The Hangout Thread

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I love the sign-ups for my track team... just show up next monday and we'll see how you do.... every other sport you have to actually sign-up
That line made me laugh...

I almost made my sister choke on her drink again! She was about to drink water but I said something she found funny and she just got it all over the floor.
I've never taken the bus to and from school.

I have, but in high school I only ride in the afternoons because in the morning we're the last bus to get to school and I like being there earlier in the mornings so I can socialize, my friend's mom drove us but this year my mom's driving us since my brother's going to high school now too.
My dad takes me to school and sometimes picks me up. I usually take the bus home. I don't talk to anyone on the bus. I just sit and listen to my MP3 Player. ~
Am I the only one who took the city bus? :p Free monthly bus passes from school!
lol I'm giving my brother the High School 101

He got lesson number 1 yesterday;
On the first day of school you MUST find somebody in your third period class. Whether you know them well enough or not. Because you need somebody to sit with at lunch, and it's hard to find people on the first day. Find somebody in your 3rd period and stick with them like glue when you go to lunch during 3rd. Unless you have A lunch, but I hope you don't, then you're next to hopeless.
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