The MCLOVINS Hit the World - HARD!!!!! *COMPLETED*

Welcome back! ♥ I'm so happy you had such a great trip and that you feel so rejuvenated. Disney really does feel like a break from everything, and you feel a little bit more emotionally prepared when you go back to the real world (besides the soul-crushing devastation of leaving the park, that is).

I'm excited for you to finish this trip report up and go on to the next one. :goodvibes
YOU LEAVE TOMORROW!!! I'm so excited for you!!! Excited for me too because then I'll get to read your trip report... Cannot wait for you to experience your first Grey Goose Slushie I'm sending you all the good Disney vibes I can and here's to hoping for Pixie Dust at every turn!

Thanks girl! OMG I have a story about the Grey Goose slushie. Stay tuned!

So, I don't know if you'll see this because...

but I'm responding anyway!

A LIMO? You're so ~fancy.

And that's not at all creepy. I've been planning on doing the same with your twitter. :upsidedow I need something to get me through my finals tomorrow (well, today) and Tuesday.

Anyway, safe travels to you and your mother!!!!! I hope you have the most amazing time! Say hi to Stacey for me! :wizard:

:figment::tigger::stitch::maleficen:simba::ccat: YOU'RE IN DISNEY RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!! :dumbo::goofy::hmghost::mickeyjum:sulley: :donald:
(I forgot how fantastic those jumping smiley's were.)
I hope you're having a WONDERFUL time and I am enjoying your tweets!!

YOU TWO. I just wanted to say it was awesome having you guys along for my trip via Twitter. Girls of the DIS 4e~*

Haha I just about DIED laughing, Jess! My favorite Disney song EVER. Gets me pumped no matter how blue I am! :banana:

Eleven days. Eleven. Days. ELEVEN DAYS!!!!! I can't wait to be at WDW once again and taking a 20+ roadtrip there with my wonderful family, no less. :cloud9:

Lia, I had THE BEST TIME in NYC. Thanks for the food rec's!!!!!! I'll have to update you about it sometime when I'm not trying to write my final paper of the semester. :rotfl2:

I am so happy you had such a great time in NYC! I would love to hear about it when you get the chance. Always happy to help people visiting! I hope you're having a magical time at Disney... I'd be willing to bet anything that you are obviously!

Day 4.
I feel like my notes are TOO MUCH so I'm toning it down haha but what you said about every time you get off Everest you want to go on it again, I feel the same way. And I always get back on. It's the best.

Hahaha... so about the lady you sat with on Everest from the south. It's funny because I'm from Virginia which is not as southern as it gets but it's pretty close. When I go to NY, people STARE. Once I was with a group of friends in NYC and we were in some store, and the store owners looked at each other and like smirked and nudged each other. I mean, we don't even have BIG accents. But saying yall is a way of life, like breathing. Hahhaa.
Thanks for mentioning Friends again.
I'm the exact same way with chicken. CHICKEN. Chicken. It's the best. I LOVE CHICKEN. Chicken is grand.
I've never even BEEN to Disney at a time where they had evening EMH at AK! That's so cool!
I don't even have words for your Boma experience. I'm just laughing toooo much because I can totally relate.

That is the nicest thing that you surprised your mom with the foot massage! Seriously so thoughtful.
WHY was the BTMRR CM acting like he'd never seen someone by themselves before? That's just weird. Like I'm sure there are people that ride by themselves all the time. How did he know that the rest of your party just didn't want to ride? Just odd. If he saw you by yourself at Les Chefs he probably would have cried. Hahaha.

I so agree with you about the TSM line... and TSM in general! It's really just genius! LOVE IT SO MUCH.
WAIT. Dave Coulier doesn't live at Hollywood Studios? I'm sad.

I stopped 'taking notes' because you're too funny and I forgot to do so. Day 7 sounds awesome though. German pretzel boy. :thumbsup2

Awwww second to last day! :(
YES kangaroos! I LOVE THEM. I got really excited when I saw them at AK too! There was a vulture chilling with them too. It and one of the kangaroos were having a face-off that never came to anything and another kangaroo looked old. Like, old old. I called him Papa Kang. They were right there at the Tree of Life around all those paths you can walk! I think it's called Discovery Island. HOW FITTING.

