Disboutiquers Part 27 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

The dresses I've made have ranged from $30-$55, including a pattern and that's obviously not paying for time. I feel like if I say $75 or so per dress, that's going to sound like I'm over charging. But if it takes me 6 hrs to sew, plus pattern and fabric cutting time, it seems about right to me. Your thoughts?

I have the same problem! People ask me to make things for them, and I really undercharge because they are friends! Bottom line though...our time is valuable so I would charge what you think your time is worth over the cost of the supplies. I think people are more willing to pay the higher prices than we sometimes realize. Good luck!
I will have to look for it. If not I will take a picture. I loved it when I saw it. It came from a fabric store in Nashville. LOVED the store but the prices were high. Luckily they were having a 50% sale for a yard or higher.

First of all, I loved all of your outfits and your kids are adorable!

What fabric store in Nashville? I live in the Nashville area and would love another fabric source! Thanks!
I love your crayon roll up. Do you just sew it all together then use bias tape instead of having to turn it? The one I have you have to turn and I don't like the way I have to sew that little bit that you turn through!

That's exactly what I did -- I followed this tut:

The first time I did her measurements exactly and had problems with the width of the holder near the bias -- it also made more spaces than I had for colored pencils, so get your pencils first and adjust!

This time I resized it for crayons but still used the twistable crayons (they are just cheaper than the pencils and I was at Walmart so that's what I bought). I guessed on the measurements and then just cut the extra fabric off at the end.

And in the tut she makes her own trim for the edges, but I just used double fold bias tape for ease.
I am having a MONDAY on Monday! had to work { even though i am pre-k asst. and we are out today/tomorrow for fall break,was asked to pitch in so i did,extra money!} only had to work 2 1/2 so i headed to Joann and got me and sil each 4 pj patterns to cover all family sizes! Mccalls for 99cents!:) also a cute jacket/coat pattern for my dgd's.:thumbsup2 picked up a fleece remnent { makings hatsscarves for xmas gifts} and a long blonde wig {$5} for Elli for her goddess costume { 60% off halloween}. I was so happy drivng home enjoying the beautiful weather ,looking forward to making a sammich and watching bridesmaids on the dvr! :love:
then my dadblamed car decided to DIE!:headache: thank GOD i got it pulled into a Church parking lot before it went!! Called dh who thangoodness was on his lunch break and could hear his phone.he came and got me and we cleaned out all the junk n the car,g'kids booster seat,books,toys etc...and he brought me home ,went back to work and we will have to see about the car later...he can usually figure out whats wrong but not this time i think it bit the dust...but it's been an ok car for the past 6 years,it's a 91* camry with 220,000+miles on it! so i think she is done!:sad2:
so now i am waiting till this evening when he gets off to see if he and his nephew can figure out whats wrong and if i will be carless for a bit...i hate being w/o my car,feels like my wings have been clipped!
thanks for letting me vent...prayers for either a fixed car are a blessing to get a new one...he could ask his momfoor $$$ and pay her when we get taxes { planning to get me another car then anyways} but he will never ask...aaarrrggghhh....always somehting...but we are all safe and healthy so alls good wiht the world:littleangel:
I feel like I just found "my people"!! I've been sewing for years but this is the first time I've gone whole hog on making OOAK outfits for my girls for WDW. You all have some serious talent :lovestruc

I have their Dis t-shirt dresses done and their casual princess outfits done (for after their Cinderella breakfast - no way they'll rock their gowns all day...)..currently working on AK sets and then one more Mickey/Minnie set ;)
I don use patterns and I try to use lots of vintage and upcycled fabrics. I just scored some sweet vintage Dis pillowcases/sheets - so I might try to squeak another outfit out, too! He he I just taught myself how to make cute matching
hair bows, too.

Everybody thinks I'm crazy obsessed...maybe I am??

I'll post pics when I'm all done :)

Gonna go drool over more of your work....

Nice to "meet" you!! :hippie:

:cheer2: Welcome!!!
Per Teresa's request...

Our PC was very nice, actually there was not a single character at Park Fare that wasn't great. All gave dd lots of attention.


