Happy happy happy! trip story from Feb 2012

February 6th!

This day was the day of our second bit of tremendous luck. Not luck that happened to us in the parks, but had happened months before. It turns out that I have a friend from afar, a friend with connections, and this friend allowed us the ability to make a dining reservation. From that description, I'm sure y'all know where...Club 33.

This trip was for Robert's birthday, as I might have mentioned, and he needed something wonderful. Since his b'day is during spring break it's not like we're *really* planning on going to Disney for it at any point; he missed out on the "free on your birthday" promo while E and I both got trips that year. And the birthday stuff goes back to his childhood as well. So I figured why not?

And this was The Day.

We breakfasted at the lounge; I'm sure I didn't have much but fruit and cappucino, knowing that going to this particular restaurant as vegetarians was never going to be financially "worth it" food-wise, but I wanted to at least make a good meal. :) We knew very well it was going to be for the Experience right along with the food. I'd been coaching Eamon from the moment the reservation was made that he Was To Be GOOD. And if there was any time that something unusual might be tasty, it would be there, so he might as well try it.

Since it was a lunch reservation, we decided not to rush into the parks. We wanted to dress nicely, but not have to change clothes in the parks. That did NOT keep me from layering, though. I had my weird little combo of black dress, black long "shrug" (you know, the wonderful fashion of "is it a coat, is it a shawl, what is that thing you're wearing that covers your bum and drapes so nicely"?), and black yoga pants, along with running shoes. I had heels in my bag, so I could make a quick change into heels with dress.

I think that morning we managed to convince E to ride Haunted Mansion; it seemed a pretty calm thing to ride, ya know?

But most of the time was spent sort of lurking near the entrance, so we weren't late in any way, shape, or form.

Here is E. He is not angry; he is posing. I call this his version of "Blue Steel".


Pictures from lurking.




A couple days later, while waiting for yet another time through Animation Academy, a couple asked us how lunch was. Turns out they saw us lurking, LOL, and thought that E was someone famous, b/c he was having his picture taken in that spot.

So does that mean I look like a photographer? :3dglasses

Honestly I was so nervous going in there it felt like a blur! We actually managed to squeeze into the little elevator they have in there; Eamon couldn't really breathe, but we made it.

For lunch, there's a cold buffet, and you also order an entree. Then there's a dessert buffet. It's a fixed price (except for beverages); you know what you're paying before you step in the door.

OH wait. You know what you're paying unless you're a husband who hears "it's the cost of a one day one park ticket per person" and thinks that tickets are $50. :rolleyes1:eek: Poor Robert. And he saw the bill first. Thankfully, we'd had the experience of people (who had offered to pay for a meal) showing their shock at the total on their faces, and he really hated that moment, so I actually had NO clue that he was shocked until just a couple weeks ago.

Anyway, it's all lush and fancy-schmancy. I mean, I'd never decorate a house in that style, but it's still neat to be in. Although there were some very casually dressed people in there, we were glad we'd dressed up (though I wish I could have gotten E to wear a white undershirt instead of his orange Hogwarts shirt under his sweater, but he was going with "What Would A Jonas Wear" and needed that bit of individuality that day). Just made us feel like we fit in better, even though I'm sure we looked like the first-timers we were. :)

Eamon ordered...yeah, the kids pasta with cheese sauce. Mickey pasta, but still. :rotfl: They also offer fries if you would like. He did, but ended up not eating them. Too full from the pasta.


Robert and I ordered "pasta 3 ways" or something like that, substituting their famed "truffled mac&cheese" for the meat-containing option.


I had a mai tai (omg omg omg), and my two fellows had cranberry spritzers (E's was in the souvenir cup with lightup thingie).

I remember making a solid try at enjoying the buffet. I don't remember being unhappy about anything BUT the asparagus. Funnily, the asparagus is said to be amazing, and it was behind the "if you're going to try something, might as well try it here" coaching I'd done with Eamon. He took a bite and was unhappy, and I tried some of mine and felt the same way. (he is always glad when I validate his feelings like that...it's hard to be a kid sometimes)

Eamon behaved wonderfully.