BAH I've been planning to get a Kusafiri cupcake for literally months now. I'm so excited. Yours looked SO GOOD.
I love elephants so much. I guess this was before the little baby was born, or maybe he was just too young at the time to be out, but when I went on the safari June of 2010 we saw the baby elephant and it was the CUTEST thing. To make it even cuter the mom was washing him with her trunk. AJKFLDJSL.
I love the story about the cute old CM and the birthday sticker! I honestly think I would have teared up or just full on cried. That's just precious.
HAHAHA... the shield. WHAT is that?
OH LOOK AT THAT! Ya snuck a Friends quote right on in there! "The rules are: there ARE no rules!" Hahaha funny enough I watched that episode like last week.
The fact that you got to ride Splash like what, five times, is incredible! I NEED EVENING EMH YALL!
Oh okay so your Titanic quote just killed me. I CANNOT wait to see that movie again in theaters. AND in 3D!!!!! Yeah I'm excited.

So that's it but I'm excited to read about your last day and all about your current Disney adventures. From your tweets it sounds like yall have had an amazing time! :goodvibes

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all your sweet comments!! I read and loved them all! AHH you're in Disney too! I can't wait to hear about your trip. :dance3:

Welcome back! ♥ I'm so happy you had such a great trip and that you feel so rejuvenated. Disney really does feel like a break from everything, and you feel a little bit more emotionally prepared when you go back to the real world (besides the soul-crushing devastation of leaving the park, that is).

I'm excited for you to finish this trip report up and go on to the next one. :goodvibes

Thank you!! And you described it perfectly, it's devastating leaving the park for the last time but you just feel so much better about life when you get home.

Oh, July is happening. WHAM BOOM TEST TRACK BABY!!!!!



That is all.
So right after I read your last update, my girlfriends and I were emailing back and forth making plans for our girls trip in April. I told them that I absolutely had had had to do nighttime EMH until 3 at MK while we were there. In fact I believe that my exact words were that I would absolutely DIE if I did not get a chance to do this....that and the fact that I threatened to de-friend them if they did not agree with me on this idea 100%. ;) Luckily they are all Disney freaks like me, so I should be good to go.

Can't wait to see the last update of this TR and read about your newest escapades in your next TR!
So right after I read your last update, my girlfriends and I were emailing back and forth making plans for our girls trip in April. I told them that I absolutely had had had to do nighttime EMH until 3 at MK while we were there. In fact I believe that my exact words were that I would absolutely DIE if I did not get a chance to do this....that and the fact that I threatened to de-friend them if they did not agree with me on this idea 100%. ;) Luckily they are all Disney freaks like me, so I should be good to go.

Can't wait to see the last update of this TR and read about your newest escapades in your next TR!

YAY! I love that I am inspiring people to do things that I post about in this TR! It makes me feel like my brain full of Disney knowledge is helping people have better trips. I hope it works out for you! And just a tip, don't go to park opening that morning unless you plan to take a nap during the afternoon. You'll enjoy your EMH so much more if you aren't walking around like a zombie due to fatigue.
So... I wrote this wonderful message last night and then my computer decided to be a jerk and not post it. :sad2: So I am going to try and remember what I said!

WELCOME HOME LIA!! I am SO happy you feel rejuvenated and had such a magical time on your trip. You definitely deserved it! Your appreciation for Disney magic just makes your tweets and updates SO fun to read - I am really looking forward to your next trip report! You're so right though - Disney will always be there and that's why I love it, too. Even if my life is a COMPLETE whirlwind and everything is changing, I can go back to Disney, completely forget about everything, and life seems normal again. We really are so lucky to have something like that to keep us sane! :laughing:

Your words perfectly summed up everything! I'm so happy you had such a great trip!! :goodvibes

Oh, July is happening. WHAM BOOM TEST TRACK BABY!!!!!


Oh yeah!!! I know I'll be there!! :banana: WHAM.