He is quite handsome! I'm glad he was nice too!

And our Aladdin wasn't over the top dreamy, but he was cute and his personality was outstanding. We must have held up the line for a good long time -- he actually gave me a lot more attention than he did dd which was fine b/c dd loves Jasmine so they chatted. He raved about Alexa's dress and our autograph books.... and in the photo dd has her hands right over Jasmine's face (on the dress)!
I have a bit of a crush on Aladdin too. I like that he chatted with you!
I'll need to find the picture Heather decorted for me on our last trip!

I love all the PC pictures. It makes me want to make a ressie to see hiim!

Here are a couple of things I've been working on.
Beast Costume

If you go to 1900 Park Fare, you get the steps too!!!

LOVE the Beast costume!!! How cute is that!

Love all the prince charming and character pics!!

The only PC pic I got is a little blurry. DGD loved interacting with all the characters, but got quite shy with PC.


He was the least interactive, all the other characters there were great!

Awww, sweet!


Here's one. This Prince Charming was very cute and actually chatted with the kids quite a while.


Drusilla was my fave though. Here Connor is asking her why she is mean to Cinderella and she's explaining that's what happens when you let mice make your clothes!

Awww, such sweet pictures!!!!!

Okay finally some pictures from our trip. We really had a lot of fun, and I am feeling the sadness that we probably won't be able to go back for a couple of years.

Here is our Prince Charming. He was great with the kids. He even asked dd for a dance turning down one of the step sisters. It was really cute. Wish I had taken video instead of pictures.

Oh my! He is a cutie!!! Lydia is giggling up a storm looking at his picture!!! Arminda too.

(Didn't someone else have this PC as well?)

They have both decided that their Uncle Henry would make a perfect Prince Charming if ONLY he didn't hate Disney. :headache:

I just love the look on your dd face here. So sweet!


Thanks!!!! She was so excited that I made her something!

I thought he was handsome too. He had the personality to go with it as well.

I bought the Portrait Peasant too, but I keep putting it down. For those that have made it, does it really take 3 yards for a size 3-4? That seems like a lot of material.

I know I don't use that much for the bigger sizes! It is much less. Just lay out your pieces and measure how much it would take that way. (If I have time, I'll do it for you later, hopefully I don't have to eat my words!)
Here are our other PC encounters :)




I love all these!!! And, I love seeing your kids at different ages! They are so adorable.

Thank you for sharing these!!!!! They made me smile!!!!
I wonder if this is the same guy.:confused3

I thought he was too.

yesterday I spent time looking for prince charming pictures from our one and only trip to 1900 PF and couldn't find one. Mentioned it to DH and he said remember we waited for 20 minutes after we were done and he never came. This was way back in 2006 and we did not know much about character meals and how the worked. Nowadays I would of asked for him to come buy.

THis was also before the stepsisters came to the table LOL

Today I am taking the girl to the orthodontist and then coming home to sew. I want to finish Cs Halloween skirt. I need to get better at time management.

I guess you need to go back!

This seriously cracked me up.

ME! I had the HUGEST crush on this PC, much to my DH's dismay. He called him 'Shiny Happy Forehead' all night long just to wind me up.

As Corey just said, "That is SERIOUSLY the FUNNIEST picture EVER!" We will have to enlarge it to poster size for his graduation!

I love it that you had a crush on PC and your husband was a bit jealous!!!
Poor photos, but a birthday tote and crayon roll up I made for dd's friend (tote is reversible):

Alexa wore an AK dress to the party b/c it was a safari theme and we got oodles of compliments. And when people saw the gift they told me I needed to quit my day job -- made me feel really good. I really wanted to make a twirl skirt for the b-day girl but didn't have time :(

These look great!!!!
Doesn't it feel good to have people appreciate what you make? :lovestruc


Amber & I with our friend, Dannielle. We made our tutus :)

And, because I just love this pic and she's the reason we do the walk:

Such a cute little Guppie!!!!

I love you guys in your tutus!!! You are all so cute!!