The mai tai was AMAZING. I think it was real; not a mix with HFCS and icky chemicals. I'd planned to try a Midori Sour while there, as I'd heard good things about that drink too, but while eating at the buffet and my entree and the mai tai....I simply literally could not do it.

So the pastas in that picture... The entire plate was huge. I just about died when I saw the portions. The puffy ravioli was simply fabulous. The pesto was beyond delicious. And you have to understand; my mom used to make pesto using her own basil and just the purest ingredients and it was so good that even if she left the cheese out it was still better than anyone else's pesto EVER, so I'm saying this pesto was THAT GOOD.

We didn't realize until later that Robert and I should have swapped pesto and truffled between the two of us. My tastes just don't go with the truffled taste, and he felt that it and the ravioli were so good he barely even touched his pesto! But even if we had realized it, it wouldn't have helped; we don't like eating until we're groaning (you'd never realize it to look at us, but oh well) especially when we've paid serious money for the meal (b/c we don't want to be unhappy after such a meal), so it's not like we would have finished it anyway.

That cheese bread thing was SO good.

And then, after all that....there was a dessert buffet???????

Thankfully it's a relaxed sort of place, and there were plenty of people around us who had settled in for a long meal, so we could take our time. We chatted, watched Eamon eat, had sips of our drinks.... And finally we felt we could try out some treats.

Two words. Chocolate macaroons. That is all. Nothing more need be said. Ever.

Yeah right, like that's the last thing I'm going to say. They are macaroons in the shape of a Mickey head, with the ears dipped in chocolate. Whimper. I'm not sure they would be worth the entire cost...but they are close. And with me, macaroons are difficult. They've got that egg in there, and sometimes my relationship with eggs isn't the best; even the hint of weird funk destroys my entire meal, when it comes to eggs. I did not have this problem with their macaroons.

Eamon had his sites set on chocolate cake. And so he had it. It had raspberry somewhere in it. Apart from one bite for each parent (he offers those up, as he can be more polite than I could ever have imagined from his toddler days) he tackled the entire thing. He was VERY happy with his dessert.


Oh I think I had a sort of creme puff as well; if you've seen food reports from there, they are the ones with the golden stamp of the restaurant name on them. It was good, but the macaroons were my fave.

Oh hey, I took a picture.

Um, maybe I went a little crazy with the macroons. I'm so ashamed. (and, in retrospect, this shows the world where my weight downfall is....dessert...I LOVE dessert...)


Honestly I can't remember what Robert had, and since he's far away and out to breakfast right now, he doesn't get to chime in.

At some point in here, we asked if we could take a look outside. We had a window table, so it was relatively simple.

Our view.


Eamon liked being outside more than Robert or I did. For me, at least, it just felt funny. Probably my "I don't belong anywhere" nonsense showing up. Silly me.








We were finally finished with our meal.

We visited the bathrooms (the ladies has a WEIRD toilet that's actually not so easy to, ya know, make us of), we bought a souvenir or two (Eamon got a holiday pin, and I got ears "for the house", which are now sitting in our china cabinet so we can see them but I don't have to dust them), I took a couple more pictures.




And at last we left. WOW. So thankful to my friend from afar, that's for sure!
What.An.Awesome.Experience! And happy birthday Robert!

Your pictures are so great - and the food looks really, really good.

My sister makes macaroons and they are really good - I only seem to like homemade. I copied her recipe over Christmas, and forgot to actually put in the measurement of coconut! Not that it's really a super big deal - since I could call her and ask, but I just feel silly, ya know!