YOU TWO. I just wanted to say it was awesome having you guys along for my trip via Twitter. Girls of the DIS 4e~*

Thank YOU for giving us the privilege of following along. :goodvibes It really was so fun hearing about everything! And thank you for letting me be a little part of your trip - I had so much fun! :yay: And I hope you follow along on my next trip!! (Beginning in T-Minus 5 DAYS!!!) I'M SO EXCITED! :wizard:

Alright I think that's everything! Have a magical night! Can't wait for the last update/the new TR!!
So... I wrote this wonderful message last night and then my computer decided to be a jerk and not post it. :sad2: So I am going to try and remember what I said!

WELCOME HOME LIA!! I am SO happy you feel rejuvenated and had such a magical time on your trip. You definitely deserved it! Your appreciation for Disney magic just makes your tweets and updates SO fun to read - I am really looking forward to your next trip report! You're so right though - Disney will always be there and that's why I love it, too. Even if my life is a COMPLETE whirlwind and everything is changing, I can go back to Disney, completely forget about everything, and life seems normal again. We really are so lucky to have something like that to keep us sane! :laughing:

Your words perfectly summed up everything! I'm so happy you had such a great trip!! :goodvibes

Oh yeah!!! I know I'll be there!! :banana: WHAM.

Thank YOU for giving us the privilege of following along. :goodvibes It really was so fun hearing about everything! And thank you for letting me be a little part of your trip - I had so much fun! :yay: And I hope you follow along on my next trip!! (Beginning in T-Minus 5 DAYS!!!) I'M SO EXCITED! :wizard:

Alright I think that's everything! Have a magical night! Can't wait for the last update/the new TR!!

Thank you girl! I'm glad I have friends like you who love Disney as much as I do and understand how it feels! :goodvibes

I don't know if I can go in July yet :sad1: But I am going to do everything possible to make sure that "maybe I'm going" turns into a huge YES!!!!!!!!

Of course I will be following along for your trip! I am so excited for you and can't wait to see all your tweets! And I had so much fun with you at Disney. I love how well our moms got along LOL. It was awesome cause at first my mom was like, "Wait...who are you meeting up with? How do you know them?" and then as soon as we all talked for 5 minutes it was like we were all BFFs! haha That's Disney Magic for ya. :wizard:
Thank you girl! I'm glad I have friends like you who love Disney as much as I do and understand how it feels! :goodvibes

I don't know if I can go in July yet :sad1: But I am going to do everything possible to make sure that "maybe I'm going" turns into a huge YES!!!!!!!!

Of course I will be following along for your trip! I am so excited for you and can't wait to see all your tweets! And I had so much fun with you at Disney. I love how well our moms got along LOL. It was awesome cause at first my mom was like, "Wait...who are you meeting up with? How do you know them?" and then as soon as we all talked for 5 minutes it was like we were all BFFs! haha That's Disney Magic for ya. :wizard:

I feel the same way! :goodvibes Good thing we all understand! :)

I hope you can!!! :yay:

Yay I'm so glad! I will definitely have to keep up with twitter! Your tweets have inspired me to do so! :laughing: And aww I know!! Our mothers are precious. My Mom asked the SAME question... but I was like Mom, don't worry you're gonna love them! And she did! She thinks you're both sweethearts. Aww it was so fun!

Yay. YAY FOR DISNEY. 4 days now. I. am. FREAKING. EEEE!

Okay that is all. :upsidedow
What is this maybe nonsense?

You're coming. ::yes::

If I need to write someone a strongly-worded letter, just let me know. Or we could sue. My mom's a lawyer.

Whatever we have to do to make this work, we're doing. We are going to run around WDW like children and stay at the MK 'til 4 AM. No maybe.
What is this maybe nonsense?

You're coming. ::yes::

If I need to write someone a strongly-worded letter, just let me know. Or we could sue. My mom's a lawyer.

Whatever we have to do to make this work, we're doing. We are going to run around WDW like children and stay at the MK 'til 4 AM. No maybe.

What is this maybe nonsense?

You're coming. ::yes::

If I need to write someone a strongly-worded letter, just let me know. Or we could sue. My mom's a lawyer.

Whatever we have to do to make this work, we're doing. We are going to run around WDW like children and stay at the MK 'til 4 AM. No maybe.