LOVE Savannnah!!!! Such a beautiful little girl! I can't believe how old she's getting!! It seems like Amber was JUST pregnant with her!

I feel like I just found "my people"!! I've been sewing for years but this is the first time I've gone whole hog on making OOAK outfits for my girls for WDW. You all have some serious talent :lovestruc

I have their Dis t-shirt dresses done and their casual princess outfits done (for after their Cinderella breakfast - no way they'll rock their gowns all day...)..currently working on AK sets and then one more Mickey/Minnie set ;)
I don use patterns and I try to use lots of vintage and upcycled fabrics. I just scored some sweet vintage Dis pillowcases/sheets - so I might try to squeak another outfit out, too! He he I just taught myself how to make cute matching
hair bows, too.

Everybody thinks I'm crazy obsessed...maybe I am??

I'll post pics when I'm all done :)

Gonna go drool over more of your work....

Nice to "meet" you!! :hippie:
I think you are going to fit right in!!!!

I am having a MONDAY on Monday! had to work { even though i am pre-k asst. and we are out today/tomorrow for fall break,was asked to pitch in so i did,extra money!} only had to work 2 1/2 so i headed to Joann and got me and sil each 4 pj patterns to cover all family sizes! Mccalls for 99cents!:) also a cute jacket/coat pattern for my dgd's.:thumbsup2 picked up a fleece remnent { makings hatsscarves for xmas gifts} and a long blonde wig {$5} for Elli for her goddess costume { 60% off halloween}. I was so happy drivng home enjoying the beautiful weather ,looking forward to making a sammich and watching bridesmaids on the dvr! :love:
then my dadblamed car decided to DIE!:headache: thank GOD i got it pulled into a Church parking lot before it went!! Called dh who thangoodness was on his lunch break and could hear his phone.he came and got me and we cleaned out all the junk n the car,g'kids booster seat,books,toys etc...and he brought me home ,went back to work and we will have to see about the car later...he can usually figure out whats wrong but not this time i think it bit the dust...but it's been an ok car for the past 6 years,it's a 91* camry with 220,000+miles on it! so i think she is done!:sad2:
so now i am waiting till this evening when he gets off to see if he and his nephew can figure out whats wrong and if i will be carless for a bit...i hate being w/o my car,feels like my wings have been clipped!
thanks for letting me vent...prayers for either a fixed car are a blessing to get a new one...he could ask his momfoor $$$ and pay her when we get taxes { planning to get me another car then anyways} but he will never ask...aaarrrggghhh....always somehting...but we are all safe and healthy so alls good wiht the world:littleangel:

I'm so sorry about the car!!!!
Poor photos, but a birthday tote and crayon roll up I made for dd's friend (tote is reversible):




Alexa wore an AK dress to the party b/c it was a safari theme and we got oodles of compliments. And when people saw the gift they told me I needed to quit my day job -- made me feel really good. I really wanted to make a twirl skirt for the b-day girl but didn't have time :(

Those came out great. We love LPS toys around here. Was this the friend that like pirates and princesses:lmao:

As far as the fabric for the Ohana dress/shirt - I got the dark red solid Kona cotton fabric at JoAnn and hand-appliqued all of the monster leaves on. It took FOREVER!

:idea: HMMM..... Heather if you are reading this maybe you could make an applique for those leaves:lmao:

Now now, you know it would have to be "youz guyz" if he was a Rhode Islander :rotfl:

Today I did manage to get Finn's Halloween costume done! :cool1: It went together MUCH easier than I'd thought it would . . . once I started it was done in about an hour and a half and that includes cutting time.
So, without further ado, I give you Gil from Bubble Guppies (minus the blue hair, because I wasn't spraying him just for a photo;) )...

