Monorails to no longer operate during Evening Extra Magic Hours

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Well, few people used them because nobody knew about them. They didn't advertise the fact they had these nights. You had to search out the info on them and then ask about them while you were there.

They also limited the ticket sales to 10,000 I believe (might have been 7,000) but I never saw that many people there during the nights I was lucky enough to be there for.

Of course, this was a rather expensive proposition for Disney so it didn't make a whole lotta sense, which is why I'm sure, at least in part, they made the decision to ditch them.

i loved using the E night tickets.

the last time i did them was back in june 2005.
the ticket sells were limited like you said.
lines were never an issue.

i do remember they had stand up signs at the entrance of the parks, around by city hall.
it stated the Enight event, price and the rides that would be in operation.

i didn't think it was too expensive for my son and myself.

i remember when they started out at around $10 ish and later went up to about $13.ish plus tax.

buses were never an issue of being overcrowded on the E night tickets.
at least, not for the resort i was staying at.
Good points.

I guess, for me, I see the value in having the monorail all day long and for part of the night. I wouldn't just use it at night. So I would rather have limited access to it than no access at all.

I also find value just in the proximity of the monorail resorts to the Magic Kingdom. Even if I had to bus back to the Poly or Contemporary or GF, at least it would be a very short bus ride. Those bus rides back to the All Stars or even to the Port Orleans Resorts can be pretty long!

And you are exactly correct about this whole thing. It all depends on how one perceives the value or experience. If one loves the CR or the Poly for other reasons - full speed ahead and have a great time! If not, switch and be happier. Everyone has their own goals/comfort zones that this affects.
As has been mentioned a few times in the thread, if the monorail is the key reason one chooses to stay at a monorail resort (and pays a much higher price for that hotel) then not being able to use it when one wants it makes it useless or at least heavily reduced in value. As I said earlier, it doesn't matter if something is available 90% of the time, if it isn't available when I need it or want it - then the other 90% doesn't matter.
How about 96.9% of the time? Using the typical Epcot and MK hours totaling 192, not considering an extended MK hours, that's all it is. More hours, higher percentage. Unless one is in the habit of monorailing back and forth between a park and a resort several times during the typical EMH - a seeming wasteful use of park time - this change likely affects one ride one night and one ride another night.
How about 96.9% of the time? Using the typical Epcot and MK hours totaling 192, not considering an extended MK hours, that's all it is. More hours, higher percentage. Unless one is in the habit of monorailing back and forth between a park and a resort several times during the typical EMH - a seeming wasteful use of park time - this change likely affects one ride one night and one ride another night.

For SOME people it might be 96.9%. But for those who heavily favor doing EMH...... or has been pointed out, for those attending in the party season....... this figure could be much higher. It will be little comfort to someone facing no monorail after 8 PM 4 nights out of 7........... that the folks there in summer with no early MK closures for parties had it available a higher percentage of the time.
How about 96.9% of the time? Using the typical Epcot and MK hours totaling 192, not considering an extended MK hours, that's all it is. More hours, higher percentage. Unless one is in the habit of monorailing back and forth between a park and a resort several times during the typical EMH - a seeming wasteful use of park time - this change likely affects one ride one night and one ride another night.

No, 96.9% is irrelevant if it isn't working when I need it. The concept doesn't change at all. I have read your posts and I cannot understand why you keep on insisting that everyone has to see and do things your way. I don't know if that is how you intend things but that is how you come across to me. As you said "Unless one ...." Everyone has their own opinion. The change doesn't affect you negatively and that's great. For you it is not a problem. That's great. But others are affected and they don't like it. That's also fine. They don't need to justify to you or anyone else their "seeming wasteful use of park time." Is this really that hard to understand? Live and let live.
edit: Sorry if I sound confrontational, not trying to be that way. I can tell you are passionate about this.
How about 96.9% of the time? Using the typical Epcot and MK hours totaling 192, not considering an extended MK hours, that's all it is. More hours, higher percentage. Unless one is in the habit of monorailing back and forth between a park and a resort several times during the typical EMH - a seeming wasteful use of park time - this change likely affects one ride one night and one ride another night.

It is a small percentage and things will work out, but in October during Food and Wine, you will not get a monorail ride back to your monorail resort after Illuminations 52% of the time-just sayin.
Boy oh boy,I don't look at this site for a few weeks and now I see another cutback after the expedited ticket increase! This is very sad for me the disney I really love is on a terrible run!I soon hope someone rights the ship!:confused3
Boy oh boy,I don't look at this site for a few weeks and now I see another cutback after the expedited ticket increase! This is very sad for me the disney I really love is on a terrible run!I soon hope someone rights the ship!:confused3

LOL! Hey FLIX, glad to see ya! Totally AGREE! Brunette
It is a small percentage and things will work out, but in October during Food and Wine, you will not get a monorail ride back to your monorail resort after Illuminations 52% of the time-just sayin.

