh!! That's funny! :rotfl:

And I'm with you on the MGM, I can't believe they re-named it to HS even though it's been ages, still not cool!

Ok, this is too funny, I think I saw you today. I was leaving Starbucks on 23rd coming into the Mall parking lot to get on 77 and I swear this girl driving like a charcoal gray car looked just like you! Who knows if it was you, but I just thought it was funny because we do live in the same town so I'm sometimes wondering if we'll run into you and Brandon somewhere. :goodvibes
Omgoodness! What a tiny little mickey! even minnie was taller!

I wonder if it had to do with the fact they are by the heat and flame? My roomie works in the COntemporary (in the Wave) and she says that it truly is the slowest restaurant in the resort. It's mainly because the characters aren't on a specific time sched like at the parks or other restaurants. Plus people are really late to breakfast and tend to wait for the characters. It's one big giant domino effect. :confused3

ANYHOW, MGM is awesome, especially hte backlot. I love going into the Honey I Shrunk the Kids, and the power rangers come out on their vhicle. and I can't *not* pose with the red one. just saying. :D :rolleyes1
Your "waiting" face is absolutely HILARIOUS! I love it.:lmao: (I also just realized I am commenting, like, just after you posted. I am not a stalker or anything, I just have great timing.)

I'm also the same way about planning... except, admittedly, I am too snobby now to look at a map. :lmao: I like to grab them sometimes for keepsakes though!

Ha, what's really funny is I can only twist my mouth up like that to one side. If I try to do it the opposite way, it barely moves. I guess my face muscles are slackers.

Ok, Disney snob confessional-- as soon as I read your comment I had had HAD to tell you that I don't need the map to get around! I like having it, and we use it to decide which attractions we want to do that day. I could name them without the map, I'm just lazy. A lazy snob-- that has to be the worst kind :laughing:

Ok, so that Mickey is just way disturbing. Super duper actually. What happened to his body!? He go on a diet or something? Almost matches the Paris Minnie?? ;P

I love characters with personality. They're the most fun.

I noticed when I went to Chef Mickey's last they were really slow with coming around to the tables.

But all of your waiting pictures are just fabulous! hah. Totally something that I would do.. I get bored easily and always need to find a way to entertain myself. =]

I still call it MGM too. Which confused the heck out of Dave. hah. He had never been so it was Hollywood Studios to him. But to me.. it was MGM. So we kinda argued about that a bit. haha.

Cannot wait to read more luv!

The little Mickey is kind creepy, right? Yea, Chef Mickey's was fun, but we loved Tusker House, which isn't honestly so different, so we'll probably skip CM for a while. You and I waiting together would be hilarious!

LMBO! That tiny Mickey, OMGosh!! That's funny! :rotfl:

And I'm with you on the MGM, I can't believe they re-named it to HS even though it's been ages, still not cool!

Ok, this is too funny, I think I saw you today. I was leaving Starbucks on 23rd coming into the Mall parking lot to get on 77 and I swear this girl driving like a charcoal gray car looked just like you! Who knows if it was you, but I just thought it was funny because we do live in the same town so I'm sometimes wondering if we'll run into you and Brandon somewhere. :goodvibes

Haha, no not me. Brandon and I are down near Tampa now. It's so funny to me to see someone on the boards talking about the 23rd st Starbucks, though. We will be back periodically to visit my family, so we could see each other one day! How funny would that be?

Omgoodness! What a tiny little mickey! even minnie was taller!

I wonder if it had to do with the fact they are by the heat and flame? My roomie works in the COntemporary (in the Wave) and she says that it truly is the slowest restaurant in the resort. It's mainly because the characters aren't on a specific time sched like at the parks or other restaurants. Plus people are really late to breakfast and tend to wait for the characters. It's one big giant domino effect. :confused3

ANYHOW, MGM is awesome, especially hte backlot. I love going into the Honey I Shrunk the Kids, and the power rangers come out on their vhicle. and I can't *not* pose with the red one. just saying. :D :rolleyes1

I haven't been to CM for years; I don't know if the waiting has gotten worse, if I just don't remember because I was too young. Oh, we went to the Wave later on this day of the trip! It was so neat down there, and very off-the-beaten path.
It wasn't much longer until we were in the Backlot Tour


I really didn't remember anything about BLT. It was neat, I especially loved going through the costuming room. It reminded me of the old MGM, when they still gave the illusion that it was a fully-functioning studio.