Amber & I with our friend, Dannielle. We made our tutus :)

And, because I just love this pic and she's the reason we do the walk:

What a cute little gumpie. I was wondering why the background was like that. It almost looked like you cut him out of a magazine:rotfl:

Love the tutus and the cutie pie Savanah

I feel like I just found "my people"!! I've been sewing for years but this is the first time I've gone whole hog on making OOAK outfits for my girls for WDW. You all have some serious talent :lovestruc

I have their Dis t-shirt dresses done and their casual princess outfits done (for after their Cinderella breakfast - no way they'll rock their gowns all day...)..currently working on AK sets and then one more Mickey/Minnie set ;)
I don use patterns and I try to use lots of vintage and upcycled fabrics. I just scored some sweet vintage Dis pillowcases/sheets - so I might try to squeak another outfit out, too! He he I just taught myself how to make cute matching
hair bows, too.

Everybody thinks I'm crazy obsessed...maybe I am??

I'll post pics when I'm all done :)

Gonna go drool over more of your work....

Nice to "meet" you!! :hippie:

:welcome: No one here will think your obsessing:rolleyes1
What color would you use for an eeyore cutie? Gray or go more towards a periwinkle color? It is going to go on a fuschia t-shirt.:thumbsup2
Check out my ticker, and of course tonight I was working on a Rapunzel shirt, and my needle keeps falling out, and somehow the embroidery got messed up, so now I need to find a pink t and I am very frustrated !!
I almost hung up on one of my friends tonight . . . I love her, I do, but I've been friends with her for 14 years and I KNOW her, and know why she is the way she is. . . but sometimes she just makes me completely insane. I can only say the same thing so many times before I want to scream. Tonight was one of those nights. Where's the smilie banging his head on a wall? That's me.:headache:

Sorry to hear about your friend giving you troubles. I hope today is a better day. :hug:

I feel like I just found "my people"!! I've been sewing for years but this is the first time I've gone whole hog on making OOAK outfits for my girls for WDW. You all have some serious talent :lovestruc

I have their Dis t-shirt dresses done and their casual princess outfits done (for after their Cinderella breakfast - no way they'll rock their gowns all day...)..currently working on AK sets and then one more Mickey/Minnie set ;)
I don use patterns and I try to use lots of vintage and upcycled fabrics. I just scored some sweet vintage Dis pillowcases/sheets - so I might try to squeak another outfit out, too! He he I just taught myself how to make cute matching hair bows, too.

Everybody thinks I'm crazy obsessed...maybe I am??

I'll post pics when I'm all done :)

Gonna go drool over more of your work....

Nice to "meet" you!! :hippie:

Welcome! I am sure most people think that I am crazy obsessed too. I justify that by saying I don't watch TV (except news) or go to the movies, so sewing is my entertainment! (ok, and this board too)

I am having a MONDAY on Monday! had to work { even though i am pre-k asst. and we are out today/tomorrow for fall break,was asked to pitch in so i did,extra money!} only had to work 2 1/2 so i headed to Joann and got me and sil each 4 pj patterns to cover all family sizes! Mccalls for 99cents!:) also a cute jacket/coat pattern for my dgd's.:thumbsup2 picked up a fleece remnent { makings hatsscarves for xmas gifts} and a long blonde wig {$5} for Elli for her goddess costume { 60% off halloween}. I was so happy drivng home enjoying the beautiful weather ,looking forward to making a sammich and watching bridesmaids on the dvr! :love:
then my dadblamed car decided to DIE!:headache: thank GOD i got it pulled into a Church parking lot before it went!! Called dh who thangoodness was on his lunch break and could hear his phone.he came and got me and we cleaned out all the junk n the car,g'kids booster seat,books,toys etc...and he brought me home ,went back to work and we will have to see about the car later...he can usually figure out whats wrong but not this time i think it bit the dust...but it's been an ok car for the past 6 years,it's a 91* camry with 220,000+miles on it! so i think she is done!:sad2:
so now i am waiting till this evening when he gets off to see if he and his nephew can figure out whats wrong and if i will be carless for a bit...i hate being w/o my car,feels like my wings have been clipped!
thanks for letting me vent...prayers for either a fixed car are a blessing to get a new one...he could ask his momfoor $$$ and pay her when we get taxes { planning to get me another car then anyways} but he will never ask...aaarrrggghhh....always somehting...but we are all safe and healthy so alls good wiht the world:littleangel:

Sorry to hear about your car. Nice score on the 99-cent patterns. The cheapest I can ever get them here is around $3.50!