E is getting so big. I can't tell if my 7.5 year old is getting big or not, since I see him all the time, but it is easy to tell how grown up someone else's child is looking!
Ooh Club 33 for Roberts birthday! How nice! My downfall is more towards the pasta and sauces. Desserts are nice but I try to just serve fruit. That works great for everyone but Kacy. Kacy will eat veggies with the best of them but not fruit.:confused3

I am with E I would have liked to be out there too. The view is amazing.
Hi Molly -

Its nice to see you on the "land" side of the board again. Though I adored your world TR(s). E has really gotten big and is such a handsome young man!

What.An.Awesome.Experience! And happy birthday Robert!

Your pictures are so great - and the food looks really, really good.

My sister makes macaroons and they are really good - I only seem to like homemade. I copied her recipe over Christmas, and forgot to actually put in the measurement of coconut! Not that it's really a super big deal - since I could call her and ask, but I just feel silly, ya know!

E is getting so big. I can't tell if my 7.5 year old is getting big or not, since I see him all the time, but it is easy to tell how grown up someone else's child is looking!

What did the coconut-less macaroons taste like? :)

E is soooo big. Once I start volunteering to be in pictures again, I'll show you guys the two of us together. I mean, he's not a giant, but it's still pretty amazing. But that's what happens when height skips generations, I suppose!

Ooh Club 33 for Roberts birthday! How nice! My downfall is more towards the pasta and sauces. Desserts are nice but I try to just serve fruit. That works great for everyone but Kacy. Kacy will eat veggies with the best of them but not fruit.:confused3

I am with E I would have liked to be out there too. The view is amazing.

I think I just felt like an elephant out there. It all felt delicate and I did not. Since the trip ended up being a big lead-in into finally going back to WW, it's not surprising that I felt so ick. I wouldn't be where I am right now (already got 5% of my starting weight gone!) if it weren't for feeling so bad on the trip!

Sauces...Robert told me that in Rome they use almost NO sauce. At least on the dishes he tried. At first it annoyed him, but then he got used to it. I will tell you that there was no skimping on the sauces at C33!

Hi Molly -

Its nice to see you on the "land" side of the board again. Though I adored your world TR(s). E has really gotten big and is such a handsome young man!


Aw, thanks for the sweet things you said! :goodvibes
Feb 6 continued.

We finally stepped out of dreamland and into NOS. It really felt like we'd changed dimensions or something, that's how different it is up there. Of course, the decorations in NOS immediately made me happy.



After my last post, I remembered that we had gone on Pirates while lurking around, checking the time every 30 seconds. Might have done other things, I'm not totally sure.

But after lunch, for some bizarre reason, Eamon would not be swayed from riding Big Thunder! This was an impossibility for me, I was far too stuffed. Even though by age E can ride alone, Robert decided to go with him. He was nervous about being in the lap bar with E, and I thought he was going to ask to be sat separately.

I waited on the bench for them.

When they finally came out, Robert looked dreadful. Before I relate this story, I want you to know that it's OK if you don't believe Robert. I've never once believed anyone when they said this happened to them, so I'm due a little disbelief. But, according to Robert and Eamon, E just about slid out of the ride. Eep! [Since now we know where R's weight was at at the end of Feb, and that was about 60 lbs off from what I thought it was and probably 40 off of what Robert thought it was (even though he'd just had an endo appointment so I don't know why he didn't know), it makes more sense, but still] E was just so far off from the lap bar, and he wasn't holding the bar, and Robert looked over and E was just about ON the floor after one turn.

Robert hauled him up and put a leg over E's lap and put his arm around his shoulders and probably cried a bit, and I don't think they really enjoyed that ride at all. They haven't mentioned the ride recently, but they seemed VERY shaken.

I think E will be in his own seat from now on, until E is closer to teen-size and Robert is at his goal weight/size.

We headed over to safer territory.


We had stopped along the way to go visit the goats, which was actually very nice.

E wanted to go to ToonTown, so we did (it's possible I got a Small World ride out of them, but I don't remember...E was being resistant to it on this trip...grrr.)