At the end of the ride, you exit through a room with movie memorabilia. Everything had a villians theme when we were there (although I imagine that changes). We wigged out when we saw this Darth Vader costume


(And apparently, this ^^ is my standard pose. I just noticed that looking through all these MGM photos. I always have that one hand on hip thing.)

Not sure what costume I'm looking at here


That wall behind me was AFI's 100 Greatest Villians, which was really cool. Brandon and I are big movie buffs, so we recognized most of them.

And then I saw this...


Narissa's costumes from Enchanted!!! I am crazy for Enchanted (I suppose being a Snow White fan, it goes with the territory). I watch it far more than is necessary

And then, because Disney wanted my mind to explode, they had Davy Jones' creepy sea organ from POC-DMC


Amazing, yes? We spent quite a while just looking at all the display items, way longer than most of the people from the tram.
After we were done with the AFI room, it was time for lunch!

Lunch at MGM is always a toss up for us-- 50's Prime Time or Sci-Fi. (Every few years we will splurge for Brown Derby, which we like, but it's just not as *fun* as the others.) We like the food at Prime Time best-- where else in WDW can you get yummy collard greens?-- but we are nuts for the theming at Sci Fi. I have noticed that Sci Fi gets a really bad rap on these boards, but I disagree. Yes, the food is not great. Any time I have tried one of the less-generic dishes, it has been a disappointment. But the sandwiches and burgers are just fine. And, to be honest, I would probably just sit in the back and watch the film loop, if they would let me. It's so kitschy and fantastic.

For the honeymoon, Sci Fi won out. Thank goodness we had ressies, because it was slam packed in there! We only had to wait a few minutes after check in, but there were dozens of people squeezed into that little entry room.

We got seated



Awesome picture, Brandon

I can't remember exactly what we had for lunch. Sandwiches or burgers of some kind. We also had some drinky drinks, as we call them. I can't remember what was in mine, but Brandon's was a chocolate milkshake with rum and banana liquor. It was soooooo yummy.

This is my favorite part of the Sci Fi reel


I don't wanna grow ANY MORE!!

You actually stopped and paid attention to the villians after the backlot tour, shame on me, I always just fly right by them thinking I'm too cool :cool1: I've been through it a million times and I really couldn't tell you much about what's there because I never stop, snobby me! :snooty: We went to Disney 12 times last year, YES 12 times, and it was actually not good for us because you start to lose appreciation for it. We have not been since November last year now and although we're dying to go, we're trying to stay away until the planning session to renew our appreciation for it! Sounds bad huh! :sad2: Disney never quite loses the magic, but when you go that much, you just pass up things like the villians at the backlot, which now I will stop and observe since I've read your post lol!

Oh and the Sci-Fi, we went there one time last year for the first time ever and it was definitely different. People love it, but my family was like "no way are we hurrying to go back there" lol. But that milkshake drinky drink ;) as you say sounded really good, yum!! I love the Brown Derby too, but to be honest, my absolute favorite food at HS is the Chicken Curry in the ABC Commissary right by the Sci-Fi. OMGosh, that stuff is so good! popcorn::

And I didn't know that you and Brandon had moved to Tampa yet so now I'll know for future potential Michelle sightings lol! You must be going crazy being so close to Disney, I'd be in Epcot every weekend at the UK drinking my Stella!!! :banana:
That's the same stuff that was on BLT when we went Dec 2010! I loved it. I was consumed by the piano and Enchanted costumes.

Dave was super interested too. So you two aren't the only ones! ;D
Little Mickey - :confused3 He and Minnie were very tiny when we saw them there too.