:idea: HMMM..... Heather if you are reading this maybe you could make an applique for those leaves:lmao:

Not trying to steal Heather's business, but I digitized one for a 4x4 hoop for a Big Give. You are welcome to have it until Heather does hers!

What color would you use for an eeyore cutie? Gray or go more towards a periwinkle color? It is going to go on a fuschia t-shirt.:thumbsup2
Check out my ticker, and of course tonight I was working on a Rapunzel shirt, and my needle keeps falling out, and somehow the embroidery got messed up, so now I need to find a pink t and I am very frustrated !!

I would suggest periwinkle.

Ok, off to finish off a couple of blouses for work (I am resisting putting anything Disney related on them for now, let's see how long I can hold out) and start on a second rendition of the World Showcase insa!
:idea: HMMM..... Heather if you are reading this maybe you could make an applique for those leaves:lmao:

Funny you would mention that... wait a day or two... (she sent out an email Saturday asking someone to test it...)

What color would you use for an eeyore cutie? Gray or go more towards a periwinkle color? It is going to go on a fuschia t-shirt.:thumbsup2
Check out my ticker, and of course tonight I was working on a Rapunzel shirt, and my needle keeps falling out, and somehow the embroidery got messed up, so now I need to find a pink t and I am very frustrated !!

I would go with a periwinkle.
What color would you use for an eeyore cutie? Gray or go more towards a periwinkle color? It is going to go on a fuschia t-shirt.:thumbsup2
Check out my ticker, and of course tonight I was working on a Rapunzel shirt, and my needle keeps falling out, and somehow the embroidery got messed up, so now I need to find a pink t and I am very frustrated !!

I would use more of a periwinkle for Eeyore. Woo hoo on the Ticker. I wish I could post mine, but the girls can read and know what they are now. we are surprising them with a trip next yr. was going to be March but now it's May. we are going with friends of ours who also happen to be related to the girls. Have a ball and can't wait to see your shirts, also I hope you can get your machine to cooperate.
Vicki, that is so sweet! What a wonderful thing for your Mom to do!

Lucky for him, Brian does not remember this quilt. ;)

Brian was a college friend so he didn't get to sign it. :-) This was done my senior year in high school. I'm sure there are other much more exciting memories from our days at Tech.
I've been checking out everyone's work on the Photobucket page - nice work!! You all make me want to make even MORE outfits ;) I am contemplating a Star Wars set for my older daughter as she is really excited for Star Tours and also Lego land as she just started playing the wii game with her dad this year and reading just about every Star Wars book she can get her mitts on. Plus, I think they'll need a holiday inspired outfit - so I may do Christmas twirl skirts and they can wear them with Mickey Ts....

So, do you keep all their outfits forever and ever as mementos or resell them to fund your next trip? :rotfl:

I'll try to take pics of the 2 finished outfits tomorrow :)
Brian was a college friend so he didn't get to sign it. :-) This was done my senior year in high school. I'm sure there are other much more exciting memories from our days at Tech.

Should his nervous laughter after I read him this concern me?????

First of all, I loved all of your outfits and your kids are adorable!

What fabric store in Nashville? I live in the Nashville area and would love another fabric source! Thanks!

Thank you, I think they are pretty cute myself. :laughing:

The fabric store was textile fabrics. They had a pretty cute ribbon section too.
Those came out great. We love LPS toys around here. Was this the friend that like pirates and princesses:lmao:
No -- the girl that liked pirates and superheroes got a pirate bag and pencil roll up. My dd said she liked girly things but her parents said absolutely not!

This girl is our neighbor and Alexa's best friend in the neighborhood. She is very girly. I asked her about a month ago what she wanted for her birthday and she asked for LPS so I was happy to find this in the remnant bin at Walmart -- only 20% off, but at Walmart prices it was still less than $4 for a yard.