I was dizzy (mai tai) and still full, so again I sat out a ride, this time, Roger Rabbit. It was either wait in line for x minutes, or snag FPs and play around for x-5 minutes. Hmm, which to do, which to do.... Oh yes, FP+play. Finally they went on the ride and I guess they had fun. E wanted to play in the various play areas, so he did. I'm glad he's old enough that he can do that, and he had enough coaching in the past as we followed him around to know what's acceptable. He also knows that if we were to catch him being naughty or rough or anything, the fun would end abruptly, so I really really hope he behaved himself while in Donald's Boat, etc.

Then he wanted to go to Mickey's house.


It was all pretty casual, we spent time in the living room etc, and didn't really encounter people until the projection room. We were the next group to go in to meet Mickey when Eamon realized that that's why we were waiting. Turns out...he just wanted to see the *house*! He's met Mickey (I mean, come on, mom), why does he need to meet him again? So we took the exit...I wasn't disappointed, but I sure was surprised!

Now it was Robert's turn to not feel terribly well, and he sat out the next ride. Autopia. E's height is getting closer, but he's not quite at the level to ride totally by himself. So he steers while I press the pedal down and take pictures. We went on the other side from where I normally end up, and I didn't even recognize the scenery!



Did we end up on Tattoine? (side note, how awesome would THAT be? have a little Tatooine section on Autopia?)

Wandered in Tomorrowland...


Ther emight have been some Space Mountain, perhaps some Star Tours, perhaps even some Buzz. I don't remember. So sorry. Let's blame that mai tai again, OK?

Around 6 E wanted a pineapple spear and we were all getting closer to being tired. So we got one as we headed out. Saw Geppetto just sitting there near the train station...kinda neat.

Finally, around 8, there were faint twinges of hunger again, and Robert made the executive decision to get room service. Big salad (very decent), a cheese pizza to share, a kid's pizza with fries, and bottled waters. Bottled waters! When we had concierge! But we hadn't brought enough up, or they weren't cold, or something like that... Just craziness. But room service is fun, so there ya go. :)

The most amazing thing is, even with that expensive day, I recently added up all our expenditures, and while we blasted over our souvenir budget (which was really loose to begin with so it's not a big deal we went over), we came in UNDER our food/grocery budget. Can you believe it? Overbudgeting is GOOD, my friends....

And so we slept.
Regular life...

Robert's been on a work trip nearly 2 weeks now. Today is his birthday, which he got to celebrate many many times! He's about a day in front of us, so he got to celebrate it yesterday Pacific time, as well as today (though he had a bout of insomnia last night and is super-tired). And we can't forget our ENTIRE trip last month. Hey, ya only turn 40 once, right? I got to be in Disneyland/DCA for that birthday...since he couldn't be there on the day, he gets to have a *long* party, instead. :)

Once R returns we're having a Dave Ramsey get-back-on-track meeting. This, of course, follows the purchase of a couch and a new refurbished computer for me (I don't have it yet, but it's ordered) with much of what was left of the stock money from Feb. I had *planned* on using the "leftover" to go towards DVC repayment, but the couch was *destroying* us and causing more chiro bills, and my computer continues to be floopy....so these are relative necessities (shall we use the new phrase..."first world problems"?) and we're OK with them. But once he returns, it's back to the drawing board for us. We'll see how successful we are. :3dglasses


Part of the new couch meant getting rid of the old. But the old one *looks* pretty, but is broken down. BUT (again with the but?) it wouldn't take that much to make it OK again. So while we were able to craigslist a few things that were sitting around the house, I doubted that we could get enough to really make selling the couch worth it. Then I thought...we never eat at the dining room table anyway, and the cheapie Ikea chairs are falling apart and uncomfy anyway, so why not get rid of that set (taking it apart and putting it in our storage space, bringing it out for Thanksgiving, etc) and move the couch over into the dining room area. That doubles as our homeschool space anyway, and this way we'd have a couch to lounge on while learning, and a nice open area for when I buy Eamon a "school" desk like he's been asking for. So that's what we did! It's very exciting, and he and I did more work today on the couch in the homeschool lounge than we've done all at once in AGES. Yay!
Wow this is a long trip for Robert. I know that you both must miss him.

