How soon to get another dog?


DIS Veteran
Dec 27, 2003
I lost my darling little doxiepoo right after Christmas. My first instict was to be dogless for a while knowing that I will eventually get another one. But after have at least one dog for about 20 years, I thought taking a break would be a good thing. It hasn't even been a week and I find myself constantly checking out and shopping for a rescue. What are your opinions on how soon to get another dog?
I lost my darling little doxiepoo right after Christmas. My first instict was to be dogless for a while knowing that I will eventually get another one. But after have at least one dog for about 20 years, I thought taking a break would be a good thing. It hasn't even been a week and I find myself constantly checking out and shopping for a rescue. What are your opinions on how soon to get another dog?

There isnt a time set in stone. You will either be ready, or not.

When I lost my Keeta, I didnt want another dog. I have 2 now and I just adore Aspen and Kahlua. It was about 6 months for me. We actually got a dog before that, but I wasnt ready. It got into Keeta's stuff and I schized. Wife took it back.
I lost my darling little doxiepoo right after Christmas. My first instict was to be dogless for a while knowing that I will eventually get another one. But after have at least one dog for about 20 years, I thought taking a break would be a good thing. It hasn't even been a week and I find myself constantly checking out and shopping for a rescue. What are your opinions on how soon to get another dog?

It's really such a personal decision. When we had to put our Boxer to sleep, we swore we wouldn't get another dog because I couldn't handle having to go through that again. We made it a whole four days before we were rescuing our two sweet puppies (also found on PetFinder) from the animal shelter.

We still grieved the death of our Boxer baby, but the puppies kept us so busy that it was hard to focus on just about anything else but them. So, in a way, they kind of rescued us.
It's been 2 1/2 years since we lost our 16 1/2 year old dog. I don't think I will ever get another.
I agree, it's definitely different for everyone. DH's parents took our dog when we moved to FL. I'm not sure if they really wanted him, but soon got VERY attached. When he died, several years later, they were totally distraught. They said they can never get another dog because it is just too hard on them when they die.

I think it's good that you feel ready to add another dog to your family and I wouldn't worry about how long you think you should wait.
When my favorite dog died, I waited a month.. The first week I kept thinking there is no way I can get another one and go through this again..

Then 3 weeks went by and I wanted another one...

When we lost our 17 yr old Pom last May, hubby said no more.. took us a year to get another one.. we just adopted one this past summer...
We had been sort of looking for another dog when Riley was diagnosed with bone cancer. After Riley went to the "bridge" we had another dog in less than two months. We merely continued looking for the right dog for our family. Found a delightful ~7 or 8 year old yellow lab...was perfect for us. (We had adopted Riley when he was 8 - so we definitely prefer the older dogs!!!)

Katy is a gem of a dog, and had come to the rescue as a result of being a stray. UMMM - you didn't miss your 90 # lap dog - who is a sweetheart? We've often wondered, but their loss was our gain.

I'll ooh and ahh over every puppy I see, cuz they are stinking cute. But I would never want to do all the puppy work, but then it needs to go home. I'll take an older dog any day for keeps.

We also felt that Riley gave us a "sign" that it was OK to get another dog. I know, sounds odd...but a tennis ball had somehow moved to the center of our family room, the day after it had been cleaned, the week after we had him put down. Of course - I also felt like Riley "picked us out" at the humane society too.:goodvibes He was sure a "momma's boy", and I do miss him. Katy is a daddy's girl...and then likes DD next, I'm the 3rd choice...but that's OK. It is just different, that's all.

When you find the right dog - you'll know it is time to get a new one! Good luck with the search!!!
We had been sort of looking for another dog when Riley was diagnosed with bone cancer. After Riley went to the "bridge" we had another dog in less than two months. We merely continued looking for the right dog for our family. Found a delightful ~7 or 8 year old yellow lab...was perfect for us. (We had adopted Riley when he was 8 - so we definitely prefer the older dogs!!!)

Katy is a gem of a dog, and had come to the rescue as a result of being a stray. UMMM - you didn't miss your 90 # lap dog - who is a sweetheart? We've often wondered, but their loss was our gain.

I'll ooh and ahh over every puppy I see, cuz they are stinking cute. But I would never want to do all the puppy work, but then it needs to go home. I'll take an older dog any day for keeps.