What color would you use for an eeyore cutie? Gray or go more towards a periwinkle color? It is going to go on a fuschia t-shirt.:thumbsup2
Check out my ticker, and of course tonight I was working on a Rapunzel shirt, and my needle keeps falling out, and somehow the embroidery got messed up, so now I need to find a pink t and I am very frustrated !!
I would do periwinkle. Make sure you tighten your needle with the screw driver -- I also sadly learned that hand tightening causes the needle to fall out. It was the only shirt I ever ruined though! Good luck finding a t -- I was looking for some girly ones the other day at Target and they are cleared out. Need to try to run to ON today to see what they have left. I like to have some on hand for BG's. Sadly, don't think I have time to go to ON with these Halloween costumes I'm working on and I have no choice but to go grocery shopping today (YUCK!).

I've been checking out everyone's work on the Photobucket page - nice work!! You all make me want to make even MORE outfits ;) I am contemplating a Star Wars set for my older daughter as she is really excited for Star Tours and also Lego land as she just started playing the wii game with her dad this year and reading just about every Star Wars book she can get her mitts on. Plus, I think they'll need a holiday inspired outfit - so I may do Christmas twirl skirts and they can wear them with Mickey Ts....

So, do you keep all their outfits forever and ever as mementos or resell them to fund your next trip? :rotfl:

I'll try to take pics of the 2 finished outfits tomorrow :)
I have kept everything but my dd still fits into everything I've made her. Vida's are very forgiving. She just wore one of her AK dresses to a safari party and it was a bit short, but will look fine with leggings under it this winter. I just made things on the long side to start with so two years later everything still works. I have a skinny dd and I think that helps.
DisneyJazz.... hope you car is OK today!

What color would you use for an eeyore cutie? Gray or go more towards a periwinkle color? It is going to go on a fuschia t-shirt.:thumbsup2
Check out my ticker, and of course tonight I was working on a Rapunzel shirt, and my needle keeps falling out, and somehow the embroidery got messed up, so now I need to find a pink t and I am very frustrated !!

I would do periwinkle! And I have to make sure I tighten with a screwdriver too otherwise mine slip out. Plus my mother has scared me so much that if you don't find all the pieces of your needle your machine will never run right again:scared1:

Not trying to steal Heather's business, but I digitized one for a 4x4 hoop for a Big Give. You are welcome to have it until Heather does hers!

:goodvibes Thank you for the offer. I actually was not planning on anything but just finding ideas for Heather because I know how much free time she has :lmao:

Funny you would mention that... wait a day or two... (she sent out an email Saturday asking someone to test it...)

;) How funny is that! Great minds think a like:rolleyes1

I've been checking out everyone's work on the Photobucket page - nice work!! You all make me want to make even MORE outfits ;) I am contemplating a Star Wars set for my older daughter as she is really excited for Star Tours and also Lego land as she just started playing the wii game with her dad this year and reading just about every Star Wars book she can get her mitts on. Plus, I think they'll need a holiday inspired outfit - so I may do Christmas twirl skirts and they can wear them with Mickey Ts....

So, do you keep all their outfits forever and ever as mementos or resell them to fund your next trip? :rotfl:

I'll try to take pics of the 2 finished outfits tomorrow :)

:welcome: As to your question I am still debating on what to do with them. I keep saying I will sell them on EBAY but it has been a few months and I still haven't done anything with them. But the extra money would be great and I could mention that at my next FHA meeting why I need all that fabric:rotfl:

FHA------> Fabric Hoarders Anonymous:thumbsup2

No -- the girl that liked pirates and superheroes got a pirate bag and pencil roll up. My dd said she liked girly things but her parents said absolutely not!

This girl is our neighbor and Alexa's best friend in the neighborhood. She is very girly. I asked her about a month ago what she wanted for her birthday and she asked for LPS so I was happy to find this in the remnant bin at Walmart -- only 20% off, but at Walmart prices it was still less than $4 for a yard.

I have some of that Fabric too but not sure what to do with it. I love how you made that pencil roll up.
My sewing machine is acting up. Not happy since I have lots of sewing to do. I may need to bring it in for service.


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