It sounds like you have got a lot accomplished. Have you picked out a desk for E? I understand him wanting one. More excitement with a desk at his age. My kids just lounge on the couch or in the easy chairs. Leg over the side of the couch. They drive me nuts.
Wow this is a long trip for Robert. I know that you both must miss him.

It sounds like you have got a lot accomplished. Have you picked out a desk for E? I understand him wanting one. More excitement with a desk at his age. My kids just lounge on the couch or in the easy chairs. Leg over the side of the couch. They drive me nuts.

We've looked through a supply catalog and know basically what we want; just have to call them to find out the height for a chair (the desks are adjustable but the chairs aren't) and put it on our budget schedule! Right now we're on the "old" couch in the new homeschool lounge, and while that's cool, I know he will like the official-ness of a desk.

That's a great report so far!! I went to the Club 33 in January 2008.

Very cool. :) E just said, when he saw your sig pic, "Hey, I know that show!"
Oh how exciting for E! He'll miss the couch when it's gone.:rotfl:
Trying to eat better, doing Pilates, homeschooling, and dental appointments are exhausting! As is setting up a new computer. As is getting the mental gumption to continue a trip report.

GOING BACK IN TIME.....can you hear the spirally music and see the whirly thing, sending you back, back, back to our first night in the parks...the 4th, when we headed over there for a short bit......

Robert and I had veggie po'boys and Eamon had the mac and cheese at French Market. We all enjoyed what we had.

There, that's my story. :) Robert went in to order our food while E and I climbed Tarzan's treehouse, and by the time we came back to earth the food was done. Then went over for E's. E was very patient. We definitely appreciated that.

So that was the blast from the past. The so so distant past. :)


Started the day off as usual in the concierge lounge, hating my feet for hurting so much. Darned feet. But yay for cappuccino.

The 7th was a Tuesday, and was the only Magic Morning day we were able to do. So we headed into the parks early and did what'cha do on MM in Fantasyland and perhaps a bit of Tomorrowland. Please do forgive me, even after the trip was through I was having problems remembering. Next time I'm back to notes! Really GOOD notes!

I know that Eamon did ride Space Mountain on this trip, and E still says he likes WDW's version better. What on earth does he know, though? He just likes sitting without someone right next to him. :) Oh, and there's an escalator at the end of WDW's version, which is "way cooler". Crazy child.

When I booked the room at PPH, it was part of their "winter special" that included immediate Fast Passes. Those were cool, though it was hard to figure out what ride to use them on.

Might have been the 7th when we finally rode Star Tours; in fact I think it was. We had a special FP for it, but also stood in standby for it. Or maybe we'd just gotten FPs normally? gosh I'm not sure. But we were in standby, and I realized that they weren't letting *anyone* who wasn't staying onsite get a FP for Star Tours that day. Isn't that weird? Odd? Strange? There were a lot of grumbly people in line, since they weren't even allowed to get a FP!

Saw the Matterhorn all covered up.


Anyone ever notice this in the Star Tours line?


We ran into some Stormtroopers; they are like Jack Sparrow was...you have to catch 'em sometimes to get a picture with them.

Well, after a huge meal the day before and an early early start to the day, for whatever reason I was STARVING even before noon. I mean...shaking and getting woozy. (this reaction was also a part of the final urge to join WW, because that just doesn't seem to be what a healthy person does (unless it's what the person has always done, and that's not really what I've ALWAYS done when I get hungry), and it worried me. like with the foot pain and the weird leg swelling that happened more each day, it was part of the final push to get me to WW to do something about the weight before it became anything diagnosable...know what I mean?)

