The Side effects of the AP-Trip#6 Oct 10 Final thoughts and some TMI

You are a posting maniac! The last several updates were great! Love all of the hidden mickey and details photos you get while touring!
Hi! :wave2: All caught up! Seems it was just yesterday you and I were having lunch talking about our upcoming trips. Can't believe it's been almost a year. *sigh* Lucky you gets to go back soon!!! :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

My boss is at the beach this week. We need to have lunch while he's gone and before you leave! LOL

Sent you a text.

8 days.:cool1:
Catching up...

I guess I can see how a teen wouldn't be impressed with the Kim Possible missions. But I still think they're cool.

The test will be if he asks to do one in Dec. He has already asked to eat at WCC- His words - He wants revenge. :scared1:

And what a joy, to be stuck in a random security search! :woohoo: Anyway, I hope the trip was rewarding for you and your son, even if he doesn't admit it. :goodvibes
Considering it was Sept 11th - I was Ok with it. But I had to take pictures. :rolleyes: For the TR of course :laughing:

Just read through the new updates, and I think the Treehouses look pretty cool! :thumbsup2

Thery are cool. I hope to stay there one day. :lovestruc
You are a posting maniac! The last several updates were great! Love all of the hidden mickey and details photos you get while touring!

I have been !!! I would love to get this last trip wrapped up before I go but I am not sure.

I was able to write ahead this weekend while I was "working". :upsidedow

I was really able to slow down and take note of all the details since I had been many time in such a short time, I did not feel the need to cram it all in. :rotfl:

Our evening plans included AK EMH.


Looks like I see a celebration coming on.


Does this guy look familiar??


From the July trip


You obvious can’t see it in a still photo, but this guy was holding the banner but was still managing to boogie a bit. It was cute to watch.


This was Suzie from Manchester NH. She was on crowd control and letting the parade line through.


Since the was PM EMH the sign was different


We headed to the safari and waited for the handicapped vehicle.
In keeping with tradition


But(t) I got this too.



A blurry cheetah



He was pacing. It was time to go in and he was being impatient.



He does not look happy here.


But we do.


We stopped to say hi.


We hit the single rider.




The sun was setting


We were trying to capture the sunset while riding.





Dinosaur was next

Does everyone know what these stand for?



The light


A pole dancing dino


AK was closing but it was early.
I caught a bus to the Beach Club, ran in the private entrance, picked up something for dinner from Food and wine and watch me some Illuminations.


Ok so now EPCOT is closing but I am not done yet.

I catch a bus to


Now why would I do that????

Three words


Now Kristin and Mary were both supposed to meet me there but neither one showed. Maroo was having bus trouble I think and Kristin got stuck at DTD.
Some of the people I met were also there having a blast.
Some Hokey Pokey action



Now about 11pm I head out. Bob was great but I do wish I was there with people I knew better or really knew at all. :laughing:

I am all alone at the bus stop. A CM actually asks me if I am all right. I am fine , just waiting for a bus.


No I said a bus. This van had relief bus drivers. Interesting.



I bump into Kristin who STILL waiting in line for a bus to ASSp. Yikes The line was really backed up.

I hopped a bus to POP and turned in.

Ok those pics cinch the treehouses for me, love it!!!

How fun that you won. Your start sounded rather horrid but smooth saioling after that. Sad to hear Mary had to report a bus driver though. I am always amazed at how much you pack into a day. :worship:
since no one told you they are the chemical formulas of whta is in ketchup, mustard, and mayo.
Boy, you really get around! That's 3 parks in one day plus a tour of the Treehouses, correct? Plus a Yeeha Bob concert. Shoe companies must love you! :rotfl2:

since no one told you they are the chemical formulas of whta is in ketchup, mustard, and mayo.

:lmao::rotfl2::rotfl: That's awesome!
Ok those pics cinch the treehouses for me, love it!!!

How fun that you won. Your start sounded rather horrid but smooth saioling after that. Sad to hear Mary had to report a bus driver though. I am always amazed at how much you pack into a day. :worship:

Oh yeah those treehouses look great.

The take off was a bit rough but after that it was smooth sailing.

I always try to slow down a bit and I have ( a bit) but I have energy there that I just don't have at home. :laughing:
Boy, you really get around! That's 3 parks in one day plus a tour of the Treehouses, correct? Plus a Yeeha Bob concert. Shoe companies must love you! :rotfl2:

I put the do in commando. :lmao: I always have way more energy there than I do at home. i sleep like a rock too. :laughing:

:lmao::rotfl2::rotfl: That's awesome!

I know I was either told or read it somewhere so when I found it I had to get that picture. I love that kind of stuff.
Day 2 Oct 2nd
I woke up in the eighties


My destination this morning was. ..


I find a picture of a receipt for a slushie at 8:23 am. It took me a minute but I had a slushie, lamb and almond cake for dinner last night but could not take a picture on account of darkness so I took pictures of the receipts to remind me the next morning. I know myself so well :laughing:

Back to MK

A special window


I take a spin on Dumbo to update construction photos. Those photos are Contruction 2010

I walked around Frontierland and found a feathered friend


I continued to Liberty square


Some of the tombstones at the end.


I wandered over to Toon town


I got a call from Maroo and she was on her way over to MK. Kristin was coming too and bringing the friends friend.