BLT - I haven't seen that in years either. I love looking at the movie costumes. I love Narissa too :love:
You actually stopped and paid attention to the villians after the backlot tour, shame on me, I always just fly right by them thinking I'm too cool :cool1: I've been through it a million times and I really couldn't tell you much about what's there because I never stop, snobby me! :snooty: We went to Disney 12 times last year, YES 12 times, and it was actually not good for us because you start to lose appreciation for it. We have not been since November last year now and although we're dying to go, we're trying to stay away until the planning session to renew our appreciation for it! Sounds bad huh! :sad2: Disney never quite loses the magic, but when you go that much, you just pass up things like the villians at the backlot, which now I will stop and observe since I've read your post lol!

Oh and the Sci-Fi, we went there one time last year for the first time ever and it was definitely different. People love it, but my family was like "no way are we hurrying to go back there" lol. But that milkshake drinky drink ;) as you say sounded really good, yum!! I love the Brown Derby too, but to be honest, my absolute favorite food at HS is the Chicken Curry in the ABC Commissary right by the Sci-Fi. OMGosh, that stuff is so good! popcorn::

And I didn't know that you and Brandon had moved to Tampa yet so now I'll know for future potential Michelle sightings lol! You must be going crazy being so close to Disney, I'd be in Epcot every weekend at the UK drinking my Stella!!! :banana:

Yes, I really enjoy soaking in all of the details in Disney. Even if that slower pace means we don't get to ride every attraction, I think it makes us enjoy the trip more. I'll have to try that chicken curry, sounds delish! :) And yes, being so close to WDW is awfully tempting. We've been twice since we moved, but we're trying to resist. When we lived in LA, I went to Disneyland all the time. I definitely enjoyed the park, but I never got that truly magical feeling from it. I'm not sure if it was just because it wasn't "my" Disney, or because I went too often. Either way, I would be heartbroken if WDW stopped feeling like a fantasy world.

That's the same stuff that was on BLT when we went Dec 2010! I loved it. I was consumed by the piano and Enchanted costumes.

Dave was super interested too. So you two aren't the only ones! ;D

Oh, the piano was so cool!! Haha, I guess they don't change the exhibit very often.

Little Mickey - :confused3 He and Minnie were very tiny when we saw them there too.

BLT - I haven't seen that in years either. I love looking at the movie costumes. I love Narissa too :love:

I wonder if the little Mickeys are at Chef Mickey's on purpose. Maybe they are more approachable to very small children? Hmm. The Narissa costume was so pretty-- very detailed too.
After lunch, we used our FPs for RnRC. We also lucked out and slipped on Tower of Terror during a lull in the crowd. I am crazy for ToT because (Nerd Alert Number-I-Don't-Know-What) I love the Twilight Zone. Just the original ones, not those terrible ones from the 80's. I love to watch the episode with the little boy that controls the town because of Rod Serling's line "This, as you may recognize, is a map of the United States." It blew my mind the first time.

(Disneyland fans: The next time you ride ToT in DCA, look for this creepy secret. As you exit the elevators, you walk by a chain link- type fence with random props behind it. If you look very closely (you may need a light), there is a "body" back there! Only the legs and feet are visible, but it's very dark for Disney! My friend used to work ToT and he showed this to me.)

I had to ride Great Movie Ride next. This seems to be another thing that gets a bad rap on the boards, and I soooooooooo disagree. I LOVE GMR! Especially the montage at the end. I get teary when Rhett carries Scarlett up the stairs.

Around this time, we were really fed up with the crowds, and decided to head back to the hotel. We were the only people at the bus stop


And the bus took FOREVER to get there!


My super cute waiting face


It was also starting to rain a bit-- see those storm clouds?


But finally the bus came!

I had to ride Great Movie Ride next. This seems to be another thing that gets a bad rap on the boards, and I soooooooooo disagree. I LOVE GMR! Especially the montage at the end. I get teary when Rhett carries Scarlett up the stairs.

Yay! I'm glad you're a GMR fan! We do get a bad rap a lot of places. I know that we're an older ride and there's not really much thrill to it, but I love working it (for the most part!)
I love your Snow White themed wedding. She really is the best princess. Thanks for the ideas...I want that well LOL.