We were walking back through Adventureland and there was NO line at Bengal BBQ! Veggie skewers, here I come! OK, I had had the wrong impression of these things all along. I didn't think they would be worth the money. But oh by were they!


That's a potato in there, between the green pepper and the onion. Yum! The world became a better, more peaceful place, as I stood there and snarfed the skewer. The gentlemen with me, who I had started to think of as ogres, became lovely again as I got some veggies eaten.

And then Eamon was hungry, so we headed back to French Market for more mac and cheese and cornbread (which was so good he wanted another piece).

And after that, because, ya know, we were so close and needed some iced espresso drinks anyway, we got an order of beignets to share.






Tried to sell Eamon...

Oh those guys were so funny! And they were in the ads, of course. The ads that started running just after they took Jack Sparrow OUT of the park.

They started "what do you do with a drunken sailor", and one of the lines one of them said was "shave his belly with a rusty razor", and that was interrupted by another one of them who shouted "that was YOU????!!!!????"

Eamon laughed hardest at that, I think.

I don't think any of us went on Splash this trip, but we hit the Pooh ride a few times! Did some souvenir shopping and I finally got the guys on it's a small world. The non-holiday version that is.

Look at those clouds!


Eamon got me to go on Storybookland Canal Boats. The CM was *really* into her job. Did a singsong voice and seemed to really believe that the houses, etc, were real.

In her honor, my pictures from the ride.

Ack, giant duck!


This really was quite pretty.




(did anyone else just hear the Jaws music in their heads as the castle grew closer and closer? no? just me? hmm.)







We did the Sleeping Beauty walkthrough, E got a new foam Prince Phillip sword, and suddenly got hit with one of the headaches that (along with problematic teeth) runs in Robert's dad's family. We stopped to get a PowerC and get some water into him, along with a quick bit of protein bar, and...nothin'. We were tired anyway so we headed back to the hotel as quick as we could. I'm fairly certain there was a piggyback ride involved.

I thought that maybe ice cream would be useful, so while the guys headed through the Grand's shortcut, I ran over to Haagen Dasz. Although things were melting faster than I expected, by the time I got back E was lazing on the couch and was happy to have some ice cream.

R ran down to the lounge and got some rental movies, and we decided to just take it easy for the rest of the day. It was only 3o'clock, so this was not our normal behavior, but ya know? It was nice. We watched Treasure Planet and the original Donald Duck 3 Caballeros movie, relaxed, and enjoyed the room. Robert later went to pick up dinner from WhiteWater Snacks, the headache went into oblivion, and everything was lovely.
The veggie skewer looks amazing. I think need to make some for my adventurers when the weather becomes right for grilling again.

E with his powder sugar, that is the curse of those delightful treats. Too bad about E's headache but you know what? The family night of movies sounds rather fun.

*As a side note Scotty's back is so much better what started as twice a week chiropractor appointments have become once a week. He is sooooooo much better. Thank you for your advice!!*
Oh I'm so glad about Scotty!

Feb 8th.

Seems this was our last day at Disneyland. Waaaah! We'd gotten to hang out in the room (more than just that one evening), we'd made use of the concierge lounge every day (one of the evenings they even had vegetarian egg rolls, which were delicious), we'd had fun...it was going well apart from my physical condition.

When the headache hit (and I think by looking at the "foods" eaten that day that a headache was pretty much GOING to happen, especially if you know that low-nutrition days along with running around having fun tend to cause that in him) we were about to go to Indiana Jones.

Since he felt better on the 8th, we made it a priority (though not the first thing we did at all). He was VERY nervous in the line, really questioning our judgment, but he made it through and of course he loved it. :)

Since that was in our plans, when we saw a kayak filled with Indy Mickeys, we knew we had to get one. :)


We also rode California Screamin' during the trip, possibly on this day (though I think we'd done it before that, no, I KNOW we had). He loved that one, too. And on the 8th, I believe, my head wasn't feeling like the ride, so he and Robert went on it. I wouldn't allow it twice *in a row*, so he tried to get it ridden once early and once later.