I'm gonna do everything I can do make it happen!!! I want to take over the World with you guys SO bad. With a little pixie dust we should be good... :wizard:
APRIL 19, 2010
Day 9 In Which The End's Not Near, It's Here

I stole that title from the final episode of The OC. But you probably knew that (KARA).

Let's not talk about it though, I don't want to get EVEN MORE emotional than I already am with this being the final update.

R.I.P. Marissa Cooper. ALWAYS IN OUR HEARTS.


On our last Disney morning, I slept in.

I know, I KNOW, that sounds insane. But I was just so TIRED.

After 8 rip roaring days at the World topped off with a late night/early morning Magic Kingdom rampage, it felt pretty good to rest. My feet, especially, were thanking me.

Hey, this is a vacation after all.

I set a wake up call anyway, so that I could hear Stitch scream at me one last time. Oh, that holy sound! I had them call later so I would already be awake for it. The real thing that woke me up was my mom waking me up with breakfast from the Everything Pop food court.

Mickey Waffles delivered to you in bed. Is there anything better?

I didn't take a long time to eat because I had to get going. I had only a few precious hours left at my favorite place on earth and I did not want to waste any time.

My mom was done at this point. She was all Disneyed out. I can't imagine that happening to me, but some people are not freakishly obsessed with a vacation destination. On our last day, I always book a later flight for us so I can squeeze every last moment out of our trip and she can chill out and make sure we have everything and are ready to go.

It's very hard for me to not sulk on our last day. I try as hard as I can to enjoy the last moments and not be filled with dread that I have to return to reality soon. It's not that I don't have a good life or I'm not thankful for what I have, it's just that I love Disney THAT MUCH and it means so much to me that I feel like I will die if I have to leave.

So what did I do with my precious final Disney time?

I decided to go to the Magic Kingdom. Obviously.


It's not like we had spent all night there wreaking havoc or anything.

Look, that's where they keep the magic. It's the MAGIC Kingdom, folks. It's the original. It's Walt. It's the castle. It's Main Street. It's everything. No matter how much time I spend there, it will never be enough.

I went to the WDW Railroad first because I wanted to ride around the Kingdom awhile and just take it all in one last time.




The CM there was a really sweet older man who I spoke to while waiting for the train to arrive. When I told him I was from New Jersey he said that most of the people he talks to are from New Jersey! Jersey People are dominating Disney World, MOVE OVER.



I saw this near where the train loads and thought it was cute:

Pixie Dust!

I did one full loop on the train and then decided it was time to get a spot for the parade.


It was truly a beautiful day in the Kingdom that day. But what day isn't? Even the gloomy, rainy days at Disney are better than gorgeous days anywhere else!

Before finding my parade spot, I needed snacks!

This is what I call "The Parade Combo". Fries from Casey's, Main Street Popcorn, and a Coke. This is necessary for parade viewing. Especially the popcorn. There is no popcorn like Main Street Popcorn.

I found a spot in the Hub in front of the castle. In my opinion, this is the best place to watch the parade!


The family sitting next to me was adorable. The mom was so nice and kept asking me if I was okay since I was alone. Her daughter and a whole load of kids right by me were SO. EXCITED. to see all the characters and it was just wonderful. I live for that kind of excitement because I am the same even though I am an adult.

The show they perform in front of the castle (was it Dream Along With Mickey at the time? I can't remember.) was just ending:


I hadn't seen the MK day parade since 2006 when it was Share A Dream Come True and so I was very excited. I was crying on and off basically the whole time. Oh man, I did not want to leave.


It was weird seeing the Muppets in the Magic Kingdom. Hey, you guys are usually at MGM!











Hmm.. is Aladdin hiding from me?! No blowing kisses this time? (You know that story if you read my pre-trip report!) Btw why is there a stork and The Rescuers on the Aladdin float?





Kisses from the Fairy Godmother! <3












After the parade, I knew it was time to go. I had to make sure that I was not late for our Magical Express pick-up time and so there was nothing else I could really do in the time frame I had left except wander around Main Street and take pictures.




I was just so melancholy. It's impossible to fully enjoy your last moments at Disney World.