Loving your honeymoon trip report.
I just did a marathon catch up on your TR! Too many things to comment on so I will just say this....

Everything looks SO wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing with us. And I am wishing you and Brandon a lifetime of happiness! :goodvibes
Just wanted to pop in and say that my husband is also a huge Twilight Zone fan! I got him the first three seasons on blu ray for his birthday last year. We are also not cool people. :goodvibes (And I love the GMR too! I think it needs some updating, but just to replace classic movies with... classic-er movies. Like Footlight Parade. I really wish they would add the scene with Rhett carrying Scarlett up the staircase to the ride.)
Yay! I'm glad you're a GMR fan! We do get a bad rap a lot of places. I know that we're an older ride and there's not really much thrill to it, but I love working it (for the most part!)

I am sooooo jealous that you work GMR! I mean, I remember how incredibly boring shifts can be, but I think I would pick GMR over anything. I loved doing spiels at the 3D shows. And I don't mind that it's older. Some things in the parks should be kept for the sake of history. MGM never would have happened with GMR.

I love your Snow White themed wedding. She really is the best princess. Thanks for the ideas...I want that well LOL.

Loving your honeymoon trip report.

Thank you! Isn't the well beautiful? I actually got that idea from the Disney Parks blog!

I just did a marathon catch up on your TR! Too many things to comment on so I will just say this....

Everything looks SO wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing with us. And I am wishing you and Brandon a lifetime of happiness! :goodvibes

Thank you so much! I have loved sharing our story :goodvibes

Just wanted to pop in and say that my husband is also a huge Twilight Zone fan! I got him the first three seasons on blu ray for his birthday last year. We are also not cool people. :goodvibes (And I love the GMR too! I think it needs some updating, but just to replace classic movies with... classic-er movies. Like Footlight Parade. I really wish they would add the scene with Rhett carrying Scarlett up the staircase to the ride.)

That would be exciting! Although I don't know which scene I would NOT be sad to see go! I am such an old movie buff. I love Footlight Parade, but that's mostly due to my embarrassing love for James Cagney.

Oh how I LOVE your trip report. <3

Thanks girlie! :)
Back at the hotel, we walked around the Contemporary a bit. I think we must have dropped our camera off in the room first, because I have no pictures of the afternoon. I like the big Mickey statue, and the pool area is kind of neat (although not as nice as Poly or GF, and although I've never stayed there, the YC/BC pool). Other than that, we thought the Contemporary grounds were pretty ugly. I don't think we will be returning to Contemporary any time soon.

To be fair, one plus for the Contemporary was its QS dining (also just its restaurants in general). I think Contempo Cafe is a cut above most resort's QS. In terms of variety and quality, it seemed much better than any other resort QS I've experienced.

We were feeling a little tired and decided to take a nap (not terribly exciting, I know). By the time we woke up, it was dinner time. We didn't have any reservations tonight, as our plan was to dine wherever we happened to be. We thought about venturing out to a park, but decided we were feeling lazy and so headed down to the Wave. You may remember that we had drinks in the Wave with all of our rehearsal guests just before our Hoop-Dee-Doo rehearsal dinner. We loved the Wave-- it's very cool and laidback.

They got us a table right away. We loved the lanterns


Me reading the menu


Dangerously close to a double chin there...

I can't remember what we had to eat, and I have no food pictures. I do remember that we both enjoyed our food and gave the Wave a thumbs up. I'm not sure that it would be convenient to go here if you're staying somewhere else (especially since we would rather have Cali Grill) but it was fun to see a new place.
I just wanted to let you know I'm still here. I just havent been very good about commenting.

Me too!! I'm terrible at commenting on PJs (sorry!) but still really enjoying yours, and looking forward to the next installment :goodvibes

Thanks ladies! I'm sorry I don't have more pictures of this part of the trip... I think by the end, Brandon was a little less enthusiastic about dragging his camera everywhere! :laughing:


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