Got a chance to play one of the games near Toy Story, and E managed to win a big Mickey. We basically just ran around doing everything...if not on that exact day, definitely during the trip.

I liked the Mermaid ride better than Eamon, which was sort of a theme. Robert, however, liked it quite a lot.

Mermaid floor.


This running around wasn't literal, but we DID go all over the place in no good order. :)

Monsters was ridden a couple times.

Pictures from the backlot area.



bug's land...



Eamon was able to ride Tuck and Roll by himself!




Lunch was had at Paradise Garden Grill (Robert had the veggie skewers and tried all 4 sauces) and at Boardwalk Pizza and Pasta (E had the ravioli and I had the tomato cream sauce pasta without the chicken).

Side note: orange juice and pesto aren't a great taste combo.




It was warm that day, but so pleasant in that garden-y area.
Honestly I can not imagine pesto and orange juice go together well at all. I love that garden area. I think that if the weather is nice on our next trip we will be eating in that area.

I am glad to hear that E liked Indiana Jones. That is such a fun ride.
Feb 8, continued.

After bug's land, Robert went over to go on Tower of Terror. When your kid is nearly 8, having an exit to TOT from bug's land is OK; but if we have another it's not going to be so welcome. I liked bug's land b/c of the ONE exit...sigh. Oh well.

While E and I were still in bug's land playing around, E decided he wanted to ride TOT. Well, OK then! We headed over and it was 13 minutes, so we went on in. I believe Robert got two rides in (FP then standby or the opposite) to our one, and he was really surprised when he found out we'd gone on the ride. Especially surprising since we were back in bug's land when he was done. :) But hey, I did text him and try to call him!

Somehow they got me into Mickey's Wheel of Death. :headache:

View of the WOC "works" from above.


I found a sweet spot for picture-taking where the grid that covers the "windows" in the Wheel doesn't show up!



We'd been going back and forth and it was all getting tired. Coffees and treats were needed (er, "needed"...quotes added in deference to Shelley-the-Weight-Watchers-meeting-leader). As were pictures of pretty flours.


R&E had seen some things that they REALLY wanted. They were over at Star Tours (and maybe World of Disney), and I took this coffee-break time to check prices online. Turns out the price was, actually, the best price out there. So we decided to head back over to Disneyland.

On the way...



I got the Star Tours items while the guys rode the ride again (I didn't want to). Wandered, rode Jungle Cruise, said our goodbyes to the magical land.

On the way to the hotel I finally picked up some Crocs. See, some of my foot problems were because I'd forgotten my broken-in, non-Disney, Crocs Athens at home. I was *hoping* for a Disney Crocs Mammoth purchase, simply because it was cold-ish and it seemed like they would be cozy and comfy. But the ONLY place I found them (one evening in Frontierland while the guys shot 'em up at the Shootin' Gallery) was in ONE shop, and they were kid's sizes. :headache:

I knew the Mickey-head Athens were at World of Disney, so I finally picked some up. And found out 100% that they are differently sized than the normal Athens. The thong strap is bigger on the Mickey crocs, the side straps, and the actual bottom of the shoe is sized differently. That was uncomfortable enough, then add in the breaking-'em-in factor, and yeah, my feet never got totally comfy on the entire trip.

Had more lounge-time in many ways, had dinner from WhiteWater Snacks again, relaxed, packed, slept.

Next morning woke up, missed the thankfully-not-paid-in-advance Express bus, got a cab called, and headed on out to the nearby airport!
Honestly I can not imagine pesto and orange juice go together well at all. I love that garden area. I think that if the weather is nice on our next trip we will be eating in that area.

I am glad to hear that E liked Indiana Jones. That is such a fun ride.