I was craving some ice cream, so I went into the Plaza Ice Cream Parlour and ordered a Mickey Mouse Kid's Cone. These, like most things at Disney, are far and away not just for kids, folks.


This quickly turned into one of my favorite things to eat at Disney. Not only is it beyond delicious, it's TWO DOLLARS AND EIGHTY CENTS INCLUDING TAX. It's funny, like 90% of Disney stuff is overpriced but every once in awhile they throw you a bone. I wonder how long it will stay that low price. I hope forever. OH MAN I want one of these so badly now. I am obsessed!

I ate three of them on my most recent trip. And it was not enough.


I always get Cookies & Cream on mine, but you can get any flavor. I plan on getting at least one per day on my next trip. No, ten! Ten per day.

On my way out, I spotted the Dapper Dans:

I love them so much!


As I walked toward the dreaded exit, I couldn't help but beg the Heavens.

Please, no. Please don't make me go back. I don't wanna go back. I want to stay. I have to stay. Just a little while longer. Please!

It turns out that if you ask God to bend time so that you can stay at Disney World, he instead uses his power to like, save lives and feed the hunger or some other thing that is way not as important as your vacation.

SIGH. Whatever, dude.

No, but REALLY I didn't want to walk out of that park. You have to leave Disney, though. As much as I would love to live in the area and visit all the time, I know it wouldn't be as special. I mean, I would still love it more than anything and it would still be my favorite place in the world, but it wouldn't be the escape that it is now. It would be like having Christmas once a month or something. Too much. You need to miss it.

For me, I always feel like we leave Disney World just as soon as I was really starting to settle in, but I think that's good. It means the adventure is never finished, just as Walt wanted it. Every time I leave Disney World, my heart is heavy, my eyes are wet, and my brain is working a mile a minute planning our next vacation. I hope it'll always be that way.


One last shot of the castle before I am torn away. Thank you, Walt. See ya real soon!

The rest of the trip was uneventful, lame, and depressing because it involved me LEAVING DISNEY WORLD which is always a horrific and traumatizing experience. It started POURING while we were waiting for our ME bus at Pop Century and I took that as an official sign from God that the world was grieving along with me.

As soon as I got on the bus, I started crying hysterically and did not stop for awhile. They were playing Grim Grinning Ghosts which just added to the waterworks. Le sigh... I love the Haunted Mansion so much.

We had a lot of time at the airport and I hate that. I just wanted to freaking leave. For me, as soon as I know I can't have any more Disney time, I just want to be home immediately. My mom was all like shopping in the stores and got food at the food court but I was too busy trying to figure out how I could get back to Disney ASAP. This is what I do every time. I just go completely into denial and tell myself I'm coming back in like a month.

I remember sitting there thinking that I should just dump out my savings account, blow my life off, call CRO and book a whole new trip starting NOW. It would be so easy, I thought, to just walk right back out the door and start over again. So close... and yet so far!

The flight was uneventful and depressing. Did You Hear About The Morgans, a movie I had already seen, was the in-flight entertainment. This was good because of my endless appreciation for Hugh Grant's adorableness. However, I will now always associate that film with being sad about leaving Disney and that is never good.

There was a little girl on the flight who kept telling her parents she wanted to go back to Mickey Mouse. It was unbelievably cute. She kept stressing to her parents how badly she wanted to go back as if like, if she just asked one more time, maybe they'd take her right back there. And why wouldn't she? That's what Disney teaches us: Believe in your dreams with all your heart and they will come true.

"But I miss him! I want to go back to Mickey Mouse!"

I couldn't have agreed more. I wanted to go back to Mickey Mouse too. And guess what? Eighteen months later, I did.

I hope you enjoyed this insanely long trip report. I know I did. I can't tell you guys how much it means to me to share all of my adventures with you guys. Thanks so much to everyone, from those of you who popped in from time to time to my closest friends who are always here, to all the lurkers: THANK YOU!

The magic does not end here. It never will. Check out my new trip report:

This is the dawning of the rest of our lives... AT DISNEY WORLD!