We hit BMTRR and Splash and then CP for lunch.

On the way over from ASSP Kristin meets a couple and talks to them on the bus. Nothing unusual there. Well the couple is having lunch right next to us.

Our waiter Vinny comes over. Now Maroo is in a boot due to her foot problems. Vinny is making conversation and joking asks if her husband beat her. Maroo replies no husband and then I pipe in “ not anymore after that” Well the couple sits down the wife goes to the restroom so husband is talking to us and Vinny comes back and remark” Hey you found a man!!!!”


Going left to right- Kristin’s friend, Me, Maroo ( in back) Pooh, Wife of couple ( in front), Kristin, husband of couple in back.




We get to Space Mountain but since Maroo is in the chair we have to get a FP, I think we go over to Buzz to wait out the FP.

At 2pm we head over to the Contemporary. People from the meet yesterday are hosting scavenger hunt.


After lunch we bid our new found friends goodbye and make our way over to the Contemporary for the scavenger hunt. The authors of Attention to Detail: A look at Walt Disney World

We were broken up into teams, given a list, and we needed to photograph ourselves ( sans 1 person taking the picture) with the detail. All the items were on the monorail line.

Sometimes we were given a full picture, sometimes a very Zoomed in picture.
In some cases, there were more than 1 of the item pictured and we needed to photograph the right one.


Our team

Some of our finds




















The whole group.


We tackled the Contemporary, the TTC, the Poly, GF and the entrance to MK before returning to CR with our evidence.

How did our group do? We were almost winners but there were 2 clues on the back of our list that we neglected to see much less get. I had a ball and felt I was able to help the team at the Poly. The Tiki, and the signs were very easy for me to find.

After the hunt was done I had a special evening planned. Due to a special promotion I was able to get a discount ticket to La Nouba. I made my way by bus to DTD.


I was able to stop and have a drink before the show.



I picked up my ticket and made my way to the restroom right by the theater.



No pictures allowed once you are in the theater but I did take notes. I managed to get some popcorn and a drink to hold me through the performance.

My seat was 205 FF2o I was right on the aisle which was great because I had a fab view of the stage and could lean out into the aisle if someone big sat in the row in front of me.

So a family comes over and sits in seats 14-17 and the guy was all about my popcorn and was wondering when I was going to share. He was funny and I knew he was kidding but his wife apologized for him anyway.
The couple in seats 18 & 19 were from Orlando and we chatted about airlines and general items.

My notes on the performance were as follows:
Clown w/ blocks
Chinese girls – great
Trapeze – so-so
Tramp – crazy good
Random things going on at same time.

My views about these acrobatic shows are that these people practice and should be good at what they do. With that being said, my mouth was hanging open most of the performance. It was like going through the EE or TSM queue, you see many things but can’t see and remember all of it. There were lots of stuff going on so if you focused on one persons performance you missed 6 other people doing either the same of different things.

After the show, I noticed I had a call. Kristin’s friends were not going to go the pre-paid dessert party she had booked. Since they were already paying for it, whether they used it or not, she invited Maroo and Me to meet up to use the tickets. I quickly called her back and got the details. They were heading to the Mk from EPCOT and I was obviously needing to catch a bus to the Contemporary and walk over.

Knowing how fast bus service is from DTD, would I make it before the dessert party ended ?

Would I arrive first by going to the Contemporary instead of a resort where I had to take the monorail?
Wow - you are moving along at lightening speed!!!!!

The treehouse looks amazing and I can't wait to stay in one next June! :cool1:

Love your safari pics - especially the lion. I never get good lion pics!

The sunset during EE is beautiful.

I love Bob Jackson, but I agree that it is more fun if you know everyone or at least have a couple drinks.

Sheesh -

I can't remember what else you did - I have to go back and read!:rotfl::rotfl:
Wow - you are moving along at lightening speed!!!!!

The treehouse looks amazing and I can't wait to stay in one next June! :cool1:

Love your safari pics - especially the lion. I never get good lion pics!

The sunset during EE is beautiful.

I love Bob Jackson, but I agree that it is more fun if you know everyone or at least have a couple drinks.

Sheesh -

I can't remember what else you did - I have to go back and read!:rotfl::rotfl:

I leave in a week!!!!! :cool1::cool1: But I would love to get this done by the time I leave.

I was lucky with the lion. It was time for him to go in and he knew it. Most times I get him asleep on the rock . :laughing:

Thanks to Maroo for teh suggestion of taking a picture from EE of the sunset.

I have plans of draggin my girlfriends from the NYE trip ( willingly) back down to Disney and Bob is on the list. Along with a few drinks. :lmao:

I did do a lot. That scavenger hunt was a blast! Being with 2 other girls who love Disney as much as I do was a different dynamic to the trip and I loved it.

Don't worry if you can't keep up, come Tuesday everyone and any one will be able to catch up since I will not have internet. Another perk of DVC... free internet.:rolleyes:
I stopped back this morning to re-read what I missed! The scavenger hunt looks like a blast. What a cool idea! I love that!!!!!

I also really enjoyed cirque. I felt like time literally stood still while I was in there. 90 minutes later I looked at my watch and said, Whhhhhhaaaaat?" It was amazing!


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