It was one of those "not thinking about it together" purchases. Like once in college I thought "ooh, half a PB&J would be delightful" and then as I continued walking through the SUB (just pretend it's a food court, LOL) I realized they had clam chowder (this is pre-veggie-life) and though "ooh, tasty". Didn't realize until I had taken a bite each of my "soup and sandwich" that it was a bad, awful, horrid combo that should never be tried again.

Eamon wasn't as affected by his combo as I was, but I finally had to stop looking at the plate and the juice box, b/c the thought was making me not enjoy things.

It's beautiful. And they have bands there. I found myself wondering if the bands that play there hate their lives b/c they are playing at Disney...or if they think it's an amazing stepping stone and they are having tons of fun?
An extra bit.

The onsite hotels have a little extra that is a trivia game. You can do it for Jungle Cruise or Pirates of the Caribbean rides. We asked if we could do both, and we could.

We did this on the 8th, which was another reason we needed to hop over from DCA.

I read, read, re-read, and re-read some more all the questions, so that I didn't have to keep on looking at the questions. They give you a nice glowstick, though, so you can see the piece of paper but not totally offend those around you.

The questions include things like "how many boats are in the POTC attraction". OMG do you know how many boats there are in that thing? Well, actually, once you do the trivia, you do. :thumbsup2 These are non-ride vehicles, by the way. Other questions are best answered in the daytime, because you have to (for instance) look for the flags above the attractions.

Anyway, it's fun, as long as you have the time to devote to not really enjoying the ride at least one time through.

Once we were done for the day and headed back, I stopped in with the answer sheets. And oh WOW, they gave us stuff!

We got one cool button (not round, but rectangular) for each of us, for each trivia sheet we did. They are buttons with the attraction posters as the design. For POTC they gave us plastic jewels (a whole bunch of them) as well as chocolate doubloons. A whole bunch of them.

It was really neat!

I still have almost all of the chocolate coins, and I'm figuring out what to do with the buttons. E of course has the jewels in his treasure chest.

If you have a longer trip, or if you've been there enough that you can take the time to do this sort of thing, I highly recommend it.
And so that's it!

We went from SNA up to San Francisco, where we ate veggie "sushi" rolls and Eamon played with some other kids in a play area they had at our gate. It was like a tiny science museum for kids, with one of those "tornado" machines and various other things like that.

I knitted the whole way out to Orlando* while reading my Kindle and got lots of funny looks for that. Oh well! It resulted in a knit hat for Robert that actually fits him so the looks were worth it.

And now I have to continue my story on the Universal forum, which makes me nervous because I actually have not done a trip report there yet! Such pressure. And, honestly, it's mainly "we love Universal look at the pretty resort ooooh pretty pictures". I'll link to it here once I start it there.

Thanks for reading!!!

*for those who are unsure, this was a bi-coastal trip. We had upgraded to Universal Orlando APs last September, and had promised that we would use them. We were yearning to head back to Disneyland, and didn't have APs for WDW.

So we went to Anaheim (which was this trip report), then used more frequent flyer miles to get ourselves to Orlando.

We stayed one night at the Boardwalk Villas at WDW so that we could do laundry (didn't work as planned, but DVC gave us some of our points back b/c of the problem), then managed to NOT go to WDW despite being *right there*, and spent several lovely days at Universal!

I would love to do another bi-coastal trip; but this time we would start on the East Coast, get used to the time change and have a low-key Universal vacation...then go West again so getting up *early* will be easier (since it will feel later to us) and have the more frantic Disney vacation.

We are trying to not plan a WDW vacation until '14, when we have the full amount of DVC points again (and can use "banked" points, current-at-that-time points, and "borrowed" points if needed), but if the money were to fall from the sky for it I'm not sure we could hold off.

Robert wants to get closer to his goal weight before heading to Universal again, but I know he hears the siren call even if he can't yet ride Hulk and the like. But he's focusing on the continued "wanna go baaaaaaaaaaack" tune that Disneyland plays in his head and trying to get me to focus on that, too.

So that's the "rest of the story", for those who missed it somewhere in all my talk-talk.


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