Thanks again, guys! See ya real soon. :smickey:
Wow, the last installment. Honestly, I never thought this day would come. Well, I did, but I figured we'd be like 35 or something. :confused3

I yelled "OMG THE OC" as soon as I read your title. BTW Caleb Nichol is Prince Charming's father on Once Upon a Time. Just another reason for you to watch...

Sleeping in on your last morning is not at all strange. In fact, it's kind of necessary. I'm pretty much the walking dead by the end of the trip.

I could really use some Disney popcorn right now. SIGH.

I haven't seen the MK day parade in YEARS. OMG ABU IS IN IT? OK, it's going on my MUST DO list.

Why does Snow White's Prince Charming look so old? I've never been a big Snow White gal, but Once Upon a Time is changing that, and if that's what Prince Charming looks like in the parks, I am severely disappointed. I mean, I realize that not everyone can be a dashing young actor with a ridiculously adorable grin and with a spot-on sexy Disney prince laugh but that doesn't mean we should settle for whatever tomfoolery this parade is trying to sell us. SMH.

They're refurbishing the Plaza Ice Cream Parlor so it will be all shiny and new when I (we) go in July. THE KIDS CONES ARE ON ME!

Assuming they don't raise the price to $50 a cone.

I think we should track down that little girl from the plane and ask her if she wants to join our Stacey fan club. I'm sure she also worships our flawless queen. :worship:

Well, this has been a thoroughly enjoyable report, Lia. I'm so glad I've gotten to know you over the past however long I've been commenting here. You are a fabulous person and I'm proud to call you my friend. :hug:

Now, onto the next TR, baby!


Aww, the end. :( That parade is so beautiful, I love it.
WHAT? Have the Rescuers always been hanging out there? I don't even know what to think right now...

I feel the exact same way about leaving. It's just inevitable. Walking down Main Street for the last time on a trip will just never be easy.

Lia, I'm so glad that Kara and Jess both recommended your TR and I got to read it all, I really really enjoyed it. And I'm so excited to read all about your new adventures! LET THE MEMORIES BEGIN! :wizard:
Wow, the last installment. Honestly, I never thought this day would come. Well, I did, but I figured we'd be like 35 or something. :confused3

I yelled "OMG THE OC" as soon as I read your title. BTW Caleb Nichol is Prince Charming's father on Once Upon a Time. Just another reason for you to watch...

Sleeping in on your last morning is not at all strange. In fact, it's kind of necessary. I'm pretty much the walking dead by the end of the trip.

I could really use some Disney popcorn right now. SIGH.

I haven't seen the MK day parade in YEARS. OMG ABU IS IN IT? OK, it's going on my MUST DO list.

Why does Snow White's Prince Charming look so old? I've never been a big Snow White gal, but Once Upon a Time is changing that, and if that's what Prince Charming looks like in the parks, I am severely disappointed. I mean, I realize that not everyone can be a dashing young actor with a ridiculously adorable grin and with a spot-on sexy Disney prince laugh but that doesn't mean we should settle for whatever tomfoolery this parade is trying to sell us. SMH.

They're refurbishing the Plaza Ice Cream Parlor so it will be all shiny and new when I (we) go in July. THE KIDS CONES ARE ON ME!

Assuming they don't raise the price to $50 a cone.

I think we should track down that little girl from the plane and ask her if she wants to join our Stacey fan club. I'm sure she also worships our flawless queen. :worship:

Well, this has been a thoroughly enjoyable report, Lia. I'm so glad I've gotten to know you over the past however long I've been commenting here. You are a fabulous person and I'm proud to call you my friend. :hug:

Now, onto the next TR, baby!



OMG Caleb Nichol pops up everywhere. I feel like he's always doing random parts in things simply so I can remember the martial bliss that was the Julie and Caleb romance. Remember when Julie was trying to poison him but then changed her mind and he died anyway? Sigh. I love that woman. Even if she IS Julie Cooper Nichol Cooper Roberts.

Sometimes the princes are just downright not cute and I hate to admit it but it's true!

OMG I read about that refurb and my first thought was, THANK GOD this is not happening when I'm there. I can't live without the kid's cone. If that price is $4.00 by the time it's done, I will cry.