We also felt that Riley gave us a "sign" that it was OK to get another dog. I know, sounds odd...but a tennis ball had somehow moved to the center of our family room, the day after it had been cleaned, the week after we had him put down. Of course - I also felt like Riley "picked us out" at the humane society too.:goodvibes He was sure a "momma's boy", and I do miss him. Katy is a daddy's girl...and then likes DD next, I'm the 3rd choice...but that's OK. It is just different, that's all.

When you find the right dog - you'll know it is time to get a new one! Good luck with the search!!!

Awwww - the part about the tennis ball made me tear up

We waited about 1 1/2 years before we got another dog. I actually took the loss the hardest. But I went on the website of our local shelter almost every day until I was ready. We got our current lab from the same shelter as our previous one.

I think you'll know when the time is right.
I would get another dog asap, but as others have said, it's different for everyone. Good luck, OP.
Everyone is different. With you checking the website for rescue dogs, it looks like you're ready. :)

I had to have my cat put to sleep just before Christmas a few years ago. I didn't think I would be ready for another cat for quite awhile, but got a new one that February.

I've found that even though you lose a beloved pet, your heart just expands to let another one in. :)
I am one that will get a new pet the next day after one of ours dies. Dh teases me that I will pick out a new husband just as fast if he dies!
Once my 2 dogs are gone I am done with dogs for awhile. As much as I love & will miss them I need a long break. I want to be able to vacation, stay out whenever I want without having to worry about letting the dogs out.

As I sit here typing one is whining and crying at me. I have a border collie mix that has her eye on me at all times. I feel like I am in the movie "Paranormal Activity" sometimes.

OP, if you want a dog, get a dog.:thumbsup2

Is there somewhere you wanted to go but put off because you had a dog? If not, then go for it.
when my 16 1/2 yr old Chi went over the bridge in July of 09, I said I didnt' want another one. I had 2 kids, dh works 12 hour days sometimes 6 days a week, a full time job, a full schedule and just didn't need anything else to do right now. I really grieved for him and my doctor realized it before I did. I woke every night at the exact time Rascal would wake my dh to take him outside even though he didn't wake me up. The doctor told me to think seriously about getting a new puppy or dog. DH bought me a Chi puppy for our anniversary in Oct that year. I started sleeping through the night again, that same night. Shes' been the world's naughtiest puppy, kinda like Marley, but I love her dearly. I know that she'll never take Rascal's place, but she definately fills a big empty spot in my heart.
We lost our 18 year old cat the day after Thanksgiving and got another Dec. 8. We were going to wait a few months, but the house just felt so empty. We started looking online and then went to a few shelters just to look b/c dd10 has wanted a kitten for a few years. Just 2 weeks later we had our new kitten. We really love having her. She looked so sad in the shelter and I just couldn't leave her there, maybe b/c she was similar to our other cat (tabby striped).

My dd10 had a really hard time with the death of our cat and this new kitten has been a healing for her. You'll just have to see how you feel when you look at other dogs.
James Heriot was a believer of 'honoring' your recently lost pet with another one. I agree with him. I know that since losing my Buddy on December 5, my heart is aching for another dog even though we still have one!

When my Zeke died almost 10 years ago, I was working on adopting within two weeks.

Now, my DH takes longer to come around. He knows I'm ready, almost desperate for a dog, but he's not so I have to wait.
When we lost our last cocker in July 2010 it was the first time we had been without at least one dog since 1972. We said we would think about it and would know when was the right time.

Our neighbor, who has a Pom, was after us to consider that breed. We really liked her Axel and thought somethng a little smaller would be better for us "older folks".

Five days later we brought Roxie home. She was a handful! Regardless, we have never regretted it and thoroughly enjoy having her around. (see picture below)
When we lose a dog, there's an emptiness in our home that only another dog can fill. So we're next day or week people, too.

I love James Herriot :goodvibes and I agree with the premise that loving another pet pays homage to the previous pet. We even have a naming system of our dogs that does the same.
It took us a while - about a year and a half. Lucy had been my absolute best friend, and I have missed her that whole time. I finally began searching halfheartedly about a month before we got our new pup (in Nov) and when I found her picture, I just knew she was the girl for us. She has been a delight, and I am so glad we got her, though I do still miss my Lucy.


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