IF the MK monorail shuts down an hour after normal park closing time, you're absolutely(100% ;)) right. So far, the most thorough response is the recent one somebody got and posted - first an email that addressed her/his actual concerns (vs the 'canned' response about which many continue to complain, then a phone conversation which was reported here. I recall the words "a decision hasn't been made". Call me a cockeyed optimist, but it's entirely possible the outcry will result in a change in plans.
Here is my real issue with this thing.With the massive prices you pay to stay at the monrail resorts a cutback like this is terrible.Disney promotes the monorails so heavily,they tout convience especially if you stay at the premium resorts!Then they make a move like this? Those 300 and 400 dollar a night and up rooms are really gonna lose some shine if this policy stays!
IF the MK monorail shuts down an hour after normal park closing time, you're absolutely(100% ;)) right. So far, the most thorough response is the recent one somebody got and posted - first an email that addressed her/his actual concerns (vs the 'canned' response about which many continue to complain, then a phone conversation which was reported here. I recall the words "a decision hasn't been made". Call me a cockeyed optimist, but it's entirely possible the outcry will result in a change in plans.

Wait a minute......... you mean that not just blindly accepting it with a smile on one's face might be a GOOD thing????????
LOL! Hey FLIX, glad to see ya! Totally AGREE! Brunette

Good to see to you too brunette. Boy I hope things soon improve at the world!I want to go back but just haven't seen enough positive moves by them to entice me.I'll keep my fingers crossed!
Wait a minute......... you mean that not just blindly accepting it with a smile on one's face might be a GOOD thing????????
Blindly accepting anything (good or bad) is a bad idea :p.

(This is just my way of randomly commenting on this like I've done throughout this thread. I have no position personally on the topic of the thread, though I do find it interesting that some are complaining about the cutbacks while, in the same breath, yearning for Disney to nickel and dime them some more. Just sayin'. The last bit of that had no connection in any way to the quoted poster what so ever, and I hope she knows that :).)

(PS. I heart parenthesis.)
Does anyone remember that crazy change they made a few years ago where they took away the "lay-down" lounge chairs at the water parks and replaced them with only regular sit down chairs? The good news about that is they realized their mistake and brought back the loungers. Maybe the same will happen with this. It always makes me wonder, though, how these decisions come about.
Ok I may be totally going out here and I havent read the entire thread but what if this change affects the EMH? Im guessing that the new expansion in 2012 is expecting to draw alot of money. This in turn will mean EMH may be brought back but you would have to pay additional money to have EMH during your stay. It would no longer be offered as a perk for all resort guests which is why they have to shut the monorail down. Just an idea.:sad2:
I havent read the entire thread...

They don't need to "do" anything peripherally to affect EMH.
If they want to change EMH...
offer fewer, shorten hours, charge for it, or drop it entirely...
they simply can do so at their convenience.
i loved using the E night tickets.

the last time i did them was back in june 2005.
the ticket sells were limited like you said.
lines were never an issue.

i do remember they had stand up signs at the entrance of the parks, around by city hall.
it stated the Enight event, price and the rides that would be in operation.

i didn't think it was too expensive for my son and myself.

i remember when they started out at around $10 ish and later went up to about $13.ish plus tax.

buses were never an issue of being overcrowded on the E night tickets.
at least, not for the resort i was staying at.
I don't believe they had those sandwhich signs up until towards the end of those nights.

I got engaged on an E-ticket night. Was Friday, October 13 2000. Was a full moon, too. We're still happily married... pirate:
If this started on the 11th, then waiting not so Patiently for some one to post there experience at the MK. Its not Epcot that worries me its the bottle neck at MK. Once again people can walk to there car at Epcot:worship: not MK. I just can't begin to imagine what clossing is going to be like with out the monoral on those late & party nights:scared1:. Tina
I am not criticizing at all! I'm just saying that if the reason you stay at a monorail resort is the convenience of the monorail, why give that up totally when you are loosing it for a short period of time?

As I said before, I get being disappointed, and said I would be too. Not sure how that can be seen as being critical. But if someone told me I could either use the monorail 85% of my day or not at all, you can bet I would jump on the 85% of the time. I'm not understanding the all or nothing point of view.
Next time you check in, ask Disney if you can pay 85% of the cost of the room/tax. You won't see them jump at the opportunity to take 85%. You'll see how important 15% is to them.

Besides, the percentage differs from person to person, so it's hard to pick one. There is also the Tired Factor.

They're shutting it down at the end of the day. That's the time you most appreciate the monorail. Heck, I remember being at the Contemporary once - I didn't like that hotel, but stayed there to make others happy - I was actually glad to be at the Contemporary for those couple minutes, because it was the first stop and I was tired.

Tired makes a difference, too.

There are just so many reasons that this is a bad idea.
If this started on the 11th, then waiting not so Patiently for some one to post there experience at the MK. Its not Epcot that worries me its the bottle neck at MK. Once again people can walk to there car at Epcot:worship: not MK. I just can't begin to imagine what clossing is going to be like with out the monoral on those late & party nights:scared1:. Tina

MK does not start until 8/1. Disney has said a decision has not been made on party nights.
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