Aww, I am proud to call you my friend as well. I am so happy the DIS brought our fabulousness together! When we both arrive at WDW, there's going to be an earthquake or something. Too much awesome. WHAM.

Aww, the end. :( That parade is so beautiful, I love it.
WHAT? Have the Rescuers always been hanging out there? I don't even know what to think right now...

I feel the exact same way about leaving. It's just inevitable. Walking down Main Street for the last time on a trip will just never be easy.

Lia, I'm so glad that Kara and Jess both recommended your TR and I got to read it all, I really really enjoyed it. And I'm so excited to read all about your new adventures! LET THE MEMORIES BEGIN! :wizard:

I GUESS. I thought that was weird too. I can't recall any other reference to The Rescuers at Disney World. I haven't even seen that movie in AGES!

Thanks so much! I love them for spreading my TR link around and you for reading!!
I am just HEAD OVER HEELS in love with all those photos of Mainstreet that you have.

Seriously, that first one with the castle and the balloons there, it looks like it came straight out of the brochure. What camera do you use? All those photos are just GORGEOUS.

That Mickey mouse cone looks DELISH!!! Are those little milk chocolate coins? I wonder if I could ask for dark chocolate...dark choco with ice cream is so yum. I already know I'll be picking one up when I'm there.

Man, I've been so busy and tired because of work these days. I hope to finish my TR by Christmas but I kind of want to stretch it....until I have more solid plans for my next trip. What will I do with no TR or PTR to work on????

Ok, jumping over to your new TR.
I am just HEAD OVER HEELS in love with all those photos of Mainstreet that you have.

Seriously, that first one with the castle and the balloons there, it looks like it came straight out of the brochure. What camera do you use? All those photos are just GORGEOUS.

That Mickey mouse cone looks DELISH!!! Are those little milk chocolate coins? I wonder if I could ask for dark chocolate...dark choco with ice cream is so yum. I already know I'll be picking one up when I'm there.

Man, I've been so busy and tired because of work these days. I hope to finish my TR by Christmas but I kind of want to stretch it....until I have more solid plans for my next trip. What will I do with no TR or PTR to work on????

Ok, jumping over to your new TR.

Thank you Yuki!!!!! That is quite a compliment :) That was a Panasonic Lumix. I actually got that one during a Disney trip in 2006. It actually wasn't that great of a camera EXCEPT pretty day time clear shots like that. Night shots, forget about it. It took pretty good concert shots though.

Yes they are milk chocolate coins but they're not like the chocolate coins they sell at various stores in the parks. They're like the real good quality chocolate and really thick and DELICIOUS!

As always thanks for reading! :goodvibes
Really random and from a few updates back- but how did you get your luggage from one resort to the next? Does Disney do it for you, or did you have to? Hope you are having a magical New Year!
First thing I do when I get home from Disney?

Well.. actually I ate some pizza.

SECOND thing I did when I got home from Disney was read the end of your trip report!!!

To start off, I'm loving the new Rapunzel and Flynn avatar. Like... AHH so cute! :love: I love them so much.

hahaha I slept in the last morning of Disney too. I UNDERSTAND. I try so hard to get up but it's better to sleep in than get up early and be grouchy all day.

__disneygirl said:
It's very hard for me to not sulk on our last day. I try as hard as I can to enjoy the last moments and not be filled with dread that I have to return to reality soon. It's not that I don't have a good life or I'm not thankful for what I have, it's just that I love Disney THAT MUCH and it means so much to me that I feel like I will die if I have to leave.


Aww pixie dust!! Hidden detail!

__disneygirl said:
Before finding my parade spot, I needed snacks!

This is one of the many reasons why we're friends. :rotfl:

THIS PARADE MADE ME CRY AT THE END OF MY AUGUST TRIP!! As me and Nat were leaving, this parade was going by and we just burst into tears. It touches your heart. CELEBRATE A DREAM COME TRUE, AND YOU MIGHT JUST FIND A WISH FOR YOU. WHEN YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES AND YOU REALIZE, ANY DREAM IS POSSIBLE...... :sad1:

I heard, though, that they're getting rid of it soon. :(

I also heard they're bringing back Spectro.

Big doin's goin' on, I must say!

ALADDIN!!! :love:

Dang these parade pictures are good. I'm really impressed right now haha

Aww a mickey cone <3 and the Dapper Dans <3 oh my God I miss Disney omgggg. :sad1:

Wow there was nobody there. Ahh empty main street. I failed to see that sight this whole trip. Except last night. But you know.. it was nighttime.

AHH tearing up right now. :( I went through this whole experience today. TODAY. I can't even believe I'm home already. Like... AHH. Disneyyyy I miss you :sad1:

But that was a beautiful way to wrap it up!! Best trip report EVER! I can't tell you how much I enjoyed it and how excited I am for the next one!! EEEEE :banana: Pull me out of this Post Disney Depression and bring me back to the beginning!

Off I go..... :wizard:

p.s. I used an excessive amount of sad faces. I'm sorry. I'm just experience my post disney pain. You know.
Really random and from a few updates back- but how did you get your luggage from one resort to the next? Does Disney do it for you, or did you have to? Hope you are having a magical New Year!

Disney does it for you! People think changing resorts is such a hassle but it really isn't. Well, unpacking and repacking is a bit annoying but besides that, it's easy! You just pick up the phone, hit the button with the little suitcase on it and say, "Hi, I'm moving to *resort name here*, can I have my bags sent over there please?" and some nice CM either comes to your room or you can drop the bags of at Bell. Then you go whoop it up in the parks for awhile and when you get to your next room, your bags are waiting! :goodvibes

First thing I do when I get home from Disney?

Well.. actually I ate some pizza.

SECOND thing I did when I got home from Disney was read the end of your trip report!!!

To start off, I'm loving the new Rapunzel and Flynn avatar. Like... AHH so cute! :love: I love them so much.

hahaha I slept in the last morning of Disney too. I UNDERSTAND. I try so hard to get up but it's better to sleep in than get up early and be grouchy all day.


Aww pixie dust!! Hidden detail!

This is one of the many reasons why we're friends. :rotfl:

THIS PARADE MADE ME CRY AT THE END OF MY AUGUST TRIP!! As me and Nat were leaving, this parade was going by and we just burst into tears. It touches your heart. CELEBRATE A DREAM COME TRUE, AND YOU MIGHT JUST FIND A WISH FOR YOU. WHEN YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES AND YOU REALIZE, ANY DREAM IS POSSIBLE...... :sad1:

I heard, though, that they're getting rid of it soon. :(

I also heard they're bringing back Spectro.

Big doin's goin' on, I must say!

ALADDIN!!! :love:

Dang these parade pictures are good. I'm really impressed right now haha

Aww a mickey cone <3 and the Dapper Dans <3 oh my God I miss Disney omgggg. :sad1:

Wow there was nobody there. Ahh empty main street. I failed to see that sight this whole trip. Except last night. But you know.. it was nighttime.

AHH tearing up right now. :( I went through this whole experience today. TODAY. I can't even believe I'm home already. Like... AHH. Disneyyyy I miss you :sad1:

But that was a beautiful way to wrap it up!! Best trip report EVER! I can't tell you how much I enjoyed it and how excited I am for the next one!! EEEEE :banana: Pull me out of this Post Disney Depression and bring me back to the beginning!

Off I go..... :wizard:

p.s. I used an excessive amount of sad faces. I'm sorry. I'm just experience my post disney pain. You know.

JESS!!!!!!!! :woohoo: I am honored to be the first TR you read after the pizza!!! LOL. So glad you are back posting on my TRs, though I will miss your tweets from Disney. Hopefully in July we will be there together! :yay:

Aww, I love that parade! I will be sad to see it go. Though, I liked the Share A Dream Come True parade more... but I'm biased because Aladdin blew me a kiss during that one... :lovestruc soooo.... :love: haha

I heard Spectro was coming back too, I AM SO EXCITED! I really miss it. I am happy I got to see MSEP again, but I miss Spectro so much!

I'm glad you love the pics and the update and everything!! Thank you!! :goodvibes I hope I can help pull you out of Disney depression... I came home weeks ago and I myself am not over it and probably won't be until I leave for my next trip! haha.


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